Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1866, p. 1

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iti ndi soiti cliin li'esLilî ral, Reatt tiser -l laIlaigi Ci - s in hi-y wonl., ROTYà A LO48 .- 1; o er uu IL Aw ,GoM t, - i llîit - 82 Isaclu VL <iii ,m.es libertin. Il îteupy - Funa.. ~ ILL. 19 #W rwlU big prin, od &bd vas t%.tyho btekilsu#hoabscoula get *Oe sally vammluge for gond or "Outg of the nation of thea 9 6- bard.omrnad ,*money, but LO ~ . 8heslý . eP ,alaosad, sud bd Lad. 4 _ o eulnber va>, *foie the letter II. ng enmb.r. ravfu tob Pla*" nome mobiLa hlr, Md4 th.egoiulmau w« Marprlaed on flM0#t@ listoÉnd thst 8.391 won la "lil~ th* lme1k> nomber, mcd'that h hait lbIilt.Ie draw,, the on, priasof $10,0. l e aS 0 .i.rd for à moment, but re, *"dt rfieed h it aftion, Tary vàs & au looking ilsd vith propr dfiSOn Ug mdtriiaog vonid ms auagood î idy7ta th. bat,. lally handaowe, asud comisng ail th. vivacfty, laprigbîilinem ad qulakasas of intellect charaÂtériotio of Ik ruom*tc. aho oly needeit an idaca. OSb aal ber to rank biglain S oety, rturt laddont. uachfor ber, sud beaides me vas theo sacfbied pouueaaor of *10. 0p tbough ahe did iot know it. Soppome 6 obold marr her 1IThlth Ies pleaaed IM, sMd tbiat evening ho took the preli. Inr a, Ipe. go propcie&, abe, assurait tirf tIat ah. vasla carnest, secepted, Na . _ .1 - - er folm , Sabbath Bob! B014 Magaâdeo., -- So0*l4 1,4 test sud BSoksof ail kinds, ineuwg uomewsanad pablicatloma o8559 K7 E JL MA EAV£~a envol jet, Pcm#, iuk, r paprT ves, qailla, alatc tiouery lino. iu great- varietv, And1ai a] laces, baalccto, Sbimbleo, p walkiug aSicks, tancy pi o bal oxes o01.clora, an supcrios' Mako anitfilli lisbd und a tliousand uli swIlling at PICES AS ILOI w 'P eage favor - Wlîithy, Anguast 22, 186 sua uhe axîintorang tise>'verge plivaf-el, martiL 'l' NEW ADVERTISE] 80@ta" ogoo.l'ho Seat tinn;tlaget Isel if- <vostha $1 0,000, tic deîîcsîeîy $ 25 K ew s tblL ber otWbr jocitfortune, snd uid k fer thil titt ho-Lemigisî send Il j e Cii 4400 aud realiza tisa grceîsbaeke f hrenn. liary vas setouisheit, sot ouInl soiiie bot aoti> likevima vastheisel>'mode lzusbad-astouisbei t sit ors'>'- 'han- Mary lnfooaa im athat iL vas truc sa dl - dresu. that 4,891 vculd draw a prIza, and 'irca Ifn (te)iTlI lIbat ah. did vautî Le manitfor it sud hai Toiwniot cf ,,OWisLie ~~V!c doemndte do es- but tisat afier tisa l' ifeWt: jpereon ef t- detar- eit icou enitu; îup aud, Cuiliceiwlie l lsitru i nltent his arguments againat al#oulcuItlsîus tiis1enrpurutioîu -lobirit sud i.s ssuraacet that ise vsî e, I NiolitaîsaW. lritvn, I tbroving saya>ber moey na>,mde sacisen au tît th-s'uiue Town Ceîtighi. lu impreboion upon ber hst se tore up tise tu the linv11. ic l iucsthei latlter suid rapoÜteteit ber dollar. , aIt ieeacejs -uitigul id Ohi ht viai s fu va fere I Our K. W. 13 frisn