4". f MthWToty TRE WiWtLTBY 'IERONICLE W-L. flIGGINS At Ia. hi rInîlng etahllehmonî ]Brook Street.. WhitbY. 2fms 4150 IPEU ANNIUX, AD VETIEx1!Nflt$ ALL vrlsn. nts anutet iNonpar. £.lIslan4cl ad t.tls<ratuool0 ccnetsper IlSI,5rn,,oUoe aîe junuts, pur IlInu. aci, *5~sOqeelul o;tjussmadeitle adveortlaors by 11147,ar or otlervImo'. 0t,11-11 to lîgoottlnuo adyorteom nte muet b. ,! I ritkng. thýt c one EDWÂIIDU & IIODJER. A LOa<ti, Drâporeae& GorneraICloth- miade ,p anthe of th g.l~e0 fhons suiYaterial lu &Il workade sc4nt iilispremilens. gp$rltnoOtiâofloizollnqilltysan B"eltim. 1 With caIm Frinîcil wordesgreai îhaughtu asnd uahlrlsng in40 VOL Xe WIIITBY, Ce. W., TRIl Crocker'sllotel <î A'l'l LATTR'q ' NL',LSONltcilUJi 'on ON2 0 Abou Rinhxg Street. tI lity.to ciîrriiixtiiîtgatcti rhonnsrln sen liberally iai rwîi zcxI hîi sclî011î0lamxlfordoDI tu olie n renIlouitell, ilii l in, ehum$1cif'xptle.d Mr. ilatt lic lIce lîîtel i 'u krpt 1)v huitei Nalelîis4.t., 'c.rcm . Ixic lccvicxg mllcxci-si;sex piitc lit titiln opthe manche, l ex-ciiro cloinrt t tuioss wlîo ilnt lîtriilr l iniî, lie v'ill lbc pleiec tteses> lleultil Irifld wiiîl!isl ieV(ity. Tereîîitn,.Iitn.xiS, t4 CLJ Ei. Brooklin Drug Store. lIA L.ElLlu l)rags, lPatent à Me.llelneo cri, &c. 11fl, ie cz ÃŽmedlicfinriwy oiloi COMMERCIAL HOTE.. TJ lie nîîderslgnol legp-einnîn thant o miiehl iî's cu Iii- aii i i funis ceicu ri l i e.io tA14Icc iii m~ i-I 'm lxio itoleu xxîîii:<t ti.în ithticc i r etticl stt u i, cucî ii cysi bc foi'iî. Oo-i i tililne. eiicloiuefi vnrtl,4, and attentive JIIN MILL.ER. JiuNà oNs XO1L (lA'x iWri'. flAUiISTNICS ANI) KTTOIZNFYS-ATP A.JLW, 8oitesis ot Ciii li Motre t N ,na tnl he Corporatlinof et u, ' oîî 'f titarie, Votariep,, ,, Wilitbyî (;. W. X. V. C.era ~ . il. J. blM'noîattL lyctheo<)llâ,o ofîIleit un, Conrt Ilonse,- aRRII3TEZIIII. ttornisysk, Solicitoro,- o dhsîreh' l:r ),î, 1RAI\î . W 14, IL. ÇOCItRANE, L. L. Il.- COUj 'rVelrIOîN Arýro]tINY FORt ON- - t arie, tU rrister A10 ti trney.at-1.rtw, l9 ii9tnriet fhai'rNoVnrv l'îhlic, &e.- ,4ttrootWti14rluwmNwîv.,Ig Diil G1EORG~E Et* DARTINELL, B3 MCHIISTEiI, ATT0UNLte V, CO>N VHAN Our, 1h put *ii y rt a mt o, cli'lxtrvrli BA1IIIITEII-& rIîlNEY AT LAW, $olîeitf) i il Vb ChiqrN. &e. Wliitl)y C. w AÃŽwtîrERt.A'r- ,AW A ? Il iLBIVTO R 8> I Ioflc-er .LÉ)wiîaet-k low'I~el-Store Vlîitlsy. C, W. SOLICIT0II, NOTAtV PUBLIC, &e. &c. ilsawa, C. W. W. t.ILLN% 0110 Di;larscairo.tli AT i.01,Jce.