jw, 5< Il evanqotf 'l iminat -t I s Vigoat104 5 portcroa toSsaffp.. -Osth 22adlof MareL, the sortb it fl tcsz4, lu ti, 8919 eoessou of Dà rgià gt.ul*»s s.ch Bolesas,Tb#. prcptt li eaoi, mcv. zi mie L. Aguew fort,,tmvu eold -lat SOu of' urd.> cc che Wesenvamhaee sCo., ti 0"prIe. r ealied eitgi,14tE., Onsthi ss iib -daly e.siuti à sées qf Ic17 la ths 4ci ,,cm sof e Flsuieri l ase scIé 1 Mie. i. u. -Hcld.s, ostn t qq*ýIvs'F,40teoit $S,4. iselesv1«- aIl for s. e Tii. advaatqgo I'iiellouiAt châle. en> sa fleils res l§qg i'" o'udroodg e. sud hocoq , ed«bi'alle.o prises una i aIll cbtalated a' tLe.II The parciaer lu ka**#wbu lacl mt Lenj4o ompletis purchos. unlems a PertecTly lttI.eau 38 ' ,bvu adof oo tuis tarais un osi Dot teb.uIL e,» h ariorleimaan s Il .04, sud the doposit moue, ls roeatd. Jiselujae1 - is@01d ___c_ i Amongat Ibhe Muuy'ocieror bauidities wit vU hicis people ire tornnaitotch. lov.not WLlby, the unaaiseaeisheurs solocted for Lolding tLe meetings o! te ilTown Conneitlà snet the. leaut, e ight lf 0191c"cs aigbt lu tie regulsrl appeinted Sboy, snd his etrequenti, att.r Chat mien the procedings cÇMMOUssea00.fst e 1a Jff te diaeier ch. slt~i(4 esmosle,(or ýtbio mlghs vont. - The. itqsneaa of the CorportIon migLi ati au> 'tisse ýb.gens ytLreuagb, and dones p ,éldon. p Broai,"l withons bout of dsyiih. Baus hen ligi, firevcod and oîissv ezpeuses vould Leb osved, anà strictes eon rs oVsineer aongas th. vlrtt. cf. eorporsAte iodles. Nonuut gentlemen big viiià she lupor. tance cf municipal hoounr- wold thijak-of 0 vanînrang ont i la Imi and moti bail, ratai, srnd onov, cf dark 'nisbLi to'asuemhîo sl the Town hall, and ppead the lime te ou advanced hoar oftheb nigisî, dciug itIle or nocising, and trpdge i' houge sgain 'lai tu s a in of eat oher. TLey certslnly affurd tise rslepsysrs -lwîe eopporcunicy of being <diled bl their slouence. People,q vho are net Town concilîora, dora'î l1ia ta pot îisemselves la the vay of eeutrct, log ceids, rsanou, and agae, Ly returning nt mldnight tront .the Toiwa hall. The centrivaitce of meeting ut aigbt letss'v Lave osid, s ,great obsuardity ;-and viej tS. exception of the eoa'poratoi ofutishe town o! Whitlytbere la, ve Selleve, ne concil lIaasy otber fouin laiCnsds, chat1 Indoiges la 15. By sai uans, gentlemana ef tLe Town cemaihiJeteià Lavesà chang. Âuy change <ront darineus se dsylighu danot fai te oprovo s chantge for îLe Setl- teansd vIl S. gldil vlccssîd b h t ratepayars Tas Ac or Cotrraaa*'roamestish.II lng the Dominion of Canada bus rac.ivedn the Biyls sent, The -Oevornor Gem- erai's proclamation, h lei expacced, vilILe lussedlstelyl usned. Oua, Ne. I.-YSeNAà it (lsoN AT? Hous 0 Aaix 9- Ws roeis-«r,, resdens te an #a- à neancemeait la tLav col, (rom u iics ht vîli bu.-sueý t B.' cu ut'r chased the stocek,,-fbuiness-of Meus. Yarncld a& Co, Yeoman GlboohI l oîel s inoun toaailtii.e country ,tunod, snd is rd deilngs .111Le buouu4, as lis, sîvsys t bale biena berd*ter.atatoty, and bis stock cs uais snot -laIle tuei iss# pl.ntfy e ùstomers. - Titoe. ill Leusa gtand alesriaig sale for to ata isys of vbiaSe e bîsgors shoulsi takeeadvan'se ieucyto the Admiklastraer o<f tLe (hjern. Sc lb théE)dtop of 4s. 1744b M 'tau Die'a -Rord)vtb, 1 eeossthe c mules et1h.Proceeilap o!f iameega ilis $$Central Oomltt.eo!fI<'rt Ontsrloti Leld at SaicdeSld, -ounSstday, the -Soi et Mar.lai and big îyou mîili', miti 701 msal, klonuse,41rv.pahloli, (o th. mine 1 utayi, supanant, remavk(LbaI ftLe muet log «vaslarge sud entthulastio-t a b taig lai aIl, eOn# eueiudr.deofers pru saut on fthe --cccslou7 4letobvions <ha -Mr, camorve ae .- policerman for tià Com muas#,sud .111L ueleoctod b, iM cvsî wh.Iailng mjority,If ,uotb, seclisaîl. Tb* pncodiagi o! lie meeting vere cou date.tivit b tisé utmost cde.orum s endamen mii>y. Malcolmt Ollîsupil osq, te tSb fie Candidat* for the Locsl Hou.., Laviel A MoWlft<uhe votes ever Mr. Joshui Wright$, la ibtof'taal balot, Mr. Kennedj iavinag Lem dropped kon the irat ballot, list#rienala supporcoalMrAir 'llespile, an, plseed hlm laithe fild, sas sCandidate foi Parllaeaîry honore. At sa. meeting of tlis-'dOonsratlvu Central Cemmlteee for North Ontaro," h.Id st Saintigeld,. ou ths StS etfApriti 3807, en M otion o! William Notion$ , Eq. speoonded b, William isiesir. Easq., Mal oîlm GilîpleesFq., vsq caled te ' ti# chais', sadý TLomas ilcîster, Esq., vwu appuned sncvelsy, pro te=.