- b - ,' r -~ The Kentoclq cluvil in no longer at large ne nages i rails gainM tteWmall cf ii t'ariisle Jsil. loew'ilIbe Irieti preseutly '15a thici', eanvicted ussnai, sud tseut l'O h-pi~tntas'Vaa tiot'. Brother Bquierit can lest lu pence. Theo inuinolis tiye, the gnusîiîîg4-teeth, the sc.ly hide,tao 'luvaît Icit, thse orrid ibornus, teterrifie (ait, wiilt ruinble hlm ud bit no more for- ever. selsh i Salanitlasbhuta eqd hi& usine là Ode,:. He la the indcigenoila pro- dccl eof Nichotue uuiy, sud ciuîbcd hlm self iinise tile, anoirlet ieisoyea with phosphorues, snd weh thteborna of su ex un bis troiileî, neut hc tait ut' theo futît tuti ou 1i inillei, lie wcut up antd dowiî bis ntilnd, uipt ihtetiig blitcks out of thisin îsuîî, asud whiiiionit ut'thei msess ud jîhudotitg the uteneted bouses frons Whiech bath lied at lns epproscit. Heesc- taped bulles& et! buclcshot with equal faciliîy, but cIl s lietimla the litasund vau shut up lu the commiso jail as a nuisauce anîd pety ttief, If hgi provtes to bu te veitablo Satan, il i3 ta l.be hpot b"~ill bc kolit bountLa thouqand yearm. It ia te Doiîy prospect we se ltitiis gen- lrton cf puttiug restrictions upan hlus,on iunioducliug the Milieniun. tIebu allat tac greal a latitudet ton action.1He hn pasturetI in ciuvt'r. Hea han fui on fait thiugs. Heclisn ht'd carnivatlu i igit pl4ce. i'.yunputus have becu wiîh the grisai, bis juinkîrisegs with theo uigbty. Il his~ rewsndet! coiitttiors and cotmoa ëpteulors;lie litas bui!t tilein Palaces liet&îe i at e unlands>, aud cathi upue a thousanc ilbus. «lM& iuquisîii.'s have stoutadet!. It iltinte lie wuvanon. cd. Hlmi sittniid be hroad sud vater; 'rli ioatti h a ede ttat pea stould blm pet into hiseshoes and t!potble. suwed into Ilt) etntJiihis pantatoons. lHe should b. tompellildtlusu. t:au îomou t anurd w-Uic tatou a Nichiolson p>cvlcd cli. If Keu- tuek> t!taitnher duty, ttoae iliibe vry little tei' t t intfor mischiif et the endt s thousaut! yeea. It viibchaafa ta trust hlm on parole aftîr that ime. Theo Consttutlonai crisis je $7ctorla. Tite eloctiotis haro bccn te al engrus' oing ubjecîset' iierest i'citt e depar. tuet or ltvaituîil., ily tie !iectorai Act tIo coueituericies arectivit!cd itot three seres, or itatches, tinMt uijous fur wil occuir -witit a cerltiti penliodcf escit unher. Twut oft' icuhlave oiroatiy taicri, place, aeult! he rtiult sas titi ,41albo'urne Age. of 2liîh Jantîiary,) lat been the nout complote vindication of the' p>011e! st!oitgd hy theno uvernn, (Sir Citariea Darting, whont Mr. Catdwell hu recatiet!,> tto heNnià try, sud the tomnbhy.' It salais uhat et nu pron'iouslcioin ehicha bas talion place iu Ibe colouy bas theo ex. d4etnt besu su intense, aund never ball su large a proportion uof thse cectona ou theo roll exercuedeiltî franchise. The issues put tate couutry by te Minîry venu ettan sudedcufîtie ceugit, and inclidot! lappnuvst ut' thein pat as wcl nsettem ft ltre poiicy. No tout vas luit for-the stiglîtesi uîcertainity. Tho"e vite ought the authfîsges outh ie lectanu bsd ta, pro naunin actesrty for or sgaiuat tino bitiîir>'. 