Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1866, p. 2

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?<fw AvotI~mOiS lis Day, aume Boots andi ShowWbliae Retai-4a5. Bain, Ai<Co. BRaaiub sole*Leathor sid lpindng-jà8. Bain,, & coi gewiag Mshina-ieth & frotber. gheep Sbam--Rateit & flrother. Tinwar-ffatcb &, Brother. Fresh(roeesawr rals Firut clans Winesî5 Brandies, GinUno WIlkej, &a-Lawler & rirancis. Beed-]Meld and Gardn-Lawler kFrau* lIvisiovi 4or-Coonty of Ontario. Mloney w Lesu-IAvi iirbaoke. tIahimatWas-'ili à Brother. ton7Coil-Co. of Ontario. ONLY 8150 CENTS A TEAR Wilîtby, Tlursiay, May 31, 186. _I~-I Ailsaimi Cherche Thi beautiful building lu rapitily APPro. pciing eempietloa, lise cap atuto f the Toven Iavng béeculaid os n'uaty. W hope. lu lime te lien tu a cine or buas pealing fs-cm if. muss. Klnkbride s~u ilarnes bava undtirtalthu ie tank ot rais- log tise hottl spire, and vil) ne d abt, iti te their reputation as firai clansavornhu, by tise chasacter cf tIse vos-k, vbicIsse fis- bas bec pronouneti by tise arehiteets, le b. of the. boi description. Meus-s Robin- son asti Tait, have tis e ostraci fer tbe m.ating, vIsic isluveli unuter sy. 1fr. mcCaumiand, cf Tes-noe, wili havis thse glass vers, (vlblàh 15 a niolletisudantisaiu* eà tîretigisot,) in ia place Io-ty.- W. rises-vasi fait description cf thb mil ing, utit. ils occaien cf its cpening vicie vs Unudasstanti vilile lus fsw veeka. ÀA noble os-gan bas heeu preacateti te tIc Chunel. li) a benevohent lady efthiis tovn, anti in now la ceurse cf construction by tise eclebrsatet os-ganthuildens1 Meus-s. Warren anti Sons, of Montreai. Tus PÂs..WuaÂibr ougsout the. vIole cf Ibis Coeuty seau an aiosit otal Celles-e. Wbat tise extrema sevenlfy cf-,the past Vou tise Étrai. tîitatIdth@ istsyorf eus- v inter left the trost, andi1cccs. atidtis-eth sister lProvinces, ve, le ibis sountry, taise O! the present Spring,.-exceîit in sare tu- dccp luttesef ie resaIt of ileir Par. stnelas oemcyed. A ienger bnendtb liamsimasy éeacions.,0n t-bat restlt de- va sovu tant 'all te tuM grain thacn for pends tise carîyetemeat cf a eemfdesa- aypvou csn but 1 intise front îlots1 and if consequcntîy becomea cf sqri- Sdant ah cf île resin teveulips tie grcund oùa importances te an voas-e tihe in'& antiblés beeu rcsou'n vititSpring crops, anti wb hîe oWei'. Be ar, la New Brunswick, (rom by fgr the Mnost of tisat loft utonel. moaliens lave pregrcuacdniuch mos-e faveur- cd the reternumait b e very greeîîv is Abiy iliau WvaSaI, il anticipeteti. Thr.e t.an au average. Tii. cniy haut! poîs elections bave up tr tbis tiue been hlti, abicislittiesr neotdamage bas been due, anti oacI bave beca a triumph for tise andthîe Young blas]. look$' Iealmhy and Utnioniste, Wbsevcyr an anti-çenAsiera- prcniising, i4 that juat brouglît untier cut- îiônist bat effet-obI imacîf as a candidabte, tivtien. Titis is said te lie attnibut-abie 1,. bas beauoit aniy tiefeatedt lidoeetetito thé nov landi leing e fiable anti pon su yOnoverwbolmîug cajosit y. Until theror es as t cithe vaier romtii PeFO al)a cantltsenccieus-e elard (rom, it may lce dîtes- qnickly anti easiiy tbroegh, anti net prematueted s-slcte ths genes-at recut, lotige anti fu-ese about the. tendes- s-coef but, jutigieg fions aur owu experience lu tle Young plant as ln tle ci&i anti mach socb contests, tise fisst eections exrcime a vos-Set grosuti visich becomesa tilr anti 'Vas-y decideti influencé tapon, anti are a close (rani croppiug, anti coneqaently, ptumty use indicationi cf Ibose întincy cf retalus a voit quacîuîy cf vater omn anti those te foiaw. A ev days vili remtove near the auttace. Tisai, toeaher vith the ail anaisety, and tie l nantime the pros- mreugcr andi deeper s-oct wvisi is tîecin pesi- is nts latterng. farmeti, prevoats tise fsca front iither s0 Ceuses-v COeUNcit.