BNrookin: PEiEti, 'i 'Lirplter, aud A iz I N C-. îjcs sijd ttcséled ox.y of tho 19t ry!l - tant taicn i La idsNoim iiil 0il utc.ti oyà <n,' lc'altl.5 itIs theo lutIltbunht ur e,-t srnîsth -'ld yidi rou tiîçn- ilii lpanmnlsCS Q Is5Iss*, P IVet cd w5ere tu.' wuilssg nrlty si ar asscms y l'y, LB. H.GER. iMillion ~TO lENI) 1 ,(d hie s. aî ,<.rransge- '») I, 1Ast'u lre- s1 to hesi e s try, 't a low sut. ) 'ýr eniu fuît-o lis, onOc»i for tw', uOftjim Ilcreiua'tsu s t' I" I', tirfriii 3 6o atnd Oreenbaco# I lk'i,lt 4y aai~ sa-autu M(Jcti'a-t A uttih¶ -a. w ititn-ucmls',hof Y' R E Q U I R E avi f-r hmaMLa eVil~ k 'C. C a K L) F orf tisabd K. . >a5swQ.C. HR. J. *MAo*UL. plintth 0001théapersaewsbit mou»- g (oU NY SN ATTMPrs ON i r, AIGUIbanoUEir. - . A. SPubi die B oetr, ity Rlstrat ÂLLer -Ituv, 8.d e " fo.lsscoy K~ r Fub ie,*0. Str..Ot* W biba. 5 t' AREIOTER , ATORliEYAT LAW, lrun' Brook t.ryfrLtseus -9-12 fi by C. i. ARI NOTAEY I'UIILie, ao. . t' Whtby, Isn-i, eSO: TOKIIIT AT LAW, SOLTC11It iLN noM, ekcrtC. ciW. T2RTIM à 4-ATUbAW.EOLICTOII II 'iiVoL l 'lait T 1t TT019IRNE -TZLW COICI 03NS Wail sesgoueaast rnAoce. ro te $MES <I.A ON#S I*s'rltér BIlati l Cas'7, Alx IDn o sWir tsrT door i esltr0( Ba il.l'LWB1,LL , C moUflEW . A, ccrà z 1osnasr, m.itl-l ,aé oe ltreet, ri *I tie L'st O A. êuas,(3 W 4 IjTJIA UNULSII, L li,At AIIiIiSTE &0AT aWSlorcL lsa lJ éW, Wtbou41nor,â*.,* W. nu %Tfpp0,15Lb.B tlc,(sae T A,gg[ANCi-TLY, h430" hiUie, rnesu, NOZ# d erewto ,;( e't ur, & 0 utors.oris jin, .b UNJ, 0, . 1 4 AUXW FEBIEB, M. V &,lACERY &BINLEAC L EIiftCrisANTAlbeOt, toBoro wa8ttEE1 TIOA UST oNo TOWflN LEBKVIE CUNEî I-t GY Kîne StreStreetdoors test c OMM e.troute . M, 45 t M AIokIItiVILAG,,C1W.-OFII A A ,gu. fr Trtsu Otrl, otr -Je sBostEta. JAMESLAMrýû1 oN. to UEaboya, itW4W t I? i»MIttbYl T1*l id apul $Sut-4Oiisyle for the au- - modw aaau.IoblLbuitou. madboifid#s. Breohhlma, C. W.,, il 4Obeà v. hoounewlfut-ilsîsesi îa4 s-suc vuteti by im sud ier &tise besilaccosucodi- tin a ,u , carasfi aton Ll1b, &à "n ati. <*ooA tabîhus', esioessivsrds, anal attentive Ouatisu. ;Cltegozetrous.lynlseraLe. III JOHN MILLER, IIOÃ!NTON'U JIOTEI-Ll. W M. DO4TnTO(N bbgi tc sufor in tilt lu. hebUituso rthe Coursty oret' orieand triottudlnf (iotieW, tLit lie. bai cpoukd Lhe 11o041 On Wliaus Street letolY GoconpIgî b Jevatt,asud ai ho bis loed ILt sud Siwla1i- *d lu 4rot stuc, viitors vil in i LJsr .oue nlos", Wlua, Jgqbbr. sud (liiÃŽ ofset b boatL siilt'. W~ AaaLt.uL1.otiet slvays la lnd sey. lob. 14,1f4 UXÉ-11-DCE 1BOUSE W m.ANNAND. £4 . Proprletor. STAGE HOUSE, NASILLA. 