ait aita ife, bat ne $10,000, W1, are gîmit toa blei.ta mmi> tisaiho ache! lihAgdî2,iIO hsoorabe., Ho di! not go Suie epama, malher di! iso desent bis bride. - Nie vas te seme eset viýtinhzed, bt N ote L oi 1ie doterasiucd to mako tise m-oat cf it. Re tne«bilHaei i rg il not batra>' his dieppoinîmanî, tieither A a <r of J inc Iii- y f il bo letber hvlsfent v wmursho (udt tise rwc îl l ýl:uinli, (1-isi-lti.tshu 'os of "Ilsai ho 5ud tnet.C' utu ned tise ber, nus!li ketilte tîijul<A.i m ite -Issus!, off piciiasutly, a a iigh.toused gen. Ahi parties are lurihihdlsegcshi;ts tenuvoulit. JAS.1 goe diacovae-roit o had elan aorection WItfyAn,1 -8. for bia vife-more fot ber tisus for tho A CARI) TO INVA , *lO,000-aud bis plana$ haec foi-nuiten - -1 thse spot. Tisa ycuug vife I ov owat fin ý - rnse il, I Cpligigli s isducatiousl institntion lu Michisiano recel-. rui ai. u tut-=liged Vur la; tisa pouah deëee!neceaor-Y lu scici>', ',iiiu-a eus>, Ssor btisai as>move ilut he plîre cf whuch cl sisi u(sluniLl ii?babîier Nf1u hqr- basbsnd ia an ornasonut. Sensiblen fitiito. lit-est tt illoIiuvi -t tons I Tisera i4nu dousit that Le hanse. îlt t iîl Yiui1. Plioii1taI bu> ecrait a goci vIfe, snd If lie tuilais! inonCS uet -i crtefi iipisu, u lotter>' ha drev s -prise lu duoobet. Sae .nilieltgaéis Ie lJ ept.e-, toi inot, It le stbuI.>-e i Ctr P test oficea iinqes. A Montr'ésl Journal mosiuit ti, praetice cr' s'ul'sing tb lait'.pennies l Poe tOdIlefer more tissuoue centÀ c liegal. Ou rsiorauca te Cisapten 15, Spe b, of tisa Çoisoidated Statis of Canada it i i tc-foni-vo quotn tisa vorda o the Stan>te -tisi ~-thse ceppor coins0 c tha Unied Kingilaut sial, iilivfî verronitiscorelu, posa carrent simd ha a lega, tonder ina thio Province te tise amnain Ivaut>' cents or ono shilling cari-oui>, amin ho more,.luin>' euoe poymenî aettise fol- loing rati hastisati t gay' .taeupper peiinyfort faiscents, anilitAcacpper.uholj n 'enny for oue cenI,-aâ ni a>'oIher subdi- violons of tise sait coppes' pennty for pro- Poritouste entas." Unlésîtà sbuuîteiuent Misateamendmn8 tisaiw can bl iteie, tbe proeuni prsetûce ît tae rcmt Office cf ne. >Iùing b'o eh-le peulliea for mure tisai cnn cent ie cieariy illegai, and sisotid not h. tolsrated. c While toeie venena erc e s'cping the 86a0 ýaat aboeatise Geunsase 'silaç, et tÉoohsass, ou Tuemito>' lst, a tnuporary * dam, coustracleit te aid tise main si-utk gareway;Oneman vas avapi citer thu 'tdiidle alsuad drowued. Anoîhuer Wu we vdgad lu befweeîî tiheu! dgai cmsud the itehnim cf thei date, sud lb vas once an Leuar before hise mextrace<Jfrein iei perlc~ otilot.Autoîher man wa csvept ondes' the Les! gotemsito tise race end came noar drovoiuîg. -One man, Whso c frma avapt ôver tise dam, caugisi bol! of o timubes' Ou lb. adg. cof tise IraiIîand vas &avde Tisa Quetissmm'enî s lttes' te 't ise iisp lifLoniten, intiusaing