Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1866, p. 3

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434W 0 .uîaos; situoe vue simuta 'sfur f alure pjvise, n s«yee«"e t. ,wslybnueth e ameunhm4 t.rom, dlbr01 orso, an sitEUv jemuluste0 - w %benu vu iglve. viiOs pies4d;hNit sdtvlumphaî guet e or ee.#i is d fllbt 0 e i îdiuse vu usWuude lm d» Utlred trou tlW éiqe lu10 à vtl4ý eof et p$asw.A vol prefly n00" eeesredste lu Ise .volqviss *1* 'kugt 16 brd oug,." Se.'obhilren vera âe.)obine b ler, o i th@ memr.e 16 firis talfetbiar lundi s&dlop lbon 9tg4tberv vus dolighbt ï(sesrmos, mmu 1uee &nu d i .vlhrev. t&klug De bati.. of the useraiù solssutlou, ste ull.d ýbof Ilin veenegutfou st lber ohlldréss, and thrsvth#monh., rTe# Weae viese 80 turai s«d ioSteulue lu h4 109M ,'fumuilwit arly .te drsVWineufou AttentaiWard le eoaigîd tse.rite for DIHt8. 1.l SANTR-Aî Cuvaon Bandao'lis, ttb lInt., Mary, ib a bevd vireet Mr, Do, 9. lantrit osed l08 7irs,1* Wlsltby marual.s. :uW.iî:bY sept. ib, 18u0. spring...... ..1,10. à 1,20 Nosu marrowfst .... 5.. Otto........30cu. £a85s.' H>. ........ .Oaros J3aîe~........190. a toc Eggs.,,.........to 100. NEW ADVERTI8EMENTO ?ow n T LM oTs, Aun 06G, adjoillng lte civ Build lig of LOWE$ 4 PO~WELL;, rTe LOTS ontlit tisity4ioleu ou44*ýild fIl, fi. nrock Strict, AMu06N Ib54 liébos 1fswî,; (ft ide, rm £ y ibtduop te Bi9s6 1>o, bttulno.êspurpooos, ts, rselo r 2 al Ils~cn ar 0 . ts @ieie0 4Le1e-Fepeo4, veni t fthe, Mothsedia 19' moto- ridtOl, knftwn >antb olad ',rlekt grosi, 44peuitethe t.oou" rm Drsaper, S LOS-TCCC,, ortls et thse recn of.etIL. mcflnriney7. 4 t â,elio..i'aaes I o ftts tilh ,rdxîlsineos' ' Joln jlil.1 j 3LoL#-a7,n,s, was t titheregideac et J. t2fLti-Cornr Of gant' Ana John SLrem,, Wateuth f Site aiorTÀa cflei lsolt. 4 Leta.;-Nort i eot itueSîot» ,GrsI iy .1 iLot-ýEues t t1iul o oreae tî. ô. ones, OLets-Penadd tJciot, ûtee, 4. ho <Jiss'Wsvitliei 'ALSO 0villaige Lotos, pessaîty iy lâtte.i for îvrlvatt aat.lenees lu v ee mtà et to TÃ"vat.- -' W'lili e sciJ4 osstoag toms.or .,t s>aeot -. 1, IA34 PÉIRY. LandC(i'reular,i, eST o .*.l YsIsLt, ,ili ltproveal *Auotion Sale I1R F1 -1 Or*a Ilonft and Lot su the TOWN 0FW-HTBI BTVIrIsse ni a liws'r rgentito sl lIr 13 te0rtain iotr~.W14tî,UI bu prgdss 55 ut i, lîii', 04 -Xonday, 22n4Otoe, 6 At 12 o'loiahmn util tse c.d *1 IROYALIIOTEL lu ths -TOWN 01? WIIIITBY-0 Lot lfo, 1. A 1Twostory Pramine# 0 uscI bei Coq Deilng ompnmd e.Icftis S"otth Insfrtt ot ?4onSki6 asi 4, list ii sa rt lier 'oftigesesceosnd dolotii aee M0 