Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1866, p. 3

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buupDsss u a - giseaIy gieeptéd tiyîbe 3u ajrk Ml Who .pue<ipeuedla <bat Sde.Mohihre ltIrs 5tg 0491 ama. nir,<o ýAaIbé»y sud Clo"ta bbataa isa avanfif rbwst 0u s t 1w Vba s u o vt f e st, se av dark Aditi mafaltal alore prompt <c fo lii smoaè'a *11, Lnt* L'Maimarvî erl.minions 4mouts <.Lion t<laidl îdi f<vAo lova otâtd.. Il ov:s hodl' asg soidt'yv Deae ailljntsiumt Whcrc Uc uolsld chsahdalL Wsep*.vtildnbar wdff d boti ccle lir-aay <iqGodaJbear vltwss Altava, 4doa, direlln, in1 Y4 shall as etient oca f k 0190 L.<bl*boPÂtis f laue h. Tl~y ae cuilig Qutil ,my aliu t Ma se rois; theurnort oldla Ali y no mort aM1thlie PAttlO ball'yl, M a i't lig avilI, ]JO u siauutdCai flot tsaving spse to glva *tita Mv, bailt!o ipisooson the Bdgeio, veavail Our, twv. i eso Condaufstion ocis (rom <lie kaadv, vbIsh place. <ie pdoluialpoints )iwomlupully baby. <b.erenur Th iýtba olo rada cf:tithe rovlaîet . (lac puait,uar i.gbLlaUm llieoa cf dot, v leJa la etous of thi taleof ma~f, u * L~au mlfI4la sincet" !uyof tier pravl. ou eyeui. 'lurgeasewuvactirsde,ilt Vu * - t subdtl gIt <*à nfot thé rnai ut paaaSs o vetmportatioft. 1%is fionss et, Gof oa*ee1fenitlitlrget- <bau $f ai, evote tb. exporta. Tbi n, por~ tU4à hsutd te *44,îZ0q4699 55 1496I#-Ç te $4, M,,046 b1bilaSthe imporuýi e0tir i Mi s1<0 7*tvre va. a41s18,15 W 1sn184,815, die riiargi <blie ti l oniai bale urgid <it itIgtUit piiraictaay, iat r Wleb iosseh au ufaîreaai sdeg 46 a v. lseuu <ai aaeasry td tatitlaly aug; lmaated. 8Se>lasg., Isideeeli, <are tbe We husipta <bat lthostgh te. otraerdssasy dia burabsetta '* 4llila tplrpsoe.repched tise large <un i f $1,639,868, tbey vose aI paid oui et lîoiuuse, eud <baieu<st1a iie * baisai.$ 325,9#o lie ecrdi of <lua Unfortouuaile the obaugat!, cirocuaau mi of tic countie ire swch tbat tlie Our. Stuoatarte mwev mose toesaitfor <bu vote of *50,000 fer mîllu spurpoiac W - ls bâbit llirie sussal, appeareainl th j lietia. Rclylag latgely upon Our recoure.. for the proeaoîkm of Our border f< / rontru$ileu. lavadat., <luefini a bacq fer S tiuhir opadball. ethéc lbboýblg SiâMa,- s lasg.,'drainu0000 ue Lt. r.astfor theu le si#pansais-y bat I1<buabafor bmau tise dm17 of 'thsa Gormsant te sait he LeIgilàs<Ie te grast. Tliy - ams axigedsture sctiisa pre cf tic ublic 00 u a va se erdiagly plalasi bai saun r lanb e'iaU Tie iullitary mobools, vbiib kavedont ceisgood-iwriie lu <lv. log valIlbatroctad'officirs to <b. èoùls>, arae< te eutitsed lis opoi-lilots. Se fa r aillaiioll sa liiiig.The < 1bey eeuuot egrpec,' to lW qaaly forte- ù noteitliicYbts- lb. p*y.eu rt eo. -- lateer reo laempotest ioe salasg., vlaig th e>boiu yeav aaduriug lita W*baa u.d jbt.Mr, Gait sous m riaaom le, hope Ihbitýtgbis ae1 llb ieo large. '1!hiid6wtrbanèeoltvac bush thb. J4udi the -L. Betpn"v oéfTmy sud thea 4mmspraileo o uf draotioi *fil "mg bu zwprca.nic, i é uo uwbrs adio of doilro. Tbl filicg o oid] émiy d ore wtbëtmo an.gela tiic taritof outohi uor éeelcdallc, If ILtse Dot tor tbpljgu1Yjlaanso ez p*Mtllmdai~ the ~avolonstcea@ oc.