Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1866, p. 3

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Iîslitek Tetouu..- On 1%tudayl à are buire ou~t tu the lailor«a .bop of 'joules Idit1er, Thorolde and continn.4 - le'rage titl hhirty Ivo or Ihirty .ibn. tebbtentsu and &tort& vote de#troy,11, togother wiih a large uniuber of out.b Cldlîîgs, goodi, and"I Lous. bpld fitretturea loylug nerIy lhe *bhosof Prou n md larealiant emInets, the l'e principal atneî of the vlIago,tn asbea. i l'h. o i ieaimate4 botween $200,0O0 andi $250,000~, partflliy cm> rereiby inmnr. sa. Thîe prnipal sufl'areni are. James Meure, $20,000 , A. 8ebwaller, eI5,000 Wa . B HedehS 21 enemeulu, &e", *$%OO0; J. I0. Brown, *,600 1 Theom" Shaw, *3,000; W..Meoivernu à Co, $3,000 ;P, Tt1eker, $3,000 ;John Holm -.- Ilion, *3,M00/ rIenry <Garden, $3,000. Di- thi& ar .omé 40 or 86dfamilies vere mode Gnleiditsj-A maîtual of good mon. liem bounnd ineloth. - Womnan-Âu euny on gracei Inboe -~ ~ e1ei, igantly bound. Heart-The boit card lu lhe gante et to *nrmetiy 1 sometltees ovrccomo by Ilpanondm -and kmove 1 of Ion won by trlcei1î and i>telliolaliy treaitd in a obufflio-g ifanter, and then eut aiogether. 1.0 1ES-At Witby, on bMonday, iii. BoOîb at., iii. wiieor fJohn X. howee, FEaq, ocrcînîî . . Wieltby iM,îraetu. )Pu3'll Wtîest......1,45 a ,73 sprIng ......... ...$15. ia 1125 liarley ,...... Mc a 600e. l'eaummi......goe la 05re. l'eas.mirrowfut. <".. Oc Il 63c. .a..... ........ 8.00 per ton. touer ...... à......... 14c. a l8e etîeu.......40 a 50e Chieken........... 30c per pair. l'ork ' $7 a $7 10, Toi kyo........... 60c. a 75c. Gees . ..... 40C. D3ocks........... 10r Wood....... ..$2,50 1n t.1. Sheep akins ..........50e 10 $1.25'. TRY IT. VOlt'îlim-or l'raîoti. -Inl t-%i'i ,i'tneIiîor .ilîwv-liîrrh ia, ('het. ..I.îitei-u 1 lzrici.'Mlîi. }, i-,L1 f is juu lithi l igî. A (10O IlTH 1tNGC J I'l M ttiiiïltie (flutinîîîtlit wtirl a trimal for, t- W r-,, t.î Piles, î 11<1 nre, lit. finîi r ,, Uicv, iîlio ltailt for i]li r. poriý- fi'r w i ri l i l bit iii ti.I. ê . r-Nw01LTANT NOTICE. 1 F % Ott rire fIet1 %îuh1rl tîîiî,-l -tole izz- SIl>§« ori r IIli ii-.î i I olil, Ili lîg.utoii o. r Ei, Ui i skin, îîr»ltiK riri ilîivuri lieu% et iloi. . 0.)'fittce i O. cu t a ro.i >f ItL.r. u iittu Votrotille Lire 1lil, (Sugli 8TRAWGE, BUT TIiTE. VEUX yuuur -tfilli- aiel grîtîlmiii-li It fli .1*tlk. tItî#-% Cao bliîr ver vIîita-c iîii"Iil fl lIaiTtIiiaat.îC lîby rîui i It it tre oti charCge, hv Ilo.eliitereî .dr4îel h'oha,îu.iltaorm or 1 ilîiîr',ueg'will QlliNly itriot itila tymeait. AI aLliera 5 ly f011 ltrnilaaat New YVlck *j0 0<. 4 rondwmy, ew vYork. -O- D) UltIiq t tlire Nuw 'îtrk SualiY%'* lîuîaiIt' oeomit i Ricet ii i, mi litI Uileel Ntateu,,(:ilrrniîq'.