Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1866, p. 4

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mi tee with eager, simrtied scrutin>',Iioen withbasty hand.drawieg dovn tLe Led cietbes a lutile va>', -ellebegatu feeling unMy tbrot. peeling JI, cet graspitigi> or clutching ]y, or as tbengb iuecdiig it an>' haro, bat sas if te setiaf>' nome intenuse auxici>- tua asure berso f some peculiarilyt>res- pectincg it. wbat feilleed 1 carniet tel; for wihliber baud deadl>' eeld and volt on me ibreat, 1 became insensible. y A brain feyer vas the reaIt oft iis migbt's.. dveture. And thon came a dark ptiod-I cave neyer date te in- quie ieM ata-te pîuticuiars ofettilre ven bey long it lated-of ever-sbaduloved coceiouaness, frota wich I avoie but1 greduaul>', cd w-th cecasiocal relapses. That the prio ti nh ave been con. iderable I knov;i tur vben 1 recovered î-i Lad! arrired et another stage et growth,1 bicg tue longer a cbild Lui a yoaîb; sud1 my>' tathe'a iair vus sprinkliei wyuL gre>',i and is face marhed wulh lices 1 dld not remember.. We vere in France vben 1 aveke freta1 thut long mental lumber, cf whose ver>'g dreutunu 1 Led ,ne recollection ; living in Itriîtitu, in as retired a matuner as vo Lad lived nt tLe aid bouse in Cornvall. Then wu-Travelled for soe years, aud se 1 gîev inttemanlîood. Quie-sane, and in fuIl posst'eion oettuM>'mental faculties,i but alvaya wih a ingering sense et insta.1 bLuit>' in thecir tenure, a dreed et aughti *ibut migbi tend te sboek or shalce theta,1 mc eilaasy unvillictZfess te joue in the1 seciet>' cf those cf my ovn go, or indeed1 te go forth t tilt mue a wvend vhichbLadl neye! been cuber iban alita acd anknovu 80 1 centiinucd tite 9Le0eg ft itréen tnd1 twecty, vheuî i> my an ir d, tsling yuL him îthe secret hat Lad se terribliiflune.1 cd ml-lite. But jeuirs aftervmrds, when1 lime sud utue neceerit>' of action Lad1 brougbtvitb ubeta their lsaluner>'reants, mcad ibat living litre ether mcn, ta>' acle,1 w>' father's oui>'brotber, revealed teo-une tLe Mysier>'. MY fther,st iglil mcd tventy, Ladltsar- tiednY' mouLer, then Lard>' seventeen. - She vas ver>' prety, ver>' ebildisb, fend et plesere and tLe amuseentcs cf ber cge, acd Laving been oeeoetaelarge and happy and viii uniîed (cmii>', tLe chqngze fromt ber cvii gay lome and cireie tue Leld' eut boute in Cornwall, amind>' fokther's grave, andi studiou# habits, feul beavill>' ce ber, a-ctionsite Pinel in secret for vit she Lad lest. My faîluer amy il, andi theuglu deepi>' paied and diaeppontcd, Le WUt the fini te propose wbat slle longing for, a viil te ber ewc (amI>', STi wu nome three uncîs betere the cxpecied peieti etfuny'birth; hLe beL ber te ber ovu heme, and it wvasaett'ed tbere Le sboula icav ber tili ber confinement - sonidt tke Place, ai vhicb period Leovas *te coriduel ber back te Cornwall.. Buti ere &be Lad beeu more titan aMentit- away, new. came te lier ihat to>' father baed heen aumced wyuL a pleurisy ofethîe mcmi dangereus kindad site, atitten wyuL grief andi ScMething hike sellrepremch, wcuid listen te ce perumoca liticenld kéeeP er frets im, ad the cext day, ai, îended L'y ber mady sel eut, travelling pont, le join its.- E i ly iu the, mercicg île>' ls rteti, inteading te seep thst uigit9i t a of e neme importance -on tLe va>'. But te ruade vers evYo andtLhersOes se jded thaï,itilwu evident tite> coulti net resait1 their dest'eetion tili fer on in the cigiti, aven auppeiag il possible te mebieys- that mâel, and mread>' fatigue asdd anaiet>' were begicing ta-(mii stuongi>' onu l>' scetler, Sa tbert vua uothlng fer fibut ta feue te final tolereLle sitelter îLe>' couiti moLh, and &Lallen e'elock ite>'vers gladta tefiati titetselves in e rural, 'bat reali>'-, ot un.