18IA.40 FENTON, 7 Propri.Lei' ALIttON HOTE L. DLINPAC 11551t", wsi. JAMES ULACI9, la Proprlet'or, YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMISSION MER GHÀNI IN5UJLANCE, &*aGENEILAL A(4EbT. Wlitby, J*s,., ioh 1826.2 ZEVERE BOUSE# B. PLANJi - trpntr UU#BB te u j reinWliîb7 cli dali. Evcr suUicntim pîed te guesta. (sire<ul sedad tten- ive ontiers. Ateontanit, I*ud an&iGnrlAet AND NL>TAIZY PUBLIC, W- Offin -urJoter trigt, eue dor r.erLiet Mr, étiseo'. 1rog 8130, Wiid âsud unproved Form in lu l, ourioa cf Uutaio suid iimcoec 1r baie, N. B. V oll4tpasttond.d te sud prompt -UERENCES Simpson, li.,L. (C., liou.,(Jcorgi.' Cr#Wïor.1, M. L, L. neq. IL. 1'io. D.cokyEq,.1> F'., Jobu isu 1 ryF î ansud cdi- tora airî .Esmnsuadiau l'eu, Jdulssy, sud Whlstby cUosfcLz. - 1> PRINGLES IIOIFEL. (LATE WOON'5,) 1UNX STREET, OSHA.WA, GLOBIE LIOEL IEaovt Weil knb'su, eid estalslisd byiotlou ponmà bv bdcupurcaud Tun îonaibond ,roisiytuÃrne.Jsav, b .t Lbe waite oftloi» guosto,'&c. Th. proirilca have tb.e, ,coilveniozstiv sud ooufortabiy fiîted up; pà ilted, psporoj, &a. vItla celteriso (etatrt.wooi,, sud oeryr uoouujrovcua.uîttuspaiie tis rrstvelcr '% boia.dnlx.tlla.tusudho sli< tonntlL'ui- iyognpptled get 911 titais. Notice to Farmers and Othors Llqnorf Wieblisiq,isj1etid oÇoss 9i1 Proe?, b> galio or arrl; MeNasnglitou's U1elnive, do. 'JO.; Iisapier'a Extra Zectifiea Whlske. de, o. bTt , Sherry sud Cogularnrsuu le r, withosflot of Lkor'Td ~iand oIIs i * tu b IlsIr.. A. ALEXANDEÉ. eQNTAEIO HETEL. 1 WHITB4 0. DA t ~IPI1R diaporl scscusuodauo Crefasi atten- tion te t b requaroruot eÉ travolors *bd ioitO. sug udad sised-sypoingsud rcady ,ctiers ooly. vîit lnn*#il,.1 ICTOIA 1900E .TORM PUILRILL. . .pI,'F reprtator. Zfs rber Jouiros telins ip msuy < tion s that hadIsa DOW oas"uling ounLisé abov e ,sdvlt IA nP)ppýIisone bttiseé meue. vil .Popiîedta r. eedteiiu sud taare, yard. TIo. BRQdiEbin tIse> Isue; l pelnL o ssofeu illpecaso set sud liseaie lut. f-us tist liq atrilu, IL, cas m'eitétot deg- pousd witÇi'dw 1t ,'h.thli, ae rt of Lie', sound board suçi, ai'thLie baavy tidiab vhlcb 15 oinlle t4voet.m l.raiat, but Wlli'tia.e té si1se im»elupreilols Le tise pbiyeilt,çdgessorzs'og-étere. tomL,-yhe trctotisfef ,ossisi ibe powr gatadid luporfectueaaa le ep- uîruug the.. is oumouLseau t neuapt 'PiLou ut cisc, <rotaiwhi lqÃŽl tei oy do net lai l visil isp Slgnéelanes requin otgelio dm o dea gréâtsueuoy tesb.foiF@b0 wilii stand op te Ptot; ceeu fora* brie! fc= ot fiisa, asud alirwasls e qairo te hofseususstlýy Lisnsd. - YwLrsns.,-Tise Elliptie aliap cfLieOb e opstises'viLla ts .ciPP49 'AM