Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1866, p. 4

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lqe ;ih FvJ o v1 ti8. J the-pince put 1dm band - in I1is pocint -&Bd showed thce a bundIe ofbank notes. The flie country editsors, 8morneOf he', are prolpriaer tien' ordered the cofYce tu, b. ta ,ery irroverenl e-& witne« t he fol- j erved, scnding in the uneantirne t. the lowîng Impertuent refleclions 1ispon the nearest police staion.-for a sorgeant de-' saiversary bretbren, jut Dow holding ville,, Thie prince wau duly arrested antd ,....iâsa In New York - taken ta the eornmiuary cf nsdie, wherm "U(nceSa yearr as a sort of puniabsuont for Ilicir m".y inia, th. people of New York bave ta endure th i ultlformihec. rorsi et aat lu kuovu ai 'snniverary The citizesaof Gotisau have ucurcel, etled down after the. farnoue "May mcv- luges,1" viscu miaiiof cocentrse pilgrisu' boglu te pour lu front the provincoe sud the tiosansiandi ono- "mociellea"l of tie Northi are son ilisfsl hiast. Boissonuand ungaisîly delegatise, alwaym- provided, with carpet and adie bago, corne np freonlie retsmsetions cl the Union. Quakere, Cowinuuish', lidlsl, Disciples, Abolition. iâst, Frsî loveilcu, s>and thse reprsoutativom of innuarabie "ia"holai à grand "carnuival of cant." Nov York bicorne. a litige cave of E lu'su, wiIh nloomouesi - iiîs baüs ruaing inu avery cisci and pub. lie hallilis te City. New IEisglassd entie forth Cloude of tougi, gaunt loolsisg olsi muids ho tics. ssttiivosaary mieetings, sud politîcal Parsons grcîsîtiy aboui. Fur one week innurnersabie tremrnm of isiruli, ruddy rlsetoric ara poured forth Io 111iasuemennt ofthte frivoiesa cionpol- ilan ecoira ci f New York. Ail sorts of toorie, nmeisea andIproecte are agitatul utndventilatesi11Y olS vouen of both sexesa 'l'bu Iuadibg New York joumals are net deviiug tit'ystar an muchisiésace unial Io, file. tage (f nensonse wfich le taikesi siliom thunse oca*ionm, nor have rnany cf the meut fainons of the aunivorumry bina. tics, yet madie their appaasçp. If, lutho usidst ettheir grand 'sanives', y"pow. wows tihe choiera wvolsicondescend te take solti cf smoe 1îamodic oraler, tie * vît otcoumeof îlirirnm vouldsi catter 1k. blacishirs eat the disciarge of a gun. Plut as tie choiera -refrais frein partîil 7uahing lu tise proasiediigaeof tise week, thei Basbel cf myrnsy olitil ines ailCon-. hu sinstil staossy niglisi 'll'hi ee f r Il; famîlir vithj Lise fstcts %vsswccide tliliilaylig ot)a'Dr. -'.aria ,,b -* lp. NtWlaisl, ast iîii(fnaioli.4S ilid., )asotite tissie sc.The. hosisldcwaxt Coin- ittittaî iis a frenssy of lision -the provo- eatio eslîtig tiese eiuctiol of Nêtvland'mq drali,rliv Evý Manîis u. trial for tiie lin, iwi Iss sei' lis progressafor sevsrai q1ayts paît, miss]tise sIctaîls ccsulsy large ispuco là tho Wsterfi paper&. 