- James OGrahamu, Esq, seondad b> Joica Wright, EBq., moredtbalietishe mi ntesaDet the Township Coumittesu b. laUd biture the meeting. - Carrhcai. William Ni.-soro, Esq,,-, seeonded b, George White, Esq., mieai thaiM. C, Conteront Esq., recelve the uaiqalihled ouppo'rscf liais Conaultee, ait a fit anid prepier person lai reproen ibtis IIidiag lu theSouas. cf Cossuons of Caidb-Cà r- ried. James Greaa. sq , necaided b, W'. I. Yanrnohl, Esmevred chai this Cuuulti.# v.feby ballot lu nleetaug the t'andidats -igrfl±e Lceal L4gilaIsure. J. Moboà pen, Eaq., ssconded S, AMr. A. 'Snt4tnpvçed ->lu.ýuinduiant, liai the- -6 tyowas n sud&' a'aai e taleeaInstoail et Tb.e original motion vas fthonu dered Mr. Melhas, neouded hy J. McFLsrson, Riq, moved tisat Alexiader' Kennedy, vA, rseve cf Mare à Rama, lhs a fit end proe rperson te rsproacuat tiseNortbhI.11 ding cf thisvConnfy, -ha the Local Logis' lature of Ontario. William Nrelsun, -Aq, sacondeai LTJas. Moalca, movred tbat Jusisas Wright' Esq., La th chiseCadida( t@ fthhs Commit- C.a can Leisaîf o!their oonsttaeats, te ne prescut North Ontaio# lai the "Leo glalataire co' Ontbrlo. i Mir. Thaomas Beleler, secoraded by Air. carssicha.e, moveil tisai Malclm (ltepie, H.q, fis a fits sud proper piersan go repre. sont tise 1Rding of North Onatrio lu the Lom Panliamnet et the Province of Ou. tarît'. Atten ssvarasi ltotg afilly resalted lai fvov et Mv. (Giepie, vWho v4a thon doolared S, tS.e cheirnuan, taclie tise Cai- dldt for ftLe Local Lsgislatare. William Nelsot os , sq. cnondeti- by 'II5IIID Slolefa', Bsoq, uoved tha fiis Cou lispt geau ce, end mta eacS t'ther, te vote for, mai -ig is nflueance t eoleec tc Ibo Cocottions o! Canadig, sud te10th@ LooI Lgisatuo(o Ontario, thseumen, or men, vhc reeela-cd sa mujonîy oethtie veoes- ef ibis Conumtee.-Cartied. WuilIago loueuir, Eq., seeonded b, JobshuaWright, hIsq., rnvveî l iaiWilliam Nelson,,' Esq., Le dlairmauofthtie Central Willam Sinolsir, Zna., soeoadetiSy Kv. -William Amuosd, Esq., rovsd tbat Mr.J. W. C, Browun. of Ugbrltlqe, le eppelilsai secrert et 55e censtrat euie.Cn ried. Uv. Wlliam uAmusait?, seouiufd hy Air, Siatcleir, movsd chat a eopy> o! the uiÃntis or îcbIé meeting b. sent t M0.c'Comevont Esq4,Q».., M. P. P.; and aislo fit te WfiItbl Cuotot.s iAcewspaP@v viii a&vs" 'qaesite i he BalLr-W. Il. lgnls,?q ..t .i .. ie . - % --1_ - . *loï- Town ought bfisrnlsb thi erük vit li t*, Nir.erry construod thei lsauses f ti rown set aaim as bearing'ont bis v si olice wsd îlis if preuaad *o se $004ha, ab## tu ur votea sgainstusl» bi.lsw, Bu agwggs en, tus pasuing 0<5 simiple rasolcîlos, AI 'or~ adropping titihy-Isv, vhiel: vosid meu Iliaut ~ ~ ~ th D1 L pnrmet tti ot,; Witbtkl stiel Viw la, moed tuat ich. omwjîteu do ne Voiée Mr. Drapso-bsing refermae te Ix %,thp Peyry'x pr.vipnu statement, at i.e blll povaýiou bavl o go.0ic for tWmyéaat wiîhoé1e 10king soIe-la ubsuimaeî ,a ory WUs Dot à litti. SuOrprised Io£sîd th. tree *e. 01 sdustting i1# notesuty. %aaî lis van te.î; ed W proeed- by ihsolotion- ioteadof t Iovr bt. Wbiit vas Ibo dîfftrence,'he (Il issirDtper) woold ssk 1 ', h i-law. wus eoilfornsiay vith iL. la.It wuvs t t s ot sase clos a&sucnh by-lavs regulatlog six YI q/ duties of posud-keepert, *ssbodlicg au mson tollowing abu uearly as Possible the. Word 1b. eotbO '.steate, and o011 enlarging op) detsai,noces.ary ta carry oui the proviaioai tely ort h. ses. Thie teeye, h3 aaid, hall oc The so:mach objection au b. woold make p.c tara pls belle,.. The erath va s is Mr. Pet, ,erk, did flot vaut te shlow any Due tgpiitilte lour meaure st tisccouncil board lii LoSelJ te. Bore vas an instsnee ofet l. Dr~ luf by-tIaw,' sid h., 'sud l'il brilg us e ion otion that viii cover the vbole groand. the And chia vos ail the difrances.gr, perr- hall giodgod fiat samsuaresbaould aesi