Riontox ILL ?IWUITBY OHRONICLE- 'tDtitt SO Znl XORW *2 o tu t b H USiiiE, ai BË«k StreetIIGGJN tiKms Si50 PER, A&NIUN. .&DVERTISEMFNTs i -À retaiirut resutdiiNonluatr. é.10,ailuetrrrgad attiratIo uitl eltr e,1tstretilound ioudlaitsie.r aicir ebqtrentl I ae rtiou., 8W à eô ettraet, urndo wltia abdvertitorrahy %hi yar or Ubuwre - id tIr ta li.ôuttluue udvartlacaurrntaanig 39ANK OP NONTREAL,' W. R. DEAN, 3Manageri. ,CrMEROX & MIACDONELL, thr e ti r rnurutirrn oi Un. i'îlllyl Il' Onitario, atrrie, &c., &e., Wirîlttti>', t". W- Výql11v), il. 0. Il, i. MAI-liosiu t- t! i.lov tolurun tupiri t ij - irit .Ap- ~Ys~~t.n~ilIlee ut traifin , irirrit Il11ii'î- 0 !, N tUIiO 11 1S0N.- J.A. A 0<i1 T C21),ItAF., r. 28i Ç OU'<T~~~ (ilaO i 'allNE ralO I - Wlth caîni PrintedI woraiî, <refit tkiougkto and uni!ti44atT, VOL X. WIIBY, C. W." TII«U-ýR, MR. C. A. JONES flarrîster, Seliciaonlu Chaince tcreey, &c.o, &c. SOFFIaE-Noit daur ta the 001eor, %Wlitby. ttAtm i luîlty (LATE 'LATT'Sr) XELS ONV 81 REE7' TOR, OX2 ô Aboie Ku± trt T yiii tirrirluei4ii aitdiuirrl to tînnmt lat l tri> î rrairniîîamuul iii'- tiiail rd otfai tiil 0Coranim a i, 1 bultI intl, thîr t lie litii,,um î.ic 'ITr.Latt IlntnIrth e iii Iticl igr kilt l>lb ai rafil fil litin il) thai rinai, to ro-ira0 r-riilrt lui th m ilotî îviui aur ) p ticiîri iilriuî,.lice ui liLe îîîeru o rti eiii-iwhi i'iiiitri i "i'. Brooklin Drug Store,. D ALIZ Iliii hirnani Pateti ii lcclîluliai tri, rite Iý )O:ti's flcrse 4- Caile .,Ifedict*ne- i rflaxys on feaurd tir riri, i '-., i'-~~ii2à IIItre0t, i vithuI Su t -1-,__v__ - USUCE I AITNT., COMMERCIAL HOTEL. n rYi t d0 a t ii l r l u' B> ir . r t le CO LI I i.l iiIitl mliii ru iniiintl:rua - lui brun mur I~O ER .. u1Ii~JN ir. n.ii rrva.riîili rt.i nirinrrlwruîn S. x. il vur lxie ii lri i'ait S.I. .IATtV t, t"li grillrT l'lui&-lî>VN 6>N'1 n IJOTEL .Tcroîîu. O tinin -r~u 1 ga'rifi ofnu tue ci S.rB. F SItIIN, K\, ; 1' T ,uîîra 1\,lini rn Otx t0 Lrrwa, t m W . 1onînîinuv. l'n.ti.14,tif..49 À ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l litlî tv irL k1 nntlntzu1-1 an, Bunir t~. . nu~ ~ TCrumn l!trer , Voruatu. 'l r TTalRE~'~~I.r~., lI o 'u it N X BIIl )Gým E ilil UE oftt rt"t i flrun. inn tIr rC' W t . 4(4 I 'yIIli.i' 'iii-.n Iuii0rUig li i-nbia oa I.4 L lr, r N-r 'r A71 IT " ZCT.,î Jo b TO ut. ir niiu I SAAClii~n iri'ii î ~r n ti'1y Tf1- Tv. ,ne i u.urn iir'i'- ri*irui r' r -nir-r. riri b i.