-auil Iotîe't *1îellaon der- eitUx 4feaiî.c1,ij ette)fi' lleck lit i.itlt. PLiti- enlaitr ttîtioli riîen rîlilicOotiaof I"oceiglî aiiii t2'olntrty %ho u ît nkiera. f li i * >l~~"SpQclgl 'IllIrérare wnrraiilm.îl j> u i ier flic tlecilîeiy nit rrîiaiisCre eÏ aIl ~m'oatarii,îg frontî tiumict,," r, Yimîitifmîî Iiiicrttili, #o illa , Piqee I)ç11,011, Ir vyau calnnait gel thtlm,,, ul cn rhIpt, tho iert liha tientIl'y imail scel Ni l 0eIe, 1 li (mil,iiltouc hilîtlirq1-ouil mCure, ni% eelli'tor Ille ic îîîiîo renda o i,,nalt tt I 1 g1 m en, outicrrrxaof 'eICulm thl ôe'î'i'eqîie'lC ll isiot-.eîlvit ?ree; , in evitireqîîiiroiI (-'r f ito. iî.kdni »R.aJ. JliteÂî, i. i.ilii liy'i ii P. o. n liS 17. 449 Droadity, ?cw Yorlr. rpUroc("le l'M ,lia ~ppîiei iiy »emai@ta riea * ,WIiîcel4-ýe Aeutas, New Yack. ERIU)RS 0F YOUTH., A.0m tinn whveiir ufcre-.1 (ir,%'>riifront bliticl fliceu7kiclm 'r n ltlli ilii.er,îiiom, wl-i lor tia. aitte o. mlaiCI 'eiig lîiiiic,v, 'pOil irem ' Ila iiwlm ucodil I, lire nelli eti tirettlcuu fur r *kîIigtitretimptiile retnp.ili' 1hy wla% *a% enredm. s ,rtersritw.uiiir i îu 1 bythe - dvey1m,' eumîrieîice, caiti ai ou> hy airouai - TO LADIES. FT olinh ,elilnsa folilIe Tiuit4ly o14 eaitn .ygi. Il te l Ditl1.Iavvl '8 vYcul Illa, ta iecîuli«reU1olJ for the. reniovidlofi(11l. ,'olti " ucitU u'rm U'hat cu 4a, t/.q ~-- -~--~-- _________ J I ~ JAse, BAIN- &, 0. Would n noance thlrhey liave,,removed. to the conmodious brick building, a ftlwdoors South of' ik~vxIc'c~IT BROCK STREET9 WIIITBY* WSrSUMME.R SHOE, Just to band itn assoî'tment of Ladies, Misses,- and Cjhildrens Sum- nielt SIîoog- Als0-IHome-made Boots and Shces, an4,sboe3 of al kiîi, Wholesal.ann4 ietail. Two l-lundlred Sides of 8panish Sole t.eather.' Machine Need-= lest Silk and Linnen ýthreads,Iliard Ash, Silk, and Cottoni Elas. tics Ail kiîîds of Shoemaker's Findings for sale cheap. 9£Ve*TE.RM$ -CASH, M Whitby. May -2, 1866. NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. mNO -0TICE! A ME.ETINU OIF TUE imBrOugliam Pbospfctîrng Ou Company'§ Wil l bc htlil autItiéVillago «0 C'.uiity oif Ontario, ut BI:Ot)lS'S 1ioTi.L, cii Saturday, the l9th Instant, At imie i'eli'-k,. 'îM., for the I iiirlu-o nif riet. ÃŽii icb e efor tlI c *uoalt >m.ar, î,ik-lcîinic ire ail ribui-ateil tu uitcuil. LEWIS 11îtTUYF, GO IL riaiTOCÉ, . Brctigclin'n. Iilcy ~. liaIt. IX'.fitil NO0TIlC E!!1 T ilfrw, POîll f IfiE F ulE N4~ B3ANK of MONTREAL NWlîere fïi is ftcpar"4 tu eecuste ail cuera wltb IASTLE FOX. WlîlîtîY, Moy 2, 1694t. 1.t 166.IAI S CEa6& TUE itTEAMEIL "EmivILY MAY-,, Tuefiday, the lot dzy et Kay, Leavin&g Bell Evc'l .veny ntirniug on lime or- ivril(f h mi talttroll]f rom Toronto, ciflhtig ai aUil î'alite oni lnterem't, Rturnl li dme for trins nenrtitsud outia Ii the cveniîiîg. ISAAC >1 fi, lkitt Ewrrt, Aril îf, Iu1. InsoIYontt Act; of. 84 Prna'ilierictniCcdi ) lu Cmiiin.y Cout of Cena <of Oît'it.