alil trou any otber malabar Can Luoea.lf. 1A tg bis (Mrt. D fi) own position, ho eauý of torward candidy ad s ud f.essly tb expres lia., bis opinions ;Leovws&redy to givo wsà y a leus &Hilisses 4hsn h vwu shrvn that hWaV ii a hvrang ; but he waaald not Liit vas b. set oside by Mr, Peray* lui concluiiot ber b ait!sudh.vould press ahe adoption ut du ýer report on tLhe -Iv avi- The Mayor ezprousod hiself as very tLe serry ihat Mr. Drsper eould not carry ont ,ont bis argument withont travelling ouit of hig ,te vpy 1 ta naidservcot recetcions upoa lav Mr. Pur.y. He (ibhe'Uayor) bath the bomol tact ta ait vitb Mr.1Party tapon many occasions or maid buMI as facund hlm the very reves of visai Mr. Draper ropres.nted. Mr. ef Draper was fot helpiug bis ownu as of bratachiugz off trou bis subject and imput. k's iug motives ta cubera. Hi& refleccîona vert ter uucalled for, sud lu very bad toits. Ii. an worihip sinceoely 'boped &btisaMr. Draper et wouid diacoutaun, Ibis mode of carrying out lis argument;i;hwuasalike detrimeittal ýod to bimoeif, -tu the Couneih,srid the latorgsté of cf tbe ratepayers. liconîclusion ho le sait! ha beiuved tbbt the Clork vas puir. tectiy willing to aittýd thse police court, at mnd ho auggested tbstte reaohutiou ho su ho vorded. 'e. Mr. Brcwn euquirl of Mir, Draper whecber itvas the intention to'hsvs the rd major at.tendd mt the Town bail every mortu i9, ing, or once s dy during the jear 1 If to te--law or no law-he said,it .onlJ pro"e be s great hardship, Respeeting tise elerk o. ha (Mir. Bl.) vas sure ho vould nos beaitate to lu coming thora visenever dicte vas auy. ps tcinig tu do. le Mr, Draper agaisa remi tihe by-lsv ta bi shov tbmt it uuly contemplaied h te attend o suce of tic mayor s'et such limes or jicriodor e s may ac uecessary," ln teply tu tise e reinarli cf the mayur h. ssid tises' be lec. e ture wviicibill worsbip ottempied tu rend o,. hlm (Mr. D,) would liste bee racis botter la applied te other members ofth1e coutacii. if. oMr. D,) b.d carofulilavoided tîrib ,d uting motives in snyîhing ho.sai. liHe rk appczled te members ofthbe counicit presont, 'e and ho belleved they vould Lir- Lauin e inra sying that be vms not thaetierson who s kplt the conneil tbere,snnd occupkd elu.éir 13, lime ulgisi after nigist ta ne purpose. The S Mayor wvs' Dot esliys bc, saict4i &ialing ist vlien the quiestion before the, chair was r brancied off front. Mr. Draper roccstul. ýo ated a list of grievausos sgaiuat. Mr. Pe.ry, it commencing altise bsllotlig for camait. ir tees, tise proceedinjrs iluoaistion to hl, 1. drisl shed, kc., sud dovu tateh motr ta for the meuibers of the court cf reuiîsiý» Pd and th . sbject thon beforo i lcar, sa aIl of vlaicb ho aaserted that Mr. Pur vasl not scting lu good tmiîh lu te p art b ad taken. And yet ho (Mir. D,) > as th~ *~ ~ ~ I. pesn&hre L-'t'emyr -ie-- -rues ose, &sud tb.e'omi~ osl d Sont' Alid vLy, hé &APi4 publiâbai t.sro thé port lu bot b pspers T It Nvi' Weil knovi md iaompejad s mulaqà rer circule. tI ion tis e i.ogier, end Ithtco tie pub aid ng et -eh. h.dîrs'>reportvus alvayl et$ ans p pr, n esite eeieri. as noluseessaroexpe s uof tie5 il *Ao vas s!!ight ase long as,1"eéonet oeti'eh r' ooketueoft e.tepuyeure Tite agie 1141tego . clouaerequiring btiset, printiuî >e sould b. gironi ont by ch.e ptimtimg <oW ' m sittee,-aes. ah. trouble aied eonfslonm .il id wouid -caue. if iii. ebsiriasaofi aUI CI t h. cossmittees'vsntedpiaugd e-s votenders foi'attms or leubar, )». woal4:hi o bligsd *in the §rit instance te gart, ih bl permission cet. rýBil.Mad Air.Blet w ceild have tet'ousut hio aellesgs.s h., nferseth. tenader *osd Lbupriuued. lRe te vould mevs ne ameudmenu; Lut bu dis- b0 approved eftch. terma of shte report la do Mn. RHy diaspproved of the report. bD M. Philp soçîpoated it, anadLsnid liai Au îs omgnuas. in acting oas bey did tcko Stise moderao cour. '>Mr. Perry &ao snpporled tii. report, 7y snd deConded Lis '; friand" Mr. Campbiell a -fur .bu. hoped eths> ail the menbet, srond th. board versa bis-the speaker'» Ir -friend-froar&îLe atîsiut fMn, Drape.i SlIe preaaimed ehst