Ltbelms ai sft , Iem.& P Pb t.or ifsLýd«o4am m5 y 'sit sl MPNo, ~ deff-. s!t ne$usli >rvrd bIseib lO *PA-hls T1 i. g o onsnretloj.MAuROStb1 iî o 1 'o jJntsflî M(n dF'ýd nhé obie, * r à a. lon lias mursysmy rtuiw le o fo dintelWlllTiiS yI J un"Ir", 10he reieldt Pe annt U004 )Jpow*da eh'4Coea lmce CI, hil pajovr et blquss d. t st Y 4,$u tpe e.bT kc JA E JU f.E, - PUa"mIl ta hh Ocb Otea tn 00 d Imsnanc m aïSt farele GERRI.U" Ma ant, .,t,4 1VIuitb~,22dNov.ls5flsm ere T;ý Q- A dNE ùY mOO ,"wfOe <M Wo y i»g t yotlv o ued, onliera le n otng 06 Iueu«.foam work, at ui Carrlaae" Shopqiumi 06 lesfy A à ti tan " Wà âuhy. li, . any. 1! ' fJ May Il@ e=a.'l- gitak#ho- gi,"Tïnriory CAP'f. JS. ROWEOff f >a Eorape * "Agent fiW heP«tol oW An n dpr ,U ý Art stow îîroparce1 tri pay te liilhost prise, Rides, i AI1fr Hlemlock l3ark, and Loather, lit tise roliugh, dellverod nt Ilîcir '.rnory. ,WiitIsy, July a, l866, 2 Farrn for Sale. BEI%(G Lise asrti*I-jal'otLot S4,1g la tuePh OOiilmiioii Ortlu TOWN.IHIF OP WHlITBYP CUO'5TAININU _ On'e Jiudred Act-es, giowîessré lesrd, îlt lu siûicodu gtatu Pr 1gSvsW.4 oml fersorsole. TIste.osre gooti baliisenasndl sitiîyois r erliar<l con- faiIlîg 200 fruI tit'-', apu sîdWalwaw, se i eceitly iadaptud iser <si ýýeîo pr letv wiltl e geold with ?I,litliiîtablà . 27slOgliou. #** T14o Tor(ordo 1iieolj (llobé iill pdoué cap. pjjfr tru awîloe aa *~i<laccount It ui ./ EXHIBiTION1 Agrleultural Association, TORO-NTO, 24th to 28th Septexubor, 1866. 111 i 'N ,I-iIIj/ e 1tf,,- lltt uitil Iiisse I t m-s o i t lo~it t1iii K*t th'4 or Arliefes loi ni, s, i..nit l 4'1sil ou Ii,re Ct , 15 ilcieuSve I f l e,. " ntî o n fa';, <t' u. i.ius si, ui k Attriciosîîssrsitlu l l i .uiit ,4luiiury tansI bias. sstetirpusgùîuu iusu or tel'or'e Sutsisray, rufie.ptiiuer lot Iliii,sslissnsI l'roiltietus lnIe' Wiri,Llic Flsu A ni.,&e,'.,s, oC lr u t'teurday, ser-t. ln u 1 w î IPlitis ëitto u u sIu lt istA u ',It Si nlu',vivtilm,'us u cl let,siie,lus- cOtait. isn",stttisI't'ur-IIICss Ie'lIo,,rIl I<ilAnsitu iroîsto, Auxg. 2 rS. Dui. CARSON'S C$CIMa r'IlEs FIuVei'iiisr beiz . te ltatorun lifi% ffilide .Leicl caetoinusrx, Ut i leaovesfor »sg Wednesday, the lSth isat and tlatouid4 rot"unnsI.y arly lu -Soptenul>r, Whoui lie tuIioîeL lsow sselî un stoirtiiieiit New GOODS GREA' BARIGAIXS, Froua proesst STOCK, TAs. JOLU$1NI Watciimatgr and Jeweller. 28 Brcek Stres lsltb Land' For Sale Building Lots. Tite talilt iuîg'imM 0Loto, wil! lce isohd low fur eash, cnet a faut' V Ilulir tou ittimse, rit. Lot 1. tîls Con. NMuri,, t00 Ascaâ. J Lt.h15. 