Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1866, p. 3

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th& bei - s>i 'a' B. s - 't $Jt1 , 1 0,11.aj'ak s la I Iarrs r ig s To eI fi 1 uIgu lo sstég'.isu , t. 1 IfiTkai' ss r, w ih1Ptst is Wesds li oi's 1 ne7 Ws, J vIser, tho 0 avasuavd b iiiane, , k sqiirroila Ai retS scji il J0450 F m, l. vvas, i. WM. OilaIfu, fUgs latimiet t, Lha reoManc, oribela I likhn [1,1a, n>, a et MIr, JameiSt&jWBft, -O9n iles , lit,, pAnnaie . neti-àt Y$Agss 29, 1898, $ ,. 1.10, s1,20 s. 45cts.' î8.00 per toms 1.1a(0 :ITISEmENTs. 1R1UG STORE5à t. Whitby. li- anIngo rsget-r a qiras Kiglss &»d îaI R 11 gOot.p Vlyify ligut, N!TEDo t. ýi eut ~ h ipJiluuIsg logé. E. hats a. fine,.~Spdi Grom&d s1 usso aIfoloA A n aier, <.A5It, e~rtis I1sst i mouîlgs e re4Jc'ii b. glv.ss, ois turssls.s1'sg pproved Joiit NotsoI. 041e k. pogwasssieol skelo J,7 At 10s.as Loyal Orange Ausociaionf, GRAND LODGE rg]CTJNG.; T ? " , , ,,iz<. ts rond'Lsç, r f'e ttliaM W. 'teé Orasosl lÀrtigo B. Ifel,- WiiI 1, 1nts Ti l ffDtit,& Thrdalth of sept., next, AT lfo(it. Grsandsi &ortury. illa wa9 nelev llroesvil, Vicsto ss- ri IWarlei," li aert onsce sdend top>' tu U. ieematry, Torossto. SADDLE FOUN». 1FitUND im"Iosst jL.lisfs's5(issirt IPort "I. ii555)a tise 2iruod ' I asit, a >s4drie. 'fin oiser cit louetsicsao s îvssatoeivsgsaolss ssJuiUaeseitbysijJte t- ,uînç TrE * ~ ~ ~ A ity, vS['>l 5itti5>'u INSOLVINT -ACT OF 1864. a.. i'(~i55UofCaissssa, In tlise (Vslnt<Court 2Oisy(4 orss slu the tiseCsrtyor o<i. ir Ianin atesr (f i'ifTV.fTAYLIZ Itise t T'rvssaiip ofit&lot Whtiqpy luis e Coassty of 14MY119Y av~tise 25h layai'Norenaler, 0isit, ut eleveai Ot'thn i .ek ln is uetores- liuîif ,tW "aeoiWggiti l ssp O'1>' lIthse Jngfge- ff tm'ftis ais Court., as Wlsthy, ia tise ald COUDs- tY. Aor saslhiaIasrge sasdar the *anld A 3ts itri ut >lsa'tîh 1hls>u Agat ). 18M u Note-.Lostif A NbOTP ýnti'IAnol ti a hiMrtirn Tisiln C5Iilia r o t ~ n $4 Il* 5,sisll (al io sowe ssi,, ý,gr<esiir gVis p 15 isit.lO l iessby i istlsi nfsstneko- tîtr , a i K<unfa J'tsitls ite a0#010a bo ie il . .aopjisd. Atisînf, Ai«. e2 4à.1sIn AasadSis ol aaia sAgliuttltursai 140oIt>' vWi t aise pisa. oi xondayt lot of oètobe-r, t866o, On thesetVao ai' RGRAHAjM, MAU, I'~ttte ri. t . I erry, la. vapio gh es isasl1t, ....... .. f2 Co lIti prit. aori' . ldhsi ior, Lq. 200 RULES AND REdt7J4TIoN0. iF401S Pa nte itosls' - aurte *fois osisth ana aemit fsrssealoi , brmeDgVt essaIs p a5ontof #W Istisep e ntlssirsg ct, olLa A tsps teai t1e grcsltui e l.e»'té a l0lu i anab en ty o orbdtpo te 9 fo att isa *A, dfisatriet Wssbil th gri 7i 14est'asa li0.ie51s i jtpbr -n lu dtioft b the supplie rèuantty teceivedi sup~ iders âte no* beingfil!lè4 Wh ihill enhtis.sttcrt thible, pomtell oolejetbyUeIst., hips