thut tise auffurings M b. hepeor hu Lonitonfreon choIera boave inemt paiefull>' stfs'cted tise attention cf Hler Majeé/ey1 sud tisai'fier - Maissy bas tonimaudei s chseokt-for £500 îo be fer. Swsrded for the choIera fundt tisaMot. tropolitan Zolisf and Diatirtc Viiting Tue MiaseSires a report from Paria, Assoiatouch l oui, otehoefralc; tJateo.cille! bis Cardinal, togetiser, id proposait, la tise proment taugaraus lié oetiaAro, 10 ceitebia temporal 'paver bt theFreincisgevernment. This platise (lardimea.are ai! go have appoesa tron;. Ilyet ief ~bat, aftar couideratioa, lisey iipognWad thse iscetaiy cf reibrtu>; to IL. 'Whitbr JIteBUat. ~aly.........'t c 240 y .~ 40ets4. App1.a~ 40 a 50 . ~ffa.ac.baltao C,( fssnu1<-f. JOSILPII T. - A tI) u1 Aver i 1>y atfl h i e c ni galws andubm - lausci, Auj., 21,4 Jamles Byri ilspeaailag sud Famll' cheusil Perler uf Engllsh aud Fo D)rugau ud Cileàilcal, don lu geocrni Drug.-Ints Sun- is&Colore, patent modicin, Perfumeryý, il o '±otlet .&rl -BRUSIIEYI eaîi JcrPtîd19na anaove oonrtad wtil tise ligitimate DRUG BUSINIE WNF IhhANID BRANDIES ?(OR M lual plsrpokes. *GEN4T 7014 ALt OUA 1.II9ERALLY ANDS tOe" rooek Streebé op#%Ite Ba SIONTREAL. Wlsltb>', Aogfist1,15. Lum ber!1 (*'fet of Onk, sud 5,000 feet 8p!ieas, vanté-ilb>' tisa nriens ied, bago for tOrS, At hlmcarrdage Shc. - Whitby, 1', hany. 1866. sed, i niiar abbero, bIouer mfrm tqgpll, tfor u5 5tbsicst «go Peei1ýtwinlo'lderi4 sud eva7thwi 2t aMe".3 Or'ta ter a aoJorn of uen, yeara 4u Gt ri~&tainz Cni mental Europe, wre bc U oqdth datnglsÂL ~ O O D S , . . À 1 b u s , t e a li e i, a g 's , Dxî M îg is val y ,te u lri nd -ttrac tive e 8 W labo »p en H M M I# N & < O Il rieabrocea, braeo chaiansd neck ti ril1 id came! buir P 1t-verytiing . - -ioF C TR 1 ' 0 T T Pidn08" Mei6diens, Violine, Guitars, COU. au- M JST ~ ~ icrtirn,,, JtpOrln,0 k18o., ail ihtitaedl instruments ofte I . , t'bc listelametaitPrince 41jlirt ILEIL f, Si. Q MaIOi, abff itian d mugtie boo14s Iaeat m b. Prince of Wak& .The floyaj Vamlly thd'Iloaaboehld, addevi otIer articles otonnerat.ed uthe above branibea; Uihoat ofthe erowned headsa(cf CbntInanýal ËïroPe, lie bas Wded.,the. lSth iantf ie'ligitei Ainericsan siith the aceumulateitattractions callat and Jntcni1s retuli arntaly in §Cgtab. 'A~ 1TVU~u n lT fA1TT~afron the ranks oi thi e emEngliab and EaropeanArtilt, lu wban hlipe agstao sbcw"ouch au-a otnzc il b o u t a l ge ~W S .uiN HUwL IN UAYIAVA. TETU FC tAA us with a cail at 39 Brook Street, M1ontreai AND WIL XNeTA~Sw ;l m t0 0 0r1prbio At prara1At m IN TEÂFTERNOON AND EYENING, gr9 tIy redUoedpri ces GETBRMS Sa e a ,23rd, JA65-TS. iJOllNsTO4, redit Thi'dayAugust 186, atc1imer and jeiilr ird! ur *Admiligioa 25 cents. r Reserve catit 50 ents Great.elt dî*a<ý,ervwof th Ti. ttracetions cf this voet and noo alttl aiblisbmant are c R A 0 )1iIIL L1. Iy A T