7îi " MutssUIO 6 7f t;r 'À'qdo 11,0 là b etl.t 7, 7H, '< Boiuot 21)( 70 I , 71 " Uxt<,Ige9, ti)i ' pi419 rit ' l.',seti, 10() 46 baft l ' 5-it' - olss,'rvillc s6 Loti 22, Ili 66 is ' C 11, 7, (ltIs d Sduerviîle, 100 à ' l't 6, itlis endî 2j'u " lt-0i, 7111 do 2V)5 6 li1,1111 « do 200 'di Lot 11. 7as CID_ '20<)dé Latu11.Il, hi< J<o - 21'O 6 N E I Ã/ Il , 1d < whiLIy, ro 66 ierl -,hvsli . 1)Isji-hirixlots (c u I1.ui.e.s, sit if-ri- rr(i-iIllicco. lis tliseTuwuss of Linti sssv s.uus Wliu'y, A;IPey th, ROLiT. E. IERILY. Wluthu, Mirul, 165. - WItîiy WIJIL'Y' lnrei, jqi'12 Farmi for Sale, T ll i uslusisset t uit( lr'nrs.for Sale on eas»y tu ui t li it i s ersis ý o 2,l IL turusa h iri f, rosit ,,/ti~l otsi, u TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING, leur terni., (if by latter prc-pstj,) appit Il,. ssssdrigrsad, or Lu Jaun Lainoule= 14 JtOHN C. WESLEY. GOOD CHANCE FOR'A B-lacksm ith.' TULE ]lLi'r STAND IN W1NE ITTER. jNorth Ootari.o. Are iii nast hcaltby sndjAcasusnt bover- ageo aven oticredt te ueuuble. Tîsey wut rsigsilatte Itppotîte, asudist~ssion, an ex- cellent puilrofietlooti, etultn tonic, mau a stiglit -eltcnttive, gooti fur' Ililouanea,-preventing levers aid con. taglouoidusoaso,. or, Norveug an4 'dolI. cait Ladies tluey carinot lie aurpassed. ý 9ýr vry oee eould use them.-i- Gye. thoni a Trial. Numarous certificatos eau bc givon of Lluoiu ccy, PiPIà t Ev Y -.A. (A]RBON XN .D,, - WIIITBY,C, . For sal by the principal Wluolesala DUlM,' DPruggltsa, and t irst-ýclaas loteIu aund Saloono. IL I.. m UNRto 'tCo., *Whltb7, C. W, Geeiersl 4Agtstst' ur LIhe aboe celebrateti Bitrs.-to wlww cli ordoris sitoulti b. addrom.ed Wibye JuIy 4tlî160, 20. of" F1OR1 SALE OR TO LET. T1'IIAT we'lsitiîtsd brick Bhucltemlîl's sh. ltai ut Vssîvusitysl,u'ss Clanss, togather isitîs ttuefraurule iusiitilg treusuistia»s s eurpun ten's. ,.Iuuuj, slolisl5uu,, sit hsf an ase rs.otiiitd. Tite 4-11e ' oiil tu "ui cisono s i, dius.trbie nui(ceiti.le uluiraotif 's.s.tlnz lown 11) l,4. ues,, I&iii.te aeslrc ire latoti ia tIse iuiletý niti t:hlkIy.etCIs.d weîlty Ictitly, andtIol C4auuilere.l,,sie dot Lthe v e Ctst t iuti,. tufrc liltiekosiitulist lNotei itprio 'l'ise hrIek letiîîdui;g lm 42x24lIth o tOut i, n ttaélclieax 24; tIssu<(.triieiier'ms eop lgx9Si Fer tosinia andi <urtier iusrtoslars, spphy AND1ityW Lowe; 50-tf On Lot No. 7, Oth Cen, hroZki EXCELLENT Far forSalte iiiutlucou., or Lb. Townsblý o? Mai, ciuhsiinug 100 aores, about les7U -~or.t wittl à pooi dwilbng hat, sud as nuv tram hanu, 30 by 540 witb ettables and jshad& nudur luig reiur Sitntste(l sihuat 4 miles rouathe Vtluao f Atherle' and uu le rn P. A.-Foer rstteus<,,rot ssplj c . Lý0i4'r, ~rojrlstrV1tsutA&tîbtnrs r'ioubot Grns. IZAsUOfAyn L Agricultural Purnacos that will pay for themselvos in one year. Eavetroug-hs Put up with iron Iioldl-fasts. 