'he publie eys;uiltarc .sn Mssrong on Lb.eside of 1 ligi proitotiuti tiat bis qsital vwu a sgrutgnsimscolcilotî. A COL Tilsnpon, 191 tsi in b upfor tih etéfncé, tisîsork. esi ooulit,- lllecirtàqi te ejury. ilcîan hsilg Lluis ciiilclbis client on thse plot cf "teitspssrsry îiiaty,o b. saisi: "Dr. New)qntl oniy dtisiviat Istiieslsi fio, sa) beli s me "Is, Ïil iii, aoght os' ver isriee l" 11re lucre vubree ry inarks,'l app>lise., andsitisa Juige tbrextecn- l'a tg e srvd t. ail tise PArties vWho would lu view ofthtie '"iv't l vbch ibis Case hissviv ilsomeOf tiseWester esiltoris lireculicsîeuig thse" 6"points."1 1. If thilsrù-nt of&a hiil geduced bas tle i-lht ho shoot tiie salsducer, iiilie to hob ta ~ r iu e beiatfi40eo orrectlv Whîs levu as nîn, dors iL maire- any diirerucstl ni iegurit whetier lie gisalttise aoediieo.l ibis lild ora awholly innocent- 3-, W'oeld it net be veli, befoeoJnstlfy. ilig tbçq insirdereMn t ite gtôiihd.oi' parez. yinid inl55aity, ttin ild 0eut vshor Ils. FectuOI *M flt sîfferisug froni the Rame uitei, -shd cetiitqently ini*moefc crime in t1ise metter ()t seductlen, 4. Would i net amis oceWal te find out oi erne heller te-4tinnwy titan titat of the girl seduwnd, wlisthier Prof. Evansor-smsa ciller p.rty, wu e tsducer, inasmicss a in Moettquseu ef tise kinthe &i.lady" #ni. nsily toliî one or more lies. la i. Il Prof, Evaina' relatives soold soot Dr. Nalund, wetuld ui t sai mt #ffe'd tire %sW&re eyi4enaLeoet pssroay-Smnal insmni .y 'se il; Afforld b ly Dr. Ncwlmndla siieotiln thse Profei-sorla - 6. If Plrofesseir Evaa'f atior îhosuid shont Nis Neviansi for geducing hie mon, woi 1 tiser. fot be preclsely Illegansa evi. 'lance agaisst bot ao nov existeaeplnet lrofetsor Evans tl 7-' I106s tise motng of one prty-to As' ail pi et scstono at thL.e iny Scn oily 3. tAld by tlise isrvîver, ctàblahei ile stated wbat ho vis, and vu a<trvards- t 1 ae..to th' gentlenman wlîlh whom ho hsd' r-made the bol, le prove his ldentity. ybDÉNTYIS-T-RY.. à rIflîstbooriber lit i ttSiîTsIg hl tbankm d for paît favort, biset intssrintihé shabi- mauta of ti. Town ansd atirroussiling counstry, thât lie will b. happy te attend t. .11 or dora antnsssted tse hlm care. Teetîsi its'crted (lit Goid, Silver or Vuicantzed Rabbar IBase. eTouit i Iled or oeorac4. lntihe bettpcmmibie millsier. Pisties!ratosslo~jpidte the regulsationoi Chdidreîs'e Tust,-i.- Allwsrk wa:ratiteil. 51 W. Il. CAI1D. aTHOMAS, & COULTHARD'S riviiisg1t11sa 1 ,sr Iu( t 5, r. iisîssdis nis iti:,Msehtsgüm ifer i.islsisy id P.cisvciis. Iietsirisissi,'lffuvesMss 10!-.uîy il l, a. ss., arrivelit la 5h.hsiwa ils htisfor cs-iiog trma nuiG.T 1. u-<usi--sss ss-î-aro hIs- ,si te',silss 57- Oi' - ~~si 0ci., 1cr'ul 4uiivrtt t'.rssî-ssiscù fe prîs"tlssi 1iackisgem Is s but>kes! alissi sisifer h sud- JTEWTELL ERY, Reliable Good's >AT GIIEATLY I{EDIJCED IVATUJIES VYElUs'LOW» JAMES$ JOHNSTON,' - Waàtch Mairs'àJeirellir. trucek s., iillîy. NEW SRING RRIYALS.f GROCERIES A varied assortment of' uperiorDy Goods of every quality aMd plice hais been added to the Crocerfy and- Liquor Stooý Of the undiersieg no<1. Consult bIs-9 Ust Of pio aud inspect the quality before purchasing ÃŽliewhere. JOHN FARQUHIARSON, SWhitby, April 18, 1866. Dundas Stireet Mathewson, Ratel ifte & Cou Have just reccivcd a fresh suppAy of ,eYg Groceries, Boots 4e Nkoesi,., CLOTHINO READYaIWADE, and made to order on the shortest notice, in the LateSt Style&. Tweveds, Satincts, Flannels, Unions, &C., of our own Manufacture, SOLO RETAIL, AT WIIOLESALE 1Broolin, April 18, 1806. MATIIEWSON, RLATCLLFFE &:QÃ". FRANCIS KELLER> INSU RANc'EAQNT, Roproset. the foUowing -weI1-known Companies'i THE 'LIVERPOOL, AND LONDOjN AND> GLOBZI CAPITAL ,io,000,00. 