'hitby. May g ~7 vo-iur 01 i saor tesu Tb@, toue aift joaru tidlt' Koudy tii. ord or isjmne «, te Meoat tbe bliur of lé X.é A31 Dr thse :abie,' --Lidons, May ô.-Thispse ofPrtga CeMPlains tisat Pranc. leasit continultsg ber miwts ~ eparatiom5 .~sPsne lis tise place congraslaedditions te otisar POMPrviu7 vanneuneed. !ts lnolo5. -Theiorssssi oft Ve94tiartl i I Dblîi treata( îîttîa ex. citemsent, andi va. attendoit by ne douons st"nat n eis510part ef ths eopo Lendesi, ba0. -Tbeo Derbygevaulnetnt bae .ceastet opposa tise propoasêt Bafoua téion, Ma 6 eenn.?h ua * sfrn moetiu& vwieisha.mbean ln con. temitl>usfor asOMOme t 'uiO oerra inlu IIYde Park lbtMeisoity e.Ia.As vos expectesi htisa vin a~at crevit ef people fis attoasdanca, Tiougis buliov quakers tiser-vere no riote.ss denstrttins visatearor, sud thse services et ttha police. vare net requsire4So.Nt one of tis e kra policeissn vise bWdbeen svorislanfor tlisa occen aovs puisset.' Tisa meeting vas à ta vryshort duration, - nsi tise sastit tule dispersaS wthout -dîsorder. - Thse .llernug Pme, lisais aditoriel-to.dayý exrses tise opinion tisat tise gorsrntt wilntexacute tise sntenceo ofdeatis ré- cenli; pae lon tise condemnasi !Fnimas Burks ana Dôraus. -f L ATE ST. k 'Lndon, AIfayV.2 p. sa-A deupatch <rom Duuin announcsa tiat 'IeCarert, 'Who hua' beau n Utrial lis that City for- ti'eaaon, hen bessn feusisi, guilty. Tisa Gev. srnwnrt bulaiacepted the Libeml ameni.- r entto he U tnIl ! r::idig for big te tise prsscvaLiosi of pee' France andi Prussa aara botta raplily anuibg Tis cItour" l rotabcînis et, ndisrieIn Lod Z UyI-Tise Cen<çrsntCe ef tb. kurepcan Ge+ttnsnt forthe.smstlmnt of tise 'celltlng clais et Fra'nc. andi Prises!., lns regard to to tihe grand Dszcis pf Luxmburg, metiln tht. iy to'da ' f las rpolasithètt isalesing pow sI&. Mte te eorryout tise preo"lîlo i lr uà r. autueingtise naturalixsstion of Luxesss1un aussithet tise peopleo( <tise Grand Duchy usk ior eunextlîn te I;elgit, Dublip, May 1. -Tise prisoner ttsinolly vuWs to.day, contricted of isigis treeeon, by thse spscil emmIieon5 asd the primtier Clark vu acquittesiabsid dolarged frein oustody, lu ou. a Antonioe(Tasta.)ika, l&s the time VwlII centa vba Textes nueien t bà yiog Iettisar lie oetonwilluel h tober, Alraedy oine v"ri fine speclsnens of Teas lath., iaseba.producsd, WORKS Or- NATUJIE.-lus a tate o! Lisatis tisa lutest4isa nal puy; b.ensipari ta a river wiseastaiai dcv ovpr Lthe aijouin baud, tlisousgh tihe ohannel$ nsture or ast bai lisise, sissiimprove tisir qsslitae; so loyg as It ruine on sootly tise ebaunels ore ksPt purs aind heeltis ;-jf tise Course o! Lie ni.tis s toppeS tisositisa Watei lu tis enaisilà sne longer pure, but .0055 boeoniss stagpatiî. Tisr. la but one0 lswof sirouisation ln natures Wishaltiseso lia ou*siyirabnndsisee o!fiumorlai Bid lu tise lotos- tissi tubes, sud coisiie takeai place, lt ûowe battit ut. tise bloosi veesela., andi luil- trates Itusif hte.tisearendalton. Tqe uteblisis * tisa Ire. couinesof tise rirar, *0eInuet rsuîve tise o4struetloue wliels$top Its If s-.ues, ansi fthème otite t4luteny .streis. Wstl tise bcd;y, foilow tiseosaie natural -psiuicit-re. inore the obatrssetlons.freinise bovao s iti BJ8AN DILETIVIS PILA, wlilpis never lnjute, but adm etwdyçeffeetisl for theisa afet eaba. ln$ of tise mytons (rom fouines. or tuieseai. llassaeeser,iea uie irpo l ositeb& taii fesiiýs. Stvapte tishe r#su0ior sote5s sait a. long se thoy dae datehgssi, eoram long 4oypiqae Wek. - aitt. BlIADRICTU la la bit.Iletterp in tish* ennatsesp 04114 brsut Prsgato. is8 Whitbp', mal S, 187. Eia.......... 0.5a Oaus...........0S0D 0 oe4000s RIO$.....*.43". Egg.t..,400. &a ..400- P«r pair Hay........, $a #1pet tos huis..........0#. 1 10 Wood.........- ~iile, on tln,IltIi ullsy ah.boy tgÇomi"aeM. hUuu. Msasualof fOsbv, p7vMbùnà t'O a as'.. o! ise Court if tiels iean ussi etisee, inent dr tua a f 1* t7uL.V.u min l tise motter ef Chainberî, Biron stset. TOWN 0F 1WlIT13Yt gowbdy, 2n4 of .?Uno1 net, At thse isosr b! tisa r.oleskl i. th r nal twe 1,oIn rllrblolrsd as PICXRRING AND HARA, consessicu of tise Towusssipof 'iekain s udat tise otiss.èef o! lot unuihber tvesatyî lutCte, FAIRCEL i.-Eelngtise sohtis-isltsuklot iustasrltssaty-o0, lu tise osgitho osUso ci tise Towuiilp of Piekornsg, loituse«", -soid,-off tishetis prtiisref, sosinissg assi; sa-eso, mos-a onrle. Ipon tilsprsiper ty,.thore ste AbenLixty acres clssl-ed, aânlu aodaQid tate eo sflysltiis. UçV u tise presalo la eectei a naubotantliiPlik lsooe, viti S oosi Frame Bas-n. lised#.anal Stables. Thira 0160 fin <Is-elard, suit noyer faillFng Str-em ci vaite tises-con. 1'ARCEL i5,-Beisg Lise ostls-ialfo!lot ssasvibrtwesssy, la 'tipaeuvoticono.msieonb lae. Tiss tuail isisinssi éacres, fUsea-or le. bi lt nitiiovéti. Thse conditions of sais ara Lb. standIng don-. aitions otie CosstofJseusssn, wltl tisa toi'. 'Te puss rais.or purolasese bjle5 i se4b tue o 0<sle paay owln 10 tise laa*nte S0lletes a d.mposit citaisdollars for aernse isiedi doues-si, o! hi, or tisais pus-cisea nmouer, ans, tise biis, vitis intesrasi tusrton fs-ouitise ae oi saie, vitisin feus- vagi, fs-ou tise Seyo! sale, Tise psss-gessos- pnrolsa.era susielgsseau agsrnouit. fur thes oomplstiou of thise '.isess. -ldcter, aU the pure1 ssa p à e se.' u n payjnt ortiepssreheme moss,,tise pasr- châser nof tise lands lntise Tev.4 uei ru-, toe b. otîtiesite ae cnoernces, ssd toe blote ite POMaÉoaen. tise pnrelamer or tise aiS lande i l t'esing on payassesit et Lthe paolses nionoy, as eforeèaifaibe etitltls.l te a cou- ro0yassue, et tise tilne oet bci Psy suent, ensile b.'t uteropos.ssison utae ie frt alus;0utU- t.,isss nest. Fusthr partleniat ay iae W ussi rom <lam K. Go1duLbJsulasu.toliitor 1 and J. siner Greouiabod- o! tise town of Whlstby; anssitisa ussîerigues Master of Lis ~Court, st Wliby. Isi.ed titis Iti siai; of XMe;, 1867. GEO. IL. DAILTNELL, l'AMD Ir. GORDON, - INIANiS' otmnurois ,90-191 -KADOO -091d Lands!1 F t mi ale thse undivided nefourth of lot No. 1.5, ln tIe-rait mentaion cid Mmde. AL80 FIVE SIIABES IN 1fHE ONTARIO XINING CON'NY. Apply ta'. F. RELLEU, P M. Whstt, mss 8, 1667. le LIST OP UNLAIMD' PLEITERS, Eecmaeisusg n e L Iitby Poist Office, On