T I-PT i h 1 4 Ttti ip e r m i t m o r e t h ea i t a b i 4 c f r o o r e r i c t o ca o e w l t h m -c a k X 4 . tieocieylimita cIl iti, .dvertiffamolit; 1)il.maae 0< mrm6 *Id ad 'Village i ntb ali t Lb.ortionlor otteniî',, cf u oJ>prccimiva cblict bollor PainntilneOaa Ilwiîboun nia; broOTDC, .ONO TEDAZZLfNG Tkcn9 i' IPLAY Wiots mark» tire autrear of tho ctablliîmoat loto eci 119 g *eibe,. wil effet for fsale ni Pal,;,-plmcè It box tie houer or visitifig, and in Wiich tzi ! 03E lA' ntu, titre Vil o lgcllThe lgomp of Pageoiimtry" icis'segoe ,GJÀ N L A Ii(l A E E y ta 1 'il ~ ?1e*ý difa. iîi~%lor MA , fBl 1Cidates or Chivulrir, orltheIOpte adore oftheiiField =cemona, liai-. day, Aug., 2h,1866j, -or tIîo 0101k cf Gold. LIý"PNISTTA tailseca orinally miles, froid wiliels. -snlenli ...e ofe i cti - ii BrltiOs as&mogtàmj wiîî ILAGE the 1o1?flUhniT paurouoaion betenle ereby c&r a briidrn t ni(uijitre il[; uu t ire I iaiwll ailetiate lt eachoes atigriîi spIair s t ]&.à u tùa i 'sonVILLAGE OFl BIoRsd tii. te1.1me .o peedlyas lise EGYPTIN OL. TeVlarofBola ;!% itnatol t4 h wl .lGR NI)CIIARtOT 0F .SOLtU1! rr l,ito oftsv ne,dqteieoreln. BR1OWN, b>' ronsd, lu front of lte 4tit copcisbon ni Mas Iis.h r Mayor. I Ilow cntaine to Ilottise, Idedhanle and4 aoIn vitwoaoc ch a ge ichanirebusi ess, b atocota. MoS.bteon Taw Miil, Iloolianlets cf varion,% tradeo, ' aaina eifnedy, iia i. 4t. at. atoleCinoi bic. l adecided to offer, at Üreàt1y'reduced prices their entire stock of .1- Pl mî ilaoîo.eeeLuîlss wolL . *c.,&c. A Cthojo lînoit (bIck) l li wiereer t ionee nal inl ndc I c e c r e t o n , ro n d a ry o n g e l e n t a r e c - i n e ul rd o i l l t r p lh loei.l for tteetul ofmuîea WoolenFin V hilerae Fed u.rebi eniin ep tory ln thse Village. d al- bo treypirle ite TER!1ai...cne..,th payable rnu logt c Fbitc..O- o rary, 1867, Dirir Ltite lt,A lix srnaI ii- îont , s ,na heeti t a...ai iieeibecourtsa risn Biir, lu al'iscsstoa liîrrsfter, witli Isiteroot ut 6 Pet nes. i r jeo,, lsttisa>' lic leiclue i se appli Li o.îîî f leiel. Pîirciton(ra wlîo ititnd building will bc - eori icita bti a y bcd$oîr t efit u d gï 'ligo4t I)ct-in- it'Ven trlie oi 1 terniteiia.Ice o Virolauninliteofeaeronort îsnxt tire rior;îîlge nsltutcy. upair.. i . Toc erg landa wur: naoc u.flcdr n D l y a r r e i . i b l e r e ti t o 1 0i y l u g " £ g ite sai. At llie omo tint dplure, uuler powercforescie isla a Inaatiscure MLUSîo. . utile ftcecrtanu 1o. dntly coIz -en c tl tw e , *forci wiîs I? pro. ~ ~ c e r te s , For ' f 1 e q- I ir i t-wsi ie ur ud Egn use 0l A lita Idf N0s0r1 flaigrcof.lot X.lsuf50f lot No. 1, ti Rt-uii , n Enaee i olin reftrai Liquor8, *"r; Deulesi. eut-. Woedf, noce. antad soylii e, c o c a - o f M u r a o n n e t r î . d ily e I s e î l a r k lle l l ua tîs uii g a ilr lietl Atu,.lt il.AI##, Ltlirbu D. Alec ntLie fare dsnc and pilet tlifollow- Sk ey bbcltcfbtbr ~ cLm lc frruoigt hi NwSoe on raï,t ncesrsuit.