-1.ICItI &o > tbl~ y W.l. Vltorl(lilt INk n,,Kxtot.535fflgo4 on rc 1r--q.4 Psiisa AssarX5rrs -t>îîst-Town liail, Poart 'u rr*, 2ti scrsIa0,iP MlIt. C. là . JONES i IIarvltitr, solititar l9 Cltscrr, At. tortsoy, &e., &eC. ~ <)F'tl'i-Sat ilor tic thec&ihtry Bdetr ILA.,t., J( inm, 1tteR NoL, L.13. 3 . M &(E, %k.A, à flie 11t l4piStu 0.0 11nwa, dceX W. 40 JOHN 1lLLIN«lS T.d erî,' i I.c w goewr 0. poiY' wCLArK, . Beelsorse-Oiicîîo' l .ivîr aolti & 11h ~tTI1lEONTe- CilECUÀNTY hAut, CANAIIIAN lýICIENTIATE. P IW'8TlIANt $ruuxo.i, AeCOUCIIEUR Putolt i,&c. sq IVrm- ltb-44 1crn P..#r est >fi. E.REMINGION & SONS. LandsforSale RE dN U FA IU IRC H 0 ^ EV LV ERSn ti t oi guîl a nret ofalAe1 ds for SalIi -REVOVERS rvarntisTeivaixipseto! pper ciut¶iI, elxasp,ni oui c an"teortnieo!f myent. Tiha RIFLES, .st>e n dsrteifas iiisacl,1tm MUSKETS ANI) CÂRBINge Fot tise Uixhed States Service. AIso, Pooket and Beit Revolvers, tEl'EATING PrISTOLS, B IFLE CatieseREVOLVING RIPLES, Itifle eai$hotüiu l rreernd (iunnmatirielli ol i)v G«ti, deaher a and tii Tracïiai erly. lu tlei.o dcn!e of isncobec ai nd rub- hum> hîvry Itoeco r, kuy M5mtee deeirin se I avil tietmwx.vc% et ilie ltt- luxxusnosrcxlits ii Picïtç>lg, uni snlîetrlîmwork. massii iai cirin, iill fixî ti al ceîiilciiîed ln thea New Remington Revolvers. ('rcilxrât cfnltiiiwi? cixîs. anduj ilea t ri iîiof Our amuIeià i bli lie ke cixîd Cpm o inlxiiîi E. REMINGTON & SONS. l1110L, N.'Y. Agenîtsm,1Ni. i (40 Imc '1N. Y. 14 THE' ROBSON HOUSE, DUIqDA4 STRLýEE, WJTl,.W r1~ITrs.nbrflnr cr.zitc-idnîtct lin insc I liîAmi,I th )Ii'lîiiiig finci-yv kuixiîau fi~hliîr>'x lntl.wlliol.lins. hetrîi it1 refxmxic5cxt M~ i ite cp thrc;îçîocii-î littics, i-it aof ntv 'C. ThCxc;i1 iM a!' Ii' ' en.nttiy t- Uel 0,li.iî'c' tic. idilOlCCe,icd I lihe conx- Thîe îhalway ixfl!)iv iie nt ra il Hotal, andl Lice staeaifut'U Cirri lx i Bc'cvcrtnit baleve Llideuerr> cîol.iig onrelOl pendny. GEORGE ROBSON. l~CrfiilIas.tiir% alwvyeiniit-oid.nce. *13ROORLIN NOUSEI, CLARK & VICKEI1Y, ý. Proprictors. licehId-t xce..u to I t nforin the. hiilt i-tne1thile 1i aida îc f ÃŽ1itarlo, iliat tlinca xis us.xis.i.îî tic ai'ciaa 1cn',icila,. ely eeen;îie.l 'y Stxîicy. - uwitt lr iienwyfs'th e ai4 n-renovatc-d, aid lxajy rnracedl cltixxcîlhle vesiln i il . ice Bar 4ilaekcX71 wetli tfie c bit t i1ccirde nd c iitlr*, 8i1( ai. UtkýtenlirOMtl m .1v.