0>' New inings Put in oh! Repairing promptly attend- ed to. Ail kindi produce taken in exchange atthe OLD STAND. lb Brook St. Wtiitlpy. MILLINERY! M IfSR tuart bgil te 9 etuto MAhoLi Ta- d 4o r0 Ilttaaisid Vidlt ,y, tl 0 uelt uî "" ru n lcptc ien Sîuniui)g Stock sitli soniiy, u . l it olaeit excesutit-i I urjc,,u-ilieuud- su' It s-r wuudespai. st, otssks et o t retentu - ,uluoee hankli for paît avons. W-T SL¶ICOF. STREET, OSHAWVA. Ahuril lOlIs, 10.14 T. P. FRE.LMAN, CAIIIIAGE, MGlN & ORXNAUBi', iL 0,9ýWr WVcnk Sluop G rcen Street, 8 dosrss South fWskey'ss Carniage thojî. Wlsithy, Juna 27, 1866. E. IIENINGTON & SONS. 1 REVOLVERS, RIFLES, MUSKETS AND QARZINES, For the United shatife service,. Aise, Pooket -and« Boit Revolvers, ÉRIMLE Couées RVOLVINC4 RIFLES, RfeudSsLGun flarrets, Qan tiu natarlal. luChs d&yccf ious..-breaking aud nob- bar>u, svry 1 0&r1flpaat sheuli bavs'ugM - Qns, 'BJFMXNG 1 ONS0?E VOL Vr'J20 Prti. e% d iri 1 li hiWO Eemington: Revolvers. Our airma wliI bc furnlssied utpou applcation. - E. REMINGTON L& SONS. Agete N. 0 C'sntse - K ". *1 COTTP-ON YARN,' WIIITE AND COLOURED HAMILT9N&Co. NEW P KIIS tr, '111E LATEST STYLES. M HA ,LTON- & Cols, R. & .CAMPBELL Be(g" to'inforni their numerous cuistom!ers, that Milt. J,À3is Ç'L, Ch13g j us T .s ailed. for 'Englaîid to -pur». * chase. their ANDIMPOP ItT TH O.ODS DIRE01T. Arrangemients at're now belng'C c ertpeede'-fo r énâgin.tbë,ir, premiseswith.the .view, of-adding a First-cloà 's WhËich thc: etei eceasiug-busines- In t q ea~tjïe tbey offer ,the_ ncçi In thet m&eaQ balanceof READYmMADE CLOTHINO, Groçeries, &c., &C., at greatly reduced pria. ces for cash, ia order Lu make way fortheir lie.vv Fali purchases. Whitby, July 4, 1866. 26 Leather Bags, ih tbi &pc.ring neat4r and prompîly- Store, Dundaq ntt,y -Whbbin.l,,1 etil 10<1. IJÃ"HN OART'ERY roiOENSEDomu wONE on rusanablo te 1russs. bIlle priusrtità t p.Th 1 DENTISTY Tfor at <vers, bogs tolufofia tIi.inhabi- tant% of thleTownî and marlogudteg eountnty, rh liebowl bu liappy Lo-atteid'to a 1 or dors entrestet talits cure. 'roots I ,isertesj ou Uold,SOliver or V'lano Pssrtlasr attention raid t o rgelaîloinoi THOMAS & OOULTHEARD'8 'UNE OO S AGfSJ' i'1JIMEhaovo li" ofStagesîearcss #OSHIAWA L datl;,sit .301, n. m, finIr ,1Ub.- rivsigutthelaterphicoet ,p ut.,couunectinit withh rieStages <or Lindsy sud Beavertor. srrrlviuugîîostlaswas li a ore u iti nsîi on G. T. IL., East aud Wct-Fsre froin U14la. wu ta Uolunlthuso 1 oei,. ta Ragltin l0centç. te PrineceAlbert 7vc,ats4, Ao51ya$1 12 1, M- tuila $1 5&P. tteg r 'ii the Nartb are .uvoyod to* thse cars nt Voblawâ free ortcharge. YExitrese btiu.iîes.s. careitiulîy iittosutied to muid tans, wiJU uiot be respoasltîle fonrîsirceb or rpacleges t'Ideus.bouked ssud palt fortllnsad- CJIEAP STOVES Jaaazam, amuis, unmoraa, Pora d *ld aIlIdièà '.1 à dc>rioùstej4?'