KiwAtertswcM S bs DRY& nothimt l3Dot& S k bs. ,s.Bi e 511, ides spanisisSoie ULter.-"jsnW Un à ;& Co. 1 Machines 1ltm.-4snUBain & Co. B11k andtirt ms-ae Bain & Co. fflfs Vhtilngs cf Il kits->. Bain à Co. socs sud Shees Whciesaie aud eiil.- Tb* Corntla.-A. M. Broyn. Notace of-Dividec'i.-Otno Banti. Ântoer.-Jchn Carter. Dotltry.-C. N. Vans .Noie.-.Levio Beaile>'. Tovn Lot for Sal.-Mirs. 5eriplote. -Poatpcned blrtrago Sse.-C. Itebieson. Notice-camlie Fox. ]3eois andi Suced, -Casîle Fox. hnooiceeey of Jlubea llu.-C. C' Keller, Attorney- The Emil>' May.-Is.aac May-. Icmoleicy ai' Jacobi Sîiter.--W . H. Dit. 1Ilngs, Ateorney. Noctice cf Fine Campait> bleîuin.-bf. O'T)aeevsn, Captain. QNLY $1,50 CENTS A YEAR Shlby. TliurIay, ýMay 31,1866. iletetingo ut te Towc Ueiutiil. Tt vouiri, vo are mre, ho malter cf satisfacion ln the ratq.ayers at lar,'e if the meetings of the Council werc beid during thbm day-tlime nsead cf aitrigll, aU ai present. l'ho membera of the Council vcaîd îlîsmgelvem, wvfe l s aiâfied, flnd tbsi greai conventenca, in more vaya than ccc, veiild renait tram the obange. Tt in prepesttroas, ibis meeting ai, 8 a'eiock at nlgbt ni expect men vbo are fagged cal alter à long day's attention to basiness, tw tradge iii ail knd of weaiher the distance of a mtile or more te tthe Town hall, ibere la romain antil 10 or 1l e'cloek-freqaent. Il laier-lm tranqsclung ibe business cf Ibm town. Tt in unreansble. And,tberefore, no wo"d r ithe meetings cf the Couac11 are ou frt.qaetilly leftwîhut a quorum. Men ove something intaitr own lîealtb and convenierîce. fluides, ihere 15ne rason vwhatever for tese noctunnal meetings.- Were tihe ur cf meeting changed ta, ngay 3 o'cbock-in ihe afternnc, thbm but rpsalté woaild follow from the change. There vould bu a more repalat atiedance or -'uembers'- leisro - for delibertion, and greaier expirllîlcu je gettirgtg hrngl wib tue buineus; tbm Couriil woold ho able to break up ai a seasonabbu boutr- a botter a.ppontunity 'wold be afrrdpd lb. rate payera le be proert Atithelie ting; People woaid net be Iept cat or ibeir b.ds- entil ,r.i4cigbt, and cccii a savng ng jhéb way cf ighim, &o., veald hoelTected. 'This la a mailer deaerving the mrous eOoudi'ration cf the Conit, and wa triai il wiul b. bfoug-bt oward wjîh the view Of eflictiiîg a change, Intrihe cari>' dnya of tii. Corporation the, tmeetings teck place nt B 'elock, and ait tbm busns, aaw elI amnd expeîiiotcusy îransacted invaiably belore ix 'cloek. Thoraeauce no egon relsacenvliy Ih bUVl Doct be oseti1*, TIsaiTrip ihrough tbe CoualV. At the J4stuary aeaion, fi yul b. - memubered, teibmOunt>'Ceanei, on ibe propoaition ofr1Mr. Ipeey, rappointad ibm Wei dmunti Memsrs. Itiraneti>' se8Fai- liako.,.ltb, of omuse mmoyer, a com- mlice te malle arrangements for a trip thraugb them oeuai>. the trip vwu to b. madie b>' ihm Coty Conci and Coul>' Offiiais in a body, and vas te taite place at som* suitable .jmm before itme, Jaem se slion. h -vas mainl>' desgned 1laentier Iihai the rouves and deppiyieees migb, b>' beee.uluglbcter acquaie t v h ie whole cenI>', b. the boiter able te arite ai jast coaclusion& in eqaalisieg ib se au. mient rell$isnleJuue. s ibe June session is fat s.Pproacbung, ve aren ius o9ltcov uwhat ste s baie bsec tabuen lovards niat- ~ arrangemens" fr e bm tnp.09 If ithîiti bas >eî becdone inetle. malter, il itime %boea ers. Ihvilii tait onsm time letoget thle onniilteatcgither, a nt Abicr lIbat lime vilI b. requredte c otif>' meoiberg of ibe Counclb, anoiber veks lirce viii likel>' b. spentinleforvrarding tb. artan«eeai.utnospthal, 4 votait require no les" iban a whole montir toelm in 'osdi- ne". Mr. Fairbanks, tbe reece cf Ouha- m ever>'ibing h is theok sud staionevr lino. The Oshava YVrsdfcaator'.pesklcg cf Mn. Alli'. tenioyalm"e s -"We isesrtily "remmenti Mr. Atli toe .patronage, or the e Pof t.W bibY.