-in,'f nrwi JUil N IIlLLIN(tS T- &WCtttNnilliVi & uNS YLt-IiIN(b a>51-uu,, lin un-i riiit~ril.. tiVii itir'tl ai mi'tirt~ il. Va~ruiaau'tu intrirar. auJ ('tilla uN litVIE C.UT AL y atAttrOLii trli re i Wlîbir4 R.F. l AIl , 3tg T. TUîWaet ià d'u 'i n Ute (IUstle 1.d Brwbent. iritbrî .4 -~. RINr F. LAMIIEITT. T ATi uî IR.t.i Et-lîtrSt. Uoavw tlricrtnui îi ix t ri-iuee OtIrai lut t it of É Strouiuialib r u1 .45 A. PVN viIINGL(ýýrE, .WO CA AsiglChtniNTTAIlO1<un10110CR S :uTREET GERG Wtniêhy. i. OW L ICIîK iellrhtDraer &-cl, SXIngIT.O 4> ARiT~lno S. Mnti lJu ien gouruit, fonri Erin c c.'- Tn ry arti l erut Wrrritiý. No ib AUOiNCIAL TE> iJAKEll'CO ONC TN*Wl1Tlh ALI.TUF. l'IINCI- nIt pCltitbiwaid'«V-wai ri atidai, aindthetir )mvaic iruhuaWithy, 2 donrt Sotith of ther itugatry tllei3rouit rOitret. I.Iy T. 1nos$, j4eE lEUCTIIiNEII. Addreuai- &htIS ,Drapeira aiiîd (eneral Cloîh- -~ ~.L.daisau1 ()utttearai. ,ir, Uùtheaaîagiaîl icarrruutimriade up 9nuthe lterteft iiotice or theliuît njairlty niatria1 in ,AU work .nrde atP un tire premiae5. Sinag [hi turtaîluon*tüuf exottll eat quaulîty,, andl - 'VARS & PETERSONi Sp RAI4 fICAL hI)utît,,Oià isrs. ile ther[es oilo.-Eutromeo on t' se. tretirr100 l orétlî ofithe Ontdnlo arTl'UNglY AT LAWI S($LlciTcatNi Chanto, q & o.,fie., Jtauteveri to OiSoOn nat door te O06t00 of Mr. "Clrw ce otIir iCourt., 0" Opuii *aa.Io? TUlE SiWENrti DIVISION iJ'olat of tfs 0lit fOtrouvey EASýTIVINI)SOR IIOUS,IWIIITIIY,l nu~rdpr il tia i towu, on ltue foriira iafi 4eid ri.rianmsiauie fotr traîorea. (louai .4t4l)liniz anc uattetiveiertraQ22 VICTORIA IIIITEL. ratIranr ALBERT. W timA %i st'<T, titi i'tTt ilI -ratr Winî. B tluai-atluai) 27 '"T&E ROBSON HOUSE, (LATE URiPTUII'8rIOTEL,) , DUNDAS STRIEET, WflITflY, C. W. GEOUG E IZWIISON, Propriotor. T ITE alinhierlbrir liietri oaunouflcritieh lias luaaod ie, t building fornierly kuow sas Sr-turo'ra Hotol, wblr Lt ai burn renovated, raiuriaiod aîd ltadup throqlîon t, lu tho beit of>ityle. Vie e rcurorra i auatly ait- tri ot the, Towai. Vie ultnilway i>rnrîlbîis ait the ntei, anti tlie otagem ofir Ux!>rittgo aind Bocaverti leuve the dour evcry iiioriîîg. Ilourd SI pet day. GEORGE ROBSON. 11rreullnirtlrs laiainattendano. Wiritbylbiay 188. S G. C. CALDWELL VE'rERINARY SURGEON, B (1 itSinut ret;prclflîllv -tn llutiniato to thei I"Iuriîry, that bie liras commencell pritrtir iu tie ah ivo lie, ne lie hopes liy mritt attcn- -~il tontr isol n erit a sh&ro of public (i >r' 4tîar errt. rrcond iourre balar ingrlirr' i lîriel, Millrn.8 New Store A&T 1IMAN CII ES TLýR,- f10 SELL OR RNY S lTUATED iiriodailely in tirai VUlave itIrat kjtwirrt nyr frltiîct);ililig 4(-,2ï ajl air at proent iexiid by Mr. Atrw i.rn siiring, ilivrrcrît. l..ahrjr15ilr cobr Frteirn e&., tl)iiY tri, WI RA TEFL, IL r.Cpitor, M. i O. rror C.iAl)1IAN LICENTIATF.. 