Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1866, p. 3

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,5~pc0*.~The stroux Mm 1beeat~ ,J'sensible rsud frilagalnst thé tnmp .hich utained ' M in à neariy vertial poture. When ho e rooered cooous.! eso aul SPptlIlg alternative Iay before blu. Alil eforti to vithdraviwtb lisd. limb vero frui tes. lNigh vus Comns en. 'A (eV houriin bis Prissent posiulon,ý With the temperature ""rd eritges blov freeing Point, involied Certain deatb. A -,quarter o w mils ditant ai road veund througlrtlieforet. His oDly chance li&y lu reaching that oad, sud belngrascud by moome chance passenger, or bis compan. ions returiing rom vorn to th. " autyl' la vhiie- th.7 caipcd. ]gis resolution vais1mioo tmen. Mthodlcally iihe brave felow'remove d bit neclerehief, and bound- lu vith ail bis fore around tl. bu sube, go sto obeek sMd almtost impede -irculai tibm. Thon raisig the heiay, keeu, git. tarin; axe high abova bits heaid, lie trnckl mercilesalyl vlîth the strengîli of detipair, belov the ligature onbis ovu ficali, once. Tb@ trentbhau t sroe diMied nerve, muscle, sinev aud boue. The foot wuas sered. ilievus free.Fortuusteily,wben hlie ad vith great diiculty, cared th. rosul ilirongli ths vcod, lis heard tle feint tiable f ai leigl itel. sdhlising maide bieshouts heard,lie wassrescncd by ai Party of pmasng travellers. Hi& hardy contitu- lion enabled him to* rally fron the erfect of a wouud ibtt ould oiberwise have proved fatal. A book bau bon publisbed -- ou "Gym- nastita for the ingera and wr'îta, heiaîg à system of gymsitica, baWe on ariatomical prncipitro, for developin;sud treuigther. iu; the muscles of thbbanil for musical, ooechanicail, snd medical puroosos. MARRIED. HAIIRIS-PILES-On the. 27th imt.1 by tho Rer. John LavMr. Samunel Bairds, of thie towushipcf Whitby, te Mina Mari Anu Piles, of the gamte place. BNOlDQON-SKINNER -On the 26-. lusi., aI the Manie, Uxbridge, by the Rey William Clelaud, John Snoddoub te Barsi Âman Skinner, bthofc Scot. tIiED. -DONALDON.-At Whitby, on t 24t-uh-it ,Supbiai, cidost daughtror William-Donaldeon, Esq., agod 37 yeu:s -T kSittucm'i Worin at'a<Y ilte besl aim saifei Mamielue ltetorî lite Publie fore: pelling Wois wc ie ssitile.1 roni epor SPE CIAL NOTICE. F onRà goerai I.imti for Heorses, Catt uivis l *trtlie IluimiankIobeit, vC voi rntuirnmemti l rim.gs' l 1ail (011 as one ONi very bot lretaetlit.a yom. n eat. Witlby, Mardi 28, 1866. Fout Whoat, ...$1-211a 1 35 spriug... . ..t ..*1.5.ai1,12 1larlcy ..............5c a600. Peua........... 5cts itm........ ..3cs. ibys...........0ctm. Iny...........8.00pr toiL. Butter............... 4c. a 180 Appls........40 a 60c - Chieena.........3e par pair. Pork ................ $7 a $7 3C, Tuskeys.......... 60e. a 75C., Geese . ... .......40c. i.ukks.............20c. Wood ............... $2.50 te 43. shcep sLkiui_....... .. 50c to 81.25. ____________________________________________ I LQCKWoOI & coqVs No. 94 artuaîdwsy, New, York. P ALS IN ÂLL SKcORrloeT, VAR- kotable at th. ?iew York Sî6ek Ex- ange ionhssp n cf ud l inUnied Sltlei ýrroncy, snd tutereit allovëd on depo. mls ef esè ot, éî t ta elmok nt isigit. Parti- enkdrdtuenontgîvBnka udthes. ius oe2 an oulyBni sudtheamukr. o rig STRANGEBUT TaUE. BVKRY Young lady sud gentlemen iluthie VU I a ltmco eu he#r something tory mtieh 'o tholr, aiiar.