-A session cof ibis reatily viatsr kiiiing or afterwar& t!trev- body viii commnce licreon the sis clf iug il cul Of tise mOil, wbie the fiîfui J u ect. Thte cqualaatln oetIshe M. vas-tsOfef bmcarY SPliiug More casiIY ïweent ruila, vilf proiabiy le thbe chîef reaithes anti curiases it. If tht. lie m, it busineas. We ucderstantd, boveven, t-bat *sial09t .lte u urfarmena the aboolutrà a mueomeaét Witt' lemad tis "tc-the rimancity cf torongis drainage to restons Cotmty ofim lac a more contrat part cf thbe vente'! eertaluty auntidsagefsaof tiu Io buities pcrflaof t f1 Town. As a Mot profit&ble crop. Tisai, andti tat ,sev boulibig ii sâ0n ieave tg) le feewad aons, vould «ire Liss aisqliieaof ssevly fIbtOve Ouo e Ifgitras-, IIlaistbengît inerken lands, antiamrdy they uen lo dpi oe u stlcieuthy large te aecoeimî9at ls e -ly thingu ta v0sics-s oitas a ai t theotber Officiails as veil, -migh s . boprot«ti* <ý r ee aclùrnt-,df buili si ves-y ltte sidtii o usta. Tb* rfram tisailong cistivaiesl, Tisexc. advaatssgte thîe p ublîi.cf sueb q 0 r- crientç thibi7g, "aIfi 10f4 thle ag vil~.l, sss takimi5 wpstl ettaloly bisVas-y - bisjaaale la mmcl o~%jIa nd sm iti us5for the' ferioul pas-poses te vbiciskt ilanow v av$ eu eY cr!errs- tIsaà s va viy s-qimd for fleurî sud Cosnty < CQuelI, anti ougîkt te le aitered ne as iti internai as-aigemmi, ati inpienîheily fr tbelrý sittinge. Tise odfflicesit m arcblthslcter ttuitan vanîta, m aeecstanIymsater cf etemptiir bttIse octcpafls)- visiléte quite ltaiposmlls ly tw amoomoulati tb. var-aoffies-s, tIse Grsand Jurlr ou havi lut te o ued f9s- the Chr, o0 thea Crrw. We ainees-sy trust ibiasafiss- s reçoIve ts th t«eaIueh es-lu, ati 4 e0. safifct listahfe public lules e ostitcb. botter *vs bissIy ttce cige nuggentet The sQuoeià'l i gihayIn aWhslby. T6sefort'y.atath suelnav y of île MWta dal of eue beloveul Quiea vas céebratoti vifrul4M honora blier loyal busbeeis of the'T ov cf whist6y. Them tal aumibsr et heavy aleepers ver@ awaisetid, sud tise us»I.l rnouni eof ;hassbroe by tise houai. hSt aueuly boer of LIl To U au- eo~The bond esenadomd *t 00aboîtr s uost equal ly earllyç -no doubt visllug te 1" weiis- ill earily d.v ir is- nofnir bud. tmre eçifors, vlieiiiaey tionassi for tIse irslet tpisspn Ibis coeiop, 'Ves-y fis. ef eure muses ventabroad for soamiuent, apdnei fact theInOubil ofsut rangeas frora tue :tb*.p.s v ater titanucal.- At hait pust tona a i ffietl a&Bitte Cosepaiso f the Town aniseeoi tee ealof the 69sesbll!" seulNIfait lesih " ifty sv twumif. Tbe. marcei idowes de te inua yl tise efs me la tIse y& Sdrill, i5 Bs .apiring gr@# plots itt.cWsdte messe prt vttivqiiiage, _preparailonsfeus- bé,inl Tb*s rapitiuiy viii, vIsel île popnlasity cf ibis ! , paaierose in Ikngl is a eprises- detsâedfl is Wvueierfultha thîe infec- tion for, it shoilti Dot muoer lave preati lère. -Xi la the lest atieupt itick bas yet baisa matie bproviteaegamo ln vbieim tishe ama sausjoint'*«dtitis, togouher wuesptabie. lîtbesotdoors pors,ftroua tbse pisyie ieîe tios ey almet te-ev', eaiy insolestibave baia earyatoeb ooenflust e m isp ' b i oi, baiveeca ti» pevisy .maaly sad tIe pmley faulale de. paudieg oa dsteity ratIer tisse mrostIs anti aduitting thse çontîatioi o thex ies on squaltersir sâe. a houely cus-. day auaset e njoy7513 i5 Is. by aI1, Aide fs-cm W.$ e vy auivetiiriscensuid. lien, isoieves-, îles- pis éqoi$" ufja la tIe pei-u boaef are mirist tecroqu ieaorýtue#pend àsu ve noemioves-y PMa Anliug îendting, 110e cffe o vesliese tien pare andti inspi [ih se rves.XIt - tiai of pleasaUt 47. Nelgbboass ýtey 1re sles! le sg, siti cesluy aid te sccility. av tIse iles viloi pal kli'sdleê, is 01,. As a -ecret., cosetid te their parade groanti, vIese tIse uasai feu de jie la loties-of îleday vas fis-cu ins'es-y gooti style. Ia tis aefsernoon, efter paradp, a sapper was gieca at-lins. -Sterlingla betel, to ehoitise-Cornpauy andteî ibsfrientis vere iuvieti. Thia van intcadeti as a comspiment te the Comnpany on theis- returma freni the fs-ntier. Johu Wceir, Esq., occupicti the clair, the Vice chair being alily filet by Ms. Sînîker. Captair. Warren, Lieut. Joncs, and 51 scr. geants rank anti file of the Compenmy more preseni. Among culer gucati vo aoticusd Col. .0reen, Menurss. Johnson, Birrei, Mit. diell, Digby, -S. Green, ausdI tberm. Ater vlat vas deueibed an a «<jolly gcod feeti" lad takecu placet ise bole cçsmmcuced bo cîrcuiate, ati thse olowîsgtoasts acconi- paui ist h soug andutisentiments, vere learîiy given antivislt e-pouiid d te r M Tiseq Qcetà,I 1Tu Royai Famiîy," "Tii. Amy, Nie-y anti VoIantcens," "Oas- guuaistbée lrcvo o Vcuaîers," abli tbyCaptain Warren. '1 Fb. monicipatiîîy ef' -ichortg," te vWu~h Mr., Weiss, matie à felug eapty. 