Whitby Chronicle, 27 Sep 1866, p. 1

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Y ô 8 e a Agent I OEAFD mIzLbi Ornas., vvIs JUIf L ".- j y tl o tiér. 1 7w RER N0TIun4 isUppor Cnbtu le58I' le 1. 1fffdf i 5fi L iifss.tut5.y 0ou V".l; , ur <ee, IIu srou A. Tlt('WN, Iie Nf, t nrrî,r t'i rii l ir.tra #In<>11 trf)0, la ho t msuat ssasJ (HsPuelç ii flip o liLiof liufr stating Plf tiseilliro be cl-uî iar.sg rs. TuILL, t 13tiietAID -ATTOIieUNTSAT. rq Oufto Loir dtu auo'Mnrslen~~~5d Liqus of tibosatelhi k uivet Ontrmil o, Iýo. o WhiubcW., leu V079 t fsI dei, cours U.uaar- COMMEROIAL HOTELI *,fetraoveonte, 0C . Vila" ad be au 00d11isera ibli, d Wreno. - i A'SNI'O1. iegoins, W ih caramal attaujo ï, al ai0 Tforonto, jnly 20,1841,. - eund, GOod a*tebltug, a40010.d Varda, e04 attentive uarlo,iulsrrîsîor sdAternr.nt.lav4w,0 JINO OTI lé ti, n (itsbllff, nas(M lzwss.) éU coliW lot, Do__________ Il - WtI?> SOYETON bego te ' iforin the.lua - isITii, Amfltlv, OIef TÂzyw u Cr002004Jonî,ait lia -ls openad lthe 1.ayP.,trarjif fataoi 0u*11laîa Stroot iat.îy oldbY net ana ùm "@?go lia aomf jotsdl, iâsi l)tais Sd s.yea lia liai Iiadae araiah. ithy 190UT J. WIUO%. bamgardllof the -flIEISTEII & A'fVoI(ET A.1 LÂW9 utesi.oUfawy asta soliotorindoitear 0 . 0W. aago. oho- ia 8.1 olln, rook lit . Fe*Ji u14, 1844. p&UJ1?I:AT.AWA n tAiTEJR )UX BRIDGE IlOUSÈ. pololsr. n -.%. éols-royerLowsa à Powell'# Store, lb.CI W. propriator, SOLTCITOHdIiTABLV PUBLIC, L*0SAL As lggp toro ffiet£0., £ l0 ;I~T Wiaaaaind Ilo fChamhera, 2* Oaa DoorllSoutbof the Z>n'a 'ti01Ortse rt 1 0 a ig lut iatry 0fte..,, ietv loie.i CIABRLUR C. KUMLLIIornustraer,vwalyuv TZUFyAT L&W,- S014TCIlTOl IN BLACKE, <hane.fy. ory puble , aiioanog ri 41 ls fsbe I'to elri.pit p Ier,<JoW %ntavv .nvsyvited, tfi,. table and bar a .1Kiplo Pou Oie.. B. PLANi, - --lrpltr Whitby, $n 27, 10614. 21Stagu e A sld ront Wlitbi ciii deily. Every C <~ffRÂ~ ~COCItRANÉ, attention Pad d gusow tareful iied atioti- AEUIOY.14. ATl>ILI9.Y, 014VEy tirsoer . ansera nmIotorled Publie, ae., &a, r , Pauma sas-vfc T p osiewn M DON BREYEItY. SJCuesa.wa, LL. , W. K. Cooun1Mr. s atrn ftsoîîiseyvu#a euty (rown At tortiy. 490411614 artbi, lit allccs qdautltfa sai may bu Ë 1'srry, 2Sethi1 51,br,188. SI quired, and ou tordis t nit nroiaara iii c.&.tO E, Toronto, sept., 19, 1845., àgUaonlaf, Slicîtev oli heerf, Ats 'Jouit c. RCSÉUitLoUN, torney, *a. &. ccsnsGeert get durO te t-Nsi dor b is tary fla Ln, d sud gdrlAet es"., Whiby. - 41.1> C.ltcàrx& OMpa lu Peter vrte, lesai otho W.hI ITSELPJ 1f.Siisu sDrtig Store.Ou oetztCso SoliltO, L., .., ~ Widàhd tâiprvod Fairm$ ln the toulties o4t nltr i fmeorisnie. W 44, ureb ireet, fooat,. .