flita iyiisg esst t fBrockhreel, in ttigeTowns ofS Wttby, eontstlnitshy autness bisremestaone-uurtosî t gsacre or .ti îoro or leg. 00)j lite 5srs i 1.. cristecicts.d à5150. Ntory Frsuu UvelUltg louae, #iîh ISsio asid ;VOrisags.hOuaO.. TERIZK -411a Sentit ot tIs purcitae ano- UJb epaisi lowi; ur tise is14me, tertus 5'liietssdinowr aItlit i sta. fo srtherp.sr&tc jiAOiarp toi JOXAS Ar' IONESZma., Maeoate11, Torotno sît, rocotO. g«'Jtot ti$jt, 1464i, Id " IL go. 3.ACI>ONELL,* Farmers!1 r, ry STO I YOJRt GRAIN 11 ANI)<IET rouit OWN il T lE enPOCIty orthtisaWafutioitsoOrtile un dors!'gtted, elasbis. thi tsore sienan qsaaiiy ef grain, lis Separate Oins, -60" thoil su wlsi aégris la nsifflet miuli loge -' 1 THEIR OWN, MI i rain storc i Y OuFrera' assenaS iiilie duly koln Pfirt %oao51,bglnera oiaa 1. roll upon crufSi%tioix0intiy pri, on Va'ura' n% ait ud u idalr whib Vf-T Mtrurn ' içi ga bsoum .vii b. fulli r=,4 ap lan. mby Tard, <sufli18% goal#, * plust«7atid Watet iae êl'ways on hau44, and fp lani et lovoit Prioed. TA.000Eh o Wiais >', U pt1, 11,15. ,$A 4LE At lov prises sstsd smn flt ttnaorp muott Berai lot lt ts" 2004" "Lot -4 'Sit" 10 Tite Ilict tvo o ts asjobn thismoe,<csv. cistttqt roaud') ansi the ctiss'r iots lil is,sss ers. ual 8 ua and 4 fitiies lrosus saisi tud,' Ieleiy....hse 12,4tlt e',.... 2fA 0 acs. ' N. Pt. ý4, lut sucot, 'y 6 8i, GnllIHiver fA .'14, Ndet'isW, 1î' i 8OMEftVILLE#,' Lot 7, 321htlei lss.20Yacreo, wvilula tîslss ettfisaotassgoovortsuent Bossa ani eosveaiossîtte iffli., stesooloç, &o.. "crea. derL".URY FarmoforSale DARLING TON,' v0i Êbb saiiçiea, aaouoUg tezasWtu. ayf f, aet. T» 1 SAS. BLACIC.H ALSQ W0. HUNDILED ÂCREÉo About 10 actée 010«g4, logr bousgec.'éti il Ltkkilot, esi lattaated on!>'sonna-Mor nil" (romisthie autr, rond, fi serai, be ise a pr tit eiha- e c dui1 But sne ortetir, olan 'VILLAGE 0p BREU-1OIN, About Mos-latI er.d, anal aportion tria I§tusnpeTisaLoot adjaoti» #ont, Ross. 1oe aise ottsh-blfrwLo luisth# 11;01 cen- seioaoi istra, sonf'«O- r #,$ ea.arod, L«g ne, s. .PPIy te, i-p Jt . 188E6, Crand4 Bazaar :r j.et e initialChaWypt Eglis fld d&y 0-f Qotob«r nxt, on MIsCalt lb 4Svi .poioda ieIar o tis cnvniacecfpa tie taul gag ft, fois, la IJNJT EEVELL, Se- se k -'J :1: CMEFORWUAT. BA2- loy, YU U *. T I~nn4ormlp;uto,î le ta llîiva ltaIs Dov IOe'regr a'aiy or u p re p s ef rai - oa'rsb$tp4f' 5O,#bO ", S#lo, WJent, -. O~DRAE1 kCo. 4T VI, ROYAL -1lfEi, A OMAWZ W0le ognas ýo wulL luthé JPIDIFg $ACOU 3 BLYAE.