'Chse PreP' 16e laites badteIsIi va ea asre îtbcm iisss are thewoult baivoeeo à he bnuskeeIla vhicis h s-oied, A onunles-of Volntues-toasts veretissun gifvuiant I bo party broka up weiu saîlstletiwith tise emauar l in ,ieb tle &d aiai bea apiut, lme MÂ4-svysB3a-->tTUDâ INBaois-ix. Tise Volatitees- Rifle Compaq cf ibis vii- 1a90, îsnties- omndaofetCapta i Higsos, tus-ed euttte tfull streugl ou tise 24tb, anti aftes-, perCes-seng à full iel.!day#vos-k$ 6s-W tbte&cmoîn"dfeu ude joie Tise tevsttitp eoucli )salins rot'uw t 1grasil a»Y amiSailce levas-id. îe *bee-e-iss5of tii. day, mnebesl, Aexandier of tise Glcbe bolti, sa iç1;ove sole espsmcis, snt.rttncd tils galutYVolacteeiis and ibets- frients, te sau excellent ditner, ftnaid»d at hise *va hctisly. Gqod.i hIg ast ndjOyUeoni ve tisoer ott'f tise taye Tit u Biser ceOsvA&alo-.Tle Blsbep of Ountarilo ant i it vite left Quel.. ons ~stns-day, in the se uiip Mlrarnt, for Lierspool, Il-la tats'! tiat Arehieacou. Pattoa vili 'isniser lb. u*sairu of tse DIocm sur4nssg ibt be nce cf telic Jisop. iý 1bhe tas t ie ssnfos-îuul kos-c1 ~lIey sais Iey ldtlet t-be s-ce - vhiic isa viner co tti irestraIn usekiug Jubilant tiemonsîiicoroftîe issat extra trtiiasy Ikiniloves- hie sacces&L "$to carne nlili eeeniag on, ant - twillgýi grcy, bad, la lier oiter Iivrsy, n att llu Iati," whis te îleesy, i"te il. e eert sai liscOn- taieo hl),' asu-héas-d rrvej4esating thranigis ibis Iengîb andi bkeadtl f b Vîilage-and buadreds ebugan s te" maire triches" 'eso- -tiseliait, 'viere ihiqfoundt ample'accommodaition, andi gced 4sesete cler ibis- veerieti limbe ant i wiëh. Týej canr'ert vas realiy a euc«Mneatt14f*h go&l up in a few irdy., anti prisidpallyby jure- nuse amateums. Thse atadiensu,. vu las-g, respectable andi apprecis ' Lve, pti gava ovideam o f tteir gvatiuteaiee lyr4pested. andi leaty pianditm. I1sisal! net t4iido'to asîy psermer fr ce tsr. ô>t sle itangeul vus isuviuiouneis.Hovevee, ewsonee diti voit,, ant isesvis, as btisewggiveu, ibis tisauks cf ail couceructi. -A 1arade vas actistibl fous- gentlmuien le t4wtmeo vhsicisellit iroun ist er round ofhangli t4sm" apti row s-ap annsiu. AnsiAftas-s i tise revicir leut Snchy, hli sai t t have oatpsesped hlinseif sosiunv it ihi4 famhionlanan atd reu a e îleotficers uC île ts%, s-sgt. ut guardus -'4Gentlemen, I axa mýors-y te iay it t tho efeors-iof dipomey. -are cxhbssta , sud that the' momentba arriceti eu tIsase remaîiss oihlng for ni. smolett-o place mysel aitishe beeti cf my bs-ave anti lulat'as-my,-I nt chaure aIl lu dangers' anti privations.' Aittieugis litis. le knowtabest iiss maiuavisientu of the Pn'asiiaustroeps, Ibere can bc no doulit tisas.~~~~ a oudtbefrei o*asutnubteti ouý tise fr*enes-oe Saseîmy, andti ta a camp la hsiugfermailtear tIse Bobassiaisfs-entier vIec ice corps vilI b.- et-atiossed, uandns tle commass cf IPrince Prederick Charles,"f A Dnstme-dly toutrage. AN ENGJ I HIJ1CU MtTTILÂTIIIIî Tise Towx BAîr.-I vuan aweilmerited tributs to a mosi desorving biodiycf -vweli nicaniug, voit dolag feliove, le bave made the appropriaflun, smmli -as vo coufomn h vas, wlb, cn Motion of Mr. 1aodoumsii, thea Tovu -Conucil at ta laut saittimiga gave thse Bia. I'$t Oniy-van tIse towa euhi veneti by ifs ciseery, inspiriring muie ou thte Qoen's birtlmdai, andti dereby madie te rcaily appreclate tIse Occasion as co of national rejoicing; bat, n ou m uany ollier days, deriug ttiel eatilave our public gatb. eringa bèec.madie"pleananter, Ouir streats more attractive, cur evecnga niore csijcy. able, lyiy lumeIiow lightsmeisstrainS i Those