~ ]!IS O iîanos Melodiens, Yiolip-a, Guitas, o snprior mnako and 4ini5h4o,4- 4 ect'-muuic, and mu.>. booklaeskpib lýIshe And a 4ýoand qtIi n rieI~ ç n m leu ~je 1.~ ebrnhe ail sellînig ta g~mPlese iwo uswith acal atS~Êrock -Street, Montreal Whitby, August 22, 186o. $t GRAND CLEÂRJNGSLE in iewof cange .iiitheir fi'in'ess, have decided to offer,,at greatly rcduceçd pricos their entire stock of *Gltiniîg, Groccries, CrockerV, Asthey are determined en makcing a clearance of ther present Stock, PriOr to the Tht of October ncxt, the tinme fixeti for rcrnoving ta tthcýir New Stores; now in course of crcctiÉin,ý on the corner or Brock.annd Dundas streets, Wblitby, bargains are li store 'for a911 Who m&Y favor theun witlu a cal., We~emeinher-the pesent'stock munst bc disposed of-if at a sacr;flce, as the> are duteriniC ta open the(-irncw premises witlh an entircly new stock. M- Thiey wvould further acld that it is their intention, when in their noir preunases ta ôpen for the benefit of aIl concernetl, one of the largest IMIL.- LINEftY ErU rIIME lr n Ois ocotion of the enountry, having laid out the. up- per titories of the buildiing for that anud '1ailoring purposes. IJines,1 Cabinet Makers, and Tiphoisterers,' Manu- - - ,faet rerk;of a lkinds of Tioum B NETG TAIN And H' y - A'nd m-Made .Furniture.ý Wht4,iayJ.KEM, IIS'Coîborne.- '66. LAKE SI1COE. '66. TILL& BROTHER beg to inform custoniel-s ar thst tboy bave ptsrehased the. Stock-in-trzdie sud interest in thiebius the laist 84 years ln Whitby by their father 'and beg to solicit a cont tronage bestowed upon the establishment i«Dr se niany years, Sofas, Burcaus, Lounges, Bedstcads, Chests of Di ing Glasss, Book Cases, Parler andi Drawing lýtooin Chairx, Rocki anCane-Seatad Chairs, Towel and Tuilct Stands, &o., in great vari re dtip1cs er UPHOLSTERY iniail its bi4inclies. Every m~ade Up undur'tbeir own immediato ucitsicc can bc warronl terial andi workmanship. j&» Ail kinds of Gilt Mouldings mnd Pic te order. An examination tif the present lirge nrd splendid stockg g7 Ware Boois,No. 4, lirocit atreet, andi No. 2, TILL &1B] Whitby, May lu-, 1806.- JAS. BAI-N & V' ould announce tia't thcpy have. to the comrnodions brick building, a few dom-s Sý8UMM>ER S'H 9 Just to Iiand aîn assortmont of Ladieq, Misses, and ehl mer Shocs* Also H Ionie-made Boots and Shoes, anç' kincis, Wholesale and Retail. Two Hundred Sides of $ýpaniish Sole Leatlher. Msf les, Silk and Linnen Trcad~s, iard Ash, silk, and tics. Ail kindls of Shlocmakcr's Fidings for satle clu re TERMS CASH, Whiby 3 ay 2,18 6. JA M ES BA IN [las rc-openfe(l the Carriig-e F actoî oceupieti by DONOVAN WALREY & Co., secondl of his late Factory, and opposite the Town Hall, WJI hoe is prepared to EXECUTE ALL 'OR" lIE MAY DE F'AVORED WITH. Whviltby, April 4, .1865.