Mr. Campbell vs< cf egs, snd il u sDot noecsar, fer Mr. '7 Draper 8:) lecture bhi,or te.rstepspjrs et Sthseetre yard Who sheeted iim.Wms it, becuose s pour deril cfs edifor pro., se susscd sesit ilaitscconel iliud bac"$se sa ho vas'preferred te Mr. Draper bcueit, .t .vIe coulai fnos Le elected elîhor ilAuh si Contre, or xorjh !uard? tisaItiche buld b. Ocensuted by the wi*lom wiiick tell front 'lips of cI, groat Chstîe Draper. M Ar. Draper d.nied h.vini made aunj mention cf Cassphal's mnee; ucither d;d yho antion tht' Centre Woard, aiad nothing il vus tariher fromt ils tiosilité, thia#0 eutmi a reflectionts apea tthe rteipayers u1 #bat w ard. Bis argument bLad retsreênce'*elely te principl., Mid tiie vsspnnsibility viic gentlemen, vheu they becaus incubersa(u tha4 cettiacil, nassumei.. Ther. vas no doubi upcu hie mind, sud s legal opinion ohtained byb, hlm oua fermer occaaou caufirmea i hm lu it-hot, couerset or Do contracte, Mr. Campbell, aaità meuLer, Wvu deblarreil trontiscviug s ruuaiug socoaut vitis th. corporation. lHe coutl mot ait iboescudt audit bis ovu a.eOoutiî& Il iso diai s o ise slimble ta b.u unsested., Atter oiaaidorahie turtiser discussion aisu commfiïte rose sud roporivai the re- port vitaciat assuaeutut. Report sdepted, TOWN BLL t.IxNtER. lit. Donniatu gave nolce ehat h leesd ni he nezi meeting of the conne' moe fer ave a intruaduce al by.l&w o actie tbe an ryot the tovu bell ri Ounaà esolution se psy Mr' oppor $10 the tni istovu belit t preset. year some lor I discussion a U as te s pasygnent c or ova e ringera ; the ,réaolution patsid, asd vas utaderstsood flbnt tise wtso[e bJec voulaibe broaght f'orward at'the n t; eeif;. 'TUE L O.5. Uir. Ferry bro igh pîho e pot etthe, select cumnaatt , o on motion the couricil vcut4 o cousin e toenu, AMr. Shlow i tise chair. 'T e vire tvo1 clauges lMWfth report, as to t location ot the shed, e as b il$ erectien unis and aouth, a tisenons veic ru et the market loc ; the othaer a locot aut West, d directly Southfthaet ts et buld' g. The committee recommen il tIbe rit site, sud tise report vas adept vi out aruenlmet,1 paestl* os<the.Pen' f borpéucr*S a'esablik Obpelka Onff, iid dialte T4 I leti; siould bu', hie -slirof the P gone, k. The office of theTom. bu bougie, .oid-sssMwr ver vallt(f pele ffUee. The. by-lav p:rovhtdd Sil lsboald b he L.dm17 cf the. Mayor,or s 0 cther justice aeting, 10 attend daIIj scibtlime as msyLsse ahary 10d&OF cfib as eusbroegh bd b.ft i Sm- itL MWual zoeptfnx of iolhley. Tis. foiliWed t6s-vords cf testattt.- 'mv, Dît'. asied vietir 'he-li M" 1the Tira"'elerki ' aendanse ecrpela EHov sli tc ihopld ? luaile -cterks or police courts colleoeed te.lai but luin ha s a fe pnesetiesto rlike Writî h# iemagitrat. vonld ce]l 1 ie foes imieit., 1 Mr, Draper rnd 'tie clausaetofIbe deoleisrlg hal "tu.. trk of th ettSuefi e" ir j,à ndtowas, oï snob other pen as the- 'couclissMy SPpolmil' eiould the cleri cf the police court. Mn. Ferry said thai b. eeuld score se thé necSsaety et a by-lav st aIL.1 ,corporation ad gene on for tan lyi îvithout o policse aicJe or a police ca sund h. dld met kbaie. she fie emi saiything b, 19. They could mot au, elork te attend vithont remseraeing la sud vhere, ho asksd, wuase.remunerati to-cef rout? Oui .o tche fonds of1 corporation? Until he (Mr. Ferry> i, some cltgorer clous ou te . sbject h. sL.i vote egainst th. bll. Mr, Draper replied: diatthé .pooPli the fovu'verg veilavsal efthe uni facto,; sssnnor ie:hIbo hpolIks basine Lsd! benu fratsated-hy ft'seflllagt office et mayer; soaaieelssth.e'eort a Leld ait on. place, and &gain nt suot place-at due holel to.day sud st anoti tossorrov. Ho contended ebsti h vas a dcntly the it~sation oete. ramera of Il sol that tere siid Le some poruon prcper place piovidod vL.r, tise magiatra could diachargsethe duties1 thatthce lI made it impertiv.