Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1866, p. 4

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Inn -~ ~ F la gueaîy onu the 1 itcruase in ,tbe Cliunse esSq. Ou tbe 201h of Jannaary an Ameni- eau sehoopern the Aima, w-es attactred by Itirem i pratical junka. $ho dtdutticd but. self galIaetîy for seme limo, <bing consi- I derabe execution 'vili lier guns , butthaie wis at at buardeu-tob capîsun, mate, -astid part af the cnew aaving tutnseives lny thse Raat, -TWOorantbu-u ays previously thne Freneh ]li,,Jeutite et JOs5epb'vas couarcd. luinu juatets, pnsmiug an their proviens inopoaty, euîted Iioug lKeng barber on mie niglut au'fte 2>ti f Jane- ai-y, boardund a Qermn Illieo nsastedl aeboonien, Albert Jures, amud mande fiisotuers af tino craw. îot on tbme maté diseharging bis&nrevover aitte p[unatns, the crew look sdvtrtusaocf tRhe dîserder te liberaItisonse- noises aud droveo tinmabock irto thoir boats. Titis eccurrrd eab P. ', in the ceatre of tise bron, net eighî isendred yards fri-Dm bore tva Bnstisfn gesboats lay. Itibbariem mtli continue te take place diiy. Ganjgs of roinhers pravi about tise taverne asud issîcinfor dreken malices and susîdieru, hal iuudor Iluemi, sud thon rolb ExcoJIaî"vt-AT op o Det. Caa.- ACCOIrdung teacscounus by theo Cape Imail, th ceie ou' excommutnication ci Dm. Coleuâo 1usd eetsu-ad in tiho eatindral at Pieiortuasnîyburg, onu .haury 7ih, and lu Ib teinoçue the Dean andtihtino By. Mi-. itobtrtsas, appoare in atise cihancel before uhe bniop entered, sud deuîred-aiI chris. fians la dOpai-b Ne otce. was tuta pn f tbis, andite bisbap catioued te coniduiet lhme serviceis lut the cathedral, and the at- tendance wua as musal. Thno blsiop base reoe4ty baptizedreé chiîe, but tise Dean voutd n tallow of au eaury being made in thme reginler, Thie Supremo Court 1usd decided tRut tihe rogister "as privats pro. perîy. The Londanu Arsà and .Sie RWtw nays575 :-5W. e e abe te mitate thsaï,thse uecesmor 1of-Dr. Coinso-vbo wus excomn*unicaied on January 7tu-mn Ibo llisinapsie of Natal, bas beena seleoteti> and iiU pedily bo cusecralett.Ail the Xngi1âh preistes, vo ares (aniser tald, have agreed ta reeogntue the -uew bishop ses oc capant oftheRiosee..W. hope -thalt tisin tu,;bt we confon. bitset much brchouau- siIp vîti surprise us lit soee mamýubers of lise Eplossaai eurch. The .uffalo sîreot railqray coimpany -le banupt, and i s property i. l inelbsads of a tîciver. It le statesi tiat the stock 14 entirely vipesi out, ad tinat tier. la ua sufficie property loft to psy lime baud. boRdes ftltycent s ntthe tdollar. ONTARIO ILOTEL WVIITI3Y. CDAWES - - - - PPR REIOIL<i tinulàtu h tllu re..Iuurtnuitai or tuîouusata mptîunnnius suuilituîg untulliod-noutt, watud ne.adv oetiurs i >s vnl ina jI.L VICTORIA UoIJ$E, tiC 7in s unTue, wiurnav. JOHIN ffUlýl.ILL ... .. .'rolirttr. f ricuinîs tltutt lue tut muîw ourru'ttig on thne nîbove llnu: tl- un I ui lnmilleuîlien sa tuubînt ftue uuumt <u' n luin-nannrnnchirutinm ndl riofnî-uub- niuits. A wail u.nuîuîuied tb G.(uit ituuiiug til citilunutd1yurd. JOIIN SP 11 IL. wluttly< COut. 4. Iv134. 