Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1866, p. 4

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____________________________- ._________________ -- ----- iqà~UqU~* ~ wi~am0,m IBamoum * lhrob ; but 1 wua mute. "4Sie left in ne verp ceatented uuoid, I bellàv"b.horesusued. "T4he haaueelu lier faveuar was 10w - lover th4on I epet- e. Mitrs. Nordis bas saathiiîg like a btdred a pear. Thtis and a few jewia eonailue thîe net profit ahi derives freus ber marrialge. iloiiy, ltes. aspecula- - in m<doaesaoth. repeated ofien, peu ose.. 'the capital ocf'pauîh aud heautp hassbut s timoe-a brief ene; il lun apt te wcar cnt, and the llrsî venttre oeght to ho the bush, -Mr*s. Norris, not hasiug fouud It a0, les ditiappointod. 1 suppose îh la ustural ; but pou knov I colnnat puy ber tery much. 1 Supposed Dta; hut boy ai1 th&$ eoid liard talk paieed me. 6* , 41lhave a fauey," b. resiued, "thal Ibis kind lady uxpeclod tome other euding tu Our scaounia. This is ual rerp flatter- ing t upyvanity, enlesa, iudaed, 'ae show- ing uuy msrklceii>ltivalue; je l, tow 1 .I would net animwer tbat question, bis toue bis matnuor, vexndi me. Suddculp ho raisedl hi$ eyes to mite. itJ)flj uci a runer reach pou V'"lho 1 coula fnot dcup il. My face vas iu a Diauue. 1belleeesIlasusered 8aauatbing but Idoniautt kuow wlat. dtlvct soitn have beari it,," ho said looking scarepiy pleused ; "itue world is very Itaidt. And yt)i believed it ton 1 I buni b'ped yau, iiew nietabetter. [te seemuti quite burt ; but I olYrefi ne justificationî.Viten ie hofîrcialptsaedta ho alaowed te mention tebusiess ibat brought him. Sa -it vias buiess 1 1 stuoriten myself ftr-suy folly, vhicb vau mot deati pel, andi I bade him speak. Wtts 1J iaaeep or drennulg ? M.r. Thounip mou sipolieo yafutitu, ber foie for me,uuy forioru position, anti xpressedthe tiiaroug. est wish tu take care of sue. , "tBut,"~ ho added witb tmre lestatiou. 0cai do so but luncite ftsitm-as yoar houniand- Wili you overlook tîtouto pivu liariies li uy temper. wlicb nerd to t. uap peu, I filar, aud laite att tlre i of gond and truc lu me?1 Cea pan, will pou. do thitis? Ho- i lolcednt amse in doui. Abh1Iibie wu Wtue cifuts hitte'rpusomomuents, lie cared -u lutile for me, ibat lit a d never iseeni,-uever auspectiud, how much 1 iovnid bia. Aund lie expected .tue te titito hum se. 1 clesped my bands anutirtetd (hein nery6uly ; I couadntlspcak at onîce. tAnd pou, Mr. Thonipson," I1 saido at lsst-"auâ pyou -"e trWélh it at about me? Do pou mesu, eau Il tee, do titiSy' "Yes; cat pou do ih?" 0iWhi, surel-elaî-1 bai never pro. pased t?"1 HIe bhabafsruiled at the duthbt my question ipiieti, eue ho looked op ai me as lie smied4-Both looItand utile ex- as;suratcd me. "Mr. Thompso," I1 mid excitedîy, I "bave not deservedtitIi. Caria, came Mp poourshiaggp Carie came forvarti, waggiug bistai, n-e laid bis henni an cu) kuees tîti lookefi up wîstfulpsund fend, ]y, asu ont dogs eau looki wheu îhep vainlp eeli teread te mesing cf s humas> face. - 1111e vas an u outatI #Aai, iokiug aitlut. Titmpeen ; -ho wu*starsiug, lhe came in Ibis door, I feti hisuasd ho wauld noulesave il. I look puty ou hlm -1 gave hi. a-mat 10 lie on aud a cruit te es.. He loves me fer il ; but Mr'. 