-ais. i uwosIved-Uaa~Ikouh Co.I litosîCa. - I loge-T. 1) Kanélilsu hi vav sMd TIlmotysa- LeWw O=LY$1,50, OMMr A TMEAI Writby. TbrýRy, Aprni , 1867. Turula; Orel e Nov Lest. qu inaouguatiocf <ha Dominoofc Ce"umivll a ha tfocnig orar of aovW leaf s le lI ster>'of Ournatnîq-polîtlss M.d olatelsa. la <ha llght of our mev phfios! ezbtm«g, ofd portleIe ar Ithlug # asie pebte »la maapmie pliesto e mavoiblus<fta; stuhombise. 90" e esg tlmsalves spenuet open tLe Im vhleh eal <hem lt. existe nsd a oveutas i disa la <ha vomb o!f aturîty, a oglivethau 1,1<. BeforuarsConsrve- <ili Coslltioitu, havaserrail .par peos o hirt <le.AAnid ltatheh pa4lazies sd agitation incuhielu <ha 4 bitee cf pari t>' sfagava tise s - vorî vr- a aoopllahed. PolisiasI qui., de lasavae tlai b>'lagsatai eatmaat a-e"tura faug alfaye4, justies doue, rslluaya a suds hueelit, navigatic Improvi, adoostîca fotard, sud *lu bétetil interesft<hae oatry 4sseid luao-y directIon. And nov tn Iha haluppy Conomumation and perecton a! thé grésil vent cf Cou<.deratlon thae rovo Iug point bai bas eau ed. Tb@ Retore liades Cneeiatveperdies, Ccmhltl partie" of puti leusrt 41100110a, Md- hmflats'?illg doubttoss1 hai ptogms olie Libéral porty# soans omuusss'tu #ml 1 pbuî tua>' viii ha a. longer amp<y ooDas- uaIdésignation@ viii lu future anMyVUîtb <he a meaung. People ara nov pette#ou lIait à $eoulog ce." they pnu saik thaumiaiha t1 la b*4it, fa alteresta et airinoble Cssns tSy, t. cieri patpedilleions sant almwooella r t. alita ula endlng <er toulaeatoveris alaatlnsgb.hut tuss, *Itt mdlsitlou cof party, and gsoese ># t4 lgetiou, 'sud th devlopauseat of air abà bdw e ndetir t a<. à AWvili koffl cénamiae toatssa eau auVed o«Ls -ia pouilies urne rullreed "Oi frai-poIies it <i < lue bou Iboh Audmetsu-e, at monotalug Md COMME,- et.! fomu" t asi a. iolding t<c<lis soe faitrstartOaa mev habu èe wyuL- oatiacmpromise of priasipie,sud tis se -sud bligît c! azttame putybmu, b>' uh "e a "s-uau sud latter Jodgueuto vire uurayedg la -<laya of yor avoldad.COr cmilyl ella#, b>' <le devabopement cf han naturel r#*ourc*os balbolihte ose gnaat ialun il ha kept colaeuhyla nvie.0 A vida boaott oah agire on ail&Hpolil, f iumoutebsakupolîticai "chimeiers,"< isuA sarls, poitiosi oica-sekens, sud htua lep gameral>', cf formerdasys, uLo - fleurlshed and <ttel ned tuhe ver>' ritalse of the omailyand upres& boial bneful Inficenses aver the land. Lot thonm ha a svepi sara',sud maie te bide leir dinsi. S - niehbead ieuot of sigIst, la t<La dark 0 tcad.lilbereaueu cf <le offloseproanred m b>' at rpolitiosi prodlige.'.las <Lir BlasA lotthe<la id, ralable, hossage patrie <fa mon of <hea osnUy bha calle th<e à @ %ocli rsnl;-no oure trading politi- ils eass ;-barlng averythilug te<oieala nd ri scbth-lmio, b>' lcstlag <c thapohtiel ,us ser<sa-bat uoyul sable spiiretions îin for thait cuoêv'e eal-bose clut sire lI didled yul <btose e! <lue aoaul<y -ce <boy reproesot, anAth"IesaieMWe ovles! et vlit Ibave been tannad ieerl and a MWsv a Asu pn l aeDominion of Canaida, 1< x I5 ot AilioU nît te ateniaulal î ts ha Ji -' patlotis, disiuteiea<d, rellablemu ansud of dia lIltesguuedaperlllal poutan. Tha fi, latter l5esmai>'regogulied il the politicel cc huxter, vIcie o« usl!sekfug la set<ha ou0 Se.-em1.1aiLha dos- 1ha 4108 Comeevale'fU[L»ar <lad4jÈ jortylaste oew" à '( 4te Ma. , lelusu 01"PIhaM, mmbiesà tMr f uWp bodyutl> «à e ré,fa ii »sma lot Mre t. tbeof o<adrate léo <ofosé ipa mrl yla hlagtoplitineof Ootr. ue Buv pboeam atlosai prcery spakia Otarblocarhlordvi@ghamore oIlimualls obad e alareg e m ba ai sae of de ulia oe ! conudmons vii h tb oe ofhtnt ololeoC "y asuate an u <ban ar many sud lmpcrauïtuet urlhibId icet ObPoniael ien1 Iii ha sudoeahapuliar Jeudtionsdîrunialain le pover o!e Ilerovln1 ouerbue j le. aoredît of Prol; <ha s<eblshmut si.fudteaaof Plroiadciiis, sd <h eip ofutetcfoinciloffcrs; i 0 quaegusMcty <agrublitu re d met. oryions, ogUph lcavete, asyotes, sudocjm o artlieruetutîc go &0,epa 409 Ofulcas;liuses; fCowuI ions; la. on 1ti1 ihjcts the ii d d of tbo!