38 W..11. & C. S. (JADDY,% Th'e Iartint;b Ritty 1Il1<1 îrm etitu oy lIliait., i3t ii sluoti vresio ryou drrery 'TiyVu eiu 1id I1. V41 uly îiîist; he (ry11 -Y 1a1) Amidmulîuhu tymîaliý it tl#r, pall iid ruWIl duwil FarewelltVil try -,lîruu 1tý ev1 'u avt- Atifl tiiu*tru i<niy if 1t41-ili'u's ..1iîsîîgc-- ýAlutst tWu iIîlay (.0111uwitIhil (euvieali Leu anud bis uluîv4euu. XIt las frequently beemi rouuresvmatmd by the admirera of Robert 11. Lou, that al- thomzgh a sLatvebolder, tus treatmmreut of bis cbattels was imvuriably bernalie. 'liii sub. joined<tsta-teinet t xpluins lseif. 4-ynainle is W* àley Nurris ; 1 was lnurn a Mste o it the plnaiouunrtonn U'. W. Custunu. &fîunr the deaih #4f Mr. Ctitis, <Ctt. Lee, Lexecultur outthe stnula1 assurned control or' the blavesa, in smutitber about 70 ;it %vos the impression aîuong, the shuvea of' Mr. Cuitis, thut on bis deauh tîhey shnuuld be f.rce , in fact ibis statewnŽnt hldbrou tuxde to theun 'hy bMr. C uisbetiroent h dmalu s' wore limformed hy (o ie ue tiat by the condiiomns ofu i uit lotatreoaiio slaves for ivu yeisrs. 1 remahi.ed about 17T asonîlis, wh.'r. ny Êsîser Mary, arcugJUll> and I1meterinine u to run suway, atriciliwu- did i 185G. Ve huit alrtady yrelieled Wintchester, elicti-wo wero apprm.boauded and îhra)wrlil, prison aînd (ion. Lue iotiinid ut Daur errenit; wý xeinrnmînd in pron 15 days,wben 'vo were sen uel; to ArIiugi. We were iunmedititely taktn bufore G(l)n. le.e ho demtrnaded ihe reasen wliy 'v rail ia way î WC frainkltoiIud bile lunt w'volusid. tred aurselves free bulihe n bi l od us lie would teacli us a lesson whicb 'vusnevor would furget j bo îbeu ordered us to ther barn)wlbere,iu bis pe w:u u', vo're irmly lied tu a paît by a Mr. McG 'ini, aur over. 1%eer,wbho was crdemedl'y (Ger. tub le Iruutu us tel the waits aud gin-e us r>o Iasl*t;, ex- cempt my ister wbu reeived i ut 20, NV were accurdîngly surippeci le tbe skia by- thi avereeef, iWho, huwoven, lad-uWcieijt hurtnity to du-ine wippiug usq. Accord. ingly e country Constable wag culled in and rzave usthbe umrber of Iashnns orderud.- Goa. Le. sourd by, frequîenîly enjoining WVilliamus ta "laY il on wellI"aui njutieiôtu ho did net failtet heurt. Not satitsficd witb lacerating aur natued tkesb, Oea. hec then ordered- theo onereer to tborcu><bly wasb Dur bocks witb brille. After tht, rny Cousin and mymoîf were sent lu ILaover Court-lbause jail, tny lister bcing sent te Iiielimoad, Iea t eny lime briug et Ieasî a duzilu ituesses, Uoîb white rand block, te substantiate Mny aliteents, 1 am et preseut employed by the govertimeut ssnd arsaet work ini tbe Nationat Cemtueery on. Arlitigien lligtts, whero 1 eau be famiod bY' tbuce req-uiring fonir pu licularti. My sister referre d tu ma ut prement cmploy cd hby tbe French :inister ut Wzbiugton, and WiIICoutirtu au sttement.te (SLDDLEjI HARNES8, -WAREH0US*E 13ROCK RSTREET WHITBY :~Photographia Galery, rri f.11<ruîier ir ni> i<v ( Galery wmiul.l lu> buruuil-rI thelIn'lieu itilli 1t)uiu' lIas ta co p u w i lu Jr- nec1>0 - uîd lin s lrotared tu Wte i<v t-rce, vinhen iu PHOTOGRAPHS, ÂMBRMT- PES MELAINOTYPES, Or amy ctîntr unil, i f the îlyutie Art. e',e'Jc-sLue Iuan eis auet tr dnyit4 111- I:uusj;st lad<led e new stoetou ALrTSTrS' MATERIALS. G(k 0 115q -il %zrn n a cal , st u e Ill voile !Cu 3 uire1cm Etnutu 'o acuun il.l ULTr ot GuEÂNst;. C-V Ais early cati lu solieltod y W. il. DO1XIALL Wuitby, Muu-y 23, t205 Sheriff fiSale 4 adif Couinai- aOntaie, N BATURDKY, tise - To WIttrs f0 Secondday cf inn A P. 1506,ai