1bosupuoa, 1Io satinqwâteaao lcw as to b. -braugit te titis pur beas'a level-I eu imIte care af tmyseif. Mfr. Tbompoon threw hisosif back iu bis chair ud tered a disaued whlstie u I made itis f oumuetarp upon bis proposaI. "Well, *ell" ho ià1ud, recevering slow-i ip t'il cati underatithIiti teu ahould nta -cire for ntetbut 1I titi ulexpert pou wouId tamI t no., ltd bow ceuiti I tal i l?011 Cried. l'au gise me tuly-I ac4cru puy. Ah, lMr. Th'Ooupeon, if I vet o nt the pour orloru girl 1 amn, vould pou feel or &pqak so? Do Yom thitul I dWotualkuaw boit ricbh girls are vooed sud won?7 Irfpueu caed suid w. coulti net b happ tgetber. 40e bowed graveis and ieft me. 1 suppose lie. was hurt,ilor se did utaidd a yard, ýNo assurance of friendshlp, cf gccd wiul, ne bope that 1 vaulti relent oet'change uap mmid, pased i b lips. Tnee oot closef upoit him., I huard tIc garden gate fali tw, ad I felln4assrt of ituper. Il vas oser. 4Vbaî iuadness lad -madie me ta. LI h hm 1 Eery step tIode 1m further awap rowmem-never-never nsgtti- bould w voe. .Perbape-ho weuld -net have left me then, If 1 dould have spokoen the trutb. Ah 1iIf 1cuid have said te hlm, 'II caunot bi happy wiihIonasbecause "O,9$h,ifw.vo artu gobacr ohi- bo began, reaignediy. But ve did Dot go' back to that; we wentbftk ténoihieg, for a miuorbi.-gÇr1muddeu1y~i bacuameb happiesl of woçieu. 811111 wu ot quito aatidfed. 11You fwould ot hàle o6pnebock If ii bac! uoîbeena for ibat horrible' uabrplia of pours "lI laid wIsis a liutioejeslousp. "YVery truc," -ho replied; with bis - PCU. lirse U; début I -did comn back, sMd I glied ln tbrough the wiudow lir&ansd pou'hid log pour ue on tai cehicu, snd Carlo'looking at pou a" if b. thc.ught il struligo pou sbouid b. a0 forloru; and go I came in for mi' umbrels; sud, to teil tb. trutb, 1 b.d forgotten it on purpome."e Perbe aoho ouiy said 'il o lu pcu mes«Y but es I looked iu bis face I14d !not tbiuk to tbon;; and, though peau , bave pued over us bath, I do flot thiak 80 Dow. JEWE LL-ERY. .AT G11EATfhY 1EDUCED WATCIIES VERY 1>0W. JAMES JOHNSTOYN, Watch Malter k&Jevelier. 1Brook St., Wbîîbp. Foruuary 4tli, 1844. THLOMÂ8 & COULTHAE'S .L dsluy, at 9., a . erClbus, rtvig t the, latte petP. m .t.. eO&uuetug witît thoefitagsor 1Ltndsy and Besseicu., itouOringles aîila-. i y :9, s. m, eirrkvttt eta Uaiîajsrintime for aventg teas iln.T 1% Eat cuti Wea--Fare from U(Jab. Pfi i"uuotuu tý3, et Abertt7Tr, uett, ï' a 1 eu, Ma- tfIla 61 5% i. 'seoteea trouA ètNorhierae mun'ydote Cram t VAhîa (e fcharge. palretuIr, tilivereti vitb desspn.h 0Ti p rie- tors vil! lue4 ris pnaib afr pesor, packages qdulea ood su paltifor i. NEW SPRING. ARRI VALS. SGROCERL 'E A varied asgortriirÃŽt f uperior -Dry. Goods ýý*f every quality and puice bias been idded te the Oarooery, >anld Liquor Stock asud inspeet the qtusity beforo Whitby, April 18, 1866. Consuit hjguilist of prices pnrchasing êlewhere. JORN FÂRQUHARSON, Dundas Svreet; SPRIINI RIAS Mathewson, Ratcliîfte- & Con liave just received a fresh su'pply of Grocerws, Root8 ' Skoes,. 