Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1866, p. 3

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bonrSoq, and arelisppy Io Iay Ris Royal Êiîgiiîîemq wA Éaloveil toe jov thesportun. Moleulqd by loyal but tmuble4oMQ crowded The attmndanee vias byond that of former occaions, ibe people, hos ud foot, cxtending ln a densa mass frous the sîi di nt the <md cf ibm llOWIOY. Mile, te *.i Abingdon llottome and 17lootiîor, vau peitîvrely dïngerous. The field f'or the great race vWu laigr t!hon vwsut tintex. pectdi-lôeoming te Ibo ipost ont or 17 côlored. blost of them, Including Lord Lyon, vere eaddled ah the Dtcii stablea buti Student, MrI. a'llle's ivo, Mount patati"e, Jck-in-tbm-Oruen, and Apoley- vêre added in the. Stand enclosure. Ve'r7 Iltie tiwe wu-leost altheii post, and At a few unutes Put 3 0 lcloçk, bir. M'George det4paichod-thm..Descendingt Io Bushes bilîl theu clore of thefavorite vere sen In fronte and, front that point the race vas over. Only four *rre loft ln Il as they came up the. bill to the. Chair, Lord tyon wtnning very cleverly, vithout beling ealled ipon,>Monarcii cf the.Glen.4 s90litile fancied tbat 1000 te 15 mighl have be>n obtained agninst bim,llni*bing a length behind Lord tyuihKniglit 131 the Crescent weil up. Sitident ran fut te the bughei, viiere ho dropped haeck, and Janitor was beoten at fW ~dstanc. Freedom u at inh, and Auguute vaslait, pulling or lame. Tii. > :e wui goodo but still rom the loit Lat *ere-bebind the vinner wc tan scarcell estimltte it as a Derby forin. Ilhu'rwxo Thiotsanll Guinea tn ou ub. acrilltionl ot 100 cava h. ft; for 8yr-old on or thë"e cend horsa to receive baick lis utale. Oeufe1 ad., pubti. U~r. Stitton's AHloi Lofl, by Stockwell, $ j.i'1011). 1Thouin4ç).;..............I (.Clilloner) ..................2 tord l 'xetes lb. c. Ritigli c01lthe Crus. cent, "-S 201h. (Aeiaull>...........8 tordl(lacouro C IhyBrother tb Bird. oîi4he ýWing (fnlvd in I91b bîi iiheleerie d, 81 101b. (J. O.hn-çrnc.>. . 4 Colint Bhtthiuîv's Mount Palatine, 88t- 1<l.(nri............ ..........o boke of It-nnfrts Jack«inth(irr, 8st 101h). (ann ............ Vr. 11rowîî'u Ilstrelleltl, 8st 101b, (Page) 0 Mir lîr'm e 0t~1eu Oh.Oi>t Cot V. lagrnrnge's Auguiite, 8,t 101 b. (11. Grinn.shaw> .................. 0 Mra. M, rvu î,îeut, $ît. 1011h. '%'CVj 0 (Jl.hf............. ......O lIna-o R.ahclild'a Jariitor, 8S.-L101h. (e).......... .... 1.......... Mr. SvlqA4Lyoru~a 0h<Iyc Loeit l sirmt)rd's Frtedoin, m4t lclb. (À. 1Xwrs....i............. -..à... Ilcn..7te 4 ri aLorif Lhm.mo 9 Irto nz>t Jmolior, 12 lii I ogat >0 lnar, t# Itc4iP b ;1-it. ur lun el uight oigho ('re-ead to l-, tutti-l t1ot tînt (ik IPrvc;itnly a ix ui utes8 rut tirr-e th,? e>,ual Wtsngîreuu un a good sîat. liobin 11o(A, wviteva6setn te ahow uh1 way (for jaiirutr, macq he borunnrirîg, and ont, h.ld a0%a 1viv i a ort,, lrnt P11ths. Wide on th(c left %wre Eretibciui ani-ti >1,,rcl of t e (lien ; in the> centre of the course Student, Lord Lyon, Jaînitor, Âînley, 