64 wiuî yen support te tariff as pnc'iiuosty îpamdet!y the Assenbty ; te nlht of the- Âsmnblytelucittrol the taxation ut' the coIiry asiit e oucroitchnutâ cf lte eotincil ; aud tOto refuiiu et' the counecl, asi jrpcacd by thte Ciiet' Secretarf luniiu ibaunfesto 11, venu ib eiiosa sked. l'h. reply lttis test deeided teftae cf the candidates ; aud the feeling of te am, tIîifty tnisy hbijudgeai (nom the lact that bui of furty'fuur uemeters who hafflbeun rcttirnu-el, nuo 'uwcr titan lhiniy six aru Pd'ogcd Io suppotart ttc oxià tîig attunnis- tnatiinu. The reraiet of thne tiird #crel% cf elections, the ioliîtg for whicr vasIou Ike ptac.'îoniabe 29&h of' Jtnuusny, vas 1&îeîî,-d tu hc equatly favorable. Net uneo of tire uew %nou put -forvard by the Fre Trade LUague uceded lu aucorîug a seat ; sud theolcaders cf Ite panîy, thougit ailledt! lîtcius, venu aIHdefeat' letj. :1a nia ticieuoni the tsutaett cf tite dlispute itetueucn the two bouses, thte Age saya tbat any active interfonence ou the part uof the lHoumeaGoveraent 41 viii bu pregialît weuh dangerltO te rctatious lac. 1lege tint uy ut! the inothen country." Wriîiiig un het oppoite aide, te Argus à ullits titat the esut outhett electices 'bas beeu even fate deccdedty iut faver of Mi- fUitns atd iprotection titan ceatd bave lieeexpectet!-, sud t maya that thetc iird- moneso f elcils cannatIl paaeibiy citange theo face of afaina, sud trnu the uauîteial ina.jonty ltoa a incity." It la imcvi- table ttite Govenonent muesthave a Ivuny lange unuerical majanuly." Theo Argus deulares, bavevèr, ihetI mauy or tte'new meenbons are l"quiheonuintet! ton ?atlianneintary duties, bcing without cdu cmatten or «eprlencu, and saune of, Iheu net uxactty the kiud of' prons wbom theo t1eCtera wooid havfe cttscu letransueet for thon: auy imporant aicqo et'priva. huai' DOIs vitilue oftIno dofeaird candidates seVural Wvenu meu of cataractPr and cf ability, vite wauld bave made ne unwarty atetebena eti any logielaîive bod." It *&sa airemdy remord it eloaurne, &fier te receipi of the Novevnhrn=41 frans Beolande ibat provioca tue l dspaîch of' that maIl te romc i c Charios Darling had beausdtened ou. '1'he Atlantic Cebi. 1 Thene bavlug been amoine legal diffionî' ti. itm aIovay eofthe old -Company golugý ôï,vîlhttti great uudertaking, la no* juecmpany tas- been farnn.d weuh a capital eor £600, 000, Whoaintcud' la punit mations le a speedr-coucluaii. 0frt e puliarl- *iset of4h. 10w vale, s coteporar IlTRie mcv calehu ili differ ntth1e ol ta sevînal aaterial plî'0 'h irs Iesteadeof boiuai;ofet'onq, cooted weUh pre. nerrativu cexpoaend, weltib galvaulauti, no as le de avay wlit. mhe nceasfty cf the preuttevative oovurng. This'change gives lIip wre Stealet qiotgation, and inabua' *asam te a>snnsnAa5a êimtels .wlth ONTARIO HOTEL. WHITI3Y. lion to the rui'ttlrtmeitiftià %ut'îer ani&d miniva,îtttîilhIiig n iii vd'i aôi id iidnîdy VICTORIA IIOUsE, PINtSMIlTitTIIWiiTiY. MIhN SI'ILIIL rotIe tur. T 119stqbme-ilu ietaris,t tiftîi i, bis 1115117 Iriî'îids tiiit lie IA ,210w eurrying n ie l abovo hlWottig utitetlit à SIPIIosQ nun inbt Crie bet of wliief., liqiisoîrs driria inents.A val updtul . c, d stet4iiq tttud cîclumed yard. Jh i'ohlL Wltitlty. 