Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1866, p. 2

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ftemoVhs-jttu. Dain. Bout@ aud Shes-Je'. Btain- Spanti 9610Soie Lstler-JiU.ltti. &sed-Hatcis & Bru. Hgrdwssinellatth &àlire. Cblldrennu Cabs-ýlluttii As&lre. New 1Druon (ood-B. & J. Camspbel. Clottho aud Cottos-it. & J.Cuterbel. ReadysrstetClotisng_. t. &J. Campbsel. Ruvlvus i>tol .Itemmingtois& Sotno Iasolveuey tnoticee of Oso. Conwty-C. C. Rielier, Sl. Iissoivestcy notice V. Iynde-JaS.lIlders tlorigtige Sale - V. Itlbisisossî ilarrister. Sprissg Teniu-M1ing Carrol. bluhliitsry-'-iS5 isissrt. 1Proec5i5iOii0lands! hy lsw--Tuussft or \SViiiby - Bibles tand Ttstametit-,lam Bar. Parn trml-I'. iri Frsn for nitti-.. C. W -uipiy. ONLettI 50 CENTS A YEAR Tise [rs-scimatbo1oru sthtu 'Mayor.eun! pnoceedbngn o! tise 'leowis Cssursci, fus'eus- forcinsg uciîtuor>' acisroo, siouls] nut he ligisti> ruas! iy tise peope of WiitisY. Tise uccessis>'oettise occassio, wLObuut proclamuation or ottsur proeccsing si0uil et itsit ha suffssiut. t te iupress upon aIl tIse dut>' nt adoptin:g saran'precesst:oius, bts vieur ef tise sphnebtus cil ovin>' side of eus' hein,, visited b>' tise ilsends! sosrse, choiera. 'Flics-e iiiitan dsuiral l itile ris pet, srswn ui) b>'Dr. (butn, Riaussine-i b, tises ouisr nîrdical getntlemsaen t5e i Taown, whisih uili bcses uns ini thue proseil'. legs et tise 'own aus osseb, tise recomensusei dations is insielsailtsioulil tolleus. le W'lsitby, Monday Evg, April 9. A specisut meeting or tise Coosseil Was coivened t hisi evcnicsg sut tise requtusslof tise feArd or Iletiltis, At 8l o'clock tise Mayor touletise chair. nie otiier smers presttit weTere Menra i'erry, P Wll jwe, ilay,, Thewl, sud 5't'eLtO H5gAT.Tit. On motion lfr. Perry, secossded by bir. Itay,iiso Couneil resolies! itseif itto at cornus. tee of tise whoie ors the public healtie of thisi Town. Tise ssedieiul gentlîemen present beissg reiquestîrd te ttske seats et the Cosu- cil tubie, Mlr. Thin t the chsair, Ilictors <moýn assitCarsets bsirig pressePnt tooe ss 4t ll tabl usse w1i Ititie fouiowiusj, rep)ort wes miibmitted l'y Dr. Ouun, asiopted by tise CsstsriU, aid ordsered te bo issues] b>'tise Mayor as a proclamasstions ans] le pubibies i tIbo l'o.-N lpapers ;UnoIls t'où 0copies ufi Ise saisse bc prsusuesi fur -encrai ciîeuie- 'lisc fcilowiti- ýtue report.- A part (notuStise urgenut uecesitiy slow forces]Losîsn e, as goisilcitizei te set oas- iess ins renls n l rlîipbibous ot ais e1ubemic <cirs insu>'cha lowS>' but aisîs cerîaistty fiidbig bts way teinsrds our Counttry, it becauses us surbouail>'te con. sidcr orisst)er we sre stot, te a great oi- ent, isabitutoli>'iganitsg tises ilusbtt ule is of hiasiî, aussI pracrtbelS lsybssy g tise trutis su te iss seesnisaxim tithe 4Cicanliesa is next to (iibicas" Ve caunot, as Et uusninuity, tset isur eyes tO the fuiet tistt îee vils waiielshave labteedse, mucis attention (cr n itî> eer.-' in otisen placssc'ands!tise jiliieîsu@i amctisrctiort et wluseb huirebeen 5roictiof assoisamaz bu'g bruiefîts te tises lunnfaîsuit>, exiust attîisng iii a ruury cessiabstats/e iest. Ail cr0 uu1sîsly intseeetes] in thisu bupet. ant maiser, uossl cet>' s'ef'ort on eut ppnts, Whes~thsr ibts .-cuir esn asue or bsdividul ecapaiirq, t'isul'i bc pet forth to psrbfy oas- swltrii ganis!pru-ies, ieingtisat b>' se dobase, ilir cesserailissaîtis oouisi bs î,rsotoL dassn d cssie ,te e gnsssut crtent, diesumel et iacirsi,«uiru.ce, uiy a unitel- effo'rton thse part tsf thse peoite a larger efmit'fcietsusieg a>' bceîfleceud st; littit' csprhevu, ass ilt iL eauiesti>' te bc desirtil tisaituerc WP! ha ne elhctusssco te csimply <cwitite rraeialsle resjubremeusois of ibis lsuas-ofIl e!ilu. Eciertîfic mers, wob ave masi tise snIijsýt of iseslui thi ir ipecial stut>' ares a-reei 'tlixat deesyýin- nasinsaifti d'Vcgsul ces tainoso neselausedicat adveec, fr r ni-&a ' less-trrrcandI fssltes- rota ewerp peopié have utiutoroput>, nàlsibtrtf-use cis ind Iie-fs-t cise sres theMtaetrtile nis oniucue., t ist adülit- orr fdsas' - iig t, ButIif [Wps'ti i b-h ac itfssty neglecitfus, tissiCsuuseii,aut ea sattcr cfîlot>' ge thse otiser bstubssufthtie Tuseut, are, ilpots tise repos-t ofIsle Issspeetr tsr uninesulte euforeetIse ut1na.1eigaluessuiiy es posies]lu>'thesus l w-te tise Provibsions ofs wiicis wueageits calattentison. Arr'. ut'h se' si'îiiy c Touruigteu, assît utter<, stt sisssit-uit o tf Mizolsuel ltsiriuiiy, tise Psiieit tsoftise Hîbisussiasu Socielty, of 'iunos,1 Piblb l ichael tau.rîIhsîaKelly, Ehlee uolanty, lYâieill iartsietis Citas. £'eyos'at)seh isessa i nutous ares anctedj XtL Corsnall, oi Xtonslit- eereiittg isot, ou tisir <ta>'tsi bsitst), Is'ords'r oethie uçltttc.Thiy es-ecusut g(! i-sI sebi -~ 4ose,01 so1us]wes'e, it i.s aliegeilou tiseir M5>' Io juiti Kîilsi T he cMaeyors'oe!Cern - Wall <ent ltiste st.sti-n abusIwoui sslreui volunteerta sd vffotedi' tise uuirestt itisut 'esistausce. 