Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1866, p. 2

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Kew AdvertisemenîsLts Day, k. ooi-a,îîn o lqav Mill inery -Hamillton e Reody Made lothig-Humiiton & Coe. Qroerie4, Wiuem Liqttors-Haraiton New Dry (Iodsi-W. 1L'DIsw à Ct» Direct Impertîoems-IM-M KcMIlla & CÃ" Grocerlea, llquonevansi' wino&- o. Ne* Uoodoý-.. H. Cochrne. Boots aed éoe-do. I>eéé gooèl, grocerea -do. Brookline foue-Clark & Vicker>'. For sale-Burnett'& Hen derson. lumoivot et is ci186t4-L. B. Scbofleld. TuoleeiAct, cf 1864-Jame"rowes. Solect Suboci - Misn Denaidson. Chantier>' sale-Wakelluld,-Cotte &_Ce. -Notice, Court cf Ieviio-11. Beaton. Louduss Assurance Corporation - Levi 1iairbaeka, Jr., Agent. ONLY 8160O CEN'TS A TEAR WIîIbyTlllrsayA 6l (, 1866. PAîsm he as been fertber ladjournesi tg tise nd OrfJune Bt theil te muet for the transaction cf business. Itilt probable tisaitshe lieuse yil etunov meeu t er lb. harveat, 4msao ime in Septomber. *-e.0-- .Arrivai et chu 13'hiby Rifles. Tho Whlîby Rleo, undur tise commanui« of Major. Wallace, recei.vus an unexpectèesi enfer for-home towards the close of, lut week. This wbele detachment at Port Ceîbone, cessisirg of tihe Colliegwoodi WLikby, andi Columbus, Rifles, receivuci similar orders. Thsefine. ste amer "CtI3s1 of 7brcstu" wnm clarteresi fur tiruir con- voyance, andi afier leasing lb. Cuilingwood Compteny la Toronto, proceedus edoWbtbyi viser aba$searrivui at aboutî te'clock, P. tu. Captain Dartuell'a Comp any ce t Ilitaoîîy store em baud te receiro tbeit~iF bret isr e rinsmaandi act îea us scorI 7h. IBarsd and a large numiser of citizen t aiso eaccômpaniesi îbum in tbcir lne, e roule. Tl'eoemon loied bossu>' aid olIl but esueis iroustd from uxposure. Tisey were eloîhed iu tiseir nov erif'Jrm. Before diaemismsng, Major Walliaco-called for tbis. Che' ra for thse Wbitby Infastry, whicb wua eaujily rspodus te andi uiably iakuovW. Ir i ieslgsd b>' Captain Dartnoil, ws tis lo occasion- te allude to the bithorr au, '0 b il t i si ilm si i -i Pl w pc l i pu Èe s Li or Mrh. <,ssedn' sthe Fontuieanti Pickern onli sturday, April 2181, -t,866.: Tlhe following are tise rernarits made by Thsee cuni met. pursuasnt te ladjoura. Mr. Gladstone at the reforin banquet given ment. Membere ail present 'iu bis ionor ai Liverpool, on the Cit in - Minutes 'of laet meeting rossi andi ap- C&Welir gessîlimen, halm'Mds- tise. ist aseledigoui: rsott,-lirayhtg for aid, -b> ,deepi>' paînflil and mosaIimportant, bel yet bfrlrMcCrhi of JohntC. Miobeil a-ad tsictly local occurrences, wo have bad an.-çtiers, sud <of DYid &KtDow prsying thse other etrange, singuiar, andilpasuful maniî. ceuncil nt toeutomin Joseph Wixaeun, jr,, fettice in the sister Island. I ads.ert a certaini allowance for roari, b>' Mr* now l ta Ivhicb illaiseosteb>' the usome HagisofetAlex. Waddoll and otlsera for of Fecianisse, a pisonomenen, wiicb, -ne ad te iniprove thse aide railienl; doult, douives itas force from a foreign l1O and fyin he tis h concesi oui,b> Mr. agene>' andi influence. But, gentlemen, XViî. wheu 1 éa> a foreige agency and influence, Mr., Weir motes tisaitis1e' cousseil ýdo ion't let it bu for a moment suppesvd tisai now remolve lîseif m osnite0fts inteusi, direcîl>',- or. iedirectl>s, te a s -whole, to conaider. tis eea eiin On tbe greot ostdmrii9y people vh isli.- relatitig ta tlise propleesiv«ting of a cor sabi-tise'opposite- aboies cf lbe Atlanticetain portion, oi thailiovac,,for rondi b.- lie responsibiiti,.-or any part cf tise ras. tweèn foti '18 anà 19, iu tle Ibis conces- sonibilil>'. of ibat deploreble aud calau s in leJoseph Wixson. toum manifestaion, 1 anm deepi>' asuresi Thise cunci le comritieooof thm vbole, b at 0cr breibren ln Amurica, tisai ise Mr. Ballardiîinatise chair. msts ef those who fcrai public opinion inu The cosenileofrose reportosi progreas, tinerica, regard tise proceedinga cf ibome ansi ombos ea e atagain tle next meet- niappy puisons vus ties arne feeling cf ing ci tise couecil. rif( und lbeana. jusigment cf con- Report receivesi. umîsationv ithwi.is you andi 1 regard Ou motion cf Mr. Weir, tise tresanrer Iem. (Ciseers.> h is but a spik!ijng vas orduresi te par' te John Palmer, tise f penoess in usai gruat but gigantieceron- mcm cof $2,50 for procnring weod'for Davis! seuil>' te ous lisose Influences are owing Young. Uds, gentlemen, cf shosu influences tlisem Mr. Ballard moves that tis cour.cil do sîlves wiiai are we te a ? litla impes- grani.frcm the tuds. ef ibis teownsisip $200 ýible te contemplalu 15cm vitisent the fortishe erectiost cf a bridge cicr theosamit uuepumî pain. Acting upon thoe prin- brassncof I)cfllns' crcek, on con. 5. iplui, of geneine confession wbicis lie at Mr. McCreight intreducesi a by-lav te ho root cf public alleirs in Ibis ceunir>',aster lise bcunaîriem of moboul sectiuns,eos.1 'e.cannt ise5itato ta admit ibait tis de. 2 sud 3. The, by-laxwu asuditise flr*'t à Iprabie priuîcipie, ibis deisiorable power, Urne; ansi on motion cf Mr. McCceigist thée 'aulsi neyer have come inte existence laed b>-law vas read bise second lmeansirce t is een foi th.