<bWib. heGovantou *msctfcehlboadtellar. Jt la a sptaM4 ;1 puantmsê4uly:te p»i*wo Our. sbot"el frote lo piJùvmilef sud por Saègu..A te tbe llbumçq #Ib>l*v$un& bbimeain t l au fa of , Iel l o a tu Sapw o P Ob@ 51W f -la sww ibis l qulqKrMs- agitPudi,tz;iytsmthe AmrSim of '6 er raosilêsm d ei <e15 g"odcof "ab6eet pvaeeL -?b& *à-, set Agusce <e ucnemo$ fri;y. 1 Tm bcoeahgsago 1lote«t à ýM* i Ounic mort atrictly dsinsoMi wmfadeà, Mv., Glt samomueed Ibis b.he voromem 1 iai td Pm" dferover ,ë0 ýt relu. wbiel ibey pfopo>tl aaW Imisdo<019 to e Xglsdp tseWlace. uemdr-am tc o Mmv toto u lae -l the graltrial on Fiablos Ceir'a.ctwcr fr s ese tir *Mu t i vaa. -Al i#@beau ve maf. ia tb. «ctai, sud iluIst laS2d4 lb. sles<a on record Tbeii Dit t Lii . ;. luchaId A ila. dle atcu, f"kooy, vm atreajd -by iraeM lbtgh..ard mtCioab, * ramber of ugla. Company No, 0 vue iMd ,Ove ue-llled. Tlsem aca ra mmià.,eo v.a Iîboa. d1e ctai il et bieb mealleaM(aerYi f ,000; Bcdi *1od t$,00, sued Fiulela , *14géogTie o. tu. borni l toloriS amu arnai 1ftebsr,1 a '00u&r arut o« aap" (m o<gthse premlaea on ira.- d, leu20r o T l à .lof& ddoerjl --av. -. bytbeB13«.i 1, #iBebaom E. Coay 0 'of imaàc, te L sM o( te. towaabip of Wbltby, couney 0or Sprisig..i....â, ...#*1.304 a 1,36 Pesa mrrovfat..u, 654 sit e e Bye.u.. d.te.. Woo! ......:. St3a :oab .s..,SO0etu ApplS........ 510q Cilceaa.~ î.:.. '*0 i parhr Tarliya s.. 60e. s 75... 40a, Wod......... e ML MAT MA£E r IIÂPPILT, h'- ipatv fwoultt, s«e, tir beauty * snd tic loecf roe~plu. Bandadeondyonvl lelgs Ip n Util... al" à tod oip and atmI &0lfADAUiZ LUCILLE DEMAKILE, Otstlon ulov York Cil&y. ZoYUBLY GIRL$AND FESTiV BOYS, Aend au addramsicd unvolopo and 26 cent*, and 1 wil i wSnd yeu soase lusb à n, fornisUon that *111 pleaao j'ou. Mddfot, MABUY J001ZÉ, 28 ~ O B 2 roadway, New York, GIad Nt,*s for the UNFQRTUJNATIS, Iliilit Cor i îl dîosata arlél.g trous TOIJTIFFtiPlÃŽiscx*tli#, lllit), Imupotnce, aëi sexuelaiDlmaa, Ali, &0., *0, NO ChA#G F iT 18 NF*CK8AILy, lsud <lily an ho ubil'M vî t ec e . 1ai -box coutalno tO pilmIla eb).ol.DLA.I 700 cainot <"t tIssus of your Dm'gglat they wIII bu sasit bo maill orll %aealcd, pot pald pures os1 tIsa rrer ipre nts, Vie cousmequelsf suid rafemd #frè free, 20 conte *aqsro r 1-on dd reoasfenooe n Và. LSTLYAN, lvclsulting 1rmylolsn Thse OWiiof MAi SiSTRENOTM Gentloeman vI smuiformd for yoasa mrols 'ANervoub sud Ger.itel Debhlhty, ýNightî Isloua nsu op misi iWoskus, <ho s-eaulS fynhtl ndîscrottbu, sud Cau se e nd- luhl&ada a ln bcpaloaa -iisay, vhli, fer tise marn cf ourmi und te s u. afihlhiad u&reus -asetonaa. Bonda dlreoedonveo;p sud a<amp Oad It *IR1 ecat yo# nuitg [ir.n Ir tiiba acd eretr naor-angred r-- tsa amv ofetOb <ruetleus, nom tMùm goyi ara f8> api.. Tiiy araestf0, uare u!