>,ileatîeidniiec. -- ('CLAitE & VICE EST B FRT Wlaeaicd uî1Aoriâ;.iini~ace citelliive,îîîîeruc r. - - lr"îkIiln, Arfnu, îVexî. î A LJ3B10 0-T EL . G. C. CALDWELL JAME ULCX, VFTERINARY StfJRGI os, REVERE OUSZWL M ER c m- ies uia vK, w ti-g- te1 a rn uxîu -d iu. tt ~<eiÇ ad, piifT(, troq ie.t TuIE DON BREWEIIY. t'Il ii. D.r,~ *.iîy *îîIs . excallonLtico i n qisseititlens eMay lio redjnired, ssd on tarti. tenait nrhg1werg. Toronto, Sept., 19i. 189-5. 87 ASeountant, Lauid andi Genm lAetit, I Ofile lit JPeter treùt, oie skier eoffli of MIl r.4 Invaiî'elnl>rag"Quuteici of s u,t,,rlo nîi1noxe rloferae. .L K B Cnleelcni ttcitdcel to an ~ost renîttssîe ed.+ -ItRIFlIFNCE.S - lo.).L. M1elba mon, M. L. C., Ilon. Jolie inenM. L. C., lIojn. Uerge Crawford, M. L.I,. CifcÇ% teogn, F A% >.s .C., M. il. P., Asisîs ~irrisenKs..,M .1 ., M. illcsssfo. i'..q M ' 1'~1'.t) C(.okey ttrq., M. P. p I, .Il tilserry, s.q., Wlitby ; nd cai- toms 1+4 * .Asiminer, Câaau enPott, Liiaay, and W hitlcy Cleiut..I I-i GLOBB _HOTEL T flotolaentipnreinlh iqe. have ébeeîsie "Y the enhacnihor, vîcoro ha vilI alvays b. fous ci ti.si lband reassi tpa tteand pereoual> t3 the vaIlLe cf hile gtioeLs, dia. The prais is nbeaon enaientl3r and! conifortctily ltted ip pinted, ppr a siiiodei liniprevotnsstto niaka i-lie raa os' v Omonidurlir hisutsey aed the Table isoatful, iy etippilad at & îl nçs. - Notice to Farmers.aud OtI11ers ( l y o v l, d b g a l lo a î e u x t a T t tI c - -A. ALEXANDEiLu Brookle, Jsn.2î th, 1 s08. 4 - 'ONTÂÈIO HOTEL. A 1WHITI3Y. - 0. DAWES --- PROPR1ETOBt 8ieparisir ecmecales.Catrcainatt"ý!. tien to i-lf rqueelts.-c raiensÀ- nýA 5iacien, atsblung set! beal-soum nd t ed, cot'ere ilwaye vwilhlî oel. --VICTORIA HGUBE$ -- DN"auraAi>*li, hIa. i' ders lu41 hbar lsepteunp sîsi regaeî, .eîcliesculà gentiuseu'a l'cluiaed stmwaliaes ceuteed, &r.-e, 00al verk ln a ~it. theso ehorteoatlie- hue, 40 IAr Photographio Galery, T 'rpr lietoro uisc ev Cain i heMaeun conspiela is tis a viiaaei, and hisa îupreprxci wtistke 1'ict2eçts, elîr u IP10TOCYRA RS, ABOY IPES MELAXNÃ"TYP.Es, Or ane itenaamod e t ystio AM, t'* P'4ei Lowin 4aata>' 447Gaery in Hnr ltnmjiuet atidà snov atock of ART STS' i.iATERIAL$w Olve bie wrseitlsig routa eall, ancu li s Whft TOWNSHPS or WHITBY, Il'hkerlrilzRtai Ii elî Tiernis, tTzbridgs, Mare;i Nofttll Or!'Illa, Elstis, aipoan, Sinies- ville Fanaelotn, G(ray, t>îpiy, Keppo al, ee MONEY TO tEND. 10 I (atfAt eicacealo n.atuenOilreti- J'AMM TAMON, Or to C. C. KF.LT.P1R, FrmOR mSALE IN TUIE TOWN OF WJIITBY.