- £bey' iili "tint tbh i viikenpà a ity store, anti Ialyt>se attentive ant obll*ba, lenbis 6e buines." ýir f« =Measdr; ete. Terrible Contingraea ii ntDetroité IIAILWAY DENOT I tI APIPATINQ 'LOSS 0OLP E IPOSSIBLE TO 0CALCULATE 1'ItI i~Utlropeae. f ClanllasueoftbheTewUi tila ver'>'grailfying te eara rou tbm sealih lIpecter, Mr. Prnagie, tbme leanli amas vbieb prmvaits ail over Ibo levu ; sut tbe etinm villiagneof thl.ettizeset, vils' oui excepion, te set promptl>' upea te ouggsilns nite fo toe Ibm aova re flth and ti nyîlg pproCcbie tea a nils, anca. Thtis lea sait sbeubd b.. With mch preeatics-vitb- "À lett>' body andst mdnai anse" tbers la litltb te b. apprelbedet la lb. shape cf a vis*tatien fron Cholema. la eur beaii>' leva efWitby. Hev Teoea" A hhoer-sgtitt. - fra. BWe O -, m v e eer> cne iWhlt. b>à tev- respectable venisu vho upésair vat sise iblnleit s iabitiiies, snt vhe la net mach bimpered b>' se>' te. siraints cf dmicacylein vbtsite ah.ys- vent ie one ,ofcaur mrcani's &ares s fev das aago te niait. nome parchases. Tbare vere qaite a aunlier eb ladies ini ibe store, ai tbe tîme, engaged laIbmtesmre abaorbing purmait. Their attention vas aitractedtol a dialogue, carnet cen in a sonievhat lbut tons limîveen MMm. C. soit the '<genilemani>' cîmk." (iM. C. lites te, spear it usmpbais, aninjegoit broat Scotch.) "An' vbat'e tbm price e' tis jigmtaree 7?" shesakt, ating -up sa boop-sir cf mn arged'proponittns. "-Geraîlemaniy dent" unformeçl ber Ibm price, recemmending tIb article" as "1ccmbiiig cemboni, dnrabulity, ecenoni>, vitir ibai eiegaceebnbfapm vbichbubasmate -tbe duplex elliptic tbe prude o e m ont." "b11u>' h, Mns..C.," cotiucthebm6 gent- lemani>' cierk -' ,Mn. C.,-Ieoitieg a i bm "lgeniiemaniy cierk" sund tbm "duplex ellipic" vitb equtai wender ant bevidsmet-" Bn>' t"a 1" sit abe, I v at se vear it for- (lentiemanty clrk-I' I wili lei yen bacs à t fer ntiebng, if >'ee viii vear iop and davsî tbm siret." Mrs. C. vbipped coff ber lbennei set siravi instaruier , andi gabliedthe " duplex elliîtic." The ladies in the store made for the tour, spprebieesice ibat Mn.. C. inienrle t ieiirobe benseif Ibere said tben- Mrs. C., lncwever, quieil>' put thm "duplex eliptie" eaver lier trois, teplaccdtheIbmlon. net anti aav, ard, ia ber sîtiiest manmrt vaiket throngb the streets bueaard vitb ber prize, tîe md'scemfture cf thbm "geot lemnal'clerk",- asoithebmreal cf tbm boys. The price cf tu iie duplex elipie" vas $450. The sceno teck place in thm stere of Meurs. R. à J. Camipbell, visene tiser. ore abondance o e blest tint of boep- stirta. -44--- - Bomnbardainut fptaipmato. On ibm 31*1 cf March bthe tted liombardaient cf iblis itefeceeess tefa teck place b>' ibe Spanisb fleet. The bombardinent lasiedttres, heurs, anti vas kept op vitiseut ieiernsmieon-turing ltai tume. Poperty tate mamouint et ren 15 to 20 millions et dolilsr,neanity ail belong. ing-te BitisbAmeric*u,anti oîber foreiga menchacîs vas niercilesl>' deotro>'ed. Ceta. Rgers, cf the Anmrlea quat ton, voomit hve irterféred bli aitiAtd- mirai Demnuoftet b.Britis iquatren reaset te je n hlm. The fBriîjtis iteata ieit a mtion d tpassetroeomilu rtwhg tsport bis vamUiling contact., TIte>'ai ibmesutetrie, express tieir bigir a ppreciatien of' the. efluors ot Commodore Rogers te proe*elliisbonbwdt't.t raI'rsTtos S brete out i. tise1 Miller, Thorelt,-j lintil t-ini>' io or &ut stores ere tI large rnnabet ofi Lons. beit -furnit Whl ofiee Front ai tvo principal