ftinjllh etreigigtiadod f>y Lb. mstealpae.Ips' Lb. tonoasolldit * atpover suds MWgb u pnrity eofaeitu, is klr tO joi ji q's. bood in lu-ti-duissd, SgIÃŽÃ vlees-y dep bas. sud pover lu thes Soasal Bar,t0 Lise oneatlg-boà rd fhUsg xlu tise groo, b> vili It la kept oucroli (ss114,t'ed, tluglyv iug s fi.ppuA selA t'ti- hs-t 10-3tb's00sePls- bojr,,sk i.'igi'as acrlieel or net, preveutlng s7 tvasuliig strahis, sncb 'Ws volsI b lhte dotrango ais istrusiont restisg upoistour lJy' Tise grcoed bir et lsi à " "opItIoss lieroteor reort»d t, plaet .. Iton CIssl 4usirsly lu a sthe Z.61:41=2 eud trous It reasatip lu rosate ot-prl, posvcsr vouilit- vIlci, lle rosigla sud ludhotiu.g liiu pci#soi. Evcry geed mnaftu-esum oulincuisn- iLy or onaluaae ootropto'-fLlootoiueYcates as casnnot b.e dhpousd vlth, troin the fait tisat Io ire lnh a>s-ouste Lb. Production of-* svrcr bsrnaanics u odn-msklug Iustua rloisbsirtuet> M . l fm *hSquare forusf lu tise botter lis Lseory là s point for serm ont siecide ispea; but Lis, restait of Lise tveo forma ia palpaeîsteovery ser-litsned or utislaruad. A. nsamher of tLiaistylce ofIaistrssusets, aIl viLa tise abco patouito Iimproeseats, uTe 1)soisis' assauearer by eimienes workmasn, unidtr au> peoeii supcrvrlout myes.tabllib. mnot, lasoise iiivuos' Wusrs, SMd ll b.clds ilaed I.>'t Seo# Ola 0 O eitos.r eit fIiliite Lise lsfUeO lor t ai-.-.Itibt tanest cf'tifserit- fouit, Dis pu licuol> b. &14# tsi judgc of Tise boit NMassia of thesProvince have givon tissir sipliiossthattor "durability of'oun- îîtrustîcun, streiatise ssUud. aud Ps'ls'gaiu ehmpe iais. style ofl isuo staudi. Ullhi Àx 1" 'lit ste ihcler ias reit uiisher cf testi- moilI, uriehse lantthissinoA uec ry te oÃœbS i notteostins smssutusorn pisoff soi tisa publie lnforj olntriua isroflis Letiultlils ostsiisad from musiiens for vislcis tise 'iausnoqulcaiaut. biis, proafz asiouis lisdi.crgel' u"ryed, Sois! tifs ;tuint Its.l'usal fise teaft. Agasoal Vîssae dos not stand lu nsl ut tis» el-cttflcatà ,; &a"estaas un M tutinsg scolatestlauesis k inb*P nofe Lite pris e~i of thse eestructlea ef 11810e Foteteacossquontiy no ludges toe - elde vîih au y am or erWalty. Ecer> 1 umsuanut subjeeteal ote .Mest Liserciagis tsabeo era ilg tise vorkroona. liaivitag tae o rsr Fia-st pizsnt Provinal Jtxlslbiions tissu puy otisen au'caoio ns> retice lu ise Coisiarz5 I sans datea-mînea te kerp Use reputat'oisi lei. o f4rjss- Ited b>' ruruiug ont Lise Lest articlin 1115' isba. JT. 7. RAINER, WITBIr, ib. W. ALB3ION HOTELI& 7WrM AIlLET SQ1UARE, TOICOUTO. Oue RiliPsç,an Vétry sccesuaedtim, et W. SHfORT, Toi-ento, Dre. 