*i . D. oiioeloas atutded ideand proilpt * rstsilttauues 'naja. 4L a.I 31480 goW.#4 ýj;AR IIKA I !LAW, Soliditan la Chan, unie Conroyae0r, Lc., wa îsao8t,-ppeit.-bs osi lsa ('st4c itiold it A io 0 to s d àr sio on,§Ali ra, Brook 44ei iily . aux#Jr, put . UION TO VIEL JdUNTY (dAOL * À. iifao jCIOUNTI 'toltt B, a Ok S'IttT& ARr8iTER93. itiStrsotl 8 dors Kat o J Toaito etrlst, orolito. 45 AIWaIOALD DARKBJLe A i5s r of%&'114OfSirlo,ylotery ;Pg',IWINCIAL TELEURAPIE CO. LrU1Kle J!W 1!i1 ALL TIRPitIticl- L ý&LI a (111etu dons, in u(lalfd, id the ar tedSa.hi flïsot fte s, ~ (kiltsn'aarahats¶sd upon the r thé buli.i ,411 afill Jojrslioi dla (I# TTI.! SZVZ%É"Odi d t ià tiga*is. ON Cjvhi Sooadt " (la&riOnv0 a oe idjiU6ac eu bsh, &0. riiàUSCOTT, PEOPEETOL(L.t. 'W ÃŽo'tna>27 LIVE.RPOOL * &Lokl3ôN, INvSTJDrANCE QWII. VENUE ss.......,00,0 lUNifINVESTEîD liqCA CAAUX. eMiS @ F» DlOTls (Visai nase Ualarlo Dul. Ilitg sr use, JtAq., (msnager Ouftario Biak.)1 X. IL lima, Esq., (Gosrl manager UBak G. F .Sms oisiSeaay MicbcA Ezgas :DcîivC. UMCKLv,- EqirM. D. Pise Tnanea P olleeu'aa rotad ou ever> de.oriptoretLropeniy ai tielovea:remune- sare rates t.If. Aa'unaca P',liciessud Annittis EOA1ist ursios is at fatvorable teii nid un-. vrIan110 Tale p'eiiily àJapted ote isa lnssi. stasnceo! ah lelabseo. aus am s& j Ml Informan l ohDprmn»nh aiaiai tths Oisortii.p»yl~ai aMon- EZ I mcc ul tîtugisodi Canada.mpuinMo.ASSURANCE COMPANY L. FAIRBANKS, -la. Agent, Wiiitby. XAERINZ »EPARTKENTI fte ffli-to th ii vnolal TslegrepisIIILtaire Hnil ando Bake#Ibst OMM. Blildiit, usr ii the giaty17 n"a. 8v oetos re u ena. gren4tas oBull iko, for th seasojior vayaa iris looinsus-ad or.thn Jifiotit su eiss TitU CoXDUR4adiÂLUNION or ailvouis#smiatd toini Ihots ta and tien, 8n1Y Ports 01, the L«kes ssd id liom, &0 ,a liloteu.etimntïi CAPITAL- $24500#000 MT. Agoult,Wity <VtILy 8B8C[BED~ f'00100e10101 flin J4.sK,,v.& Co. LprlSrd4SId. - .n;sus~ wniiO~ -w-- 1JIti'1s~ AM*18U~AN ÂSSÃŽJRÂNGE IWMPANY 400t te ,@:Oupân'0li I irîlE t ndtuiga.laruç aa et IPO 'Appiy té, 2-12i~. gexst Wl COMMIfSSgioyMJER OH IN8RACB *GENEKAL AGENT $500TO LO-ANO '- N Rosil Eete lua uma id suit borrow et14fr Ott 1 to a 8yeerse.litest luw, s1 ocas br Cýotnuiloscieg iuI*4 t' liii,,. 1~r2, r. 2 a Tara and P041T FUND J19 CANADA, 5*0<' 000# 18ni-to C;ÃŽor&(lf,& titoi Stree..