1-i tL". . I c. Fur ailld ldl 1i Priiii~ 1.B-Vl opeartc ifor Ctturrrt l ; riri- Co,CiliRA.NE,& COCHIRANE.. S Il. (rîaauiLL. IB, 1 W. M. Courr.A-ur. <Jtiurity i rowîî Au.nrley.1 Poiri tîr rr citar, 1j5. 51 gliLL*ts erIi. & . pfnd IiVrC ar.,CLCrt Ti iIrtl' iWan*ti t« bmo fin 04al~1Q aoteutlDo- tire.40 TUE WORKMAN HO1USE. BEAVEIITOn, C. W. ALEX. UAMILTO0N, CAS Il FOR IILDES AT TlI F Stone Tannéry, Port Whitby NorthiaDbtih aimd Mercuantilenti. ffýv m " plie, & Lifo Insurance Com'y. W fi-itby, Sepft. 7_1$62. 51 AL 1310 H C) T E I:. D 0rrOÂAs *tauiaor, oMaTaiT. JAMLS BA TIi1E DON BRiEWERY. r 11F. tiriiirlier iii notir ircpiiaiiriltri arr1 Lth ira rntrria fib4alion Bli.y wili r nu eXtrlluait rarticle, îtir Snelli qîriurur b is iîi u>tri riequirrd, iandriunrturuill to rrriniri Toronito, Sppt., 19. 1863. 87 MONEY TO LOAN M IONEY to e. ordtaMarigage tlruciriy ut a iIMudoraM irît(io) i itoerrrt. (' rri;te finrdri.) Aîîîry tu .,AMIi$K. GriODON. , dirrlniturr1-V tby. O(0ADANM(lOllDtlif, Mureltilit, lMrrrclicitt. Wbhittly, Mrà y 14, 1865. 1 Aécountant, Land and Genral Agent, hetOtilco iuPter etrect, cut dbor uurth et r.aavoula Drag :Store wild Anud lunprrwuîd Prtinluthe couarties or (>ntainlo and ianioo bor iuo. N, É. lultiins attiddti faîd prompt reinittanucoa male. Ildt. .i o1(iuii .1 ,lion. .ua sinîlpiun, Mi, L. <., lion. (trurgi tlrrrvfor.i, M. L, 0;,1M. 0a Caimeron, Erg., (. C., M, . .,~ 41agna Mêrtrimi Eq, M. jYP., M. l)nÀfobd, 1!riq., M. FP. 1. . M lCuakeyEêq.,M. P pi, John Ilom 1'crty, Eoq., WîItty; aîd edi: tuor ParrIe Eariir, Canrrdlaai l, 4L>idf4a7 andl Whltby (Irwiiol2. 7TT GLOBE HOTFxL jol tahint l dreaiy to Attil ea nly thd *"itgofhIle gltesta, &a.1, The ra pteuiiuaail sbaiau n4 oeuprttatbly ffit.4 rp; paisitodi papavpl, " vlthoialaru'à of softwiÃŽtr t arl sshw-naueve- mrodern 1mpovrnait iu etake 1h. TrsJlii 4 hoteisdarlurgli% tsaAY,pud tIlible bqstltéYi Xêtet1~o F9ar1DOT5and Ot!tp liOWt2>t STQNB STOREki o rt W hittiy, G31t. 28. 18U8. Estate of the lato CMARILES X0BERTS; A LL Iperxtm aushvinq doai wgainait lhre sald extatii, are rqreuited tri pr"erot tir arme lu the nrrd(cr.irrned' iortiiwitt. for asritiraant. Anîd ail i;erocicnbrdeliete theira»naid eaget, arà etiaated Luernatke immrediato pavancat.t W4ithy, 5 thi Marcha,1864.12 josEPII RUEBOTTtIb4,Prtprieor. r 1Eabove 11010u, aiturated at Port Wlitbyb r '. fatoed aipin tlrit.claiia styletfur thaeane- boinnibdation of taotb viitura anal hourdera. Glcut Stabiiig andi attorîtlre