-record otfpput miager- (urrusi ta a commile of tise vbeie-Mr. rament andi abuse, In lise signa cf pie. Haigisi in tise vbsir. ident, rtieio o 5 II ia e Tise commistes cf tise wvse.pose %Aa ýave elduiesi, for lise errorta vo ehave repoîtesi pregremsanasksaes!leaye te aitc ommnjues, wu deris-e ibeme lesaces, ibat agalî aItishe nexi meetirsg.'Repos-t rocS, <d a future vo muai even more carefuily Mr. Wuir mo ves tisai thor. beappropri- han nov undpavour te truat ail out fuoi atesi trom the fonds cf 'this corporat 'ion bjecta gasd ail Our (ellov.ciîlsna- ibis prusent year, $50 for tise impiovement rhiler tise>'hb calîpsi Enil.hmen, Irtsb- of tise western towe lineaisd tisaI tle morne e or S coîcismna-upan principles cf hbeuxpendesi iuder tise direcetion tsofbha are~ andi eqeal jastie. <Cheera.) But, reevu, a ik u m iaving beeln appýprited iai, ine is nentire, vo imuet, sithout by lte Marhem couecil fou'ie saus o ed. eîitaîon, alîbougis net vithont griefi, use Mr. %%reii MOTiialtishe potition ot A. 'or>' racih os, adept uver>' mensure tisai Waddebl ansi otisurs bu graniesi by appro-n a>' b. neceusry te maietain lise au- piiating $15 te cut-dovts a bill on ideroasi tot>' cf the tand ansi te- preservo tise buivuen lots 10 aund Il In lbé 9th con. suce of tise counnu>'._And, gentlemen, Mi. MeCrelgisi movesa t ithisigo- suit me te »m a>iht, tuotvitissînding amien et M. Brooks, as peuedkeepou, hob uto painful evenîsi, vs have net buen accuped--lost. /, ibeet ruasniiug ymptoms. Wu have Mu. McCîegis moyet tisai Williamn on in. Irelsusi, upon tise occasion et this Bernes, ho ansilbe la hereis> autisoriFsd"ouE rt>' atbeek cf diiffecti-,n, uh aigris bebaîfr et this counçil, tlesepeusiai so sin ti t nion ands scb unuquvocal piedis of cf $1 pur vuek, fer tiese upport cf Niche 1 rmpath> y ki tise goverumunt, pervading las Fisiget and farnil>', the>' bavflng heon t I classe andi erbraciuîg ait opinions andi repreauntesi te b. ln destitusie cirsumstan. b i religions, as 1 vili venture le se>' never ces, mid expenditure te ccmmenco on tbhe ea &een bere.. <Gieer.) And te whsut iret day of Ma>' uxit, andi continue for d, vo these improvedsi yptoasisse due? ibree monthea, 6cisnch leualime as tieseaisi b>', without dcubt ansi 'ithont question, «Villiarn Barnus, mali, désire.. tise cou.deandi tempier ssiiusbas guid On motion cf Mr. Mccroigbt, a By >av 1tIhe policy oft Iis goernrnss twards v at paseil teameesi 1>' law 242, enlilid eianil duing the lest tiiti years. IRa"s a iy.law te appoinst township of5oeua fern s cal in ibis atte cf (auis tise mont mark. 1866. tb encouragemntste persevoru in tîhe frac Mr. Weir moieatis ai t te ceuneil do t se adoption oft tise.principlu, toeuceainov esjouris, asid ttassadjournes i tiisa a, ide oeur>' narrow andi partial tonception, turda>, tise 26ih day oet Ma> nez,., on E renaviste untild ail ellorts te tmake cor visici da>'the Court cf Misios vili huIS llv-.itizuns ln iroland cntsin leail its fit ittieg. rticûilars, wbvlstcsu ie>' ua>' bu, te tise as a-icls voibink Seat for ourseive. P inai frons Cornwall. - h cordIlfeelings vhich eziiesibeiveois thIreli tvo Comupasies.,A(thtIs ime oftOuri gaisvs I t'eto heo ti Myor and citlase.@ are enter- e uS tsinling tise mec attise Town hell. Tise lau &uspper i prWedsi y mine hbailMilier, oft/ c îbtCoiereciai. Tise Columba Riflestl procetded ta Osliioa, visure tise>' dismepa - ianleul and proceesiedi isenuvard iideo ~'lsu Fn - & ssuprsosauCsnîi.Tbrc.e aniesons visicîs t eietsfor ther future. For tise presout il la oui dci>' le l'lset' mehavé, scIyul beis cousmiltesi sdrniistur viîsmeru>', but fiumees, tise "pever cf tise'la ansd ltepresservé the *a- for 1S. ieexaunluation il stili condîsci tisent>'ofethtie Ciovîs cl eReMajesty'm oui villa elcus oi ,but o féev (acta ssewli. ýpeacel'ui mbjeets. 