Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1866, p. 1

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Riontox ILL ?IWUITBY OHRONICLE- 'tDtitt SO Znl XORW *2 o tu t b H USiiiE, ai BË«k StreetIIGGJN tiKms Si50 PER, A&NIUN. .&DVERTISEMFNTs i -À retaiirut resutdiiNonluatr. é.10,ailuetrrrgad attiratIo uitl eltr e,1tstretilound ioudlaitsie.r aicir ebqtrentl I ae rtiou., 8W àeô ettraet, urndo wltia abdvertitorrahy %hi yar or Ubuwre - id tIr ta li.ôuttluue udvartlacaurrntaanig 39ANK OP NONTREAL,' W. R. DEAN, 3Manageri. ,CrMEROX & MIACDONELL, thr e ti r rnurutirrn oi Un. i'îlllyl Il' Onitario, atrrie, &c., &e., Wirîlttti>', t". W- Výql11v), il. 0. Il, i. MAI-liosiu t- t! i.lov tolurun tupiri t ij - irit .Ap- ~Ys~~t.n~ilIlee ut traifin , irirrit Il11ii'î- 0 !, N tUIiO 11 1S0N.- J.A. A 0<i1 T t.tl C21),ItAF., r. 28i Ç OU'<T~~~ (ilaO i 'allNE ralO I - Wlth caîni PrintedI woraiî, <refit tkiougkto and uni!ti44atT, VOL X. WIIBY, C. W." TII«U-ýR, MR. C. A. JONES flarrîster, Seliciaonlu Chaince tcreey, &c.o, &c. SOFFIaE-Noit daur ta the 001eor, %Wlitby. ttAtm i luîlty (LATE 'LATT'Sr) XELS ONV 81 REE7' TOR, OX2 ô Aboie Ku± trt T yiii tirrirluei4ii aitdiuirrl to tînnmt lat l tri> î rrairniîîamuul iii'- tiiail rd otfai tiil 0Coranim a i, 1 bultI intl, thîr t lie litii,,um î.ic 'ITr.Latt IlntnIrth e iii Iticl igr kilt l>lb ai rafil fil litin il) thai rinai, to ro-ira0 r-riilrt lui th m ilotî îviui aur ) p ticiîri iilriuî,.lice ui liLe îîîeru o flucai.lu. rti eiii-iwhi i'iiiitri i "i'. Brooklin Drug Store,. D ALIZ Iliii hirnani Pateti ii lcclîluliai tri, rite Iý )O:ti's flcrse 4- Caile .,Ifedict*ne- i rflaxys on feaurd tir riri, i '-., i'-~~ii2à IIItre0t, i vithuI Su t -1-,__v__ - USUCE I AITNT., COMMERCIAL HOTEL. n rYi t d0 a t ii l r l u' B> ir . r t le CO LI I i.l iiIitl mliii ru iniiintl:rua - lui brun mur I~O ER .. u1Ii~JN ir. n.ii rrva.riîili rt.i nirinrrlwruîn S. x. il vur lxie ii lri i'ait S.I. .IATtV t, t"li grillrT l'lui&-lî>VN 6>N'1 n IJOTEL .Tcroîîu. O tinin -r~u 1 ga'rifi ofnu tue ci S.rB. F SItIIN, K\, ; 1' T ,uîîra 1\,lini rn Otx t0 Lrrwa, t m W . 1onînîinuv. l'n.ti.14,tif..49 À ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l litlî tv irL k1 nntlntzu1-1 an, Bunir t~. . nu~ ~ TCrumn l!trer , Voruatu. 'l r TTalRE~'~~I.r~., lI o 'u it N X BIIl )Gým E ilil UE oftt rt"t i flrun. inn tIr rC' W t . 4(4 I 'yIIli.i' 'iii-.n Iuii0rUig li i-nbia oa I.4 L lr, r N-r 'r A71 IT " ZCT.,î Jo b TO ut. ir niiu I SAAClii~n iri'ii î ~r n ti'1y Tf1- Tv. ,ne i u.urn iir'i'- ri*irui r' r -nir-r. riri b i.