ý T"lCST t-TIî,td i tîeJAiii-ni Cottage, I :a ei' de o'lil f lhsr'o it trîci, lit j)rcbeyit îil *il % >iiill be solîl Mary 1ev fui (C"c11h,0or-s. vetfi Mr. Garric'.m, lutulylu t ceoicpaiie e t Fi. I-)Inke.e TUI1IHf>- -Tui lait ciA Iîuot4e., lnIxly hlntVie 0eiclsiâtiîîixofii%'.l. l'ililxi eabîok Nxîrtic efti tllxistc.enîiceta i'.p-rty. î or.pncnîc c-'cîixcîemiiing n tna will fiii ilîchi lot îîii ix Ic-iici m pcls , iieil scîi te te v rOîicxlit. Will bemlie sllut a fair valinc, sud on losxg tariscuf lin)menstîc.- -. . hlM.!PERIIX, Farmi for Sale A. Fcrm', emlkthig of 8,%i acret, terre (Ir l.8 icig ils ceditine t dits Township of Rleach, AYiuifine Loi- frein tlise ttmivlsît r 7LLhE (OF it'iOd -v itccwrey Brick leifreina liBri, tîitltlz 9404asi dt ialote, mEnl tm ime*s, a-ix il wr veaicirh t-eLandi-&i..nids, g'i 0li1tcvtin, i loiongixl-r xcerdrchiad OlxiC ill seîf thi ni,,t dacIratîle reslJacce la i-li Ceimt-y ofi<ntîrlo.1 Aplctvit-o mils(if h iluttier, pie- - OMILeRTFrGt"$.qN, Fq Or to, JAX tg LA mtN AXCE lEu MOPK4&TT &C oq.e,gIfor à CBpgiiel LO88 lsy FIËË ame 'iote Uni mest fm'rorlg tetrt se$d 'ADwflwotî aiacs th i'4ii IRITImiI AbffICAIf AS RANCE COMP'NYo ta ital,$400)0OO. I~e liseurdo ll )-.ý Js Agon- t Vlitby. MKAX GIBSON. Co yfSO MEJR CILNI (~Ni no Bon INCE- & () EN £RA LAG Md T. sun, loi-h m8e. >00 'lLOAN. -- elaste le cer, n a i- it îsant'owere, l b 12 l vacre iîtreet loy, a Ecnu.,ton cisargal. MOs4 hUty. 4u4 ire NO021 19 led, .bo ubpvu- o 14h pasrtor lu V1114.oe. o%0l ýt 4epstds (moui, and ithe pbysrâian vu stiiprosoat, tnk b~uit fl'orLs b tredtco ler 10 aà * ~t~e t~1at lie 1!.Lad scéioded 1 *io~u otont; a £no poko to -ibo with ppreia*. sioa4 i sl Iq ragonqi is usgi, sur Wh0leraOlcsr plOnsllre. 11v lika ehybbto- pForc affllctole ,wsulg Èwind I te hy heorit opprombe<l with endnodts; $01no athicos i hto beur, Soritier fs'iiut lititi lbdritp 'Ug s nndnno', 'l'o &dir6 tlsy poItLone haro. Mlloiulif tiy fohiai qýriche, lpai'a thoc, WIei~slOury Utitr sigi Let lwrnden îlgst neî,r grio o lim, Jleas xe vrlîîn pOtfléIt laI' #lien liîy I¶xnt f riondo e inken, Alit the brizi; test hopem h'ave iiowo; Asld Ilion .aee'clg lika Oo aforettkan, lI£t to brenâe t la Stormn010o10. Wlîeîîth t'i nipept ie1yag, Atid ilia llilqlew.,tfson dlîl llnrk I a vo;ce froi gntegoe a,- 41Feint net" Oiitlan, di1IfleaI111 KiY "opdelIor..pQgbng.'