'I'ley attoncei delilses-e up thels' usselver ans]dis-rkkiiie, ix-atîeoterm, -anti oison duesriptiossof saras.Tls were tisse mas't.' isc utterulV. Tsi tieir rysîluse oea ouus'. crtrisigeui,issuet.tnauids, sas! percussion caps; besicles w.icb, tisey lad esr iccsvy busgage elseed rlte Metreal. Tise>' tcibes owuusîrg tise bog.' gagse t iret, butahe ck cebcsfosad on usMoieri>, tise siidenses » ove ccsiu>'ues! suulian t,ctand a tclim raasseul ta bMess' trural to stol) ttir ai'hggage, aisiels. ou stamiatiots, was found tu eesstaius a quant. it>' of-arma asnd ansmunitiot. About in 0lJ0 l2id atîtibis oera ('esuti tspos theisssans! ejue sesaecy1iisusing, taih ucsoe ferwsord tat Ottawa lest oeauing with th.) Oouaty rAttcuuy, -iseouvet ta eDkfor nats'uctblossroua tise Attos'uy-Geuenal- Weut. Thes Crtn -uAttorney nutunsesslthsi. *veulttg, andte tiseoxanuatiess 15 oxprcted to proce. ,temerren'. Tho prbson.ers baie rceined tise lieu, J. R., Macdoenald!. - . - &sueito Aiaamsv-Siseedy, tise oy. of thIiberuiison Sebet>', vues ase srresteti fa Ttuconto ou -Tesada'.ý 'm-M siuotnort>uTT itae ur o s' VTilg oPt0AleuShuo'n% TSOSTUS i<t,A551 TU wt M. Rtailtta.iEU tist<. . l Tu W. &te la receipta cf s copy ofi titis valeabie -littie ,Puapislet, A' perasa.of et' ieS oo oue.a au - amoat et informaestions of'tise Most * uifai itseripticu con se all.itwprtstt nais- Jeoe We asiept tis00eu'd la n e up"eg ot it. It wmli proveoetofVa boesit teatenssae etf Peepin laCiur du, "G wu sorsw, orsMi'herate: bostons affeted vith defoolivo vision. Assdtb>' defeotve visiesa w. do n iot useanuipi>' inabilt9rta 4 st the' tuasi distance, but lbek of powert te a tut! eo print<itis' à fss ew loches efthtsee CI,,au'apel, Ail mamans.Alà sinait es uciasil tis [su eider tri aEc'suin bus esuryinisg into ef'et rame sysatet s f bc ustiefûlowing 1,Alrssracine tof vs'e'ualssand!animal maties' sul it, s-refuliy resuones (rota cssîi.rs, cluni1.t tiis unttlr an Ibouse llats shocitîd buet isrsuuuMay pis-sas'dby ,lunr titu neef and'lWals&<itlis ibre, st tise s=ue titis tilaissu cas-e îsat <cter dons qot sicgy- tuiot% undertts"fl-sr, 'aussitiat tlse s b) es voetit;issn;sthebs liue-wa.hsglise tsid isa ipeaiuulonte a muilis diui tijç bot ireetlar. 11-ieiit cati bc ulene previus te Ille uidîIle Utiîii tbl, cai psioics shouls! Ire eluaes a wslitew-asuesl witis lime, ans! dbsbsuictants (s-ts..y sserl ; ft Iis urpose tise treuemt ajipltasle's ef qsack limeaisb uiefiul. 'Fie use etAituovestle boxe$ <tulî greuss itueîtate ibIs. higlil>' necessari Ob biI.-riceny iscuse uii(Ulc l 1.0 uipjibll abu iss ciecabidicisfecîsuat t e b. is-d uhso-ievaiserbus tise vesuteis oe tA's coomiâ, iandtsu> be appjsied te utsderciotiig, anti bcd huen, previeuis tui osshn', abi2b latter sisousît] ho onsent toaeu nes a eci,'. IV.-Aht stsognanst watir, wabtetisr es streets or priva. pucisiaies8,1>192u11d b'r ai et-ce ireme)ési, ans! strict attensbt ipai]te drains andI rers, attd, abere practiciblu, frequen u tisig o e *wt 4'uiss-iisnaiesis V.-Plesîer et Parisiseui!lu e dai>' us!d bu stables andîtceuv-huso., hy aprisulu lïng it treel>'o ess ise hôrt, ans! large soc ceuieltions ef t anere aboutit net lho alieaeslD iear te slweîliuigs. VTSlaglses'boues bonid he ne. moiîvoî te a dtitce 'frot dwelliusg boses, sound piggeries sisoulîl ho utteri>' abulisiscî,, qcpt lus tisoesskits tif tises ten. ROB 1T. S. G V ;g, M. iD. -R, %V. GL&LLC, NLt > G, £ A. SON >1Dbs Mrs. Rite srepesote& tise pettieýn Ã"t Jamss lisîden issd otimouv, praybug forths ie imsproeuent flieut>'et., Is tise ýcontre 'WarsI, petisiouens agreig te pe>' ene- isui ofettise xpense. -The pelltibeis'wu rocelVcýd ans!tise Conr.eil cent bte-cees' mittes tif tise <Whsele tttreon,'Ms. Ysrsold in tise Chaeir'. ltwas itatedti tisI here cwere 120 yards et gs'sdieg L'e., tres Das.das st,, soutis to 3ohn st., and i f tise w<t een osnspreeseeeti wbln t oce tise comuiitese could vgelit done. fDr 40 cens pero r .! Tise Citmsitteu