(ai de ter di eM the sbrosl-ofBDiraeli, wlftihe b. ise ud forte or Mseostorleal bou dez. Thse vbole bhoieebe.red hie un, sud be vworrie.! sud shoek, DisreUjlo spffl6és and murtationsooutmii! bey vire *sldently lreleïs.TtlWVas Imepossibleonet -tu puty tise Chancielor of- tb. Esebequer, leas ed1k a martyr toe <b. -sîshe ; bat",$f vb# equslly Imposible Dot te admire thé eklîl vts vbîcb M. Loue turoed sud basted bla vitil,.Tb. SOu, se, me , ibetie befote, nov 1itou.ed .agrly for éveil verd, sud applamdd eseny strolset wit sud areass. Tisrt vusà , swing,* daobo su seln abint lMn. Lave'& otwi tbat esrfldoeetbiag sud .verbodjltmg vSititf. ,On. (oit -tbat thes.ntertalomlit vu. Most eruel, sud yst mont eseJIiig. Bel tldicued tb. declsastlen tisa-tise Rfont question must no longer Idééide thb.'fat* of lb. Mlsty; aln;vi , .Tories als.pld b. alio.ed to.aeal p spesiility, by vbst'slgist bey <ne, te bin.! tlWBeau te kesp the pese tewsrds tb.su sud vbo bad set tb. braid t! ofin o untbem bat mnésman iheuld kil! tie.. Tise eiseerlug, -nov -pen<(setIy osenwielmlnig,> dtd neot elacen iss Mn Loe,t t, qusl sigar, fstiise.! tise Radicale sud tb. Reforu demonstrstiou, aud isesrty appisse greeted hieavsseal thst be b.d become, couverte.! te tise pfucile - of a moderate Rterse 031110 altbeugis be atil fenrcd tis, dangers of.sob lav sud tise.,tyransîiy of tbe#smajor. Ily,. essor.ays Ibat M. Love e ite b. - revrded for bis .peeeb b, suofce «bon 411ë Liberais sgsin obtain power. The ruser fa dooébtin, but tise revard le de. - morscd, UnqnetlonablyMr. Love's sposebh illed ti Diarseli resolutiens. isotuScswsiaffazoAi5SID. 'oeverybody's sstonisbmeOI4It, MsJohn 11119't rose se follov Mr. Lève, sud bega hy cooeplimentsmg bise snd sgreingwith bis.' Brighit le a portly gentleman,, witb gresteneergy. The opeuing portionof bis pehcb vs serely as repetitin oMr. l~e sidesm, audofien of bis Uors' au,,sinh b. d swoug hiaseif elssr of * 19 reîsarkable aspeeseeni, b.orspiily deiqlop. éd ýnotber lino ef attaek, 1Is anet M te oculb the ssoncsueeM a tbe -:4- ' au la -vie,, betwe en elg sud L estts gb-excell.ntily eceir ,Mr. Bgt speechl vas ct by sny meu O effetifè âs Ur. Love. Bright lia a ebn tisaI eversbooh se smrk ; Love lesa needle.gus IbSt bit.se ar1 p*py Brightt à ste bally Zb11oseI:20 e tilyglto fi l; b.oab lo et - vien b. o yvisbes tce atirise t se.Bd husa b 0# abat ila nottestelaigissu r oeI. t; but lets e S sUrs . 13 bt e1eDt bs' i er. influene. llu liassi 6Me.risare I. wYagl&d to ten to bié, eorihoilaa se<st sà eosepi' ed oenter ; t 'tbq lia, ne practiest et tion te bis vws. Ont- aide o e aH bir. Brgbt ude blses! spisere, sud ise se a always b. speak- li te an euide ljet,- buucouibe, 4tbey 5S7at Wbinglon lt ee 1 w isIbe b e-T an sd vant, e& aOkdstone butc te efi w<ieas.it ab suid bave obevu, erd te heiep step il~b bis principle., b Vas. cozions toir rtorme, neomat. b vbat party b.. atevdan sd vite te accpt suytbiug --tisaï veud bensfit people.-L<mdon * essen mrorly gr» n te .ase.msa sdfelg w@,liau thinu8. DA1~INiG N, Oseea 40 ,aout Ofas off bi sr tise f'oin ste 4 iortsisie oue 25 o fnos.?