10, 1866. a~ MONEY TO LOAN. MON EY te snon ungoed Fermes, st oîght .Lpar cun$ InLertit. LYMXANEGII, Jiartioter, vouiavs. "11ORILLIA BOUSE. ROBT. 1BOSS J.. - - Aoswr eit tiis eld extablhcd botel ee aifrrs hieuniuaurosfriaunusasud tise travelinig public, t t Lho ha. l"eus osit boepremiun, hUe sIli at*nd poruon- ails'o e Lb.vat. eorbi* u isa. frqi ;rivale apsrtmuis con ho hsd If eur Travellers sud Iloarders yul lind ample se- cousinedtbu sud e00cry etteuticu paid te thiacr coinfort. Elle Bar vîlI be tounid tocketi viLb the obiu AurCigsrs, ho la Boom1.qacr, Sheds, snd Stasbllng, wlt Attgec.tIe bIrâconsLeutly on beam& Orixe tLla Junehlsea. of B o nlu i ooueeslon,on- 'A btes o .Snt rorci Le oti. Io, lu th. al e ùc b Dg 50 acres. Thoe 'leagà ftzaie ru, sudsaframn boue, oneesib t6614 FA 0S. sud vatar- ad b Doig igs -ldip. For lun on, etitreis060. cde Lot 1 Lb.ent 0e t 851aOMO., qoo ckerug, ov.20,165.-46 sîmSMXAMNEICAIg Capital, #400OOO. qJui uoîdsluaudhvlsg bobu appôluted J.Ana for'Lit bo a" Loniu, jM nov e , y i, ROAléot B r"N f4Mmi; Èéii #toms. y e SJcCSomoS TO TpE i Ohladâ ÀPÂ'itY AsédCtiôUD, Sor«etary, Box 14, loi-tp . ()r to joi; AGNÈ#, .1 ol4,Wiitby. 10ts puys (Lafxsoaburibbu'u aondm. hitho# sd,rs' unnieb.d, aiAittet aptbresafbtu n tlhuoottyilo. lTe@ emasa-plumaatly sitexted oppeit t&ist otlla nd l ins euntre of tsl own. Th@ lWaivay Omnllauswslottis, Iotilusd A.. Li@s tagé* for Uuhnldîse*bd ioetois1«7@es1W; tbeooevs-sno'siu. oardo1 potalt . Ir GEORGE ROBSON. Hou W$W »#ltedael*mbLLisenr ý B ET AND> CJIEAPEÇT geL e algood Blis ncs taion laest tihe sud Stratten Baisnai Jlige, iocoattt IBuf- falo, Th15 le Lise os vonra seia zmu organiz otibsines. ohol leualLuhe lai cens.qasance cf b. desth f t 11. 1. atuoss, Mise Brystal sud Iutireat bus ben disposcd of, in.iwary aIl Lb, hJli- o. L.ChainIioreft.y, tLia Celiege Ws ioUxbich suder 0& uent of Dr. J. C. BItANTI lliiuiotM bis wbole tIsas' sud ergies tte tisorosaçiouwlsdg, et il Lb.hebranchs vrohýIfte à Busines Edscatiou. P kAZ$imaIP BOOUK(i ktiARITIM- LA WFIN.ANCE sud l'ULITWAL £LON- ONT, sri Laagbt lu ieI And faatiy i larated-hib rsumon l ina00Col- legs Eoos~ im Usà fusl corps cf sxpedrepandsia Lhoroughly bt7plpot@n s lsL.trro. lJ'aspti ma nteLr as eny LIps..Thomsors ne ves- For temes and oLp lufortnatlen, saffmée 1. Cq 1BITANT, Bilbo if y,k. April 30, lui,'. Unes-1T IPIRGNUX FIRE ASSUVRANCE Co., LOMBAR» STRET &h CIJ4ILjNG RWS, &e.sOme E0LL13LISEflhINJiiN Ë8. GILLIPiI, IMOFFATI! & Co., Agouts for Canada. jAmÉs bAtsiiN; xmnee. INSLTRANCE agaluat LOU 8by ïiLI aie I cliecucd on Lbe most favorable