-fnaga es îney i ermined on making a clearance of their present «1'3i t s'Poa ol'Iseî. ~ ~ e sortAle I S ilz, tokpri h o fÜ t iobernx , elleuire Tied ut5 e. Cisug tirn, khe'eo sirise.a' 'glc-e'! 4ro t'l sutu rtllih .'ltL.4 in l 3th - go1 oc laoruhî-fiîltsrh, licarlur uopenn isbrowl uow iu courgie èf cection, on the corner o r fdDanu s ttéetà,it., brganâ I'de -a ch . . ii e nî. T.itulsEar ,Elaîof NiOlIç X et.uJhas o f lucu. .loý iresplioifoitir Ie }l, Gl,(I'EIIRAANI>), aîsd frellird fb th~o (PR- arc lp store for aIll'-bo aay fàor tbcm with acisIL. stsculr.sîaJs,~tlNnc pa .,f tme Uri. NoItîitufrfoîN. . l4 tise odsiFît ilN y, .CAII <OF (CONFUClIJ anId NEITUNE'S b è A 1 Wiiigla, urte,.. . ltsqîioiie e xliole trahi corrécasmio (If Niaro ~~~ ~ ~ ~~100 areTRI'roN-iDIILNI sp.A eji AU-IoiT, wiliciijrecocile a CIJITEGE of £ RtébrteÉeetsokms édsoel-fi tal*vp ei aoli aoeafuieo h liij sontIta!fQ elt Nog l ie l ce, KNICIITS. aciecgsrap.-aje, fosd <tla i ltcuiuiijleî tet-l,'" froinlise e eentstck mn t 'tg e.1 cf ifatali-ove il igotiani, (ierclsiimeliy fna ýti'for-sct c5sci.i f Marge ...........100 ocres.h riMe mirt. arfea h aedtr iidtopnhinw e is ilan nieynè BtU 1 sîisidsurseof wlilîîtise muetil.ieîsluaa!i ilîbrigiit prieiu.. acrice asthc ar aecrmnedta penbliirnwprmimalwh.bon nbiclbcc thecil pnvenmar ati i-il1o olt No. l:i tie l ti ie idy TsoliuIs iL ns I i y i til "Li sel Y0 a fire ', piiin ie-friit eo co irn tille s ',c u gy3u' li toî 10 eol)ce-slo ifMungi........... lm acres. tiuiîl Litler ofwlc; i d1eval 'arioiî, oîid înllowé ie M T ebi- perasie. allant t ei ite tin W aeded hio intention w hil tte1en a(oredwoffrirln I;ll li o o 2 nte 2i oi frt 0 ce. - * Oîit îit ailOsu isoiiîstd 111),,11 *"0 ei icin thcir ucw promises taI pénforthLbonl fal -gnd ogo-h agf I - ionscfio ilIi mosy Que wîî o uUii-ials' or lut 'ici13, lois tire i 2th roîscye,rri!>- Ici th. oisua trjn n i nglon î . su, neSi nirdls , ofsLINERY E T 0fM ý * i ssction cf aIl coprnd, on lafidc ëereefliL- jý ýnr .lad la ar t api ed,îelrîî-juui i Cuicsl1or <ifaris,........... l ) ocres. > iîu lsd sîuuteut.FîîIllwitseLu lI* prouil cav-alcade, conme pasr otariesa'of ehb bail ing fpr that adTail fiî upoa.lia' le s ite ier îjwuilt rcoeasil' îl.iraid tese oglil oh; N.illtire12 1 0 cre. iehr Cliio Br siis aie]-iL Csr iit'gi-ics arisi nes rui!eiieldent wltl, spd- ------ ----- ------ ------ ---a u l mle.1s tcnII ias Il eleg auut~esI îiaiulîi, ~mml, couirlcrmedy ontoe. ao; sifach a ven atI i;lN Il o.aà usji 4 conso . m, (iAU ît0081î,îuLi.le v,isii>'ht ut ' il l îims Ci.ui qattUI t>'LAeqadirui dcii decil<ts. n saî.tî Hersoe, Noi al fssofulot No lu, I <flue tth l'races iti Alitl~'-ry eo~t*' PEAVeIl," st uiîsgyl t ir e béant> L t!ro - etfctaogitjnyrngk ,b ri riurLie Miuk totd" .0 " ore i - ilisi istuuli w iir s llaer ti ' iii-î'g ylile, i-ga ttlire înu, - le#u monre itrnren icl is hof le i nnu 1'iak it. te Ili.ii, iLiloriico ii s e <0lcret. ' "ai£.