1T blulu in vit ai- Iae ati the-tas inspire. hIL is hougi ibtas moisi1Ibav&unoi taken a one-4idt-d view et sufficiit - evidonecaye' bc ebltitosl te the case, butbave eessved Iome todu e unar osseiuW bv Scdis. ut idi ailovance fer those mnguidesl - - mens, wboeofeelinig& cf reaentrnossta tebis eti vilS un ezîraci (rom aleslter trous conusîr>' fnuoes'epon te Lois cf other genstleman- in Cornwasll, wbiel Trues - limas, have lbu thot n ' ite se deplorable - f 0 owuas You witr'ho acilous tealkne proceesilagarBat, gentlemen, I1eent U a vsitise prospects eftaa cosvîtien au > part frees ise subjet t ithossi ueocing to "Oueepoint ia particlar. W.au-e'telS tiu eaalsauOn s. rusîu;bu1 o eCan*da ansi Nov Ba-enavîcisarc ibreateneslj thlie pr4nieers bogin e letie -poitio vitis tir. ansi alangliter fs-cm ise revenge1 à "aver>' k avvri one. At l&rilb>' ey r cf tise Feelses fer thse rong iîsfliced b>'1 v ery' jul>', Set are nov doacsln. nlniae I.ad n bsI sa -Tisore are meven companies siatiousî a a>, tisatIif thsemno f CsadaadlNew Cornwvall andi leven ai PrescUOitbieme wrongs- h ier visst bie>' Ma-i t1agtsrattes' Court. vise are net esnt angldin th isnrcveis>', - - isWho ave ne moso te sicdouit i ha ilshe Tise late'hssrgiary came tiame up-en Sat. peeplus of tb. Sandwichs Tlanda - if lise uiuiss . istbsfoeoIli$Wcs.aiip tise Mayori-'eniana, sas use>' eauthiseae-es le Ameni- - assshi.J, GneM. ),, . t, Tse ~no.uaare capable oetthse abomnasble vicisusi neas cf pasâala tuer frotler andi et:snaký essr, -J. lÈ. Conno,wsç ,!c mmued tte iasit gtuir .impotent iitlaeuable sîtempis, his trial nttheet e 0515555-. We onstr. viicli mie>' viii be<clseors> Wcarry dool. mitidtise prigoner liii apptsed ' ft:a viii licnôrte svs Lt. pen6ercidisticts anti among of Haueiu Corues. - ibsmo iarsslèaa eecnifti., tisti, I ma>, thatl - -.4v-- m fair romyourtscirsating tise cosdget' of Tihe tellowieg document bas beenevu>lseftae mt-let theta ho Aniricans or goaorally sli.lslgtod le Sg. Jsilqa,'New viscuntise>' ilk.-vus aIovanceeor i1u genceono moex~tmble nitestaions'et Btumzzs orNi4 it sii ic(cfli>' or" glt 'h ve over boeet m adei nlu tii. Cîviuansos Nt Barsrsncx;atssaa uftbe lsupin'e'éo iole us e i Repeblean Instiutt1isa bave'- baceoffaà thait h ooîmonood lia eÏ*he o ej 11004111mstâ s-tise isacoand p- éprty îl7OU oarîh., (Cheeri, .r én iso are -capable yotas.provinsce. of-'- e ichs proeedinga utsd ateonce b>'tiseir1 Eaglis e oy, 'èsptesoain ~ etise ch. inaians~sd guill place sheaslyas entire-r noiettpsbýjëeeî ef confisdoralt.i, is osais- 1>' beoeti tise ympatis'efthtie wha1e, fa; Itz ltitefforttea-hins! Ion la effet, c0lîlIseS venrd. -(Lonsi-' uteeos.> 1 test form#pf sîseitreiss.. îté ullusi eonfidenlop'îisatthesO eneWho nestiu ta te e fitosi Stos lae-st leabit île *pîolt es-of Briltlbish ourth nociily, tise oui>' seaus cf escape. Ien . ârîia, *isehave pi-eceeded frèm.ou depeudence for1htie preset, lbis eboit cee loins, sed wbe, are govereoib>' prlsselples andsitwli "jurie y>oe thse asue andsiaole Inta lman bus.ows, suow eil boirte sstsstsgemesl cf >sôer arnaiag. - dotonS- their bouses, s.heir vives, ani - e~narybay>elstacannot-ibal net ceilduep suad if,unisappliythe neesi atoSO, -Prsi"lî yonasa'rtiia iissindependenue, telis *no renômsrce phosied bj ibisd if yét' délr* it. Bfgeffy yre iuses anticoutryitui ho mse vusMntt ai>' aped te, youieoopthofoenr. t afieSiat1 aist iiasm is thehr isIy wcrk. <Cisers.) unteumùiéllsd b>'- royalty, unaçieekesi b tnimrtsis, and erta'in ta seeure 4i1 tLe loal, A prominî ushsMeM r oethelî'1Nova SciIJ# boeliitt;of r.lpueclty. - - - A$15eimll>' jea receil deb amo, saiS l'ê4,- Dy - "ofv4hile Le honoreS the i'Hercipof K&as - dus, Arge su TCOr, sr. JOuY w aroiuc, ,lhe coutd yçb flnsd menn thés J~tuastcb aulutoodi 'ef Muiqnostboit ~vo eal. S car wo baie-,ssotboard ihat, tLe capable aeubceofnnderatanding die poittiesl "Bheptblicea CotnlItie" b' msaet wiiit y c@itiîes fthtie provinsse, a0 Cornwall, Aprhl 20. Cal. Cieay Wieeher, oeth.- sFusenie- ro tisoriood, vas broeghî ep btfîre ise sua- giatralea Ibis meornn. Alter suimorongis exasainatien orshl&ppo&rs, &C., liii> Crosue counsul gave au ophic ioa t use10Charge couid ieell hob.preterred &gains$ bise. 40e Sd nos appear le be mecS imprease4 v1là tise aoQtisîioo giien bita b>'tise Beachs, ansiexpresseS very plaily ih is ti& termisatlon #ote mainIn lathe counIr>' ju as long auise plosiedaed. io de aubea p1uv"s-4 villo bore. One iilig the Sisoîiff anSJuilor god bye, Se thanires ibesfote b.gîoti tresttmut b. rocoîveti fraus Ilium andi aid Iibintis e i lime, Use>' sav bthl e onlit be as 1the lia et s kieuuresi Ilsnimsont. Sheosi>'bas applios -tubavse the mono>' isieutsfree Lins, amouating ici tweiyveb.1. dlisr th o s s te o, b4 lcivwd, to rawa mderteamupaisifer- tie sup- poil of bis iivie, Tisemono>'la is tpro- perty eofithe Hilerp"den $mcietyot Tmor~. C ornwal 7Aprilt24. Tis e xaaination z ot prisoe*sa wîiite telue pae io-worrx, probsisi>' Isoilfore the clo&ingof tise CoUtmýof Quis ea'ose, ricc onimesiosu -usa busday seit, anti vIili vukl> lest fu(oraleous.u, tisot-. hitig liictisout fousmuder for ters, and cuber uriniuai seS civil 'buisiasa, - Dr. SaItev', oee of the ,Physliaaa vIse ?oueiaeo a ttedtbe iibolera paisoota onub aiseglgandu4, v taises iii on mouds" mtorning, unssit dIu -o! tiat -dusasaeson .tueida>' eI.M. STise sitimrut faz n»ieis genstlempan sibo wtt. in tisa, qmwssitse- huik Pvrao, cooaiilg ise patienta, repor ei-îisemtoijeusua. Wb.tiir4oieerma in il eor,«sfitrnm ' --.ereDooturs, Gnicrie seýq#sîP, "ore aitachos i tthîe dises. bat lbave retoyeedu, Ehbaof tb. pi ugersmatie %ber.eps freantho quarantiné mLlp, asdit Il ,-trafeâod tisa>' esIgti&preand tilises.e,. 