mnd necI CreJtW I() elaceà, blyets, ji, 4bibIe- r 'a lati by qtg jsltes~4. Croie, meWns, fLiquies,,Omo «j i 1 0b - a o; ponkWe PRO VISIONS,'UI C ER ,CHINA, ya plg Ni u eoin~ Voln,4U46 Glas#ar, StnewreWoodware, Fruit, g0fthig ~o4ens, 40" sai lunduinftrdowntg and voey thing ofr4o il i l n d bopd, by un ,orma.and finiufî. AISO, c1eet inu4 su ad muebjts Pb . ant vntimté bu.ineà ou, 1s,1te own FAB3MERs PROD'tTJC x lxÀKeN iN 1OANGË. ailiga A JOHN URQUHÂgý PICS.'A'lS OUS S~N 10E I1 N A Angus 169, lolue. t - l ~ ~ease favOr-us witli aCOUu ii t ,rook 8treetMoitre4i m .________ To pfi OffiS. $25 Rew*ard !O1THNG Whitby, AngW 129 , oui IMPORTANT! DEATH To 9RATsi o ,o h nr Toij of Wlisl o W 1rviiqOdis'poas'd' II1 JI!1 beesalr te 4sgifp<tssvie.5r71 c, Auto, LAW LERS 4uegkavti. aerjo's os. lu... zlt o1 loogil W. B Irown, eJiaysr, li s- JLsrd 4 aie-*uo îrWCosisic;. horchi osarir ia lec o ssvte itioo Ii hs iity Party'. Mayor., WfibAîist21, 38If Note_ Lote A noto i aîd¶îwîla>' Frania Blai r, ii fal'or or Jsnca Mina'c, for tise puls:of bero, sse la.o asthsllst ùuteÀft'shorseut, JAS. ILUKXiw. A CARO> TU invAtLIDa 8efdln ls il nssfli Asine- A t 00M îh->eed.'îas MWl, sssssl alssajiisrensedsril. ur 'uron e l'rriaa 'We,«kaea, isrly Ioeav, iflO,os ofen0tise Ja4 - ias ssi 09 1909 'filai (ireehl, -ai tise wvl.letrain lo ordo-ra fîrossfst osa ti s'iissssjd vici.)Uis istylu» tatotituocssissitralisv'. Potrs ,'ssrsi b>' tisia assble tehs.i-v, l'rosnpte,1 hy i uiessroa Us Is.st tfit ~s sietes i sd astietsste, I wiII etvlot oally 11ilsdt SÀOs ,118L o it, NOTIC0E. f[iIi~ sshiserib,ru sli'b og < tesgqti(y tlb Merchantil, Parmers, and the Public generally, Thont tiser hsste jsast rmeived s a sîga os ig c e .LMa.I. sept., 51h, 0Mk&k th e a iô Thse osiy frsti, rriv%.Iis tlsi% aesls. Wil)Iif Iinu.>aesAndou iassd for ..gJ., Wlsicsole a sas ISTP T *i~~ ~ & (!0. 10 M Pame. foràsslwkrut) U1110 ohmo,, *,01 L'aPrge#, vftîs ph I saship aIit, 0(f$25 lSur tre«s.isoç SsI'oa tii, sser lbout 2,4i% îilist iî'îvge 41eg' eilnrly asvert'sir sîsnd (4,,d 'r nr lus fls Pesssm, asitwssejfls ('issssiî.tso vrssi'ls4 roe'sus sto tisejdate 4<pr <hus ,fl *Ooto gob ho llrobt Immess, uin' V~o t he sîenssd. Fsitrleaho tosssufko iotil .9' ~~1M iel4'rg'iisY,,witls $21 fî'f'l slnsicoe - (I "r s'si'O tise I)lOt sY (Of Aflgl14. the t(sfrd P D r ot f9 p ve i * »t lcetpr4Vild cifo sst or isisdh'(4,s asa inll ToiIet Soaps, s$50oo0'Para., fêrail sii Isrxoo,. tlist nstc iule hn S fmt8In 5r,, b tirss. lin-U5D. FFIIIIS & RIOBINSON'S WVOUdoIfU1 Po#r, u'etev kao*slt TO PAIlà Agent fo r Wbkthy, :.&$. 