1Knight o!fii Cresceunt, and Auguste - and on tht igla ven,ýTm Lybourneé, Sealakin, and thie lapid 111101IL"d dam colt, the tsar hein g broluglt nip by jîck-i j-thie-Gretn, Morereld, and iloumaêutne. Tht-y rau r.dch liftTe pet. çeptible chanlgQ ho approucbtî.g the e uqhes, wiere Robin J3eod, Student, Frrendot, AI,.,çly and Auguste gave way, and Jack- i-e-reMounnt Iatatine, sud Hare- ficild urvpped several lengtlos lis the ir..r Deaendïtg tîlu;e o bhs ilIlolrd Lyon iook1 a c1ean ltad, and., Janitor fsll;ng baclim. nfudael atrvards, ocil7 Monarclu of the Clien, Knobziuî of the Creseent, and the Rïapid lfýnne's dam icolt yen left tedui poFe cf, but L.ord Lyon leld his tend, after tnkiiaug it, ta the end, and eon eîeverly by a leugb ; lhati beiveen 3ecoud and ihird, thnroe lengiluhs huîveen third and fourth; Jàiiîorp as fifth., lAyhourne sixi, IRobin Iloe seventlu, 4psley elghth. Frecdouu ninîl, Jack-ini-thue-(Ireen ienth:- and the' lI#It lot wern Seuldldn, Studeut, Uarefield, UIGGINS.-A-thiby, nci the Su lnit., lira.e, Wl., iggins of a daugiiter. CGRZV.NWOOI).-Ât h Wuthy. on the Ath isai., Uri. J. Ilamer Greeuwood of a daugliteni MAULfU POOARY~.SIItD.-Ab Niagara, on Thiursday, Apil l2îi, 1866 .by the Ie-. M. Catnpbetl, Mnr. Thomruas Fogarty, of -t.iiby, ho Miss EllenShude, of Niagara. UUSTON-Ât Wbitby u the -Ssii lest., Joseph L,..gid 9 mouîuhs and 16 days, infant cild of Themas lushun Esq., Town Clark sud Treasuneri wlhgby bharaoeU.a Wiiuuby, May D9,18661. Fb.I1Wiist,...0.. 4 .l.àlea $1.85C. Spiu............$ .£125 - Bnaîe......... .. . ..30a0 Pças sma...- -...... . . 6 o 5e 40 a &O CRcko............ 30 ctsspir Pobat................. $7 &7 30 .EWB.00.pTIrEhoTS. NREW AL)VERtIS^EM1NS BURGLAýRS ÂLlRMS The subscribers have juiet receivcd a sup'ply of these necessary articles, cvery bouse should be provided with them,4 they arc cheap and cflètive,-(JÂCLL AND INSPEOTe TEN THAT I18 TIN, Thei'r stock cf I'nware is now vpry large and wdfll seorted, coin- piiiig in part-.MILK PANS, ail gizes; STRAINEIr lAILS, Toit and foIeu -Pote, Horne, Bugles, &oc.,,&c Japanned Ware in, ovcuy vnriety. te:PeddIars FuIly Supplied.ue.i SUMMVER 14I$QES8, ntuln urchaserâ will find in thoir stock of 11ARDWARE, I'aints, Oig, Glis. &o., &e., evcrytlïing reqisito for -Ibose-llsildiug, ai. OZ»TOR OM1TO PRIGES. ý COAL OIL First QUJAlITY, WIIOLESALE AN II) RETAIL Wanted -an active boy as an appreutice to the Tinsmith bu- Wanted imnedatly-aLn enorgetic ian Vo oddle. Every- thing furiîished.' HATC1I & BROIIERP NEW DVERTISEMENTS. LEVI FAIRBA2&XS, Jr 111N-URANCE GENERAL AGENT. Valuàtor, tIllA 'il LlU11A)I>l.G-iit Joo u i ii egi-ýtry TI116 LIVERPOOL &LONDON, lIN.¶. RANCE ('OM'NY.i CAPIL;% ................. $001î000 lsrMIiu NNUAL RE- t cctumt Iinn or nett iam qt L %si of i tut, rbotit tte lowuniirt>ealU. ran. ç. 5iist, Lt. Dnu y-lar., 1.»M« 'ac b"91 Muq., Iisiuitg rini 1,i1o Asanaee '-uiciers and ti Auities tit.iai thte inomt fariaide tern-i, ai un- nir 1il msjeially adajield ho tii, eboocia-, ,utuî~cf alilclassei. Ali l iiibnutiuu lf% bath Depojmn cn u OIbtaitt tth ofbitesflte Co LIpaînin- el wadb ugîitctîuida. L. FAIRBANKS, Jie. Agellt, Wtmtby. :;4r (numalî l1joinclail Telegrayit Ole, tttitg ea ttieiyoffice. 