<iIn CAA'1fTidAsg$Se GaNCJ-Nteis Bisai. BO CoAA bfieAgoti,-OIA ,WT SUND * 4o., <tallriAts. st. 1'attil troot4 Monat ty Àtftn;Axrcs,Ja Agent, Wiiitby. ~~e~91 Tols#rapb OfficeBu lii. tsîur tif& W4yos6ty O, .L., Inbpeetilof Aguieîea. le INSURANCK COMPANY PIREt L IFE & ANNUITIES. Capital Two NJLLION* STEIRTJNbi -o- OinSt Ovor-qnesa luscraice li4as Lvorp.Oai. CA§ADA Baturaln it rvis-tnsou illsi*; B 0t Al Wilim oai0on^ ej 1 i GLOBE IIOTEiL Éit,oiSlLAugiirn.oI ulalnt, 0 tégiadtin ugsoid rîaeytbattaisa ooisiiTïEau. Tifelsuafihro nas lits-o iiulroî,ed I fooîndts'a isîna d tatîoaj rsbîi, id eo iîisnIIiilin, .I t.ik'aca s-loi tho venta o! iiint<04.1» vluliolatnj' alteeup;tsi ldsI;tpaprc.i, &c Li tunîtÇuî idsng, ucarltssuotsiltrhb"m - tilt-a NetIse 0. Vgfýehorarmot ; il Rthen'di ~ loll îîoaos-barri boNs gfto' EMT &BSIED11 WhIskét, *deibs boif Port. Sie'sir ujd8 E -2I Coguise BHrasly #ol 151, eisoir, It at a i d T épona it ffoec t Tisuandojtplnt 1 t Lilnrsaur Cfaa itti, ua bado fr omgmb>' ir e,saithie aidai rbos11*ibis ,ah l111-es te RIre, raeop-Iiîhn5p05î.seîcmjîio<f A. ALÉXANDE prprtY. J;r aseseidithLiî 1 g rodk,$fl,sOtllaj1 a, 4 tÀO(.ôâL - Ã"NhiIô Ã"frL.- L.FAIÙBNkS, l..; Agout, Tntt VTflITBV. - Ag~~Àehnt Wbltby, (ia~,ailCiît tien tb 'lisî re4tfeflonts OPt> ieranessd Bn'bk Sineel, Whtby. 1 15paclodo s abils0 end s4bd.rbOlsl, andI ready' Oà atlalaya vîh dll I. 12e JORN BP$ILS.. .Ffj*str lkbycl, repiet, iUF. sab s* w jql*4a f0 inft)of ih ftlainv.v a'ifl aîi ai. ga g by 0 1 .I i P l G k I L TU ETUQW - UXO IOUOSEJ ".ii,,tis*~ Pn LIb' (le tbngud svtutsu'hosi, 1>i rm AWq9»lO.Asu utiCA HTEi ,$#«tyee.odailn loti,, t r lgîj JOHNMOOI,. SJC<JSgoi TO TII CANADL AGENCI ASSoIkrîOi Rave ad 0,5 fi g ored or m on ey suliai g or emlspoe os, sthena lar6e efor o v ja s u vi v l uatIon vîlI ba i dt . Frens*.,appi>' ta, & . LU1. OCEIMA!$ secretar>', Box T4i Toman Or te JOHIN AUNE W, Voluaor. W itii, lINSUnlANdgI4 OMANI "h' gbt'AkU4 (LIMITE»>, le~ Pfirê_, Lifand Mnatii.d f WI1I«1,8al PlÂoou , rkLWaoi iisanei relr-Tnr cu od iey , Afmm1yFllo, su dl>ib ri LcUs'- Ueda 'a aea, Camnbrige. ienàhait oli Fr à*NT éAbi Onki Iff il', Clanre S tretl 'reieuo. aaî Mas-neas isko fmom laIAprîlteet oel be , atteepw t e owo t fate« . oà t ?i ý w - 8COTT *à DIhoRUSt, JoifixAt;sN wf UÀ07i6J'A L ].atu,< dxaa'-a Dtt.giÏs*udlr<ctl>- appa-' alto ic'asîft..gi.ueon 3uico. Sus-et, tuf-I er a rôsoftlise (itaric Banke. Mcient end k$taudrdlssucs Coi. 1 'JifE sbesobçg tb caii iii attention or i. -Former*, andIwood bi s t[ea o a