terni seud U>SSES PalU watlaoiatrsfertimaoe te .iurd lia 1»0&ua. *pit rd, 18t6. YEOMAN OIBBt>N etoL, Wite f NO TIC E6 lmI sdbhtcbesot-a b gl eu :4attention cf Farmersasd 'on tri, te»sanov «crs.oawlng Iacblu,vhih l uitiscut s doubt mesof i bhuit .1er goL ?p ln Canada, cIsc.p, ,dssrAlssud efleus, cal andi sa«tbà fort bsyiug oiso*iar'e -BILWN dh PATTEESON. VETERINARY SURGEON, n zes muet~ ~ i rs-ctil~ niisuts e otise £1~~~~~~u lualet Mskand alssrrossudlug ecnutry, thst llibas commeucod the lins, sud b. hopeu by utrlct aLatis- ion to businoess te meit s suave cf public pa.trcugs. Us's'oï.---in Street, aeond isossea bim -nlgilu. le tel, Markbsm. 82 Wbitby Brags Band. I N rturnlg thai or pest <avors, as-o - sireu. f l t ' tle bat tbey bave no Ba d, suare prspsred te atonual mil si durs lito eseu, ounte mopst r.omble Ith.. AppUibte aa ho mc te or o 0 BABE, J. BWOLFENDEN, Ordi teS. BABond, Wbiliy Juiy 4, itie. 2 MILLINERY! M SStusrt begs -te anonuetoe L&a sud 15 prapasod W osseuse a41 Iu(strsvad ftoit wor, vitis opatob. z F ies Of "~.ewa. ue a. lu laa saly cf b. em- 1> tirl g alo r blln: biipasud the ssu3itle en us ldly tâZo j'n~ set und Afmyh PAO labAL plu 018 --. MATwZO, Eb 3. MeMeate- N. .ÇIBTUN, L. litWEGI1T, IU3 ILLER, $pZte&ss, (court stree, loionT" 'amfo rSl. OR TO RUMT. 5O A4cips cf exoeileisut dbol optfr Ze.L 3Jï of Lot ne. 1,lu tlh FIRST CON., ILEAC11' Ail Cls'srcd excepi Ibrée ares<ofwvod land- th?4roibs#> 1. sltuats'd ep Lia.Wisitby sud Thos obevo l'armi *Hl be 00daOr reutedfIkons êlix 1osou mf,(P 4 e prs.poit.> te aanaIaisn, Solisator, Wh!¶tby, or te tlis DANIEL LAYON, let No. 19, SUa ces&,115sltby. WutbJ', 4ct, 9, 1555.40 Dr. Wood, 1reprieor 0eth@b spge Sree h mari t Sls'oeL oUtava CANCER irmary. -OTTiAWA, ô 'W. CANCERS CUREl) 137Il ew1but _M48iLa, Spedy, ndnïfl paaslos.proLlout rfflEcure vili bs gssrauteed sudne sproof & o thâ, o asM roqsirezL sass&l tis e ro I opieTi w Maoflu ladiuscov- ores!lt whIousld b. cnrod, esmît viii ret loua .(sLlt f11,f. speedils' cered tla iha * s üofieug- or sh.udisg, Wd lieoitotilueté isn; sud oreryulslng to ose bldooy, Whet nowuoes à Isarsle" um up ln thse breaut, nock, Oe-l or eluo*bero, or amall vart or sors ou the lup, mal, lna tsow short inonthi, tomeinoelu, dipinutLiur, dettreyling mais cf dse. If re- nisrd, r(ecrcsco u b. givAcute perties. vh aisc lacen esreal many 70cr. sitmc, sud yho are im no una ,d lcaithsy. Ail poumasnic- Iong=~raptly uu.wored. oics> a'ura lu 04 a"ns,1su iunutîl tise cure 10 com- plots. Land For Sale *OR Building Lùtsb lb. féloioclng liât 01 Loto, vi!b. uoid 1ev Lot1, ôtb Con. Stars,, 