ompoa'sg It, Âmoitisecbaics, ase engageai &II dal long at bard lalicrions work, and if lu cerlaiciy co ts-itiing sacri- fiee on their part teutievote, as ln thse prao- tise anti preparation cf ilinir mamie ttsoy arn ccnspciîed te de, ibeir cniy' littie Ii. sue in the aften Ibouts, te the recrestlen anti entertainmniet cf their fellcw leva,. men, unnecompcused, anti vs femuroften unthanketi. Nov that thse long picasant tviliglis cf asusuer are egalnuapon us, ve hope nmeeffoTrt îlilibe matie te bave tbesu play at leant a couple cf eveniuîgu la scb veek, lu nome convenient public pas-t cftise Town,. Jtsuant ha rsueonbsred, Isowver, tisat titis cannet b. expeetedti t lic doue, as on former Occasions, gratai- îoumly. W.eu velI atior t tepay for the piesre, and cught, antid dueus vculd, moat cbccrfuily do ih. Let some oue hauing the publie interest at heurt tae the malter ln baud. GemisauvocO IFvi Os'S.O Thuamtay lait, the Qmiecu'a irmtiîay, this corps, actier commaund of Captain Warren, tarueti oat in mrua-hing order, et 10 30, ýi. m., anti atter assutdry evoînuions, pro r ncb ans oarly - .ems*Ifc e ws pcricctily , cuas.ciousssslp te tie sceesent of-uit steaf b- ci1 tiscugislieha bt!l it -b'is voceaonna tire t Geom lôie-sps-viouîuy. île rictgnised tht e ldp,, Ison-n cisapiain ef ihe punît ten nisîntit*ehýpro tic poantinext dieti, andmmiso iiamsaisiese. - Nae York, M iay 20-*Walace Bus-fis' obtain neani' steel gpu-ing and trse fitctosy-u t B' sieuuly vl liha, -Coan., vas barrit tli i urssing. Lo&s $30, diâtrict menti * Oi. - - -try asffa-otd Cievolati, May '19-1100 os- 400 J'en- île ar ; nc sans, pastiatiy as-met!and crrnsg colore, portioQ cf il offlcert! by misa Witb aside 5.rmit, pas4eiitirupteci pt-ol - bo uasigh-lt'and l l-day golumg cuti.wath n Tbey vos-e ordserty andc quiet, wi s ied la laèti * i (ote iesiiute Oalifirfata w ork uon ntiauv tle s-ails-ciuts. -andstt, t ty,, t attention c2 BSr ILT 4xs I'u'-vs l D r Caxnsec rOFoto -Big Royal lghsesa thse Dukoe niCain,-bcieutthe' cel bri< e . usi . .l - - -dlio -t_ -M tisa Snnth du sit à Oflulifi qucen'a fltrthaday lu tJbridge._ý'4 0 people "'ho carnu. tasec the sight4 «ýThe Voimnfcra.-The 1iys IlJ glimnw'.-TIa- Colieert lu tiinja f eVcu1a,ý-.The Phis~t. * zsegodricaI Society's To theEditor of tme Witby 0,O Ssi :-On the241h of May-bu el'e natal day cf car Svecreign ldy h. a -the Village of Jxbriugo-&6 from -Iy dawn te dewy eve" wore' a4 gay d' liveiy 6gpect.,ShorUy aftcr 4ayligb t# and flagt with "rion# devices wr on in the breer., from tbe's stes, botelis nd' private butâses, and the seeneli as 101 OP' began limbing thae cnriat toep, dis, penïinsg beat and lite di, cr, nature repoftc,ý--inereaucd in interea't and rirom eTer, point cf the compass, V bnggics'sud carrîagea,crowded witfiÏ. s and brcks"-old men and liseir s Young ni aitnd their sweethearles 1,I, their holidày clotes-and others o,'J- and 0 1 how I pity them-had wives uor sweetheerts toa, eee the tary path adeug life's rugged hi 0 Canmn pouring îiito our animated V âgé, filing.,ap .very available place in w Cha human trames could flad repose. 01elà, &Il throngcd 1 Stores ail ibrongedi 4-?ri-ý vate dwllitigs thronged i The trea I$l througed 1I t an c animaied n"w*#p1 Tiie towaspeople, as ins hieir - did -thoir hast te accommodite -,iu4t malce confortabi leh- many visitants whe could net gain admnittance te the publiec place& of reaort. Indecd, ail wero doser- mined te mette this the gayest 24%h ever spent in Uxbridge, and they -succecddU,i TU£ VOI.I2Tttui At allout ten o'ciock a. m. thaï, 0tIJI. bridge Voiunteer Company," freali froui the ardunus duties of frontier se"ie, be- gan te assemble et their drill rocryýmet Finctiîs hlli, (feinch-as your teadits are aware is ne Wbiby Gorille, boit 46à olty chap tram Deon,,) te the ealu cÇ " Ile' bagier, comnianding the dutchttut,' and ti enter cadi fer hiniseif an àè,pear- aiîce ini the arisai way by 11ja11i1tin," Arter the G-înpany iîad been 4"pnd," they left the ddil shed, met in.tb.lýtrcet, "efarre~d fourg," rfnd precedeti ýy the Uxbridge bras hnd-whos4e effUiter. viceà inuci flot be fnrgotte.