ý Wliltbyj Agig. 29thi sôô85. IIDIT'SLE 1 Alà IXS5T11VéCTD TO 9ELL 1UY WEàDNES.bAY&THURSDAY, ibl* àbha2&sh-,ot, x06-1 - WhiteVa1ê, Pîekeringe-, -c'W. rThe underinent'oned choie frrlgStock as.d lah;loalit», the proi.orgy ot T. P. WH-ITE. ESQ.,e 0 t. 'unsl lor-ON Andi Mares5 2 Itnceufg" n., 2 Vf2 I..2 ur. otI-i b>' Jaik thê a lrinr t Filiy 2 3.'isrm (11141Y "Jibfit iglabr i Yvurii.g 2fly. - 1spriiiie (;Olt, »Y ', ntt' 6 Ycuriittg illteh 45 N'eicriisSrItecr. 10 LIMCÇ»,rY L'snmi i 'Sltrasq)iiag ltoltise, ooiruipwe 4 jmusr W,.gotio. i însg Sait>', 1 pir 1 se Tracka. soFtt Cpiarl lssrek Weiil uacka.tg"isl hope. X5 ?0kYokess i liotoli Illisss, <Jron.) 2 s4cturis l'logis, <W.,'...) l Ott$ vo'ress ,lssrp.,s 2 i4et t o d e(us larsevas I Sctl$er, 1 Atrs* CatOr. 1 Lsad 1t'iber. 2 Grain Crs.Jhqss I'orki 1 Usns. -vive Afrea of Trmpï in the 411losuisf $10 and entier, CAS14 osr (bat antnnt 1 ussasta ardi 111iib. gron, en idrlalns.preadJoint NoM. ââii te omnnnsa amb&Yda a10 a. un, PRINGL ES8 HOTYL. Far m fobrSale. Ir.i pe ô 000ul civt. Tialp àâi wb 'gowie~s o, piy te * ' O~n td r u . LÀWLEJ~ RNI Septo iber ,' j A8~ X leI on the corner, ALLIýS TTOER SOE ANP STTIONE , OiL 1 INDR' - BOQKS.d'cZl hi*vsqc ~nd l~~*i o nil ine~ nlàding Alsotlîe Principal canalIai #n4 1tTàltod Staos nuiwspitperé und publicaotions. 8TATONE Y...or am1lad and. Bine wove cy pýPceOi, And lanny fa tvery description, wrnpping paper, room pa'per, VnIçip qîpen, inlc, udln4staics, ilaii rubboer, biotters, ani blotting paper, ~ ~ijiI~, :îat ani ,twitcei1cra, and everything ilu th eta. <~OQ >~, AlbmsLeather, Bags;, n ml Les, m-ad P-,ortmoids in otvieti, ni(4 nt nl vfebodî se4et ýbracelets, J-n jný nck, 4a1 ~ ~ ek, i ey tips, arnëcr t uh ieesegar hiîôl r ponknives, ehais, oxe otcolore, and e'inici liir pontife;vrthu ~USIO.PtnS, Molodiens, Violin, Guitars, eCon- Diu b etini#, Aceordeons, &C., ail musical instruments of Miiperior make iiiil finimlh. Aise, sheet. :nuj,io, and rnuie books, latc'îtpnb- lis h cd. And a tbotisand other articles net ortumirated in the. abqve brancues; ail selling nt. PPtR1c 111S, AS.,10W AS ANY IIOIJSE 1iN CANAiDA. t2 Picase fàîVOr us with a call at 3, Brook Stre, Montreal Tclcgraph Offlèo/ FACTRCTTN At &-reatly roduoced prices, Lowes& Powell In- view-of' a change--ini their business,- bave decided tofpffer Igetl reducecliprices their -entire stock çof or, at grteral As they aredceer« ined'on xnaking a clearance of tkeir presnt SIocf rjOr to tise loS t OsOtetOr nOxt, ttims, Sxed for rcasa ovat boI ft ov tore MWi t 0rrIo'eo~os ontieorooBiock andl Dnndaas(rces, WhiSts, b*rguine irelserfg io i wheisMy ar b(beau itls McIL I»D!