rose eus! report- i.d tist thse ata cf $21, beiss ous-bait' et tise cotil hoapprapricîte ovasugracing tIssîry asLs'et, (rom Dandas atrent, eul te Johsn street, thisea ete ha tasu n it- ettie îpropriwoton fer te Centre Wrtl. Tise repent ures<adep!tes!aisd>, tisW-Coanicil edjeanues! ussil t o-mer rowe# veu'g at -Teituda>' E v'g, Apsil 18.,- 'Cosueil uset parsacat tO atjotîs'ssmeatt thie mnelssiorsi-prsrsssl iere-tiso Mayss in tise chair, Mfesra. Maetiorielt, Faq, R$Rouay u>, The aneus Yas'af>ld.' Ms'.'Perr> iutretluod ausbyIsaïp ?id. kg for tise bealtb f: et.l1 . Lewis> i1h passes! tbrsigh ail ts stages. - Oc isotion of Mr. Ferry, $çe4,ý5 Il às'. Rowst, Alexander Pe'bsgla wàus »p- pebsted issalthi bspeettr eador the --s.Y text. ~ -- s ~Iitsjtby Tuwtssshiip Utisuiscil. -Brookliii, Ap. 2.,6'0. Cssîsncii met pursuiot te, adjeurnuscot. Ail tise sembers present, Reave i the chair. Mistititcs or lest meeting rends and] itpprovet>. 'the lolwing petitions werc preSsentes] ans]laidt upen tise tablr, t 133'J. M . icke'll, the lpetitiîsn of Thost, Stepheson sanid 8 stiersu prusying for relief te WVidow Siepisnson ; o! J. Sinclair' anti 5 otisers praying for relief teGueo. D.'stsby at tige aTdinflrin man, By Mr. Blisr- resugîsus, tise petition et Wsn. Warsier and] 11) otisers iutcying (huit e grant- of mncy> be nuîdq for tise mproveîsscrs el ide liino tetweess lotse ne 24 ans] 25, 7th con. Tise ses-k laid befoeotihe eostocil a rertifiesi stsîeieuscio!two Justiceq ef tise Pence wili isle reuires] atiluvit ef tise %orsryisg est Milccp bctîesiging te Wi'n. Paxton Jr.,- valsu of sisee1s, ansi dansigesu $17. Moved isy Ms .lickell uecotdes by Mr. Buerrousgs tisat !ssrgr. Bckrli' ens] Drydernibeucand ate liir1ely appseu'stesl a commnittes te iat- tensuinb tise %oatss o f tise fimiiie.3 of tise Brook-litsn oîtuersi1tlat tise occauists for tihe icstid wuutut bcreîsdensd (o ftir eo'îicuili st it4i text sxîetillg for îunyseent. C4srie', Nluvsv.(l l'y Mr. Iliceuil, seessrieî b>' Mr- Burrouîghss, (huit tise retvee li er c- by sutlsorizcîi ausind rqiiresi to grmnr is ornostise trnsaurer fuir $8, is ('sorrof Jl. Sisseir sarns]J. %Itciid sltu si 1ed lr G. 1auby.-CarriCd. tOt moîtion tif John l)ryitesi, tscondel isy S.M.Tlsusncs, su lu- ian' vas paieseil througi tise soveral stages, cpîsoisstîtg certainr townshiip oflicera for 1860f, sari aise a by kiwn vesting isRoibent iiod-igri a Certains portiont of tise originial ronds) slino mebetwccrt lots 26 -ansi 27, 8 crin., to.-etisir <itis su ctrtaui strip o0f iand) cnntsguuons tisereto. Ont mostion otf John firydcii. ssesîndisi by S. M. 'iTsuitars tise reuve wlts ieutlucri',.el te gi ,sut isis oiur is fssvsir sot W's. Paxtoun Jr. for $i7,fssr vaise of bihi slseep n by utilu'segs-ebu piui ont oif iuiiil fsrsest ty tex o < ýsusu .Tise rietse laidil theni2 isatiei acotitt-sunlicv tionu frâissoJ. Ultiteis ruference te pusr- CIssuisi- a p i>oiss of thse sigisll roussi iIûloossetetn losti261sund 27, 18 con. 011s ilotio of J. lDrydiens. &ecoitut] bylI>'r. t ifltS eL pietutsos l o i n. %Waaler tund rîtiere n'as r rerf'l (sî tise, ceisittse issn roauiï, -àsti brisig-es fosr tlie nortiterrusetou tif tise toso'nslii'. 'The ret-oe uss antiiriz- cci te grant hi5k orler onuth ie treasrer ir $5s, tu e e xîsintsi-d is> J. P. Cet-ranc tir thse relie-f f eaîjiuv t;Eee n d isifuor ,43 tiibcuetxîuessîieii by Jus.loi.lruugi1-)r tise relief <of c. on c. ii iiitli-iof .Mr. Iliskeli, sçý,îuntliuri liy Mn. .3-uirrwigliq, a by- aw tuis i~s'd isi irst rcadissg tu stoup ujI a cerfit )portîos of Pllets Du., un tisej villauge cor rsulîn, ani tes s'et tise .sons in ecrtaius parties. ?afeseul b>' ifr Dryner. seeOts4es'y Mn. Thsomsss, tIsat tihes u.sverst accouiit- oft tisa sounicipality fer l$65i, an steticd iiuse saauuitoWrep cîort, Ii> ans-thtes - vuirnçsara etulsy fi'sittilausditil And .i ai sucOeisiisi1.tir . lblltlsat tises eil( li lsere-lv sutsofszeei 1 uUre tise of uts; !tis etss u'is'i uites erlero th ise fstlitrr%' reupent t in 4iret't rfonsil hat1 ie firosre 300 ro'epbe estf tule Cf si' duisiît- t;i stv.-'s~.tishe ruielrsnv rs (,f this un~ic- l serawridl b>',%ir. ur rsstiset tise ti) LuS5gratit lit,, orsîrs tic tis e tcr si; Iivor s-si . t'. 