sîret ~Itto"a is esim ast $250,00, par ants. Thte prni lante, *20,000, W. B. Hendershis *9,000; J. . Br, BSaw, *3,000; IN $3,000; P, TtSre Mone, *3,600 j/H. Ibis Ore mscen 40c -bers lictia in clie Woiair-Anet -*eIfoume, eiegaeiiy Heani-The bc lnstrimneit>soi5 dlimonts aset trickts; ýantiriti Thbe lut Officiai Gaseile enabies uste lvm tbe feItivlu,rsqýl and £alimter Initionoef thl~ e bmProvince asarcel>tho top iit Iait omr baik trnasactions, P4 up Captal, P.braari# fl,*0~i.?..I~m**9,218,960 beiug an Iiircsse r bn ouIb $302,723. Iu 'ib pressât retcras v bave for tb. finsi tilde tise nov UniotnBank ei LoverOaa., ta, vllbà £palti op capitlioft$209,646. Tissa tise IEqysiCasaiisa, recieinlapait op capital dornig tise nontb $62,1.65. Ontario, $10,885. Mercisat., 7,000. Basteru Towuships, $8,400, km. Tise circulation fer Pebruar>tvs *2, 305,363, fer Match $12,498,737 ; msking an lueteass of $193$374. At tbe sanie dîiemheitscunts verffs' 1matb>'8242,223t b.lngi'e*r'Februnar>'; 44A425,696, anti'for Matcis, 44,183473. Tbm depoaia vwere fptý Felituar>', *29,128,1111, feDr Mare, $29,- 249,989, ein6 neuincnease cf *,121,878. hti lacenisai>' geeti evidee o e im - prçîvet iandi lposition oethé mProvince, ibat whitemtIbm istiaeasfor Ibe monib decreased *242,2.23 îbat tbm cîrsaislieli shealti increttse dtnog'hm sane lime b>' *193.374, adthte depositab b' 121,878, mbcwung s ganl le ise of tibmnote>' maret, le thirî>' delà , cf even habf aniiu. lion et dollars. "LÂnteitor uthen prop. pett>'oe the Banka" bas ineremeil $68,000l, tbm fignres l'or Matchâsîscdicg ai *3,074,- 792. 0fibis total, tIeBmfant of Upper Canada i'eturns ever ene haife via: $1,- 575,'ý90. Wbai the îermm "cîber prepent>' is itietie t t ece*,a'me 1 a Inbast state, ,but, pmbtiY,'- *<ny colatersa,ll andt Raliva>. Debentrures ferai a large item. Carryingtg ibi' immense lest cf "bocted or terepnoporiy" viith 934,418 "oison debeii"due, (tu ncinticd under tbe notes artd biledisceuncet) hila Ã4ne sunprisiîîg ibai Batiskcf Upper Canada stock thabubi stand ai 22,îe 24, pet cent, ini ihm mone>' mariket. Btfin m earei" go tbmourIgina6l shares et $50, vere reduce.i te $30, and 1% is muidi %bat appbcaiien viii lie mate ai the nul session te redace ihm shores te $20 eac honiu reprsentiog bai tvo.flbls of original Capital. -Tbai vanit malte a lots te the Sieckboiitera cf three- ffilba cf ibeir stock te mate up batl tebli. sedt4totbhnealtes" omieitlerms Ibis ilanit appeans ta bave lba tus full shano. Omiîîiug the laternaionai fBant, (au Englîeis insitution, nov viîtidrave trom Canada), tirepaiti op capital oftibmglins ton Mach, 1865, vas $Z8,149,829, muiking sot increase for thbm ear cf$l891. Tbm circulation fer bMarch, 196-5, t8,34?, 563 - Match, 1866, $12498737 , being an incresse ef fifi>' pet cent. Th'e depesîts in Marei, 1865, $24,210,- 550 ; Marcit, 1866, $29,249,989 ; bovung au. incresse for lise yoar of $5,039,439>. Thse tecreaueof 4disconttu" ton tbm sans pet-led vere $805;29L. Taiting tbm tbne" imisof 6"tiseeunIs," "tgepeaitta," and "circulation,thebmcount>' is richer ncv int ias cncuisting amedien li>-ei9¶9e,904 tbanilA itivs e areb 1868. Ant it ve sitt te Lwith ib mrem sof paid op calîhiai fer tb ,>oearf Ire bave s. total et ocer ceuo millions of dallarsthcinetb in liant stock, l1s39 bu, ,depai1.cdlimsdelbtee tise Bianktote secredt a ide cf tbm vealth of tbm country asccoinpiin oule est-ar DvlegiLane t e bm"1.1 R el tor.», T'he rIl Ric 5raa,te wvhkhar dc oao f uhinm yeIl XIm.mgt"r eauw.i., a li otait f ulia tDi romwt# te rai. '.. "rl ovM avre"rt- s tà w~ e iArtîhi e in r erse M iecfoa ism e t "t. ia.v v i-n'i. litrrlanis, 'l'ire11M mare,$ long oc-cpte