<1reou obmre a ivry oMc.I oucI lu « 0ae '"-u.7 ç~fi5 itrgg té 1Pti" - -Dollar etr box. APMIVATE -ciIlâUt -.Laà. à Iietatssioa auiaun motsulfiee o owE At~~~e me'iemo ats prcaiaUof 0G. Wblhy*th of iJd#uà v 28 WRHITBY BRAli#NDIP &Waud unaerjirat to ud oil dlu- 109ug U!ilaauon tIse U4l oian cùubhofiaa >A&pdâ$&ou oa Uaet. umsdr of lii. Bad Wbkly1ily 4, RS.2 ' P081 ,wlW-4ITy "T'y visaiy«n pilas, b.,.la ue»"a«hu CAM JAS.ROWE., .AT PORgT WNITE1y, As-t ao* assdo wobigautise, Md l eather, tu rogI, doliterod ai fieir Tonnory. - Wloibr, hlsae.2 WIIITBY RIFLE (JQ'Y T 11 mmhero oftheabove Cmspaay, are For DRILL, f<wotil futher oidcra) Atit-! puat pao o 18IrkOU i.evun of0< rdsy u'il moudsr r n rdths eti Imm. uaongu JAMES WALLACz, MAI«assssndlog. For,Sale, ADvollla0 f lfOUsan sd 0îlot dh ive eilih of an acr of l'aud/Isvin frui FOr, (us-huer psrtlcularo appi>' ,lot scott, Jnly 4,1loge, -Oin-" Du. C ARS 0N'8, la thi muat baltby sand pl.aaant baver- e8a q4c1- tfierd <o b. publk Tisa>' ,*111 kagi1<~~bajse<<, i dd gaàa;an ex- ,ellout junflr ett ise Bio, a itimulAtissg tont., sud a iliglit îlteratlve, <ccd&,r- Bliosses,-preveutiug Plansd con- lagions disu. For Mesvous aud d4.1 cat ils iitbay omiW Lb. sistpaass. -W *ery cis s)jtbdld, usa tbm.-;- 0W.o <hem a Trial. NqumardtioMtWUtet eau b. givau cf <hoeu esae W9ITUY; , W. For sale by tuse -uscipaf Wholeaalo DoasloatDruggists, asd s ist-eiau HoaMtsdg&Woas WRIB e$ . W GieAl ÀghUfor <the abüya st1e6rata Bittera-to vsnsal ordrbouU-ibe addresa.d Wisitby, 31 4t 80.2~r -WANTED - cxit T3S ïERIES4 PG. "J A UTRÂL W NOltIC! Songle Reap*rs a iiýd Iowérsy ,and gëèapers and, MKowèe Co Mbine. msuLy*btbfrStckcfIopIeýeutjwM ubeoud Almeit ..ybu lier lai requifreg Md udolpaa is e a moo<*e 7yu* . UI o O erl las, 'd Of thé lates Maks.ý TGwicl il ütÉie a Bill-éOhid Rýýee nd 1so*eédmbified, Oayuga efB . or ad Stovecoo1b1udtb. honing $11 n"fbýp.r h ya1noMoe~. m cy d , i 0l1 b by M clee aIwo te acia~Çu r nauau r #'31b e -And can be guran teed to thé jiUhrer tu give satiécution tipa3l A ?AM TRIAL Olt NO SALE 1WhitbY, Jull4, 130. BUS T r BIROWN & PATTERsoNK JL-PÂN' A Ni ~I~LLÈ ltOlHBRbeg * ti form eédîtoü2m.aàd t1ýe publie, tha tbyhav.n-taiesu ltab inde=bsu afled oubri Lb li 8 eaaln'V 'iy <thr sd . t ol*cotqupUflws frua. eaow4 J& de e~blaimbt oro nsiyyara loo ~raz otngeh", ednteasOisdc r#rok su a uaSm. 4ar ovii sMd T eta * (Nr tIPHOLSTE in ail itoi branches.er 1tcebig t.or4r i ezola o 0<e prpceýu9 large an ospedid stokonbudlà, reqct- <ulysol<t~l ~ WreBom, o.4®1rock .t.tiO suO . 4Cllos tpet -. he arTILL &13B EIR No61-, oU tihe Qrnr LAWULI &FIANCIS, LaWloa, & ]Frati& itake Iefflvé hi nnoôunce 0f the late Charles Roberts, at a reducion beloi tue prime ccwt, and having added largely 14 *the tokôni baud, tue7- are now p repared to Oupply custommr with GROCERIE S, WINES & LIQIJORS, 0f ail kinds, and of the bet ualityat 1nredet ylow A lot of MAPLE .STGIAf[t just recèived froni Lower Canvaa, hIch wlbe sold c1ie'p for, çah, FIELD GARo- $----1 0of dvr~ es ipi wrnq..aud at uuusù,uallylow primer theïqajty. Id brder to <nake room for a- large îtdbk of, CR0CKEIgY, &c, ordere4 directiy from Edef1inf f*è arec d4osing cf the stock IdibUdd beloi'r costt jhc.' tAWLER &, IRA$CISe I-a - -friec Dsled a 'llb, 1<< usi 64 IL U.