<h Refer UVrt' ill us8asoit la à haier e qaioa. Thet the present organisa-ion' la Assignid <bat <boy abouldo cls esd <bus oantoi Ibo lagialetion sMd <ha patron. *go cf <hae±'rovlutce ale bayoud -e doiit. Tha abject of!& ail <ue«&erof <boit s#nu. try,- sud oftSbouwho hope <o -ne <lis Domninio1cumcb aagrav, sud prou r, $o4 dloarliien <ldes, eagis f o!CnfejMs <la. ehaîld ha <o baep doua peut>' spirit et botLuidesJO top uen»pali'tosoncf 013t*td 11on009 presatativesendd lout golrramaut elu-aye la ruev. As a ggeai uile, s aitlter Misgibalai equsia-&sresi. dent reprosenftnive la<habeit;lfi Opinones ae olaadud b>' <hopinions o! bit «algbors, 1it latarets swu ldantlled vlibtire hen-sd fla admosug <e intareut of <haeest boyh tuMaessasiy sere binai!. -Tie luporud, reptauts. tie, on île aoursn, le iînd b>'tige epinionusuMd lutenastos vhlurnfond .lm ab a udit sied frqieutly <bey mal' lue quit e sua-gouisîl < Io aioo f <ha cou stitlteae cy are ,sut.-For #Lis reasc leos jugaloesand persoua prefereneas aboulE ,ha Iganrd, sud thelanlus à ou- 820011 who oceucoupisii tLe Mostsgod 'or <Le coustlunlsy'a e uole, oseacted. flua daylfiasgcns b>' vlan 1< migîst ha uhavrged <batUppar Canada Interesvi vero 'aclifdd o party expedl.acy, Upper Canaa, or raier Ontario, witi nov Lare bharge o! Itu aun ra 'li, tand va trustt <hat wbicharr asylabc<ha dominanut perty tise c lateliigend&aud sguiy of ont leaders, ru1 Weili their political anîlhorlty and shilit wil ha turned lut. ueu cusnouot ive part>' snd-Lut the materiat sud iclal progreuan sd pnosparhty o!-cor 0cou.0 sou coatnv. Lais tBiar.ý-WItl <le putI veil wîsral droîs ofa!plendid fat cattit. pa"sd urougî jht u%_vnptsed luth<Le t@. u Loi cf tla conul>', for tîl ontroalater ar sarletOu Frlda>' irstMW. Fred. Mil. - age; o! Toronto, dAve a supenlor lot c!r lIeuEéao!<ta éstation. Thay virepar. blà uod-Ã" tromUt-v. JmmsI.- Dsviduou, >( Pickeng,-et $90 osh ; turc frcnt Mma. all, o! Piakering, et $U84 ejacL ne rou W Kr. J. Busieolat 070; cue fromt Mv. < FooaaM $80;sued<tuafromsMr. J. Modd, b A Pickering,- et O$90a.Le0b lso, <rIre -ou Mr. Jeuc atorit, as $80 usaI, id0 Pue luge feliou <rom, Uv. lama Mitdhel, p )f Whitby, st0î2O-0-.plung for tha 14 i ai, <heasggrega<a eimo!r à 18 Svsuzuo a cR 11ffl tTmcaos our rrsoe,.-A yoang umom arnad iMoagsmusa, r>', sn assistant lu <haeFout Offimicet el rxîrIîge- was cumisted<o .gaoi, as0 t bnsi',at. at e, on <ha charge o! et#eei. bg a, régistarei latter aoostelon i 10. mercI tîrongl <ha promises disevrfi0 tg dtbhems$ sisl aoneeaIc*iide e Meatatressenduà aportion of ' t'dm 'b et la I siosart X emer's pneu. ' s Oeco larea..,-Tc'uorrev -belag geod, r rdnl,dhvlie asrvleevl h Mhadst8t h 9ousC!ne 1,eu. at'5'Ahl si ilats"'IfCLu4rlaSIlmsdl p. a. a Dean d ter-aa<irdaîo l t4boue! elv- sguevwat"AlsiW"VM bu 1 ipâ,t 8I# I~i. <or tha Mt5 &Me se deavuurisromondsoU i Jserl*b#I l k) ié iavota bileu alé - rlgvuidy a it w<o ;erutia, vers C4ibome a rut lilsu Irce stiet vies.tlay villAd thae st uaglaet averZvlters, sud ai l timisi Broale Ua<sd oîo itreet-am ,o Sem aof <t. dlagracil ppeorsu vhloh elà mt every Oser part of the toi preseule, sd VbIckeau Dov cnly ha pé&rsd bye arge axpaunditura of!<hatoi <su ie;vbreu if ettauda, la <lu fflFmneratrilla vocld bare soliced. l go toa te nov t. recaI! tba¶olly <ha poebum ofthe.tovu bail i t ii If <t"vers au M ia uMd fuiseeuf eapedl<er; 1< ino reaon wby <hi fal should ba perslà ted lu or psylag for rfin log tvo <ae hlle. The principal erg meut la lavroflAnglg the seaoud b 'et tba< It varuai cbuvahqcavi of t <lue 01 dlvié s riceo@ n, Boueys. Nc va reapeWuIly subuit thet 1< lanfaîr1 tc tas <ha e teaejeriof <ha tovo Cor ms log <boue plomil Incliai!perions te <ha devotl". Let <hem, ritaà silt llhersity, If not cbristisu cbartyl balpiha <.1<1 hy opeong <habir ladivldoal pur.i euE psy Cor <trours Buuday ball.rlagloi gether tbrovo eval. Faur, 1ifsny o! tha bat. Lest asLer <hae bliaor <owabel or bo<h, sud mous of <hem hava vatel sud elois of thaîr owa. -Wa venturea sey <bey uld prefer lîgIt tazes, Impie, #id streete, eud goodidauralke to vbi Kfr. Cempbell ohsrecterizod 6"aà <oy," am M,, Blow aelà loxuri.ll Dry Goods G recertas, &a. Car morcbson - haie coanuced opei lug ont <at String stock, sud <or Otyl quelIty, "desi Md, s udeapue a ebel acive u sk<is seaeou's puppl>' axeoLed Fau Asxra-Yo uGboui J nov epeuhug oat a holoe dispa>' cf du goode of!th<La ut desîgn, vhiel le la Jus reeelrd for Bpuing euE Sommer, a b,4» &Ws ou baud s large auppiy e odvai fiehd, sudgarda. seedu; si volt asgrocea Iaeand bacon, l&c., for <athe lo.