Whitby Chronicle, 28 Mar 1867, p. 4

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.j24 I.'. Aeres tu the Tovnullp of Minveroi OU tlu , ~nortiî.as part Lot Nu. a, sond COU,, WfIl, n twîo loté or Ibo Town Jiu#scf DA1INGTION,ý g rec from îtuinp.. Ccmfortabclo g 1m- Ilffw frime bure, I4x0-Xood volisud saflîrit. ty vouug ortliird cf 250 (lots. TYýi**propcrty IVItib, mld ochssp, sud on long terme of paji Mlont. ALSO Lot No. q12lth concesin ARA., TWO UIUNDREiD ACRES 01910 islelot, std lf. tuited -0017 .001. four Mlle# fron thei coutre raid. ALSO 7-5 Acre%, boling the ZEt purt or the Soith-balt 4 t10 1.concesoion of Mera, îdJolulg VILLAGE 0F BRE CIi[N, About oe1ît lmtitîjic p ortio frec ol litimps..Tiau.Lot naJAt ic L'un titeir, l lond. 100 screIou "lt )lf Lt 10, ls the. lta i on- consicu cf M sri, mote 5 or 10scr.lird .Apply te, Wlihy, pt.st 180, TRUAS & OULTHKAIID' L3N OTr O m .0,*a for Ctiiibus, Roilin, t'riiice Albert, ousnan nd Muniliu, ar- rlviug ut tliou at r 1 -ut8, .,s'scaictiujr witli thse tfigtFsslinJîîy s Uuvertsu. Mettuiluug louves ilislîl ail t,. s. ni., ,rrlvfuu t .1Oita fio dîne fuor ave g tnoiu on . f .Ai',,E Aud"wCou,-Furo f uollu- wa ta Ci» 87 -Ccn. tiagrildt» Co prin àA Ic«et»'itO ya i ,Mit- tille $1 5 Il ioiiIgir.sfrois -tligeN ire iniouvy, ts ir uit ut(',uswofrtc of rga. Ezjîr briiltixucs. cre ,i>. tiel iet ire cilivoro it w ll)ii5.îs . Tige pro rie or ill!it he repotbâslils, for aparce o ages uicns- bouked sud psilt for la OIIEAP;STOYES W ~ 'Hôtel cooking stoves, Agrieultural Eurnaces -that wil pay for themselvos lu Qne E'avetrougyhs Put up with iron hold.f.uts. O> New linings put in old ovenso ltepairing promptly attend- cd te. Ali kinds preduce taken in ezchange at the OLD STAND. WU. JJIIAN. ioncy toLo i~n#Elo Iuuand liliri te Loon uJn bMo 0r curfty in outlteNuit iîurrowersi, et a Y Moder rate or Interest. AI)olvut tise fa mcd assnulscsicr ' ue- houdo, taIIN IXODOSON, REF CES t goReorcnecs Iindt rm 4! te T. N. 01ihbo, LIý M. ?'. P., 0s# %; M. * Ciameron, Esq. M. Toron 5v. J. WorrOIlil. A., Jucumbeut, Us0vs; Win. Li ,Esu., Whîs- by; 1e.L, Idll, UMyrt .Adamt Ger. don, E.,Fà Fretorof tiMiss <suner Waro- inm; IL, MrKIdrey, £93., reils; Nîid Mfnisr, ., o'rt J'uivy J oe- iRoeAa,i â , og crre »raez,al usWîsk; MAlcoà l lcopie, lA q.. Ios.k C -n-e Vro#f ,leury Ii- tour, Eq sscI' je Patelma , V idoer.o; lso rk, f echuster, Sept., lTtb, 1806. NO T ICE. STiIIE .ubscriber béa to callI tIe attention a( je Furnior,.and wced eauer., te s nov ere.e.,ent .wc«Mcbu, low f iciguus * doubt ene cf the béat vt got up tla cad,t elld- c It tbe- tore .uylog0 o-lT, hAT1Rs I.KING. ,et ,Ix tto ce Tï-H'ER, 30.leaî*io exelnally 163 Ki ng-et.-We st, 'oronto Alaege, jarety' o/Crrages QU' haie'4. "ýTbi proprietors oihs fiEstablibhrnan possessfacilities for maniufa-turing Crae tatenable tei defy comipitition, eithcr lu price, style or finisk, Cali < eefor *urBelveE. 