the. firit day of Nay, 1 867. Arise.;, Tises.0 Afnîtigo, m Bker, Mtr». M. Birown, Win, Irurgnien, lre uet, A. J. Beatt;,, J ou S anS Cs. 1114k,,O. Itsnmte-, A. B. Bs-own, N. T.jn, Iiinkionss, Wi# Bs-6, ow sem. Isiker,Ji,. Bs-owu, lise. leattit. John Campell ,lIn. jas. Cook, .iolsss Clar, Mr.,ulaitntbCochrae, A, S. nolais, jamis - tIJoDekiso, ins Dssnlop, JI, Eraus, . Mrla,Mn ForCi, Jaisu# usa-, ot. Girant, Cliss, - uldilsg, %mu fmllswsA. nir, E. Jilialytrais J. llssiarienuTise îoImton, lilas lismilton, UfLs-sa V1omt , oba Jobsiston, Wm. -keru, BEba$I llnî; ihe Mali;,Zllzi madtusmisé XM . Marais. Chai, Meta, IVIà lumn.cr iievport John Foir, Tisos. Prdn W Peukke, Wse FvascL . is, lobas te«d, Jea.0- nobe, uo. ltel>l aThea, Btobliso, TO W. Taylor,, M. voss.,J. csf.- 4nri2 Wsr!4 Olei. iVltSus, MeKeuh% Wm. voulues, Jobj e go2.,a.. atvlsP lob1Ut. uasstWfIvo auitqinbtheu iftî oueîeals oihe t lslrti.ess . lsts ss6ee-ato , assier twelye, l i JisI 0-sbso;frà dittaswof0<*cg5 sîssdresi M ahterY od#, b. thée msie hiesor lIs, shah b., t isi smeIe lhomby voeted là s Ytaerilsk (green, Shisr., bis iiasd e- oIpiamn fonsver; piesir muthislty of By.lswý sifihber 282, of thse Cqrffousioa ortise Ttswssuaip caPlokoenng, ess, sd, as tise sainelu a lro lemed Upea à publie Svp. -Tisat tse p"rion o e toiaiorigil a- lowam . or Iowd, b ajelu'- al ths e mO lle 1reiby ve.tejInSsuu. u su Jord, 5enr O lic e 1 is raDT 7 bd leoi Z.ad, asit rslok orne#s es.tîsuir boira ill wis si1 vr, On essudl'otas ea rosai issviugfgt~en lusts linion!ofe"4 ronsd sslowansso, by pastise n hvla atrtebjg of b lsw In- T teiesi t<rb.rae* bytis", sswll ut tws oporatlols 01 tise Teýwsmlslp of Pickeing, At a Umetig tu bs bellaintihe TbWh HRail, Broýughasn, OU Uatnurday, utlh of Juùie, net. 1)aWedkt Piakerlssg, thl. 41h day of May, 1807. JIgCTOR BÉATOfi, NOTICEICKW At thea Wiithy Foussulry, euid .4 Autiltural vaga sd onssass snspioysnest*111 beglveà l, siRgwI! & r4TTE1LSo4, Whltby, Voy 8, lool. ts1 fToroagt. Servant Wauted. M UST b tia t.(Cook ains irôn wll.Res- lerieufstqitis lape sroqnirôd. Apply te, MES. MACDONFLL, ONTRIOe Siaxa. Wlsitby. May Oi 1867. la De W. YztaiER, iM. D. ojais IlIeusi-8 te ina. iM., and 5 te a c'clock, P. M. 1 By*Law No.une .i3ylatelor t1e oloing up and saks of a certain road almance, tlare- in imentioned., WAereSe, in e toflaeguence tffthe na-~ turalformation of I& ground, Le La impractioable to corattuc! a pub- lie passable IflgAwtay, on thse SOu/1- hall of Ã&l alliorance fur roadg be- twnlooiioto NO. 32, and Sap in the ftha conceulion of (lie 7owflsldp of .Pkèertn#., andit afirab&e Mi the sam shaff bd cloeciup and Tiseretoro tis De iull orthelisecobratlon-or tise Townip utfIPickering, esiSete: 1e,.Tisst the Solth-iîalf ofthtie aliowence fon rondi, bilwsoss lotsNo. 32 ansi 8, laitise Il1fi é b oss of.iiu !the Townsip etft'ick- aing, bc, ansi tiseame Inlai Irob Is;elio up, me a publie rosai or liiglswey. 