hoatîer. il THOMÀS TOTTERtD4LEi Ërprietcr. T T1118Iutail ba*rIrasbeau thôonglily toe-ý rait, lits table enuitbar awwr0ai upplieot with the bes- out. ( onuaodarton far prl. vnte boirderAansd gueula. HEAD'S HOrEL, FOR SALF,~ RiE abo4a w-al ilxowai o14 ostahllal Tte,ilà opn tô nbld M prvitrWC Ditchers Wauited. tbhe soaiss'a tipenir, aio aatr e n A"tire woZk to bai donc, theirai utber willl let by contraAe about Soo rada of draina te bc ont on fils firm, and Lb. #,mipg of about 400 cedair puIts. PIItbbers u Ceýracnjc who-crn p rforru the iwork lu a -rartirfactory ariner Un only apply. Wzçj. GORDON. Bay 8 Io, Wiritby, April mdn', 186à . 81n-18 Farmgu-a for Sale 'Or to Lot,< *ithin a iâile of BEÂVERTON.. AM ~iPNIPM l ICHANCE. S IACHËS;QJ50w-res cloirpl,) laouie piid V 1ii trinisiirrofl'tLu aPort lt-pe, Linday unXd nryciItoin Railtis ai. NO MONEY( RE)UIRED For tîr ia taarita* inirrttof mut, ~lfi~rm o lt, lubuaixou o n imaprovc- Would boc xcliangod for iiblo ViII.go property lun Orlriwa. Ajrply to, *CRLE, goî;C.. uiC. iiTgt'RU O1 y~. xREuft,E1(if by latter îîrdpali1.) ICIEAPSTOVES z2C Hotel Uooking Stovés. Âgrieultural Furnaces that wMl pay for themuelvos ini one Eavetroughs Put up with iron hoki-fasts. 4:> Ne-v linings put in aid ovous. Repairtng promptly attend- cd te. SAil kinds produce taken in exchange at the OLD STAND. WMl. BRYAN. Il Brook et. Wbitliy. MILLINERY! I Fsgt»t tbega to anetnà e lu tIa L. dws dbri Oghnrwg 613d viobîiy, t Ait aira ra nsw lu rrIplt cf ber $pring$tcckofell u.ry, tlrsnhua fur t nattria. April 10,oh, IG.1 Ohanleery Sale IN CUANCERY I Nizuirae of a Doeree sudrinliorlar feir paleuade lua ri auu tcari-e cf PATERSON VS. DARLING$ ~uv oudig lutiis iIruluratita( udt xi<qlire t tWc.odratoek, wilbe suid Levi Faerauiko, Esq., Jr., i I laatlu the. TOWN 0f' WI!ITI3Yt, Thurodqy, lOth 6f Ar,1666, AT 12 O'CLOK Og «ON., 'lh. follovlug virluarblèIe opiwt>,lu tirs ala TOWN 0F WIIIIBI, Bengermuaor part o o iniboi ieai, là tIrai ec*unrd dubre rargi cf o* *keetOF Brod Steet cuurnael st théi Noatht ee abuâglu cfTovn Lot uuubarsïu,vot, 8 aivai'cd taiî laid out by Jolin giber, ail: bS, on Lut iurmber twat y.aieraîî, lii theuelrait loairex6iou Ot tire Townshi1p ofWhiY I tieaioe eaanhry slring Clborne Stret, 47 IbOt 9 Inclues: tlieno raurt irny u a i tVam[Jlcl lu theit.tpemn bhuiadwry ofsmald t-InirLtc, tbutseébu4sru N015 Fil GILL .lrnfet' lu MI -&71 Gos, Ct~QS~ 752. XIOFInATT& 0c., Agents foi. Cl DAV1(isiN mnagr. 'IeH AX1WVCAW Capital, $4007000. 