-S At Massa. NMKitLuahCo.'s a eOpar stock beu bien opened, sud lu cotton su droe goodsaavery<hngilaeomplot@ seana McCr.aac, Pistouine4h Co. adiertis Importations af anperior EngiaL ed uE a adias#" an, o bavts< uactals, ha.,o unique stylesa d M uad <b.t adop< <haMmt-$$ Goc da suMd in Mm».uas. le à hCo. bav# <bel use largre sîpp>' 0! Spng Importation, and tha sisoftmaat fi splendid sud pies ver>' midoera.Thei ulliuary uhový noomvIf I le opeued lu s fou dojo vitb au attratira dispia>'. Maun. Lovas h FovSLLadvortise the temeps of a maick a eernstock o! spriuj Igooda <bau bhaeofore,uhlch <Iey aaensily engageA cpeulag ont. ihair anilllnery departant as vaîl stockai, sud embrunc til île noveluiles. Bcse--At No. If on <he cerner, Mr, Francis li la receipt o! an immense suppi> of ail lainAs o! gardcru, duvet, sud field eeda, lu addition go s tery !erg@ stock of tha-lit o! fiaci grocers, liquora, &o. monaa.-Oc Fridey thse 2O<1 att., Cor- ouer WVyaîtt het an luquest, ou <ha 1< Il of James Ilompion, vIa vaiuded uer Le 'sGreunhuil"ta-rtr, la tha tournsip of Brook$ urhea a -aundiat o! vilfaul uuore ,rs returned agarasit Alexander Ncenosie anA vifo, tIe proprletani o! tise <aven, and atise gaint Lehla Canavon, and Donald MoDoasid o! tho saune lori' y,>' It sppesad fromt<lue ovidouce <bat a (av daya provincs <o his deat decod lad beu drlnîlag st <ho <aven lu conpsny eltI -several otb ira;j d'gncalles aron thraugh thea siigio! part>' songs, sud blovoo tr initl. Thompeon vas rougu. y i,ýaudd ansd atervard it <la chargud, situ by McK-inzie andAis vi!., vho utï hlu-patoide doMarsnd ludiotai sscI ajarlesa u 84 se0qatly consei lhis detu. it the partiesasmed bava bien ou- mtted for trial stt<hea ruInes.On <le vs>' t. gaoi Caneron and Macdonald broke aval tram thee luoste bi lg hem iu eba, bat have aie retarned anA givea -lie E.F. TÂrasu buagalu retatied se Wllîby, sud bouarab ' areruiged, ure ms Informat iltI piantle uth Wvbm h sEd pesuat:y dualtugiprovince to bis re- s00t departare fztro <ur. Ustlasaboya mabetter frontbalfrm <romihoin ha eelvred, tbea( ofl ! vIcl 1< va. SHMigd eubé bain aeobhad ou <ha hiluv>'seue har <ueaglfoannghlm <batpsy. et vhs soppai, aid <1< ha aineount rolA a e esurIitTbieasaasfg iq, sd vese gluo! 1< o ]uer suac b.d Ur.tI a«a-m. Mv. i cet o lu etLa, 1< could mnt liaigrBq Ydisned <tbat <the by.lav lu quai: 4asr.l tronsaber. It vas mou plid, li on vont. facliltett <hadutof *0a!<lu co. $700adhbe as'peat luths purcLascof mk<eluQYauy; and sddthsî<ho ieai ceo <ho bell tW amommodate an@enduAof <hoenuS beliove vLan aloetadby <h epso reMon toua , a <ouetht wva ul>ren aba f tue Mordu rerd <letub t "lut.en , beilla nu <aSort.s Ward, wblou ni er*ed cadinge as ebairman of <bt ottltis aI ueua, n $!Pu"rpto ,fer là yri, anA if so lus aluld gaI obeLvarésigned. at wonId ,Sit irs a snsuIred viéra k not for -Mr. BloweAUl",thîb4. offi sou. geteawbose motivas ha vouild coldâcflîM. ey set ouqeseon.Aftur»muefurw bieesailoms <rtom pu Mr. aanb.I agaulvith N 0"9evyKv.PhllP-ad Mv U, ?Paru>'durlogirbielu i mit y fortheabeli ; snd urtiier ýbeoeuho ~ 7 ~ W~OWU Kq, lu;te onuul -Wald n004 sud oagiit 4<er mu laitIer dîscaniont 1 l u <h je <ct bAve saiwoalm 1 U lip Wd Om f which >Ir; Blow condemad <hé ýVe# bhliadditionni rsnuaelooe?'f 6 psd aitbet rInzlr. «<o hallsv 10ldon1 tuaS hengs bisrlewsstauc Ha a m as confusion autluioiurs of services là u Mi soinail-lusapar. <h-,il o vortil duhurcA, s6me bcing, nus rlngfuug the bell; hbu ocMuidré $63 oe n ' lok. le d heard people£&a vatoo inuch. t batt ho ieWgng of! <Le North Wird haZ, Mr. Donoven asladMr. P te n 1.. u s lpla txu-he tovucul ie. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýÎ getveflsonidrdful u luu urd <o indulga ln laxaules. Thbomaoionb vu< 'dont 5ola y. could notL'haer <b. ringiug o!<Uthe<own es e Mr. Pm, m id b e bardly feit <t h.ehaulput blsp lunuind otb: s<or oi Lard coud d n; h «s oe o<bos ho N vlso , éwhe on (Wbjuebà ga îlvays toit <bat public offirffl 911010 l ha urs iigalled'by Sir Hyde Parler <te-le- o! puld llbsraily, Vt.bf". , ire; but Noliouu putting lis glass <o <lue Mr. ipttdt" bt"bl'»eya, oiurliclu ho hbut o < ho slght, ob- an muach more dîflictuit te ring tLau the- bell iervsd t. <boa. around bm hl blu could lu the Norh uWord,- 1< vas mach hurler not io<h@oiagnaul; itwaa. s.'wlth <bot. sud t<ils <ovu hsi-keeper azpec<ed <oa r& wuho coaid uot huoai <totovu bell, tus7 cunie et loait as >mach as the o halinger dld notivautt<o eur ItL gl. lth. North Wor,.*ho got M$; 1AÀdivisionu vmalain Mr; Gerria iuu'oruned the copuncil <Lit 1Ytà i-Mesars. Perry, Beay, Qerrle, glMr. Lynt, 'tha ball-rlger lnuIbo 'DorIluPowrell Browm sud tlue M.yo.-6. OUi yard- vouuld performintâ aS tty nor1cW NÀY&s-Meaara Phip, C3ampbell, sud he $8W, and lit addition rinug Uic belon Bun. Blow,-$, days ; Lyles bad té *tirerbsomeillsttuc Th.e oomittw <Lauhon e su 'd'reporta uv to and <vo !vo< bliluse ta.1n Lb. *0by resolution. t. bell;-,lu thebowu bal <lue hall vso lus lit saune building os due realdeuica of <ubê l. iss4ali'ZVMI5 sr_ unger. Bsueroy <b.e mme saun Ot'bt to Mv, Jgay, seconded by Mr. G.rlo,moied Ibr esufficient coumpensaton ; luemovfrd lun<th<b.hecommltice on. uacets sud lunprove. of aesudeut thet $80 ha suhsatted fo-mente bu lustua"uo<e litrebavaegood -sud tir $0.Evou uullclent drain ronde on Colbornestreet, Mur. Bow grééd wvlhMr. Gerris bat oroeslug Brook i<ret1 snd runng e.aiSr e$30 vwu enough for the extra remaruera- tout as«naceuyt the cont of saus to bc . ion. curgsd one.-uait <o <lhe Centra Word, sud t- Mr. Gent, vouulA 1k.<o ame tho by.leur ans-bel! <o Brook ets. Et B 'd tbat émnadsd blyusentl.g $W0 for th. riuglug Lis reason for bringlng forari<Le resolu. n, of eubll boten ivus &at Lis stictliouvas spoclally Mr. Donovan sdiocafcd tLe largor sun, çallod <o ho sbocking suite of tbat portion urgiug <LaS tLe ou. hall bcll.'uiingtu o! <Le strct. Alargo pool o! vntcr Lad w uould bave <o risig4'>uue a day oitonsu iodgod <bore, sud corcd tLe road and <c tbau ho other, <LaI <e aalary recelrcd crousings urlieh urore ueduced <osa rainonsi ,.by the fora hall ke.pcr wvA amati, and condition. Ha id not vaut by any meanu <t h. uaWunov obligeA to ha on boud <o infriu8e oun<lue duiusof tLe coucuittea et vogufavly aI certiîn bours, whoreslir*. ou &traets sud Improrementa, Luit siuuplyi ad tofors Le coul have occuied<ha sine <o direct attention <o the mat.or. <ino profitably <o himialL 1Mr, Campbell took exception <o Mr,. Mr. Bey saked vas t Le sune metovuu Ray's ln<arferec an sd nid <bat tLe mat.1 ball.kaeer nov sv«eon<theby.fav vas tir shouuld ha lofst<o the. commlttea ou Pm"sedfor tLe puirclusof thue towu bell, streetsand luprovemueuts sud th. mus-n- sud vbon Mr, Mscdonell etated <hit ring, bers for <ho Centre Woard.»1 au, Ir.g of the bell vould cool no<ing 1 la, Mr. Roy disolaimed smy I<uti!ou <o1 le hespeaker), thon aupposd <bal Mr. meddle riththe o Cntre yard; bot1 C1 Muodonelilspoke by asu<orty; sud lue <Louglul <bat anymy ncber of <Le couricil1 ra coniclred tetlb. ,<ovu hall-kecper vas bat. e rigL t airoter <o the malter a. for1 vory vs!! off nov lu. goV<lug 80 fur tho as Brook il. va concerne& 1 voik. Mr. Donovan bad no obte<i.M' le Mr. Doova, ith thoa consent of <ha r Y b onumitteavould substitut@ $40 lusta d o! ha#te y uv .BPA t ry $Do, mlaued ( ut,' 88 --r. Blow suippoited <Le $0; tLe hll c ommittee vbsu appointi; toiire ver. je vas e henry ono, -sud the ringing o! 1< msuuy otber Improveuuoute uocsearyq anA vorth as much et louasa taLt o! <lce ée tate o! the <oua geueriliy vas un Do tr, otuer bell;-,<Loy ioulA Le effocting aà nav- vay s credit to <Le lete sU-sets anA loi-. r. log, of $90 a youur nyhour, anud <LAt wo px'roecute committec. 19 some<ing <o nuake. Mr. lirov n aked urbether the commit- Mr. Brown ain spke on <Le gemerAl teseLa met?1 If Mr. Powell wouuld set.