twoive o'eloekç Doon, will bo sola .Y P'aSiOle &nton, g Musy Office#, iluthe Court floub., b tIse -Ton ofauWhltby l in o -Coanhy-sf Ontarlo, ail tle nltint, titis ançà Inter. est, Wh" eti unndernentiouied defoudanntâ Iseverali posiof ns uth ulet nemnui-mloned lsands W 5uu bnenuunuxtu tlie rototi suzd by mu nueor Agsd isy vîntuts cf etrrtmiuWritu e e Vtodlan, viz, STEIPIIEN M. THIOMAS, Juellidecot.xei, nt lte t!t deaRlàutntho laisu st %WinnBolislr Arnter ofau itanl tiigîtti- tin oI and ored]itýs wbtI erus fjamesi$i cd, uttt nt icitia üof is tiutth -Who -l11 tU-, bo bu adxuiuitored, PXaIp*iD,- m 1 New Arrivais at HAVJILTQN & Co's. N ew 1)regs Goods, Newv irits, New Grey Cottons, NEW New Tweeds, New Caissimeres, New Coatiugs, CA RPEiTrS, i.& Co. wiIl offer for this week only, the reinainder.of their 1?irter Stock, &u IITN 111. IL COCHRALNE~S. i-i lIE ndv-antages ofered by tiis Tnstitutian far ncquiring Pe TIOM~iI 1 RAdtI- ABU.iSINESS EDU<JxrIoN are suJiarior te any Commercial ColtoeainaBri- tishi America. The Blranchtes tan-ht comprise evemything nccessary for the Book Keep- er and Business Ma;tbey tact eî, THIZ ACTUAL BSZNESARHT]PRNT ~A~LI Is tht eON(cetip loe arrangement of ils kind, being furnished with twa BANICS, a A "o C O ST FO R C SH MERCHANIOS EMPORWl, uand an EXCIIANGE OFFICE, Whichsareopen ovory day for Vie. transaction et Business. AT NO. 1 'Whitby. Mardi 7, 1866. &2TILL'S BLOCK. 9-ly1 A RESH VEIN., HATCH #cBROTHER, U-ave juit recoived FIF TY I3ARRELS of ftue BEST WHITE! COAL OIL, direct froua tte rcfluuury ai Oul Spnings, wlîich tlîoy oSur- WIIOLE$ALE AT LESS TItAN TORONTO 1'RICBS. Retail at 4,0 cents per gallon, Warranied lite BEST or the money refunJd& tlatch and Brother having tried varions Refineries in thec Wes$ have la(id inithe prosent stock f rom a cotnvie-tim-it wil[ bc lounîl the best ar- ticle iii the market. Ordure by muail prouaptly att;uded to. STOVES of ail kînds at reduceci prices. Ilardware, l>aint, OUaGlas, ATCII & IIROTIIERS, ,&%*rNYHARDWARE STORE, te NO. 4, I3ROCK, STREET,, WHITJ3Y. .Farm Produce taken in czctane. SWhitby, Marais 7, 1866i 9.iy1 ýW:Ould 'direct th-eateio of cash buyers to their stock, being decidedly the largest ini the counity, and ver complete in. every departtwuit, 'IN- :PRICES W1UEY AS THEY BUY FO CÂSII AND IMPOUIVJDIRECT. 'Xpecial attenhioni of the Ladies is directed to their Dress Good1a, Shawls, Mantles- Pur% is, 'anud Caps, and of Gentlçmen to their Cloths, In, lhe -Grocery departmient ceived a Fresh SuppIy of Teas, Sugars, F ringi, Crockery, -9lassware,&t,&o -Vitiby, Decober, 20- 1865. GREAT-,'*CLEARI:N ffl Classes ii' TELEGRAPING every, day-iPHONO- GRAPHY, semi-weekly. l te For Marthly VtIRCItLÂnt, spocimnocf WruiTina, &c., admress (enciosiag stamp), MJJSGROYE &W-RIGIIT,% 24 TORONTO, 0. W. CIEAP FÀLL & WINT ER GO-ODS AT BROOKL1N. Mathewson, .Ratel.iffe &Co. Have just received their Frilf Stock of Fal and Winter Goods, which having been purchased before the late adv<ance, they are prepared to offer at UNPRECV«EDENTEDLY LOW PRICES. Famnily Groceries, a large-stock of Boots and- Shos-superior quality and cheup. oLOTHINO ,READY-MADE, and made to order On theshortest notice, ini the Latest'Styles. 