- -ceufetable reedaide in. Supper &les -petchet ty matler vas tin teretire 1e bed. The reoui, theugh @Mcli sud pouri>' fcrciaited, vas deau, mcd iL.. bed lobtet net uchnvitlng andtheibaonu>' srioma ýdysv. bacir te ia ceuveunea à Wu, that un> m-t-er. tAd%.dtA ie4- in- a - eou lag orteit Fer sumîtn a-iiiigmd tesf- log frantically at'tite b.d ciotbes, vlula horrible gaapioe, grgling seUnti oilleé unytîilg la or ont oeturae a dtuera was a straggiing and vriiting on te floor 1>1 hele bd ide, as If the tlicg vas triv- lng thjclasuber ap on h, Adn tmasteg aWu Myteotifers impression ibsi ibis vas oe, t, t toug i nbie te scre*mý aime pet fortL ber baud, as li '6le npai.. îLe lIing, and iettit htcouce lucontact wyul souehing bot and vol, that clucg strWIe'leIo ber' gasgeri. Tben the tennd breail te barat mb wilti ringicg sitrieka;; mcd IîgbU iee brougt; mand lying b>' tLe bedade vwüaa maintle eagonis. of deati th îti thromi gasbsti, acd the bloond veiUcg frets 1, mcd maturt'mhng the bed *lotbes, adti rlusuoo su-pu lier s abore. n* ilvas va sate- ýo her anud treuil>' dylî Mey por feuLer Lad disturbed une. A con. aient dreail wu on im lest the condition of my inother'. intellect ai the period of.my b"ri might exert -an indnenoe on mine. Day and nigbi ibis terrer Leanted iai; every word, kooki and action of mine wus wveigbedand studied with ibis idea; and littie did Le suspect hewjibis very anxieiy, or ruther the unconuciens evidence et it, tended toward producing a state of mmnd calculated te engender, under exciting cir; cumatanecea, thesvery effect Le .dreaded. Above ail thinge Lbe trembled l lt the trutb cf uny mther's avful fate should, in any way rach me; and ibus arose the uysiery wicb I veily believe, migbi Luve-becn yet more dangerons to me thbm even knoy ledge of the awful tact. My puer faiber I il errer there vere, il vas vLolly crer ofetjndgement, and 1I Lave ne reason teo blame im or ta do other iban regard is memery with pityiiug ten- derness, te lament over a fate no amie- served uand se terrible. lie slecps now nndi r a monument 1 Lave erected in unr parisb churcbyuird, aide by Bide yuL îLhe wife (romn whom in lite Le vas se cruelly divided. The unfortunate cause et the calamity which thus overdiadowed tLe livea ef a tamily, proved te bc a yeung gentleman cf Scottieli parents, vue, tired of the m'nc- tony of bis quiet Lamte lite, had CQID aceuh, (allen in wyuL cvil compsny, and having-disgraccd the Loneît name Le bore, resoe d, in a moment of desperate, te end bis li:e. Ne seener, Lowevur, Lad is band committed tLe fatal mt, then, re- pented and terrified, LUs ouI>' thonght vas te seek assietance. - ltweeu hie rocm and mt amzther's vas a deor et communication, wicb neither Phe nor Wilson Lad obaerved, and througb ibis Le, having beard voicca on tLe citer aide, trailed imali, and, unable t0 apeak, Lad seaght te cull my>' meîer'a attention in thewamy described. Blut aid camp tee laie, and In a few minutes Iter Le expircd, invulving ln Lis own fuite those innocent suttferers. A uman ncmed Dunlop, remariued thai hie Lad.never beard i came pnnned upen and did ne' believe il could be dunie. 