1 QiJEE« IN8U1SANGLE COMPANY FLUE, LIFF & ANN Ul1TIES. Capital Tue ITALLIONS STERLING, Ciiirt Orcic;-QizcenIsrae uIigç Livrnîtol. Willim olunu, Keq., 9Chîurms; Thonua Kty, litetry 'rloîta, Eq. 11.9n. Johin Yiiuiig, Divd 1rre, Emq. 1kcscn,-Mlsit Bank. Mrnw.cât Axvuc-Wm. 5nt1îei4and<ý IL D. $euivttmca-4ameii Il. SprIngle, Eaq.' - Aionura-cass, neuîsleta4Johnson. Ilad ut erny mua Gênilial Atrut-A, l'orbes. Unaionu Boldings, 94 Uet. FauonYsviir asrati or umes-n1>kEiresAt te lutrap&obl e JIlgtet iillarch u e it rr y lite 18ii LONDtp1j*toN tdly A*snraISAACQEC.RÂIX0L E~1T'Agent, T-r7uOe NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. Robin Hood, FAt PLAY 19 AT.L 119 WANTS 1 1111* t.EIRATEI> uTA LM.ON ' "1JlN~ Ili l' wilIi 8tîtittfoini ar>oc ili iteuiflnit iii utziunt- li u itît luit,, I.tvik ith", 11e-i prizrai Ile. tîgit nliIint, "t'ifiim - Pt," andai og'lit -anet , tîot ilsni tît ni ise. <Aîtohi t hon, u iii et t> îîi taler ii. j hunne iii t),ln îttîe <i~ îît .;ear it;aIi,î tit f.r H h ,î.ut nnu off frt prWiA.. wliere lie ouit 1hu tir il. Wi, itie ,#i tut ý i4 t i -ie nt;* eeIt dî ti-~î~WIii ta ats»t tile' tilt pînîinîtunes ii,î4ît oUt a tite tii mcý%- , wl ân, ci ii t i ti~ ltî i, tii rc!t t tuIitir Lliîýi ut iit Jeafur Onir t.ri,:c T. ~T. Iii nltîsi N, SVillage Lots and Store -IN-_ M1A N C HE STER, FOR SALE Olt TO LEASE. A liite n1ui a linnl r s in l lt, ii lii hu. illate c, f.\anehcbter. rur nîtI or to teas.4, veiîlnr epàri-atey or $igdlueni. (QsIr-e of compltéiolu, sad wicinl lie00 ill4 tip U n t Ilet tnoit, For t"U*Im S *,ni esmUe alesp- C¶IARL0 PAYNEL taunletMr, ><ay 7, ISU, l18 b 1 10I ANT1'NOTICE. ; --o- X Nretunratmg thlctii toMy uerons eui- I ogienS%, foraidl pi% taviinns, I wt*ld lueg LU retiS'y Cîsin, thst I lasi'. io ves p ts lestai et dil eOUislbuic iîeuo, lu (tcur of James Il. Gerrie, Druggist. lto CI** pfure U îyhuu vt alth ann qnltty saute aS fo. AneuI7 md"aby "ub. Cou Wiotttai, thé0 (;Qn t cf (4tnue- ral Qnartn seslons cf thé liuusue.sud Couiuty icOert ni.,tbaj for lb, Qeulitt7for4>tia.-lo, viii be làullie at the Court lb iae, hli te Town of aud ait okiers e teurneocl vuliLke notice, u <nonu theunuevut eeodui5 Per C. evsc. Wl-.ili, May t,iB»Is.8 INSOLVENT AC* OÈI 1864. - o- Prnovnce or=snse, jInithe. <outy (cent Couoty <f or at o msof ll0 ,u y etOui- Té Wit. Itariq . In thue aunsier of JOYhN ALLtlr, an liol- TviEfUb h. oldahCanuutuon, lute COIJNTY 0F OINTA&R105 Just te hand an assortment of Lailies1 4ioees, andi ehildrcns Sum. -mer Shoos' Also Ilornimade Boots a nd Sixoes1anud shoes ofail kindsi Wholesalc anud letail. Two llundred Sided -of Spaniali Sole teatboe. Machine Nged-,I les, Silk and Linnen Titreada, Bard Ash-, Slk and Cotton 1L&- ties. Ail kinds of Shoexiaker'a Finiditigs for sale cheap. lem TERMS CA $,)Ji.ff