- unerita of <Le purcasae of <Le hall, sud if not, it vouuld b.c-Ltter te appoint su- vb ould vroefor $80.only. otber lunlais place;1 <La at.-ease ure olu Mr. Donoven wvas&fridlA <LaI <Lea va.uclu e ataie, <t alit vu& tinie <hey vire 0o0e feeling y et uîL respect to the Pur- booked alter,. o. hms of <lus hll; loutt for <bIs Mr.,IHopper 1v. ,Pbilp aaked urbether <hae omuuitteei sbould not leho d teosufer. MonmuBrook et, should not tako e h ole 10 M.$y dd ne e M.Hpprcag th dral,eud net tha couurnit<ee McoulA suifer ;,lue usai net sceept t<hoilce of <ha Contre yard. I <Il ho i a d l e l ,1; <Lare vw ue cou- Mv. Bey aaid tint tihedrain r4quived <c n ypulsionmon hlm o ringduo ehl.be alargoaou; lt vouldhaa xpenslvfn a v Mv. NF eryupudleted euythlmg 111e <bat vps an additlonal rUioun feeling lu <bo omter. If <bore-vwora <lui- or 'n' b. Car <hc Img hoaend others vouuld Laieotkon thoe * d f nu Ir .âms aond by id iuha pparclose ofo!quetin cuirBu a flicue alnudgiva mohhng for rîng iug 1t., <o do vilut<e malter. Tiie lodgai wMtr i <bat Il vats a beavy halboittering ho cou- on L<rock aIt camesfroin off <bo aseic! u <uen aideai m pie, fi 1Controui> iard,comuencuug etth<le Qrammar -c tîma to ring I1ne taid theLaothiIl;' Le sobool, sud for <ho Contre yard t. ait <lusIl vould bcsorry <o do sol Injustice, butlecotiier portions of <ha corporation <o au it considerai $00,under th. ciomuinataucaa,e <Leu a draiun vus a iittie <oo much. Mr. te Sfiit rsmuneration. Ruy's proposItIon, o! chat'gIn;g one-Laîf <o a After tome further diussion s division tus Centre yard, sud one.baii to Brook et. 9 rse taken on Mu'. (lorlis aamendaient o! bc considered s very fuir on&, lHe fopodw r $;uo uriathora appauu'ai for t<LenamenA. <Lut 24 Lourilonger vould nottlie alloved nr rment. Mesrs. Pai'ry, lfar, Broun, gerrie. Io puis er ie, louit puaîtng mou ou, sud nr ansd Powecll, 5. A grînit-Mesara. Donc. <Le accumulation o! veter di ained où,i l van, liow, und PiLp, 9. Aunendinent Furtiser explnatlona vIre gIron by carried, $W0 insar<cd lau by-lav, ubieL Monsue. Cam.pbl.lt, Broun enriowoll, thoe c usas reported sud pased, saary o com- luter sati<ngtbat Lo vould noîscas cLair, th mence rom lit Deceauber, 1860. mn.of tLe coiuitlaa, <bat Lo d;d not fesi to IOntuuotion of Mv. Garrue council vont bîmacif competoul <o do soi; but tbat Loe p r luto commit tee o!f<the ulolo on <bo poilf. j as viliiiu toacI as ancof the commite tion for ringing lb, north yard bell ond wi<h Mr. Ray as uairman. 1du ta, haro John Lynooappointcd bell rnger Mr. Donovan condomned <ho chlid'a al et a salary of $80. play of'Mr. Rnaying holievould not acl, pe Mr. Blow thouglut thal the expentsens Mr. Povwelaayiuig hc coulA ual oct-An couinected vith <ho nouth ward bell would; askcd urbether supposing heansd Mr. Ilien.Ni teu o ubn <Le lavu bell vas put up. If1r>' sald <Loy vould mol sel, uhovas <o bc l vas for (ho purticular benefit of only; do tho business? lHc referred <o Lyndc's ca one part of tLe corporation ho id not sec crek,tho culiert on Strrs bill, &r,luicb ou uL>' otiiev portions ehoulul b. <axoA for 1. woro tempoiurily repaircd, anA mid thaý ne Mr. 0(loin s bted t<Laith<e orîlu yard Iîusiend o! tangs bciiug in Leésmate thcy <s bell would oasu îea uactul purpose for <ho vere,. <the obirmsu o! sircets anAdiapror.- on -mochanics o! the tovu, tLe principal por. proveuents ougbt foilu i a position to ion o! wluou lirai lu tbst.wsr.l -,tbell havi bis report beforo <ho councif. li rînger vas a long tiFue cmpio ycd, $ouae Mv. IRay salA <bai tL. axpendituresa i- v aC imî a;srIel <.Cmrgt ued <o by Mr. Donorsuu vere made b>' seP N.Y. T., o i ell utta< o tbit verl[aoucnfs lu na' a oamba Bepator Cepilîl," "gorsperComs,' y1 ae <le ma, -perfut aMd afflecloe laIe of <15 linA era oýted <o -tie abil To uihellorrs*0 va icla>- Lvy &buai le ueoaad, urugue>'. Crias Yzeu.p Mairatu 'tr alot 7 batul'.'btmioon ha l "er and remoid <rom tho streae t 4t lova. âA leéng<beued- oontw'sy <2oc plocenu-s aplacieug <heaChiotConstà t u>nder <ho sunvo»Illanoeeo! <ha;'HfAlith