Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1866, p. 3

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LiW" h e "àais1fou- moriths, sud never loft orculibged bit uartes,, luaL. hua vLr. Lo realded heo ouid beareunder l.the idow, the. uewsboya erying-ot"i l Rteatotiosu roiteea, 'The -arrest of James Stephaus," W *bile, at the saine ime, he feit, asoeurs ter. as Le does nov among Liat ' e sdsnNew York. White in Dubln hwua 0luhebouie of fienda.liéelva in the habit of meeing partilhen sd re pre. snaîtes (rotae iii.einîry sud (rom -ail parti ocfrlnd, yul vwhom Lo couversed sud eonslled on tLe subjeet of the great tiaement for lrelaud'a liberaîlon,vWhie ailthésaMe ti me the policemetn of Dublin and the epi. of the British Crovu -were, stralnig-êelr Ilngenuuiîy tg nd out bis wb.reabouts Eloflet Dubijidor Franceu on Marh 13, '66e sud arnived tu Parie. on the- 1 M of that mouih. Hoe sslied > una ltte flsLlug boat, wbich, ou tLe voyage, wu toed about ini the Irish chanuel by treu4 of weather, snd finaliy driven mbt Athlone, sud (rom 11,r. toeBlisat lharbor, snd, durnug a portion of ibis tiais, ln clos. proximity ta,îte EnglaL cutters ihat vertseareLiugý for hi=. It la bis Rnu intention tu reuru to reiaud accu, and the Irish liberuîiug srmy viii b. flgiig Eavglish troupe ia sclid front ibis jear if ille friends cf treland in ibis country yl î1à îLnn te quarreiling amng theru selv. lHo visita ibiis cntry with the hope sud intention of brngiug the frienda of lreiaud together, sah si duriug bis viit uise aIl tLesflorta lu ia power wyuL that view. .A reporter remsnred ihat tLe lrigh peo- ple ils ibis cunr, eknoWledZOd in'es thesîleaa Centre cf the Fenianis, end ex- pected hieto talce the direction cf affiaira. Â norvous eommitî< emau saidi that vas not so- Tbey ouiy scknowiedged hl s a t* 1H-ed Centre cf thre I.iR. i.- Te thigXr, ittephent- bsppîi yreplied Le wu iu.tlîo Landt; cf tLe couimittre, aud aboulri, tu, sgreat exteut, b. subjecit I their directions. Ro thnugbt, bovever, iLat il vau o n lunticîpaîhu nthat hou sLould sauna,.te bd -'the Head Centre iu ibis country -,his field vua lu Irelaudaud ihore -alone. lHe came te America te adrance aS pirit cf conceillation, te unito ail partie& of the llrotberheod, seosa te erable tihe Irih army te lgLt ibis-jear. He continu. ed-the iriab srmy vos rcsdy for action In Anguot. fast, snd certainly nct latter than the early part cf bepteuiber, and only avaiqed that supspor tifjm tLe orgeuizAtion lu ibis country whicb Ladi been promi6ed hlm, bat vLicL, for the time being, the dissensions among tee lirotherhood lu îhie country Lsd brulken up._ If it bad n.tt bren for tbeeunufortuate occurrences the Irish anmny vould net oniy be fillhîini te- day, but the Irish repuile vouid *haie been an eeeomplithed fact. lie stili had th.e(uest tnfidence lu the apsprosrehiug sucres, cf the moveaient. When thse bl.v la &truck, Euglend viii find ber suit tsry provesa brohen. 