0ot.4. 1804. 0 W. 1.&C .(A)Y Mltttiîîftttir VrM Of '. cVry I c i lptiOll Of W-~SaddIos, Hlarness, Colla.rs, TBIUNKS, VALISES, &c,,, &Col flhOCli ST-LET, WIIIY, B Ef; /to nitri,44, iroir friaiî'it, nid ilho t)tliie, Stratt l:r' ywie otu ii )FI it nrae i l tii exg.'iic nl îrders wtl tilîi thèiîîiîîty be 11, oreî, '.-iiiipromtpitiIv .ntiE t s,.iy euR. tnillars wtli wîrk it i tientt niiiiîfactnre <'Iioiq. and toua ecitt41 il irn sunt thoe lort- W' Photographit Galery, T iiE E iropriu'ter iii' Ilti liu', t'ialicywtiîli ttfirti lt'e i'it 'ii taitil isla îowtho L i -t ai conipltlo lin the i'r(vi lico, tLi it10 is roi rvtl tu t4iiie 'letiruâ, citliur Ii PHOTOGRAPHS,AMBIIWTY- PES MELAINOTYPES, O>r at>' (ttirrnotdtîit fO3,,~uî 'tt :4>r PruýVs L11i'sr Mau t, uuuu i e(ete A RTSTS' MATE RIA LB. (è ive tWiswni,ior rootît s Cali, sud $se Iii wurk !u i unrël %ea. xnio uil QITL itAat cuaclyxauaas 0-11 esly caii Os sonltit. W. 11.DOUGA 0 SherifS sale of- Lands#, ioiuntv orfOutanloCi N SATI.Jî1AY, the Te) Wtt 1Ç10 I e4xiid dnty oai> ,nii A.. 11 IsSu, t t twlvcelocK unt, will be sotd, £Ly Pblie Auctii. sO uny office, Ihi, te (Courtl louse, lit theo row outrWiitby, lun tgo Couety of Qiitgrio,anit tue rlit, ttet uditer. est, vinicix the unlertannitionod defeudauts. sevsrmlnt poas l iel u e lrtuutioued huds aeltt#uaient* tbencon, Keizud bv ue nudei and by virte oft'certain Writa ot iieri Fadas, STEFIUON M. TiIOMA8,- Jamnes liiýi, deeuod t e t ime cf bi% destin, lu tih ats utofW ilulstlisir At!uiniis trstau' of Ail utîci ngular lte goPccattetee send oredits wiîtlb.woesof Jtwies lar, ticea- ed, nt itahue et'f bis desthin wh-lied lattes. hale, t o s daeulâteréd, 'eedn Thee tutensi t fJames Blasir, dpeosacd, l in he Firlt o*toeîssil of uthtuaTowtitclds ut WLtltb-y. -Antd VhligqlatvNutitibeo O ui. udd sud Eiginiy.two, 0ou Wt's plau oftîtoVillage af Ilto Coury, et Couamon Flous, Cii!reâlitenry Davidsoa und W )!imm er- do, 1ý Pdtf New, Arrivais at HAMILTON &Co's New Drcss Good q, New Pilits, New Grey Cottons, NcîVW Tfweeds, Newv Cassineres, New Coatiligs, NJEW vC ATPiIlETS, Il. & Cto. w ili offex' for' tbis veck, only, te ricnaind er of tixeir Xiitci Stocki, SA T OSFOCAH AT NO. 1 2 TILL'S BLOCK. Whithy. Match 7, 1866. FRANCIS KELLER, INSURaANýCE AIGENT, i 1toprossonts th followinsr wolI-koôwn Companios: TIIE LYRiOAND LONDON A'NU GLOBE, TIIE EDINBUItGII LIFE A'ND LOAN ASSURAINCE Co., QIJEEN INSURA-NCE Co.,-(bONDON E.NGLANUD]. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE C'o., (0h., CANADA,) FIhIJIAND) mAintJ. BUTSIAMERICA ASSUItANE Co., (OF TORO-NTO,1) plan ANt) >AIE WESTEM NY$NURANCleCOM PANY [OF? ENGLAND-1. AOCIDENi'TAL DEATU- INSURANCE Co., [ENGDAND,] ALN10 AGENT 'OU TIIL* POVINCflL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Tor'onto] .:l Ail daas sof rop rty inuret i l ra rajoterni%. Min:n, V-i'oey Loaned ciol ueal Pi'otpuctîîsets ul tl i iforiwin given 'lruely 0o1 application. Also agent for 1rovîcial Te1ognapnl Compnjîy. FRANCIE KELLER, Postmaster, Ofihawa .W. SC.