£., fltiri liel t, o i.li yfeui le c rsiiotaln lu t h ie e n>. con r.lotis, 2 ir tise pbliue, Lotsi, 1îtod 2, conecmtiun F. ?Çie An enorinous Living Lio)n, trained by Nr. pie2 ott odb efci Siri-oy. Ium.............. 20 cr% -ôdgyDugt n i FI eT IM IIFtiRRA L, fodiinîl bmtl ~ae 1 Crocket, thé Englièh 'Lion Ring, llrn c 1 cs lut i elaarSanie 'FJES (jorlîowulu 4àrosiilay aofiaiue. Thea sale will i tii..fand sicousc thant nU-i et!lt Iflie ecf n otuui1 ueinhdL amther4,m roanuitoJAScc . R &ËÈ 9 ýI ace at I* ie cochic, n t MCRIE',8 bhel yIle gi-<îui-,a or feml i' i 'im igîf Ijd ,Ff "that MÙ. toX.us98> Ag., ti. ic. 21> Irecl gliî. EI i I.>-.b sju ts .1frEn ln t p r wiL.Au. e.10. il U iî tiiitil nt as tire vent ucrine of stîl hgittnlntîssrisîi Iter se c a e ti J. IIA31 PERIIY. rlin hiai-nahtza, n'aatu Il ..le lii.t sit aiulogs.iailllu lleirfît, c à ei T 5 Wilslhby, 4ngz. 1, 1841!. 82 st-lot-$'ifaii t1III11Ite, tàm berid taniitoS l 'Ila f i, t ili-t eilos igotlt- . Ili fe uille fis fltlt afi! wesk loi>- a m f o prîxluuuisuiiis LufIti¾4I»;IT tUll'tel fa Oillt'wiAL fttllmn M f ( îi!~'4~ lie Mc, ille iulart-iv e cg.. -1(7,ogkett'y4 ep nt Wild I ais,, irc'si litS-s~E u sil UýI I ' Iy 'ixtaet1î tli i , îhci-ýea.Titran are lte saine aluitnsila, wil tila Tu resitUs-t. ,fIesu jIlicribel W-1 &selccby hyer LutelcAND IMPO09T THIE t'fODS DIRECT. B cotciusious cf tie efti(, I t-risiti -r, tu ie i l ies-h 1 lir dense, tlierilia thil dip. tI4,wri'> f r filai-ciat bhi- ci», IeY OF -u,; A I lIEU ON M ., MAJEST ite, ~ rraùdgc'Ùlêits aise noîv beingconpleted foriONHpO a~Y Famosan tie___ 1 .1i~h~ uiorei sigiletiî i IV l,(t'U, 114 IFIlth vu-hss -ir tieî emswtht Puli gnealyI iAII (I liii-tYI tflin iiI-iî-I -w-csîemnao îsl larging terpemses, evc -ha if Oli-fi rshnesuasil.uI, luiLus rc.~s.f. îfîî iltheL'Un. - of adding aFirteclas reIî-d~-dA r TP h> Ie-jubleci- ernsiuer li oîz-. îruifuly, 1 -, rrn-- <rus thv cril izers tif Laondon *ga et . I -Safsil si- cunr,tuu sed ood ae CY M 1" V Ir- CW)fCFirrwtriegairei i ls. tiawu. la Lue anduti. iani (diodtl,4 ed îîl blsh e tsldsîsg,'ïrd a trgoiu;iesn rcitrireIcos 51 is i,,lielai-grK e n t, mailnwefai ganîd ttis il'eernai-e n cr xibht. Tite unly friul, ni-i hi s ls aot,, wlsich l dnlmîîs.nxaieililevingccpnuCr». tuisl5si yiomi i.îr.-I hih tcy fe i a te o teren ra ig u ies . tiuhi 20cucfiu reA nî aash a hion»,a latdoun bond f<ft' uIc, wluoîsaî outl thPiYsa.'1, pupl. seul nu! si-forros e. Ceetîi. lsu eiier businedss.i Iemgle ailit ierre- 111, uril. riend ond -N r, Croketi.edilietissuistsuds csl% liehiîi !ad uîiîIud 1ly -eafed ihe suc <nui re r e n t trin ui:tirl -iew tirîe nsialîcei .ui art-r itui.iien~Wmu, Ls .IA ESUO E,& tu rts a aini'er) t icin rî uiao. c lleshn it msr n