8h.oiuay hoid tLe seaporta cf lngland;- but Iriahoien viii b. the masters cf tbe situation ou lasid. O'Mlabouy bas qresigted, and bit -resigu. àton Las Leen accepted bl Step)bans. eL r.Stelpben McCarîby, cf Eniamore, sud naioete ai reve of tisai townsbip, *bsut himieli through the Lcad vitL a pistoi,. lu a botet ai Brilgersorth,on Fuiday evening fast. The vound was net fnce fatal. Tige unifortunp'te man vas recoved hosnê and tbnu;rh outy coudonus Kticiterval i edi ltieduntil Suday uigbî, -wbeu Leho tpired. Deceaed wv@as ahache- 1or, sud itlut beiieved thin uàasîte- cf ditttraction otilind froin unrequited love be coaimied tise rash set. Au iloqu..aî was eLd by coroner Iehnscn , s:sdsa erdici returwed fi, accordance vitL tLes.fat.- PdlerbeougA R*ieuo. Au ap;t4icatiou viii b.oinade te tihe Court cf Queeu'a tieucis te grant a vriî cf ofr Habai CpslIb e cc f tbe Fen- ian. Leid lu eutody ai Cornvall. Tb*seires:axpapers a"veNewtouu'I<and dates te ibe 2ud lit. Tbe Legisature "as poroued on tLe lot, Iu thse speech ni the prorogation it vas iuiimated that tLe C.feeat .nqetion <uav hbu conaideored JBRTÂI-At WLtby, on tie 12tLmast, Abrabamu, third son of Mr. William firyan, aged 4 yesr sud 5 montiba. BÂLL-At Granîbsu, ou - May lotL, 1866, Joha C. Dt. BaItouil son cf Bernard P,. Bal, fermne>riy Cerkof thaePeau ee o thecont>' cf Ontario. 1 RANi'DOLPH-At WLlîbyon tLe lOîL Iut., Ephnaim iIandolpL. Whitby Marmeis. - Wbitby, bMa>' 16, 1866. -PâaitWLeal..... $1160 ea 2.00e. Sprng...........*$1.30. s 1,40 tiarle>'...... ........... Uc Pesa amati..... . .....650 te 670. Peus msrrevfat . - 600 teo 6 C Hay .............. 8 -00 per ton. Botter........ ....... 15e. a 20c Appls..........-40 aseSc - E4..,..........8 te l0e. Chieeus.........300 pot pair. $7 a $7. 30j ..~nîos,........... . -60. a le, 'Gees....40c. Docks .............200. Wood ..........,..$ 2.50 te *3. Shbeep china . .......50o0 10$1.25. NEW ADVEIBSIEMT. - I .~Tl ~ ..-~',1e!-Ic--- r ~ -- t .-- I ---~ 1r~w AU ----------8 Insol'vnt Act of 1864 Contv or U)ncaro f the Ceuni> cf Ou- Iu the mater cf JAMES EOWES, an Insl- vent., N TliînMdy th, eigtstemnth d o f July O non, the tuudoraîgned- vwiii apply to ttie, 45 ue cf the idCourt, for a diM1jehauenader the ssid Aot. Pated ait th, Town of WbIîby, tis 151h day cf Muay, A. D., lbôô. m- - JAM"8'B3WES. J. RiAMERIGREEN WOOD, 8oticitor for lusoteut. 19 P-roclamation!u Queerî's Biî'tli-Day!1 I isreby request tinailUidaccA cf bir ire% witiglà hile corporation us'lie bccl'es, .1.înxig Thursday, the 24th instant, lter mvi (JracLlul, ety's 135,-C.-IM.,, lu order the le ati. on' isduY-,ob»ervcd a&" PUBLIC II(OLIDAY. N. W. BRÃ"WNf, Mayor. GOD SAVE THE QUEN ! - Wiîltl,>, Masy M, 1866. ID 2ill ROYAL CANADIAN DANKC, WHITBY IIIAXCII. ARTIJR RICHARDSON, UNL4ERTAKL NG. T [FIF înçd r.tgne4l t'.' sig 4sedi Cs1sf tMa TàI tursu§t iithse < sssi*)tbi t h,îoîe-s., t-sl% T1L L A ND BROTHER, weltl i ltî, ls-t-1,otse li.te ntiols, rsliitcely ti tIlý srtii r-liiusr I1iitsi-u. I-is-lralis Itolr Ilssîlied it the Is.alsrlt tîttice. *rColblsa k vi iet.stutlet. 