'Tise ees of aebotersi bavo-een reporteai "fIaxm.-. Thsa Rev. Mv. Mulésame, sOsilmolic Pritat ef tisaiiCity, had ati asolbut t itise lut dates hy mailaul nreoeristg. Luatest Amertetu ?News. Nov Tork,APril 21. -Thoe lIraldsayi -We leare that ancîher express compar to ho called ithe3lercbanta' Union, hb bosse erganize.d.vith. a capital 'of fiee millions, and tbat its principlo olUeo doo te bd opened le îbi City. The fforld'8a ~sshington tolsgrai says --Theo HIouse Judicinr>' Vommitt yesterday examined at groa legtb Dr.J B. Meredith, w)o, esloges tisat ho *as P)N. sent a% Montreai, je Fobruar>', 1865,, et meeting cf prornant robeis, among wb.r *ero 'Sanders, TncWsrýhoip6on aindi large numbor of others, by whom, th, question cf the assiatoc Lincoln Stanton a'Md Grant waw froid> tàikqd y'-er and .it, wsgenerali>' undereiWOed. minj them Ihol il Wb# shoni>' to take piacoaec Ïhat Boothi waa "tise man* wbo waa tu per igrin the oct ;aDd ,ho Say& thot a lettor w& exbibited purporting te ho from Jet!. Davi giving Informsation in regard te the-matter fIe add* that lhe 'îfîorwards aaw Mr. ;Clie> whun bo called bit attention toe tb. matter, ansd wast told by Clay, that ho understoq9 ail about it. - T'ais ils thesmre mort ce ovidence ibat came, ôut in the Conspirany trials wbieh we.-e bot credite d. Meredith wua fornieri>' from Kentucky, and went 1< Canada in 1864. New Yorik, April 2I.-Steamers-Ci ty of Now York, Hansaï Saxonia, Pcrkie and City' ef Cork, -ailed for' Europe. Total-abipaients e ofl04 $47,OO.-Ez. ports for. the week $118,000. New Yprk, April 24.-The Ploaýrd g1 Beaiîh met thisa ahernocti, sbd i.i~ee îtood that,8eOlailLi reports ile tiatf0t5 te tb. chpl#rSa m Qqarauîine were submîîîcd and acteil upon. -Tbis sfar tiereb0 boeu, au cases ie thi cil>' sudprecaJi4os being, tiken,'tiberwiiI be ne necessit>' for a1srm The streets up.towir are heing ,leenod, andi ail'that ca boýdoÏoe toa voisi diseaso is being don. Thè'ýputy Healtb Oflicer reporta that op te 10 a. ma. yeaterday thers hi been ton choiera pàtients receiveti (rom thse seamper IZlinois, and two died, leaving Iu sospital eigbty. Dr. Anderson, one of the Quaratni ,ommiisimiers, -goes te Washington te. nigbî to aak Goverument 10 give addition. il facilitiez for the trealmuent cf Cholera lt thus port, by the issu of grounds nt bcnd> Blook. If stscceasfui, temporor>' buildings will boc rected thero for pali. enta. Tt oppears tisaitb# York Central Feae Bill1 bas net jare4 a. weill as voau. icipâtesiyeuîerday, ,The, levernor, fol- oving the eramnpbtof Asuperor ýotECiai, baj exarcinesi bit veoepewer, and thse Bill, bsa (ailesi te become iaw. The olsi grief. anco muai, iherefore, continue tc b.c e. dured for at letoas atheryear. Colais, April 23. "Thor s a àgond deal of ëzcusonwenn l Lown t day. A Fenian, dreaseil in U1. S uniforia, vas pruveniesi fromcsesahg, tise bridige at St. Stepfiens, 'N. B., accortling Io regulsîFoôna. Ho. pulledi ont bis pîstoi nd fires aetishe senîry, but srdsad hlm. lie vai arroaîud b>' tbe U. 8. peard. Basiport, April 24. "Tse hlsith sepaicibhatis samidte I ring tis e vai-bai Stepbeu anti'Roberts iriI arrive houa te.aigbt oni. oîsS mut. The>' are expe-ctei b>'tiseniass mt 81topisns, by l1aI acceunta, wvinl cria. A large soizere or Feniear Mes, umueimion*Aad cetbinîg, il saisi tg;hae use~~~~ s1il b'01mn inWa11olal immud ai St. Aadievm, N. I. vi wl bty Pa 1xi col ~'ieDarda, 1V. H. genhestat rsiios bore lasi rigýit vus treiopis. "Esciisvouicuaimgoieg te be 1,lisn.weup ens Windin isuianS voluncurs te Se "Specl onseavi me frs 'bLice tus Calais, b>' Fenians, tîc sies'nd tise release cf.bbc Feia rieted ýLhtissu yo A mecetWasington lotier «SajitlA spteulatôr, vel[kniovu lu ehis ci, & a La ing tnae .large p=s-cclaor et mus tiunl- tiens, etc., solS amen; otherarticvle*i, le the Fanian leader, General 8wimney, a ve ugo ce Wediuostay, Ivres>' rosnd arn>' sevlelisand'sifSvouteon ibeemans C"rgecapns, It-a-iskonevu tbat a s Ju5ge proeporionfIom t i litaq ' isiserual solS b>'tise War Dèfsartiaesut ismogtbe reblolincis lo a bu oots parebueed b>' cee or the etiser of tise Fenhian.ezieotlves.?' 