'i'tn-ss ari A. ti.AIox- Zýici fosisr $1rï, ~ca-tfor aushtiusg ti'.e tson- sip tss'-57i'orsiuifor lfS.I$ ui . Muo' Ii. , y J-hnnîuisseiils t's. Il. I;is-lzt-i5 tfi,-t'îtslistisucoittui sibursiýrnîi Lt stilsa h1 stijusntes l thLies firtt losndity bn Mss> tîxeî]tisen to mes-L t e t sLow ns l'à fit ti 'e sek aMn. Mue-iby Ur. Bicis. cil. saeucdu t' tMr. tsrou s.tiat tit sliiil -1)otLse slsty tof tise Cie- orcfotise r ect t ô toietccndncp>' sft thse ~rcei -ut tise coosirilb te the ollitse.01 tise W'uss'ruu i('sîsusssacsu, itosseslutu.'iy ftar tiecS ittirsgs, dssinlce yoitr 88d. ~ dasjorisd [ Preneiesst of tise Graud Jury. T'ire fsi!o*wlsss;fil tise prasesstscnt maide by th iseGass4 Jury m thLie AU;8ar i file st The CIrAnd Jury of esir Ssýveroe!JS* tudi tihe Qsu" o r eu'the Ce0uni>' of Ositanii, euuw aswei uieï.d, osin ttiscin catisresîpectfull' presusst-Tiso t;s-4 lu, hwe ittapo«o r Ibol butsC1uis deiU!ïu,n;ý psuis: onescetise pres. ent ieucàgu ; de ist Cts>'coseaiu tes cour nd a tise Cquie nt> cr ire hi moral aistetiet din itise Ceuîulyaï tesuifesteel 4o tise iigLames1Ur ti ise esebuslal caliersuler et tise prirn1etassît oer Cours.of etAssire., noir, And lts> sltthros3hcautishe Pro. b u been àS Qr a tbout i rcs ntisu. Tise> deoiýl>'deporéîb<thanat of ssfficiuttIyci' itesiut es. .nniaa'.Ab,.s fer. 1. i s fî,sd.,s rrviOftlIC foiuasl rosis Eur! Me. SU1E BINGq THE., CHOLEIL& TO HIALIF~AX 1tfi 1siar Aprii- 9tt.- Tise steaosship rnglîxssd, wlsbih arrived bore frota Liver- pool ti-s mntsissg,hui 160 cases of choiera ono board. Tisere weré 40 deatis4 derins, thse Passage. Siote iet Livortjocl iosithe 281h uit., and eaiied ini hure for isedical ais!. 1: is roportes! tha thtie stoctuser .7nglatid bau the, chIlera7on b-)wd, Site hu imescn sent te tise lower quareuîiise. Tise agent of the Associcted Press te s(1ll essdeavorieg te obt4in lier news. ThoeLCnelan( bau 1,200 pas.4esgera. The sufett of tise' As sociates! Preeutbs ttus far beenu atable te buard tise steamer- ne commustnication beirsg yet aiiowod beîweesu ber andtihie shsore. WVar wu~ coniiered immninent becwoen Austria assi Pruassi. ITII rCis n<iO ttasEsttwuuid ppeetr te bc e ten:niuedsncIte0haieeutdonu bus eny-- tbîugi. h'ineis tise>' arnouce-Scehas, Chiiiirssss' casb, peramsbuiator4, liardwmare, Pais-ie, pCasa i O, &c. 71> t/e Esltr j thec JJ'/î/tb!l O/îronicle. Tise air ofetelsiei digiity 1q.sumeri h>' the ltev. tir. tbeyte-y. l its list ettis', dispoeses nsie te refraitn frein aîîcljrin cvi- ulîusse, nown lssein ec.ietsisupport tnt' assertioun that Isius tltsint relative te tise gt'euut partie-a,;ebistiig un thse Cisurcis of F:stgltisd,jus grossli'brac'cliunte. 1i isiglst colusisher iL more to the purpose, bas] Ùi, cosstrcinertesh, (i liecotil hauvse e s,, soitis itit-s-50'.«) tise ai-enst etfu>iyetter, inssîcaui ofsiCtisspiusbrsng Iaitersîity of Soee oîf tise c/ir'ssss esisp!otv cl in il, tss 1er- tssnaly sifsisaie.As, luosru's'er, 1iamnu o s mocre 'dbtsspcssid te tifsate, tisuss n tusti silit teohbstltisui, 10Ijorscl1a iieu~o siseslsi bo cnrs-ed ors, lue is oo'!cesc sel> te luurenue tise pirtisrm rti srs,<la isr issu> bc rîst agree.ntllo siiubstrIt W'hleis, lsosî'enr.'l thissslepaurt fs-eus us>'forersiu free o Luie bi ' eus citieesce, tise sallies i n s'odsis>' I eau M. Dis Pisn, a iinulutist. lut>'rei 'islt ipi>, tisat lcetli sOca. i neitiser tissaltior ssiii. tluat lie <cas aL meniber et tise Clssrch oef'bguus is tlis-rc assu i-sni u ui ig praison liinga b>' riglit uitees? Ms'. Catie>'ilu rt liber-tu' te censider r.îe as oesssiiy s-a 1811y. ,altiscugli s tciii. I arut worngliti ss;oiigthuet lie i ssss -inuu iailt -si <siaL lue siys. Is' u'sslIs-s'7ýiosýie'sus t alres. byte-rian. Ilicursh-t1iik'ow thsut lie meseasutthue term tats ouse'ey e thier tluusr lie l;ads]i1usijfis'cosetlimittrl jUtâ se istisi cleir ia ssaser ? As'i letisuci'iusig." nof Miuua.ltietîgrels- iiio-ri itu (avoirs oS thse litur-$i ssrt ic i ., ui uons lsssrcls NIsr. Cav lut ui'-Nss)toe laa"grase ssfi'snte ai tise terni r iqiiru.-Ssplilt.ilru iii luse nsn-t luist lettes'. Iliai blicvse-i itus ruy sinsiisdl>' titt tiseterris eîrspl-suied- oft istt ope~nsiss it i-s;btsoflect-so"u- i yettiusisutusilsus Iit is sitibie, u' ce- i g.rilissti ore %toetippoE5 entuetlit <sts liîkets sniti' stotiser ; ansd 1 mu>'ailtlist ait user l' im, it os-as eet in»tenleil sor epe'ct (ulut be uiseive, 'eiris1'îii-y lit alenesl te aiele-vh eitcteïtltit thte esi- *itiviesgeusîlesinnesicerves Ili-îlu ieat ceni miuisrîi, (n sh e-nkclis'gs, alsîie DOLSiLe ltittid t o illituste his ossu rssipe- ier euîuntts-îot lu le sîyllsIe sehi-s s1-1- sieiira? Pisupht j lsatt.'sr!i sse soit ueiiisg teotti- i 'stlisut.wiles, net luisîg 1e-r/ros«Ieer. t siof co)usises, itislible te ci pne- Ilsed. iouse iii% usuelsissultitistes l'ougus- auges and Iltielotocf Ilis teosues' ettcrus, oîuule sere nsiere reiess. 