'THE- EDIN BUB>GI LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE CO., QUEEN INSIJRANCE Co., LDNNGLANU.)a PROVINCIAL INSURANCE C0., (0P CANADA,) PIRE AND NARINP.- BRITIS11 AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., (OP TORONTO,> PMlE AND IVARINE1., WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY 7 NGA.1 ÂCCIDENTAL DEATEI INSURAXCE Co, ENQ;L4),] CLAINU PJD, So@M#.oe@ ALS AGNTFOR TUE PRQVINCtAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [TomntoJ oAU dAfl cOse f prop.rLy iueurd on rc-utnsibie o tvm. Mot Moncy ,Loaued oni >osi e. P Irooeotumoo and fait information giveu'iftd~y on 'îp on, î.AI,. ngent ftor IrovlncW-loegrnph Compnny. PP.ANOIB ELLER, Postmaar; Oshawaf To i Wt: A. . 1884 Aî6,t fr se6sd L>' 1Public kA Court lieusle, le il or 4yetOntaioe, es54visci010set Lowes,&.Poell TIke, tea . !Tin nfor g tb eir nUMeroUS frindaan4cutomrsof hearrvai ofteir SprgImportations of PANCY AND) STAPLE DRY VINEAIMVOU CHINA, CROCKERY, & GLASS WARE. 0f the f'oII wing wc have a large, varied, and choice selection-at prices that will -warrant quick cash sales, au the goods are of the best, aDd prices lower that the lowest : Plain and Fasîcy Dress Goode, 'Silks, Shawlo, and Mantles, Pairaselea, and Sewod Mualins, Gloires and Hoiscry, Ladie14, mLees, and Infante Hat$, (in tise Valious styles,)1 Whitby, April 18, 1860. Scotch and Engligh Tweeds, Si1k. Mifxed Tweeds and Geatinge, Plain and Fanoy Docokins,. Black Broades ad Cassmercs, Fine and Couse Linen, LOWES, & POWELL. - z .15 N ew Drcss Goods, and Maties, AT R. & J, OAMPBELL'S. Ïew. Prints, Muslins, and, Tissues, AT R. & J. CAMPBM1ts. New Slîawls, atîd Straiv Goods, AT R. & J. CAMPBELS. New Parasols, G.Iveçs, anîd Sewed Muslins, AT R. & J. CAM-FBELL'S. Newv Clotlis, Slk-iiixtures & Gamberoons, AT Rt . .CAMPBEW-Ls. New Gents Ilats, Shirts, Collars, Tics, '&C. AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. New Bannockburn, and Canadiaii Tweeds, AT P. & J. CÂMI'I3ETL'. New Canadiani Factoryi (Dundals mk, AT R. & 3. CAMPJBE.1L'8. New CarpetsJ Damask and,.V'indow«- - AT R, & J. CAMPBELL$S. New- Ready.Maile Clotiing,'-(an ,,inmonse Stock Made -on th~e promises,)- .&. New and hiIassware~ 1ýew and Vresli Gardon and Fiel-LSeediq, AT IL &J. OAMPBELL'S. Ail1 the above wiII -be soid cie orcsb ndat leua than Toronto, Prices-for sanie quality. Cali early 'an& inspect7-.-at I,&Je CAMPBELL'S. *Uth- w.Ap i rul,'1866 - - STEPIL ouY Wm-splansv lie Courtif(siu leisry Dasvlds!ci nud Iiam~mmù 'XOMES AND HOMEOTEADS5 Town, LOTS A Pcv to* na, on longtrim of pay- TOWN 0F WIIITIBY ALâO tisre oofke lu theTown of Wlsil.bY eonitaining froni o 000 1liree Aoce., ALSO VILLAGE LOTS IN Port Perry,. Brooklixi, Brechin, (Kara,) Hampton, Brighton, Appiy te-- J. JIAM FERRY, Whitiiv. WIhlîbv, eth Nov., 1865. 44 Wilffd LANDS FOR SALE. 8EVERAL LOTS IN Nara, Rama, Brock, Eldon, Bexley, Verulam. Pot pardtilaru Bpply le, <pre.paid.) J. tIAM ERR Yi Whiîhy. SVhlîyBh 'ov., 1865. 