29A treg. L" 13, 7tis " lmer, 20) W34.113, 7ta Toserele 100 Wh 1, , rd " do 100 Lot 7, Tth- "Belont 2w0 Lot il, 'tri " Uxibridge, 200" ,109. rd "Beaochs, 100 L t t ts" Verolainrli Lot 17, front m Scusc-l&, Lot 22, do," do, Il Ot s or 8nirsllle, 100 loiédo,à 1il2(0 s 1»t 6,ulth o 20" L3r, latta o to Lt9, Otls do #WO Lot IlIth " do' 20M Lot il, fth " P O20 NEM t7', 2ud * hlLr, 60 s Soea aibt iildin lot., forbis"Ais cii sais pricats reulsiueeslutte. Tcwus of LÃMï «;Mud Whitby. Gcr fut iorhforitien epply te RLOBT. B. PERRY. WilI$by Whitby, Mic,1865. l Fartm fo r S'aie asU S» um uss'5 esréasira s .iuee tufo:putUîsversjIni lest Wbitby, within sar sittt s TEBET, OSnAA. Six mues dofthe To'wn. %HgZ sisbNm a rrbs fisIbo <ti*eho0* 00- VhtOak Liamber!1 Â. 7,onilé h uà b14 f h compsedfon.ud--islt;stt-uob ~ask; Ocf Wisliire finaser a gopti te of coitil0 eut soauha 2,adon8lisl.t he b.reoader là vwtdisli~ad, hâ- ÂLUiA 4IJÀSTITT'0i eob 1pmtv= arsie sgjt, t f0 WAGON TNGUESÃ" lia' i$osiatables, asd tethOt- L AI!) A QUANTITY Cl vu ;âb;is ;XwaotpCur. tia",~Z 211(1ER lmub. riisnlous togielP f&liT&W ATRauSMILL, &M coN., som. ' Yo'termbo.,plyem IGLEs ôt tlfIIn, - 1oi-u-sja, ddo~ Tho e a q q f f w4e zoo' r Ids.t9' of 0 oinrpp ohdon6lh hauranho, ean bout Ui trymas1k wp~sud dica b.Iri a4u bigelpouba. cf darkgrcy cloud vblb i'elod la fInal exit; Do (celuar enljyen.ed Lb.' sJ à a à a strisk et ag~y1tow lu b. goutta west; tb eva'rowudept 'sspigi si the b»n fi a g uLl ,s& of Lb. '-Otouapa ipn " 'v'ib oune ye pu a thbà m3ust anSud ter on tbe mack!ereol clodali Lb ptbid sad, Tercl hbol snd i sý'bà lu't vodor if o ea spuf down ber@-" ?ew ail vho ku.w Luke Woteil ouknev that bé . wyrirohoe ln vain.1 le - A Ë i ifI onilhibnl I t -** ' vind rosai» Lb. sun viiut'dopvni asd by .1 gbt dclock-& blo*e .No'p, -no géode bj$. iai, buts, o'clock came- th.erein, plsubing, beay rain, tbaLlt gait Lb. Windows .1thb. ,91f minetito gin an en- = "I; " underthe 1-#ttini door In â strestbïM 0<lis kitchenfloor, aud drlpped tbrough the cvazy roof aud ccil- in on thi ed" of the, feivbelae4 tra- olm niSitting round Lbé,..0) ptun tb irindti attleo ib le.. shinglbu, saon cd in M bhifiuby, hoVwlo4dismally, Lhr'oùgh Lb. emupty upper chambers, sud muade rnournful masmi lnýlb, ruty bingos Of Ltitaleron aigu. IL ps1. p#flui nigbt, Bo agrced Lbb psl$y hisb>b4et tbe "$lI__stl nnl" Tb.y veos' elsudlerd, bmfîanold Selle,lake a Wtboroli mneo f Lb. scooner enebo inotiu ho bar, a peilas' Who bW4tken'Meago romi th. storm, sud tvio vomeu, vho' tuf bave boiu' frîgbton4dbut t L beLbC lirod toc long Tp tho lakes vwlId