13YRIE. 18HLESALE B8DPT 89- l'agi, 1N<.YIIBAIL, nmad i dOe, PVLLÂAiron s-P BROOKCLYN, NÉW York, Whitby Races Mil THE 'ONTARIO TURF CLUB, I-WZýS, fo tihe sImProecoent i' tisa bre-I of Ilru ilcognes ut orer tise W Hfl-Qy,' husy andU riby Take leave to annbounce that havinig pur. cliased the' 0f the late Chai-les Roberts, at a reduction below the Prime Mot, and having added largcly to the stock on ,hand, thiuy are now preparedý to supply ustomers wth GROCEIIIES, WINES _& LIQUORS 0f ail kinds, and of the best quality, at unprecedentedlly Iow prices, fur cash. Also, the very bcst ALE & -PORTER in Bottie.s Just received, direct from England, a large assortieht of MAPLE ~ O0 lI OCe ilts pe r N.fla"AIgoodsisrlt âitd gos¶h~~a gnuîy housc il, the trade. f200 Paras', "pesa 'a t as»Il ia, t-vo ois l 1iieg tglsnul'seîyswOiglits4, *$150te lionsfirist i-r-r-o. alitsi$U4srln tile eobaasi, psovlued tlarec ir mord isoras shirt. 0100 rarise, for MIl lore,, milla licit», beat Morte.las ire, <o iarfssas. f100 Truttfigt tlrsse, for ail itrei-sio lar"lrge-i mo'si, tiitt sseer béat 245, tva silis $24 Puam for oeen trottInt isoraea tlisat nior Wols usable mono>', mie bosets, -.0usm TM 1) DAY. f$100 Igardi. lia.. for lrorîneef,rea baurffea oui>'mii aa en o oer fourahari, tiréede ' hineaoIsifi'a, vol çhtss lifsihua fOMO Parase, sii Praisseb4red hors.,, mille lacts, alncup welghib. 0140>IParole, vft an inssis e ,kcoret42-1 eols, fier lltsibionajlust have ieasi rtgaltoiu ails'ortiseîi an 0s t oentollé. saaoit, naîtf oseoi lnsi Casulsa yro sapreeloass te toge date 0(cilonilla i, $fi oa go teh lirot iaorop'. nil 50 t» the. seondu. loi<eas ltaio(iiic$2J5 Iorilte be k. a ais.vth cih. Ssreésyiar #fv t Y or <<~ a'Au- gnot. '1JietiirdIlditc ta cave islis stue,, proie,Ày3four a ieii o ariseeatsit, cota. balf' oll hote. o stiunilae anca Tisruee osaess t usia ire id, usa$ le"suthlon twveto art, 1trasaotpsud saopbcu'sisp 1- tra re, uL.TIbab ruilfaist fuvan ae- cordilnttise ljl1iith#s5Chi IAl aistlo ta o nae M i Wrlflg'aun lr s1a, vitîs Ine il roidera wfî~erquire Mi resala loen tyl.. togvabill oi h-nd ,4 a hase iiO.rosuure vssaee-bsedhion. aov.wd scian poussda. lworsse yensas er a ati tise poat Ja' ;>imylg don- - bic esatl'sbcb4 ify. film gto*, James, Byrne, »lapcaalng and FsssasÇy Ciemiat, Sm. 'Perter er Easgileh mind!Foreign IPrasu s dCSCMleAIO, dealer' O lu s iri»ngsi ai Ps4eat e6tioles éisa't<ldwthei.leritit1 ta DRUtG Ë tTJS1IYE'S S. oz4fFuALI, POPULAE PEUPA-. eUR1?~1il I!9AJXÉ ANDJVAIlli- 'A* j prcsSot 07, iflt . Batit OS JIONTÉrtEA. TO r'ilhNa Ayo IIatTNTING PAIVFIEf,0 Cip1. Gitdeîi ttseun-; téolî.d, v w vIlelv afetéus nral frn ssîer réoloae, s An sd viiib.r jasaed t uppfy Çusk"#a JAS. dlUG MaiAg,21,1814. 1 F <os Lumfbo!r1 15~k 000aIl j Si - i - At gr . 