1JTshdeiiged laavlaag licouapputod vea ed. l ën , lp Agen l ft sBY. YEAM"GIBSON. CO 3MMSION MER 0114 Nf IN13Uà &EF, & GENERL AGENT. $2l w eOO 00 TO LOAN.' -- OLN Rei4Qto lu la u aniL b si irrowona, ait tfii t to 12 yara. Intererat luw, and nro tous. ýaiCamnruuilon ohargoil. AWr4te, YEOMAN OIIiSCN, 1 Whitby. WESTERN xSSURANUCE COMPANY î1«IQEI'OtÀTPJ) 1851. CAPI't&L $410003,000. Pruidu*, soimit Mioni, E8Q., Fice PradeWa, Uoxýuit OH MMUtaicu. 64Mà r,aund 'TÀreamr. r, 13MRÂD HALDEN, ESQ. T IM idqo and rle rili e4 uttra beau appelutoil Agent ré Ctumpanyu at W bltby aru tp" edtu recuire proposis, al tho love,;tesI. W7t FAIRBANKS, tr. Agent IXTILL 1kl l rhailnlndbJwrgo Rigkaik, th& c ylowentpuoaible rate ufpremlau; Insr- asuettgauted oui laliritkhi, frtiheseabuaior voy7ag, c a uioatiraia unthe dilprent cluse of l ri% ndStfain ho«tnte 0anrd froua any ports-un tIre Likuxan ad Eavri, &e., a prouîpt liberal antihonriablo s.ttloaueutocf il jiatollan ou le Ump iainay be relled ionpçBnW ýAge1it, rort WhITtuy w*offtoëaujolulug e'. Iowe, & Co. LWFBPOOL AND LONiDON) INSUIRA N CECOXINY, 8civlqr rtýY desdrlptlcaiof Pro. INlerty c94Lbotint low eat rates. JârLJlSf PAlD TMMEDIATEDY.1 LEVI FA ANKS, Ji. Agent. Wlatby. PSý rov1PcWaTlgraph O0- AUMTON B USIN ESS.- % ~ - . »p.Oi i rezon te.datldwîIIQiýthe 1uan*0fflq Vhho and'idolws ln hlrcailt ld- Wozan to«d6aýiIronnath flic ye ut the ôUlym11oacn la the vlnur-aky. Apa. w L'a1%Ilsire ;l. weiI tn 18k, Bntt oôantvar a baudAt tatik. auioffly f1<04 a PAINllInace aie2zl k n iw t h ut unete u oftîi lai hiliid the)iiety [let hýtbii, Ilnd ,eaatrritro, tIhe aoubtrtil dooer Ttaat loads te wlaat1 The, aOù4 od kno*&-. IW laIti t en *huiomît'c~l "È- ic hest e tai' t,> p at oa M uofSorrow's bitpest cap-.a Nt leIt ano paugwply Mi lieutran aw- pr'era riaattuh grav f~e. I;ý ws her rinie , Ao Iov6d ton wiii, ieoaiî, tr'q a aateil feu. tanlit tIi "ur cholcoat a~î TIre vorY iaual a«feti4ntt- ît And wtù'le ,hai unMai ml»-aittyçrtoW And fronU silrides loud tau ei, BIS wrefthrla id tiau garup.d for l!%stb, And lu Lht5 culd atreet-fro.zu toa Zath; Ah we!l i the waning Vears aIYlTl bHng At lapt the riay ot' rueoung1 And *hhn tIre finaitr~ru ampoarlrd Froul aurgeoui tuuab and Vtteal* Iioltl Tbo.oh Lwo rtîrillrîl», aindiluntit day MZh4a yen iuay iotttruam ' lear oniri glaidly tilve uliosen thea btter parti haWbo frrîzutu daith ohceotlae bI auaaa lido Ëhbbaned flowl (rom lt Il Iruit wl.lo -And wlru aroze lu dena ibbhtîiarlthe byb Ofthe *Ii.cly Ȕoun ]Laà wiarter alay. ii atnrt The e'»tak Shooter. The cbarity of tii. rich is amoch te be ecnatmended, but boy beautifai 6 the char- ity cf îLe puar.