-mnrtýed i.. grand order te the parade gremtnd'where they went tftrougli a varieey of *ilitary evolubtiens, only known ta the i,ýîimsed, which tltry executesi In fine sityit% The crowds of people wlso witnesed t eý 1 in.- nifcsted- the gitateat dellight et -thkaprov.- cil appearance of the meon, net 41y in tiseir dIrll, but in th-air manners as 4tdiers, whch reflectA grest eredit epou 4e n - spectiug Oificesa, or sotnxbody ý45Q, et Niagara, Our Velunteers desarn great commendatitla, fr the prompt môàteri ahicht tby reeponded to tIse cat of tIle goverament. I>mring thé aternoa a red eoatl coutid new and 'tben, bti x4%u vUs hia 'lay love'-on his arn-douÏh tbeat the mischief bo t brrse Md C04 ma.e «nCh impressions on the tender av arte sests of teui "fr i ex, "-le rm iarimug flic streets, and s'tzing vii, f ont pleasu3rc-if radiasnsiies aeav ideuce --ou fhu Olynmpic gamet that *4 o ng on amosig the msotloy Crod, ar i*le ttora f or tho priscaeh YtIaers wtIste aucoessfsf 4 Ltms. Arrivai cf the The Iispenisig artit Ensupc. SUIMMARY 0F THÉ IAtCTUAL POSI- TiON. Tise Le)ndon Telegrapa, grouping anti sifting ail the. Iatest ramera concerning the varlike movements, -gives tise folîoviug cempreesive statement cf the position cf affirasat the1 close cf fthe Second vcek in1 May: - ' fiTcs-e lu not cone ensong the intended beiligerent govertomenti anti natice-noti even lrsi,' i1er sell regulateti mate ý hounebold-tsat 'could continue for any ieutgfb cf liiîe temalte tho immense mac- ri" eanti bar tb. enormous burtlenu visicis th.neeernary preparatiéinn for. ver impose apon tbcm. Xustriûe- especi 'al ly, vIe is alreîdy liînkrupt, la certainiy not la aposition ta upend f*methisg iike ue buntiret îbuaand peuuds a day for the maitenansce cf lier vcry large army on the full natr establishmient. Meut cf île great industriel eutablishmnts arc closcd nov lu thise Autnian capital ; among others tbec ~silk andi aibbon faetorles îehich sise Io10c csspy thousaude cf vonhmeu. These are nov 'throwul ispon thesa treets atarvIng, and turu is tîteir distresa for cmpioymana anti foodti t the geernmcnt. "'The notes of preparatien aen ifact, iseard souliing front ail aides. Bavas-la lu ncady te eppear in -the field-with 150,000 menj Wur-temiberg viii furuish a conttng- Ont -of 30,000 ,Badan, 20,000 ; $axony bas put 40,000 men on foot; liesse Des-m. stadit, 18000 , asiover bu raluetil ber mil- itary fonce te, 36,000. Tîhe moblizsatini etfttha vhoie Prussiais artsy places a fonce of $()me 620,000 mce t (Junat isma-k's disposqI, lucluding tIse reses-ces, cf course, and tIse firmi ban of the Lansdvehr. fi Adstria, aos lier pas-t, disposes uf gsema ~50,000 men neutiy te do thu Enepes-nr's lilin. Isaly lsb uot lesathan 400,000 mien in ns-mes. We have isetgether, tIent, about Ivo issliionia of ermeti men sinuply vatiting for ilse fis-st signal ; and ila l exclusive, cf ceusTe, cf the French andi Rnsssian hosto, ehis-i aitoý'Cthcr numbe- about one-anid--a-IsiC million ilsett more. Since the Auxerre speech there can lbc use doubt tisai Beigiui anti Swilzs-lan l ase lave takien the 'larsu, andt arc begineing te provide agninst pùtiuible contiigi-neics. 4"Even fs-oietle fa-Norths va isear that one of tise resulta cf thse ps-c-eat ceseplica tionu aili bie te basicutIhe -ecrganizatien cf the miiinry anti naval forces cf tise Unitîed kinsgdom cof Swedion asnd Norway. Fromt Fran.ce se lava e 10ossncus stafe. nient, in addition I te t ignificant Auxerre speech, %bate . 1 litersandamui r-canis iorsied offices-s, wlîo, upen tise laie s-educs.- ion of tise Fretnchi asmy, receiveulappinit monts in Il, ' civil as-eîce on coudition thsst shey alioula relus-n te milita-y service if requis-ed, hQvaveZîCertaini nunile-r O ofti at leust -rectived ssntk-ctJps-pi re te joie this-corps et a taoient'5,notfice. 10,000 ns-care un the peint of boing sout 10 home Zn neiiforce the French as-my Of Occupation there, vitich, ia tiseeveuscf a va- break hsg out betveen Ausatria and Italy, ii to take-the nilne cf 'anmy orf îbsratioii.