<l roperty sd o u l 1«ong Thfpy At ulSo lie 'l t . îsltreI ' cao A A, L- HU 8 .0 RE Land Ciecuiar. L » <osewtu.4Wild !Lots4 M , nwoed 1,RM- FOR SALE# dssoe< dé3< 1, UOt o .100sr. lo Noe4 5 th n" m0 1, bth" 100" "Lot 1 ."1',0'" di '1 Y." 100 di 6, B 1. 100 £ fi B. W 100" Th#. luittwo Lot* i sinouthe!ioul kt1, o. ernmet rond.) and tise th.r Lomtn nzse, ren5n4sIea~o M eo55Id sces Pt, N1l4: lut COU. 07 " "s, ui1 River Lo 7 2th eonmesslu, 2S00 «ace, vitlijn 2 milesJotf thse Bobcayoron tloveruuent l, sudoony-vo1.t te gillos ehooli, i. ELONWix <24 Sv eneslo, 100 acres. A prLluin r« h.rb74a b m0 by vlirnrnr Aws C fovonr of i!nosLss, Cwum,", mgoi o ert Nor6 daied litA:- guet. 186-4 t00, de arcip. 1M4-$400, Idue lu Mirel, -40 a uMarts, 1870, ailloli tlug i 1 to $1 0,00, liase me reflft Sr tise ise Du et Coasultou, tht. seo disy o -Sut C ARI!Y N CARI. Farm for Sale. 011 TO lENT. ÂCORES of exc£let lnd, beksg North, FIRST CON.. REAC1I., Ail eloared exceptthree acres « Wood Ianl- tioseproprty Iola itusted o« the Wlitby sud pocrt perry orevel Rond. - Thse abois. (aria viillie eold, or rented (romt Ive tUis yen" .on resolssnble terni, 'Apply p.oismy, (or liy Jtter pre.pold.) to james, Là non olcltor, Wlitt.y, or te th*. DANIEL LÂMox, lot No. 18,Deh cou, Whltby. Whitk"bv,>., 9, 1m. 4 Farm for Sale Or to Lot, witbift a mile of BEÂVERTON. -1 SPLENDID -CHANCE. thse dounishsung Village < ieof ortsepo Indcun 0u1cftise PrsIHope, Là udsayand! elr lulway, NO MONEV REQUIRED Fer se ît to Jaratic aionit of seut, Woul4 4 b. chngedfor sntblo Vllage prpity ;- '-o - - Ory, KEILLE( Ir iy lett~epl. gTE BUT IN CAU iDÂ. 5 viipay f«rthamsîouin ou -J Putî aval iorough opnt rn odfus 1 i - rro YARMERS, M cllIS EC J. aMt* sud as!! ors wlshlng te purelss, Thse Iolot.lng liaI t fLos., vil! h. seldlme forcauli, orst &<air Valustion on tisue, vi. Lot 1, fIs Cou. mss'., 200 Acres. LoM1, lthIl "Musisuer, 200 WY34l0, 11h- "6 'Fsroitie 100 " S'iY, $rd Il do 100 "d - 7.t, 7tlm 66- Esiont 200Il Lt il '?tb "6 lTxtridge, 2004" E 3419, r,"6 * each, 100 6" Lot 17, front" Soumsrille, " Lot.22, do" de OU 77 loti 6s. Soumrvllle, 100 " Lot 6, tu 4 e~o 200 Lot 4, 7l 4"1 do 200 Lut 8, l2ih " do 00 " Lt 9 lOtir -de 200 " Lotili, iii ' deo 200 Loti1t, tis-" -do 200 " NEI2nd" Wlitby an0 andi prigrte reldcits lu tise Tuveof LiO.! 'Apply te, RLOIT. E. PERUY. Witby, Marois, 1865. Witby 19 . PROMM41IN FOR FARMEBS & OWNER8 0P STOCK. TUE EUE TFORD LIVE STOCKi INSURANUE CORP'NY, MAiTFOitD, COlIN. INCOUPOEATED r ET TU Leglatureo!fComiect1oUt4 Wlthsperpota chastes'. gr$100.00, e. poîited vîth ie compîro1wlom eurity for eoliey Ilolders. 11Çs-omvyj Dwprebsoite unePo- IDEATH A1ND THEFT. At modeato ae s. et 1remiuus lise.! on se Eà gai eporienes 01 oser 7î7i~y TItAH. Thse PloernCeupa ofAmenas. HOMtE oM~CE.No m m ai Stree< Hrrtbord, COU. 0.-BRAN.CU <FFICES.