î, >. heflic atty of0mta- lu W it Ir In the M.atter o( JOIIN AI.LIi, anInsol- (the liNI NTI 4duY n<f JUIYM not, ilha mvi dciglied lumn)meft aicpîîy 'a iaJui of lue "pi-S Ceirt for àa aiaeîaitcitfuder th sli *et. ril P utitlenainel A"-I'gtioe gveg,.ncftee alab Lr liaitlia viiragt tii.éamtilt1e, <mrmct :%0n îmrîma.aCoîîîî,ei camtaholiefliil,) In t1isldu u.jge f1i bi l* inrunufcomt0or fiee of Aaaiteieti tIt i ti 1if fatarl ciîît la "0*w O'pe fanImpeetioat et Mia office, lu Cbn- 'l VI.C. t.lE,- His Attorney Dateal ntCoi Vuîiroll trki, îtII lut day o Un JAMES BAIN & CO.l NEW ADVERTSISEENTS. NOTICE ! À SPU~IAL MEETING~ 0F TUE MEMIW.ES OP Deluge Fire Company No, 1. WIi li 4 lili iftntTuonliaiton F1UDAYo the 4th MAY, 1866. taiee iýftime tîiî oit c)mso italîtin. %Wiîltly, Muîy 12, 196é. Insolvoxit Act of 1864. 1'r'î.Iieee nif Icu thea, t ofi ~ty fout or ln the malterof J.ACOBt$TAI.TEI(, thie To*nuaýl fl 'îckeniug, i the Couuty Qiof .1 turiia4 milier. KOTICF. lm hetm y iten, Jat on Thnrmtiay, <ielýc lui the foretiiAaoor au aoo a, W ncie cati h, licrd icequdcenigned ill ii qqly b lte .iiual f' ithe #ak Ct, Ot r edasiargo ituaber t Ui*MdAet. Dlttet aIWbitmy. Ibis ltirltiilay or A pril, JACOfl DTALTMR 'Attarntey for %ulea ttol1%iut. 17-;,« FOR SALE! AI-YI) to 14. J. W ILSU D, Ksq., rniatr, or JOHN CARTER# L 0 N 8ZD ÂVOTIONMM4 TOItK, ON~TARIO, MKD PEEL. 8A LESlettieded un uthe flremt uo'ioù, &A~ en reattonuble turi. - Tiritu neu e ite .4 bilasp4uit#t at heChg.am.iIe 02l06for Mr. C. N. TAI, NEW AÂDERTýI8WNU,-N-TS-e New.DY.GOS WILLIAM-L!Le1bOyÇ'I&Co. JIE have teived Ontur ilal $prig suppy of New Dry vv Go1, ex Stcnmsldip Pcnid', Danzmusan ai, aatwhc we 1bt'1to the attention of ouùr ugtotnti;Jà Ulithe publieencrAlly., Withotit partictilit'izi ng our, stouk this yettr will be found more. attructivo nadfifler than uist.i. Cddodb, tIf Sflperior qdtîjtca un4 ccelletý vnltlc, and ic i rîiked nt the low'cst Cash PritIes., WILLIAM Il, DOÃ"W & C014 Coriloroi King aind Ywige StreetýL Toronto,-April 17, 186G.. 16 3in DIRECT LIilORTATIONS McMILLAN& 0,0.R_ Beg to annotuncïeo a rrivalf the*r SpIg Importations, the greatet part of .hich thcry ha.vte mporteld direct, rmEgland, 4tnd are-tnowv oflering thom at a small'adV'aned on COST. - rJlFëy offir immense bargdns ini Presa Goods of cvcry une. Immepnse ibargaiusiisin Cloths, Docskins, Engrlish and Canadi4n Tweeds. Immense bat-gains in Grey and White Cottons. S11Im ensp. barg"Iins iii LaIdijeý and Gent-, Rats. lImmense bargaiis. in ClotJ4iîg, Carpets, &c., a suberb lot of Itapistry. Oroceries, Liquors* V Ine-s, The largest stock in the county, at unnprecedented1y, lOW pricek MO 1.MIIbLAN& A Lnrgo Stock of Coll01',Pri nts, Canadiain Trweeds, Siik MxueCoors ancy »IRIA8S GOODS, BOTS & SEQES, JOND ' R of E RIE&$ ,- 1POIISALP,,CIIPiAI> M M É0 COCflRANNE' 1 arn prepared to offet' the test asaortuien of 1'RINTS; and DRESS GOODS, la Town-, ind fIL the low< (C Thé higbe.st -price 'paid--for'countr Produce, in exchangje for gocida WhItby, April 25, 1866. 