JAMES BAIN &~os Whitby, May 2, 18636. ld New DRYL+GOOflS, WILLIAM H. DOW& Co. W E E hve rcccived our usuail Spring a p* 1 of New Dr ex God s teans sl) 1eruviîa. »c»WiCsom< d = Ira?ian; te w231d wve invite. tînt att(,ntion of our cstômers and theu public gencraUly.' Witho-ut particularizing our stock titis'year will be fonnd more attractive atifuller tui, usiiual-. eouls or Supelor qitali e 4d eIclet vahuie, and auli zvarked ant the Ioye4 Quit Pribes. WilLLIAM il. DOW & Co*,, Corne, r cx KIaWiid toige Street&. Toroluto, April i1T, 1860. 16 sin A Largem 'U"veeds, Satock of Collar,, Prinétgi Cana dian SiIk Mixtures,,,,Cobourgs, Fany DREjSS GOOJ)S, BOOTS & SEQES, JfmVD G ý Iiý FORQ SALE, CuBlA1 &T M.Il. COCHIRANE&S 1 out prepared to o'ffer the best assortmnent w1ift1bI Nin~ of- PRINTS and DRESS GOODS, ini town, and ttt the Iowest c:r -The highest price paid for -ecuntry New I Produce,.in exchange foý'r good&.-- --- Wbitby, April 25, 1866. ,'-~ i. - .-~ n--.-~- -. NW k1)YvERI IENTS. Mm gîà -o JAS BAI T -Com Wotild. nnounce-that they liavermved' te the coýmmodious brick building, a few do'ors Bouth of No, 1à ,.ut1 Oornet. LAWLEIIt & FRANCIS, (Successors to the late C.ô~berts.) Lawler & Francis :take ,é-lea vo to annoutrlce, "thit havring pirchased the--ý 0Of the late, Charles,,Kuberto, ut a t reduCtiQn belqpw the prime post, and hai ÃŽ' added largoly te th stckpçý htd tu a~noi rord te £Uj4p1y <éUtoker8 s-w GROERISWIN1ES'& LIQUORS, 'oi? AUL KINDS, AND OF' THE fES (IÂLTy UNP1itECEDENTEDPLY 101VrR1CES: F011CAH. 0f every tés(jriptio -"wrrned eadiat unusually Io* pi1ces fcm th e plajity. «h tordeeV to îiake ibomfor large stockeof CROCK4RY, & oclr~ frcIfoi Englandj- *è ar4 disÊ1osiiig of the sýock ,hNedLS4dlébôi Ã"t prc tLAWLER &P.ÂOS :OÂ 1, on tu7 i~ aW* lld4, d i't tres N. B.-.-A1 goodO w0irranted git.ciass,' and as çheap au any 49s1.4 lP.tra4t, L LQWOes&P w"ell iii E-ta soIr Il bur sue Take pleasure in infortning theïr numtîtisR fieudsa md cusomeM u f the ardvutl or their ,spnng Importaions a of FÂNQY: AND STÂPLE - uapl DRY QOOIJS, C CHINA, CROCKERY, & GLS'WAE 0f the folio wing w-e have a, large vried,, and choice seiction-at prices that wuiU wârrant îquick cash es, i as the goods are of, the but., and p1rime lower-lhat- the lowest ; ~ - tw G1:, _ýo a ;jn '. T*1 J d1 --~ - -*- jc tb i ng T . ý -j I1EPEATING 1bTl8 Re andt Sluot GunDrrels,asudi Guumatorisl, d hy Guin dealers snd tbq Traite géuenaily. [thoudasof iouse.breaklug andtu. 11'eriIun ?M;t idu ~ BU(1-7W0. ff 1M i:'B* B anlalfe ln siaUiitmlu uern WII ft4 66iùbrs:fi MaICOCIu1ANE. ~~ ~in~ Msj New $hà*Jl, iand Sterý ;-w IO1 411 se<,ytnz I;U100K STER?, WBITDIY. CA8TLE Pot lit ' th soiolutt f eea gld LtDi with$p s sdedoy ihel siwoih Il 1 UtiooD Sid d $a i T eimou csei t pe cicîteest. r nréo, tel, Brn6nbo Tuusday, lut of Km, néxt. Ternan iMaode Itifidd eiiiadnappiwtsion.' Whhhij;~tt1Ap*lI1sio.If1 b» DCÂRrnNE9J ýFookot and -Bait Revilversj BROCR STiREET# WRJITBY,-

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