2,s,-Tb.ot It chah b. tIo0sdt;otiers, maidiho la lersb dnisrseiand roquis-ca, lmssetlaslynaLter ista.' -y..lallsiait have seeliste force, te thssdar tisa saistpor-tli o(rosialowences borebyinufustl.s.,t tise Pas-tsevios..lande djon, tai ie Oin ot osue issoda esa t-edtyvoalltrs, tss~7i uces.of the retfssai of tiseprts odee asi alatis ala lloaraseefor rsite ecsspt tis ajsutal ao h es 0 SOumsoin*bend susraansi tsasty-iBra doearai, tissu$htisa@nassIsisil lithisnue th Asny otisar rânty or paltti, viso nia;b. vlJIllsgte $Ir# thercilwi tilosaine, or oai thaelaroea. brb uhdi -rselrs.l, te sony.y sasmonersb; ropar « siorD"al, t e saisi sloileae o "osite tisepart; or partieWhovisn avéer IIg.-Tk#a$tiis Dy.bse uh loiste force iissasedleely ttsil&ill TlabeOrs stria cop ,fwa BÛalu tse Corporati f th# Townhi> or ]Pickering, 4#tsmg te b. hald lat ta 'Eulss Iull faesorli gfutise aboya, wmUplaeeaek bJ 8dYPOflU Q01f uZW EZ1 for .diKELLEB, I Whltbj y8, , fi CimaeeismeBETr BEATo, GRAND -OPI-NNG O uRI M-iIL Nv R y Show BRoom WJLL 13E OPEN ON WEDNESDÂY, the lst 1IIAY, WIlfl A flhNE ]JSleuY -,0O NorelfljesinMIiry HAMILTON & Co. Whitby, Apil 24, 1861. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Roorn Paper 6 ENzTS tPEÉ ROLL. Beautiful Satin Paper, ONLY 25 CENTS lPER EOLL. Window liug, à CENTS BAclI. AT JAS. 19.G9 UtL4 VAINTS & OILI§, *WIUITJNGo VuELLOW 0c7kkn,2 Ansi 4'OveY eqnloilte for hsonoaioc1sa in-send beeutifysssg. à -* FUIt SALE A, ýn J. B. GEILEIE'S 18-lm Fà ikLy TDitae BiQ. COURT 0F REVISION. P:UBIO NO5TICE 14 bsroby giron, tisat tishe unt o or eision ftr TOWN 0F WHITBY, l 1 liold it#fBrait sittissg in tise TOWN hALL, lis tise aIi Towna, en Thuroday, lOth of May, 1867, At tihe Siur of te e'elocIs, ln tisefonsicn. TIIO&. USTTON, Townms ss Must be Paid. gV oztgagop N!ote, or Dook ]Debtsl Tia smotlemnst't esa11= mut bd mea fortisvitis.ZNo fastiser notic l e a aier. VARNOLI> Cto. OMF1,-The Ola l Eastry M('fieottto Écýý 17 Ohiep Stoves. tir Tise boit ln tisa mlenos-rsry liaay 1 e Agdesltural Fersiestlsait iipsy lor tlsamlcrla s ln neasr-Lisietitlmpnorasi Ertoslpot sapvis rus Uplite AiereaSTOCK of 1=6.' r slvay1g on l * icg s-emptiy 4te -ar ('lI mess, luasplels, cottS sud, munsi Rag, olat(lppreawnSMU Botter A"s fge Oesnl sandsg, e i 'WILLIAUM"NI, 15-1; ,. JiecaS,.,Wssii. Farm for Sale IN THE 1 TOWNqIp 0ForWHITB. TIIAT TRACT OF 1LAND issowns atise *t5)W4l5y5e55l or " d Fnn1Ye. tante lu tise $rs oai le is t o ialof lsitby, assd composesi, of paut of Lots No 8 sud 32. wiii be-o15'roêlbr esaooufrtil tise-féti day of Maey, iesit. It 00a.lsi t f11 AClaE5î ont ut wiioi will bc neportesi the 3Miii ptitilege, Oit liosI Miii, andi Sait ipnnga If dsloaii's. tise FARUlI111 lae aolj iu lot. of 10, 209 or â0 acreai, on suds otios quantities uns Inay isutpurcexiss Fur tas-nia sud otiset pa~sriss18s-, apply to JAMES WALLACE, Wlsitby, Apnil 24, 1867. 4lis.lê Lime!-Lime!!. T II, niderogncdhave IIow, end i wli keep cesautjy Dis hSaud, dungng tise seesoih, k1it. '?;l IURNILI GEORGET'OWN LINE, WUIOLEqALz a UETAIL, DIJNKLEY & WICKýS DTILDEILS, &C., WIIITDY. I*IMAPPIcastion cats ho eloaioude teIl.,11. Lts>l5h-, Whso will ttesd Lo Ail os-desalofe wMtl W' seid by tise lusi st tise ssise ps-le,@a.on Lise preinisiwlsere burnsd. WIlby, May> 1, 1667, mn1 Madoc 'Oold. A NEW AILET~EIO G EN TI 70f tzburicing Testi, vto t pi , t DENTAL BOOMS DUNI)ASST R EËT9 'WIIITBYo C. W. mOM. . il . L C oss tore. 