-in,'f nrwi JUil N IIlLLIN(tS T- &WCtttNnilliVi & uNS YLt-IiIN(b a>51-uu,, lin un-i riiit~ril.. tiVii itir'tl ai mi'tirt~ il. Va~ruiaau'tu intrirar. auJ ('tilla uN litVIE C.UT AL y atAttrOLii trli re i Wlîbir4 R.F. l AIl , 3tg T. TUîWaet iàd'u 'i n Ute (IUstle 1.d Brwbent. iritbrî .4 -~. RINr F. LAMIIEITT. T ATi uî IR.t.i Et-lîtrSt. Uoavw tlricrtnui îi ix t ri-iuee OtIrai lut t it of É Strouiuialib r u1 .45 A. PVN viIINGL(ýýrE, .WO CA AsiglChtniNTTAIlO1<un10110CR S :uTREET GERG Wtniêhy. i. OW L ICIîK iellrhtDraer &-cl, SXIngIT.O 4> ARiT~lno S. Mnti lJu ien gouruit, fonri Erin c c.'- Tn ry arti l erut Wrrritiý. No ib AUOiNCIAL TE> iJAKEll'CO ONC TN*Wl1Tlh ALI.TUF. l'IINCI- nIt pCltitbiwaid'«V-wai ri atidai, aindthetir )mvaic iruhuaWithy, 2 donrt Sotith of ther itugatry tllei3rouit rOitret. I.Iy T. 1nos$, j4eE lEUCTIIiNEII. Addreuai- &htIS ,Drapeira aiiîd (eneral Cloîh- -~ ~.L.daisau1 ()utttearai. ,ir, Uùtheaaîagiaîl icarrruutimriade up 9nuthe lterteft iiotice or theliuît njairlty niatria1 in ,AU work .nrde atP un tire premiae5. Sinag [hi turtaîluon*tüuf exottll eat quaulîty,, andl - 'VARS & PETERSONi Sp RAI4 fICAL hI)utît,,Oiàisrs. ile ther[es oilo.-Eutromeo on t' se. tretirr100 l orétlî ofithe Ontdnlo arTl'UNglY AT LAWI S($LlciTcatNi Chanto, q & o.,fie., Jtauteveri to OiSoOn nat door te O06t00 of Mr. "Clrw ce otIir iCourt., 0" Opuii *aa.Io? TUlE SiWENrti DIVISION iJ'olat of tfs 0lit fOtrouvey EASýTIVINI)SOR IIOUS,IWIIITIIY,l nu~rdpr il tia i towu, on ltue foriira iafi 4eid ri.rianmsiauie fotr traîorea. (louai .4t4l)liniz anc uattetiveiertraQ22 VICTORIA IIIITEL. ratIranr ALBERT. W timA %i st'<T, titi i'tTt ilI -ratr Winî. B tluai-atluai) 27 '"T&E ROBSON HOUSE, (LATE URiPTUII'8rIOTEL,) , DUNDAS STRIEET, WflITflY, C. W. GEOUG E IZWIISON, Propriotor. T ITE alinhierlbrir liietri oaunouflcritieh lias luaaod ie, t building fornierly kuow sas Sr-turo'ra Hotol, wblr Lt ai burn renovated, raiuriaiod aîd ltadup throqlîon t, lu tho beit of>ityle. Vie e rcurorra i auatly ait- tri ot the, Towai. Vie ultnilway i>rnrîlbîis ait the ntei, anti tlie otagem ofir Ux!>rittgo aind Bocaverti leuve the dour evcry iiioriîîg. Ilourd SI pet day. GEORGE ROBSON. 11rreullnirtlrs laiainattendano. Wiritbylbiay 188. S G. C. CALDWELL VE'rERINARY SURGEON, B (1 itSinut ret;prclflîllv -tn llutiniato to thei I"Iuriîry, that bie liras commencell pritrtir iu tie ah ivo lie, ne lie hopes liy mritt attcn- -~il tontr isol n erit a sh&ro of public (i >r' 4tîar errt. rrcond iourre balar ingrlirr' i lîriel, Millrn.8 New Store A&T 1IMAN CII ES TLýR,- f10 SELL OR RNY S lTUATED iiriodailely in tirai VUlave itIrat kjtwirrt nyr frltiîct);ililig 4(-,2ï ajl air at proent iexiid by Mr. Atrw i.rn siiring, ilivrrcrît. l..ahrjr15ilr cobr Frteirn e&., tl)iiY tri, WI RA TEFL, IL r.Cpitor, M. i O. rror C.iAl)1IAN LICENTIATF.. 