Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1866, p. 3

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W'ýA» EI)VR"TI-SRM1 ,TS I ibeeciaeufiet of etcilXts b aand lis tnoos active prittbOle, quinine, lns ,an,,s fitieso liseai aas a mail fortunale igvt éwlloh lte World stannot b. to hak(* but it wua o111Y a iappyý chatiai bit fo'r .*e cannot tven yet esc- pla1i h tanner oflits action quit. ats We may hope thiat the ew rothainhg liks %vi1 nut ldng bé wariting1, vhicitaare tseeded le complote tise prouaf litinecu- lable, conlA9iotili ePidtonie, gtd Infedtious ,dlseastea arc ail calised iniàa aitiitar mats- ner, vis, by th e ntranet Intô"tho humais îIsteiniof living ,eliss (otowilhout, tither fromnt iis'o4fieaeàI"ft tlhr tisn, or -f anniatm, thoe arîhi, or *81er, througit the skin, or inucoua -msehbrssîtea. Thire seema itîdeesi itle eason id doubt. tit Ille.1 istion ylvllt;oon bht dednitely 1-eitlida-là tilsmthe laisoritofsu vasut has4t of soute observera, ansd baaay'liivtcttlgàtorai ,ievocled diaicipios o! a proffretasve acîool ofrtîedicltse, ho crowrtad wiiî aisemorp rilàlsy eari.ed trlcttiph.. W.0. EAST WOOD, 1, p1. WbVhtby, March t tlt, 1800. 7b i?îc 1dùtor f thje JJilsy Clweafrl,. t beg tbronçh 700 ta Intortn yeur roaders, ilsat, ut a tusoetiig cf tisa Ositariolo nord of Plie fasînoruction rot centiy betd in Brookltia, il vasa resoivcd..uc bold tise ami-iwaisial examltsatioc f teacis. ers ont tise Itib and iSuisday. 0< Zdssy. Tise meeting wiii b. bold aI Prince Albert, psd ini arderto procure a nel of ,,aroifally 1prpa ontise differant, Ssshbsita l8ithe publiaises prograimme foruthe exani. ination or teacisors, àa OMttîee <of Ihe Botrd vau ciarged vsti tis businssî, viticit oinuiistteoo, onia:lng of 11ev. , Maceitaas,O. LIi. Dartrasiisud ssi aiord, ?Fsqm's, Dr. Oukley ansd thse Sicrtiy, vmeool ai Ps'bee Alberit tis lwek. '< 'Vite sssb5ccfIlise sehool bocks in p'ro sent tuse la oui communs acisoola alto oc. soUpie tise ttion Ut lise BOarj te SMrn exteunt ai tise laie umeeing, and jas eonrim.e 1,ieu vitislte uibect, Mr.lisaird, L. '8., of Bosch and eogog, gave unoticoeuis.silho 'wuaud ai nexit meoîissg fortbassly toraulise stteutiuu o!-he Bloardi te thistimter. li. H. TIIORNTO',4. .Seey, B. P. 1. April 24, l864;. Tise Uatcd stalom Troitsarv, Tise Tréasarer'a recoipt. for the fiscal year eîsding Jutta 2Giis, 18#.5s, wvo, fs'oan * Vatoaso, $hi'928000'; 4200,461) 000 ; 1 $1ists'u, .5,175ei 1260, tFtai Cîpt exclusive e f oni. 1$32,5167,126, As c(>ntraiesiw th ie aboye, tisa foiiowlag la a stlut of tise octual receipts tsf thse govertsmeîsîfrmu ail tourece, for Isle iraiit ce quarters cf- the pressai ffiscal year vih ii ii end with lise .t0th Jutlse is;-,'Et, 5 îsrerd by tise I1v. sîîae Coasmisisia (or lise cite of tise titras mtiîeo cf Wilya and Maiana - Customi hIoceiptaq, t.u April Iat, 1800, $rs coin, *2!6.7;Ititetuisi Roetuce, tte April li, 16, $243,F.90,6t48; llveellaneous, prensbin on goid, &.,*7,8,0; actuat aggregsie roceiptu tu Ap. let,$410,041,232. Prom tise abuse I i iltue osean -t-h o mnt- 1>' aveage t,tons'teiptu for nisse muat. vere $11,000,000, sstd tise suossilly aver, IL90 iiserttcl re!vettue ýrectsipis forîte saume poriosi $2é.000,000. The ieepî t Itle Troaaury sur ilitefiati uns' ai 1saerscfrtIsle îirtuent. ya'.wr v"re aeanl>' $80,400,1000 mor" tisis thio for tis e stui preosu year.