7rweed-ý-, Satinets, FplannelS, Unions, &c., of our ownl Manufacture, SOLD RETAIL, AT WliOLESALE PRICES> AnlSI,~AOIF co 13,cooklJni;iOt, 4, 186ôý3 Fire ~'ire? SC--«I--Ç-- R-as re-opened the Carrnage ocoupiedby' DONOTVAN -WALKEY & 0, ôf his latoPFactory, and opposite the Town -ý 14 préard t Wbb, ApiU41,- Fire JEWE LLE1IY8. Reliable Goods ATr GIIEATLI 1PIEDIJCEO ritiCEs.i-ALO0 IVATCIIES VEIRY 11WS JAMES JOHNSTON, Waicb Maker & Jeweiior, limack St., whttby. Iobnuery 4tit,1810. Farm -for Sale A ParoI, eonsisilisg of 58u neum more or osbcing ln u, blc un oesiosfteto Township'of Reach,ý Attd aump Lot <nain lite tbriving r ILL.AGE OF ~bANi1ifCI-Fit. utfer for Salte. lthere is a itnoed twoi Stonoy Blilel Ilomi, traiua iuru,' Driving Sitet tand Stititos, aunlte puemuiqos, anud lu weiî wutred. IThe baud lmmsrder geeti enltivuulioat, thoraughIy nndor-driied, ntd us aune ofth etit tatduuutrabtInre.u-dldo»ns ritho Canuty af 0tinrta. ,AdyrdieatIvnute hoa ele (if by lutteir, pro--- * routiltutr, Epsom,. Or ta, JAMES LAMON,. solicitor, u&o., Wîiitby. tHOMA%& OOULTHRW"S Steel .telyl Y BE P AV( h av e- 4 ih, JBer- Il liue Court et Col IChartes iermry Davidsen 01don, Iinun ~ulumid' re-ry demeripîtiunuof 'ý Saddlos, Httrnoss, Colare, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e., &c., IItt(>CIL SlU'REET, III1TBY, I h ouîîrii uiru'rit-ntuîs.and flue 1nnblicu, t uin0 y ti1.--o ul>- nunn u l mu il)ti hue ee u-iu:etluuin Otrio lutot, lîroelc -tnirb. 'vwinru iluuy uVIM f l I luettl]ti tlun %trepareid t-) i-iinntr ail irdunv Iet>iit uwîîie-luttnuy smsy bc ininrej "Y th ,lfti ;rn>tltulr', anu latu PPi,yens- r îanr -etîx wuunic of tihe i-eSt înamnnutueture ai'.tl t0exuueuite uil urursi taueihont-. poliiticob FIITIN IJAS IRMOVEI) lis Law 0t11Iýe ta Oniaticd Citanutr One fluer South of lbhé - Wbftby, Jain. 29, 1802. Lum ber! feoo( of Oau uk, andl 5,0010 foeof Ast! 5 13 0 and Eltun, sud touy quatIlty u1 Splokeks, 'vunted Iny thio lndctrsigttod, tincex- otuuuuguO fot eOrk, At luis arrituge Sîîop. - SAMIUEIj .A4Elý WhVitiby, Jtay. il, 1 sed. or. P. ÉE.LAN, CARRIMIE, St(IN &ORAk'Li PAINTlrE R Cr ýW rk Shop nt N. Ruu's Citrriage Fsof tory', 1eoppot the Mueuaies' Ittistitte, Dyr&ua 8tue, Wlttitby. Wlilttny, Augoîit 10, 1868. 84-t BROW & PATTERSONS' Agipultira1 Norkist AiT IE OLD WIIIT13Y FO-CNDRY, IM-tnnfsetarers sud deulers insal] inds eof AORIQULTUL L IPLF.MENTB, IWIIÈCE WILL BE kOCSrmm - Comlined Reap.rqand md ow.ra, - Ponrdi'tferout kînda eor Two-horse Wheel Oultivatoïg STtRAW AND-FIiED CUTTERS> 1 1 FRAC1$KELLER5 Represents the followiiig well-kuoWn Oompanies THE LIVTEttPOOLi ANO 'LONf0N, A.ND) GL0ýBE, *JAPITAL 010,O0",OOO. THE tEDJNBURGII LIFE, AND LOAN ASSURANCE 00.1 tAPITAL ë500"00. QtEE1,NlSIJRANCE Co., (LONDON EN GLAND]. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE Co., (Olë 0eAgÀAtA) PIRE AND MAI IM&J' BRITISIT AM1ËRICA ASSURANCE; Co.j"(0F T0Rî0N0)--- - PIRE AND MARINE.* WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY [dv' ENGLAND.] ACOIDENTAL ]JEA.TIIINSURANÇTE OCo., [ENGDAND,] ALSO AGENT VRo TIIE PRoviNCIrAL PI!IMM4EIŽ4T UtYILDING & SAVINGS 'SOCIETY, [toront-o] SAil classes of propoerty 1nstired on reasonabie teris. Aloo, M1oncy Loancd on Reai estaLt. I>rospcctuses and fuil information gived trciy ont application. AJsonzgent-for Provincial Tclograpb Compalny. FRANCIE KELLER, -Postzflaster, Oshawa C. ýW6

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