pr..eui'.A* a te ps *mi nie oaube im.wa; rtma o it' tu t,nl e ,et%4ks'#I tu*. the 51I0r ty btreùc»aMe.t agamesit tM nu~i tif Ibo own a %kt hrh'ie iamea t jesui4*%.ied i-ave le,. mit&emn theo msgbtt fire te bti.dig uiVRasptd Uiokt.hre Ir tttY sly1 Tscmeen ' ti ire tMyiMmttirî 7bh. veiteve of prgt'p o's n eti, '1<,ifttnI)fW tie>'11ti <sie n' way t i nMe:111" te ptim #(Ibo ICurti'e- DeOt lu P... ÉW'-ru str'remi Teeineu'viir'riitae me potlted awr 8 am 5elsc a w m su vtet ilnasr thorag W" tti rsiig .ffnwuey W14 i mol.mmfEdM* h mdbrZ . M wI 11hocking Scentes lu a u glilb Worke -Mit; J. .evsxJao w be viii b. remliereti b>'many ef eut Towsi gadters as the ediieo f te'oaîarlo "néW,$ soie seven or efght yjoage>', luas nitalislcg' bînseif la Engiant, le btacmby *xpeslng tbe abuses ofsan -Etîglilsbvontteuse,1Mr. Broyn, as otiter of theii P r esoit Repor. 1er,9W pa eptofeuleaal- visit te b*vrt. bouse at tisaiplace, sud tokaes. of vitl b&s*Aî, - viîieh 4 aflsl'rd$ publliateti,'a tse Il Reporter." The vbolm Conpruniuy vas stanîlet nt ltae aaatctsaae ment vie.imisb bougkt te lgbî. Bat sud lnsufBIlenî (e04Y aseta cmneoquent barge pet centsge f'siokiiema sndmortality, venu net tbm ieast cf tbm,, crumties te vblch ho (bundthibm nfonînnate pauipera suljeclet.- He fints 45 boys# ermumeti looone recai in whicb therd are onl>' 15 bes-so ibai ise>' bave te sieep tbrèeIa a liet-tho roumi ii.elf beiag bareiy large eocgb le aeemmoitaebsit thé unimercf'inmastes. nle ofeu e im ospltais,'9 beaay, t<e founa about 20 boys of varicas ages, froi 6 tu, 12 yeusa, who ver. sufferng trams skie disesse. As 've eetermt, -tbe offllist ait, sWeli bOYs, are, yeubellte?' To vbucb ibe!,ývas a cegua lainrmpijr, 4Oh yem, air, vo'rc limter.' 'Wcbi tura cal thon, andi let us T a> yeu,' sait ce guide. -,On thle, fm - -the b t e b non, about iveat>'c e b bys jnmpmd oat, set stot befoe eus in tbm costume vIticIt preraietF in Panaduse -betore fig. Icscea came ie ofabion. We vere snie. visai surpniebthe aIm utdmu appearsae or' tire nakât forma befere Us, snt enqair et, 'Havetue Ie dsne shirts on niglit. dresses to aeep it?, It appears, bhevever, tbat nigbt dresses are luxanles unknotea in Iliu bonte, aset âthe b byslIbmthebospi. tal, sedt Ibuseout cf it, have t t lna lto lied et aigbi witbeut an>' cîber eo'erîng %ha e b botclothea.ThI reg and icee leur bey# wte 4ieg iogî-tcr fis the same ed 1 au ibis ve in Our ignemaice aboiti imagine thithibm ille viii bave te rece. cor ai one tinte, o e Isceuiaeeal viii stand aS got mebaof et iîaig thte lduIenso again, b>' beiug lrongi mb cotIai wiîh tb. otben."' ilan bst luscaollt ibm <ebcsrs' isospi tlI ce round a number of lenîs, bcy& snt girls, vitisskie tiseas. Th# chiltnen ver. gettieg lisein diners viten 'me enitened <b.s greom. Sevenal eft (Item rlitlîn pue>' crealures, se th"a svisilor weaiit bave n tutUeuli> la tecidiug aste, their ae. TheIrai lied vit stoppot befere con taiamdtIbree cf ibm infants-tbm centni cnee s ver>' teliette ltlie îbiag. ecb chlt batl à can contaiairg tmîli, sot a lump e! dry bresti. The littIe cee in the. centre blegan te cr>' ou behng spilitea t*. The offii paIsekintil. tote b.ili, sanst- et what mateet o r>'. Thre <cars a teva the ponr chUltisface a s bit uop bis lump cf dry bt-at, and' vilS feelile ceice exciairnet, 'Icsu't est it P' W. tmet the brtgà ,fronistb-bibd, , It wva pieemocf vItl is«calet WM 'cem.-be'ttcm lest' îl5a gom"tiik Or"Sltoi.t te soit part oftibm bresti va quite moÃŽii as tbeuyIbthie chw $ kbaliesAryleng to seci it. Thoms cee(d -lis- o qero tte tbree ciîltren vers 11%. bi ibis oae eepm ciali>ytidvs tisougiti <bau, sd îbhnk novr, îhaî s more sulualile tinet'ihan .s lump eor>'ryliu-odandst - ,a tanofmut ought lo lbave been giventu, t beni. ,Tse. officisileetout iliipoctet-ki(ÃŽ. aidte thé soit part cof ibe breato aie ibm sces, visicb tise ocid iigai te tér9 tbcugh'vhîb 'Out so>'appearance of' Appetits. 