1-i tL". . I c. Fur ailld ldl 1i Priiii~ 1.B-Vl opeartc ifor Ctturrrt l ; riri- Co,CiliRA.NE,& COCHIRANE.. S Il. (rîaauiLL. IB, 1 W. M. Courr.A-ur. <Jtiurity i rowîî Au.nrley.1 Poiri tîr rr citar, 1j5. 51 gliLL*ts erIi. & . pfnd IiVrC ar.,CLCrt Ti iIrtl' iWan*ti t« bmo fin 04al~1Q aoteutlDo- tire.40 TUE WORKMAN HO1USE. BEAVEIITOn, C. W. ALEX. UAMILTO0N, CAS Il FOR IILDES AT TlI F Stone Tannéry, Port Whitby NorthiaDbtih aimd Mercuantilenti. ffýv m " plie, & Lifo Insurance Com'y. W fi-itby, Sepft. 7_1$62. 51 AL 1310 H C) T E I:. D 0rrOÂAs *tauiaor, oMaTaiT. JAMLS BA TIi1E DON BRiEWERY. r 11F. tiriiirlier iii notir ircpiiaiiriltri arr1 Lth ira rntrria fib4alion Bli.y wili r nu eXtrlluait rarticle, îtir Snelli qîriurur b is iîi u>tri riequirrd, iandriunrturuill to rrriniri Toronito, Sppt., 19. 1863. 87 MONEY TO LOAN M IONEY to e. ordtaMarigage tlruciriy ut a iIMudoraM irît(io) i itoerrrt. (' rri;te finrdri.) Aîîîry tu .,AMIi$K. GriODON. , dirrlniturr1-V tby. O(0ADANM(lOllDtlif, Mureltilit, lMrrrclicitt. Wbhittly, Mrày 14, 1865. 1 Aécountant, Land and Genral Agent, hetOtilco iuPter etrect, cut dbor uurth et r.aavoula Drag :Store wild Anud lunprrwuîd Prtinluthe couarties or (>ntainlo and ianioo bor iuo. N, É. lultiins attiddti faîd prompt reinittanucoa male. Ildt. .i o1(iuii .1 ,lion. .ua sinîlpiun, Mi, L. <., lion. (trurgi tlrrrvfor.i, M. L, 0;,1M. 0a Caimeron, Erg., (. C., M, . .,~ 41agna Mêrtrimi Eq, M. jYP., M. l)nÀfobd, 1!riq., M. FP. 1. . M lCuakeyEêq.,M. P pi, John Ilom 1'crty, Eoq., WîItty; aîd edi: tuor ParrIe Eariir, Canrrdlaai l, 4L>idf4a7 andl Whltby (Irwiiol2. 7TT GLOBE HOTFxL jol tahint l dreaiy to Attil ea nly thd *"itgofhIle gltesta, &a.1, The ra pteuiiuaail sbaiau n4 oeuprttatbly ffit.4 rp; paisitodi papavpl, " vlthoialaru'à of softwiÃŽtr t arl sshw-naueve- mrodern 1mpovrnait iu etake 1h. TrsJlii 4 hoteisdarlurgli% tsaAY,pud tIlible bqstltéYi Xêtet1~o F9ar1DOT5and Ot!tp liOWt2>t STQNB STOREki o rt W hittiy, G31t. 28. 18U8. Estate of the lato CMARILES X0BERTS; A LL Iperxtm aushvinq doai wgainait lhre sald extatii, are rqreuited tri pr"erot tir arme lu the nrrd(cr.irrned' iortiiwitt. for asritiraant. Anîd ail i;erocicnbrdeliete theira»naid eaget, arà etiaated Luernatke immrediato pavancat.t W4ithy, 5 thi Marcha,1864.12 josEPII RUEBOTTtIb4,Prtprieor. r 1Eabove 11010u, aiturated at Port Wlitbyb r '. fatoed aipin tlrit.claiia styletfur thaeane- boinnibdation