-a name wtsich mal mean mach isistir the peenien. circuatances cf.tbe case, more eaeiiyas tIses-e is' reasort te balieve tisai this intendeti increase of flue Prkebds ray fit Rome bas tle fîtlcast asaCut of tise liaI- !United Staîtes News. N. Y., Maty 26.-Tliere have been ne ticatîts rucontly frein choiera on board the tiospital sliip l44deoo., andi. thse patients arc neariy al voll. The following Is lDr. BisseF's report-" tespititi Ship, Mav 26. "TIso report o fthsae otùition cf the lies. pitel for May 2s5tm l% very iagrs. Ail arc doisîg %wcl ndtînxiotsste bc disclsarg. ccl, in eier te wend tîmeir wsiy to tise fertle valicys e1thtIe West." Notliing of importance ts-an.spirýtl feday et Stephens' iicatiqutrters. la isstatedI that circles in Lima Manhattan ansIl ther ýdistricts have resolveti te discnntintiu giv. ing amy peciAniary nid » o Ms. Stephens tii) lie dutines bis policy, imid renderss an uc- cc.sant ofth tisfnds hitlierto colected for hiiscif sand bis fanîily. Oul City, Pa,., May28.-Tlie most du. strnsrtive tira that eer occurred init'tie cil regnons ru geoin hit- City te day. Levtry-, thing on, theot t ide etfttha Crece, coin- prîsing li-alf of the business Iportion cf tise City, is in asheg, censlsting cf 75 storesq, 8 boit-hi, 40 uia-cîlingiq, 1 chus-cli, andi a sesnÎrnrv.. The loss i s estiniaiteti et $Il- 000,.000, on which thea insurance te essly $100,000. The oii-sliippisig portion of tise City gissqae-d ne lesct. Oves- 175 fansilica have Iseen rende-ad hinnecüq by tisis fis-e. Pittsburg, May 26tl.-A fis-e oecus-red this mýos-ing, invoivisig the dests-ssctioîî of 10 btiilditigs on Liberty st. 'uThe lossi i beav3. Tfse principal sultoeris ans J. i)îin & Son, iivery stabiJ. W. Fanly, flots- andi food; Koir, Glover & CJo., tire brick mosstssfactos-,; Blachrîsan & Co., dinisig. sa. losîrs ; A. Fable & Ce., cufeinn.Tise iuîsmîranuce anîossssitot $14,000, nsustiy in Cusitonsconipitiiles. St. Louis, -Miy 26. -Tsa large wholesnle <lrsng.Ios of Peter & Eblow, cri Main st., annî tIse extensive job prinuing itndstationi. erv egtalslîiinient cf R. I. Stiîiîli & Ce., s1ijoiiiig, wes-e destroveti hi' tir-e tiis -vro. iii, The lots îviil p*iobaisiy rr-ich $150,. 0. A niiosnt cf i nîsuir-e ssilsnown. Ne'Y Nf-, ay 20.-Tse mrnsning Ina- pcs-i cool-sm thse fîisiîg- is mies consdlerefd-rr(âil tht ttie triaîl ot Jct!. Davîis pl)stjwuîsitiutise NOvesabes- tersi of tiseihilisonfi l îrt. I i iah:O qîite prolialoutisst tise inndictisusst iii le.-uitûr cul, tihe grand tirsy issvisig eni ajsisnesi, andI be-ing, tlics-ufos-e, esstfticd te s11:11(e Cihanges in tise bill. Otlss-r psst-ssisett wiul lie mmie et tishe oeîes f tie AXttornevy Genes-al, wlsc cosfitists tIse pro. s ecsstion. Jamies T. Birady, cf Nes York, is now ie sssesstl bc îlûtusisscd ns cosci i tise case of Dasvis, ishîl is- in I'ort-uss .Nosiror- in dsîily coisiuitaîfis wIlitb hmii, to- ,getiser Nwitls (>Conuser ut Sis. i Cosînsel have ,%î-recdto temeîanilan !ai- ssscdiate ttial et tie Jiisse(iisrt, or if a iscstunenst le inssstcd, tisey willil esuanti tîsat tleir client bc rcleasenl itis bail, ss-isiebha iei reauly tn give te tIse aniousut pf 0l,000,000) if 9ci5sy Cis-scisistti, may 29.- l ius 4sorii»,'s c.urr ciu1 estsins tihe fîilowing . Ttic-cid a uiovensent of îlic Flu-bissus noie goisig on. Qumite a ntssihes- cf thisn lc-ft Viv-Ciy ymertaybomnul far Caunsda. ncs-uiwas-tt wiîitiv, a ft:Nv duys. Tht-ru is aî 1scrane tlàstai at eXteoirtie said i., aboot te lie unadle tîpon Canna4i. MoItve- inttc f mien ansd ts-.szivulostatinn of tt-titq have buesu in progressA f,r sinic deys %nîtl a it-grec of socrccy that inîdicistes btusi- New York, Nfay f39.