16CO l N0~~~~ru eOtOCfw? LAWLER ~t PRÂNCIS, (slutcessors tthe late te Robert s.) Lawle'V1ràn àà take leave toi atiiôitince that. hav ig purôhu.sed the -Of the late Charles Roberts, at a'reduicti-on. below thé prime cost, and having added laigely to the stock on h#nd, they are now jweparéd tc$ iuply clltoniers with GROCERIES, WINES &LEQt1»ORS O? ÂLL MDS ND OFTE ;IEST QtJAýlft AT _ IJUNPRECEDEý'tEDLY 10'W VRICES, FOR GASJIL FIÉI~*~CARDEN ED 0f elvery deçcéipiitiÃŽ.--%iirrintd-a'nd at ttnusually low prices fror the qthtlity. In cnklerto make room for alarge atoplç of £jI. CROCK(ERY, &c., ordered directly from Êugland, Wd> are didposiiig -of thé. stcick in hand belo.w cost price. LAWLFIft& FRANOCIS,-P 'NuYê. 14 cn théiCorner Dunda8 and BroO7ak Strecte N, .B-AIligoods W itý and asà oheap aMittly house in the trade. 'ahtdd llrst:class, Lo-wes-&Pwl Take pleasure in informingtheir nUiltnerous' f'iids itd ctstbràèrs, of the rWlut hi pringIm rton i.of FANO, It4XD ý'TAPLDî GOOnS fT HAT Sîttter'a Woan Candy la the. boit and J.safeit XM.IMlle bof Or t fi he ilfof ex-: polllng Worma w, are utl$Cocd-froiIt eYperi= ence. UFIR~enr1Lniment forlHoraaa, Catl' fo1 it iomn FIeahi, Vao ehjl reomniBrlgga'l Bll 01ag 'eofh vO? boitt renmodleo% yon can isue. ýoooté LONON Agsura3di tQCORATION. EST&BLISHEb..12 rawoq prîîti ep avery dmet&ao -gnToronto. L.. FIANKSiAit, Jr., Agetî?îr wblihby, Ouiava, auJ Ci-oluty 0yrip-Nêy1'reviibi ofetOutacin, Brook Stroct Whitby. -161 SELEu,-CT SOHOOL. ATlte sollicitation, ai arverai Ino,(ndawlc hair litnpliïcdtl Icîr ruipîorl t tull lu the ardmiaa-y bnato i tu i Engliali ldm.- lien, wýLh lain aniîmmd -fancy neefle work., Mqioàni ddowing tmilil, linqpiýreul. TM teByrci street, ou Tuesda«y, lit 'of KayNF éit. 'W1ilîby; e5l1î ..lqil 1804. 1f6I E.REMINGTON & SONS." JrMANXPP,ýTUFOF AREVOLViS ANI C4R]BNESI Fooket and Beit Revolversj REEATING PISTOLS, acici by Got c ioera auJ lth Iu Ihe.c dca cf ldte Imreem Gbalu7 tOlu, n m p ansd Iexuii, will i tVie New PReming~ton Our atrmas VIII bdfliril abat! CHINýàjCRnOO-KERY4 &GLASS WARE._ of the. ollowing We have a large, varied, and -cholce, selection-at pricesthat wiUl warrant quick euhashales, as the gooda- are of the bestý iDd prices lower fliat- the k1west:" Plain anudYaiuoy Dress r(oo44 SiIk Mixed Tweedn gçd Contiuîgs, SaI1ce Shawls, and 3Nantieo, Plain and Faney Dcleslins, Parsols, and Soed Mshjý BkBOd fdCSiir làadifes and se4 audinfnt HFs ineandC. os Aç. - Lade, %eis ,an at Intleer Rats, inti and C& &o.n - the-vauious style%,) '- I .W1dtby -'j 18U, - lu tlup Çotn4y crOr. Y, 1668. 7 bil One Dol- lliaa% 1- j-ý-

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