11liaild. WItLLIAM TII. wiitiîy, May 15, 1664.1- T IF i nIl mf es ui)l.%>n. 'Tcera tîsiî1k, o i$ ituirau t- it(,slnt ils.01 iii-w ovs-v-i r 's5ra t olî I St 1,575. fit isisili5ihie n,.tiLt trins,>tise Ca. tîs-it b w-, s iel-ie Le s ibîtcercletr ,11. It. .teu,--sîsu-i ti. itoaI liiii.- e s.tmn-tdsIi bisin ti-res-il is.t ens int 'c.sîlo. nul ti owjli ec- n thes le tiî-i-c.a ANDti ltsTIIt t t îliis-faîvorable liesticq-fe lire-ich sf thetr tm.-e. lit reoîtnitipe-iiiti i lirhg ns iissîcep ol aIs-i. thlsst tsss4tsVItsg tii-eà us, allsa,d ictg teili Wiiâby.thse eiaasclcr sf ilIe isîttril>oscs ot lisesi-v fint, nsst-i ci i -i t-i.-mus drttiîîg-4 yl Wi teit jiîgcei of, l'y a rtb--rsulut Isaith wtiei tise>' biai-e Itittuienudsitln lLe ci)nattiiitvs. Fcsr the et tlitelebaroeenof thîcr wonýk vii sqs)escfer âl-f. 'rIte Vlurtakiitir îsnn#%-ill thlslli tc car- ris-st epu hy lte unur-.igid, and tI yuletîiy lii. ecirean sd nns!visri atteui.1 oa.ltie- raie. fuit' iai.ldasteri-iode. Wlitbrils>' 115, 1960. 1 STRAYED. s TIIAY ED> roui he promisesof t tieu- eaî4therLit No. UH nd udoeu.creu cf Wbtîib, aauitlred andsi stauiseter. A ny -Moneraou leg tifuninstiois, diit vflt isastalser-recouemy, litishe CaiaoictnOffi-, yle homtltaîtrewtred. -10. -Sm JOIIN ANDEUISON. COURT 0F RIiYISION. DPUBLIC tice ix Lemchv given, tisat Le .LCouni-af ten-icin, fur ile TOWN OP 'WHITBY, Will lqId ltathtmslittig, ia tise Town 1Hall, Wednosdsy, Ney 2Srd, 1860, At ie heer ef te 'eloek lunlise foenocu. Whîyls> uI,1840. 19 L'cho de la JPi'nce'. RetErsiegem doJE eeucs etde ttera- tract wlieb me no oprn o tareirepro- Noepransd tPeriedteals pelléibedIi Es- Tope, !aidprtcnlar n uFrance, as las ludicae- ed by or tIi, and to funishis 1,,vatiteble cllection te tse Puliec cf Caitasda, stA: iit» it.odsratê roc. Itsi. bet aesd ibe tas la Canada a vy, nc NEW AD)VERTISEU=NT5 INSU RANCE ANDI GENEIRAL AGENT. -GUIIA'II BUILIING-aext door 'b iteglar, THEU LIVERPOOL & LoNDON, AND (LO.99 INSURANCE C03MNYO CAPITAL...-....... 0l,000,000 INVESTEWÏi> FLYND . 15,250,000 ESTIMD ANNi1AL RE.i v w.sUE18,1s............e,000,000 FUNIIS M.ETE) CA- NA)A ........ ...........300,000 CANADVA BOARD or DlhlEMTRS.- T. B. Axilicase, lec Ciairtu, (l'rehident cf tie JBank cf Mo)ntret). ' Asaàcx. Simaci, E..q., Deputy-CLairinan, <C5armu n utario itak. liii rta e.,vi (Manager Ontanlo lteulk.) P. Il. Fîiea, E..q., (Uueral blatnagr Baekl of Moxtacal.) PIRE. Pire Iineoraence îî;. reîted ou cvery deâecrr;t t c f 'roî.ety.at thse loye.,t rtmiaLîle- rutivu reutr. 