* "Wllgt R ni on ed fot My bravo littho iia 1 Anrî,wcýr Iiht jsqqio1n lo i if )-OUyen Cti- Yon, withî youritr uîrr *nbwiteaa nsn 1 tîs Ail the (lit; louje w iLlivour rîtlâ. cîîistrlvilîîg, liito ail înisicls,îeaî lia)»iiiiy i driviiig;- Jr IynUr wilic littie sîûddle Cai lsl Wlint yen arc gound tor-iloir ronder Il *011.11 Ovci tise cartx-t tihe leur 11111e foot C'aine 'titis n patter tea lInslhon My emat~ -Twclit 1t, ul"A pri4>0 eo U ty face, t>rew nie domm cloà 4e lit it invlsîg cinbriaao, Twoî roty 1ips. gava flic asîewer eo truc-, 'Good te ol'ive yoss, 'eaîuswa; egond 10lova YOU, Tales of ai old SiextQn.ý =3XmU xlnTîogà l?F4nl loir,- ttrcinolsreenlT .*?lioa locd'st tii7 weey.voi»1taoviry t7isuosn Ancý.toomlug nlaiftîio anei ?s b"Oh, It wsa terrile,")mise grosned> "B3c caneA.41Cpiebrocis' nterjsooed I <~ICaunot> d0#ar; a!a loei qleould becoquu. tractea.1" atNow, ;1>.d.ý, ýontroI 'Yptiriolf.! Ssudt t h ie d b t r 4Wh i s o tW a e a 40a+ookà ,g i,'tol ber b-nad,' b&vi nov fôooeme. mavlih IiWio vwiii vatai hle hidi"asliosl gaapad, lookiug eagerly'at me. 'fWatcb witb WJuis'" aied Dr'n. lowbe, lie surprise.i CII0I la etirely uuhecaey.", "sThe corpse must bave wjatcbers," abe sdded, more colibly tlun&aise ld jet SThere la n ne sd cf teisss ut Id v ouIlfnot Lave laite lefî atone for; al[ tise world," moiti eha, vilb la issaof c'o on sesivesrhcol efi hm cut It poseis ic ogld bfli Linéser" "hebotdy emu mu nathecsiifulu ta doen lItised ani suce ai tiattsioft baile." I C1J sentni mle fohie1 il d de awtb it Ceutldn 7 voasvs ià n hçortcî 7" ale dèie til, ou d etrI culy alelins il." hvé bi romaiua vatahbeilya masor erans, You vitt obligem emah.", 1 ceugtadti 0tis a rrangemqut, j proaxise t e salaria by neo'lýlock la tise evcuing. Âften ordoruag tise'cololn fortise deaeaà . ed-.for ai hat time 1he$7 wlaro -ot on hà 'nd ta sclaextsu ai tlsey, are nov- sud attouding te tný'pHi' e iv ffasrt, I a'i repaired ta tise ýCoebnook rn'ansionm lîvaâi asîtiury'-et lbi-iueof ~wilh 1 vtire, for Ivi 'pe)*ns t o porfôruu tise service for visiis . â'itageil, îiotsgi wartelia~g« wui Ibeuirâpid1l>1gius 9ýt , of faobion;i bat, ou my bà n:i'z&*s witstlie deadIwu 1 Per1isýt1y sal'howeà i ti~.i ber of deais, as u ee* bettratià 8edý to b4 atone tisai vith comupaueJ. -I1bad broisght an internultg rim, andc MmColobrk laisi,À t t à A ..x â a-f er S PLEMUU CHANCE Wm jue Uiinctti f 1stillpo jpolt kiwy0, Llld"y and NO MONEV REQUIREo S For tise dmi -v toyçuprI.5ti asonttof rtet, - tifStrua ~. lt, i e x o*omdisua 00improee.. Weisld hie ocsagtifr u lYlog. propsr>îiýu =211W vi - Apply toiWi C, C. KILLE c Or IP. R ELLEUT, (1!8if uiiieite Caiînîngr .) ae.yane, Far m for Salo tia eisî lfarsi for Sa l e m y m of tarset tls. We1,ti ui h ï i tu ý-kil afront " f' t . TOWNSJIUP OFPICXERIN0. Lai 9.i ~vcM. tssNO e~t'In rrni lIn-le lliixi fieiith t Lcéli itciia,. Je~eti. 