-Tlie stemes Unr- ii, froni Livuïasle, ha ars-leei; ewis anticilîated. Saratoga Sps-iîsci. May 29. -oi) gress_ 1bail was.ccnsttneît by lise 1us nsighmt. Tise t"s ot pr4qierty %vas aot*2,0;ls ss'srmsce $1125,000. .Weqt Pist X. . ay 2 Q. -Gen. cett dieti at fie seinsites pumit eleesI I Vcock 'tliiuî merimg. le mvas onît on S.tIMlà,y T liseFaniait CosispsrmltOrs. TRU APPLICATIO9 FOR A WRIT 0F IAIIcAs CORPUS. A RULE NISI GRANTED. The application in bebaif of the Fenian prisoners, for a Writ cf JHabeas Onnlg vas recoivet e thelie Court cf Conimon10 Pions, befoe Chie! justice Richards, eud Justices Adami and JTohn Wilaens, et ition, -on Saturdsîy. On tise openiag cf the Court, Chief Justice Richards9,i ddýessing âMr. Mc-Kenzie, counsel fer-tIse prisaonisrs, aaii -"11 underatand tisat illi îiscasetse' priseoners as-e cisr dti itb the crimecf high tneason. lu net that cxcmipttti unde tha statute cf Chasles, or the Habeas Cor, pu$ Act ?1 Mr. mcensrzie -I think in the semae dcgrî. it a a felony; ed the prisonters are entsnled te bis calie u pnn thât. Chier Justice Richards :-Myaeii andl mi' bnetiss-n ana cf opinsion that she nue Nisi shoulti ho iaaued insteeti of tIse wrii naketi for la ibis instance. Mn. McKenzi-Frcns vbat vas stateti yeterdae, I seppose'i flat this vouiti bis te declîon cf thse Court, anti I amis-catie te teke the rate if la ja grantei i the tes-ms lit vhich tise Court of Qsteeens Iencl in E ngiantigrenteti a sisuilar rula ln tise cas-s OfC2E'giritn IL 11. &iB. Chef Justice Ricbs1ds--Youn ehave tIse raIe eoi thusa torrs'. Ms-. MelCapafe snbseqaently . islrIs-cave te hsave the- vsil ses-ced on tise Attc'rney Gi-nerails acent ini ibis cityamtid one ef the jnstices, Instenti et eu all vho presidet! ai lise pismtasy trial. Chef Jutstice Richards saisi that Mir. iNteKenn7'enandtiNlr. lectcr, vho nppeased for tire Cresen, coult! as-sange thet busiveen them. '-_ T'isa s-e nialatis a causeas imteediately eftervars-datientont. lIn uccortisnca vitîs thse iiiilgnnenst delivcreti, tise Court granteti a rîsie Niai calinmg upuin tise commithsgý Juqtict's andtihie Aaaosney Gene-al cf Up- pes- Caati-si, te siscie causse wIy Ilsr NMe- jeîty's writ cf iloe-ois (Corpus shalutinet îsica on beinalf cf Miebisiel iuuriily, Michael Moiarty, Mit-bat-I Stafforsd, Dansiel llurnett, Thnomas 1Hantoni. Edîsard Kelly, Phililp Callemi, Ericai d ciy anti Thomnas Sleedy, the priscecra cenfineti in tisa Cornwall gaoi, amtil whiy, in tise ceest cf tls ul e Iseing Matie ublute) tîse priionsers-sionsît net tbc olsis-ut ut of tisa custody cf tise koep- Ps- uf !ho conmmun giol of tbe Usnited Cosnties of' Stos-seest, Dunstas anti(lieu. guirry, on balled: vishout the said writ-snc- nunnlli' issuing, or tise sîiti prisoners being in jiersUnhrougbt t te aCous-tf Coin- mon Pleus, upens notice teaIse saiti coin- miiiisg jubtices, eor te cny oeaof sîsein, aîndt te tisa Attorneiy (Genes-al fer Ulilies- Casisdar, os- issasgent in- Tor-onto. Afscr obtaiiig tisa suic, Mi-. Meienzis- rondte appileaiun for a wsit of cerffus-ari on the comvnsittisg 'natices, cousundinsg thernte relus- to tise Court cf Comon Plt-us-fortiivith, the iniformation, isiami- nieion, dîspoitions, evidesîce, ced al cou- nscted wîth4se -trial. The Court orsicreti tise went te issue. Tise,,argsstseàt ou the metion fcr the- iiischasge cf tle prisenera vili, il la ex.' pecutid, te place on TLcurstinnixt. TaÂtsE,- Cuorncm, m, ATàRC seSous-s.- A. ietter froni Early ceuanty,_-. g. ays s- 'The citcs crop of 18610 vau 5,00,.000 -iii' lag f s lofngPe ru as, to t in ci elandti ývery1 ru ou@s tea close tise Qae "ce tbe T 50 mens thoir (aio bande., is leu wo l'usz. Dg a4il hle tuais- betg tien 5* n Ncw Catholtecmîatiedral i iiiNeW York& nte <new Roman Cethelie cathbedrai on F4ifth Aventie, oecupying the leit 'betwec 6 5Otb andi 4lst stâ,, begins te attraet ae lonal attention. - -rusite il- ta the 13th church lne the« worid. Its front la tealic oue hundred and seventy flve feet, asnd lts deptb three bundred and twenty-flve feet deep, andi rue backte Matiiaou Avenu e. Its site is commanding, ausd lisoe eof thi hiighest Points 'on Manhiattan Island. .fls .touedatiotl,-Iike Sf. Peter'n,- is on the rock9- sa that it, in qtdte certain tbin immensa structure will Det settle and show tlsd cracks, tyvhich are too eften visible in Ïte wails of a massive building. . l a ateli or