nav menct $&anmnIaeinuo» tcý Is lsIhoist a doabu ea 0fti<, eet e li o oep Cau*4a DtfIiÀ SDTREET; *IIITBir C. W. trt- j - -- v-- - - '--..ii5 sa AM totai ansI eTabi= *40 Boardisolaal 3W - KOLira n obnJi htmsiuatren WId aapee ara itsipived ta e e m4 a b ï- e t s- a 5 q û e l t h t i e . T s Hh Pr II-vlu ~* ap4 )Is bstlqn ad Imia u 1811 shýalu e ; 0.2 etln pil 50 p ly pui.t to I r"i iron St Mh ,ci,, 1 4 y OHp -Cy É L e Farrn for Sale Far ficoior Sfau leoso Tfownship of ,Reach, -Ansd 01se 1oM(roui tiethrllng 'ILLAGE OF MAN;lB4Tfrl. alot fr oSala. Thons leoa "" rsd1'~ Storoy Brick [buse, frano he, DrI,'glnSoj oaad tatieg on the pbemi*0a andI 10 veli vatoro.].Tite Ul IAusuî.tr good eultliî'aîitio0rnobghunder.draiaad, andi n "Ino ef i nt deslrable rejoua l o -4 luat>0f<iîtsto b ae(fbyltpé A GItla Ls' t e aILe iT > ieps Or 1, JAM ES LA ION ,E so , 1,oalcitor Sa., llb. e OFrm or Sna le OCHtSLot, liri bomitas an 83 arn f 010Iares îor ) 0on u@toile no fsriikoe. t he lady every day, tigeSo 9rg n ai' orilsrrtigepro. and I lankire aO. s iotlbi a ~ dtritiunisof 15Plib îlafipe, lî' y a ud 11amrSbre iaIîan i o n miav o t > i E a l u sa l c m o s l o v e b e r s o , l 1 i d . rem 11Bai vhoIs ltluP asked Stnlt. e NO MONEY uiEQtJlRÉtb l"Aihloslaîsa t he question Pv. saked Fort gl rsiott o Jea, flts osnenit of reli, e a b dred i fmes or more but no oea (if f#âq . be roQte h.uetpan'IsddounlImprove- soeins télknov. The yaoung lady yfesa lm Woi1d b. sicingWd et tIlohVIl a h. viudov, asudasctler penseu vlaen propo a Os aiia. 1 Iba e o 1 i a u an co isieuit g l i p se or, io Àl'PIY ioï au t ue ,oLy oo h le Aîpl ~. ~.C. Kpp«la,1 .1r~ if a elle tue o! the 9 boîltor, Cnntigtwn sd . y eîsa iiie O f fr IELLER, tif b l le er pro-paî1.) cam a thie .tO f4 sabei i 81 onfla, bâter Oshaa, 1 s os rooaisslite. Ogisava. 14 0"And neo on@ #owa tlireblaile u ~ A i  J6"N o ue t ia 1 ba va 44 u etio d to tW . vianited ËYl~eryîIorllng 1I Sd the youq frdy ait - Tisefinga 1tparticular vladow. Wh 1 ma rried couple to orkeo u*a Fam; and it.do v ewn ÏÎ Ifov090W A b clais e h ,C.attend r~toij-vsto. Teman inuit bc ter# u ad ýâ%l àarsit-rate pie ghmas n a4 meas sevr, sdabtnsbu eIfl.S euil lie fle wâ ot bi eablo ta vs-ts her evuzcamne paoitonq," LI1Ê»1.RAL 1rACES f1yâllg Iy Ioa vi dy Id4el i 1fi un. n1î all>' la ystt1 ogi. fAilt'v&S6hts ydnircépl:sj?4geod chtae,r, vitis a1 aSrile Yodi te i'kera bui unS P' 1mftnî »tasohh aiesily bl ny happy, te, dains,;4,5.)l. but 1 eau,$ bohWsra hio flint ii. tebeo > Poil OÀlc,.Port :feapo. brofigbt M4bodil Abs.periiiuo ibanfles. 