'F s il iuaeeesraey e lDi gnee g r. C"Isu- mbtsg bs nclsrsrsa'utcd a,,, f~ti tut itn s oete ausi>' bt, klis tises creAl' sâky ofet tie Settbush Clîsîrcissrrvbîu" -' ,,osec 1s ihaI ltlsies-su sty l "liefer a-s iL t fect'. "gfi yi -esîl, il is ono ssitts>' bitilis 1 <cisu'4(ll (fiti/e-1 it slren s kYs>." # TDr. entu i,; us mt ut Iail uluitiss tit tise Feennisu eoft tie-4Seottishi Chus-chii ia irear>' .iky tit sttiibgesu)>' tiiat tise Eh(ibtuof - tlise 7ruirsu LJ0r!>/tit e l bdse. A. sIisuulur h>u1uiets 'i obteul o-ut Ile> us>' hast wll 1rc7f'reossssis c py oinspcs'ttbioli., -as]ise !c haneas tis t beet do-nies]. Thora ara 41t~ ieiv L-nie it ani plfiu itons, aslLi t aver>' mas-Scîlinstance listliiihasst lett's'. 'netcrs'nn Io un> offensive liustuiuatbon 11u a Prer.cs]isg 4A% gentlsîsusar. <tise feinuls seglzissn#>' lnes tto-utter etfecCuracy, k sseat-cel>' Iusa positions te istigO btsverbal crsttiti Ot tise effaibsn et au-In'vutabout te Sa>', Blot lot us notiee ma of tlsO pieneant vAti5eits tticha ho ompîcys ss in eerib' Ino9 tise >eottisîs servigc-estiier, (fer lho loves te extees] tIserange etfItis iopbc, <rison i;t juii tbu lis pttrpoves) nstîîlitungiir wtur;tsluh. I" Te arrive t 1,'M (1-!M cl4uriu' la-r et xeiporarJ>' prayenut, w-m otIs knoew<iset eur bc'etîss'en orIsle vars'uss denounirîatiee>s tay'. 1 Coula] utourCcel>' ien inrustCe se(austs oft viuicls tise>' ossplait't use, amfiie îleutse sualong rcatalogue of uiultaJ alleges]o be tisus.cosnpllnute ovth-thel reprs'entulLon of <tisle cgs'egatins ex* di ýîousin o,tbe poinît." -I Iooke4 tapon msysteif ctri celaengeil te disciss a certain point, anti withoît i eieang te open a newv fieldl ôFof ntsroveriuy, expressod nov reraii. noits te do se, if lie deaired i!. This, !s a pectiliar way &s inviting a contreversy ; -t' may bc aken, "aie a svy e o ptng nc virtssally teres]upeus me. Indees] 1might ho excuses] for ut ittie usitien. whcre isui teo'y wns auhegesi Le bc M as tillent uthlit grave" sn cIl matotat- "migist make bin Sucer cf m> Pesitions. -, Tisat lie bas itiiisfged(l n 'rush assertions' i% heyend tisa posibiiity of denial-yea. bad i net sisewm, a dcleiacy teicrius tiss pociiarity etlis letterg, <tiiis ho apitosur net teaisave apiireciutesil, ha ssight have lied more retasesi tîsan lie supposas liclisas Le consplio t h e hartitersî cf tise nn- gusige Iihave cnsployod.- in Lise face sc misl provocation te a contrat>' course.- 1i 'ntcrcd espers thig discussioni wit theis antxieusnr trirtea veis]persorsusity andl te isolîl a style eofisinguinge am çeurtcous as pe-seluie, seU/e t/m isvcie. Iliave -heard etsmltiainL f tet'îestraineil and] excessive .ioiiicy cf the torseeof un>' iret letter, (rom muin>' eutrters-not one of an eppsesito iIefect- fiftise tene of tsi>'second ieseme- <lint ditTsrent. ltL t bc resuemberi thiet I Iisu reccl dcennies] ans] ijsrsauing provocatiorn, ans] dis]net cro Le have a stuiiusi cerrtss mistisen for tlmidity. i r-ret te fins] tiat nu>'-opinionss on tise peints ohjecteti teo arc stili tise sanie. Msy «riettres utsei ssot, if Lse>' have been rneritsud let tissns ieb e brne ; if tise>' bc tejtst tisey wil ans] shoots] recoil uspots 555V 000.0litiil. Eo'erv ciuigstion aisicisweuisi cither neisire MIr. OCayley' tetilIress tise public bu dt-fssnce of lbis osn Cisîres. 'or jisatif>' iiu in ioissg çe. n'ai sures applicaoblse in iny essec: tise attack, sus lie conisbîersil itwlîbeh aesu oi- cth is iitpoiogy ums'%asingîsiani> susitn andI temperpte letter, oritten. <chiers eserc % orci wrillhe critically cxamire'i. ans] evenu' uttenent centrovcrtcd. sihidli outisîltadmttit cf il. luit. Cayley's deterice et hi.qiscrusClisni iasi acoeempansieii lu>'"a- rsist st fivine nstisck ispen tisa oorisitiet iiors-litssi st Cs'nilt. Tises g enrsi rousses n' ltienurrei lnie, istcrcsted iri thse init 1er'. isuirstciithse nre foiy tr uit tie taslk r etiil i1ihaves clone sasu <itis tri>'pro. luity. it %ves aus sst dusaurecabstitssk te etes llioli.anid<ne qite i'uti.gnint ta nu y rsst tlu e ;lsrst ucisiuvoihonor'able s'scy .ct erssibng h. 1 tanu-k iL ip, 1in rîtes'tsi lss'hel i iui is fasuptiliisquesstioin. No tno vr's-'slliave beein iett7ir îiletfeui tisait 1. huald st.