6'Wbaî emb.r kiets ef féodote b>'gelttarhug tise day?' ve otqim ishe>' bave breat anà ik aui.-belie ada>', but notila catît a nature le lie pliîni> teait vlîb ln tbe eclumes 'cf a nevapaper. But te guardians iamasîul>' iamover, thent by adeplldg lb. fobicing suiggestion. Let îbem pay a ylait te tbm tcrmiîory efthte sllleded wome, and, forgeîting that II, ls brestiday o1.1 ibeaiimagine Ibat ibey atm leua beiroan efofsnme boîmi, and about te retir. e te rni for -thm nigbî. Let tbe gocornOr er natron b. lestmet te preý vide Ibmren î ail Ibm *teqnisites snt neeessriet i uele <bai dormitery :on ihé vigb f et b.27tb Jannar>' lut. Tben l 4lte-dlsor b. ciqouet upon themni, et thîni îbmy. vilii etmlibsrst fer an>' grmatlimgîh Of lime bor(es Ibm>'arrive - at Ibm ouclu., ien ibst sooeeibing requîtes te lie ai tered in orter.tomaintalib h e ef-re-pct et ibe This la centaini>'s atpictîre ef ibm lu. ternai management of an Englisb vont. bouse ; liai Mr. Broyn intinmtis that verse 51tilrmmsies untoit. The Prescetti Deaneof Oeardians are, of cearme, le a terrible shale of oxciled alanm -air. Brown'& dolngs anti arm ver>' earneat le defending them.ebcms and attack. ing the gentleman wbc naiseti bis voiée fer the papers, andt in the case cf bamacit'.- MFr. Broyan,i a pamphlet, nov before us -44.s A iater te Edmnati. Wand, Esq., Chairman of tbm Board cf tjaardîans et ibm Prescott Union Workbeam"-replies nmis vlgoroesly, and irandies tbm Ouardlacmsetn tbm management vitheai gloves. The resali we are gladtetoa>', appears le b. ibat cur oit cofrere bas been instrumenaia iu ameleratlag the condition cf tbe papers lan soeurIng te tîbmm better foot and de' ceitîer accommodation, and better manage., ment In the Pregeoit Union. Munrn Tarità . >à rLrsusAr.-Efonera Faliaby vas Irled t aiLinitsay,, on Frisa', the 26rb aIt., for tibm ater Of Michael Fallaby, b.,r breiher-in iawr, on tire 24tb cf December lutî. The evidence vent te, provo ihatthebmprisaner hait been insane fer $Ume lime previoas le tbe cemmn of thm eet andth ie jury rieco.dingi>' gate a verdict 01 net guilr>. SrkuanscaArvav.-On Tuesita> lest a qaarrel teck piace ici a saalonait Brant- fond belveen Ire carpenîmnu, nameti John. sien anditaîh, beîb cf Wbtim vere in- toxicaied. The fermer drev a itniféonc the latter adsuiltfficieti feuriema veanda. The voonded man la net likel>' te necever, Jobrîican la ander armasi. À Moptas VAursti.-The Paris corre- spondentif efimitaer -gices Ibm bllov- j ng borriti detalit of a modem .VÀmpire, vbe vas arreietsomemeunertb ok, i viii aberti>'l i ie t athibmAssises. ef Par' Soute îjme »Soihe4lbody et # voung girl vas disecereti net far froeinina iatry of the jnirier; à ncem insuacir- cugn 'e e staitboirgbthe huti as a «"v(r<onm ebody,net a idrop cf liiet was fcnet on ibm groitut. Searcb vas innediami>' mte aser the porPelrater cf ibis birritidet, "asethie - Polce ai last acoedet in iaying banda cnaa man vhe maie anr Attempt on a lut>, on Cbr reîua trow Qu oncf itre stres. - Tire ninster, virile i prison, conleïseit tuait afts.r hiviu'g kiliet bis vidima b.e tirankt beirbleod, ti lagealerally îbongbt tIbat Philippe (fOr silcis à thle- Danm e ehé Vampire) 10 of ulmeund mind. orvaasuaeew coseo.-TbmW Loniton pi-, pers fartaitb ibm foiboving particulars of an amatai cemmiied ce Messrs. Boniface andi MecBida, cf Lqodon, qon Frits> leut, b>' ex.Mte...Cornbsb We regret te lesrt ltI lure vais a ter.