1 i3bpel »sr 4ths, 186à, tSia4S 1cad i ailo ok i bof lh'ngb Mi oas tl -am yod du bor unel. bpea tise., anS t, INSÃ"LVE)rT AÃ"IÈ OiË1664, yofill e bcn' loe." -. - 1 17 t reitî ti ir t6 ihdi.é oe a id e sp rt, liro inco e t' 8, i n tise (o sliy Odtri asd tie usai m o mgeq i the lady 1la thun Coig>un fii j0f1 te Couty ot ou- viado, opposite eloaeol bar ovu. 50 Wit i tale-,.il5There, 1 f014 yqu Isew h veulsi h.." in 11;0 matikeJf , qi'PCkR AiLd fi s hondith WstaaaoitaV Townisibip ofet hsiiuitb n h ouof>'e! $hostes'i usen toe i a tdrUa, Cor, li rI lo sli-o*,' p t'h 9rth d'àar o !f l0rem ier, déB ut io 't abe abe ani>, fbo gh ?7 N ov 0 dt,îis-ifi . Lek Jritafre- neall>', If I viaa't a marlod man, Tevis nA non"utliquse noîî wiîli 1Y lo tie Jadg. tack. I shosi d eadvoor to ais.ltean im. hm (tf ibisg lCssiri. ut Whliuy, Ia tho nail]Cocua- t>'. for a dlfst,eaugender the as1 Adtt. 1 pression Spon fliii TOU g lady,@ bonne. If ~ lote itshaiwlusa, tI i -ts day o! A11giI os-e Id jrour Pà, ab houisi boml.een A. D. 88. ETLEt TAt Lb tive oparations at once. Maieaouse B >' 9, B . FA IIIIA WIS, -dem o uaration at li ta, t e gli e ber à filai ie IligeiJ ttaraoy, a- M i. S4 regeding your feelings."'! e*0v ut vwa mutai siI'd beaun illui- T O F18 U 11<« A N D ig off for ai lu it ulr u it ha1 b i t i à 1 0"er f1U~,iiâ 'o ;b 0 Ii b", bin g' A N D r s u r d S Eve n éeca i 48j o lâ ýç o 1-i g b f U o f suoutace 1Jfavii. atuemè yIisil, i 4sF A ITIES vhssting goa lman ,olsr 1hl% ipiuta; batti p ia e . cou eh ilî îg ot th e bane k L ieq il, i sâ idii a n d a n o Sil n t an d re là, 1 e G id e in th & n - a d is i. s Ï gi ti d i i l b S >u S t e d raig (ted , vh o * iii al v e v.b.o t ioqd in r sd - u s, b Si,)' o ut I )' fo ie , i it aS e m i Pesa ast thsrranisl'oo; Rama, sudÉIII bcpre- as dili i Isfi ibgýâ41' în pareil feappl> Cabea. - 1of-,lahils ru Si.* i o;* k 7SJ ' 4 at i d a y b ti i t. d s s i b r £ J48. dARNJJJ1AC9tS;f a f !je, lé ,apw t Atce; f dtaeriifilî)et 1*Ub fi 'il fsae ýoteted iIjt M' d, 91,e (r fr4sissid 1puew , 8g 4 1 1 , à d a b t r e L le tI Mo %-ds ead ban I M 0 w lâmes a &lime T i l Il b ar e*l Ànd'IM4A ¶gsLe.