'There is n tbing in tLe world more easy ir, "rejuliîLe anster, just îop et LaIt the name and il i; don." r AR rrousg VICTORIA IOUSE, neUteas s ta", allltnr. joli N, iOVUItJiLL . Irtretv fiitrn tiet lie tA nov eayryng on IL4 sl.oue hlce, ad that heouî"pjles nne but tlle besi uf wllleq,. 1iQeoralcgati, mani refresh-' ilentt. A vol1 uplo tale. Gou<i tabltng- iun ceieedyad. JOHN 5PUuiLILL. Wiyoet.,154, Sheriff's eale of Laudsi. Occ ty Oetaul0, t NBuI STURDAT, the T wi: Ç10J8eud day of Jus A. D 186, ai iele 'eo e , Don, vili b. eid Ï)>' ublieAucien, et My' Qfolè, leit.e Ceuni Ianges, ln thl TvoftWLby la tIte C4ount>' of Outuanle. aIl îLe rIlirh, tIlle ZAr inter. cal, vîuioh the ittationied defontiacte, oevenelly pous. lu thie udortceutioutsd tndso and toeetautathereen, ezed byme eeder anti b>' vitas etfcertan Writ Y""i soe, Vixt STEPIIEN Ki. TROMAB, ' Pslca 1 James Blair. deesseuMlut îe n he I deatb, tn tLe banda et William lair Admînla. traiotef ali anti aloui., île geselitteha lani credîts wlh ers4 Jms =idee led,a e telme ef hl& deuiLte - 'a4W faims. tatc, te be aduiutsîercd, - ocdus The Interes of Jantes Blar, tmestôu , tulte snîith.hmît c ot "NemWorTvecuy- ve, lnthet 1ittIu eouteocleuu cf îe Tow stpoWthitby. Y14 At 1»ilaeLotfnuc n andr d c "IFsa, antona lIreéhîti. In tb. Cé otetcee 0 pesibe 'CbArlos ieury Davlduc0 mae tLe eue sg, te Cernt,-Meac ei mâd fleer of Al usogirharr ber opeaing of land a ituai. cin the Tew nm oftexoied I t>g Ive acres, andibLttie lght uum '. otuas foliove :-Comiaý - 91)oeaMed uinl. on the Nor. NEW'À)YERlTISEMEN4TS. Ne* Arrivais at, HMILTO-N &Co's. New Drcss Goods, New Tweeds, New Priîits, New Cassirneres, New Grey Cottons, New Coatings,' NEW CARPETS, IL. & (to. ivili offer flor this wcek only, the riunindcr of tlieir Winter, Stock, W«rrante4 Use JJEN7' or Use money refund«L Hatch und Brother having tricd various Refineries in tie Wesfle huvo laid in te preseci stock fr-ont a conviction-lt will be foucid the boni ar. ticle in thc markt. Orderus by mnail promply atoded ta. STOVES8 cf al kinds at roduced pries. hardware, Paint., Gil, Gass 'IIATCII & BROTHER'S, ii NO. 4, BROOK~ STREETe -WIILTBY. Farm Produce taken i exdiange. 1Whitby, Mai-cI 7, 1866. O-iy1 Would direct the attenition: of cash huyers te their stock, being decidedly the largeat in the eounty, -and very complete in evcry department, IN -PRICES TE AS THEY I3UY FO0 CASH' AND 1h!PORT DIRECT. Special attention of the Làdîes is direeted to' their'Dress Goods, Sebawýls, _, tles, Fur%,-Bats, and Caps, and. of Gentlemen to their Clothe, REA)Y-MÂI> CLOTING lw the' Groýcery departrnent tbey-- have re- - eeived a Freeh Supply of Tees, Sugare, Fruit, Ceoi 7181, fer- ring, Crockery, (lassware,&t,&c Wblîby, Deeembev, 20 1885.R.&. CM EL LREAT CLEARJNG SALE c~irn~~ IJIITTIO flOS & r M S' H* COCHRANE'SS TU'l1 advaniages efiered b>' thîs luistituitien for acquining e TIIOIIOII(M PRACTI. ..CAL~ BUSINESS EDUCATION are aupornr te nyCmmcrercial Celiege in Bri. tisht America. Tho Branches tatuglut comprise cverytiin cccssary for lte Book KeQp. en and Buslies Man; îLe>' incide- 7HEACTUAL BUSINESS IEPARTiffENT fi; the meut complote arrangement et uts ktnd. houng lurnualîcti vîlit we BANKS, a Ml. RCIIAP.4'rS LEMPORI Mnd an E\CHAINGE OFFICE, wlîuchî-arc open even>' day for the trantsacton etliBusiness. ?AT COSTMFOClasses in TELEGRAPHING evory day-in PHONO- AT COT FORCAuGRHy, semiwokly. AT NO.1 Whithy. Mardi 7, 1866. 2 TILL'S BLOCK. AFRESH VEIN. HATCH *& BROTHER, Ihave just, receivcd FIFTY BARRELS of the BEST WfII1TE COAL, 014 direct froua the reflnery at Oji Spriugth ivhich thcy offer- W-11LESALE AT LESS TILAN TOItONTO PUICES. g-Fer Menthlyit'Czciti.