-96 Wmsitsn"o la.plià , y .A Cui, aaer;4 L.FAIEIJANKS, Jr., Aozav, Wnui. Yebrusry20, 18«.7 Town -LOTS FOR SAML LOT De13AND C. ON adjoinlng tihe usv BuIýdlugof LOWES &,POWELL, Ti* UTS coate j@ tlslrty-seâen*sadone-thîrd te& front. on Brocok stria, lud lmfet 4 lushe deop tIos ane, Il <"et iss,' ],otL. on Brock Street helvenmMulhuis Stock sud Burný's io Ãiop-.1 <set Ie inch' front, by 96 <ct deep tesa Jane. For business purose, lie pronç.rules arm ALO S Lee-Fuce1 oppoite thse realdence dt 4 Lo-Veued,vest Moftise Mebodisi Cisur4oe"of s.ý 8 ILet.-Yenced rh of thetise 01nce 8 Lete-~~*g et tse reldue.<l@ S m#-7snesd,w & m f . resDeus eft i wi,, e KTent ind John Strea,, Win ALSOeSOUs«slm AN tWII.mldulu a "iopyset A J. RAM PEUT. TILL & BROTHER ($.uOCESORS970 W3L TILL.) Cabinet.,.,Makers., Uphols ste«.,ers, a d dealers,.i!n -al kinds> of Cabi net Fr n iture. Htave now on hindtelret dMost select stock to be <ound in the Coubtry, wlich ey ir sclsg t prices to suit thie times, bciug determined nett o ho undersold by any bouse in the <rude. Caland examine before purchasi ng elsewhere. A choice se-ý lection oi GiIt Mouldigo, (A.merien make.) 3 & 4 BROOK STEZET, WHITBIÉ. NEW w BAKERY H.MoCHESNEY, Would 'iotimnýte to the inhabitants of the Town of Whitby and the,-County of Ontario, that lie hais opeaed au establishment of the above description, in the premises for- merly accupied by MR R. SNO W. Hé respcctfully solicits the orders of the Public. FALLARRI VALS Dry IGoods & Grorerles, THE I3EST IN TUE MARKET. The Dry Goods Department embraceq a vaxied and oitperior msortmient of everythtng in the Dry Goods The Groicery Departmnentisj replete witb choice Fresh Groceries WINES* AND LIQUORS, of -the best. qualty always en band. 1Wbtby, Oeteb.r 17, 1M. JOHN FARQUILARSON. FRA NCIS KELLER, Eproents *11. fouollowing w-knowun Companius TE LIVERPOOL, AN.0 LONDON- AND) GLOBE, TUiE EDINBURG a:LIWESAND LOAN ASSURÂNOE Co., XAPIAL05001,000, PROVINCIAL INSrJRÂNCE , 0 F (CANADAI) BRLTISH iE'4RIOA SURÂNCE Col, (FTBONTO,)ý WESTEIPN INSUR 0 CMAY OF NQLAND.J ACOIDEXTAL DEkTII INSTRÂNOECo06.' [ENGLÂNDj - - LSOAGEO[T 105 T1nE PEOYiWCIAL EMANENT BUILDING & SAVING$ SOCIETY, [Torontoj ~ Al lsec e p'oery issured os resieI# <eMWAs, moue) Looedon Rosieeeè - Proopee<nmseudaîfullitinfonnatieagis ron y0o sfpioeio. AsehW orProviu"eiaTlgmpme fy - Brirs 6Ohjo eaper and Mowr combiued, (J1ayi ,r lad OW o# cnýned, <.ksning Singi. B.spr, th. Cayogl My dAU ofet b eMsbo4 s,é wite s trial.The are mu tis Ilei aeiîai4Work &ind can bq naand to -the purebarerto gwve 5 &'PAIR TRIAL OR NO SALE. "BROWN &PA' BITIT TRÂTON6 OBL jgl LaG.ur,iipnellilc. à ie 8cslsl ilerodd aisd lif, or tise hîolIe~s~~techim to tuiIi s illtitrotbe4r, Collcgce ofthe 4*112119 locl e !l~ielargeet eis tta u an.leltudontvicsjoylie bcseftt fa s *teiut gr-.dcd Co ,lomtrution~ e etirised ilis s cerWua icoimpîte progrommu, einbrocIssgIah 0 theial -f saCommercial 1luc*tion, witlî taucantexten»ie asortteist oei- lMAS crPt -ser use.!lln a Commercial sclious.. 1Fortfrtiernlnt'rtcuotion pimcaclt at Clocieo or sopmi for Colle«e Moutly, eôclosing leIter starups. 