>iisdithige li flni to ft rem À thtturs mailisier uiiesm,, li'éà.lagthue<id rou gioriès of thi e aSiit To LUt. To hi ott asver, doloato ie Tii. owiiar, à& yet, lm "*poisesed Ih aoia, 0o tige ftztarou Arc not lunch val"@; bai aôoe 'Twill b. furai.h.d by Capid himmlil, f ifo Taire 4 lepon for the. naturel tarin of leli 1f. Tii.e teaciont 4 ve ai e w tas i o pay.i Louve, lionor, aîd-.bssvieot itoltî-obe,. M~ fàr tii. good wiil, the owner'a iucIîîied To hâve tiîui, lhfaroodeoai, aeuid tau kin4 i'roviiled iras titie, b, proofocm . iowa 'ro a lisaitunaeuiberodd u i as làiiown. Sa ladies, deur 1*41.,, p ras>'douiot forget, flore'& au oxolloiitbesl Ie o a Jarto booeek l't Lay O»te. *9DI)JOP5SAetd<" r.UIsv, uputfbogbt i f , .>. g 1s Z glàà d-Ïma sl, 4aulife v. avls* ek(-" ~ , oi.aMi ~ ~st ~ Qfl 4 i4ijiSOt baP. GALO. > . ~I~ *fM W h i b y , SM s A u .,1 8 0 0. U - 2 e t o , d U S sM d I t t ' b u t b y d tfi 1 * 25 vilItelI 1e@mvrgea >rom"e. IliRideau straeè; Evetnow I laid f bosg«Miel;orlb v c'tgoer, rang thebel tNo.,78, a 1 ba lbbgb tizt ÙOmbg The. 4oor wu 0 ol edby aï: elseley 'ô. « s M penad M Y aum e ,, t e lady lo e d M a e W ho M oion e fo follov ber. i ta l b e v a o il t l e 8b' h . le d m e u p s *da s aires se, .114 sto . W*a o up" erroY Lp . ' laber, u ig Jeto e à dloor sthe sàid, 4 fend u liue fa l u tr brilîlant aisc e 07w , f" I o rs Is olii h re. ' on c ou en ter .4 aod:w soiblusit tflugebesrc "d lare,i il"WilîîYODpisa.annoncome il . plaeed mY baud uno nm y bee a <sl d sîgiesi. £ 1f h. l'f i s tibt >'eu ST&fi Lns, and jf 8h. Couai notbava beard Et, but ab@ fliU5i altiag te rectîvs you."i bave Sean ibs palp iation otfaY bo -o" m.- " à1. eli,'e4 said; ,opeuî g Vide. thé A moment asiles s8a Vlêldrsv- frontm d rit sigbL ' sag s- or., 'fora, baiui, beviuelaiug, Iovei "O tainFiera, stooi bofoneeas oliaon ln-a&H 0 tmd b e fson Ief 041 bloaglor)' ia b 'e.raedvths euce Aâb lieraiiinas as-lu my blP p1iioi Tliifusow8 Ivsd lm aese.ir, Flots, i> ova darng," 1 orfai, 1 0, tiiis a4 . â;mt ba'e- beaadny l5'oues*viios.e Aîeas -muai bava revisbeq vel00 vanblug utheabovifor, o« n gian.er cars, "si' 0 sifatha opî Ob, leoked <rom, ber casumet apen M,. F Pilov Iby béi!i iuià uLs n t; show a-lier lovely fora vas#*(et ta,ýiiàÏîi As diva ai opeun lr 'ur of eiitw ine eboit MY nocc »Âlaob TvIhti~,~'àaiâk inrspt'f r.aad hi.ti h thou art mine lai anb ibdsoftly, sud, uheu-sudenuly; ou as i ace is Aoter 6luIlbovlugsoabufelaeuyofsrcaq rm b're thlasibni ri h~bny , Tby1 a pair of beshy wbhiakors proaed egainod bharut i ave pnoved toce mach fr hir, obý ycek n pd fern re n sud ah. m5aî tamb t té àrOd a-i> ohli, ausi s pair dfanda arma u à Capid'u aiov !0 raailig la ber bosomI.e' la: dmaeck opandi>-andeptiiroii 10 Yos penhoie fi. .hàgI amn l'el gouisuloal. jeain, "h. sas tat yoa voantih.r. Yhsâe