of taotb viitura anal hourdera. Glcut Stabiiig andi attorîtlre hoatîer. il THOMÀS TOTTERtD4LEi Ërprietcr. T T1118Iutail ba*rIrasbeau thôonglily toe-ý rait, lits table enuitbar awwr0ai upplieot with the bes- out. ( onuaodarton far prl. vnte boirderAansd gueula. HEAD'S HOrEL, FOR SALF,~ RiE abo4a w-al ilxowai o14 ostahllal Tte,ilà opn tô nbld M prvitrWC Ditchers Wauited. tbhe soaiss'a tipenir, aio aatr e n A"tire woZk to bai donc, theirai utber willl let by contraAe about Soo rada of draina te bc ont on fils firm, and Lb. #,mipg of about 400 cedair puIts. PIItbbers u Ceýracnjc who-crn p rforru the iwork lu a -rartirfactory ariner Un only apply. Wzçj. GORDON. Bay 8 Io, Wiritby, April mdn', 186à. 81n-18 Farmgu-a for Sale 'Or to Lot,< *ithin a iâile of BEÂVERTON.. AM ~iPNIPM l ICHANCE. S IACHËS;QJ50w-res cloirpl,) laouie piid V 1ii trinisiirrofl'tLu aPort lt-pe, Linday unXd nryciItoin Railtis ai. NO MONEY( RE)UIRED For tîr ia taarita* inirrttof mut, ~lfi~rm o lt, lubuaixou o n imaprovc- Would boc xcliangod for iiblo ViII.go property lun Orlriwa. Ajrply to, *CRLE, goî;C.. uiC. iiTgt'RU O1 y~. xREuft,E1(if by latter îîrdpali1.) ICIEAPSTOVES z2C Hotel Uooking Stovés. Âgrieultural Furnaces that wMl pay for themuelvos ini one Eavetroughs Put up with iron hoki-fasts. 4:> Ne-v linings put in aid ovous. Repairtng promptly attend- cd te. SAil kinds produce taken in exchange at the OLD STAND. WMl. BRYAN. Il Brook et. Wbitliy. MILLINERY! I Fsgt»t tbega to anetnàe lu tIa L. dws dbri Oghnrwg 613d viobîiy, t Ait aira ra nsw lu rrIplt cf ber $pring$tcckofell u.ry, tlrsnhua fur t nattria. April 10,oh, IG.1 Ohanleery Sale IN CUANCERY I Nizuirae of a Doeree sudrinliorlar feir paleuade lua ri auu tcari-e cf PATERSON VS. DARLING$ ~uv oudig lutiis iIruluratita( udt xi<qlire t tWc.odratoek, wilbe suid Levi Faerauiko, Esq., Jr., i I laatlu the. TOWN 0f' WI!ITI3Yt, Thurodqy, lOth 6f Ar,1666, AT 12 O'CLOK Og «ON., 'lh. follovlug virluarblèIe opiwt>,lu tirs ala TOWN 0F WIIIIBI, Bengermuaor part o o iniboi ieai, là tIrai ec*unrd dubre rargi cf o* *keetOF Brod Steet cuurnael st théi Noatht ee abuâglu cfTovn Lot uuubarsïu,vot, 8 aivai'cd taiî laid out by Jolin giber, ail: bS, on Lut iurmber twat y.aieraîî, lii theuelrait loairex6iou Ot tire Townshi1p ofWhiY I tieaioe eaanhry slring Clborne Stret, 47 IbOt 9 Inclues: tlieno raurt irny u a i tVam[Jlcl lu theit.tpemn bhuiadwry ofsmald t-InirLtc, tbutseébu4sru N015 Fil GILL .lrnfet' lu MI -&71 Gos, Ct~QS~ 752. XIOFInATT& 0c., Agents foi. Cl DAV1(isiN mnagr. 'IeH AX1WVCAW Capital, $4007000. 