4*e CLOTHINC READYaMADE, and made to order on the shortcst notice, ini the Latest Styles. Tweeds, Satinets, Flnalnels, Unions, &Col of our own Manufacture, SOLO RETAIL, AT WIIOLF5SALr4 PRICESS Brooklilu April 18j,1866 MATIIEWSON, RÂTULIFFE &Co. 15 FRANCIS...KELLER, INSURANC'E AQENT, -1.p;rosut&, the foUowîng woll-known Companios: THE LIVERPOOL, AND) LONDON A14D GLOBE, TUE EDINBURGII LIFE AND LOAN- ASSURÀNcE Co., CAPITAL POOO QUEEN INSURANCE Co.,-:(LONDOlN ENGLAND.) PRO VINRL LINSURÂ NMCà ., -(0F;:CANADA,),ý PmirEAND AIF BRITISH ÂMERICÂASSUR ANCE Co., (OF TORONTO,) WESTERN< iNguaft~NE CÃ"MI>ÂNY [0F ENGLAND.] ÂCCIDENTAL DEA.Ti INSURANCE Co., fENGLANDJ,] ALSBO AGENT FOR TUE PROVINtCIAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SÂVINGS SOCIETY, [Torontoj, Lowes& Powell Take- pleasure ini infot-ming their numerous fiends and customers 'p f the arrivai of their Sprin g Importations of FANCY AND STAPLE CHINA, CROOKERY9 & tLASS WARUE. 0f th oloing webhave ýa largýe, varied, and choice selection-at prices that will warrant quick cash sales, aâs-the ,goodsa are of 'thebeat, sud prices lower that, the lowest lleavy Staplo Uoods, land Fuaney DresGootis, 511lk, Shawls, ssnd Manîbe Parascles, aud Sewed Muelins, Goves and Hbiser>', Ladies, Mises, snd Infante Rats, (in the varions styles,) 1 1.Whitby, April 18, 1866. Scotch and EnglihTweeds, S11k Mixed T -weeds aud Coatings, Plain and Fancy Docokins, Black Broadsand Cussimneres, Fine and Coarse Linon, 11 &C'y &C. &C. LOWES & POWELL. New Dress Goods, and Manties, AT B. & J. CAMPI3ELL'S. New Prints, Muslins, and Tissues,- AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. New Shtawis, and Straw Goods, AT 'R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. NXew P-larasols, Gloveci, anid Sewed Muslin.s, AT 1R. &J. ÇA&IPBELLIS. New Clothis, SiIk-mixtures,& Gamberoons, AT R. J. CAMPBELL'S, New Gents Ilats, Shirts, t'ollars, Tics, &c. AT R. J. CAMPIELL'S. New Bannockburn, and Canadiaiî Tweeds, AT R. JoJ. OAMI'BELL'S. New Canadiait Factoryi (Dundas rnakc,) AT I.L J. CAMPI3ELL'S. New Carpets, Dainask and Window AT R. & J. CA3IPBELL'S. .New Rcady-Made Clothing,' (ail immense Stock Made on the promises,) A .J .CMBTLS New and fl asswvare, Fresh «roceries, Croctiery and AT R.J& J., CAMPBELL'S. New vand Fresh ý Garden and, Field'Seeys AT R. àjo J.CAMPI3ELL'8. Ail the above will be. sold cheap' sud at IeW than Toroi'to Piice-for sanie qualiLy.ý and inspet-at D ~0. À %fer April, 11, 1866. for cash, Cali ýearl'y - 14-1>' ovîuoam iegiapiaq iNk~ ]FOIR SALE AFor Town Lois, an long terms a1 psy- Antiln the TOWN 0F WIIITBY ALSOtblresbloeka lu the Town of WblLbp oontainilg froonee ta three Âco. ALSO VILLAGE LOTS IN PortPorry,. Brooklin, Brechin, (Kara,) Hampton, Brighton,ý Âpply t J. HAM 1'ERRY, Whlîby. wlitbv, 8Gl Nov., 1895. - 441 Wivîld LANDS FOR SALE. SEVERAL LOTS IN Mara, Rama, Brook, Eldon, Boxley, Somerville, Verulam. For pariculare apply ta, (pre.paid.) JHAM PERR Y1 Whithy. Whitby, Eîh Nov., 18g5. 44 Farmsfor Sale Acres ln theto owniçhip of manve r, 100uti.; .tr, nortileast part Lot No. 3.2.11d withilà two lots of the Town lino of Irco froin stîitîipis. Coifcrtabla Log lioto- new fratîx batrnt, 34x5O-irmod woll, and a thrif. tv aouiinoliard 0f 2l0t!eca. Ti roet wil bu.j a1 cc a I i olong trm.s .rOf p ity nitt Astt a fi at w i[o and lat loo oflBEILLE, }'on tito ,BAY 0F QUHNTEY 1I e4part, Lot 82, 1At Con- .