îige by robtua» <dfroc of otarge. by sddresiinc lte underIigued. those ,aving tstase of ghlnahubu d viii oblige by unt notiitg this caril. Il thora viii plotimo addroe i eîlruWelent servant,' TJIQ§.,F. C HAPMA-N, ô iy lis1 Broadwaiy, Nov York. MOTtE VALUADLII TEIAN GOLDI ?.A-8lire rPilapurify tih. blkd, re- B -'YAV$ladaitle, l)Iino s, Gîdalluos flrovsanesa, Unpimatsaut rsa, tutlosu 1 sigtitl, lnmlgosion, Cléanse tastoumaichandi BovIF, immîre mmcv litesllte dslili.sted anal rca.îore the alck te portct lieult. Try them 1 tiîcy oiy ceai4t25 coîtlsnd Il yon cahnot gel theinof'omr drmiaiat.meud ltse môno' te Du. . RICnsîltlng Phvdstmtan,2Brond- wsy, V. 0. Box, 6079, and thoy viii lie sent by ruluru of tuait. Demie,', muppiled b~Dom" asrini. &Co. Wlîoiemaie Agotlit, evYork. C i .1 Li 1s, Xy thé TR~YYIT. 1F Ol'tiiîsor l'rnta mlit t îîtiaclitor ljuwml, tliitrritea, Ltoira Mmrbtaieta eu- 1rtgis'mlt. elbi-ler i- jui- mie t iig. tluld by ail <ioueratin Mo.iîLltea. A. siF.AiiAi. 19 Trita littg Ageiâ A OOD THINOx- ilOPE'$ megiteois ittn.'nt lasWorth a trial fgor itîrgiti, 1colida,, Illa res, lu- llsmta'l .r stro E>o. 81)d ilt tlait for Ail pur- IMPORTANT NOTICE- IF yoi aare îroubicd vitnlu loal-talta Dii- - - " or liiddine" uettlihasal. lntdigenatmoi or ErilTmpi<tam ut-usé Skin, îrlamua<tutuImpuri tis cflit Ito uti. occoanalg t aboxe f Brlggs'l uditan egla t 1lPIs, (Stag. TO CONBIU TPT E. T aIl sv tler avlng bon roAtored te licmils a isfew okai by a wry simple reumdy. ler htylug aanll'rd fer aivera y cars vil a soVreJlug affetioni, andtîd1ai tiipt dluoettxe mtettoi-.sauxicus te mirse knoi-ot lih4 ovsflrrute nacan i Tufi slwho ioulro ýj ho viii od a cnpy or the )tcctitîo un , fro ofcharge). vt the direetons for"pre riu and 1Amiota îhe zmn, Ovhioimlt tày - vi fittfa etisCaREasfor CnrtgroAuXuA, Bl3aCeUMtCoo COLIS, sud it ILTiwtandattti uig Affeoticua.ý TIm-oiy objpd ofet Il..ativartîsor lu aocaliuo time 1'roariptl1uitlai t e tflitths*muIuIotd,. sam -.aptoat In<nukmmamm iti ie e iacamieves La lie inaluahabl*sUndliehoos uvory -sa4ierer wlii try ha»l eieêly, anu il iii c es'.Ilail lmlng, sud ity pruvo iibleusutîg. l 'rtien wigiig he tiproucIptom, vasa, by rttanil îiplosaii sdreft. 34v. EDWARD A. WILSON, 6-ly WVlllasurburgh,iUn "so. Nov Toir.r 07RRS ? OUTE. A Get1.man Who ufift for 3earg fam tiarï,oux Dei>lity, 'rumature sud D)emy sud &il ie tffactâ (of jouthtl Iludimormîlon will for tht. èîlie co! atfrnoiq aiii uauflty, îeui ie te 8il wtio ueoil t, ierei s Ud dire4loaa for aaldIg the simplle mo by wh k b was curod. tlufererd v:âhlIný Jo rofit bh idvortl»aor'à esporleuce, ecau cauby aid eàâ> JOHN IL. QUDEIÇ 1 0.ly No. laCbaml4rs st, New, York.1 NEW ADVEIRTISEMEI(TS. ,ORPORATION 0F THE OON FWHITBY. ,SPECIÂL- MEETING. A pell eeting of lthe Towu Concil vi» A LLtPke"P 1 0e 0n r il c 'j I o r Mursday eveuing, 29th imat., AT 11ALF-1AST to(Y"#LUCK. Dy ordo r of ltme Conncil. JAIIE1 TMAPl»l. Clerk, Fpro1m. ONTAMIO HOTEL. WH-ITBY. D. DAWES - - - PROPRTETOR. Superior accommoaions. CaroTtai allen. jon to the r;Iutpmmrataetlsof ti gici, a&W guemta. M pacIous% ttbiiug andl shed -room, rwd remjy altlers .iwayai witlmin ci.411i1 HEAD'S HOTEL FOR SALK. HE îEAboîveiOUkuowt ONli ataliimitd .4. tel, in opositut a bld ait privaI. mole. Aj.jtiy tu, J. IAElOEN "D - Slttor ii. Or lu the îrcprirtor, Estateo f the late CHARLES XOBERTS. $0, lite tiartiarued torjiawiliî for smjutitiesul Anai alboaeatàas itdeb4ed to te io aae ar.i relet trquam u rike lxsâtotd., ~îuea - JOîîINtîî.IrN X. E. I'lt»y, tAmnnfrao Wi7lty, a 1,Marubi, 1844. - 11 HIURON flOUSB, Toit vomir. JoSEr uEIIoTTOmI 1rçpictor. 