Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1866, p. 4

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lA h f*trgb iMd or "p st41pId4g; sd 1, air the chargeortheii. ,of thebm aasd, *âlaih JEthée Orova Pffice'd iatek storaS- md fthe batteries. Everywbere '.abou tishe dolu - al.tieue.pariç.et-ae diggiag lerge tranceus la wbaefla. boAumtie and prs., Witu, kille at-e b1>94j laid aide, b>' sfde clotbed liit teir tmlrôrms., No ethen tomis stone la pt go mark eseis grav tia plsi~ wodsa cç>uon wsie i.vritten tisa tsâM'ber 0f esih reglet ttt ies b.. lee. The. officers et-e placed inl single ura n beside thse san. But livre and thora a tw ire aseàsi snt!>' carryfog nome eemrode te a mot-s nsîired #pot. On oe part o e fiedai e FisaanGonerai ---J wlîh bis staffT wua iaryiug hi. sou, wbe hit i tlion in the atfaok onitise Anstrian rigbst Clos.b, otise ife et a privaI. solder whoe hd ebnod ber isaband's <body on thfieIlld, baed lt burli!c by soute soidiets, baci bang corne eoù brance&es-on the luttle weadon pou s t tis eaedeand wussifting bis the (reshl>'furaroo ertit sobbing ber beert ent wit hlbWobottéred héetlaiet- lep. 8h. blidfelloewed his egiwenk t oretdt-tue anoir b11a troua tie begfnu1ilag o tltlwp campeigu, throngh aIl thbo longý -mar-ches theetrn>' buasmde. Tise leus serce-el>' wnnded baie been mevetd te iforit, rom wviicis, bwéo sp- p-oahote iPuiens, tise inhebitatts li es r al lfied. Tho vacetoci bouses have beon convesteil fate hespîtals, nd at neenly' evoe>'wlndotv and everýy dor, pmeu are hiangiaag about listlessly, with their beond or attrme bounci op, wit Èà a haItstupe- lied boot,ý as if the>' hd ne: vet recevered frram the Slunning effecîs oethtie blow which bai disebleci thea, Mary at-e Ansotriamas, and at-o prisatiers of war ; but the. gréSlesî libt-y t-mst~ lehacerded thean e fte>'Asre ailowed te watder about the- streots attd te mix froely vida thoProusin soldions. The xNew York "Ime8 o ohe iopoil- tiean tfeélitlg between thte sections$t-d At-e"as danlàatwart- ih lb. Sond as w, wore le, 6I8G4'It eaise réeors-te a receetý ciaucuns oet he Republicau members et Cen. gnou, o ad tatas -tisai ena etthean celled Lit-. J aaen elicoasedllheaelbutcher; AlItI er1 thûr, a premincaît nember et the 'Party, kiid 6"lhe belliovei AudrewJobnsenn ,libe 1jt as muait et a traitor as Jeff, t ail îhatl hud beetonaaid! about tlse Presidentil", Alilthoeoiuaâinuatior.e weriiudilyapplaud- ad, 1 À highlander, under thle Ingtence of %vizkey, ence, on a vcry-Jîot day, went te hb :oarried b>' tho Mye. 7,r. Grant of &b-l <ernethy. -TVe sot-vice hiaving commtencocl, 1 he bridegrer .