Âuî, speclitens eft ,.yo, &c., address (enclesing stamp), MLJSGROVE & WRIGH-T,ý 24 TORONTO, 0. W. CIIEAP FALL -&VWINTER GOOIDS AT BROUKLIN. Mathewson, Ratojifte *cCou [lave just i'ecoived their Fail Stock of Fal and Wintcr Goodît, wbich having becn purchased bofore thet late advince, they are prep-tSed te offer at IJNPREOEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES. OLOTHINO READYmMADE, FRANONS ýKELLER', :INSURAl,îN CE AGENT,, Repreisents the following well-knoivn Oompanies: THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON AND) GLOBEI eCApiTAli -oooOAoo ISE EDINDIJUGU! LIFE ANDý LOAN ASSUfl.ýANCE Ce,, CAPITAL $500,00Q. QtJEEN INSURANCE CO., (LONDON tN GLAND]. PRO VINCtAL INSIIRANCE Co., (OP CANADA,) FIRE AND I) MIM BRITISH AMEUICA. ASSURANCE Cg.' (OP' TOflONTO,) WESTEflN4 INSURANCE COMPANY-[0F ENGLAND.] ACCIDENTAL DEA.TH INSURANCE Co., [ENGDANDJf r' ALSO AdIÉNT FOR TUE PROVINCIAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Torontoj- ~" M' caecîsof propau-ty itîsured on reuisonabie tertda. Iealied on Reai cstatc. Prospectuses and luIt inforcmatien applicatien. Aise ag,,ent for Previcccil rdcgrnî,h Comnpany. Aise, Menoc' given trealy onf PRANOIE KELLER, Postmaster, Oshawa 0. W. J EW-E LjL E 111.1 Reliable Goods AT GREÀILY I{EDUCED WATCIIES VIERY 11W.' JAMES JOHNSTON, Watch Mal.er & Jeveller. luebreuar>'4tlt 1856.J Farm for Sale AFitrun, eonc;igting of 53!/1 cerest, mure or lee, boiîig luàte Sut conemion, et the Towvnship of Reacb, A go et and, madeto order on the sb.ortest notice, in P theLateSt Style&. TIweeds, $Satinets, Flaýnnels, Unlions, &C., of car own Manufacture, SOL]) RETAIL, AT WIIOLESALE PRIESMATIIEWSON, RATOLIFFE &C. 13uooklillOct.4, 1865.i8 Fire? Firl: F ire! Has re-opened the Carrnage Fa.ctory lately l occuped by DONOVAN, WALICEY &'Co., second deer soit cf 14us late L tory, and opposite the. Town Hall, Whitby, where ho s prepared te EXECUTE ALL ORD ERS," HE MAY BE FAVORE]) WITIL r Wbitby, April 4, 1865. 13 HALL tAd eue tt frth ta(r for Sae> I.&îenal Oa NACcd 14torc ickx-fr hron ise re z"d ting filucîl cek-uctlca, ftbeaieesàr, tiv $la ei a i tter îoenbtt latnemigoes, %ntiq weul,î ternl.Thvutendraqinc, uîd i ce eftlti tuuoat osirblv dresdnces lundtue Dotty oet c-qj. Appliesticn ta e btmaie (if b>' butter, pro- GILBERT FERZGUSSO.N, Esq. :)rte, J -8 -'LA E2INE 1111E aboie -SOLICITOR, &Cet *ce, H AS REM(>VEI) lix Law Office te Ditairla Clia,,uIrts ftar Vue ioor $onthof îleï Wîitby, Jan. 28,1862. Lumber! P51000 fioo lt , , emld ,O n toor Spokex, wîntûd b",y t(e rsignied, lu eut chanuge fur îvcrk, ui tlils'uirriage Siiop SAMUEL WALKEY<. Wlitby, Juin>. 17, 1800. T. P. FREzl AN9 CARtýidiGE,, SION &OR\XAltzr-r1At. P A-Ir, E R t7* Wcrk Shop tn t Rs i Crnage Fac' tjry, oqloiuic the Meutînnice'Itistitute, Bytoti Ite 1,t, hi tby. Wilýtby, Anat 80, 1 865. 84-tf BROWN & PATTERSONS' Algricultu rai Workis! AT TIR GOLD wiiurnY FOU,'DIZY, BROCK ,ST., WIJI1rBY. AGRICULTURAL JEPLEMENTS, WHEREIt'MILL DE aOUND of Steel p Stie e~mOSIIAWA L s.,. fcr Celutohua, t, Souuya., CeuMoilat, n-made teo r tge etb, p. tn, connecting Yvery art Lhtidsa>' sud lAvertil. -kept'onhlar nlllsatl yi , a. ta , otno tue for cveciîtraîna e nbu cone te Ruglicets. ~hty c -1< -Family Groce.rîes, alarge Stoc fI oog Retail at ý5 0-C enlts pe r gallo m and Siecs-.-supcrorqualîty an&dchcap. s~o ot 9-ly

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