111 abov iote, itualemi etPort Wtitl.y, i ~ i~d p l flrl.eAs syl e rilite m-, ctmmnoalia f bllivislosauj t. ner. U0004 liig nt al utv ud,t . il - KAILKOAD fBOUSE,. vinatltannote.. T1103LU TOTTIIDALE, lProprioto. T 1118 Ilolilalias i beau tlaoroaglIdy reno- JLvâteil, the tubie andl bair alsuys% ,tepp1ia vithe, ml.boul. UONod sauouidatinu for pra- -ite bourder andi lgueula. CIIEAP STOVES ABSTR&CT 0F TU.E - RECEIPTS ANU lEIPENUIlTUIIUS$ OF. THE,"OORAUTION 0FTUIE TOW 00WITY FOR THE Balance cf Ciiul auds& of ibm TWs amurer, 31.3% Dcc., 184....... Amnoeunlpaid lua ince s it ,1865, by Collecter, onu st. roll for 1864. Old sebool- raîe Bili as John 8trees Aus Werden, taxes 1864... .. .Leis, do ......... County Tresmurori eou aconut of Non- Reident Tance.......... a Taveri Lisýeussa $10 ......... S do àa$40 .......... 6 8bopLcUçees, &s$4...... ....0* 2 Temperince Lioecass a $10...... 1 Billiard Licenu....... ....... 4 Livery Liceuse, a $11 25....... 1 Trausiercf Licens. . .. ..... $764 Il 2732 el' 3 00 70 95 5 33 312 04 180 00 200 O0 2,40 00 20 00 le 00 45 00 2 00 un8 O4, 691 00 tISCLUN.ilOtYi Attacin; Corporate S8mai......... Focs (rom Town Scales.......... Routs of TovuHal...».......* air cool Lumber aM Ibe commercial lietel ................. *..... Ratif coul Lmber fun Cblveri, et A. C. Wilso'............. Sandry sotes dlscnSdW............ L..gislati"sLcboot rn.... Clercy DUmrteFond. ............. Henry Hanam, collecter, on count IClecîorts roil 18ub. ... ..... 22 (0 4 30 103 et. di is ô 00 2 60 281 O0 175 36 Aie os 6000ou 462 36 73800 $18626 39 EZNDITURE8. FOR LIÂBILITICSnuiiy u rases vo luT jim.y,1865. Notes lu Baink ...,.q4.....te$2200 00 Balnces of alaries <on 1864.......... 141 67 Sondry imali aiccounb ...............328 94 Mima, Rlidie, aho dcir aac of Suay ~ ....8150 John 81ev, taxee refauded........1 32 Cnty rate for 1864o- ........1956 43 lotereat on de. until paa......6J 80 Interost te lit Jan. 1l65, cu nota te Jauuar lutereat on Market Debentures Nos..9 o 15. .................. 70 0O Jnly iuterest ou Market )eotens Nos. 10 te, 15 ............ ..... 000-60 00 Interest lo at sy. Io 13t1 April, on Melirien note..................... 24 66 DiscounutUc, ounotais dlsconuted iu 86. ........ ......... ... .152 00 ma 5t 61 010 041 iALAnICS AND OONTM1OGJtSe Thiomas Huston lu fuli....... AIes. Pringle, Licous. luspecter, te lsit Marce 1865................ Thomas Danford, Ciif Constable, te, lbth Februar... i ...........* Aies.Cammeron, Chie Constauils, 6 mouthè i te Ti u..... Henry Hsam as ommer, la ful.o John, Happer, hall heoper, in ful.. John Lyne1 bell inger, 3 qri.. &b IL IL. Lavdcr and Lte1R. Bcbofieid, Auditeus, iunoîl... ......... N. H. Westby Festurng Officer, cou. ire Ward, -Jsuy. mection ...... Es 11.Bcofield, D.oieurip; Ofilr, Northi Wad, Jan.elti . C. McDrmott, Rtunuing Officr, Sogil Ward. Jan. election. Thomui Danford, sciseoisn4 'Ces ........ . ... ........ . Votcd tu Major, for charitable pirpet Aiiowaince te Miss Lyse, for Town Grant teMus. Dont,........ GIrant te Mn4. Parker ........... »moat te -do per John o. , Vieucatea$50081,r. ... SeloctIa; Jurors.;; ................ Aseessup i l%' b...... S-udry pci ILdsbur,ut i.e Routs 0M Aricelîrai gnouudu ... Lovais à PovdiIie ngisHus 1. Crammer, 12 oordi of od Preinium lurmeo.qTowv, hall, for Preinu 1lutomonsance sOsnB.. for 450 00 3 33 à 00 40 00 100-00 100 OU 45 09 20 00 18 DO 8 25 lis 40 58 20 10 00 10 DO 209O à 09 23 IL 1288 99 21 60 O97 - 107 STATElVENT-0F THE ASST~ NJJLIAlBILITIES OF THE CORPORIbfOI<-'01? TEE TO0:W.ýN 0 F W ITýBY O'n 1st of"Jariuary, 1866«, A8SETS. Baleoc of Caii la baudsb of Treasrer fim o t li D ie, 1866. < $ 383 Aunant paid in b1 Ocliemior, smq 3.tie,1895,9osce"Munt nClj for lb. jean 18à, <ef tbe wbol« amonut nolitd 13 y olétor, thera "a $219,", on account old M<on- neSidsamTax>. ~ 969 Ainount ralurued b; the Collecter, s ppcoilected taxes, .., , . .$138,60 Of yhiclia netm ubabeenule te CoeunljTrearer; of ... .. lié ft11 59 Taxes Uniteud 8gaiust NoirWsdents for 186, retuned te Conty -Tua. muter, le' Octolien .....52 89 emauu rected mince 3181 Dec. rom prov h nts....,......., 48 36 Balance of Fine ýfrdm186......4 OU Non-esident Taxes _op to 31.1 Dec. 1864, stillinl-buds of ,Connty Trea. murer for olcin..... Ameunts due by J. P» Havley suad T.ý &~ Levis......... ..... 0... Town Scabem, Pire Slngine sud appara- tus sud ieqnipmente Fire Brigade. Maret Lot,.Towu bail nid Office For. u...r...... .......... ...... 2228 O3 547 --S 500 0000 8000 OU !--150 0 LIA-ITIS eNoto thre eseutors of' the. laite 1fr, Hugb MoBrien, yul luteret ho itA Jsuy. 1866........ . 0.# . . 9 53 Goveërunt, Provincial dnty on Ta. vernu heumsfor- 1862 ...........960O Balance, cf Salaries.-te Town officerm for 1865................ 160Oô Beparaite Seheol, propor;tion of Clergy Reerve Fuud for16.....- 30 20 Sondry imai iacconuts,... .. es.. 65, Tamerefudd................* 95 Maret debettsni. aNns 10 to 15.o Balancet, shev ing exceis of Aosetuoie Liabiliies ............ ........ 2326 19 - 200000 1196 8 - We, the underslgned, Âuditors for the year 1866,1 maent of thé .&ssetà and Lkibilities4 of the'Corporation,,pg 1866t oio far ua we hye bçeîi ablç to omcertain. Whitbyi 9h Mard, i1866. Oheap Liht 0OALOon DOWN TO 400TSO PIER GALLONt -AT- IQKATCII & B>lIUTHRg1U Or REVOLVERS.M 1ST WJmielIm apnevemutis just recelveal, simd nnslchesap. ob Nio*-. Brok Streetr Whitby. Whitby, Mmrh 20,- 188t. certlfy_ th4 the above lab'orrectaitate- thç Town of Whitby, Q'i lpLof J!anwary, ROBERT H1. LA.WD4R, 11,H. SCHOFIELD, .Auditory. NOT- IC'ES. lathe' beE insnbr ceut l i;IýtaUention of T Form niossd ootietIer, aDov ereai.cul maving maalmlme,wItioh lavithout a donntit one cflica oeor getlit aCanada. Tam BROW & PTTERON.papers, m&W Jau3 8tiyMt lue. ' docoaset1 undorsigue A PARE FOR NOTHING. daeil sa oi 0a îr~ea'.,rderfoeyear 1865, News for the UNFOKCTUN4TE.1 1 F-- m M ýi;- 'l M mOu LUT ?Z&WU~SLASCUU AND vrOOLLuCEJtu ECIn. -- - -4- - - ' - ý - - - - - - - - - -

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