-à,wuss aaked, 6"1Are you, will. lng te tako thiia woran as your wedded witro 1,1 "Ycs," lie roptied, wping largo dipd ef perspiretien fri-cm ieface, l"Yes, if I could got a drink 11 A rica îCtrolcuns wotlser, gaunt as ns a akioletdii, went te an. artist te bave bis portrait ît~n IVWili you have ititalien in oit or vaor coloris?" inquired the artidt. I"lie, el cours," replied lho, 6"It corneste me Mor-o naturel, and besides (t makea me o ok fatter 1" gî:coIsD Loyo;- Do yen brlleve in slecond love Mr. UcQuader 7-"1 Do I bec. icoeilsil eçond love, butupla1Iih a Mau buysa Pounad ofluger, isn't it Sweet ?-, and when It la gene, don't ho want enother poutid 7?oad ita'lt that iwcOt, tueo? Ttoth, Murphy, I belleve in second, lovre." Affoi-uen Ilu.-Jesls Biiîlugi mAYO - 1 travelleil 4 menthe,, leist -wioter, threw thec country, Osdzbreugltt home bedbtaggs etauSein L-? portmenty tew fit <but twe Ian-* SaI beau, 0Owing te the hi price and gratte akartty ev veal inNu Yorklr uty>, 0100f, of tIs> fat7 farilic5 are usisg sitificiuî C4 .1 vosi; 1Thii y t ip owws-fmish 0V Mutoui ri tt-e. 1) 1 VISION dOUw' S CQUNi'Y 0F ONTAIHO. Z. BDU"" "AM 1~'n'for Sale,' 1011 ds#lo tlsp &0*1 atatr fLot ?No. li, 1 fli at1t h i ýlè l aI ttIsa Tewlnl t i tlaýr'utglt Xw land,. un fixe>îrontiess. fitIby ~te,(îe'pald, >',WItly O, 1-Lum ber! t. Par p.rdlae ÉA1 TL locti1, 61h Con. Mara, 200 Aerfs. Loti16, 7tiIl Malaer 200 " WU418, 7fli 4" Toiotoaat4,100 C WU 7, Bt-ci '46 lo(I o '0 ce Lot 7, 71h Il Belmetit 20o dé Lot l 1 71, I " Uelsriaigeo 200 P e _a 19 t " t limni, -100 i Lot Ot Vcrajei C6 44a )aat 1', Ifront " flenavilk la0 FLut 22, do do $ 8% 7, iOdla 'Sentervilte, F200 -Oi lorn 8, qia" do 0 " Lot 6, 701a do 20 Lot 8, 1iis do ce 20 si Lot 1)ti9la1" (<le 200 Id Lot li, 71a do - 200 il Loit 1l, Stîs' do 200 di BNEX27211d Willtbyl 50 fil sOylva1 taaublc huilitit fo 'r liàglfLoowi aud PrivaI. reaaidenees lu té Town& ef Lind' amaatnd Wtattby. Fort futher Inaformatiotn. - ,Appi>'»,l R0fBT. -E. PERRY. Whitby, Mlat-el, 1865, 12 F a rmforSae à Acela te Tevashfjaoet1lonvet-s ao111rx irhtitmpart LtJi. 8, 2n DAý AR LIN GTOXIN lrfro u adù-fiiPe. Comfct-tabie LogglHoue- noqv freane bat-a, 84.xQ-geed waiiazad a lhin- '21>1101 gd of 250 ty esa. - Tid.a property Y 1111(1 et 0" a o,,ielonz tut-Mliof pay mint. Aisu a a t-n in twu aid atasîf mles of. BELLEVILLE, oi lthe Blle gra wC)Lt.part, I.ot 2, ]At L'en. idny-oea tatting iOOacesu; about 90 macos oleatetnti idar culdtatlon. Thcsejtt-etwo ftonripahiag s'omtîg ireha-ds anal(tiolme ulicrhxrd, tell ')car- tmig te elioleumi iloiacaiptiaru çt trait. Tiie pro "Mtal fatm bsxlding, et-e a-tutetaou the centre ort ie pr.F(~iatcmsaatda vtaw of cverv lf anal. ,Tliçt ittaiilin-atcomstaaata i umfrjmablo eriixoe I)îx-elinq loiae, uil ;mpplieci wit-it î;l)itg tendal oft waatet-. Tise haias and out- iouiidmestatics'> largo and ceetnmoiseduts. TEF,9»3.