3 SEED S E 0F LL K1NDS, ATI DS- I No. 1, on the C - o rner. GO THERE IF YOU WANT TO GET CHEAP CHOICE GROCERIES ,%wi « TILL &ýBRO CabinetMaes&.phl sterers, and-dealers e 'in' al kinds o CbietFur*. n iture., Nave .now on band, the -largest and most select Stock te be. tound in the Country, wfie h they arc selling ut pricca taosufit the tunes, bcfng, determfnod not te bu undersold by any bouse in the trade. C aIl and examine before purchasing elsewbere. . A choice se- lection of Gilt Monidings, (..meriéan mace.> a & 4 BROOKSTEWHTT NEW BAKERY L~ 0 Q UORSIC-"'NWâ C 0F ALL KINDS. March 6, 1867. Cotton &-Wooleu Uoods cozt IR, FRANCIS No. 1, on the Cernei r. iing down in the msxkot M'CLUNG, FIELD-ING & Co. Are giv2ng the public the benefit, by reducing the price of their G;oodi aeoding no the tinies. Ileavy Grey Cottons at nine-cents per yard, fuit colored print ten cents, Winceys et coat prices, ta cf ear the winter Stok ont. Cobourgi% and fancy Mohairset twenty cents Per, yard, Canada Tweed$, besvy, al wool, S5éts per yard. Clearing ont their clothing at coat prie.. At their uàuaWow prices;-13 pounds of Muscavado Sugar for $1 OU ; l Pound@ocf refined Sugar, for $1 OU; fine yeunH snsdBfaek Tes, at 75cts; Cofice 2Oct. per Pound; Currants,,20'flis.ufor 1O;Rin, Il lbo for $1 00; Rice, 25 Ibos. for $1 OU; Horrings $3 75 por barrti. Bring alobg the moncy, the goods are -ready 1 McCl."ung, Fieldinig & Co. Lowes té.Poudà,OU ~011Stand, BreeLSt, WhkUby. -SOI HATCH &-'BROTHEýR, Offer to the trade' S WANSEA" C. ANA- DA PLATES, a genuine article, at the lowest rnarket price. THET 'ARE NOW GIVING BARGAINS IN STOVEIS AND ÂGRICIJLURÂ-L FURNACES, FOR LUMBER, CORDWO-ODÇ- OR CASH. Pi»ersons requiring .the-above, wiliind U to their advantage to cail, as they are idetermined ta reduce th - " present large STOCK. W'~ Peddlars wanted, to le supplied witb firt-eWlasTin-ware. GOo od pushing handw with opur wrares, wil make money. Counitry. Merthante supplied withl74ihm ,ware, Codailund otherioôds, on libéral teris IATOR -& BOHR No.90, Brook-e., Whitby, y';'. 1$ McH ES"NE Y, Would intimate to the inhabitants of the Town of Whitby aud the County of Ontario, that he has opeaed an establishmenît cf the aboya description, in the premises for- merly occupied by MIa R. SNO W. He respcctf'uIIy solicits theordeî's of the Publie. 52 FALLARR VAsi B)I 'yoods,>& G'oCi1 ThIE IESTIN flJEMARKET. "lho Dry Goods, Departnient em braces vai ied and snperier. assortment of everything in the Dry Goods rIlhe> Grocery Department is replete witb choice Fresh Groccries, WI-NES AND LIQUORS, 0f the best quality always on band. vi bitby, October il, i1860. JOHN FARQUIIARSONO FRAN.CIS18KE LLER,., INURNE AGiENT ~epresents tho foilowsnoe WAflJt~,ft~ fli~in,,avi,.. - - ----- .. ..-- ~ wvaaaj.i.saww. THE LIVERPOO'I4 >ANO ,LONDOK AýNI> GLOBE, VCAPITAI1 $*iomi,o. THE EDINBURrnIý,LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Ca., PROVINCIAL INSURANCo la, 0Op (CANADA,) FIERE AND AIP BRITISH AMBRICI ASSUTRANCE 'Ce.,'(0F TORONTO,)ý FIlLE-,AND-NEii ACC.JDJE4TAL DEATUFIlI ALSO AcuENTpiô PYERMANENT BUILDING ~ twa AIdnàm o. <f ret iq Losaed on R.ea e, P!oqwa1. appli*at# .Abeo afent foF reris Co., ~E NGLANDJ Y, t~orontoJ R. &J.CAMPBELL filave decided ,,ýtoseli .the balane of thi FALL-& WIJU'ER STOCK, 9at cs riefor C injuorder to InakeM&em"fior their 'spring=prhss which Ispon mucbi-tûgerscM&ethau mai,- )tOl THIET ~ir O OPN A NEW STO1LoIN the best miate, of tTpper Cana ober 3,1' 1866., i BUil takc'n in exci la E I I~ç~: aGlieU SPIECIIALNO,-TIl'O Si nle- Reapers andMow auR'eapers and Mowers Uwi The mibecribers would cail the attention of the Agicultural cern- snunlty to tbelr stock 0 'f Implements, where yuil l e fonnd alînost cverytlsing the. Far- mer mel requfre, sud upecial ly at:tbf. ýuaea of the. y«er te -their Stock, of 0f several, kinda, and of thé latest Make. Towhich a Il the La. test mprovment# bond necebsa!y by practicable tasta during tfii.lest s ben ave, BalPe Ohio Reaper and Mower combined, Cayugo. Chief Rcap- or and Iler combined, the, Manning Single licaper, the Cayogit Sufonfer Mower.-Of any and aliof the aboe. Machines; we Invi te a trial Thcy are uianofactorqd vith care, D0e8t /Pleriate4.Workmeznsldp And can be guaran teed te the purcharer to give îatiaction upen À A AI IRAL OR NO SALE. BITAwNsTRATToN r& ODELL' Business College & Telegraphie Institute. fNo. 55 yOrf4NGIREET, TOEONTo. ESTABLISHED iN (JONNCON WITJI AND ZÈB19ACIA IN ITS COURSE OP INSTICUCTION'ý b:- A COMPLIEECOMMERCIAL EDUCATION I." JIMS Inmtttion i4 under thse Imined lote sun rvlstn-of .J. D. <gIseil, s Iri-elms Peenmn sd TPraculcal Acconuteut. Thse Course of Inâtrutction lu ibis; Colloeslace direct ?el'orenoe t tii. reqnlrommnss eofBuisincs,etand tis e renaiS or touricen ycars expoenfonco cf the pieoujs ef Busiosc,,sEdaucilon on titi, Continîent. 15 embrecesBou'k-kecpuag lun cil Ili#de)peru'mets ad e>lua . . 'cmrIalLi,(ommereil Anitlaic, ich'nliCipstoAu .s (.rcp.douce, Eîiullu.lî Orsammer, SrelliInf .,A.sclobrhlps igod durntehlite 0fr the lIoider, t'eut tittles iotîtunition lui any e thse 461Coleogesth le Cat oited'In îhueaest cli rti olua Stats sot! Cersad. Eiahë dduoint viit ajey the boeoef a Ystemtto sut!gradec cours.. f Iustrdculon eoinipried lus cerialicomplet.o preormnoceunbreciug cil the esjoeuttal Î Inuts oais Conimitcrs~l tuiocatiun, vi th Wotsetci xtnsve ebbortmu oe pee i euript- oette ever ain a eComm£eialtSchoi For fartluer lIforimeulca plois.e aUent Golhge, or sent! fer College Montbly, euciodng louer 88-1>' ~BRYANTI, STRATTON &OEL £' Pllotgrap 'WILKINSON'$ o tetake Plctuar«,, P110TOGîApX189 1 - > PES NELA1i Or tny etb*r mode othie Ml HO. Rajut addeds n, ARTI8S«rMAl GI ve his wsftftng roo ' werkf6 fou Or.èlveg. mmlsalrezOAtl Wiby, MAY U2, 151 Far-h 1110 tbeirfl lxW Or if by ter(r ýWhitlb~ Bud, satnrep ÀppllCstfen c% Or teiN. BAKEl Haif a. moi~ On 7t O *f March,1Jr the qf their ed.o,',and the inb~fft of No 7 WITH A ÀtGESTOCK D r Goç mad' CI, o.w.1 p' 1 M(ýý FISH FOR LE.VT.1 Canada Plat-esý 1 :os- - 1 1 J 'l 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 i - il 1 1 W.]1 BOL ffistry office,. hILb J MORNEY Pue., WhU,y &C BA~~ OFFir4ý,-Dui 'est <office. B aler n Psuwos Aunai B mil. osaî, ContutuWCrovn JI FortiFerry, e4 Off=c, Whiby- W. S 4e -jý 44, Char J. 9. lFA] BARROI, Âutor,,ev-st Lai of ho ot-Offi M1 SEOITNT ATKIN' QA1ILTFT S sLlt,ENS Bemove.! to i) Statn, <ierk cf 4 -Royal Rotel. y LEEK <>7 lie ORGE4 &%Ijrl q 1 BROWN & PATTERSON. 1 Whitby, «Tuly 4, 26 1

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