'icîl l . l1atlil IhilI it I irniliî ai ic lii cvî-, ieîcii.wid lji ecvs'iy ctinve. UX BlIDGE'H1OUSE. T l u>eliuieî 1cVr ii r. ,i llclM h ices tii' Oliiitcl, int l1ie L.i.jlîr ancd Miaiiii datliîcxasii-Iîe ulîcivo-mî' ci d t tol viii e ucind te eqîsal pic> iiiLie '014ucta STrA G Eý 1-10OU SE,, * Wb *0tnu v Mt sairien-"I ~ t!e, sïd tirs. CoIabrbbk. Thoý hpolce la whl.penu tiséii, j>n eoulal tivbà éiMisb sr.~o Wsm mise iswop'ttgroisît taln M l » prolite, wleo Lad îrole, i'tise sgou% of grief boforoe- tsow aiuhI PlOlîis villa ber Parà Ãwhoi,*<' rh.sis as h eiloctione wiicboUl4 alisTee isedlihal a wooppgange! ii-0îren liuevio Ma ot yet bpnlald ola of à -*a? s .il téabd J -hé# groaned ln bifehoroIe t iser bere.e mento sionkg arobs this ndor v Oh,à s aea iacs.a îoà - i 'airà i Tut abi 0 Tis 00k e~t k tcwblvé,à bidItbnt froutý my rofe6ac'$oto attensd luthe carpe: Tiso looisl. wliais b buproevided-Id' - Ivet thp face wu aail Quae4>,,sad 1 seoededi Iuoe éspi,'17alitig lut6-sbuslu mýý, bond, I vent to the door Wvus thi hnen. lion Of icaîling unpon Ua.olbtlt'ook f1f frri ou doci 0, . a M&hbUW sarprise thons,1 Iopened ILoued steipod lut8 tise ro4ps #61 eeti a litulo'mionro î'Ãœ,ioi'oî, kif1 Coiobrook," I began. long, bcud i , 'aImati ùesrtlelý shnik-- eh. felk I th ie llook.' Dr. Rbiino'kn' - Shýoêo~soLl- aud Lae uhrà 1qI bac1 tolise fa*oà l 9orzteE af1.roosu, or C" 1 * u, msu0 hmrprses this iii-btlerrebeoihoon. Long fai -ar4i wiîh tise desd, bad, tee me so indiffrent la those droadisud fesasicis ýÉdistoarii massy persons, that I Lsd 11111fe coiluidera- lion for"narvomnest on ibios atbjeot. - 'lVio are ,Yoîs 1"groaned- ubb doctor-, 193eli islsii i-i br. T~heee it feaselppsm Mini! tiat thé vhite quilt eib ;enopoti ýaMy body wset thse cann8e cf lise dtiscbiaf. t wosiUsvoliiii Usnily mpronin 6e~s f tise dé'. ceased hMr.40olubrook, snd I do flot v#te dertltA the gitiy *ife suid iez wneteeà nccomhplieb woro terriflbd wvih1e.it .iin1g14 I isad piauedtise counterpanea roà au4 my neck, au tisa ti qliug ouitibe aeil cf me -bêtmy face. 1 ws. s ghauîiy sPeýtrir, 'cokP4à - "IIow si'fûl i t >4 Iodt wheu n ocios1c la tiurie ber fôr (lie baie treacbery" olhé vs. cotsoccling. 'Se vonder ase fainieti nio Wonder evea,the dctor I!smbbe4 , 1 threw off th' aquiltC and -W41ho4 isô11bo "Seeovisat yoii issc e 0' aidbhè