-Àtl baol $2000osis, snd balane on Cimue. Aise, Lot No. 12, 121h coriumtccait ItAR A, rwo IIUNDRED ACRIES, Abont 10 acres clearoci, log lîattme &a. Tiisl a it lil laot, -tenalS tu itated, aamdy staunfour mileime thiciotrefraotnd. Aimai Lot 7, thitihe l2tb con. SOMEILVILLE, 200 niFti-wit two miles froua the Bobiaay geoat (Ctaverllnattaml Ituttianti cunveul. J. HAM PERRfY, 'Wl hY Nv 9,186Z3. do ff Farmn for Sale, TrIl iml rfgm at-rstfor Salaouneasy tuliraîiala w rouh)amli 50 et-e, oS t 83,lu3 IL. BrAatsema lt-oa illte 2 TOW INIP 0F PlCKERING. icar tuaralma(ifaflty Ictter br-pil(i,) appIVlte f'u Iam ima c 'td, ut- W Jait- aLaimin, Pfolcltet- wiily. 14 JuîiIN C. WESLEY, GOOD CHANCE FOR A Bl aoks mi tlhm vIrBit, Tâs) IHi Northi Ontario. FOR SALE OR tg LET.Lu <TIIAT s'eu t iod brIck laoomilIlh' L tilimap mtdi ftyn'eCrrern,, totime- wit la trio irama, hxaiiaiag ocecpled unia àCarpon Tias~ ~ ~~n lemte l oat smt au lindustalous - matclittitil oiesi f mma t ettiig iawn inbobat- noset, as ie itOpromisoes att- uateal lu the Mnaaet ot a llielly tttidwcalthlu iueiy, am atit coaissienred 0o t th ie e-ybesti ginda Suor a bioketithla l ail NÃ"rthitalp; Tise- bilei imtatding Is 42%24;,lime o"SIi lîuj, tîsehetiixý 24, tgVtje uAte'seuop tx. koteliand ohatslie ttonleteimjly- Vret-atuton FOk EXCELLENT UIi I.'à,rm ýfor ým l.,t t v T> INU 10otlm~8al i 1 Lt No.$2 Ilucfhe elteuîld a i3. nînti econ., o! thae'2mwushaJl o0? msssR ŽM conLluîig 10 suresbout le aacee louo-d,- tUiU bat-a, 2ci by 0willt ataîhîsmsant i ltessund pi»%Il 1tho st-s.rfo gOcui wsis de id aa test-ai aaaasa lns Vroieas-a. $flttstittedmahet 4i mcflromthm ît> Y, idde cf Atloriey, andi soyen mailoe-fro etv Ew a,!ti l rdtalas. peaeesieil is gI ed. fa i ift-opt-loerm 1'. M. atAehbut-n, o' Une, 4t* AeOlkbumf,. M. ton~ laratteutioa pehâto te r.gploi e1 ,Teoth. il erwalranfed, W. n. GARD, M&COULTHARD'S U OF STAGES g baoieves OSIUWA for Cînol , rlagc ialter plate.mat 5,p. t.,etotn ettamgleavea Mmtillsa-tiy, att 9, a. ni.,, Ar-lhgla oshawaflutinte for ovening traîlne on G. T. IL,'Ettaa. c~,Butro ha- wa te celunitùa 7><cou!%ts e atn lOnts;. go pt-loto Albert 7ve1 cette, 6oyâ $1 12x, lima. uda$ p15>lasongcuaIt-on tis NetCiarat- eroTd l'r 44eais ttsaw t-eoore ripfg itei atlteeta crefauly atttaied te amad pet-col, delivoreci, 'il h despatela. Thto preprle. tro jli atot bo reeponslbie for paroei or pscit-sgesutil9es beekea anal paiti fer In aid- CIIEA? STOVIES Mr Hlotel Coolrlng Stoves, -Agrieultuiral Furnacos that Wtill Pay for themselves in O-ne year. Eavetrogh Put up with iron held-fasts. 