tïld you 5 ti eor,and, 1now e, ivesi vitlaopen trmu PI peât t, tu th. Sud thai tob dIha> mot b.ie iiesito sbriel, bail vus foo. noer1 adki-lsd at vhalt 01104. s t ngesifor t heu, sud Jasu ilien aveet Y bave vnluben ibis ikhtb~t.i7 otyfor ft6 Ilorajpoke benoîit of a cartia clan et yeungi nbli bo Ia Mr. Taristocc, ellow mg tu make Yod are to bb fouas inlu evrY i5u; tbiulalug si4ainted vith uap kuÈba ni, Mr, Quiu- tisai une viser portion .4' tâte, warulug par, vWho ai ibis mmet iseo00fondl oui. b> my ad ftta , briig y Bale leot.1r. Tavisfociç- Maxi moralug 1 procared anoiies ban ybur Ilva for ibis famuil -s neciprocaued quai. 1 seleetad oe ontaluiug quit. aM ify baniloves yon as a brotber ;I' an ambar o! rossbcds; wbieb, If »ah. uoder -then tb bar babeud as a aidl, à"fug.1fsitd- >suood the lasiguage otlowets, sbeo vols once for me, QàiM. do, ih.aýti'~ a dent.,,, acept; ds a coafhiou --r lovae-Thon 1 1 060munrdeni1 Lat me go" f cnéiad, placet! a note Vithia the boquet-..upoan tiIln o 1 ïver iiaso a o6Çof uiywea chobw ~ w ritwftebei-llnu i sgain.ti "feir iuby aery isoa flf la, TheIi irloee bshl pimé By kvs'e oint rlsdgo -théii rinl is su moselooeili.iîujsi 13j lieavsn sud asrtij, loa tlisa andjet. me free. I saiied say bat anux Foncier lanibisheurt ahîall dwell smortelfor flae door. Tii. lovely foinaitlim .charma compel, 0"Good nigbî, Mn., Tevistock," saiithé Tis Iau.ng longue ta atly tell Jlew niaci, deontmaidi lfoie tliea" - monston. I vould glalare vocod,-havé 1 wua very aune abs could notl uisiare -ibee Slvws ctl ib talaIhat bapi. w>' feeings alter resdiug thon huies, aeun nah ladeaiesi. if tble boquit diii Det give e hr & e atie 6"are Ilîte Weil, aud if forever lint aus o fin tat of Myb, rt.Stili fotravrr (re thiecWel Agaa Isua Jon,7acras o srça, Adieu, aveet Job, Aud gat evi I saohasi lm nomni> vldov Tie my ie il s ceman', coaiforta lu. il,, door opeued, and#, aab 1Ituvu the beautifal idictior u i4itisaheJob of olid," §ail yoaug lady wbo look the bouquet la ber Flote, kiuhiig lir baud ta ie., a4 f de. lIY ba d. , sav ber lipa m oire as Ibeuga p a t i î lar ogl lb ook b. c tof ilt CEt - speakigjant thn ber raiantejns obî - t biag, abo beda lui wivà, uansit in fisage ll ml lit np rm17te, dvLn orlgda laelsh t s. Irw vsa>. That single, night -look ait a î lin ttn Àiîî iileLt'occlie 0 éîomit of ibi. 1 doWt !estar bI VteiAtIl11 ' uayon a 0's tiionov, or paru n i>' in fathé lelàr lto ted 0 pire lna y u 5ii idOle,,and- I donitielli t isehébaud a es"" t y o ng m an lE t isahe country . 