abr. noir to fear iud ors' vave IlWhes'os Lb. "fbrwe.5nv.ind s p Lbhiripr, Ttvwu Luka vhospokp, ibpbLib'goê Mar'gotbad s lotte.' fromn hlm whilbe vos'e llipg;j btn1Iozp.ct, frontt fni iby vas te tart, sb.'smost Dutheb. ty homesnov." Il Pity she aln't aiU Lbq way. okls sbul Irnu" '-,1 e rng 'bim oftn. Tbers net asboel or k1s' L bat 1Idou't knov s'ad udt1 vonldu't Lake Lb. vslly of ie'busasato b. outtLo.nrgbL" "Yen balu'L geLt l aisonuefor vanLlni Le moaomono,, Liste," nid thb.mladori I know Lt. Put I'd raibor bare s iiie sslb, Llah'ilk ic yfite sud blt lWs'à gcd demi. 1 am an *Id bond. sud yers brng sons.. 'Beuides, Lb. profits la talion off by Lb. double luwr4notLiisdLms'of "Msyba t6a. 'bneiblrm is15ln Lba cerai to.nlgb4," nId on@ of th. vomen. "I bepe IL pasybu v, eturodLuke. "f if * Oeol= l in M gO iben maL says, 1 doubt sb.a net lu sucb aafI ety o Tboy're up lu the shelley vator. Woll, If Lbyre Lcro, Lbe Lord kcep Lbenm off Ohbel Point; sud jgie einba@ste evold comimCroubRace to.nigliL." tbyug manou vbe i t t e.xcita tnch a suteret " abk4 theb "Iiea b a 4. culd spith tae4ly, Ir any barm cama e ta im," snid tLb. lliord. Il Hèes gced a seller as you'l ind oh tbe Laiteo, sud se g ccd a mmas n yuli fiud tithor on or off thons" "&Andi be's 9ging Le lie marii et ChristmaLe Lbeotlst girl onu Lb. aboe, n p or dcwu," added Lb. landiord. n wd vat'a hie usieo?'luquirotitb lalte reut marchent Il harley Woods le bie naine, and Lb. hhib cfrbis fathes'bofor* hlm. 018 Wo0d4 <oud bis ge nlu LiteEfibi. ,Tho hbbbeuhr lspgizod lu asequill 11k. Llsstd ha sud bis cror ev vo t. Cbes'ly bas vorkod bard, and veuld hb ave rri.d Roe Inglis befcr. nov, I i b bdu' been, toc, ruitiug,,asud lest Lb. monoy once thet *à u Le bave benublt is jibaro cf tb. boat. Whebho aie il tup aga1iRese'amether diod, sud thaL delayodtheL. sarriag. ait.. ctbe Six Menat. 'lsu'L mach of a stoiy; tbat aaIL." "And ah. vedtijug. ob. et Christ 'l . antiD ber. meu meagatWlyla.s'oyes elqil.eiltt. eniorli npulsran; beaVy;. setd, 09Jr*ailPr'C" te* luefectoas strsagglea séalsinit es re' ttoa dra'i'su, hçbebati sunk apon Lig, pi~,'e 05t Bo* long ibo veiléff M;, ph.diA ntil cf, tosansd, OrooF - useqa,4 kuev. 8h. vu iawakooi the celd tebee otsPtrepessi4i W dcI'.pk.' l vtnd', upon 'ber face'.l"Statting te. absu ueo uae mlafiu0 iovnd tbedppr bW,thbe dfoes.bULrag. lo" e "'4 Sbtdtsap ei t ýlJd pith tsrvosbes'iised cL oWeitucass .1b pat,éLLb'dMl t g llîsfortem arke l ipas-niie by wbiei5 beb.d eoee eppegl, opern- egaist henevbsgltl 4 r1 ugs anedeecrnpied s village Da".