spactor-<he povers and datecs o!'bul oficers, &a.Umm sBfav -and IBrow = IJotlg <o <ho tarins o! tho vesolutiai asfe s relatsd <o the Chie! Constabl Tiie resoluaon carrisd an <ha !dlil division. Yees-M.wumr. Perry, -BRo Omisl, Camnpbell, aud t>o*lt-&. l$j -Messrs, Brovu, 1Pbilp, Iou, sud Don Mv. lPer>' calai <ha;attention ar 0, councll <o a resolution o! <he 4tL of Y býruir'.lat>respocllug <lue plantmg q shado &,rue, andA asing.tbeoi ommlreo atreots anA ImproreMeuts < o suggesl, son gonerel plan ;,hlu evit apon tle adrat toges of basutiflugn<te-tgv" lu <bis ma fuern easuggested <bats asiti>' maatir ho uel,so ait<oseble <lue coumlteeit bring forverd ao cheun. ou tlse-sujse M7. Donorannid <bat <hearvs epu pouitiou <omUn v, Qauphel, (couatiblé to suppl>' 1000trec, et e shilling esc! and te otut <leuien.w M. Campblal, white lu <avor of sR proposition fot beautifyiug <he <oua <boa glut <bal Our streats aud sidevaîl shouA ha aaueded <ou <Ou irit lntanoA and before thab wvasdoue-in order t k.op everyhuing lu Ieapint-tbe' may meut fur aho <e roe s u nbis opinsi prcmato7e. Mv. Ray' vas lu favor of plantîug th trocs; but net ail et tLe expause.- o! <l corp ovation. HO vantai <Lut thueprope t y luolders anA ovuers sluould beau <h oxpenseo! lmprorlug thoir ovu plopcul ia sa mot aLocldor it au <tie ratepay=r <h. <oua. Mr. Ferry ual A Ébat 1< vas sot bis Inter <ion <o tethoe tuuuutfrlutshepturca af <hluetrocs, <rani <he ondmAsoath. <omn lHe farored <Lae plan adoptad lu Oshawaa o! haîIing oaseuan <o deoIl<he vouk- tho tovu <o psl fe or ian sd protic lng, sud <Le expenseofaipurciiaalng an( planting, <o La met by private luAIrltualo accordiug te <Le numbev of <rece allottim ta ecoL.The out o! boxiug wvantAbh (rom 15 <o 18 cents esoii. kt-, Élinu sed viiy su arrengameni coolA not ha-cam@ e et once that; nîglut vilhout dcfsrrlng <lue tubject furîher, an afler sous fuur<her conversation on <hi itibjoct s rasoiution vas evenlually edopt ai, muoved b>'- Mr. (lervie, secondai liy Kv. Campbull, Ébat the question lie taken op at,<lue nezi meeting o! IL. council. Mr. Donoten snid the. cmmaittea ou straetsand lmprvemcnts vould lilce tc rocem"asoma Instructions as te, Low-they shoulA procced-aone member (Mr. Henry] vas absent throuugh oektiema l'h. moyor consldered 1< <he daol>'othei comoiltee oeasIf no veglir chair- mn. <eoapoilt a chirusu ro feu-, suc net roet hfe v«k of rla g té ttst sud aldoaaku. Mfr Gardie nqoîred viieLer<the linaeuc cm itebdmat j, end as t. <lue oi maue for t<L eryv SMv. Brovn repied Ébat <lhe commiuttos lmd met on onou ciou-<het <Lira su no business <o ha tranaaced, sud <liaS the tatimates coulA not b. made ontutil tLe firaS o! dune. Ho@dsd<lisa ecertain sum lie pîsced <o <ha crodit, of the commit. teeo a trets snd Improveaist, b>' resol- ution, tae#noblae m th OPou Mr, -Donovan veuld tounderatand wiheer tLe comm!ttee nlgLft go an aud naite sucu Improvemeuta ai; <Le>' tuugLt aocot#ai-tLo sidsvelk t<o tbe boy <or Instance- M. Powell remarte ÉLet <he cotmil tee could only axpend <lu. mono>' placcd' <o thelv cuedit; no mone>' Lad tuecuplacet! to Loir credlt anA of course <Loy lad ex. 'cuided uotlutng., M. Blowr meuitioned tbat 1< vas <Le aut>' of the Wsu'd committees ' <o report wLat vas vam<ing <o La donc lIn <Loir ros- pective vards. On motion o! Mr. Ferry, seondeA liy Kr. Blow, alsum of $4M0wvasdivec<ed <o bc placcu to tho credîl o! tLe standing !muatee on stuocta anA iînprovemcnts ao <o ae nablo tLeu te uiuet proselt tpressing leceasilies, sud <Let tLe Treeaurer charge » account o! aucu verd sud atreet tLe rdera granteed ou amcunI of esch. Oui motion o! Mur. Ferry. thée concil, gt mîlf-pasî <un oeclock, sdjourned <or one 1:> The attention o! oav neadeji la illeA <o- <ho sdvertisemints ln another Astesue taCt.P1à IS, , <se 8r8 lustat,-<o- <as lsap ier rud 'tha mitai>'4,0W p, 8lus.rl,e a <htll trio t<aïsrephb e<ureen Eua'..-p ruSt&t@&,soibu morilered s gal, medal "bo. ha i(n bo hnor of Kr. lleid's aingli bandai CeeS.Thiale quit. rigbLtuPesas nig ,Voilha4<lue 'lait uatedenyiltioa lae1:Fi lE id1" Né W e n et quite sn c.