15 Muusosîav, tRçors aud qti »i eS meon, foresslerio-hène -ýti(eatéaras> and uer>', sud nev utisila;in., Norfol,, Va., helS oa catesiameting le th isiaty QUI The subject et Chéiera eltoeiduioil i an Inqus->'1.5* ounaloa, isfectie aed other aies causes et diseuse. as Tis e-ainthnece et ituman lite accu mn 10 dupuen moinsi>', up.pný anu iceaàisi id struggle betwvenlise vital poters eeu -individual, and île varlous chemical an, mechasnieul agents. and hoestile living Ci rnganisets b>' tucb h. s surrouncuLAI, s p rusent purpose fl te -essdavor. te ased « J. li111e lighl, upon a portion ert ielduil whviics tiis mtruggle la geiug on, wiie tholsugh it b. tise mostremaikabie foc ils nusambers et bie'sricken,(d3ad,aroutwnu cd,) -vIe have (siion tisereN ' I udis ssi Oa borever, attracl anylising liko a prepor e lona aeunt et attention; bgluiçeus,s i =mu'* be, neither bise Sun, n r1 is n .-q lIe flash, asti amoke 'feataleos-e tiserc rg beacd, os seen. But noisoeisacd inhilib1î ad bbougis-.tise nens>',te triteSIT ccl'r,-tn4 ,r bi, s snfolclet ira ofetestaib shedS acî bas buen bresigii te igisI àlsete, -viii asolmost positive erlmicty, tîst ut is enSetw s çS vuwitHe, and, tsi ne mure chemical, or scîaialpoison, or agene>'. hItst tise ravages cf -ibis - unens> îlthavo must -,attriite tise sufferin;, ansi loe.oe lita, oc. ?d casioned b>' ail tisosu disass, wiu elv ý. classit>' us parusitie, ineculable, (lis vii I demlis vuuMa>' pevisapi hclude-,tIhu train oe th sm-plens, pieuducms] b>'bites cf peiseneus s mekes i&c,) con'bagionalnfucîious,oi epldSe P mie. For eCh onueal' ibese diseuses,,tisers -la mueS eae-n te llsink, las focrifs en tiel caIsse a -living germ, vhcci cuer, as i vo me>' suppose le bappen In souse cases, ot n uffectsng ais entrstesin m tise tiai bcdytises-erepresisics uîa-ith extreine rapîdil>'; ocivsics, us inciller cases, van oisly fins] lie condhitiossfavoraleu lorlifs rspeuil>'growil, andi multiplication culside et tise Sody, inte visics it iben fieds ils va>' in vomassesniber;; i-beufict in botl 0 cases being, tinat tise pisysioio;hcaî actins, d titere going on, are interteod tits, us] i erigeti. dise (oct, vîlis tfirai premenis ilseif ln rconfirmsation of ibis tiscor>', ïs, thasï, ml4 te bave long knovvn b>' iciispitable ecîilar ansijunicroscopivui evisiecnce, a oltsiiîsesîile isîsisiser ati- casst cf tise Sisuaffs, vrsics aflict buamunityý>'"ro- îsrOduc is isssr tas for issatacce, mveres, scabics, unI tise mnts,> otiser dissnaus isich arc adnsittedly casses] » parasites. Frein tiss act alane, il mna>'(ai>le interresi, tiaite>' et tise Sîscases, the essentiaelsises of' isiit WC have cint herutofore underâtood, me>' ori- ginale le a inutear muaceer. Thtis lîsterens ce is siruisgthuiseil b>' a iicovur>', wsiclt fihultel>' bues maola cf a disessse, idue. cul mucinetise samu va>' as tafu teins. le bous vases, thiseterrbiîl mtmss are su(ie*o e seintrodsuctioin etparasites mIet FtIse ss3-stei, b>' eatiithe lesu of 4sseei bog4 ; thc points ot Sitlerecce betecir.tise i ms- cases Seing, usaI, in tise cee case tise parasite ha se large as te Se reill>'dotuet- cd Sletise neked oye. visuier s ,tape.ý worsein hiie ict,étcsisul vinai ot tise humas subject, tri iIso.lsiss IlhesssitscIs cf tise tue;, -said tlerefsre itus long bsec -keown ; und ltat -lsessicliisduced ista tise lîsusn intstinal cassai, ilrocmaiss tiseu isvis;ineorpower te peutralu tbe ceals cf ltse lssiel, Wile -n bbc oilsr caseP, tise partste, i whis chlo- yresserud visible b>' the, nidlo et iencisssp. ra. î,iSly eprosievus lel' tison- ii l"aonce effectesi c Icdgilecnt lensass's boev, ansi tisusin countîas s u rsiei lrces-tise vstrions li.stssusuntîil;hifisis itssmebtiesi cbiseain île sessacles; bisus cauenga smor - bld triic of sysnitrnss, and inhe avi consmi- luisg a nov disease; r te sîsuak more corrcctir, a diseuse, vwshe., tingshii le ail likelgoee existuul mince lise ocigtn efthis apicius cf psnisiue, lbas noet ere b.cc sicteetedi, le equunece of tise simif. laru>'01et Is SympisLntustiose etfsentie ot itis lmassisi, anS tise inicîstencsofethbie irieîdiin esirai, iil leis te came et lisis neari>'dtseevecd, dico, assd destruc- tive puai. Tiss lfer'esce - Lslil îciet t~sgh cecd b>' lie rcauiis obtaineul b> J. IH. Salisbry', M. 1., Pruttoss"Of opysioo, îi . "c, of Cleveland, (>lsiei om ha sein -vestlgation, labos-louai>'antd cacuful>' ec- cicil ce fer sovoral, ycs-s Past lno thUe - case efintersnlttent, anssireesitteni fuiver, < wiielsame,1thhnk, proper>' claseS î,eder the Isuadlet infectios diseases - for accord- ing t, n>' itesntlicss, assît use 0tflthe ,teri#, a conbagicca discase lis eose; viuels la uensssoisnieated ftinose bel>' fficctesi b>' it te secibur, -wltclbcr 1y aclîsai con- tact, et b>' particlea carnIrid(rom<one lbedy' Wt tise oties, b>' sis ofet lie air, (ascites, 1or otset smedias; aeS se iefev±lio ssdiseuse lseia owich lis Cetss by mîalaria.