14'5uC5 gîtjasted as accu as sAftidfactorit>' <rus cd. Lire. Lifueurnoi 1!het m ad Anuittue- oritc' u t1h ii- 8et lttv.rtttleteirn4, and un- deir mfle ;i,ýeilv ad.,1'cd tu liit rcî., etnice.4 clati clase All irfrrneticu i;n bçpttl) epartînente cein be oltttialet ths 1e .4: le C0111pati y Wb lie,. tri-el au liOtlruuglsoýut Cctii-la. L. FAIRBAINKS, .1::. Agent, Wtsitby. ft: Ori-ln î te i'rovînc-ial Telegraph offi-e IIîsLli:îg, 1o.ar tIhe litiotry Office. le lIRE, LIFEà & ANLquIIES. - Cupini Twc MILLIONÇS STERLING, BO0A R-D. Wiîtlsn.i sEq, <siuaThom"a l<ay, i.q.,lIemyTIsc,.us q, Ion. dcliii 1,iu~ t Pa-il lrraco E-sq MEDWAcL Asvtic-Wm. Suîtherland, M. 1). Ilte.deîît Si-cri-tuy and GCunerel .gi-A Vion ]3flugi a Sft. Frat.cetsYavier :trect.. ,Agenti, IV titty. O)rnes-lu 'rOvInclul TeI.'craph i 11e. Bu îiiiiig, 1sieurtIle îkitiwtry (14. ls1 ]LONDON Asuranci CORPORATION. USTAÂBLISIIED-1720. or mutiîssby lire, e a i usct re.uitatA#e rakso of presium, upon eywry deoeriptli ocf property. gvur Iccus.'uspaiti wittîmst dCIA. ISAAOC C. GILMOR,ý Agexa., Tmnoto L VAItîtA?<I.', Jr., Ag-eut fur Whitby, O*bava, snd otnty T.CISI LU speeGtON f P. nL. S. 8 KINGBTDNDAILY'MWS lateat Tmtegapbý 1e , $ <v s ienPic NEW A1 ADVEWISEIENTIS. Cabinet Makers, and'tP dsterffl, Manu'- facturere-ôf oflkinds of > CABINE T, WAR.#Xe And, HomMd Funitreî TILL & IROTIE R beg to inform cuatomers and'the public, ibthLave -hur he Stock-intrsdd and$Leiusî lthie business earried on fer the luit . yeass uit by by tbeir fathesdie . oij aeuiunec h a troscege bestowed upon the cesablilbmen u mny years Sofas, Bureau3, lounges, Bedsteds1Clicat f Dràwers, Look- ing Glaises, Bookr Cases, Pamior anid Drawtug Ron' Chairs, Roeking Chairs, Office anti Cane-Seateti Chairs, Toeî-1 aid Toilet Stands , r lugrent va!ieÏy, and ai greatly reduced prices. :: [JPHOLSTERY Wnall ftMranflbek -Every articlo boing matie Up under their owu imuediste supeénedneeub amftde L etta tetial andworkmanship. WEtil'kini cf OÃ"itMeuidiugs sudiiture Prames tie to order. Au ensmînssiien esthie-pressent Ilarge and spicuddt stock on baud la epeet- fuît>' solicited. %V ar* Pou;nXe. 4, lk street, snd Ne. 2, C'eiborue street. TILI4&I3ROiIIERs Whitby, May 15, 1866. .19.1y - No. 1, ountheorner. LAWLER & FRANCIS (Successors to the late C. Roberts.) Lawler & Francis take leave to announée SL that baving pnrcbazed the ITGU*ZEUAD 0f the late Chai-les Roberts, at a reduction bclow the prime cost, and having added largély t.o the stock on hand, they are now prepared to Supply eustomers with GROCERIES, WINES & LIQIJORS 0f ail kiîîds, and of the bcst quali tu.unprecc4entedly low pricas, for cah, A lot of MA4PLE éSUGAR just received from Lower Canada which will be Sold chcap for câsh. FIELD -GCARDEN SEEDPS ThC sùibscs have juist receivcd a SuipplY Of these necosfary airticles,el véry hous hpl e provdE Tith them, th'yar cheap and e ùAL ,4eD areT TIN TÂ 8TIN, Their stock of Tinware is IIQw ve yId andwell tussortedi, com- ~ini ~ Iparr-MILJrPANs, al izos; l'AILS, Test and fiee~ ~ ~~~Je ta Ian1~pi,.4e~&.Japand Wdre1oey aity ~leeZPèddIars FuIIly Suppliedoi Intendfitg purphasers-11~1 flnd in their stock of IIAiILIIWÂR, Paînts; 011ïï Glass, &-e., 4q., Very'thing requisito for lieuse-Buildinig, at TO~7'R OÃŽ/TO 0PRICE. -50 ACREF Op- Lanid-for Sâle B'I O r îfthse dnitiuportion of LOt <Noungiug te the estatte àt bolaIe JoleA'; JA51 l 0 Y ÃŽ$O