-AI ~o~ *à Wrrantedfit-IglllOMgua BfldI~4l1opasdylolieinh~ae L& ~SOMETHING -- ADInAIrr é, thsp~ a hy hà Be- Mies ko the commodios brick building, à fi* doc<i SouhofAN ALL KNDS Op ~R0CI~ ~1REET WHTBY. FRUIS & ItOBINSO& TO Vi% Tisa Waa-balf of <bat portion- of Lot 1NaIn-7 son.of trd. -àzbA *Éd l.Of Ta jSIacIe1ai iSrr ,<wfl up" the Pr« us (bih bordèiupon Lak. Ositarl,) leFrdouué'ab1 mic Dwl- liux Haiusa, a barn sud suijablo rzetbuilugog; TiUs 00li1amd kmucs aragpoil, Tho.pretnl*eog arc distant about soven inifla. tres-.îlic Town DTlsatslsuguur a'ao ieipru on f t 4 nbo ?a-enty sonu, lut elaird UMa dcftIhe soit Bloi cnofthe Tcvushlo fp eticlcorlng, lau4 beandid onu h asby the a Klgtoi fo ai "d'o *e byrts e lna klovn lige. batiteoatdsIt L*Y 2nuilt t2,ith 28rin, tiit au acre li#oreqre cosuro,'a#aite alaf«r i This Lot la ail clccs-cd, andl sa x p Franio lo, sud oo4 <rclard. -ittI'O' ]PARE]go, 's;C~ Tise Neri-ait-Ton Ame L mluuc Tbrylu the irge ceoeaoof t o oonpf Pickering,'asdeaaribed un a Dê04- 'Thiso Tne inaPartirt4-o, àl 1s apriu~ycicaro>, und la dim4> Ton par oui<cf thé. pu'nr oeé 1,ï i pald et tétis<uce oftho astd Ial, t t<a Volr or huasolcior A tirtlieroanas qua i 5116h saIsiteu percenit o oao-tlird o! isle po$rluaa shdlie bipid, wits t trao <froui <La eri ao@ vthis t1diîsy ays<ar, --,vth ety- saoo <d plu are abole m, e Isrore<hol)riotom<'lc ail li etito té <o voyp, loSud ho<t, i s lut. Possession, Furts-o ,rimclaw udbadtocf cal. n4 ia'a -ld on Appllcilon -0 Ã".- lis Gramouvood il ýsir end9 mcto~ . 'Joues sud 9. lLpciranolisrriatcra, sd IR. Zlllngp hsolicitor, hbMLuin grslisi u m deu>rzo, urucri;Toroiao,' suI of tlie undcnigncd àMater cf <ho Ceuit: Datto thliss 2Oth day of dune, A, P., 1866, (lgsscd,) .il. DAItTNÈELL; 1X80ILVENT ACT 0F 1864.- IA stoyarling 0on liolcisi uha <owflpt Wlsitby, gn a Merchasî, 3 l, aa spmrtuer 1l thli ofu e LYNDE 4;-POZT, uot ic amas TUE Crdîger,*1Mw usovou anotI4 JLto iot at th lk iliof thea onsitood, an tise Tovsi0#fwhiti'If Cousit>'of Ontario, oni Tcsiadayâ,:d d1>0f ai>' 166staiSo1lek lethe aftýo 901j rthe u-iusvsuslaqf ne0 Ica»elvcst sd.for <ho ordos-iog 0< thec Lmira oîrbttoi~Lto goutally. H ISi c Sespi, J LL ssoud rolisloI prepattlcsn, Inclot!- il igtheamat pepulirat-1~out MIWIsa, ai ayalok, Uiaeuatealc Md!t Dlopoualag. EMEof EN Lb. »plof'180. ll W1siibyiJuaîg, tan o o r .4 FOR-'. ALEsi <o , lmc t roi LOTS 18e, 17 msu 8, vaS b! rook st Whlby4od <rame dwrellilag houa#, sn 'Brick auposu am@.- 'Abyannale onucr009oulcbyJocl à; elo*419, . - 818 Broadvay, Nat TIfri. J 0< JAJIEs ROI W, DiTUBAR, I Duulias-toa. i 31. il. COCill<AT*Ys. i W'ffldm w (suclcessor«s to lhe iat'e d. - itobeïtà.) AGI Jiu, 1 ti à 1 1 - 1 AM w

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