-- 4Pb etltgvnb'L>.a1%_ Is -rîs . L - iil- 1Vrisece-,2nd Tba.t, ile I :gi themo bodies eeldom ri 85 te 00t)fe above li -nortbers, as e ntruai os, 8letue, rlsing from 835 tg ilg soulisern, frorn 4p t Ch tt-Ntaljlle andi $orn d00 ta 100 feet,1 4th~. Th mi Pheo te col >'these bodles dv ssci risi ry conoke~xweed; 5tis. 7 . saieal districts is qq h.pelmelleid tspore,nnd fi la produce intermsittets. Ë.locéal fuvéi preducesdiile f; tisroat an~d:luagm, by in r, tre dally expurienas t'Sept. 2nd, 1802, tilI ih and'oiso by Dis. Effinp o 05tise occasions cf this l.bog-wiii> him. Numesr WViasied ague ,gr9Iti y invàa-bI'.affecteS vîth h sympionus. A rcat n 4-wure visiteS by*,r. à. letnt foyer prevailud, asti e mlitary excepition, 'i 0 rowin>gin tise imsedi, 4Ie e'In 'àannumbuz whlcis Dr. givus.lise 100aelitius, provicualy -b' Sdiseuse, vere-visitud b in cempan>' titis Dr. 1 eoccurrunce cf a sssibur in the neighbourh >cd-; ontisclof lise disuse atiactoru;ly avichueîed a.lane, e nw itci"a l c bi ou, tsgia plu tmib gresite sidemo the buere d tviiba puls tise lesas f i n elu soif e;hrn il e augusa snedwst teé flrkau cegtugutilt tieawi>ra labing uoedur tý ised hotnglieexcssvatior bycmsaîd Wmcii. lu r J ais, bei e tceutisu thai ien îluced-wt t-isai niels eisas,t lrovnel estae t tu thrsslsitéllf t seun tise it'for for ty yc hoan a oeiî; aime tisil hi a lever flivisi*tho ist iîisivs,-èlep ritmauis dlaéià ohertsclw , a -o moin& h dtise d casoa mn.srnýig bu nti o80tea cd nte't'gctsend ( cd te',ic lieute, drt fel tise ao pie findit apr.éytieopen iindoth prtîseetthisaietise aroslecins, s Moine10.ue Pori faue, aro i. C. hi peie'fthe, ,trrniain maie etis uxciavi notif th is iamegr inti cfpt tIseuonier etris S. gpi. lu n 9lent of giveat sin uen tsf t cfenlrlifnc IR'I l soiairtfaste 1 ticil, bîsýi thseusvl i tfea UtIs4 il tis. At-unihti eijhen riesin r Athe ig eois vaino(f5cus tisa bg bal seationi t et hir fomc f ro tie isigise cotorsacwbreides pi versiai iti is This Un i lhizon ofta he Tii lii on the hlmit e t o ac-c oute h ab oya si ae Ie: svus ns foreqcit tniel htaro subjevi te tise diseý diffecet flor et lishe sa: on tise upper fleor aboes onspltitwite ltote 'cethe low tlse lino.rare frequécîl, tise d.iscase. Tri ienoti seslidenly-brolce ont ilen b.nd col ut uonfi seqsselccff tise spading s rod~s of tise icS alluvial lit wisich bail boustsdraineil, cf visici mensbecftue en, paleselîro. ii s stonisca stance, ra prolihlce srep n retînil b>'Dr. S. ilhrecéilyfi Theodere Tailinadge'a k novw peaty ' moit ie iso a levol tise surfae ; a- miari If un5 Thuee oas lin Osv.igo York or-& p of the Vena feotîi.arts Eapiécepal c ti. El. le latitude of Ohio, frein one tedividual, And injcatea isstbithse lbsough iie air, 1ksliseuld > nt buqrwot. lue n'ore ilion franm oies cf another, svhure s i i cu ttnulu tee, sowcver, flirethlie sproad 1 c holerâs C 1ev levels ; le tIse tanifestitis-lite ly thc perform ce 01of ifsfrin ce country laapùtber i. îlp >nxcpt.; s1, portions cf th~e fonctions tisat i9onie animais sa>b' bu ie-in, salnd et tise rulo, for le pîdinaryi o~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~o 45fee, andinI yet> ils s î,o, eed ulbc capable yerdts il e±istg As ais clemic dlseaso it 00O feel ;-Brd. -Tisai of beeg revivifleS' by lise apiplication et certain parts of Inulla, andi but tutti>' dues Ph1e,- tisey rime fîcus uoisture,<or lea tseiccase may bu; o, hgaîhur s 'eftcie'uisttotd roa c o mbiena- l aboeeoutie.mes- îcorne et lut ta tise illutration moisi tien of faîvorinrs causes tb pass beyeed! ils 1nigist exhsalations applicable le csy purpoe, mwbon wucn- usuall iiutts,, n aci c mentà is usrc1 nd ans trmivituls aider thattise lite et saine tceuis tsay slins- vswrd VilIesrfýtkài tgîe 'per, bat the,.4a1y air ci ber for ages, emplnlnly extincî. se far as 1lInilstan Xltn i1 tsassrdsoî sie iruc, tfrousthue e o van jusýige- ins li cutîrard nanifest- pool of adbouni(couU iTOBWV' B. levi not- rronithe catîmes ihat allons, exceptiîsg cee, tvilt ;tisaI tiy bu diflcuit,- I thiuk, th thlie idof tisa Tise sytoissaetremistusumîical decempoxiîiosniystl île (ts ulreody ailsissees i e îftlo-i's ôçisol. 