1JTshdeiiged laavlaag licouapputod vea ed. l ën , lp Agen l ft sBY. YEAM"GIBSON. CO 3MMSION MER 0114 Nf IN13Uà&EF, & GENERL AGENT. $2l w eOO 00 TO LOAN.' -- OLN Rei4Qto lu la u aniL b si irrowona, ait tfii t to 12 yara. Intererat luw, and nro tous. ýaiCamnruuilon ohargoil. AWr4te, YEOMAN OIIiSCN, 1 Whitby. WESTERN xSSURANUCE COMPANY î1«IQEI'OtÀTPJ) 1851. CAPI't&L $410003,000. Pruidu*, soimit Mioni, E8Q., Fice PradeWa, Uoxýuit OH MMUtaicu. 64Màr,aund 'TÀreamr. r, 13MRÂD HALDEN, ESQ. T IM idqo and rle rili e4 uttra beau appelutoil Agent ré Ctumpanyu at W bltby aru tp" edtu recuire proposis, al tho love,;tesI. W7t FAIRBANKS, tr. Agent IXTILL 1kl l rhailnlndbJwrgo Rigkaik, th& c ylowentpuoaible rate ufpremlau; Insr- asuettgauted oui laliritkhi, frtiheseabuaior voy7ag, c a uioatiraia unthe dilprent cluse of l ri% ndStfain ho«tnte 0anrd froua any ports-un tIre Likuxan ad Eavri, &e., a prouîpt liberal antihonriablo s.ttloaueutocf il jiatollan ou le Ump iainay be relled ionpçBnW ýAge1it, rort WhITtuy w*offtoëaujolulug e'. Iowe, & Co. LWFBPOOL AND LONiDON) INSUIRA N CECOXINY, 8civlqr rtýY desdrlptlcaiof Pro. INlerty c94Lbotint low eat rates. JârLJlSf PAlD TMMEDIATEDY.1 LEVI FA ANKS, Ji. Agent. Wlatby. PSý rov1PcWaTlgraph O0- AUMTON B USIN ESS.- % ~ - . »p.Oi i rezon te.datldwîIIQiýthe 1uan*0fflq Vhho and'idolws ln hlrcailt ld- Wozan to«d6aýiIronnath flic ye ut the ôUlym11oacn la the vlnur-aky. Apa. w L'a1%Ilsire ;l. weiI tn 18k, Bntt oôantvar a baudAt tatik. auioffly f1<04 a PAINllInace aie2zl k n iw t h ut unete u oftîi lai hiliid the)iiety [let hýtbii, Ilnd ,eaatrritro, tIhe aoubtrtil dooer Ttaat loads te wlaat1 The, aOù4 od kno*&-. IW laIti t en *huiomît'c~l "È- ic hest e tai' t,> p at oa M uofSorrow's bitpest cap-.a Nt leIt ano paugwply Mi lieutran aw- pr'era riaattuh grav f~e. I;ý ws her rinie , Ao Iov6d ton wiii, ieoaiî, tr'q a aateil feu. tanlit tIi "ur cholcoat a~î TIre vorY iaual a«feti4ntt- ît And wtù'le ,hai unMai ml»-aittyçrtoW And fronU silrides loud tau ei, BIS wrefthrla id tiau garup.d for l!%stb, And lu Lht5 culd atreet-fro.zu toa Zath; Ah we!l i the waning Vears aIYlTl bHng At lapt the riay ot' rueoung1 And *hhn tIre finaitr~ru ampoarlrd Froul aurgeoui tuuab and Vtteal* Iioltl Tbo.oh Lwo rtîrillrîl», aindiluntit day MZh4a yen iuay iotttruam ' lear oniri glaidly tilve uliosen thea btter parti haWbo frrîzutu daith ohceotlae bI auaaa lido Ëhbbaned flowl (rom lt Il Iruit wl.lo -And wlru aroze lu dena ibbhtîiarlthe byb Ofthe *Ii.cly Ȕoun ]Laàwiarter alay. ii atnrt The e'»tak Shooter. The cbarity of tii. rich is amoch te be ecnatmended, but boy beautifai 6 the char- ity cf îLe puar.