14 ià ià dhâ lady isi, ohisnr a'. ,Beader, Inae4 not te11 yoa tihemoral- u-b. ld *ho îent bose naaÜü(.1 0' Ï, aloi'., Ïara c onets ~~ ~~l h.. ~~~young man, thinauk yasifs. u à u o Ïi à ottl breyou kuov bewera of iioeting vi ila esimiier oune, à14 Dot.,, jsird>. Iu ir sy -o;n the andy abores of LaIte 'à Ts bt taï ,ü, Ye* 6 on bauuagganamag 1ait and moari y.~~~~~~~~~ olpaia'oiaaeryeedyu oiCT lu7 departei hope, 1 reckoued yen s Iïaeniber f0 know . vo 1-[lavebil- i iliit âorrow lhem, laS bà4poaî.clap vus to-dar, ans i s< 1 hbreaiieil no igli sîrts,îli e ar, é â*ý tols hon that it au Mn. Job TaivjuoÏk." Bat It consaumesaY h.art," "Ani viai sud ah. s>'ibea 79, ----. laO, 10à Job, fi4si t. iy h..,"k vn- tleraxtoua Sw'xd.-Tbe -folloiiovsng i dotr If h.' olà soitaile"l And 1 sayi i"I eopy of poblInvitation ou-th iseusîg san'î tell Sjoa ntbing about l' boili, iii.Blee.sira, aaIod In a aiAbingdoolkjýt ibnli ut Il rckoa bats got 'iitfor lais by Wiileà ouaY iî failier vsai àsoap.boiîor," 8atâ île pre- 6"Withu tîjia Ilsov*o s-, aail alliv, ýcieo il, uakiag si iddea eiitfrons - < d suraissleria.and ua> À~ "athia risiug, bhi mlu i. ïibis Tefioîglnsassiao ed moument, un1to àtans6 tue ivindow; 1 h.- ah nnîo o Sviudnonr aSini lieroà. bald the be&airfl oIWÏgladi', ontiing ogh.-The-Piongla: towanii ma.1 rbo-*eôd ais Ih 1 pi ili in h iottes wû-plodçj. ila liti es esoir m7 lapan-it- ew.v is. teoe1 - lu l>ei we aital i, I. IItes, Ai lusit Mo, ât -lasiJur. Au,,1 Iliteien, ansitisal go1il bear, murd, t bi Eslareturuosi. J.cus uleea1 uam rs. Sae ber bùt oeuh moment -loue I Could , ialao bui p rsberhon tiis îhnrobbing boiiA Caletnjournal estnuaseztheconi. oldbaou one1dil.aetofing crop o or esn Cotton At more tai ioa .6)' ipa~' alj tafuIlie baS fwo iii ions of baies* »u thfiaka îLe lagm dits of, dttinduegotton wber bobavd- çiag tirer çq iis ý on)'te obfak inber teitdeao h pràie.,o Vtihwlr tend Ia ia nte host elylo oausmipiîog'- ir ice baIllnt tise raié l dr k e e ond.fçl theami lb, i f 6iiiipffà â largo, ovoin1 td - la~.~ péue.In'hnopq anti othorr u'gùstn roet5odrloîun - .(,av orable to iudary mîl)'aadova t. o, d' - -IlA voman Who tle onofa Anothor nciight, kt, -blibuttl incâarnad orron thea eth ma., aking -PerU eon #rome. 1troue about the saLe ti6ie, green, bofone do;ig sp, xae o auinj dwi./ust go g i. fn iàg t ounèbdresses fon ail tern Oblidren. Acconding to Ibo lJeelyan 2'tmeJ, 1 1 1 Y-t I 1 rédimbon ý 1 1 11

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