-and to as u nmû fit vas quite dlean, ichat it vai the daayi tLe coancil (o estahîleb a police office. And tise Isv turther said tisantishe clerki every lovand city ahould h. the clork4 th. police. court. As rcspected tise clenl temuaeratiou, îhst vas asmulîttr for cfit consideraîiom ; but ilu sobIigiatoryc the concil Wo establiss s pulice officei Once# Air. Ferry aaked viether be undenstoo the mover te sol thai the establishment s polic, office wva sowevfestuo n uth municipal bllII? Mr. Draper did net pretend to e l i the cîd la. mas; bat lk. Lad framed- th bill hetore the concil tuwemcc the requite menti ef the ha. as lu aie. steod, Mn. Ferry sid thai fthe cloue vasvon for yard viti tise clamseilathe sel t f'6 It wouaîd, h. said,,b. s monstrons cbing M sompel the mayor t. trudge dvai te ti Townvail ansd dtaïg doon plaIntiff, detet. dent, vilinesses, clerk, sund conatables t4 attend the hesring cf s cue that ponbap *would not occupy Oare minagteaslin disposink of it, The usage hitherto vas te try thi ease at sncb place as .euld Lest meeuthe coaiviniencexof ail parties. Attse sar( lîns tiors aauothing te precent titi mayor tryiaig amy psrticular ceesntlih revu bail If ho thuugist preper fu do so fTLe lot. major tried uauyce uhnbi ovun effies, and Ils conenience gave gen. raI satisfaction, % .furtisr coutended tbat ti clause sppoiaing the clerr cherl of the. police offlce, relaîed selely to viser à recorder', court vas Leld or a police magistrale, sppoîited lai ciles, and cowni of 5,000 lmbsbitan-s. H. dlvec ted atte:I lin ce osections@.3W, 370, '71,'ad '2 in spocf hbIs iie«, and as previug tis rbcre there vas ne police mgislrste oc rconders court, the oierk could mree no tes, and chat towna like Wisitby vote just lu the. saiueposition as towuabips go0ft se ms2lotrstes' Luoest vas coucetned. He advibed chat mottera sbeuld Le left na Iby vers ;-municiprl corporations Lad axougi t-o do vitieut tiukern ivh sacs of psrîisment. Mn. Draper saitd that; the clause intre- uced in th. by.law vas a complete trou. Frlpt of the clause of the oct, If the lai b. Th ii. tseréoss.tiGec.'-W, Strattes .'vu t rioti sud foaod-gilsy at St. Liais' MNu,, Sand seuaneoed, tue woyesra' isspriscauieo ,Wvitb bard taller.'.straîteahia £ e aVlu. t tu> eefessos'hile coufinsd, cenyi e ýpllcstiag Montgomeery as the-autigocýr of ntite burgisry snd living fulIl 'detsIis o! to to h. viîîany vuËas panud ud asonÃŽ plasi#" Montgomery wroetrsîtta sec- Df orailetos, thnigLe latter tsi aalarge r snuo! me., mppesed te LeWsaot te .4,000 vas stippcs>d te Le doposited i. lu tb. salle by Mss..Wilkioneu's brother, Lia thé proeds tifthe ae. f au .11 riglîs. Th; "confession" 1cenclado- 4K M iae (Vonigcuioery sud S) wstcbed ana in mevkeh tegoeihr At the mate OntiS _Vo sue caeded 16i openiag it, -vhi u vsasaorted the stock o! matchles and jcvelry, and lt paked tenu for removing, isud noi dà rk iuig the large euietfmoney as I had c.- peolcai I exprsssed plaiohy tueAMontgomery 9, MIchagrin nt the <ailuire cf sacceas. y tl took ch. train 't 3;0 Acc. s. . n ezî saouîg'msihcm reà cbedPcf reits la <rose -te Mon tgrmery, sud; Le Cslme a* r.Ooitsuad hoobeai oveo, *the.steak d vfiaciies sud jeIery, vhici vs Lsd lheli freontAr. Wsîkimion's sters, sud Le (mont- Pcmery) took troix che stock a gold wsîcb and &utab oier articles sou hoasLeVauted, sud rsiarced Io Brantford,-aaI; 1suppod e-andi 1lotifor St. Los. revi.ot te cOr parting sAt Detroit, AMontgomery suad i.uî s ogotetir te sn engraver anol e Mntgoery Lad ise initiaIso ngraiedo on thsegedai ateo .bail laklen fress suae stock. .Couctmaing the balance of ai. stock, 1Wvas undon.îaod LteieauMonî- ecmer, sud 1, th"tse seonasmeI1bah sala tise stock ho vwu te reecuiveiii.shar. of the proced. I vaSs î illiasg for Meut goery te ratura to Brdntford, huitlie sa, sarenie at hoebu ra ownt sapected sud iusisted on rtrturng. LUnaii Mouigeomer>' cà leMsI myattention lu th;$ cmaster as sînîrd shore, 1 bue. uothingof Air, Wiîlkinson. or the prohbublity cf suy oue ho bis iun'siedlate Iooality baving an, large salut o mouey, j aad 1 seletutllavar in ltii preseneofutt lmigisty CoedtChat Is#hould ot Lave madee t ubeu aitoupi cf hutgiary on the sale utfAMr.1 WV1Ikinîio Ps1 aboee aial, 'f I naine beau iialuouosti se de se by Uentg Merl, maid I tr is aay hst iu maiug n tl sprie- a paratleus iuih ueeemplishiuig lb.e'orb cf -0 