NOTCE!! T oms tit ýthe us> terIsgueILs r utsvs htae c lc l u çit l u ies rin eVau ,t Coal Ou Fi'rsi Quality, Wholcisale &Reta'il. e os.MOŽ{TRE#AL Wanted -an active boy as an- apprentice to the Tinsmith bu- siness. Wanted immediatly-un energetir, Mtan to pedd1e, ]E vey. thing, furnished. R1-ATIt & IRUOTHER, A Large Stock of (3oUar, Prints, Canadian Tweeds, SiIk Mixtures , Couroes. Fan DRE 88 GQODS, BOOTS, & SHlOES, d.7VD ROGIERI, SO. ALE CIIEAF 4T BROCK, STPItE1, WifiTBY.T Wbeire lie Io prepuet eccàl al. o>'ens ii t1 adies caul Geuntlema n wisstîng tic WFork, ean ho aeecuumndaicd. Temms osai, LCASTLEFOX.) WittY, a'2,0. &17 tÇ E.z teMtilNt ON &âe SevONS8'Aie Pëcket g nd BeAtUJeoiei-rSO? an15esd Sliot ate(ulus m Ot niGuusteminlst M s.lIIAXÉSj Rwildly (iindotern and cti ii acehtu 1Tam prepared to offer the beËt àassortmeént of PPtINýts and DI.ESS GOODSI in Town, sud.at. the lowest Kr~ The highe8t pricp. paid for country_ Produce, ini exchange for poodu--------- 1Whltby, Apnil 25,,1866. H.I. COCHRANE. M-O VI JASe# BAIN, & Co.., 'Wiuld 'ýnnýounce that tbey have removed to the-commzodious bikbailding, a few doors South of Oft every description-.-arrantd-and'-at -E unusmolly lIow price.i for tie q uality. -li Order to niake rooni for e. large Sk, of OILOCKLftY, _&c;4 ,urdrcd - directly -fromr le.n ghid, we arc digposing of the stock inhand beloiw coet price- , and LÀWLER - & FRANCI, - 'X. ,oel eieCo,'nei'Dundas and r&kSref.Jtust tô 111$ N. B.'-AIl goods warrantc'd Irgticlass, mer dshi 1 as 4IMf chean s nv hasein ttIsi nAps"....t 13 - --.-.-- -- -a- JOHN CARTER. ICEN: fS ED ACINE YORK, ONTARTO, AND PEEL iW JSIDNVE-ot8, 81à co.> £w n ue .&Flies, Silk and Linni ~~ îtic&Alkii Robin Hooc,I, FAIR PLAY 1p AZL lix WAIql'5 It rui LEtv T frlt i qlA'T't- l * teTt k t-,,. cIn i.vnj ths aa s isebroastg sens rU,- ber>'5 niery leuse, StJre, ]Jauk, sud Utlkoi sbcubd have ce cf' zflrMI4r&î 07116le EVIOL VER, Parties desifftr boyallthejnsetvdg chuS lite ipci~n$ents Itn listole, uaifisupunior voyk- !Wz4ihP sud f onu, vJI i Sd asU eotbIiejift Nfew Réelntôii livolveus, CIreulerns otaîuing ent4ansd 4eseiptlou of cuarm muisc vit ifruia.trd upoin applicatin -E. REMIN«iTO*1.k Sq7j,-. Agents, No. 40 (Courtletid St. N. Y. 14 O«NTARIO BAN~Kè IDIVMEND No. I& 4, Vbîtbl, May 2 on rea)nsal tes. Tenen au Las mtA.0 .4 bittîgitilt tie Vbr.atotec ftse fer Mr.Iu. offaiget Carie. - i-- n- - IX INSOLVENT ÀAOT I' 18U64. -1 Provîice cf Ceaas, i -lathé Cotsnty Cotrt «ial Ceusîw r cfOntario>. ft bc" Ceuse cf lit. 10Wi.- re, lu tIsae ngtter uof JOSVIII lit nnact z. IIAINIl. of theé 1obteof Whttby,,Vinuo M a.- nunfaturer, a u Isilent. of the cdock, iiu ha f<peuneaqea, er -wocs » (ounaset eau ie lseord,-the iudiMsgned vii l upJsly -te litsJuidgo of tîbsj,;4,1Vourt, for a dia- ep&M suiider tbi eàdse., DatedaitW hlby, îtl1l bdsý' f Apni, ma. 'l, 16 -rt - - 0aElýIt y. RAIqER. Cour - i e - orth m d si - i t- l- 1 IPs T Si- 1 14w-q 1 1

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