îcspî'rity cf feeling iseto elitultesi iu tise cue otfhuis dbýsusuussiors.tham scesîts to e ur n-son. Ansi 1 arnwiilitug te ns]. nit t n stisu t xii oncisiihave isentshie case, not isitiofestIr. VCssviey's Il ninssreusi sribe of frienui," [)lit becesusecof tise pro- prici.v ùoth--tissisng itrslit. A persannes iti lituaeif te o uispert lisisiiiif faii'iy ini a riitoeor.gy-tio itter <riteV n <ta lii asiîssnr,îst'j ru-si' li. T/se!etaft is su' s' 1', indirsliti rerespin. 'hFiequtusiors iii rus',' iust trnus>Teustril - bian s -sl rsssrrc'-i b>'tyjrangruplsbcil for "55/e eus "cscSi f r q<-l'/t havie ta tlssrsk yi-us for tise couirtes>' slsqsr !aill tiis anItiittifig nsMy lutteri' boeyounr If a ut-soucii susne han bus tes i iskifslliy ssustisiniu, let tIse biiisie rcst <titi s titii ais> mésirrcof jtetie s blrens donc iL, i admîsit thsusttiis srese (resu tii',advatages oif lisvZavbsge ioidi se os le iruc. 1iraimoSir, l ours tnstty'. Tlise 11At1ls'y Q stei FiçThe i0,10W Pcaot he ise urley que>.i Osur tuust ycan'ýs crep <ot harle>' broliglît sus absout I e ntihlion4 etfiiollkrs. Fiur. titis e!il uit inutmarket'lho-tise UitslC Stsutes. 'ris iÏijsCsibn, whletiser ii 4s' sIfe tsi ucs a srgeta bneudlh oft Lis grain tise pr(,,:Clt hý0î -1 lu i s5 tlues'eorec, -oces or 1 oslgktiiilisno ote (armers, etc t'iisàanuet,. iVes is'eeinst sortie pnursa co;llett infcurusrotisuîs oni thisit urbjsset, ansi c neo ireans- cto s-eiiifl hic, vicv.is cx- Prrméesisusr i-:1esteof tise 2O1. e'?.Oui tliouýceviuessa ic1'srtcna ;entitîci te tise businost rcspcSt suosi csniderice. tir. C-olisss, (if theu<firni et Colinq k, Co., ef Psldl tsihie lirgest ileaiern Inesthi.4 grain contise andi ws&tsinfleu]<ts i iugist, il-st yearn nir)>' 2,000,000 bush-ý Ou>s esliotl>'Onadian, ihave orittenwalet- tov n - itesehet rotas oniicis <te siake IsLdStateis and] Lie bout usait liqîsors are njcdo (rom tise iunîîorted nrticic, and it L; iised oxtensioely -in more titan two thids of ali tho Statcofetthe Union. F or soasse yassrss pint tie>' have obtaines] more thai onc.Aa<f of thoir stsppiy' of Bartey from Canadat freôeto duty', while ail tisat heu boots rciseîl b tise Unites] Stateq has been Sois] b ytise tarere es remnuneratîve priccs. -That tisyoy re -therefore, and] usîset continue te0 bo5 déeondent ontshie creju reised inb dnada te carry, on tiseir bis.sinees." "'Fise snemoriaiists proceesi toe, Xross4 tise (car tisut tise tarif .new in force will retard thse -cîst'ation of i.ariey in Canlada, antd tiscy state tiasi tlus]tise qisantity ushaliy grervo b inis country ('ail oit oc lif it wiii eripple tise manîsfacttsre of mnalt liqtinteo ngrent cn extçnt nuitot involve a 1t lo te he nited Stnteus Trcgi. sssry, atsiiy, of abott$2,000,010. On t Iloso grtnds , they prsiy on grcs.s toa si. just tise dîsty o. briey importes] from Crînad ancrd]tise British Provinces of Norths Atnerica, 1e 1w it t mal/ sot cx- cceds t/se 8arip. cf ira cen M pjer lsualscl." Lecture by the oni. T. D. àllcCleed Ou Morde>'oveîsiug a lecture<as sde. liseras] by tlie Horl. T. D. Mcee, in Mon.' troct, bu aid et tise lJeealsl Dent ans]Demis butituts. The subject oethtie lecture <tes Il Hlernie Ciarity," ans! ores treatedtivsh great abilib>. -Tise foliowisg sars a fear of tise mure salel ut points t Il Thisis adjietive, (ElciecChicrity> in. decil, t> seism sispsrfiuous, for ci chanit>' ofete en> scriptiions tay bec ssiies] eroio, ailice tse first e!omeut et berebsas, ns of churit>', is disutteressedaess, oasis-e torget fulîscas ef self. Selibhnss fatal te iscro issu is equaSi>' irreconcileable te cisssitys lfit tiscro ara certain aespuets- of thia vistue fui) et intrepislity, ditsin;j antd esserpriee, ade inl! as of ursseli3sCs, w licit jitify sue in ceubsibng tisa wuiias fw it youce (tsi iows tageptlier. Ail atîtampta to esucate tise deaf anti dumi-to -awasise tise spu'ii. bouns! intellecet in its fermer itent aboils -te) seppi> tise lassa etlenguagu-to cir. cumrvcsst tise lefeets iu nature-to suisati toto th ise igs te tise usetol ser-viceofettise sensea, bts reaeingatise intellect ans] uousil- itig tise besant. AUl these atlemptut posises in e higis degree tise cisara2ter etfieroiîsm,r ans] are worîsy tof cil lionour. Vuhereisen tis-re is e greet centre et civilzation-at liousus, Viennes, Madrid. Munichi, Londont, Ef<iubargh, _Dublinu, Bostin or Noew York, tuba scienceet tise education etfhleaf Mutes tins fer bit elscools, revoenues, protes 41no1 nd,.si alaï 1 oui>' teeusan>' aubjeisa. It lias engagei tise asi>' etfsoinsof tise