'WhiLuy, mardi mits, lut; 1 Land, for-Sale., i, la tb. Sth IN SSN oorm w f EEAC« -Tise 1end la ei oos-denvMssi Fr i , o u ti z . q » t k fi .p I t appfffb everi prici% . 8PRINQ0 De oacquain t their customers ai Pubbe gferiytatteyd haveu jUset reeiv'ed their 'STOCKe *hich Willb. oe n nuuly lurge and attraci Dreus Goode Paralol., Factory Cottoni ANDMILINEY GSig Pri~itl, T-.', AND 7A LARE,~ ODSI 1, e- 1 ÇK , mboroon , tonnete, Kato, [il Men audBoys' Coato, P.ants and Veste, of tixeir ownmanufattbr. Also a a-couipleW 1, -sok f<roeh, Hardware, Crockery apd Glaodwatef &c., &" Ail of which they- are detertnined to ' hepfoCAH A ~aII is repc(Iy 13,itr WIIITBY ~I & M fié 'CÀAPiMPÈ4,îseM j 1867o SPRING IMPORTÂTiOIXS,1867. ML.L.A N & (JO'S4 We, beg to -announce the arrivai our Spring and Sunimer Stock, con-. sisting of Dry Goods, Millineryi Ready-mqde Clothing, Gr<iceries, L-l. quors,4 and Wines, vhich we ar-e pre. pared to Bell at prlceu, defying bon- ourable cuinpetitlon-. W.e ffer ape; êial inducements, in Cotton Golodi of every une 1also 19 flrýbs GOOd4 à ,nd 1'rints. À presiiuii1 bftW :e tent 4aItwid for ]34nk notes. Silver t4ken jgt pari Fresh Arrivaisea OLP1 NO. I b Noir beiog opene.d ont4,fnlly arorted, in al theo LV' WS STYLES, of choiceahid faslqngsble ALSO TOr IIANfl 'A FRESH STOCK OF rosuuhmreost55Mxcepi iuseir 15igl0 liUWI gýad anl isio16I" hoo Wateh Coinliusy, Bois- &LL WATCEES masde hy tsoîs eéyà t by tise seller, ss:d tLika warrân- tee la gei t.ail timei sis it tise Compausf orftfaenlý. E01l3IlÃŽNs -8APPPErON, 18.2 13ao"sWATI;14zW Tssx* BROBBINS & APPLETON &Ce"; GauxusUL toxi.vo U013ERT WILKESJ Taeso& lMownx.r., $5,0 QOto Ioafl -ON FÂRM PRUPEBTY, AT I1. yJ. MACDONIELL, SSeLsereua, Cerui ler. Whltby, Apnil 24,1U67, tc-16 Public-, NotiCo. Ontario MUtUal In-mrace Companyi Fotssed sniSer Lus Aet peiessi lu the twetîty- Aiaeond, *arnf e! lin lLjcty'usR.io n chuilter Blfry-two, entitie les As AsritîisRn,,exMn- TITAL hissuxis.ra5oupANrim, hies-eby oeil- a meeting cf LIaisaisiCesapas;, te b. belaiun Tuesday, 4th of lune, ne&t,ý A THE M E CIIANI CS'IIÀ L L f IN TIIE In the COMNTY OF ONITAIO, for tise pur- poxs sÃ"o!cisosing a Boas-sio!f Diucttem, <or tisa talsi Compan-y-of makisig snd eetablissg 13y-lwï,andi of trs-unectiisg ssii;baincss cs- crasery; aisi ropos-,ta. ces-s- sise aasi4 4j'nt effeeL, ir. sa rsr:aitse ssise efct thetise Uoenipisasy. - 'Disteto l rat dus; of Mss, A. D. 1867. i, irn ?errj. J. B. Bleicali (;0ý*rgo Migci ubeunes 0 ni i t is, F.lr ipoasa ,ip.nss mon; tgieri ajss, Jcsg e llari,- M. LtAND 0 bEoP 5 l ace togi- <alo. ±1itus ie st owi EIAeflOA Nowr, ied, & Gard, Ait tif 0 éfior qùà Iity, an*d ivili bé id v GI,1*1BSON would kiindly thapk hfr old c patliberal patrdu4se, lied, ulicits ah earviy Noir<~o4s~ itha contfnuanco of their ostecu SWbkbwyi Âpril i17, ainsas r' 1;, t VLAZ Cfrnmfd~j 1 -a sut e1 bu, 'la Fno ofir amà s-satiollý eolmù-b apftmd. setas; ed M4 A. no, rm torWitofou . Tio 4sba4 aid bate&ii. e 1 ,