- nd the publie; ness carriod dn -for tinuanceor fthe pa- ety. and. aL greatly ISAAC MAY', r article being ell Ewart, AIyrII 2s, 4. ted oi the best nia- cttue Vrmsrae i3,1866. on hand is repeet- U TL U19RN ('olborno street JTLFtRHRNTICZ R I 1O I J I1 E R , T h Jesn r rlaîlleu t n e ts (p p e r C a b jus ~ Steol Plsîteet Steamýer - CHRYSLE, MASTER, IL ae(MUÂILOTTJ'aerv eV4oinri TV LLln.except)r etiniiig lsà e ~ N ntIs 111,cr lat. erery rirniiiag, (4uîîdays c 0 ýLi riglstif , on l isdsils Weiyiv sudTluirudssp, cI . * SS clbe v'ry dasy............I< renioved o~ice rsuaE, ud 16 ISouth of ;rmid Triunk1aiu. CIALTE whS xîri risisîs 055 C ~ Trirt,,l'o,','v- N.Y.C-cn traI'Dopnt e0vend tî s. lut P i o ese -, t. eussrse, ' ]r teausser. C. k îCtIItîî nd tsihîsu<îîCsîd et milnitscrunts.s.-Voui (m l ii îrt în, , appîy tnt ,e eCaptaiti cil ni,potA-iudrety Ç'cijraiiel or (;tu. ilessdgrsoi, Port 110,e, or to " .x f(w - E S, AetMnit.n iilclrens Sum. LUGEORGE OORMAOK. d shoes of aliA sruqiitT tit2oj '.0 lkindm Qutiiirboeoi iîs t iblsadé chine NoTed- D- N E, R1 T A TC I N G. Cottonx Elas- F "1notce, ;ulis 1t"'Ȕu.c.î sti teside a hoiîd911*1. - rtciuat r'& Co lllvb.71, l7-ly r--i Photographie Galory, T r'I7 ' l 111(isile thaint Isuliq fow the niot clllii te liitlîe I'rovlttc nec s e ous us are PHIOTOG1RAPH8 AMBROIT PEs MELAiNoTypxg, r y l a t e l y O r i y o i s î u e o - i evA t Wiluaelier lra;ttrip tLis! casoii, on Tusday, thé lt day of Nay, Leia ell Eart c, ev ywariLnýouu iasar- rixol or file ioi urtulrio io sslna ARTSTS' MATERIALS, worî. foui andclres. . l i h y ,W . - 1 D O U G A L VETERINÀ,rRy SURGE'ONX linunt t li cruuex ta hîuiu-ns.atd hoe>tha shr e t bf. ypPe- y trit site. (Inu.-eu 4tneete steond luosus,.below - Iuugis'sIlla-tch, 'Murk<bsm. 92 îibwhere ERS,' Mat>hewson,, Ratolifte &C.3 h-ave- just received a frcsh supply of GrcerieB os4 Ae,4c and rnýadé to odero Jf bot -ný Tpweeds, Shýtinets, lAn-rnels, lfi TS C.9 of oiir own Manufldtuce, SOLU RETAIL, AT WHOLE SALE PRICES, Brookiju, April 18, iSU NA'r1ilWSMN, JLATCLIFFE& ~ Tontro. oi B 'SREMO OMs-L Ctaner% wili ofc. AERT9IbNEU Wbutby, Ja ne Pour Pusvt-( eVLCo, wuaM o t a 20 Offimcetby. 44, urci p. BAItiW -Attmesiqst Law' i -edanaar, " . d LVÉAX 19! oa's Storel, lreek t9 1 1 p - . t I5ttTRaxolTu Bjyron sLruet,1W Ll.Whitby. TW EKXd OBeTwi Cp. W TUaE ESTi KCAli IDA. . te' Botel Oooking stove0o I - tROCK STRÉETf il WIIIITBI Fire! Fire! ,FI