os 011,l aal Olcr bmnaifufensonc!qa i I In thé, nicai tirne they oflcr the balance oî rwiluuontlIfcrub4tlii, to uie Duzzlîng -qtrcet Paico:,y wiîî bc founot Inuthe Gorgeomas their Suimer Stock of Dresu GoôdS, Prinits, otn; lt1 rsyo 8OMETrHiNd 31oriumoth 0CUolac Curlu, bcrangcm tavnnonm -Vu.moaAtlbRuP. J 1' ~~pilforms usa number nof Living Groupes, Ibo fi, *T/,,,afoWik~ Uoaîieleocp Tr1wheîlc aurmonîrd b>' an immense EAmM & Èv id.,-1W-1»..--..J- - -JeAS. Y NE. ing cqtleine reinse rideratie in i3,srlbmem-- NA ~Th sibc$eir dud nI tb ttntbnofheAgic1tri cin M N- 3OLOAN. [ E D i c i - ~~P O T A I J t I 5oi l à fA I e n m k h d i , t t u itw l ir a itci e a . m u n i b j - t h eb n r S t o c k c f m p l em c t & s t e e n j l b f u i , e m s v r y t b îo g . t h e P a r - c W Jfl) L E~~ A L E Dol1gbw ton ioMaiaOn t aO & l quiire; and ap c ally ai tiila acascu d tie ydat.';tLa hol ' Sto k of If g ms lc i shne î prepureu ta 1iutéi tr IFULLAItTON St., iiearmhttiam iae kit y , ais io ddl ls fritrSAm Ot A . Jeqi,,. .and aide- f îuî-à ï -ATI.BROOKLYN, NEW York OiAWtttr , SMTI m«>î.%E~ .iii ISand o. Y r.GýY aiÇ$we comilineg ien l y a i ama !.HLE 'F AiC puKmupJ4x LMIITMAN wifthrdocd lus fsveuntescctpallie* e 0 a adé~iv~ i~Ilf l î( DIVISION, COURTS PCI,------AI _ __ _bet roà,W cnI edsa b,1pocialct-durlng bbc'lait csn a' sa smk of POU 1THE bd, dddriyytwat " Co COUTY0F N 1RI. Farm for Sale IIBBASAD 3U' bo1é4e and a bineief Reap. -2 -X F NTRor andt Moar rfô; ieMuiu~l cpr Ie(Iygt mirMwr...Q hîui t iot -, ho7 an "2,Plkefti.........5n ~ S EsOlt le thé O n i It fr es aiory ant al 0of4 ýa. PO bp c hi4es, aw . ite aatLia. Thayae unfa 1tiire4 w4li cars,1-Aeity Nç-.i, w illoT 0R salâtise o t r o. 15, N returing t uaksifo p e fa # .g M ,@d - p i . of théem n tu e w ý ar ,m n ,A Np.1, hlt~y.........lat et1886 F in h 5h cn ,ono hTov!ultaisî,<, It Irostcintlnmatlig isth b iiisa t aano lIh ctuî; ars ur r sdr p ~ 5 ~ 'i h aVM I o, C N N 'R S iPceig -t. otwjtzettiig i creare naticniniuîu>er vltP r srF ngaalé 6 er CEN I TÉ2.. 8, Muoisatr......d u 281h' ten gacres cf Ï;11 wheoit "Ira. Tf4 tise q o uîms Buan an i-e prcparad ltca fa icoW ai "id .Jblag......" thi " dé rZ, -i-lt; Alitt!',...Yi 0 tofAsb Arc jnI~sw -Lbr ~ < air terc a îam. ua cu Cale !DgtLbu*mneon te nct reaonasle tomgnmee.Apypromhye utity ofrug taihree,.land, g1lé dAplluilu>ca e a'ete .-idn±edt, prhiooz± iv staftein ip n J3t $IILDK ilu ex 7,Athalq......u 2tis,'i 0sForarrpartioi-hîrs, npphy to Apl. WOuLVetu e NDKta',gura -- teidtorfheoe:ve aLusctio jp rs 11LE'-- Z. BIJRNHAM, JUOhNý BOWLFES, Or te X. BAKER, aAPI RA OR NO SALZ. iea eiganilîsr~ Wbttb>', 34Y801h, tit;, c o iatb dessiss ocf the BotndE R N - ui! gonue' ttcit, &e., Xxei Or 1 b>' lttr, (pro pa,) Whty P, 0s Wi ~- ;,> , s.- i7 jay~ -BROWN f Wliuy Lu4ou I60 -- - w jc c, - s.

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