- rible conflagratioen ai Detroit cu Thursda>' nighi, rsultlng lu ahnalaculabe testruc. tien ef prepert>' andi seclnchcly bossof lige. Tho folevwing accaunt of hebm mmd ca tastrophe la frram ibe Detroit Free P rets cf Pnlday : "A <mv daya more thon- six monîlîs ge ht vasOr painful dut>' te citrouiclu the ca b>'tire et thm Central ncîroad freigt depot, lutibis dI'.-Te-day ina announce suethmr anti cempnrativoby' mare terrible les, in ihe mtilre -destruction cf tho depots anu itlces ci tie- hietroitIandi Milwanukre- and Michigain $onîhemrendcis. At tIt. Centrail'inly hie frciglsiitopa-t'netit su!. tes cd - boe.evenyitlug k, avep aw*ay.-- Fnoighi doas anut offices, paasetîger depata, îviing reoms, ticket officesl, toe. gnaph Offices, docks and buildingsci every description, liesides mn immense touni 0f 'rc it, lie, ti i moriiirt,in cne blnck, snrouldmning runir. ViîLhIbeso, ton, ilaa large nuniber of freight cnrs bondet viîh menchandise, s cenîpleîe train cf pacseng- or cars mate up for grantdiHaven anui Milwaukee, snd a nuntlir of chiersanrd- ing on the, site trucks, but few baing savet, anmtdcte ln the least exposeit silu. ations. Scnnceby nuî>'hiug vasxanvet (rom the offlces, bbthfaines «.pre.iing wiîb sucb l'ennuI reîidiiy lirai; Ibm cuîpiayes, in aomm instances, were banal>' able toescape with ilîeir ivea. TÉE tALARUS. "Tho aletavas firsi given âabot tton o'cbock by tbhe ay hisîle of a sianin boat souiuiug tire 1 lire!1lire1 wltfch an immediateby .toilovret b>'lte bous cof the. ici', anduthe Inîitd'urnes aI the sauiete lne shaoaiog lîlgl î m lite aur, ligitedtihe streets ion squares avout.,nnd.brouglit the steamso ibmtheSpot. ,Tlehosreetit un the vicinit>' vero nicmnthrnolliiug up vitl dteîîocrowdîs cfprenpela, n eItuid by the magnitude oethtIe cortlazgration. .- "Iluge, luilit iure,torking and- brnnch- fng oui, lu ai) directions, shot upinard. inrspping fbite aîrrourîdhng bttibinig in ihairt trrile ciribraca, thnîn reîling unit rarhig lko sottie gigacnii Cyciopeuin fe wru hicit a dense volume o! qiitk frut- uT gemmueit antd pîkîrg iîl cinters mut mutbera broi lte côOnlbuqil)le ninnerinis fat upou. 'Stresami of wmeo wer-e pouncd into te burting pile, but iillut perceptible effeci Ifor sema ri.n ntes, mud attention, in the inanutime, isas cmbeit taeltee nemS&iiyoet aving the adjac- ent bisiltiniacon Aiwaer-ai., Ihe ontira row of lieuises betaoeu Br'ist ami Heaubien atii. baiîugsanved witl dillicul>'. Olilfl Orv in. lItait. "Tue nîct caîîtraitony ruinon- s arc afln,.ut as te the origin cf lb. disater.- Runions ns thick anuit pliineri ai; tsheb sparka which'ticv upvrard fnontîflie hurn- irîg mas" incre circubaicit, rop"eiend u n-nepeabcd,rînIii il a-mut amost imipossible ta tecll îvhetairrthictruîh vas locateit. It. vas buldi>' annacniot thai the tire ins>' conmuection board the WinIsor,Ihi 'en;lî ai leakago in an ail - lirrn.b, viicli <ant ho' log moopret up b>' tbe lighî t fa Intep. set thai ibhe eapiug gas igniit eutn thus carîethie -conflagrittlop. Bsl titis sienry vas abîra'arts provot uuamîtraindù tb. ftact ihal ibere vas noene!h amoug te br<iignbtoubird the boat.- Oî.hor bat il Ibsi n, quantit>' of uiiro-glycerinm in the deoai xpIotiod, aud mga in t he bmtorcli cf the incendian>' bat beco appfiiet. Ail ct these theeric4,- however, remtin unau. ibeuticatt. Trorn a abt m rent Mincite or reporter b>'oe, etfhMe Worlçneni an board Ibm Wisdèor, ve beliceeIbme-fol» 1ô iowlng W<bhebmrital fadte,: Tiisvork-' înnn state% tirai ie vas in te fregbl depol of tllefetroli k-?ufilste c iîa'ay, taiing adrink or vater, tt'hcn lie lheerd saoîaething lite an expiosioti beind bli. 1,rnieg ai'uuti te ascertain ils meaning bcm sav iiteil or some ollier liqtit vasg lnngg roana.