&L BSN'SEIJCti,',ION arc niîpcuiîtr tuan ny Cocunucrcil Colein Blin tish Amurica.e.j'1 Brsuiahcs tatiglît cum1l-ac o ryl n eccscttry fur theo Boolk Kccp. YllE ACTUM> BUSINESS BFŽARTIEIINY la the mosti comrpleto srrsgoeet of is ildeI, ing iugfvishcd withî twl> BANK~S, ia !liiCiIAN1ý"S ICNiPitiUm, aind an XII.U OFFICE, '.hîtchi arc apounevery day for theo transaction utof tius IC laosm in TELEGRA.PItING every day'.-In PQOO Jjfr For IMoitlly oIiL~'-pCIfl#QIWntTt?ço, &c., .diretuenéloMngitamp), MUSGROVE & ~WItdGWVT 24 TORONTO.-W. Fire Fire?1 D ETNTu STRYO. rrIHF s;ubxerîbor ln in rcti r-,ilsg Ii litstanI<s Â',-for patfitvor.,;lienitoiifrin the inhnutl- tsari of thisown i eut ssrroiitilg couutry, Iéislie will Wliept)ly toPAtten i Qi, ordcos Rabbor J3ese. ,ýTootht 111ed or oxtreoted ltIn teitsh Pug.otl&a,ttenthauîflldto tht egltoro ~ 51 W. il. CÂlin. iÂOhniburg,,:Pr OueD r$uub of the Lumber 50002VV iJrad Elut inîîd siv qttauitity of 8 lepýýnjé by tue îîndür;ýirîîd, la ex itnige for worlc, et lus Carrnage tlii:p. SANMUEL WALKEY. T.. P. YR'E£MÂN CAIZIZI',GE, SIGN ê. ORlNA.MEI;TAL '%%*c rit Shnp nt à N. lRty's rrnal- n th Ie Muîtuat'ligutitttit, Byron JEWE L iER-Ys " Reliable 4loodsl AT IVTCtIIESVri Yg yLUW. Pe'lruftry 4tlk, 1895. flîtIck St., Wlîitiu>. Farm for Sale' FA >' , ' f 5 % cros muore tir or ta C. C. È l.LLTit, 'GoPIiE CORMACK. I~~~~~ ~~ 'MlltMu i'1,Crlatitcn ut TI N 1-') 1 EIR T A X 1 N(-. EUN EItALS fîîliy iiic't1(ýI miît i ttt'iule i F '"A itrs uiurou litLet nti tcnîa . Ni . I 4J ANI CARRIAGES & WAGGONS, &euluaS., W I y M. lit'y., Jal., lOtit >;Unt. Au8%,n ale,. '1e4, andîtiLita otlii, tirtinIi.ttr iiir tilut"i t s l à 6, y e %ilb xx lui, 4'alltt tiît t ý01 ulu'nu. 1 At t010 'towîshp ofReai>,VILLAGE OFVA]LLENTYNE muil oe*Iri~t fi, tin Illethrii'il ýffr iLL AG E (OiF M 1,NNI~IlTXtl'li. !A I6îr firalctît.Tcn a î,""uli tit ttit'y Itri'l iIuittt~ frtutil tnil aniti '.ril vuttirau. lita Lnial is ,tttnfgedi oua i' utiit "t. , î ci (t'cialui c 'tiaîcs lu tii Io ~ 'ht~uwbu utunelo(if b>' lotter, preo- OrteJ ll$LiO . itit tan ., 'Wliilhy. THOMA.S'& OULTHARD'S LIN~OlSTAGESy T daliv. et 1).30), 9t. MotiOr Ciut>* uî un lait:,l'rinc APwirtSuy anti MUeîîiiiî i r- rih 'iîgbt t1iîe Isn tit t 3it;p. ni.. i.tlunttcting aitirîlte Sttiafr' Llntiisay sud *cm»'etn tt;ttirningiie s îtttiln-a tat0, a. um., gjsn nir ong .î Ohiwitti:itim,, fvr eveîistg trahisn oin 0. T, lX,, Etiat anl Wnr.t-Fire rkiiisha- wa to cuguis 71< cens', t4 Lttsulît wu Pritatte Atbe'rt 76 10mtt, S,,ri3;t t 1l12, Un- uis $1(u 'nîegr f'reo'n tue Niorth:arc .,ouvveî t Litcrs e t qsuaw.t fiee ut'charge,. Itbcprfssi n'dutit u ittteiiea I o u4ý tors will'i nul ho rüapo1isilat for pitreel-s on alnges auLe ss boukad sud paid fer iu Ad- FOIR SALE. Thrýee ýDWELLINGHOUM.S Pire -' Saturday, 21st of April, -1868, AttI n , fo ari u' i b i îuutnlcr ute tut itaut ceiu n w l alqn te .tueuuii1ifUr ock, u ti 'lut k 100à rg"sI.'i Ma c trn1960. i a titeea-Il çvt!1 orgg(s. Aï. MeE ADLN B1M~ ST., WIIJTBY.I~ AGRICULTURIULIEPIÊMENI',S, WnEutî WML » lJIOL'ND Combiaed %Eapers andl MouO'rs, F*ur dl'Xeroit ittis ut' T'wo-horse Whoel Cultivatorz' £TAWÀND 'ý'!