0:> New linings Put in old ovens. .Repairing promptly attend- cd to. Ail kinds produce taken in exehange at the OLD STAND. WU. BUTAN. il Brook fit. Witby., >MILLJNERY!1 f1l8 tuart hegs f0 aninotante te tthe Lsa- s ut lof sluaewaanti Viauiny, tîtat she to no' ia racoipî t bler sprine stock otMillii!y andi le proparet f0moncte cIl ret-tam-itîciati Ing aat-aw adalti i eork, wltil espatoh. aisa 4. adamo laikea blave teoInct-n a mncere lisanks fur pan t tavons. Me 81IECOP. STREET, OMUAWA. Apltslochu, 160. 14 T. P. PREiiXMAN .CAIIIIGE, OIGFN & OIZNAIIENTAL P A,1NIT ER, of W jk ROp to Êtrcun ti 3 deore South Wislty, .lane 27, 1866. 25 NUBYEETS ANI) OUBINES, tui 1ftdw ite ster esvice. AleO, et, and ,Bel Revolivers, d shot Guon Batn-es,anti onmalerlals OtU0de0l» 0144the Tr'.dogelaeal»y ry l[?us, Stre1 atianiOlhce,' sýNAvo Ot'b .lron ohl'RSit aOnt jtr1j10Bll#JPottr)nç or ~. JEMIGTO &BONS, uts, ~oe4 Cnt-tis , N Y. [frookIin, April 18, 1866 ,nd made to order'on the s'or'tesi, notie, ini O1W~~A owHManfacureSOL MATIIEWSON4 RATOLIFFE& . FRANCIS. KELLER, Reproisents the followlnig well-kùown Companies: THE LIVERPOOL, -AND -LONON AND GLOBE, CAPITAL *10,ôooOO. THE EDINBURGII LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., CAPITAL 0300,000. PROôviCIAL' ISURANO1E Co., (0F CAN4ADA,) MirrES ÂZD MrNI BRITISH AMERTCA ASSURAXCE Co.. (0F TORONTO,)ý lIRE ANSD MAINFq. WESTERN INSU11ANCE COMPANY [0F ENGLAND*] ACCIDENTAL D)EATI INSU.R&NCE Co., rE,ýGLANDIJ ALSO-AGENT FOR TUE 1PROVINCIAt PERMANENT -BUILDING & SeAVINGS S0CIETY, [,Toronto] . Al l liSes of propcrty insiÀied ou racaîbie torms. Loaned; of eifRcnî atWa. - 1>i-ospeettagee aud fusll information application. Aise agent for Provincial T.eIcgr-aph Comspany. Aise, Mouey given freely onu F'RANOIîý KELLER, Poritmaster, Oshawa C. 'W. q '1E advantagek offoroci b> this institution for soquiring 9 TIIOROUGU PRAUCTI. CAL BUSIMJSSS EDUOJÂ'rON are aupcnier te au>' Commercial College lu Bt-. tisýit eca. Tbe BranchesiýtAght comprise everythiug ueeseet-y fer tise Booee o t a n t i B u s i n e s s I M a s s ; t h é y i i n l u o --k K c p T~t~A~TM, 1SEL enA &PN And Hom4Ylaàd-eFurniture., TILL & SIROTHE1R beg te inform.customers and the>public, theltabltheb, have pncha§o thé Stockl-it-trade and interest -in the btîsncss ;cat-t-ld on for ,4e l ,,P",t 54yer i h by-'thef r father, and beg f0 solicit a çontinuance of the pa-- tronage bestowcd upon the establishment for '30 m ea - Sofas, J3ureaus, teunges, Bedsteads, (5hests of Drawcrs, Look. f ng Olusue, 'Book Canos, Parlor and Drawirtg Boot,,Chairx, RcigCarOfc and Cane-Suated Chairs,, Towclsand Tuîîlet fitands, &o., in great variet>', and at