%barre). or. cask sud ivisa on tire, Ilie enl on heonrd the beaut, antd satin afcvtiterwrs crt the sbaqi4fiLg cry clogire ringintg tbîrengbeutthe letZtil anti breadtio h e b.dopui. sasrib r t rsaras:Ai;ita LAves peniodicals, but bad barelY time te «eCapa. L'S Muutw* 'rf O ifs "wVIxSOILtint."yth ib "In addition ta ibis,thie steainerWii > b uir sor, vbîcin la>' alengside ni tbe dock, la Faibee point on burned te the ,t'ater's cdge andi lies on tbmihe atBrpa 0Canada shore near Sandwich point, lttErpa whitfher she 'a4 îuwed te precent rom- The Hlous.e o ni eicating te ames te cther boatR or fig tlb. Referai b, docks dewn aleug whieh oi£; floatet ,a b1azing Pilie'of the Most i lniîmable "9ermsrz adeFi înaterlitl. Sho driftcd #ithun six or elght reaasarinig and tbi feet of ilrady'o dock anti-wsrehoaae,wbicli in peate. - A «Vie nnrrewrly cscaped îakIng ire, wiîcn, afier says Bavarla, Wu inosi superhumnu leXcrtions, iu thm face of ad Darmairadî, the intense beat, a lineoawuimtened t te erman sud Pede ber and she wau towed away by, the ocear Ibm>' voli sqteamer Detroit. She-ta proiAly a tttl 'Ausîrla. Their a A Fl2RT rüülçAcpM. Ahope$ilaât pence i "ýBefateany'cf ithe baildingýfcIIlnl, and tUSS&A-ATTE Unbhe Ibm es vere faaleniug upon and enveiepuug ever>' pari and -parlicie c, f' theATE buildings and imateriai, tfelicmew *hrouglî 1hmre verei thé paBîpgo Way frcm ilhe foot cf Bfiish Ftrbr a strect waa tarribi>' sublime. A - strougIbPeper r'n. el cîîirrcnl of air rushed tlîrougli here, teth meosei fire ovct'letud (ennîcd a e-t'iopv o! daines, The mn'h t th lb. <ba Wn cieheei cf wvit sceeetlirfe id a ausiar like liquid lire clinging go the plaukc and meaLs, v1îo collai dcvouniugthé liâ-bcrs vwith-tcIei'ulergy. tbé emaneipalien WViîlin t hlà apace, aurroundeui on al aidea chargcd a pistoi anv ile oe rcarsi he ireatrelitEmperor, and thé scemcd ns il thm ire fRends ivere iholinîg*ai' a tixeir nivela there. Like tbe furnace lient. ab - lefeet1 ed moyven liruicabhttcr Ilian îcbore, - it rc* aide tte aassir quireit but a littile mretcît cf the imagf lia- bai ben.eniîiblec ldon ft, seaeji acwilklîîg tirough thée cry or witb perfeel pi frirnacq. cssed tbm caiprit "The ribrilute cerinirtt ai frein six shealit sceklr ii>i t,) twelve hunian beinga inmt tttir i vea fs B dseh' a thie occcasion la the mostdeplorablo tenture aftaldarpl of the cataatraîuiî. In >addition le Ihoeari lidsret airend i> eînticticd, eyc îçitrîeppnittate b'iur firmer animi ltai. tiiey aieseveral Jurrîp frein tie rpward soitndprice iindano lte vater, uiruggling for a red lOs le i10sl6d, tomn n te hn'meuhte rise ne niee. odtole j9s d. One Patrick CarroI, witiî whom aur re. porter cenvered, tatetIhat wriibmh alarni vas given on boadit iehe bot il ,BY tbm 8cof ta, Mrens ofaiescape werm cut cof.f'rTeha hle oce'ili mat.,1 vomi Pile af buildingsalnig the dock ivero e taec Or.e vilt g licet ef flnrne, .atntithe tîpper T e.-U b - o wcrks et the boni l.nd rtircrdy ignited.It. -Ma te heRe wl Heome ldeebefarethie nesitel 'visacul waa net 1k.)>' le1 liieme, Anti by ltaI tirue the fgtntes blail Rosit Centre Si d1river, the tcar.stricken worklun ute te by Maquis De Bui 0piî1i ide40,Sonie saiiîtcd igonîzingiy fuir ttcip, SlAtiug that îiîey culd t et inin UpIteenb auit wonîli certini> drowu, Une hi eule ir, 1bm pacifie adj tiîey uirapjcniintu the tet e;n lth ames iifcalty grew sair rir'. ilîcin le hal alternative. Carrai tradictnr>' on h s;*tt's 'thtualiawnsamoinng Ibe lt I lesvmeam gs bpse tile broit. fenring thai if ho piurîgcd inie ti gttePse %velild liecauglîl andt draggfcd doinvii J uIl. the drownirîg iion. lIe rt lengîli touk-n sutîbi boX and icîpoit uvcrboard, but bi' .