- 0wjl totemina thre goilaist dey you ever experieuced. 'Tbmnk ut ithe bitter wiud' Aud a "vin1,g suow, thick hauta'yuu sok and shiveret- Lowtheo sharp, wbiw par- tidles were driven né agalnat face-bow ,within doors, the carpet. vers litted liii. billovsAaloug tihe goura, the win4 bowÃŽe-d and ýmonned in the chimneyu, windows cracked, duors rattled, &»d ei'ery nov aud alien heayy lurupsofetÉlie* came thunderingý down ivith à dùIii!weight (rot tii. ct. !%ov, heàr I mysterl. lu ouneofthe b. oadt opea plaine 01 Lin. oulusiaire, there 14<s, along, reedy abaqi o( vaMer a favorite resort of wikh docka. At ils nOriberu etreinIty stand t*o immdOt. tos, 0 id,; Anl ont ofriepair. 0ublîter, bluier nlght, whenth ie smev lay tirée t déep on the grouud, aud a eutig eat vind u d s tving ih about, and *iltltag li thoedry, r £roq reeéda Ljithe 117- nouai sauneïan, ai and s te brgezr 4l4ig >euaimboal te a ofithe tvo. TBaâü Ivo fcottages' e fat iau aveu am fri auj tWs, or wny otiien bsbiteltioljgot bon imagin teolti voman vas, tIerefure, suiptlmèe avauecoat iaito1 li ai olti aortir.optry scqi; bý * sittdea paumea iIbélve knkareEa thei deoo. cil casa droppj Itvu louai and imipatient, not 11k. thea Aber amnig s buocia of Ler aeigLLrtrh là tire irrcot thrs eter gara tag5; buttlb. ddoawuabolteai, andthersolti su vhliat id veunan rose, ant iintg te tire viudcv, 1: cotuld batti Iolred eut aud s*8vàs miîel irgure, sp. 8L. glaneed Paroutl>, iLat cf a yeutb. an. Sire han diTrarapers1', aiti tire clair yeusesen- taair curly Lair tetitonsly. &àtramping foîke b. sot vantet aai hLewas Lore,'" su ayisug ié.*éittbabkthk e Ru.fie ah ièsitaieti vitireat delgning te snsvbi' tbltour. . ber, sud sal Tirejoirîh, upea Ibis, triedti iL.dorir, gay, virat,àUn1 sud csIledtobu erbtaIreg amittanpe. Sire noet op in,,,~ baa ror ptir a saucfreoils file ooaoun me iifrs ýcpe ,à iL.t r t.i ..i f a ii e-n if I ...a rwr Quai r îd,soeir, before : TIn On~ Unies, rhe lie '06, d. Sclr'itor, WhilbyîIp dn te tbo prup rietur, ESTIIEU HIEAD, .Fiokenn -MONEY TO LOA I Irl tr urria.. ~D. the' v.msan gave im a autiden carnest t' M#p 10,11 ibg à asfdi thon é are s0 "h the SIeise cf j em I uogirt et irai il va hl M cou-nomnaue rom n 50e Tb yoaiutieppeèd aroa tire ibreghrirld Vrsibling itlt gouIdnd w«Yt, au ne voon. dsr<ý,fér liî lsqo wers cOîinpheîely en~. 