bloving open tihe asaid ai', anal msoraing Il sud pscbhttg tie gooda oistaiuctlraostnIse t said arfd, Motgourery maid I vorbeaibaud andi band tometr, and were te ý shsrc eqnsJiy lu thre procenais. - Oto, W- STRA.TuiOW.'a A pavubrokor camacil Rosouibal, the tI receiyr of the gondslu isaIsesareateai, sud Air, W. la auder bonds te apposar lua St. Louis-no. fer tb. fitb time te pro.t fPuion,. MÂ'casurga- Irstautaneonst ligiting friction matches cf a saperiet. qîîaliîy are mdrertiucd for' saIs ot the WhiiLy Stssu Match Psctory. Marcisant#s Feddiers, sud dealers wul cenuaIt.tchoir ho. us Icrest, Lysecuninà g asup5ly. C i Latesi t byîte Caile, lai MORE FENXAIN FIGUTINO I fo Dt'r s, April 2.-A desatch troam. Cork reporte tchlat âfgisitook place au tise viciuisy cf thot ciîy aisi moruiug, beiveen the treeptsumatià obaud cf FeniasnsandLI sorterai of tise robais vere takon priaaiers.- lsl kt TaneEm.iCci'ao x asCoxxSOft'cT-Dgxý» ti' uità TIsu MuOaarry.- Ilattiord, Cen, sipril il' 2.-The retuarus cf -tLeeleetiou in abiiC aitte tveniearîmIl alu, an] Lise toîliiing la se tise reuut -itsita -as tracîlous -lTe deue. ai cratie sutatis ticket ha eiected by 700 major-. ta ty; the aet demurahu auajoriiy ou Con-; ji"P greas mon ila11,800,; iieavcrage demçcratji a11 uajotiy ou the viol. ticket i, 1,200. nt as rarker's card la suotiser celomu. Thoei Conaules tepreacntcd hg thiat etlmanà - Tise resideuce of tii, Soi, Johnu Dunhar t0f Gleomori was-brokem loito on ITou. da s>, suhat. dnl se sasme moue> smoa timg e uarly, $0, aîouIo -It vwu tpOrteud liKiaigstis aft eays ag,'I4iaiu'-of tb6guaaLd#s o.tfii ro- vYninel Peniilentiary Jaad suddéaiiy Ictisl posc, carrli' vit i bio :thsIe Staus, It '1. ssid, îeism, oandaltaisepisaofciel Institution snd impressIons tf tue. keiS. et re i ccti i em aron tat its s Igà t ,bat it wbarojct, ne e:ae'otil aecrtrsu." -'sw euc Tf.aAT 'YB£PEOPLE, Aspeciai corresponadeuaî o! thse Iondoi fi' Imwritisgfrein Tisurîca, ois tLe li " Untii to-dtii' Sis tcwn rai ns~îprotectec b'y Iroop. h leà tthe sont of a Flrrasu tlihie Arceaiihopnic, anti bei' the tamcm aayuud oeti8-X, vas hilld; but I <cart-tal nelîlser ils olee ne t is cathedral, iii educnîionnl estnbliliaaents, cor thse tuhigi ous ediflcce vicis whi'h Meîssu catsolit plut>' hue eraduwed it, bit. kept out di. affection. Belides being on eljoet rur vceuenee te nleh.Tuhc is tisc-centrc et a rich ngriculiural district, anti car "osa t oaceznidenable trude;-, ut a ina-g proportion.coth1h riltabi tan tsare peseê,s t' Il, Fieslantfi>'. Fpor eome'cyÀ a h lias beau fesarîet1 t t ey >'riighi lv- ara eppevîtni-' o! sevsngtle'a-pi tlaies .for ,Thurl"a 1 a mong. îhe rrany lce eianà taxtiith more et les. ot irnîl as pointsofet ntack. No aloasttite cata- nd tradition, gte a>' roîting of tit pi lieu on the lue, o! tailva>' uiiay. b.ý -tikeen Dublin sud Ucrk, erouitidne roade it a-tonveiiieutpint' fur use itiurgents t bave nt hoîld. Buat the tcwn vuas .ar. risoret b>' à cursiderable botd>'of corsa tatlar', sud ciae Funians here, ai elsewhcre, fiad ts.,wlesoaue drend cf the rifles -cf diii staunc a nd M, t--rilcd force. 1htseobnp. peaed bat ou ch. day appoiritecl fer the generml oatbreak s fairt lid ait 1ausios 5mai cnse a aconcentration o et'cpolice ferce tiarre; Qsalatcrwnrds inittect cf Le ing ecinlîcre iâ n ut.a;ttairae vier. île> wi-ula ihave invited amtcnek.'tlaey veto cery Prupcrhy keptin lutis ovn. Thiaal'ir- gcanse were ira sote force ntd Tîttrce. A& F.ooskeene. aboaut four mites off, îhey barnit a Police linrrick. which a nesQipty aillae lutte; a-adtitii>'matie tiaIr usal fora>' for arasas ifi thae liuqes cf tIhe narigh.; taoriiig goaalrY. But their woOuta aiwa ils. ai) orahîr t(tamuuant#Ucd Trace>', Wlh retldtisi c jriu r vaîaks. TiaL Iltsur. genats caîlsi ant a f'sriniaouae et a 11iT. lIent tdon, und dtia-artil urine. 