- 0wjl totemina thre goilaist dey you ever experieuced. 'Tbmnk ut ithe bitter wiud' Aud a "vin1,g suow, thick hauta'yuu sok and shiveret- Lowtheo sharp, wbiw par- tidles were driven né agalnat face-bow ,within doors, the carpet. vers litted liii. billovsAaloug tihe goura, the win4 bowÃŽe-d and ýmonned in the chimneyu, windows cracked, duors rattled, &»d ei'ery nov aud alien heayy lurupsofetÉlie* came thunderingý down ivith à dùIii!weight (rot tii. ct. !%ov, heà r I mysterl. lu ouneofthe b. oadt opea plaine 01 Lin. oulusiaire, there 14<s, along, reedy abaqi o( vaMer a favorite resort of wikh docka. At ils nOriberu etreinIty stand t*o immdOt. tos, 0 id,; Anl ont ofriepair. 0ublîter, bluier nlght, whenth ie smev lay tirée t déep on the grouud, aud a eutig eat vind u d s tving ih about, and *iltltag li thoedry, r £roq reeéda Ljithe 117- nouai sauneïan, ai and s te brgezr 4l4ig >euaimboal te a ofithe tvo. TBaâü Ivo fcottages' e fat iau aveu am fri auj tWs, or wny otiien bsbiteltioljgot bon imagin teolti voman vas, tIerefure, suiptlmèe avauecoat iaito1 li ai olti aortir.optry scqi; bý * sittdea paumea iIbélve knkareEa thei deoo. cil casa droppj Itvu louai and imipatient, not 11k. thea Aber amnig s buocia of Ler aeigLLrtrh là tire irrcot thrs eter gara tag5; buttlb. ddoawuabolteai, andthersolti su vhliat id veunan rose, ant iintg te tire viudcv, 1: cotuld batti Iolred eut aud s*8và s miîel irgure, sp. 8L. glaneed Paroutl>, iLat cf a yeutb. an. Sire han diTrarapers1', aiti tire clair yeusesen- taair curly Lair tetitonsly. &à tramping foîke b. sot vantet aai hLewas Lore,'" su ayisug ié.*éittbabkthk e Ru.fie ah ièsitaieti vitireat delgning te snsvbi' tbltour. . ber, sud sal Tirejoirîh, upea Ibis, triedti iL.dorir, gay, virat,à Un1 sud csIledtobu erbtaIreg amittanpe. Sire noet op in,,,~ baa ror ptir a saucfreoils file ooaoun me iifrs ýcpe ,à iL.t r t.i ..i f a ii e-n if I ...a rwr Quai r îd,soeir, before : TIn On~ Unies, rhe lie '06, d. Sclr'itor, WhilbyîIp dn te tbo prup rietur, ESTIIEU HIEAD, .Fiokenn -MONEY TO LOA I Irl tr urria.. ~D. the' v.msan gave im a autiden carnest t' M#p 10,11 ibg à asfdi thon é are s0 "h the SIeise cf j em I uogirt et irai il va hl M cou-nomnaue rom n 50e Tb yoaiutieppeèd aroa tire ibreghrirld Vrsibling itlt gouIdnd w«Yt, au ne voon. dsr<ý,fér liî lsqo wers cOîinpheîely en~. 