the Gothie stylo, wi-h numerous spires. Its grend,tewer la ta be surmountet hy Mi spire, which is tealie croweed by a glasd cross,- fiftcun fe 'et by teni and three hau- dreti anti twenty-flve above the ground< Thin -glass cross ia te be hellow, and i3 te be alweyn lighteti at nlght. Its elevation is sucb, andi the splender et the liglit viii ba sa conspictiuunfroni the illunsinatedl cross, that the marinera, eone hunslreti tailes at $en, ln the darkness of night.es1'ý_ witness this maguificeigt emnblem--et lbe crucifixion of our Savieur. This happy design swas the conception cf Arcbbishop Rlugîtes, anti is the oely insfance cf tIsa kisît lit any church in thse îorld. The liglit ii neyer to be aliowed to expire by niglit, and^; the sign et the cross will lie before the eyes of every Newv Yorlcer vhen pîcasunro or labour leacis blm to -traversoe the btrcîs by nstgf1t. Thse mates-inI. of thîs grand structure ie ta buetof estchester esarble, a p wehite-. li oearespect, klte m i striking rearblo that we lbave ever seaul usider tisa grayer'stlcs, ifle spotted witi, a briçght, silvery star, Which, tinder the Mieafm of sntisiht, emit the etTulgeuce of *nnnumberçil geins.- When the walîs, in- sie andi eut, as-e complefeti witli thc re-' insiskabis, mas-bIc, ussder certain ligrbts, they wiil spas-kia as if they wersq starret! Wisis silver. There is cnly coe quarry of thîs kind i the state, and perliape iù tbo tnion. lat la oweiet by tnc chus-ch, and the builder Bays tisere la ,net- more than suflicient te- builti the cat heârni and the cýhape). It is qisite ciear' that when this cathedrai ia fiuiqhed cf this rare tsàiding matetial, it l libceni cf thse rangnoble and impesing, edifices ie the venld. If wili not bu so large as St. Peul's cf Lon- dont Notre Dame cf P sn-ao- thse cetbe- siral nt Colegne. ier of St' IIyigcmtte reori the andi, but rensiiskable, circumatatîces cf a tiisssstrocq fic et St. Liboire. -As a train cof the Grand Trutîk was, pmsing throug h ii i'ocality dsriig the elghmt, sayoueg gent1e-.k nian,>Mr. I3aeband, sioticei that a bouse> was on fire ýwlîile the people seemned net to have waked np. ttc urg-edth e con. ouctor te stop the trai, or et icasi ta Baekeni, but met - with a refusai. The ceurageous ycusig man leapcd, however, freon the cars, broke bis ieginti yet crept ta- the bursing bouse, wbich was that cf Mr. Ur-galc e Dsssasais, me3relisst. The femily were atl asleep, as Met. neau bat! supposed, and le rouned tbernjust - timone tecave their livea-with eue exception, thýat cf a yeuag zïy 22 yeara aid, a niece, 4f Mr-. Desmaraia. She bas perisbed ln thse names, and'the Coroner lias rcturned fId fs-om Southmsptosn rivet!. I10Lcue cf Ceauni)O rttone intreiuscedtt the S-,1&ts1MIiL Ils ren wi;h of the 8 buslec ormbinc&1 bd toý-Mr. Betiverie Iras then rend a sec Tfise TurnePS t fs-oie choiera et Lii »r.zReSS, 'of te -ejl lne ei-ig ts hav liasIlapearcî dol u halaud ie patie footinsg. Mttsypreparrus -;j consitiercd mmià lions fcs- tbe torma, Kt -Vierips. The sait! lic sboutd least Sbeten c. It- is repos-ted tha ct! Ilauiscr'for set tions, simd acacununc cupyîgber militar Tise Prussanun vaj uaps- tî tlb lcisies i ticcliied s embus-ksi ofet- Than-corlit, h e b gsr-ter îportion enri tise Nos-tii. 1it.sà ailn 0 U inSld th Rssîa uarciisgo a J A. teiegrain 1ro' says :- Yesît-nuhs: occupicdth ie lIcei ties. betiela G Tise Crolate IssuVe o< -Tse repli' of Pst note Of tise 21t tilt tise I)uchiis, yak Vierosnu. The gfSe -Aistria is decline, otisen-propos-ais, bt muar-de seo. Hopes lis souse quartess tisu - peace, pnrobab -ÀusLsia avili enake A. triegrain fs-om Vit.it rseat eoiti cwsigto5 the repî but! crosetl tIse Sý- a colliýsio3n btwers un trocpis aas ilis A teicgram fs-s Garubabtt h]R,'as-Ca titreti him isn tise I 'New Vos-k. May Ulf Bos8tons, frnesu Qissenstova ti i Tfise finasicisti pi te subside. Mfari 4ticipatc-d, bat h i wit-eea disii piantes. - -The discctsst dc Eng&j!.!céntintic Ze . 2 f. 1> / -4 j se nig. te.

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