îdtîn> -con- taiiioî,gi reA , ai ntt90 scres elmanrod ud onttr ,cusltivistion. There are twn iloio)jittg r nilz Orchartds and i ouaoli (rclard, 0aIl besr- -'è ttc cîtolcegt do»crlption of fruit.. Theapro mant linmbitiliitîîga arepitaltl on theto ntre efttoproporty., a:td Commaand v fe very AoAd<. Thte Wildiintr constetv of a coinftrtablo Framo Dweliîig Ilontie, voll stupplicti i ith ilrîg and aoft watur. Tho btitre and ont- hotot acnov, larga and con::nodioua. TlERLS-At loet $î000 oiial, andi balanc ou tilue. Aieao, Lot No. 12, 12tit eonaeo'lît AlA, TWO UHUNDRED ACRES,' Abnut 10 acres clearod, ,oir bouge &C. titis Ia a clt,)icnet, ati la tittuatti îl 1Y 0sout6foutr mtiles front the conttre road. Alno Lot 7, ini the i2tIî con. SÇtMEltVILLE, 200 Acrcs-witlin 5w., iles 4front thlîo bonay- geon , Governincteîit Iotd, andi convoni- ent to mlUt, l4ebod)s. &0. iFor Purticuitîrsa pply ta (pre-paiti,) -Je, HAM -PERRLY, whi"tby, Nav , 160,-5.j 43r, lîîby WJ. MACDONELL, SoIîitor,(;ort fos Whitby, De., 18, 18865. ]BROWN & ]PÂTTERSONS' Agricultural WQYks! AT TIZ OLD WEIITBY FOUIDIIy, BUUUK SU01j5 lf1A ,y M'inufeturdradolers lu oh kindasoi AGRICULTURAL -WPLEMENTS, ýWHEiLH WML 98 rOUSY Oombned i Rapers and Moee. Four tifbcrent kintis af TW,à-horge Wheel OC$t#vators STRAW AND.FEED, CUTTERS, GIANT-GRAIN VRlUSIIERS, Scotch, Amoerican &Cndai>>ogs Steel Plows and Steel Points, DICINa L ieeFANNING MILLS4 Sonfllcrài,Corn aud Potitto ('ultivatarm, SEED AND TURNIP DALLS9 ROAD SCRAt>EIIS,'&c. made to ordor, l'low Castinga lu great varioty Evor).titicle onnoutiied vitli the huaim- On short nlie. Everytlting in the anve buamnncw tendéd to wit pnncttuity. and on rousonablo ternis. A N In d utriot c t o an td perr v rin g .Ip.rMon,- to o.09ag înic l.th e ai.o eoftheiaeut SEWING MACHINE, bradie lu canada, andi algn the ok tmatinut tue StbtL. Ges.O tt ernîtîtta viibu offerod w a propjo ero. r to work by theo nti- or oit coin mnîaeiort. Apply (if b.> lotter pro-paiti,) ta, - 8,P. 'RFFN 15tfBrook St.. Wbitby, c. <V. Farm or Sale IlE ndetgid ahfuri forSale aune"&y TLtern" CioI 8t4 6) acres ai Lot 82, lu a- f.Brokent front o/the TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING, For ternis, (il by lattor pro-pti,) applv to the inlorignfd, or ta Jurnr-,s laie, suiicitor Whittuy. 14 JOIIN C. WESLEY. i h Land For Sale LT.matitad lioiiers wlshlng tc purcos, 0160 Building Lots The foloing lAt of Lotsm, wil be oiti dloy fareaul, or atta fair Valuatlion eut timno, vii. ut .1,. Ath Cou. Mari., 200 Acros. lot 1.5, Jth l'Ai" anier, 200 -W;3 71litît,' Toïoottte100" WK 7, Srd " do l100 Luot 7, tith"BoIiunt 2e '- le Lt i11 1 " Uxbritigo, 2M0 mSIEu<14, fth" EmuuIy, ho0 La, 1, 5riî "Veuiiuf- £6"U Lot 17, front 8 oinervIjlef 6. Lot 22, -do. "- do il* 914 7, lOîh -SomervIlIa, 100 41 Lot 6, SthaA do 200 là I.O0 6, mi '- -do 2()o T Lc t a 12i Cha21) t GEORGE CORMACK. UMP.Et MEîHANTCarpeuter, andi Lyf at lkiud8 of luiiberutauttiy on bond, UliEXAS fallv aupp)Ilieti n t»eI ahîuî nutict. Zotinp ept mntefe.i" I.gAIcretlre. onlibeialterum. IlEOIGE COIIMACIC. rIsitby, Feb. 5 th, 1882. 41 DI v I SIO ;N COU RTS - FOIC TUE ' OINTY GIF ONTARIO. -W-. SPeeisl centr Oieer eretim bo lu irritiug rýloFuey tu piy il lite OhM Soath it w't B ItlSTEI GiubStreet, uii ca-l4lT G EOR( Bý1. 'anr, li tyfutarlo. *ARJ3ISTE] Torouito. 13 Wlîithy. C. Wl 99, Au clafses of Loaued on RosI osus appliiaono. Alto agi To A -n.18 .1- - .1 tuo utCouic

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