05454dÀ luet raid, sud tLs vatair drippeti fnufbars with*vry Otlip, Le tIulou ontLe audeti tiper. tg ThopartrrIn it Solrt> pligiiO" alà ~tba weman, 'sudd h béto Iv li les loe ireegi. estirçiSse ;tcoeand mae!dovn eforeaa finejf b theIqt, b atter bo pitifuli>, 1 tan sesrce bat b e.u ' istirtn Hhloqjsed a iâidimoatte ou l, a ç*Wiba be wi a éreboy, net more thita aitteen yss*n cf egeo. Her totbsrly iersét'vas- teurobsi-for Lira. "rArttiroir baiugry,?! site,; ted, timaing tc tire taw-hi tinsrît oj kei. Wahas t thno beeai doang 7 e'sh otîlau Wt'daeti sd the b tire, keepen.' boys thon, 1 rac on. .H. follcovéd the direction cafber eyeu, sud svtvc portions or bread on the table, vftL a, Piece of -racofa on eacb. for elrity titi ot maire-ber . uaeelegant lsnguageand, by herm aisulenshe means, her hotband,;but hou -art velcome to My- bit and sup4for I vas waiting fôr hie; May ib il vil! but as Utile varan th ie. lu aat anti drink; au aaying aLe tbok bp a toug of beer frein thaeLaarth, sud pombed it lo- yards hlm, vith bain ahane of tire supper. urThakyouil sali the boy but I am 80 vel 1 am anahaiu(illea pool-iraftrb >'oir ire yuL. the diippanga fromt my cloîbea. itA>,, thon a-t vol, indeeti," saidth ie vuman, anti nising again aish veut te su olti bo4 in vbich sLe bsgan bu searuh, sudg <reaently came te tire fine _vitir a per- fectly dlean chreck- ourt in ber haut, sud a tolerabli goot suit cf clotiies; '.Thne, sat a., miovug em iii no amall pnide,'thesée eMy, lnaster'a hn- dw-, olothes ant i f thona vOlt b.ver>, care. fuIr1 ib'teai, 1'1l It the vean 4Lem tili urn r ry. .re aenexplaluet i hat she- vas goiarg lu put han bsirn tu bet,- proceedeti up a latider te a rou aboie. lea -viug lte bey 0 airy Liluseif lu ýtireS. reaipectable garihebli. ..Wheu sire came dovit ber gopst Lad tresset imaieif lu tLe labourer's dles; ire LadtuietLu arm-hierâbli nti Le *e eaîiug, and drinkingvih ,huuglryrIai oLad tirrovu Lis' maddy.eloîlies ln s Leap 1ous tlu9 flor, au dé'as she said. Ah I lad, 1 doubtitI>,bas' Lsd boom uder valeitty pour moîhervoold i hve leoai screly frljlate,1e4if shee oQl4 1 awe lehu tires avWils agi. 1tye,5, aidath ie b6y, snd, <ai ima&ius- tien, tire cottage dame vas- tiIs saune oteacare-woru Lard worklug çreiture li-ab and viri ent big wsy Ieavlug beï clihkiug' tirs brcei baîf-ieiowvnln ber-baud; *nid ooqiern irtîe abould o vit40 Ilbér 1 ir elgbkoî <lm Ibo bMer col. tage pisebtl tëepped lu sand, vLan iré îeard tLhb t. sd as*' tir bî, bâeyi khi bcant vu ose hýbçbe DkvtLevy aa,4 jealousy." la tbu Iitguod lock boo l # tet brdoandi hi, - .i o a d ave b au au fe hi s u t ar i i avay. Sersi LIlinge snd sixpeuce fer i£ morsel ef footid a ngW elterl-, WL,, <t ews neatly ~vs' ae. Be theon., bâtà thé1ir apposead, tW matier ended, aud the next veea tir fruit vas sharper tiran