1ithe mouls, fýuuc, Vital spark bu silîl unextinguissus, reudy ero,ond<I" have bhurin careMtI ridst Le mentioen 3lling illicie buýdius uat an),issomenlte bursitishe nurrosv vous an>' vè iich are. doubitul or disputed. te Bd, b>' Dr. _S. frosu efthtIe cclile insich it is cenfinoli,- if> tie excinde uver>' cauSe f0Èrrîhuddiseae, s*isieh sue al of Oclobur, conditions necessary fer lis growth bu liait ever beent irnaginiesi, -bei cee, ansi, as gen aed I3eerstlor, afferded te *-h, tise objection abùve nouvel ss'll bu sue, il iseus>' le reoncicl. I[sh si wulkieg ovcî lise vii bu utlcciuaIy dissiputusi. .esuraeîerislics oft tise disase tith ,îthis reus ter-,persens,- Let thons, vise ebjeci l&the déjuction, one. Glilora caneeot bu puroly or ida. wiiis-iss, wvoewichsappostirn e ese hsevilabie, trous absolûtcly'ontaÉiaîss, for.iletiat cae, il sthe muusctrain et tise tacts nsdsced, 1attempi a -n>', oihSl ex. ;ould -apreuf ikle otiser coitaglous du$. umber et lecalities plaisotion-et thens. irlowis hi if Itese cames ;il weuld nccl'affect -onse: lýcait.y lsiscsiniermil- diseuses banu urely cisngeçlcctîons efthue more tison isether, '(ai luisE, il igi ibl'ud, 'vitisout s6stecu, tisati sever arise, excoptinlereamonabl7 bu expecteul-tisai tise sanhussry bi«se-u gue planta tise11mmccnîaruos>' in<li4ted, *an>' more' condition of an>' nuigibosishood coula i tc iatel. vicîssity' cf, tise iha isi ingue sedividîsaloettise anai or ii-duence ttise russsier. lof cses,,-but cil> ýr cf instanceg, et vegetisisiecreation is ever sprtnciutssytieir Ècveérlty ;i iî eufsnotbuejeidenîje ln ieleressting details, guneratedi le ilnetvioli>' Inceemistensi any parlivular countr' eil teulsi le 'cs exumpt frou tise witis cl l nevn tacts te ýss poýeIlo an likely te occur at onu season efthtie year Shies,- soulutins inorganie bcdy>'issas an>y-' tensienay --te as asietier, 4c., s&ze. h0-t ehocaused fiffingen, after tise Multipi>', or reproduce itiscîf? b>' lie absence of -Omlni lutise aImas- et cases ec, mg-no Ie are nsv ila position ta taise an- piscre, for sucis a suppsifton is scarcel>' and tise suilden otisucr sicptrou.)inow-pox, andti tis huer di*- consistent ititistis ainesr l inswicis s~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~s va he-I asssuusaraynnelto't.esiallpox,and choiera spreadi trous phxîcu toflphice ; il la î for. Iu 'one -le- its cognate, diseuses, tfin iseises iviici net eus>', moreuvur, W i slevu morne boe dug courlise can onul bcpusoducesi by inoculation, ta portions et Iniduisare censslssuily -deprived. c'of low ldc b--home wss-ishi are capabluetfbeissg transmit. oft tis bonefita et Ozone ine Ibis.aes. viih voie oôundstesi a sortdistance -Ibrougis tisa-air. Tise'phiure.Ttlis net unhikul, loevr,, tisai elle. l unotiser, difioenve bulveun isee o clamses ot tise nsunt cf Ozeseneintise air n iiae store excuating a diseuse viii reasili>'bu mccc teaise one ie an effoci ufien tise cause'oetéboeri atlsougl st, in a black peut>' degre oci', and cet iluessence ; tisai ihis ib bu net tIse caus-e'luseif. Il canîset, bu ouber cf :ithe men must bu sae becomus more apparent , theis caususi b>' ny'cf tise meorgassie protmuis wure talien dote vu censider that amahl-pex, -ansi cew-poxcf tise dcosupsitien et orgunie Bsstluis ait cof tisuns trc are asseissill> tisesamne cisease ; tise lat. for le tisaIcase il veul neyer bu ub.qm susse;- Dr. S. on ter buing a mue 'meditlçatîio th ie for- trôre tise'fis>', don'sle' -po"issted par&e is fhdiscos-ergulthc mer, fions visicis indeed uit>'- bu puçiluc flreclesdrn'ie ua fssxm a~buducelistie c u vilby ian5sictini . tise virus oe t lai, esidunt, tisui,alihoni Ibis decayslng- vis reilei feursmai.px -isoug th-ay~en cftis cc. rg-inic malter usaiuîquisitu-or theu gravIS twits -bis wifeejsad hi esay bcac cquestion, indecd, if thss mdi- -e-cseeis sscttting éis uqsi-s ebu t tise> sguu, stated nfiion oftblsetype of sàllq',o4 be sti nls idded. Tt aflord.idi t of.e>tise conditions on thse siuie, andsinsucîs due te tise mosdue ofuts -tr.ansmilssion; necessaîy, for tise propagation fcf lsoîcra, isis tise sisffeîing sas taony>'ellect tise systen oltie cosv miy douitles,' -ansins'lergads sts hb bie lind rsusided have in'pioducissg tise chsange; for a came stul propiced fortise ruception of lhise esi il las neveu before o etIcoculateil'smntI.pox 'ls net, so rmieSTise absence et Ozone ic iearm> ls bl its ie CPi Or issore 'sdvere, or langeronis, tian a vase ot posmsiy, constiîtueonindispenssuise -con- ciilîren, seVen in cosw-pox produced ity virus 1ircetly troin; dittnà. But bots causes caigiaud wil lec * n ont e l, s îu . ltýýe c e t .,atns tIs i is spitiga ioix ý of t hse <-net prodstce c hiesr , unles s thus'e bu se & )tivisons pnercover stycptoses nt. tu d.q duesîs u, isn t-is trn-sev, livintg germs, wlsivh canssotSe Al tisaI al ~ ei ' evr>' utes] b>' inocutlation l'ionsone huseun mspcniconsly generaied. liscru is, cn11 tise ~ ~ ~ c fo rmts ibe teaccUster usla svisoly, or one objection tisici Doceurs ta mue te bç .et loves-.) exti -Ieveil îusinly duse te tiseeffeet o-th'èisebotîgisagaisitîuiniei' ,t fs, o -abolit tvo-tlsiis ,preparatîve -precesa, la evidenel- as 49applied-io vusolesa,ccdit. is cfalgtv Wiy sisi ptuesib> tie fset tbl tsemrn preparaison cisaracîci. IlTtsay be'said tisaitishe living KO f luBleeping dnring bise stage cfiicubsation ef tisï ermuis14sasnet yct beondetected,-and tlis ý aine culer, and disqesise, vises luken le tisee nterai oîsl-cisAtwen laussichoeram, ,a dm enlise Isouth., vu>', douý etolse modif>' ils yseptunis ; cause ansi uli'cl, tracel, anitd,a ilsurefcc, d beforOe (hum cx-scîceovertise effti'loft tise vaccine virus teCeuca niy Suspect ils uexistenceF but- tise aii fues tise takun 'dluructl>' frein tise ccv,liscssýh caccot prove il. 