4 Farmsf.r Sale, &&o-au DAILIN'GTON,Ç 80 ieres ciauros!, about 40 acres oif wilelac tro front tun nprusfrtabla Leg Iliei- new fruisbur,410-goodi weii,-and a hIrif- hy yolsig oraliard of 2M-'>i, se. Tis aprcpcrty '>vslI b. moud csî.Ap, mnd on long larmiotf puy Ment, Aîtsc aftrm witiintwo and!alsulfnilos of BELLEVILLE', on itle BAY OF QUINTW ý lii t wettpart, lot $2, 1lttCon. Sisiie)-eesi-.- hiing100 acrsus; about 90) acre% echaresi sus usîder en-isisatieli. TIser.are l'o lourimi.lisg rcusig Orciarsaandi oneoi! trclsurd, all !)car- îsg th ho iocet descriptioni cf fruit. Tiso sr, ment larm buildings are sit-utaicin tise conître of tise properhr and ceîtimssnd a slow oft evary ls1i. TIhe biîldinsa oiiistt of a conifortubis, liprig d ie t ler. Tîse baironiatîs!ont- bouaeîs are nos', large andi coîsîmedions. 11EItLS-Ati cuet too Cash, 'Andibalance on lime. 1ý Aise, Lot No.,- 12, IJitli ocueauon MAltA, T'WO . UMMRED* ACRES, Abotie ie laig l ieuse &c Thshs l s choiv. lot, end s fle mhtseont>' seui stfus' nslissm froin il,. centre rcd.l SA * Lot 7 ; n the 12t1h con. SiOMEIL., 200 acre-wiliive mr iiletl, fein is0bcet- 9eOU (oo'yoiî> oud, <-iI- nveidi. ont te hii1ioe Ie Vier pasrtîcislareappI>- ho (pr-pa1d), i . HAM FERRY. ONT-RLO IBANKC. DIVIDEND No. 18. OTtIrE 18 IIEUERY GîTER, that a 1l1- Ndallaf furpopent, UPOU the pad iuý lisisJ-yeur, humi% bi day been doclssred, aind tisat the marna wili b. payablo ut the BIaïk and ha branchesi,u and uftar Priday, lst da-'of June, next. The Ttasoîfcr Ilooksill b.c o»4sfront lb. Notice la 01imo givon thlt the annisal ecuùerai- iMeeting of tIs Stockleoss. fer theielectics, of Diiectora 1er tise aiilîjsr wiil b. lieut at tiesa itsing fluse, in lowvsmanvilieones MONflAY, tiie 4ths <ly of IVPNE uîcxt. w chair te b. take7 n t twcslve c'clock, noont prod cia.ly. efy order Of the. Boardi, D3. mFiSniE tJibat, Ontario lBank, B3owmasiîiiile, 801h Apil, 18001. 17-id Insolvent -Act of 1864. Province of Canada, i Cotinty- Court of Codintof tsit-a, > tie Conohy of Ctis ne, Witt s rie. In the Matter of JOhIN ALLUN, au n nOw vonit. On the NINTI day of JJ UY f51, the. nu- -sersigsscd [îsusslvosit vili alîily tlis Ci elr cf thes, ii Cosurt for a dire *rgo under tho isaii Act. rftliEscrmllit sti uîe. ive o wticeam flioc et Assigsscs', unsdthsstii fils isil accout ss ien' os..uî fur aisssjechi.iiut hIs uoffice, lu Con- nig u tlisaL'aunt~y .1 Unturio. - iJchIN ALLix, D3y CItAS, d. KELLE.- fl1$ Ahtorney JOIIN BSARP, Amaegnee. Dütesi ut Cunisungtssn, ini tic Connty of On-' tuirieitlitîslset dia>' cf May, 1866. - 17 bill NEW vCARiIIAGE AII Waggon 9h ôp S AMUEL WAhXEY lA prepuresi 10 menu- factusre te order, sIl kînsîdo f CARRIAGES & WAGGONSi SLEIGiIS, &o., IN LATI-iS:;T STYLES. l)airJitl neatly czncZpromptly l-M Tîrco domrs Fuit -f ?dr. W.. Laing'7o Whsihiy Jan., lGh 18M. CUEAP STOVES gr TIsE DEST 'f OAN I5DA. ~ £n otel cookint Stoigi Agricultural Fnrnace àN will pay for themselves in one iymtl pstls 4lhrei Fre~id Grbceièe-s, Crook4 AT R.&3.( ;i - 1 ýl 144y ,GOtO»Sý .- lý 1 ý G-OOIDS,

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