- the bax wa of ne service,-11ie abaridonet Il ui arickou fit aboni Whitilhait f Frein lte1 hem .nl.uqelîcd ta the rescrie. U itccceit I fin cd irn reac1%ing it, --aimnaqt cxhaqistl d; nà be1 anaîer ainrriliewoîlwithî bis coin. teirrible Asiatie panions., baye faunit a ittry gratve. -He ban been hane'un1 lenra tlirait twaof lita ti-rklrcn Nvita o Uit ail the wviter;ail notsivm,irnaine ictfyrrd anl(l Meir0eno>' irîagrsîe ita reigi liave penislici. t. l is stppoeu thntî in ail in ihe concis'>' frotn eight to ton persu-na v wueodrowued I es oe beforoe b etit arrivait. I snt i TITE LASs4Es, arron vitichit ioùi Cnlcuiatian rune; vil i t ternptîug te uiness ofpersen ai arrive ut ani ertiniante ofthie felirl dos.iieland tacspari T1ho i)oirait and lllwatuke'ecCompany airc action ef ihm boy, ofesîriithéiholesiciest bomfera. Ibeir depotlîesî. A sensbe %vis illdc it il it vluale frigbt cf eait' î es ab kin -4. net an oun ce .,f viicis inas asner i, - mredanger Tircoinpaiiv andticiket effeor e r,-ds. aceidentB cf everý trayed, wiîb ail or nenriy aib co(ltoeir velu. ibase Whio lice li .saie coets. A fetv ecaleriug -paporr.i îbemueivea ecen b tnui1tC Onie ocs ert. takeli ont or lhrowe The mxperiene front ia wiuubotva aif Ibm brick buiIding, us teat. no man ih but nothlug cfr valne vns resciied. Thon vîou avn dcpoi anit frelghî buildin-fg are'nowa bmap bain et biseken)et runa, prmseitlng a deplor. anrg" T abic piclutra of thm herrors: cf a ceiîflugra- baCall>' neglected. tien. Frolenlviete Ivtent>' cars, maml of ibis epideetie et ibeni pâekeit wiîh freight, Worm, con,- demie,) tI:e ui5igbt, suiîe1. and tchiens iere bat)>" danîngeti ne ede e Tlo Mich-gga tSentheru aLre aise irisera teocailte o a en4orurs arnount. Titeir -depot ln r continined it spiles% cf fcibtal clhich mer cmplaint , 1 i ith heir cffice a peris îsa. S o me f the uec tt e bm ai bookg vote aaved, but in ail probabiiy of0< iMNor. t his io viia athived tai -- tise a0:th l., ifS bave titeices. Commens vas still tebat. ics ontinnet in bc more hee vawu eving bellot ina Idiegeâihn of lite l8tl intethbarg, Ssaesiy,»&Iierg are qaite ursileit on Ibm, frai question ;j shoniti wsr 1l-b ail on ibm site cf - agreement eccomiraged ibe mns>' c i tlrled. IIIPT TO ASSASSIN- TIE CYZAfC. great rejoicinga ai t t bmmwbhevëeon accoan t or soape frere asoasinatian. ttemptet the Einpenror' n lsanmwet ci amaii iiteretiitiîseb injuréd tb>' et ibmhe serfs. _19 thin as fetiof the s sb'oî vealti bave preis. bat net, s peasaut tarnet n'a at-m. Ibis penauisi it. Ii is saidthe Eraper. iresene ef mid biiseit it aaithg bim, - qal-îl>1 erdond tlu yen that Ien life ? 'ea pvsrd tendétncy, nsire Iniebitr Git bgher. Wbeal tendris rs Ici ta 2it bighen ;winter d.Cern ftiti; mixet 28 tvbicb artivet aI t . we havé lise ver>' baicit. Commons conîlIacit tho durtu Bill. The divisinîri ho for severai days.- iejn)betis bas becuo feaileti in>'j% aiParts. . t efthà b 2Oîb uit.,a lielief ljit!nnîf et bmGenînsse ronger. The nevu la con' 's beat. Mr. lPeabody - 'ugers. .Maikets reportesL '-"J ~Itt'lera. - Louistille Ceusrrar.] k t Pi - 'uWhèlt,., Peus amali .... P'eusmarrovl tiaile...... Apples .... Docs..... Sbcop skies.., 1OR I'rits on fil'rs. ryitn ilmi ita, Nous raIv lirn' %Ilb7ij 11.1 tiuid l' Iut longer doubted thiat the ,orooarge la apon uS. It ï on our 8outbern Coast '- td the wargn weather vii ,n ini ever>' filhy lecality id neuinoîl, iispire the ùce did. Thorough demi. 4nd place, great mare ms ta licutlarly ne 10Io thereguilar vols render fà nearty h hum. clearnl>', mober mari jli rfront it thut the ordiî,*ry LOWESi-AÂ lercirat., the t s 1