05454dÀ luet raid, sud tLs vatair drippeti fnufbars with*vry Otlip, Le tIulou ontLe audeti tiper. tg ThopartrrIn it Solrt> pligiiO" alà ~tba weman, 'sudd h béto Iv li les loe ireegi. estirçiSse ;tcoeand mae!dovn eforeaa finejf b theIqt, b atter bo pitifuli>, 1 tan sesrce bat b e.u ' istirtn Hhloqjsed a iâidimoatte ou l, a ç*Wiba be wi a éreboy, net more thita aitteen yss*n cf egeo. Her totbsrly iersét'vas- teurobsi-for Lira. "rArttiroir baiugry,?! site,; ted, timaing tc tire taw-hi tinsrît oj kei. Wahas t thno beeai doang 7 e'sh otîlau Wt'daeti sd the b tire, keepen.' boys thon, 1 rac on. .H. follcovéd the direction cafber eyeu, sud svtvc portions or bread on the table, vftL a, Piece of -racofa on eacb. for elrity titi ot maire-ber . uaeelegant lsnguageand, by herm aisulenshe means, her hotband,;but hou -art velcome to My- bit and sup4for I vas waiting fôr hie; May ib il vil! but as Utile varan th ie. lu aat anti drink; au aaying aLe tbok bp a toug of beer frein thaeLaarth, sud pombed it lo- yards hlm, vith bain ahane of tire supper. urThakyouil sali the boy but I am 80 vel 1 am anahaiu(illea pool-iraftrb >'oir ire yuL. the diippanga fromt my cloîbea. itA>,, thon a-t vol, indeeti," saidth ie vuman, anti nising again aish veut te su olti bo4 in vbich sLe bsgan bu searuh, sudg <reaently came te tire fine _vitir a per- fectly dlean chreck- ourt in ber haut, sud a tolerabli goot suit cf clotiies; '.Thne, sat a., miovug em iii no amall pnide,'thesée eMy, lnaster'a hn- dw-, olothes ant i f thona vOlt b.ver>, care. fuIr1 ib'teai, 1'1l It the vean 4Lem tili urn r ry. .re aenexplaluet i hat she- vas goiarg lu put han bsirn tu bet,- proceedeti up a latider te a rou aboie. lea -viug lte bey 0 airy Liluseif lu ýtireS. reaipectable garihebli. ..Wheu sire came dovit ber gopst Lad tresset imaieif lu tLe labourer's dles; ire LadtuietLu arm-hierâbli nti Le *e eaîiug, and drinkingvih ,huuglryrIai oLad tirrovu Lis' maddy.eloîlies ln s Leap 1ous tlu9 flor, au dé'as she said. Ah I lad, 1 doubtitI>,bas' Lsd boom uder valeitty pour moîhervoold i hve leoai screly frljlate,1e4if shee oQl4 1 awe lehu tires avWils agi. 1tye,5, aidath ie b6y, snd, <ai ima&ius- tien, tire cottage dame vas- tiIs saune oteacare-woru Lard worklug çreiture li-ab and viri ent big wsy Ieavlug beï clihkiug' tirs brcei baîf-ieiowvnln ber-baud; *nid ooqiern irtîe abould o vit40 Ilbér 1 ir elgbkoî <lm Ibo bMer col. tage pisebtl tëepped lu sand, vLan iré îeard tLhb t. sd as*' tir bî, bâeyi khi bcant vu ose hýbçbe DkvtLevy aa,4 jealousy." la tbu Iitguod lock boo l # tet brdoandi hi, - .i o a d ave b au au fe hi s u t ar i i avay. Sersi LIlinge snd sixpeuce fer i£ morsel ef footid a ngW elterl-, WL,, <t ews neatly ~vs' ae. Be theon., bâtà thé1ir apposead, tW matier ended, aud the next veea tir fruit vas sharper tiran airer. ifhelu ere faroee in the