'To titis 1 vouisi aemv-er. but lisehld neveu surere nt finît;-b>'fcseît.nsniloa ica' e> elb tss lbsecp gb as tise vindetDmo byi<s:ss,tifrosanueeIsumah mýubjeci te doetili eiefly, on acenutIs cf, Our abSent.,: ýici tis e cisiîre'naiotuser bScosies, ot a millier cisaracter. ion Isavin g bouc seconiîatîl'-urnediri uitis titis casse Dr. Titismain lifferesico itteess tise tivoFcs olis ir iictions, An n'i re coi vitiiont n one ortiocofIt *sca, eunsis1tsie isoeccase smne indications tisaI il laus iist in tise n~~~ ~~ oupvoset Ilvss parilcs, Seing trcnsjsianteil froseis-aitec f tise babitat cf ciselure. T1sea>' b ton tise a nde, tlie iicc etestemîsjeci te tisaI t acoîber, usskçd ev .o- -doua -il is< appen .tisai thusut- ses 40l'eut %bove gereshîsale intisai portion cf tiese ift gertes, alt-er havie;- multiplieS tincenisa- test. priulb4o- alune vwihila opuculcul epon, -ansi cuver umense lent, if vawua>' jsstdge freus loi eavy olS vpeur, uil>' -plima an> tîsthur iia tise systent ; clgel offets, al most stidueni>' ntiiely w, altain an uý ic-,visile letIse other vasa thesiss gurs, fieut. vassisis in crne -placé htie discase smli uýppet scrtstco. 155lisg in gs-eaitnussmers unbise air, are dicte continues, W cage hs in noîser ut ne grenst gkroue'ls crýounsl, mb tiste lungs. unS during tue sinke et distance. A fuir, nsd sttflciustansver te cne, visicis, b> ils incssbatiosn, îsicis eveupies Absolit cleve titis question is, tisaitise essRentiel condi- If tise Isli, tenniSc a as, tise>' are.,-Ondlqg tiseir va> leolte tiensifitis e 'Propagation of-ltheeeguesa . snati's.disinct- culaneessis ans i eissis surfaces, predîscie; care probubi>' ntmcrous, anai that thé eom. iri Liseoliving Dne,;ymptîosa nil iltlscy 'tiavre rcî:is l peu taihireot un>' ,one cf tlise.- onîs iKeITpîI,ýexeptiitba.she Paria cm- thes- systensi, tistisey -t very' qîtcssic- dsire>' thetii, cr-et leas u we èesduring nonepl', isres>'gputWp ,e0bel uetoc consmuerto utjlteagv atop Coilseir propagation, -unIil ecec .a S wiielIt iing rse ,te Alil; theissnorb'siltsYmpi-asýs~ tssecurestoreu tis e ruireS coaliticin cf ,,e e otde- wtiiis'chsaute~rise tise,-di.tsàs-; this gersisneicssary condiions. 'lie supply et food peple living 0osinte isacase, baille acsîiterisýibreasi-casi- mecaus->'for bisuir greti, vlich Is mis' me bouise, tisNoever thisvice surface, nature us ebligesi filOUs in-dîcale te bucfra higiuly nitregen- - 3thse lie aroecx- ta bave ceceurmo ta s ame-mna,wiid cuis kinul me>', eiher l' iiabsolulci>', Dr s lomrur loor- ho- she adopts te gui riS et an> nîler foeigîs umy, las is Momt probb.'ile~, - spsopgcr lb ly ýail devis titIs body ; wivsle, le the former cage, %hoe ut isresentûsnsder sueS cnre' mt'sccs-as fa1vor m ilrta5Lànce agie r.nec ee tise inursuler it,aesl tieis qîick. Ils sassimsiation. we tiusisu>' a'ssi for le- 10cc1ttîY twrit 1>' cassIs Iin eut. - Belil ve tuldsi lns,liatstance, that tbesq germa crequire ictrteir YL1r5 o in l con- l ein cuhmusth is6sse catalytic ocrior. is rapidgrotfs i heprecec otassiesal n)ai-. lip e s quare produvetinletise sytïtii, ,rhiseliy iil is ber lenswatcr.'T'ise origin th t~e pidumic, rd cfa fais81-po0nd pîctul lfrein lie sean dger l'eu sevi-.ica ecieliste sboiesopt Engiassulin tise fierIlsmu-la' future. Tt is v'ortlsy of rçnsaik in tilm 18-M, is tise Delta cf tise Qsang" il, 161, woeud %vitis ligue 'connection, iuiat altboughaie poison or ansili pA~ long, theStte-eiQ rtn, fiai -sitallar 5in--living goruacf rabies la likutaIeseai snvlpbe~-iç s vgblwspl f pabin I F ti ox, lennetiîas o mass>'days logetisci are guîsiilliy crossed and dô,4s sis< d tin si he Si isf-Mt. -during lteperios i t leubation ; diltrhsng net -flot' parellel %mus leien, tggeîiier-wvilh 4itelses in sortie grual> in Ihis reset fiqin ail clhemîivcia somte otiser tacts faver shaccs Ltleory, Or îiaws isbî'-t evsascai, or0lifoluass dfrgante MOs ott aie telsr neçues>' pn<illion, May ai aCh havilsg -becr W~ithçVisicis tutare acqeacS ;yu 1 t tsiî-such as bise S 1tate0 0 1the - atrospie fu,- t f Mr T'seisl- ib is unil ugofsaital-pax iia ueffects a ils; luitssnstt fiiseýtï,, -I 5- L~ 5.

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