greatly rêdaccq pricçs. W~ UPHOLSTERY in ail ifs branches. Every artiécbeing tmade up under tbeir own Immediâte uperintendence can bc warranted efthLie beit tua- tonail andI workmanghip. UrAI kinds of Gil Il ouldinggs aid Picture Frames made to order. An: cxemination or the proseut large and i pletdid stock ôn baud la repcct- ful>' Solicitn d. ' Ware Boomns, No. 4, Brook Street, and No. 2, ('olborne Strecet. TILL & BROTHIER9, Whitby, May 15, 180 ;0,119 IY JAS BIN &C. Wold anniounce that- they hectvp: removcd. te tlio çommodious brick building, a few doors South of' BROCICF STIIEETe WHITBY. MffSU MME R- 8SHO0ES, Just te hand an assortment of Ladie4, Misses, and Childrens Sum- mer Shoeso Aiso Homemade Boots and Slioes, and shocs of ail kinds, Wholesale and Retitil. Two H-undred Sicles of Spanish Sole Leatisr. Machine Need- les, Silk and Liinnen Threads, LIard- Ash, Silk, and 'Cottesn Elas- tics. Ail kinds of Shoeinaker's Findings flor sale cheap. gàM TERMS CASH, «j7E Whitby, May 2,1866. Fire!1 Fire! CO. L7-ly -Fire glas re-opened the (Jarriage Factory- Iate-ly occupied, by DONOVAN WiALKEY & Coq~ second ýdoor senth ef his late Factory, and opposite thc Town ill, Whithy, where ho is p'epared te Ta the monit complote arrngemeof ut lIa ind, being furnialict with tire BANK.s,aEX C r - LO R E S 1MPRCHIAN'r'S RaMPOIUUM, amad au EXCIlAkGEj OFFICE, wfiicia arc open ever>' dayy lii NIAI Tii CIA Xrfo) fl il.n Wbitby, April 4, 1805. .13 Farm ifor S6ale Farm f-orfSale ~'Classes n TELEGItAPHIX1G oor ay lPON- SFer Menthly Uacrotç peciaifons eftiTsiço, &o., alaiscs <cnclosing statnp), MIJ'SGROVE & WRIGILT, IIALL' CLILGEWIS 24 sst w Kainty g e stný d, T oprieto0t9 A~~W iý .,e~au ~e ~prat jj isbqant,, psçsCýfciBities form nuiiaturng Cariages tat-enallétheni td éÉ y* > îv , e- ?l pi~ ~ ~é# Or to let, within a mile of BEAVERTON. Ai boPLENg nII ilN . tllo retas ilg of 9i-vefn, the pro- , piici ermns oit otfIlopet- Linatsayand NO MONEY REQUVRED. For tefitftwe yeat-s, lte amnoutof o t-et (if fiat-tubc lot,)tue uoxpended, on itnprove- WonicI be excitaugecl for suitabie Village Ar.KLapI>' , C. . KLLb UNDERTAK1NG. Iuniet-igui l havng dlîîead of bis. leue utt Cabîttet busIness,,w Jl T 1L L NDP, ROTH ER9 -WILLIAM TILL. Ati wnshi*p of, Reacb, An mmoo It rona ise î lmt-iainw iriILAGEF If ANt3liTIFflx ifo(<mn fatt lo. Tie iau at CIond twi Stot-cy Brick Ileatec, ttamne Bat-a, l)r5vinr Bhd audaîstablalion Ciae ptcanimema anti is veIl waîneti.-ThtoLaadl.o;nieoguetd emltivitio.i,thot-ouir-itly mtirIaiail me matof utle teto slt-ateteatlmc In tîm (lotatat>' etlat-le.