Èh (JTTIi.RS,. GLUIT GRAIN CRUlSIIJlRS, et' varions uak-aand ui! tyls; Steel -Plows and Steel Points. .:TýANNIN-G MI1LS TownLOTS A ]Foi1tn2ntrns o'pg BY-L AW.No TOWN 0"O'F WIUITBY'- ALSô thrsul 1 locltc' à iu'o OIbf'!VljlkbrY' j t' 1 - cooltaniiitg '0111une lt tîrecAciem- '(Passed-2 ' tln Març1n 'ALSO VILLAGE LOS- IN Port Perry, -' po1,e/o t1.<z4gm Brookliu, , <nysapproprlat«à l yt1l Breohn, (axa, tueùoînMifteo onsStiWeetéand Hanipto, ~ ~ ( ah fi r, -ôJYu Tî1110e 1 luit4cog Lot s, wilInbc iil to* for cassi, t! et a fisar"e lttatiou 015 titue, viz. Lut 1, OUIt C:Pu. 1linra, 200 Aéera. Loît li5, 'rtun Milt:r, îlo-t I Wý4 ? Sn' $r d e 1M11 Lot T7 lO 'V'ctnuit go L'il i, 7 th- " Uuriil,290' 6 1luifý 14, 8thlt t'Ouuv a Lut 1, ti t >'verIcîn , 1 - 1 " Luot17, fdont donut Sù 212,lOl * omn(1l0 00 Lot 7, 10LII ~ d 0 Lut 6, 'tain en 20 Lot 0, '1111." LId '1h00 Lot t, l12it1"' do 200 -9 11-t I,7tit" .'do 200 * s etwcm aid %hnitingiqs b 5 o~ 5 and prlvalt resldqubis iii the Tomas à iofsLnd ,~iltei'l1prItnprulti.' lOt 3). )Éue ofur-* D)IVISION CO'URTS, COIJNTYOF0INTÂiItO. 7 , Uxhriutge....... .t loti;" " lCuii iiugtctu - - -of I i lt oit, t-1CP 4,H 1aveon..........." ofpayl7et.ile " 7, Alyify.............dlu th, Whrit N hy Ma i 2Ot, E18<il JNllîrii()I.i. Qt-r VlarilolGdy soyRale a.1 and tituos udari t isiu aa u Mi È viroî rîustp tUTOLtc Ctuuu'l chitiep, anti culb e au irts tif1 i'tiit.on 'rita Whiîby, Wb iti, A thNov r., ao4 Wild LANDS FOR SALl. SEVERAL LOTS IN Nuara, Eldoxi, somorviflo, Vorulaxh. b'oi' pirticulats apply to, (pro'paid.) J. IHAM PIRR1, Whthy. Whtltby, 8îh Nov,18615. 44 FarmsforzSale - o.- 1 t ýi-iitg, 1h> rtlt'ciist ipart l .nt i.3,'21 *vl-tiiiiu ti'o luuui o c lîTownie ui ul D AR LIN GTONà -i, 810 ùrt it îre d, tiliitî401 norcs ut'wMlîiriretu 1 rec 1"oin stiai iîpm, L'ogib'ni -1in 1 ' (iiî'i- lu'lie t llobi-là , îitxbif-trncd welli, nitd n iuirnif tv voingt r 'itrd ut '.t'ao t- cs. T'lia îrhlarty W, ii b soldiëîîî<lp. cliili uiL t i rina it' pugy menuit., Alm, fit t.îrlfi ivlli1i wu ttii e aliutleti BAY OF? Qi'YNTEty 1" ýi c n4"t part, L t I u 12 ît <2*uu. : iy-u lai li- fti ef Plt i t' , iftint 04')1sp t, e l i itrii cti nn aur etu1Itivatîin I lue it ra 1 ia lltrî'tt *venine re!ittrdiç itnd uta cii t rmitard, tli tiur itîirt1 ti i' cac. e 't oîi't f finît. 'lie (rit of li pruipurty, 'ilduti lilltit t i lavieW ii'C '. evoy h'rtiie Divellîigg loigme, îî'til'4stt;tllî'til w-it 1'tUZ utiti M11;. ng tid uTlfftîtaid o ut -A14o1 Lot No. 12, 12th contituout h TWO IILNDREI) ACRES,- jAl,îtuit 10 titres cicareil o4rb ieni m , iis i ilitt'40olot, tuida i itunte(ti 0tt1Y nomb t our tîtinsltt the t,'ittrn roud. ,iASo Lot 7.' lutt' ti cuit.