sibiesit and] mest v'irtuseus mcn and i nmeu is Chisiensbio is sunislsare full ofsftise seat elfueîiug a'ud bsstnssttive crieuslotes s uts bliediresutsbars been dill'sied tisrossg1u tîou!ssundï ans! tesscf tisouat1à et huames. It but stustsii> I know oevt on nhit cuthisl>, ehat efthtie 850 miSibrunis <tise are supposos] tei ferstise total pepe. iattea et' our plise t, 547,000 are dec'assild mules i bsst tise betst etiàtics go ta shsow tisat sucis lirtlss averagoebuwall eeutnies isiere a regular ceuseSý is kespt about 1inb 1,.500 ; ist Cantîla oretirCussoet-1861' (whichisnb isis respect is, probaisi>, close te, tise mark>, gave thse 'shclt-asamber tf dcci' moles et 1,491. Nosi, iii Lie Hamil tisa Sciool-sisa onf eue, I belles., -ini 'Upper Cisada-tbere are ozt1>'GO pupiis, tisougi tisene huaein as eau>' as 8 -1 lest >enr on tises ;oit. Tus eurfemaeusussisool isere (for <tisicis t plesas!) there are 57, witis applications frcln, 50 more; in cor. maie osute sciseet et Cote St. eiaib, unader tINr. Bltargen, tisera are 30 bosys, or,inacil 160, taule and femalle mtsies, uotv rreivîssg instrucetion, CuLt fiohe1,500 repi)rsu]b>' tise -conuu as residiag iss Upjsrai!Lie ,Canada. ,ýHeurdo <e etrmt in Ibis reo speet <itisotites' auntrieuZ, A fois'yoans go Fs'race Ilidusila4 isîstituiaus oet tîis diescription a!one 1,600 pupils. U reat linitairs andsiIrian in le 2-Ltittilbo hsui hetwîese 1,400 as! 1.560 ; -Andsth ie Uniteal Stae-niser e i niks o etentmutes ari3 usarlyitice s-eimos s u i b is don- tise>' bad]-b 20 insstitutiosu about 2,O00 pupils, Allowing ,for t»ose aise aere tee eIslý whisn tisee ciaoIs-peved, sad (or tise Wise bave boots oducetes] ands sautono .ise <orlul, atil oeaits s a.itso thse whiole hniber alflN4e.i seseufart tee esascîl a ssuber te Bè rel'na$'t. -Bel tise pectnliar menit of tiebharty lu te hue esiti mates!, net marel>' b> quantit>',' but ise by qualitl'. .,UstiahlY'5 Lie 'visitatlsuasis e penalty for tise vioainof 1t eaomo atural laint Sucis Mtsthisttcrr~nrtàzetfcoasina s anssi a timce s:t Srallis u? s abois: 4)s5ssmsal aima'aflMiàtéd. Butil il& t o Wlsitby 3luorkots.. - - - ri u whsat . $1.20 eai145 Spriug....... ...... $1.5. a 1,12 Ilarioy. .<. . 5 a t06e. Peu sal......55e te 50e. ,pets. ierrow fat...1 00dit o-63<!. Ryn. a......45ets, Potetees ... 30cts. ia> ' ... .-.- ., 8.00 per tot, flotter........ .......ti4c. a 190 Appls..........40 a 510e Es~gs .. -12&c. Ciieenls.......30e per pairs Pork ............~ $7, a $7 .4e Tuilstyn .............. 0c. a 750. GOsese .. .. .,. .....40C. Dsiaks,........... !c Wood ..........$2.50 to -tg- gisrep skis>....... 50e te $1.25. 17RY IT. i.' ltIsii sor cisp i ls ficoeh or I towei* lhrric, 'ise...!rbi lclZt- îsiis, Nsi3i rei._ <' (r Nervos llrI:t5 i»tiui Ili.g'Mit7ieu II ijs..tisetlilsg, suld b1 saI1 dceslit eiise. A. ShiAIAIt. Il Tnaic Iliog Agenl A GOOD TH1LNC(- s)IlE'S Miglinie ic Otilinsrst ildeWorthi a trig) fi f'rl3ssresi ts, Pilee., ud Sore, lis- tl..îlîe1 or Sire Eyes., -ssil i.1t<st for 1111i pssr- 1OS(.-orseW114i11wiail oi (fit îo3it j,,t itret. IMPORTANT NOTICE. J Fyoii sre trsssiled ilwiis !iîit i e IsiS- iirisî e t Çlitlc:icei ut Lise itsit, sdcrl<s r s1'bii utioi is «Iclîr, iipe freîin,,iiir' lje~s et 010 M0011. si d.,iit siuts' sis! d st s boxs 1sf Lu <ps[ito Vc'gitsailiss Lifs,1l111», (Sisgs LOCKWOOI>, & Loq No. 904Brosdsivy, X~e'Vork. ks.s bic st Ole Nçs.v ',ri< stouk Ex- etli tii t ilslit. i li t htr i <i endiu ln i i liitsd mtî,si s ir c i ', . su ter rt iu iissw'siht' ii iti cilla ra: ýtsiitissts gi %,fn to-tise siccotiiti of Fo reliiz a dIîs 1tsl 1ry R111itfi aisît i:is ors. 3isos O! Glid News Or(lie UNF 01MINAEL re il Spf11e Pils, lire Wierranissl 1> sasîsir ithtie Speisiy unsd FsrssssitCure of stel[ seiais srsi. ftiin: s.assisi e si.s ri, re', it lt*tu Iiitiserestioli iYrsss'.s" (eiii.sî, lsssc i, rslNo'iiîs l)De- lire, 111, l witiiîtstciois. Elicis box esiitauii "l) silk, Priss i (ie lsI1aifl 3sssl.esiiiiot et tisess Oi cos srlg i~,"y will lie sint l'5y uiit snu srL-isecure. 0'oi ;c*ilit o<f t1mii iio5ie ; ands n rssisiLspt 0 3fljû;'c4 onitise errori <ir yfîsiti tich ssiojrcs s msidI rcîiiey, rmeit ;li c 4 'iis reqilircil fdr îst:ss. ti dttriosa it. J. Bi ,Ciistiiitr, i.'lsycrasn, - 0' .. Box ,A97. 441 Broislwsy, >?ew York. Tllessirm cun îlie siipplied l'y ]ensBsit et Co., 'Wtioliile ue iNcsw Vork. TO LA DIES., TF yssrs reluire a ralille rerssely L(o> cTpore I oii. usiDisHliiVE'S'riiii 'îls, n tiortiil(reisioly for thse reiiioo'iio lb 'irie. Thlire safei duis are n55(! <ciii ri-torse natuisre it lusery risse. 