8scing 'I'accy WhLo âdIra lsr ori'e brother lItt', Le>' tausntuunet i sis te falloirIheaînsd vîsun lac wiotId fnot do so, onec cf the pariy !shot liau wicbscuc acruple. ,TIere is -eugoattobelluve fiati i l net ii tIseui>' intnce ira irichsumiagr> ýutsissmeraî Sas been ticaî eut by tho ira' sur-erals furthis contairuncy ara -J anI ut p'.sriutism, as tlhy regard it. Eîsuwlaere muea lanyceroéeilu vih volaxade arhiclt LIse> ' aisige ver. thug irsflicted, thougb, ut cousrse, hila iposabie thai thomeao utrds çrere received viea th. meinotee aUn."lc- ing or aicckd b>' the corastabuary et .îuoîas. Frona thse iret, hovaiver, tise Pen, 14aitr>' havte laowa nharm ut-the prospect of iraipresasieltt. Proisahly thse Pcraienr ceade-rs ctuatetiltheir âtagairat trouphaonî tie coutanry' legive out litat thomo whas, tid not enaterthIit tanks asSuratCh.ri.,4ng camei rvous be puîichscd. 'li taIthit trax tndi', ssus! vau eviaherst froutit ae saîxiet>' ut tna"y ofthe cunstiry peoaple coo-get unt of the vay. Ina Kergy, nt lthe tirst esatlceqk. lsr.e wccks 4a." of the mnntook to lacir bonte nd îti(îltbctaaaae!vct irathc creesk rîrad estusariars ut the uicaely inadeasi. 'ai Coast, kgrin avanie 0cf uicftagritives w r t f o u r r id o n t i s a G a l o n t u o t n t a i ap t a llion day>, whaliitaagrateii't e e osape the Peai:> îrcsmgang, ursI1h aiasassure! ilit cruaintii um lsot eusa'of the acasan., tr Il.vu ak-pt na>' frein their ciabiss, uc. mainl 1hiayatrirks, orra nin dutcls-bottouu,, walle tannent' sous have cerne iralo Tiasîn. sa nigh lte u.ot ofetharin Ji wuy* 'ito Feîtlsu cluitefs cviatti>'de-aire te coinalpro., mise » asn-as ostible or the cosantr>' 'eopie, sltse cntltagm W rntach cohler tarat Vaut tif tise dwelier* ira towraalthe>' thirk, witis rosaon, tînt ,when once tlaoy uve put a jaike loato a>muin'» absionaln lnced biru ira the front rxaîkhlitrnsi go irwaruel, hiico ch.tic chances are that rio ine ta-hI bellee, Sira if lie ecys lhat lie wuai acure nviIinghy. uAt Kilsoclet'. the 5tIer daY, rcnsitirag wus erafurcd a>' nre jentedl threaiste Shoot ran>' urne vhute tsect te torve; anal diots weto now anad sia ire!l ia tise air Co iîatiniduî, te ceil' agers. Theacrelationsiuouaellecftîte men il:)cd ir. the attatk on Kiliuallockiatr.utck s'oIntes! thnt hée wu% torcoti ont et bcd hy ci insurgaons, tesiretinlg as viii sug Sa suis!, aidd usai thmy threstosed to cul; off 11 binndri unlese li asticbcd Witt, Ilacîn. 0er felîut'ifil vilsto ahatm a zircl te 'aLh 1 1 i nrs fr4iit woîîd îpotbi entef lidetnt tc he cornait' people -are op. asei 1Feniaiiitn. MU orutti<nabee, bout sa>mîiathize witL 'tise-inâtirguit. Lt ct lau hld tictwansesen euninssi;'but lucre littho or Dnoet liat active sym'Ipsihy elaich iouli isaducolium nte oflea' ilit- ues as rcotuit.. Ir Ibthe wcu far. moro ayr spirite a«"e.autu9d .d wwg o. Lse ag 3er Lrd Io ]Our* maectmlly cou£ 0.aaa Th le folloving le a translaion -off Gos, tg 'Eacobede'u orà e!, to ezecte che pr4ssers ot-wareapturod mc Sau Jacinte: .î AICASoa. IiiSrvar, 0,AzUr or vvs' 'a , T. e Moua, GzriissL ixCuaiîr, - Teceaastifational arme hbave been 0omet. ,i magnantuneus ,with tise orncaiforeigu.rs îvohava cerne te ag. this mesSujus nt -war. regitered iha etr annal# ; vLe-eiSoe eé boegur are broughu saflnge aithougi - 'h-oatile9 lu coald 'in sema menurs proneot ,y ýthem.in'ihei Lelligerent rhghits, but when ab:W q bLeu turnei aside <rom tiae - -reýiu vioiitlaey vigi-t? teimpos -oaa n.,_à ndthosWhviseervcd uauderlutailla. t-i Leýblosigisg asy longer le le, neither_-te ' -the, Mexican nathionahicy, have voluntarhil r-nuiiaied in tie service cf îLe usurper, te *take pst:inas ut -domeathe disosiuus, te * e c t tii. pa ic otas s d gita;.' civil va , ig b asies cuuum i ti g depreda tlo s ma id lu. suits, by viiichbhuanctin e utraged, a# a bra eesidoue b> uSe toreigu feres vhicbh W1laie!, uuvaded the' capital f ,et caal C>haïre bust ail rigbt le ail cousidersîlees et Y aananit,have 'cenerei ibemuelfes it-bnudiîu-rba deanreai etacniese o - oanf u aamuitheîpesof e 5aciey-il be. coucu noces.use tamaLts'irongis lieu, au exemple ubioS vili dnîy puithitems, aid atcl af, blie opinion about tiie bon. ïritA. ottaes ieS îey bha ecoausu1d. 9Thera.oto,-tfisolBee cc ommenidî in fII pruacceai l e eeute ail lhe foreignes îabea prIsocers vitti ara nlu.1tW r bands, ha tise glorioas boule o! c ie tin lstante viillts. exceptiona