feuuy -fÈld aid' poÏItry an their perireas, butt b. good tubithn Lad skt4 luo towu sud booghi s8 bhihkuî. I>h vu A velcome addition te, theirLed ceveriug, sud it wus mmany s loug ye4t àlnce tbe$' Led bien 0au clitfortablo. Buirt tciranced eune day ahi rbuir tbatu, looloing ont st bar Laaetlxouî, sire aped tie young gentlemen skating wlong thé ice to-Wàndabtek coîtw-ge. TLey ipiraug onu tu tLe bauk,ooc oË. their aidtet sud madè fon her door. Tire Yotng iob4eabt tutt hir~that lhe Lad b.d socir a Ïevera cuild Le couldti lcorne iu aho ber befors., "lHg spuke as, ires antid esoh sr ad l telliug tire story, aras if ied been a 1w-dr aud nu Ieas4, sud thon ire br5.ugbt a parebt eut of bis poket, sud 4'à Ilvb .beiba Ã"ter t B-'l ie thyb, '9 M'd broÙghtyou 5 bock foi à keepsake, pull 1 hope 3rcail accepti i" nd than' îLey .11 taîketi aâ pretty as cotrit ho oia imatter, cf ten mia- êtes sud veut uvày. shotI vhiied tliiMy lbastrn .bme hetue, anid eb bpeued tMu p 1-bhl, i~thene ýtraàh a unirBibi. inaide; aSU oVer gbld '&a rèând. moroccoanrd my aLe sud i i aaté ritten u laide j sud;.. bleass hil?, afid note dohibleil dovu ov-eii the naines l'mnaurai, *ien ý tliuàh-t hé vas a poor lrnru kIêàtüre, ire vai kitrdly veicome;. go myibate laid out- part of the muuay in iooa anti va reuteil S garden, aand iregoca uver -pQ tbonirteay to sel! vbat i eogrowr-àio o, thankG(04;" ve vaut for ncthing." -This la boy sire generally cobilhdeb tiré litt1e Lialory- nven failing bu addi ta thiý Young lortikisse ir abj., U~ ~ ~~~- Ba-'slii3 aeui Ibave Det tolti yoa what 1 thooghit tire béat part uf thé anecdote. Wireu tis pcor Chritian o., man was sbe wiat rat i nducod- ber, te tae iu s Perfèct alrapg. s4t~uîW wltL the. beat bIotii; iébr bhoýme, affordeti, aiLeanavereatsimphy, orWaiuI, 1 sav m ihivernu g and a haking, en, I- tiooght LathotÀ tirai Lad net virerà tb Iay ise o4. Thb i oor Odan 1iitis tfià Màý utSao auay openi hon düor evej i.ygbÉt of ber fitt ion. lité tursome forl6ra beggar4 bait it ie» 611 but certain tirat aie Will ncier open i t tu, A 4ýbleman lu diaguise! rpet ai do guoti, eut ýn néeive word goota luretairu but tu êfidence uf graitude fôr vha-îeirai been alreedy iraiaowed. Idt 1% fev *bras let" <t baé oall i~Ilý., ari taotl*btg for x.e*ard.51 AÀ? vetyl Mihatngý A liactlcà rifiiaé, by name James h8itiidhl, an operator in Englir' «ceai mies for maay yeara, asserts thst lie cati pair doaru a ahaft in any 1bérk f utcr ojl i-egion 3$ trla diamneter, _wilïbu-t lit'ti mure ?ýe'aiLle tran la nov e,%"rienc-ed lid

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