80-ly . BRYANTSTRATTON îODELL 7g'lEadantgcsoficre.! by tht. Instituition for scquiring,,e THOROIJOG PRACTI ACAL BUSÉlS EDU<OATlON are supr Io wtea1y Commercial Col lis B. tisisAsucrica. The Bitiches touglît comprise. everytbing neccssry for the -Keep- er and Business Man; tbey include- TH.RAgTUM, 'BUS NESSDPARY iNT la ti. osicomlet arangmen etiii m., being tuffnlabcd alitttwvo AXKýS, a I5ERCHANT'S EiIPORIUI!, snd au EXCIIANGEOIFICJ! which areopeev da or the transaction of Businems. t&» Classes i TELERAPHING every day-hi PKMONO- GRAPHY, semi-weekly. pFor Montbly <Jsac0riuA, specimens ef Waxnwnz, k&, address (enclésinS2gtenp MUSGROVE & WRLti'1T. 24 TORONTOJf . W. IIALL'S CARRIAGE WORKS, r I L1'1.~ L M R MRIIIÇT (lrput, astiù JourGcust, Wbi;Cýy.ýA largequanl tityfsllludsofluber uateudd W'A astie nlIli eat C lsfnss. 'WlItby Yëb, Sei, 1862, - MARMOTIL -L]Photo&-raphie Gallery, T HIE Proprwetr of ths aove Galle yvonIJ Iio(rms ise ll,ilc timat it uiinovise nis complote lus the, rovisîce, sand hIssu.preyareu te taks !"stsres, diluer lu XHOTOGRAPIS, AMBROT' IPES NELAINOTYPES Or asy otimer mode-oftise Sytc Ait- SPl-eu Loeer Muaxy pele tk.Ue1ry ig Ie t hasjt addc4 s uev stock of - 'ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Gis. h:3 Iwaitisg rou a Cal, aud menDi wotk foi yonr»clres.- o'AU carly cailla aolucted. Wlitby, May 25105. Faim for Saâle In EUt Whitby, withia 'Six miles 91 the. Townm. HtE ubocribcr oiffersc heint mb. Dow o lb. 1esfon isfe, 41% ucaef I To*nship of-East WhilbÉý CITIIG100 ARS 9 efvisich areunder'a gomd -*taee ofcultiva lion; tihe reniaiudcr i wieol land,. Tise-lu provanmeis ore guos], ceueL.mtLtg oMa <rase dvelli!ng, borne, %aeistajesg, sud otiser ent bcllllups, initabi. forîth.farts, anîd aUin lgea orlsr, thse orclard ond! gard".ior na.-Vock vitis the olooice*t applesand <,otiset' fruit <reai Tise sub*crber L nloto glre up furselà 1 aud vwili tîerefore esd ou ýmôdeuteterses. - Fief tcnmiad&e., appir'to. 10IlK BOWLB,- -On thse presumé Or if by lotten (ps'e.pà lsl,) te Wiitby-p. o. Whitby Brass -Band c«miuoosiswlsstcvscr wih lt a Feeu» Ban, Sud arc prepare4i te attend siIl caflisdur 5(4'e . sn on o$tsemont reousnble terni' ýAppIioatien e emaie 1u. JWOLVENDEN, Or telK. BARRI, ,Leadoet tise Ban. Haif a Million - . Or' - MONEY TOLEND1 T nE 'Und baimcompt.ted arrange. $ ot Wl*éi!ellOOtmam-Oê," 0F EWAE 0. 0_~ 163. ingoS.OS~T A ag ariety f arnageson hand.(nepo EstblishmeÃt, po%essfacilities for unfacetuî thatenble thexu to defy;compititîofl, ei*ýer in -pi [lnib. (land Mcefor 1,ourselve.s. white Oak Lugnber !- 1NSAQU14TWJITY OF hettYeb.904567, 1. KLT . -u ,1tU1.R .tP- AMrI î liirae-invrin rY . . .J QAici Clsscr. Chaul4 W.te Ir'- 31 OCeaser Lvea .1 TV)CIR(N., imATALI&M OshavC. W. r W. ijtil. W. ù0O ClssmDsREs. - Mc AtRKs' F!,eAND A- TONYAT L<m Ur , B 1. ., Hi. J-.MAC- ARtlrTeRdtATc, ('anery Ntry >ACù-, Tli95i.,vAT WLXUW; t te, Ptsryince lert AWRI . Xc 1 t~ . .......... - CCIti7îso&'CI "&4i a eê' e for -Mot' i assI' ASIWA-OrlOE LC AIIKY LA 'ort nerr , 5heceissb- girtSlclrt ÃsR W. 11.E STS e Slietoro -&cty p~,44, Cisur in Stree grg.p1l. mAtheBWeLi- - AUITOILIA 1 1 3 ILLAMKCGEET- wor. i ive