'ti re isl4 iss ul'si otiri il ii ssii sses. <if W 'ksss '.'Ilitii, lrd) l:pii.&ce. Sbt lit llxeis a ilssirl 11 6 ']s. I'rioo lise Dollair.: > , ,1 1 $cîaal'for Du, lIAlit'lY'8 l'riv.ito nuecitril ttcis t, cdress"ittit i fte fule.% , 100 pii£:Prei-- lugIsu istrlcisqs. .1 sisienti rqsiiist for 1seie fyou cepiînest prcisotise ji1lIssnt yorsr (iri('JliAti t%é' ovl ib lrt h>liq icul. lse- oie frosin cresrssii 055 rce i f()lie Diii- iii!rlns &Iwu'PIIO , Coxscousîs il'rs&- iC, l'itoiecle 'Ngen uss, Ncwv York. *20-iy TO CONSUYLPTIVE.ils r Z~iieî.r, i inciig ior~ce1ta T<cui oierrtiirýi t.ct Yioî, sssîJ tis-sst iie:111t, Cos s91Ussul-$ siies osik kiriwn i m t h îj(ibs s0rre ai mcuof 'runl lln dleift it e vs'iii 'issfn Cey sof th iseritloi issceulf (froe cf i~WIt- thse diir.stip tss tor.pvfpruut, iansît i5itihýIb maille, whlti thtqywil Juiil aittigsesiits (tir, C8til lesO AW5sko3tttfut55t ososi tieirrriptioim tcr ~eglýt5" tîteaflictesl, usud it iiiilj ie lio-pcsuypery sù ilbrer y-wIli tsy lsic emcdsiuy,- -ilvis l 011 ost tirets totlhit y and inssy provo Lbliesg. - - Partiot winsiine the pre.uofipetlou ý'n£,b retord rui, ill lEtIss Isires..w 1tuv. ED WUAý -A. N1L-ON, M.y WiiiInlbrgJs, Kilige Gisi. Ncw York. E RRO1t O YUTR7 l celîrtrit, shah be thoress;~iy dean, tiçc6r4. ing to tise provision of -the~ folIcsvisg, y iaw, pcslod Is tie Corporationa of, 4h Tow.n of Wisîtby. on tise tents diay of April, 18,60. nds]Ifitrthor gire notire, tisat Aleaner rigi. o (iaTown oÏ*~slùt by, lias bee-n appointes] Ilealtth Offlcor, for tise said Totn, cua n Wpirsuanco cf ald By*lcw(v I order sais] leaitis officer tâ f*-. etec t once, to hei-y uait impâsitie.'remby. cid, and] (urtiser that 'sii premsises, be tho.- rougisiy cicanses], ccorsiing to tise provi. pions o(.aid By.iaw.- B Y-L AW N O. 12 9. (PaseullOtis April, 1860.) Ille mliîeijuelity of m/ea7Tiueue of - J'/utly, cand afainsitise preceliute /4st5osîor iluicctiotu disecco, Tise Conîncil cf tlise Corporationortif is TowncofetWisitby, eneets ast folioes: ÉuiLTs'.-th.uL persons csvting premises <titîsisitise limits efthLis corporautioni, upon whlich,er ais' strcet irntsedlateiy --- bordcring upets vîili an>' pool or waîter it noms';tndingî or. isereaftot shail bc forrusesî, né staend, slssuli forth. téitît cause tise saine te isu etiectuauly <iruissed indsilfleti îp, seàes te promint lise mater tlienelb. stsg-natinig or bc celuing-ýuan'IseiesomQ. Sisco-eru.-'rltii usitiith ie iniils ot--tihi crporaition, . ail* pensons fcsiîdeht tlitseiii,-esinin"' or . ecctpyisg presni. ses upen ovliclitlcre"uow 1W, or lie. etter shallIsc amy negetalie or animnal n'ntcr, in a t le oe t dcnmporitien -ce r, utretact-ous, sissîlflmoitis causse sesch is itter te bce reeseoîltlorestress a ia tise j.aee or placês tism mviili tise sa'ine bssy, ta bc- purifies] iiti Tstise-Tssu niliinthsiussrprttibfi, tis osviscrsi or ocrluiers et ait promisem, (spot nisLicis lr'ups of ixuanune or tutu arc <leposlteci or'- cllectes], asjoining o-- tins rte amy iscis arstable, or'eut'bonuse-sialt fnetiseitise same- Le-subs isice.to -.bttsln tise siil cisrpàu-. ration, a eusicInspecter ina>' direct. liouitrru.-TrILit îstswdergrotintl cpnrl. m -ctsor ceIl:i.-satce] beienginsg Le, or uses] (jiLli n>'y 'e igousse or buildinig. <itiits sais i Iusits, shalt - but fortisoittis thoroîîglsly ceanses] draines]' ens] entiintccl, ans] l<ipt sa; -cices]d, diincs]ans] ventilatoti, nut lise nallie ilseroof, ss'htc-wesbcld<idt ýqstîck'ilime,- or somne eqstnlly tis;eful disbsstectasst,aise!qri ck-liine spresaî -upos tise fîo? tîsereof, as tise sats In- specter mss>'freti ijnsue ttiui cdirect. Fzs'rs.-Tit ne ri,-or usine, shah hisb' kept sjtilsin oea isindseIh yards frein n>sn'elig.sithin tise lisibitu of tise sati corporattion. Sl'-t-TiiLtt ic slausflt-tr housse, or plac6 fertis raisuitenngof inimis shahi bc msintsined or ieep,witi one huso. dre4 arA ttfty )yards (nrom an>' chmehi- ng itsnthce'iimites of tise suiid cor. portfin, andsi hat ne person shuiui oitiain stuos limiislaugister sor draus --for tood,]; a'nuimral, or depoàsit initia. in-sueh is lbitsabey bloos! or o14su. ,Sp-s'axTi-Tit ail cespecisq, dretisi, And- entast lIront-. -VisaI--q on tis a nlSu tebiclh Iorsts 'l rUsuet's e :Ins3 -theci si wicro UV uric t;îàti va.- - -- - , .- -- . t

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