- urhet ber bu lotethlueater luto. sha imie caw lt lue , nte Occm,'bat ure -mo <batha lren<d efctyaýudtegplby fican suaftev yeri of aita-ox iueu o!- He 4b, laibis u-eecr-e lai en, 'rom Oveenwisb te Irpland, .msud erli ne jpleîbouly tnlucs hainseb¶nery <c 0. 'n a- t y lg 1<Ou nit u obed the G ras< E utri g byhie uaioefrsJftïaEthearope e t, board s"d eongîgae dit, tâ tte Jeep viti tbis ou-' bauds.Mr. PlE -iledOUa bl o- %erondfand eadVUvitl t rat aetes Q) aud <hftufcan ui<b<ecnlnalu u ng evez ait doua or euem bleu is bss anti hi a a psiehed bil's rt message. TIers. > ove> <h the* Cwehisabis, Md Muaaent Sise.-Du ,la ooncesio, <o <haIgnormu g, prejndieeofe o!ha'vovld. uÃŽiht not just <ha aD odut'spaa,; m'y t<h nu, bear luafela >O lattona <ha asues o! GibeouGlassBEllot >1 Andorson, Csaasing, sud on@ or tva mars )0 wv b o to od b y , , ilîlu < hit b an d s ina <e u lepooulet, and sav Iboatsuat Cyrus perforai r- Le Hercaitea. <subiAnyhou, lue did uoî Ki tire eground ou ubioh <Lise nd o! the .cabLtaresta. Bat ve veulut oustheL Pl roquait'if 1< voofd Bart Amarsina felIg. À. Lovxaauo us A F LOua Sudajr olb ailuat e lodierogé fsuir <looplaM- n l o ocf Our City ohonebie, vhufor the t <le serrai <o COupletel>' .etipe. the Sdivine vha offideatett, partlularty in tha Asection o!f<Laeamoeai difias la vhlch tha se ccurrnce '<rseupnsd. À gay yonas i lotharlo, drescd lu bis S04u8dey'iait a le taken kt a a ulonalile spotlaou» o! Dun ma u <shonall. cerées, and sftai Ad obsrOd'ït flaaueistely leu ai!esrfethi ewmr seaucd <vo yonug ladies pâseised of tha most pteasiug xSerna l amanasd chignons aI thaeeat u le for a iorot 1. appatits., His departuenut vsr! cuip It arrangeA to ettract, a- sdthealterni. otsuilag and uittiag polliaras uhihoL icva caltai upoa <oeasume voe r thy o!fa ri auquisite, nulil, <orgettlag Limesi, ho set o dosa anddeuly, urhe ailhaet once eabeetlng y ueusa<fou, aaeasleylu'thaeaumstsk. ale odeofa!brimetoneproeoeded trou <ha section viuere big nether halK -rested. Por' sMomenu t toagh< 1< ua't hlm, b ut p;ndanîel motives mode hala bol, vboa ha dieooard i<ha axtreultfas o!'bis seat < aitinluebise, ad tLa occupsut Il o! d ha sreladlsguesio abMto eboie'sc ed ont hythe aoublue" fefhoddy e04 lrimeto» amouk@. PartLer louutge. ao llua theauIdiof htl< ttr of titi 01. lookare svas Impossible, bustaiu itlnng <ha cause eit<he occurrence vas exPtlaamd by e baud 0of liglti matches d-oeppigg ou tha fiooro! tha churob.-eIoha. Fat? Pauois.s-À Boston paper gays "l<bat uhana ara lndieetious o! aLon- dense O! fruit lu <bat iiolnity <ha coulaug ssais. Tha ulater vas coupatiely masuad tha peueih uiubaie notbeau lnjoned. Thou vIa bare baunvise edongb te<oretb<hin poe&u vet ha likely t< a tben afa trop o! <ris mosu, delioos fruit. Thon e ppie treai which are iPared b>' <heocesker vouai promulse <oyliehd sbndi duh.O! psrs, econdlag <o preslent indications, there will hea grest abondance.Pluma elo oIokî01.t, On@ singular fact la couneotiou v-itI thie destL of Mv. Liacohla tt aDo coron- er's lnqneast vasetrer belld an bis body; no lcgst evideause token sta, <hi uner of is de"<, nor vu s augle porionaccusa o! mcotioa ulth It4 ever brougît into j court af lau nor ii <haro tt bIs day suy logal tiétmoay vhatoren ai ta th. usner o! isdeuil, il. eusemof 1<, or *ho killeA llia. I<1à propoucd <to acnd <o <hé Parke Ex. poaitioa a Baltimore best, 256fiel long; tle crovteot.ha lueaxperlenasd Beltimore saan uE hoi cargo te bu couposeil o! Baltimuore cand oysî01811Munfruitdeigned se à preu.uot <o <ha Emeiwor %fpoon., The hoat la ea uliding.- ~eso auc<ao.ur-uouu toLe <u.pyufe*siisiyapu.u rudya, Il u)ie inuleftWud 5tgrnoa fi sioç)ii4 et un luue miÎî Lamys id igmftfflus o uMwni o.. eel ewà kiste sm*o "auuoimimeOruy âwi& e J5fend sui iesl'o,5 c asg otuu lyIt)buor Ezesscar ree By,- se -'- W. WL CLARK k C , No 3Wti areue O., ah Mue. M lieu'Cr os eOssi.useloa in m o2.iu Dr. e à Nue 9 u r. te ag ai sudeM if ait. nl.ae 1 - bueg*d ulig sum I alk Md ~5ltliiUTTfkCu1 mmVSet5e.N ilil mIELSIOea ECW J ut - - CIASTELLAR'8 KAIR E'XTZERIN.I --For remoilong soperif nom Tubte laisupiUy *-l lveua recuaadaa, slom m s ai$me.m * Sw t sa lfen&Wc Usta,,musail ai P >tbwAvu*egoeremre aoesu anmd radmO zulg ieà : *W *sad>the lreband jue e ulil t lawy ieliuePrIes!Midee ue5tpus<aid, &tue-ny sddreas, terecci by ! 