-SONIERVILL..E, '100 a -m-i!Lhuitwo milita fi-ountht, Iioiteai- Ftor p.trt!tte!i&î aptpl'y Lu (1re-litîiîi,) J.HIAM FERRY, Land For ô9'le .1 ' iTfisaiil r lrs whsiiî t îrfijs T. IIUSTOS, B Mayor. ~p5 rnzZ allowawc Lot8l10 and ce,i0, o! of T tite 8cid roaiý ~ander Coqp Ra&s re-opened the Carrnage Factory Iateiy orcupiedlby DONOVAN WALKEY & Co., seéoQfl'à dob S'oà tIh of.hbis lato 'Fuctory, and opposite the Town Hall, Whttby;"where ho is prepared to EXECUTE -ALL. ORDÉRSi Wbitby Anl4$ t8M5 .1 Wliececas i ila deemcd eipeillout tô provîde for - hec mauperinr lu*hich the mu:îcj's grantotiby tlîin, Corporeiou ori Jlnuck, ami J>unalastreets, 'n in theo sucerai wands sinoulci licexpendeil.- 1.liert-for thie Corporation ut tico Tow-a 'of wlîitby cuculsf as faloývs 1. Tliat nt the first unoting ctf the noi' Counicil lu coclh r tcr lalho hsci ona iniîber froffi oAcb .vartl, wh4na, toýI getiuer nvithth te %iayor, sliall be kinovn nt theo statcing councnitteu on StiCe ta a4J lntproveitnenls, sand the I'Munyôir ,Otait bd eckuficio1 the Cbairthan of saicitùi 'I,. :nittco'. A~. 'M'iat the Commhittee afaresaiti shahl lbave te ertiro stupet'vision tutticotîtrol Ur~ tho IIigiwii'uy llidlgos sud _Crosiiingt on- Diudas and Brock striots and tht e Bal Uino otly, anditi tît an approprpitiîon froiîî theu futtdst ut'tin owo.'n isatlliemati ero 'tut îrptaae then iut tto opinionof. titis Couticil i1h e dsirable o tithodo. 3. Tinat an appr-opriation $hltl bc matd iiillrly t te eci:o'lh oeiiwanswithin tlî Corporttiot~o b ac xpoutid luin n-7 prtiviùg the strocte, attîtsiu inatks,'.itltin theuittiiiction oli te saul wents, sud siî; t1ti' îîtttr tihecon irol of tho tnomdbor$ uof caci nsard uviun. shtau* brin- theno com îtlltte tînereot', uti tiat sui(i Qpmmittco shalh have puinsir and t illahbo theli tiuty, ho keep (tinoerînudngs ou théo icstiug tliaouglittres lu tttcir nantis trefront, utuowv'înd irL uias ofteu as the sa4no shall bo rcquined. 4. Tiîut il shall hoethoedtnty cf Ille 'frctsttrur of tisieCorporation te opcu an aà coutnt with the- Cotanittec on Streetà and ti îuruouinnut, autiwith each uof tb. wavsis hoesuiad te lu psy out- cf hô tuaincyginlu hie hautis for, theo purposes tsititrupriatedti tpan thie ortior of the Mayor; being tino chairtuen aforrsail,'iinti'charge the Saine bt thecotnîuitteuettfroà sid, s.J alsa to pay ont ail ordi'rs signicti by 4 loasl.tn'vo nlint'r!s of tn th lu wbiich Lte unonoy is exîiuueîle,- anti char-go tinl saine btu te accécttt of tInta telfur.wbieli the ordci' parloy.tshoeliu ate. i.TînaithtinoTreas urcr'a foiregaldshal ià jno caie psy aîty' or'dan' cuueuating front it Itnunt tino upprupritttian meuate by tho -Couneut. 6. Ttnat tuf Tro4surer siali eit tOto frai nç-tittitî n loc'nsberliu oach' yesr tinnougli lte layor, lay upnîtÉlTie taeloa ssteentu shelnovug lte amunmte grututeti te oac1ý coîttnittee of avard, tLniointpeli, sud stucti dter infotrmnation ns ho inedy tiblnk. ,t ticîii-r'ilo tino Councaul ddild bo id possesion or.' Xp Apply )ADSCI (rd maintit'l