- 'Th.e etiasatalirecipa -for th aaii. quarter wiii, iim believed, bo suffieicat te brin- up tise re .iesfirLe yaar ndîa« Joune 3Sh isnai tu $501,0001000, or îsoarly *171,I600,000 more iliasatisaotse e eu previeul. iLoward t. Captera., liers'of thte Commission appoint. ei te exaaulsensd r"port epous tis daîm, uf Partira îoIsle rovass4 isofred by tise UntitedSi 8itee Governwoeattfor tise appro. b.tssion of lBooth and secfmplieos, andi - stTernon Davijs, bas iseotu laid bs(ore Oua- gros., For.thse irreel of Boothiad Hiar. olsi Ê75.000 in sardu tu tise olc.ran'ad near Mlr. huai'. proportyt, aier veachiit~ %hotis rock ai 45 fouI, andi bave meoved oup tise river ta Piid's Poli, *béwhre the ldi.- mutions are saisi te bu boller. Tiesoue asgpuai maay io beliere quickeilveir mines viil e discoveon itlte els Ham-s, ilion osiate At Quseneton, and h le just posible axporitnenta vjii b.umade. Mr. an4dsrW *aig an â"t Fe laav. of Amerlos, Thsey left Nov York Sby a laie steamer for Engimusi. jtu bis (arewell speec ho ii sa wu he tii.ltens-' lion of bitnself and. Mrs, iau eta retire Whlîby, April 2s? 1ifm.- n b.e a 6,. Pend koinai docte4et. 0 Peu oarwa . 600 le ose. Btter ,* * 140. a Ise Âppuýie........40 a 800 * 300 per pair. Toi keys., 'a 60. a 150. Geese -..400. F heep Btn..'5bbc to*. . NEW ÀADVERTISEMENTS. AsBrac~CORPORATIONt ESTABIISIIED-L--720. TB rrersired 10 eftect in%.srasstej s iisst.ln JLorassinsgsi.>' iire, ot Ille 111014t rntnssb lstes. of jsrassiîdasn, Usptil es'..ry d i's Mon pl ut' itrîsol>. ~LosutstJsAsIwithou isî eisl LSAAC C.,GILMOR, *,Agctsl, Tcrotitoi ÂgeMt for WIsisdsy, Osbiswa, and ('o'nty utf (istirint Otsie.-..Nee. Provincial Telegîsspli Office, BrOck Istree llf. SELECT 1ScITOOL6 -0- *' A Ttlite a.lt0ittaiosi of sts»'erttl irlendtu, liso ha~ve glsdged iltaîr iiîlntu 11116s llsSosns.ýtcd to open Oclsss.,afor in* rueîlss.v flis h ordlitttry l*ssseisistsoc 41, Eglint teodséis îlots, wltls plaini sud a.isfeffoetwork. Niami ti c dM ggti Rtral »siifi'qii.Tihe c0âo*e0t 'vili b i b 1etJlwlite (luit§) tmro lia' tel, Byronis trooî1 iti Tuesday, list- of May, nomt. Tssriiis» taekuowtt ontpers.onsd ts1lilltoig. =11 A sh.'pril11606 .If l BROOKLIN' HOUS1Ej CLRI &VJCKE]lY, - Proptieom» ]lrg plo*t rnpsstiilly b lsi'ssrss i t iitht. Cto t ti o f1k suit>' oriOntaisro, tisaitittey litav# fe.slc itte isIovcsptre*tsIt t ktm is.ly oeessjded b> $s.'rssy ?strlss., iset' h11 ]aveiewîv fit'smî- cd isii ossîvt. and ssiibue> aie îreîssed te ,tesnts.st ise tnsvelliis stieulic. Tise Bar ttofltsîtl illistise tisssssl.lsurs.ansd iaxti, ud au, ttsrlisI s.str lwusymiai atteticlisîse. CLARCK & zVIICKVRY, ?rroprietorst. FORSALE. ,ril [ ow 5 gfr.sisul i lv s.ly &1 tsts lheres- I. lsssri'ttt'lstsrec i nisying r n.eA li, as. hevis .