1 1 1 IVT'o r - -ASTROLOGI j ;Ja W"eti stonslshed nt ta I C- ui rovelaUms n um e yoi Hiim té Aft.k. P! ee fiést e rns mecr e lomierrk b"mife ta armue a m wuvuan teemuce" mdy tuear fisIenr lutayual, e y. tilad Igîen t.l S u.e.I5Iiu .aro. pn.a&r-nsite 4*;a bh~.. u y ker slMo«aien.a eibé usitrrksud hiaie uyleam PMie amuvIv.oreinaah. Sru.aea fies-4um tepel, ooidpauieu. «mu no 4"d - in meiusuetabe gâta a fuueemordtss. -Faiu - t aooglow <a. Il cS iotieierr gsare 04 uhles.ty ama *1 bu u»W#ied ad #ilock à belr. *l,mm :ai ~~~t tt.y ..rou *adsgo Meyaged ai,<gr.bcsbd . BT TIIE UM OtF CHASTELLArs Vor <Improrlag s laMatUcnily6eChu Tbe m « suad oqwsu mokiIfae, mird* kuevreaagahskia %*hhe snd rieur eatu"nisisi o Iied <yaktheaum -' - iii. ou5yomu heu. 1ad atiue b ruuidercd bligehoPerla i-tid., r ysu oaureau.,' OranSoerier, b - ~ Ob I.sua s seasutafaal sudfaoit, Wfl thau.ry eja, s u fma iri. er -Whssecaauaia leadrlu,'arh, e.au - J5ebaluud ahé very,' hui sud mu -~1avy snd lsElge LGOTalge ro, tgOnU for t, Iboecty underteker wusl d. atmeWcoi nter ik iu the 'Potter's Field, tg ublh vas a.curllgliydoua.. Pr »)Mirs RUM,'. # ous.-VataueIi bfollov:ng fronta e ment aumber of Wilkes W DjdrIi ti t 2Mea Mnd beaMy 'Viol bh 0" tcvnauaa seea l inbis axtos. ',"Douis bus srlud rom Mvontri t th <bh orse,-sud ;OzneJouatha HouaIse 41 Course.lIfe fb Jooning -much fettir fi 0--ilt'n ho bdhdlsut allovago ni 0 ible e<ct go- foà -huating <bis llst se",o &tbt bsopau Ibe bleatorl Zlgeg inhbi leari ram aud îauà w acbsutbspmj0g 3t The boriefelolg valqetroigMd lmty leý bo-ort blulfsomevhet in the steeple. ie chase lut li, l inh e tnalCradgoih ir broIe ber log, but the voond liatalsi 0 qaîte besled. flouaýis'Atrscrs "are )tgeldiug Tom WooIrolk, hy ltxingtou%,'o " of Florid, sudibho du, AunaleWorkmu "-Àmosreal Paper, r bary vas -perpersted et Pariou «tho à eeing cf Wedossda, < he- &d Instan 10 wbeu tberesldaeee cf Mr. Josepb Wilson 0 wi- btceï lato, by tbletes, sMd $60 ; isie, stokan <rom abureau drava;. Tva susiceions obarectars, bsllg trou HaRiet 9 <ou. bioy. &0 laok Wede aad Wlllisu I Mefloneldveearessed i for tha ro bhery The liauer m"Maed tu es"apf 'mm cestodjr ýthe saine aigbt cf bid erraetr, »antorefloi I"Pau. mka . uovu. ai - as -lay 4 II chargeA, no eldau e egproduei Of ageluat hlm. No trace of the ululajg d monq vu obtaiaed.-Hamilton lYmes *Tho Oyracuse-fourmi l s-Along ti me 690t e littis b.oy twelve yesrs old, On b~is rond t. Vermout, slopped et eouutry 3tavrer sud peud for fls lodging sud brésa& 4 fau by eevug vood, inssed of aîing (f« 19 -t eà gitt,. Pifty yaers Jeterf, th.eaud boy psssed the suaII'111. fonuaseGeorge synonyjm of megulfleeu< chriua- tbe héonore f <vo bamlespisres. HRisi, wvb cardered ae cilE fou r mr oE, et arsvmw lad., by vblappug îlot 'vithb a ela o e bcu & ressd g i s & »4s euEchoE. hl, bisas ehoul o mi th <Le pbmbe, bu. bie ens0tai, Mmd 40nfasud bis $al#, ATIc peopla er. vit dilcul3ty raîrOlaed <roms lyuuhisg hlm., À odo la ndt ian mm vitble<au miles cf Bsn Antonio, Taxa, laiet veek, r,1 G. Panileton vuassesi by the e"quai lllad dIuribly masilaaed. TIers vas a rumor <bat 9 genain named Bumae ha aIec basa lled. ROBINSON -iKENDÂLL...t Torit. ville, on' tbej Oth !no#by Ibo Boe .Mr# Queueg Mr. JohnRobMuotat Misa.Jane Xeudail, both of Wbitby. PALISTER-LUMLEY-i..î0tha <own o! Whitby, ou the lOîL inst9 by <Le Rev. John Leur, Mr. Thomas Paiuter <o Mise- Margaret Lumley, both.of Pickeriug. 8TAFFORD-MlLLEL,9 7 <Lte levi John Lavm, ou the Idlomafot., et th. resi. denne o! the brides <ather, Mr. Elmnud seeford, Io Mie. Mary J. Mille, silo! the <aura et Whbi. DOW.-é'Ât Whiîby, ou the eveg i0t danglitar of Thos. Dowr,' Eq., egeail i Wbltbf Ndituuts. Whitby, le Il,18M,. Feu Wbes<,.aa.à a aa.@ 1#78oe1.5 spriog....;..... ... 165 ~.. Berley........ . . Ã"É. a 60. peu . . 6.. 60o.6100, Oete.41......oSS ae40"t Po<a<oes.. ##.és..... 50M. Eggs ...,.....l . 1