« Applicaîla'u te bo asado (if by latter, proe oela os-to, JAIIB TLAMOli - INSOLVENT ACT OF 86-,lnafi ' Provincoi Ca j lie4Co lu ia I l liuCou t CQImnta (fefm01a-it-of lt. CoutisI> alO- nim In thee anettuanooCABTLETO X LYNDE, oft111 lima 't-wn ut Wittbyateiy alubnvic t)alimne ag-se V14I a Morcltatf. ltallt-ilimativ, ms wii as Iart-Iet-In 1a1501 th fixe usof LY ND F 25i «1, 1ra uma 7 orp,- up in il '§ntlda tetw____ ld4 spwil ~coinl. "iEMILY MAY," Tuesday, flue lât day of Ka>r, Leaving Bll tEwwst =eevmratgo ig* r i v a l (i u t h I a m ai l t r a i n f r n T e m t , a l t , e ail pelltator ittercat. Raatua-iug ln tiiiie fer t-aine ntit cliad &o'i4 ISAAC .MAY, Bell Ewart, MAfi 28, 18,1.9- 17 1866. UNTIL FtJRTHER NOTICE The 0laritficeut , iev Upiqer Cnl!aq te èi P istea S tem er - "CorintMan, 1 7LL lt-ave (MIAR LUTTE vocelagi c'xec-bleîl) ai îlo-: Blrighaton, ea on ayWdei, - Celîoruo erty dal... ...... 7 s Colaunag, do . . . 9.i P'ort Hope, do.........10 On tlitee-oari t Trita ll t aidWest ou GrandF Tt-nnk lialwe.4 'Ilme Sfdaaaacr constiiàet< ChARLOTTEý, wllls Kîpt-ul; Traitas ouNl'. y. Cetttl, Test> TMad*asleavo Ie. Y. CentralDetot ev'sin. ilipr. ut 8 a'cleck, La cunmcc w.th- steamer. Fý1eiglîta andi pasatageàs mtnt unaur rats.-o- farit-lro tafteion tappiy o lu ia £fiu c Apri 3O~, ~Gnra Agemat, Katgtanp. GEORGE OORËMÀCK. TUMlBEZ MEXWiIAIT, Caatpeular, anal tityut ail kinda, efhnmm-bcrceuaftauî un isand,' 9 UJNID E FT A, T 1NI.. .mplcdaJattesaledti e lasaici. ~ - CSSukeptconsIaally O WiibFh ll, 1862., ~ 4 IPhotographie Galery, <' t e ta k l et i tr ,e , o f b e r ia n PHOTOGRAPHES, AMOTY. PES MELAINOTYPEB, Ors Aaay otior Mode 6 o tt Laie rt. - Ur Prk4fce Mo aeny eng uikr y 11t)Itatjuet adaied, 1 npav sfoëofe ARTSTS.' MATERIALSi, Give afs wa1ttng roomt a cail, anadi q..tilt ~'Att emxly caile solieteti.- 'W. il DOUGÀLL Whlthy, xfay 23, 1885. 20f G, -0,OALDWEL YETERINARY SURGEh. outit-y, that ýt baml eoanmenced preetlee in thse abîve linei-gtnd lio- lipes 1»' efrietasu tien e bnine*te mertlt e*haro of publile Oart-auhtraet, sîlcond l-boees biov [ulesIletel. MaWi kbmm. T IE n nd ti e si t e t etrn Ids a.n . l ng llttk obs iness ifnd adte Ulm lile ceiyng n hniniiln Wliltbye Voir, excltedve sî'cti pert a fS4 Yo.- XsJ Itnéer*ana .d pe u, PoPer tm-tlvricL- Wigel l.Cdcn eiAy, LIai B., 1 IV Cenanty Crevu AfIceiy- 2Prea¶'ev, fth tDçeftabner, -Ilrrister, 50oilcilo la c ~D44, Chut-ch Stireet, ÃŽoRi. VREE LL, gR. EGRE . , 17. StLte Pet OtceIZ(a.hwsmCo T, . ForhL1sstre A. la 0-n3e Stor,oa-yaea,&, 4L. Jý GUNN, 1 S UUGION e OTUE COl Byafon ltreà, Wlitlay. A. PILVNGLlE U17RCITAN'r TAIL6J, BU. ,IiUM itag Mnf¶ewN CLERK aT!iBý-, V adue;- mv ioa #04.-; Dàtdtu W,lLy, oe CÀ*a4) F ~ 1 1 Pib JAMES BAIN .Fïre 1.

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