airer. ifhelu ere faroee in the feuuy -fÈld aid' poÃItry an their perireas, butt b. good tubithn Lad skt4 luo towu sud booghi s8 bhihkuî. I>h vu A velcome addition te, theirLed ceveriug, sud it wus mmany s loug ye4t à lnce tbe$' Led bien 0au clitfortablo. Buirt tciranced eune day ahi rbuir tbatu, looloing ont st bar Laaetlxouî, sire aped tie young gentlemen skating wlong thé ice to-Wà ndabtek coîtw-ge. TLey ipiraug onu tu tLe bauk,ooc oË. their aidtet sud madè fon her door. Tire Yotng iob4eabt tutt hir~that lhe Lad b.d socir a Ãevera cuild Le couldti lcorne iu aho ber befors., "lHg spuke as, ires antid esoh sr ad l telliug tire story, aras if ied been a 1w-dr aud nu Ieas4, sud thon ire br5.ugbt a parebt eut of bis poket, sud 4'à Ilvb .beiba Ã"ter t B-'l ie thyb, '9 M'd broÙghtyou 5 bock foi à keepsake, pull 1 hope 3rcail accepti i" nd than' îLey .11 taîketi aâ pretty as cotrit ho oia imatter, cf ten mia- êtes sud veut uvà y. shotI vhiied tliiMy lbastrn .bme hetue, anid eb bpeued tMu p 1-bhl, i~thene ýtraà h a unirBibi. inaide; aSU oVer gbld '&a rèând. moroccoanrd my aLe sud i i aaté ritten u laide j sud;.. bleass hil?, afid note dohibleil dovu ov-eii the naines l'mnaurai, *ien ý tliuà h-t hé vas a poor lrnru kIêà türe, ire vai kitrdly veicome;. go myibate laid out- part of the muuay in iooa anti va reuteil S garden, aand iregoca uver -pQ tbonirteay to sel! vbat i eogrowr-à io o, thankG(04;" ve vaut for ncthing." -This la boy sire generally cobilhdeb tiré litt1e Lialory- nven failing bu addi ta thiý Young lortikisse ir abj., U~ ~ ~~~- Ba-'slii3 aeui Ibave Det tolti yoa what 1 thooghit tire béat part uf thé anecdote. Wireu tis pcor Chritian o., man was sbe wiat rat i nducod- ber, te tae iu s Perfèct alrapg. s4t~uîW wltL the. beat bIotii; iébr bhoýme, affordeti, aiLeanavereatsimphy, orWaiuI, 1 sav m ihivernu g and a haking, en, I- tiooght LathotÀ tirai Lad net virerà tb Iay ise o4. Thb i oor Odan 1iitis tfià Mà ý utSao auay openi hon düor evej i.ygbÉt of ber fitt ion. lité tursome forl6ra beggar4 bait it ie» 611 but certain tirat aie Will ncier open i t tu, A 4ýbleman lu diaguise! rpet ai do guoti, eut ýn néeive word goota luretairu but tu êfidence uf graitude fôr vha-îeirai been alreedy iraiaowed. Idt 1% fev *bras let" <t baé oall i~Ilý., ari taotl*btg for x.e*ard.51 AÀ? vetyl Mihatngý A liactlcà rifiiaé, by name James h8itiidhl, an operator in Englir' «ceai mies for maay yeara, asserts thst lie cati pair doaru a ahaft in any 1bérk f utcr ojl i-egion 3$ trla diamneter, _wilïbu-t lit'ti mure ?ýe'aiLle tran la nov e,%"rienc-ed lid