<1s Wi nsut .> obisîlsîlot»sI, %Wh M nucw rvety 1'. r i4s10. ANqiy iixssllAtely t, A. BUEETo cor' s tr aa sisier, v i di a4, vtli ti biesrs. WAKEIIELD, OOMATE &Co. At iselr Asstion Ilosiai, un Kiltg 51l thei CLT Y 0F >,'ORONTO, Baturday, l2tIi of Kay, 18600 VALUÂBLI EA--R11q, Coismttsg of th'e isouslieniy oalneIU'.Red scr t<l..t ttisnl ber Il$. -fft i"lI rlinc ouee.t.kinaniftlr 'avrstisp of Picerngs11) the is a o r'cf s tirit, a, pt tsiii Ilss tlion fiaretttir. euslveyed lit tilsamrsud Trttki<ivstotîsiaC. nAt, uMitt tre osai ouo.hssl( acre% olsi for taxi%% V Tia itlatisi Oa , yvstsevsa w ,t flirt,, salit iito.id, beiag tise e ixt ltliDaf Oreeok Stissîon oftils,re n'-rikila Oboittsi aty or s.sossliy aCres lire erd; ilions. lai alargo lijailauts isa piremusisa. Thte . parsias.ama îlot tW ýbe eîntîleti.db .ii ni e n or oa tluie Vendons la sisaw as»>'otcc tille ltlss. p reaoi-0si tistas sc oisas..ppusru h lte L!otssty of (Outirie, anti nosi' fteil ite oiffice cfth liaslti M*taaiu;-7500r lm thtLparehinser Io r» eaililts"asttlt ip41. r t. féiislàl ita Ven' Tise pnreoisaer >1isAt athéiîlime a1 duveta a spo* aiucti î p'eat of ii rnoneytole isa Vesier or bis al an lise cwelftis day or Jane niext vul terrît, anti au'sucb ptsymen-,-tlm r ushjjIboail lue ssste otisa oavnase. a Jiet intu ptrnseiisll.Tue parcitss00n ai (,f cale te ien ali sgreeusë i Ior tisoec uttiecpuras. lit otisor ruapoobth ie eondltlona o ilsd. fCû- sttlilt tadllqam ils M. Re. 1n Itio iiRe e O siiS . -", fOoohis, itby. - 2>aled tlii iticititdayet A.pit, NéO w -D RY GO0DB, docistor, Eex, ,,Ditmaacia an Moravians tP W 10h we inVItoe eattent.ion of our cuàtomcvM and-tbe publie gencrally. Witlioût par-ticula.rizi'ng. oui' 6toik t1his yotgr wiIl be found more attt'rctWe and ftiler than nouai. Gondsa6f' ettperior qîulities anid cÀoeiIeiit vultti 4u4d i4U rarked attho Io.weat cash Pjices. ILLIAMliH. POW & CO.4; Cornor ot King innd Voge siâect&s Torohtî Apil 7, 1866. legi DIRECT IiýiPOTATIOiNS MelYILLAN &Coq Bicg-to-anno]be hearrivao - their Spri-ncr mportationf, the greaterpart of Whieh tiey hIave iruPorted dirct, from Eîîglà.id, ïînd are tioW offering lthe m at a 8.4l d4 u n TIuey offer immerge -bargains ini Dre.Qq dbtds of every linqs, IratÎie bai- g air i clot S3 D 0 i i ns*; S1 dls h iànd Cartadian Twe'èds Jminensè hargjOn n Grey andi White Cottons. linienspe b aegaiis jp - ades .wdcents atILs I[iIrfenseb.argaini nClothing, Carp ets, &d. auberb lot of Tapi'tir. Qrce ries,'LJq uors#cWns The lIgrgest.Mtock ini thecount~a ircducl o t~t T. .McM llLAN o:I ALrg I"ivcds, Stock of CoI1ar, Prints, Canadin SiIk, Mitues obourgs, Fanicy DRE SS GODM, BOOT & SOES, FoR -SALIR CIWÂP ÂA, m.i I~~~~ ;mprprd(ooli'the *>eî of PIUTS and DILES$ GOOS,_ii Towiî trTh1e highest -pricp. ptî.id Produce, in ectchtu*ge for, gooc& M~ :M~W ~(TS. ~LO& epleasure iilanformi and customers, or thë hia, of FANOY ÀND OFFER P04~ Of a superior ilt he Iowe8t market prives. They , ia've ~iIojit ,,cèièafisupply Of fl2ýbCllLDRENS CBS & PERAMBfULATORs; 0fthe latest style, substàntia! dWke aùnd üPerior finish, '*hich- lheY euh tthe attentioni of pa.rties akt-bu 'il4 to their stock o0É Moujse Biiilding,,Herdwar0 o"PAI-N OMGILQSS, &c., which tbey tly, a CQMI.OILI tLSALE & RETAIL refIdiars fuiiysupplied wiliTinire f a superior quality.. QD. AGDPEDDLÂ6JLWANTED MrI EJx Ë NEW IHARDWAREI SfOilEj 4~ N~ 4 1~foc~STREFJTI w BY New Dress Goods, and Manties", AT R. &j: CamÉli13Lfis. Nevv P1kit âtts1n,~nd Tts,,ueà; AT, R.IJLÀ~~EL NeW Shavlend Strawv Y Wltbye; Aeril ig, 866. 1 f el sous ;atlôtxà LArL GOODke- LED USWêII~ CHINAi CROOKEjRYt, & 4SWARE. 0f the folio wing ýfiaveë a large, varied,. and, choice selectio'n-at prices that will arntq k c' sls 0 -tTxé gddds are 'of 4Iýe best, amid priceslowter that the, ktwest Ho1avy Sîaysio (.4oodè, Scotch and Englisth Tweo.Ia Plain and Fana'y Drés.si dddd, Silk Mixed Tweedstund Contiaga SIlka,,Sbawls, ' and Mandesa, Plain and Fanoy Doeaàkjnai' F ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 Paaoea»MewdMsi~ 3ack Broada d i istèr, Gqlove apad- 1iQà5OPy, 1ie àfdCl oai'se-Linon, Ltadiè, Misses, andi Infants Rate,(ini &. o o h. viious styles,) - ~ EXENTS. N QTIO~. TRiE COURT ODY REVI Ou.ïR filE TOWINSBIP,0FPIlr4KERING IVIll b. iei ith ie - 10 WN HIALL, .D1O UGHA.31 Saturday,,26th of May, neit. - . JIROTUR JEXATON,ý Tp. Cie'rks '1U I A u .55. E 1 I GTON &- SONS. ÀR,&J. CAMP1'EL' S. Ne w New Neiv t~OCIi11ANES. NeW st assortmlent tind at the lowest ro t toùntry A056U>1 t5IMO x l1F laoU. Gents. ItSiii'îrts, CoiJars, Tlcs;&c. AT R ;CMB~.L8 Canadian 1?actory-- (bliidas make,) 3 REVOLVERS; KUSEETS Pookt mdBehRevolvers, LOWES & POWEIL., j 5Q AR or0 Lan-d for Sale DRN pr f tise norliercin ortion-cf Lot .B No.I t ie.4th OOlbe1.11of 1th ie TOWNSH'IFOF PICKER1INGs (linig th ie estatoc f lise bte John A. For pssrlicuiars as te terit,Ïi, &à., -Applicationi ýasi be asadete,. J'S. %Ri(IDS(iN E enoa April loi, 180., INSOLVENT- ACT 0F 1864. Province of Ca'aa, TfIlthe Conty cousrt <>oaai of (>ttari e ). co otï ~of ouni- * 'oWlir ln h nisè ut orof iOsrEpÎi FREDICK -EAJNltli of tise Town osf Wlsiiby, linto mas- urasetsreri an issablvoull. ,NOTICE S herc'ygiý6s, ilt omi.Mûn1aý; .~ tihe eiglsieeuuth dMy 0olinosa.ssïi.,, tsteR~ oIl, iecloelt, initise fssrennsn, aora,unbo1nf Consl est>; ho Isesrd, tiho ndersigisstlWWl UPplyltltheJudge oflise saili Court, f Ci a dia- 0 arge undor thse s.id ssci. Dsuedat M'ltitby, tii liiti day osf' Api.' 10SEÉ11 Y. RAINER. J. K ? 'fk'nor411R1 -'t Made ir IJtÀtets, a prom Ctpets, »auask and Window t uruwins. 'AT fl,&i. CX New R-eady-Made Cloth'in ,an n SOck mafde on the promise,), , Né*~ and Fresb OGrocéries,'Otk -4fà, J., t4 ê' d1 r re;9 r 0 naT eltd re 4e1 1 A. N'. -IIJJIL ACT 4 41 lu -ru 1 1

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