3rts w chaneiprheirusussss hav mars lioao greatI7 redluced prices tlïr entire -stock o generaLus> irs. ~ 4 5 ssttia.. G O O weals. :b,,. Oum s l ao Mo ai saaf.o sr <aa.ts( M he b Cé»(er! ckndL)ndsreey, - if baine ~~AI*# Gî lis. oqntOkhwpei ssid L anundas sreets ne*lsItby, b.vaiu 1further add'! that it fa their intention, when ~r.ii st sa't~~ i ens for the bïélýWt aio'f 4Ltud lý iie larget I L- v m e .hre0a auiîrti«0 seyar s [Tis i chi ation 0 h ofUcW , uwhg laid dut th" "'k 9er fo Sthitt andi Taliorbugpurposea. >i- aseeilitis ga m(1fTJ -. - rssbt.tsais, let.u ter rrmn.iesau mt iere laf«Oevii n.hsu.by fr,. 'yatso itheir mmeons îstbîfer& ^.,.d- [BELk4- hat just sailéd for England to pur- laIIgfbi chasé their ,746. IL.ER I STCKFarm for Salle. 'OR'T THE U.O0DS DIRECT. are, now being cornpleted foré TOWNï3HW o0É mtày; lises, with the view of adding a Firust.eac6mJtNN Low'e ln view of a decid $o offer, af1 lmRp As the éï ddlbrj Stck pior <o <la. lut à dé ore na btiore for 811 whotiay £TRýlnemb tii afi" t e iI , r tr ('~~. f ~L ite'lwprsas.k.o par tore hey -ul d Pou nd. Aii~M~ FRANCIS,J and Brock Streets.R e J cd first-class, Beg tQiafcwit AND IMP Ârrangerneits eîlrigtheir prcnJ Which thc'y feel Io wanted for theor encreasing businesaft kTtL aote !aai*e hra sregoq buî d ttara, a nil laiat yoalsg <ireIsard coua- tii,52w0 el#i t rc tcie; sunsi-t ýfkvll va- in t e m edil ttu ' they offer thè baIaatietë ô . sIt ho<oUie,1 s bdIei o !iest' d rte4r af th ei r S tl àf ui ér9 to ck o f D reu s G o o d g, P lin tga, Ct§iitone,- C'o t4 a a'it o t i crop. , ill i I saIut uii>ié: Appl>'anoise ie ciis.a, t'O READYIl DE ÉCLOTr«llY»-, rGroceries, &c.;, a grtitlyreduced pri4 Poq» adaiee<s<oL ,'g ces foi cah, in order lu maki wa or he r hetýyailipurcisék PORT W HITBY W hiby, 3ii1 4, 6i ~T A N N E R Y ÂG1ICL LTU AL ORK pCis", AS; 0O!i D Ulgl SPECA-L 0 ar11;. Siru le eap rg.a d toWé., ad iati an mpers and IVo*ers Cowbind; lu a th civcsJi<irss -0 -Wisitby, lu ày 3, lofe,.2e Thle subscribers*ouild eailthe atiegiioft of the AgricuItxi l- sas nIt r t ê ie 4 8 t o f m pi is n t W eib e . w l st o a san d s i tp s a e -tsî i e p s y - Y T U J L O A N i ~ k efsly reuare, ss pecfuslIy Bàtufs nd*o a' Is Si. a ierStke q ,s e a k ià d Ã" É tf h e jatest M a iO * ll C 1i u êrý 2 0 O , . 0 O tepr dn f ypaiaotet "iU ut sM"n, baie énd laIef Bnp. or ll » b iils bf, Iniget a 44ye ---.-- i>'w«.-m-1 ý:ïzn4 slo a are ir uhtuiam withcmai% My CO0T'TON'YARN WRITE AND COLOUREF HAMILTON *<Co's NEW ilOOP s K IRTs, HAMILTON & Co's. ~arm fr Sale. roar011ai Lot vil irvag theianias0d dslug Ciek roriarshr petlce ar.pply te Jolîxi OWLES, Or Il b letev, (pr pald, Wltb)y P, 0. 2 WIIITBY BRASA BAN» ~o&asdanprapsrq~aatesadsI e dur- APOIlitou bd moi asdi ta,- Or <o . B AR", Whltby, iniy 4, lied. 2 ie pue. Gieatéltdlj.of Witbr, Joly *i i J'~' i ~-Y"A~J~. -. '~AA A', A-" ~uu'i~LAI ýl - 1 -- 1 54 1 ciotâtoitge re 1 0 Addttwij PEtzit TAYLOC. Aup At tek qg 9

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