Émeïnlber-the presnt stock must be d4soséd b-iàt àa th"fe. a < £T ae dat.mrud teopea Ihoir nov promisesvits an entîrely ncw stock. O iw r W» piuestutoMforthse bfaeitof eotaicswo, f tise lat'geft lIE LINE£T ABLIS0MEZNTS la ibis section ef tise ount ' , isSIfg.l*s out diteop.- erMrlpf o ~Il4ng'crUtbamE Ttleriag pspi Pl COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO@ .Sif4. t , l:d Z. BURNSAM Wdfisy, Msq ou,, bJa1860;O TO IUNAD ANDS * , ~ *4rettwrn ,our SinoMe onltmte, for tho very liberal 0' 'hr c atronagre extended toi mo *cit, onütiutctotesiniur r: ngtheni tbat W i1ÃŽ evI erbc ouraint to menit their confidence and suppoit, FA LL IMPORTATION8 Are 'no'w',arrivîn'g,: anà by the iotii înst, 'tilin,,every dejpart ment-embraciug t j#]ageÉt asort-ý ment w ellhayo rer offered, and out pîic wil ~ asusulalthe IqWesIi the m4iket. r. H Mci IIn& 4, WITE. AND COLOU1IED -HAMILO &C' NIEW iHOOP SKITS 0- TuE IAt£EST STYLES. éo R4 & J. CMP-BELL- Beg t6ô inform 'their numerous c istomes th4t mi,., 3â&XWr CÂIIPBELL, "'bs utosifed for Énel&nd fo par- chuse their , FALL ST9CIK AND 131POUT THE <.4l~Os DpRB"I. Aiuigniénts aie ng," beilng complt enlargunk ilieir Éremngea, wit>hthe view bf addiot il Millinor !Estal;u Whic1htlàey fée is or their enct&ddng b; Il b tbe meamIltme ôvfier thé bâli e te fr -Brute sudCiaeaicaniidealer tu ghncral Drugginte Sun- arien. -0- Toioet Artiol.u BIIUSB ES of ss1i des crtpiea , at e e t iv conasctd vitiste legilianato AD73EHANIIES FORtMEDII psil ulpoihs. - '.G E N T F O R t A L L l O V L I ' E A < U T I E SLMlýPbAL LY 4 ND PAITII- Jfssily 'a twIth.,ý Strati0j;6fBuÉnk ot FAI[ILY DRIJG ST0REi etclah maprfigi Ht paiQgigs f thesiautsse:ors.,la Essglsad, sud 0OA ILORLAMPSi OP TRI& ATÈTPTTM'2UÇ8. ]Boat Odal 011 4Oets Pei JAS . R.GEIRIE, * .' F a s i l y D r t g g i s t : T, w1t'ef flar oijJ or vA, lita ai DOipn'îry, viii te Islàen "nunar rthéa wno litby, on OfOrOpur Jaaiesa Of tie Pece. asiallM otisaîa c o ti wn e i i i t a k e n o tic e a ss alg o v e r u s t i s e a ceamorail~y, - ftELON itL.REYNOLDS, 5shfifr (Mece, Witiby; i B.pe'nr,1ôS- 5 ,stgnkï-lafeed sOver an lia ite et ls0bii dvuit ber evao sauna LIBERÀL 1WÀAGESt e «WMI f go "amei wt 0.0, mIAIUJAOS foi cash. i n1 or<der to « RaM, èrg. ziso~'éUIUMG ss Whitby, July 4i 1866; i A' i - ".~sj'M~i'L*"'-4~ ,'- " i glea Illniso oirgsotu pro. for Ipeal.u! J., W. l<n mausimlntueU or ofGemova bà 1o00o.of 1 ý Fi 1 1 1 1 1 -mý -i 1 j fin umq Whitby, iclist 1

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