e Cii vmmsed pnisemers, sd-' give tin icofethtieë'eeuion cf 'ibis torder ta iesé e edqaarers. Iasdîîeudeéansd Libe.rti> M-ARIANqO ES-ýC(,BEDO. - To Chtizen..CoilMi sjî1 PFaiia, %jor .Yeueral cf the 'Firsi Division cf ltais Aru, Corps- -Tise <JIllkly - Ranchevo, amyse -This ordo rvais qiecnîted on the Orai iist., i 1 çtctock-lu tis e scrig; or raller the cxecuîhou u(the 123 pnisoners wss llulsed a tti oar, One b, .coejftheprlsoners vote oboe ,andi eeis bleody body vas'- left- as it tfuitfon tise ucxt viila in order te' look rapon. We ore iutermed usai but te. of tLe tioomed vcime, falteredai; su ehen murcse out for exarculion the anost of them asutise astlis-bmu 4? Atter ch. exeolluacu mi Sma seiraîio. Esobedo urdcred a hall et Son Lois Fotaoi,- ho houer et the -vicuery achievei over Mira&. mon, It vas.t e he grandes: allait erer, Roonu rpin Chat oi:y. One isndred and-tifty laies vere lusie, vise vans et etoursae. iaton offiste teo. . Wben tLe bout, camtaà t commence the adoace, iii. berces ofaise Sn Jaîcio massacre fotd that but lificen laisbad respoosic a the invitation. - Fneiîsland Coomercial. - Thse menp, markeots eft tie Uoited Stts have breb very strngcsn tfor th. Peut veek4, asigh a rate as 10 pet cent, 0eor-asanom, baviug bein pahd in New York, ou- Fuida>' .and Stnday,for 1bans on Coli, lu cou. tna-sithrcsiou leta isî moue>' lealssoit a beae, dnng lut Caadnt anal esai be free ly iesd, fer bonajide tranactionis, ai 6 az 8 pet ocet. No mors, substantial eviaismos ot tise' accumulation of monoylinUpe Cuaaitdscoulai-Le givesi tisu the fhct er thLe nov IBank,.-the hBanke of Commerce-.. hacing ba sai- capital et $1,000,000 cmi. apnised iinisout six veelis, wmbuSct pi vonîhY prospectus ut tich promises. Ne eaui baa jet beiu seitted utpon or usdoaud >jet the deposits antiohpmtiug i t ae sti, hon aance et tbe managera' requineaments. Goi.a in.New, York buas ekeo4à slitile, s msicipat.d ho ont téas lenhat Veoir. lu bias ovcrageid 3 4 priq m . M8, Seourltis uiainlaiuhug gead'prices in England keeip s lange amsdut &dontainuthe. 'Old -Worhd, sud îlac expeeitlon tisat a éaansiA..abla . MaDoArct.nii>- as - euîaaraIcadara 1~Smço bnpeua' bi ýMOeai. Ii0>- :tsng placé, i1m" o "elandtha ar, aaLd ci 0Oý4eIleeavelape 4 dsvaaiatls - dte r a 00eeur r aumnt 'rmsmaksa.' Aalserfcil t'. o. aipl Le , asir Iobthe sue... 'IW [hm asas1mi,, usethe 5. bà osialerea l auaunistais tdSgtiiJeL is cadj~ss kte inpte lin iseomtblatia. Met de, ensptezwd tes liltftdssia t , e ss taisane, smm thagsc e" ilt*eald bL. clir, anti. amas içsefai 5u1Mailler £%Pme IV. L CLA INEW .DVB at2ZSOLVENT A ?ala tsnn4ta, i.ýj1 (COafor a ' i<' largce, am. -..- i5ooitr il, ( % -Joli ilmat T A TOM £YLîQN,-lseve r, w GIE;Nrth Uri in E~ tt, f rlus'- - DA 1, O H ' -if le. o ve,0j LFt-ifl;*t Aùrjur as Itan. bete pe -'.£ul[PIscs11thepaIs vic cfio.h a aeiuaome Mir.. Ferry callod the attention cf tise Mayor, or visoet'en linth iority in lise maiter Ce, the tiangçrois stste cffishe bridge nt Lyuda's crack trom floodl vooti vish bitai luatgea L'y ecri and uaiviica it vas <cariai would c use iaajary te tise bridge. Mir. CGerde soledl vheonit wva snot the daty oethtIs' oairmuofthe committco on acreets andaI iprveeaa: to attend te tLe rantten ? 4 - The Mayor informed tho ceaucil Chat he bâti sent George Body, te examine imue tise strate' uoftheisbridge ; tiat hLe tonthie drifu moud faut in tise ice. sud tisatit coulai flot Lehoruioved nsil a îhév teck place. Mir. Ray sakeai whcîber i vas net avcessavy to Paanaothor Ly'Iav orgauiz- I;îý tise comitti, eonu sieta anal improve. mouts inuasmc as tist commtities vaà s ifi ilelpinioo îuperà edad hy byhlaw141. Mura. IBrown said'Ferry vere of opineitis aia o.'v y-lav sheu! la -e pasa.'", oshrwise> cie dutica et the cous- mitia,. alold ib. pertorme d dr ,- lav 141, Meurs, rsper,Blw, and Donievan belai lié vould iaii me-nouiiutîy lu vorkiaog coder hy.1lsv,. - lit. Bey empbauicaltydeolludti e, Mr r.arle vslifayot fIfet DfLusg %r oy',~auu'è thei csai1teas cisairman, tiser. coulJb no o re con, petnsaiante isisp~ bee lulicu. ' td 04 Oi2s, AMr. Osaspbell aatedt? tLs I