~aorsa di oir 8 ' î atirng is the 1te enlraisceo fstomb'er e0ip it cbilWlu 8h. aoedou b. utrinefertler se0sfb. Ti " Tiarlas 5 e al edge of Lhe bigisrociy hank, boudltbbt fk6 smhoi nit 4 illsg. d 'ÀK. ' Ëbou Lb.h fosrning vates'. -Marçsrot' fls't ideslano«r <tout, «si' aW lisidi-wov ouier vas tbatsbellntendedteflingoraieilfoter; vu l à ih lliiisla beor. Iratnas butý on coming close eoustsg o ttWbi n iilt" erp -ru4ts,~épu Lhrw orBu meMraneail vu& quietDpirn5 Lbat Ilbeo'i ~ i eyie#*dper; os'tton.thta'rliir'part cf Ibod. s'por10.ward tien rettibu 'soeoiib'uLbà larn breugisu tpourief bassI & isa deptbibcelowo _f *' to6ent Wsiso I 'ltBi. tle iov' ù r Sidine 14 111, secfur,10thimi Lirijisq e e rdioXlj 10à Iýd ý 3' ti êlt eirobed vetWrd tlaronà glathe Mb#,is devu Leo smeug Lb. vaves? Looot hindKronosot a contra! positic,euong thora. lu Lb. white stroit-that le aeltbat sa toft.ef the 'lias-e Sucv Bird..' Ais,1- tise Mount"sa. Hors vsO m" -ir4 iLl i ams ela4tts. 'hetirLie te tae st.,g1 irailicthe.grcen 'saigI boat;" - Apusen bise sid. lb. Tari bueO qPou "My diinp' Lb. 'TireSnov ilirdIé île etin for.e roe «ie .i", Ãi si asr éisl upon LEkBrs Tbisn 15nothing tbore. nwgoiasg ou betveen tiseir viu goalf dhapp. en. oq I ptfi ÃŽNLO.", tdois e cerps cf _orouffl,, vbc. bad aI. 1 itsec e b . bo# kPl %ani 1djeaeu vgopaLe.4ts fosses ou tbà à se vito'cappod vives î *And kjsIsebataleatb at or te gale boy yWlttbtey @ver' landonlblîîj-qclt, à i6i â vs <t aboldho oiteks >bore? lies'. le Cherlsy sL Lb. sudderi essogisa oud a "ornesy 'fia nk; Icudswosr tebio Ogur nhero, the' lbw ,vio bat a5touchablef 155 s 1 bibid ai t e lt "roe De ov t li eisoSuering In te, sud'ts7rumi itnovs neon'bt i pb louitilb. vatcbiug their march wffla ai tse sageros-nusnd e bim sncbianigiat'u Lluii 1 board hlm 4p yeau umgbr. '.e iodlU' 'rtki8i cai me hon Lb.he boonos' vont doi4 la ssapfblâidp. o act a ;jiloz Lian' l I a _~p lu Lb.bous.. Doyou ingii Lb. dette of<Monmsioi.L uusoir iâi Lbluk ILb.) cn tend bore, Mes-gretr is m ,vitis a vai-lit. aurDatiss Oh, Rs, ailf b.e15,,me dnieffilg.u fpg5I 1= 4-s-el loia..tia isfuaa Pûbfi p'o' n@ i 'a Tetefnidtis v ai Pt7ise âlout. Ob t Loigit lt vus anoe t ait stied vlti s utroug body of' velloerf time-busLCharloyy s" WllTh itb. -butl tisa-e.,mmclfapoia these saaeil bave toi ctigubthe 'p*-l don!t'Çbpr* aujaus.eous',emainforeses'omqissdthé bhoy Lhey Witt' de luf Chaà rte,'là 's'goed edgsof tbe a siel. A fev purs le o climbbr, boj;tLIssa sk ia vory ateop. Ifenid Isi omè lipcit 0!"tbisi rSt a I té 'otsr dâPrS Il ilare matlage s littie leugor-iL will soos hI 91er nbv 1" îip taa- isSu s ov, pli â1h b4e,,oé .uef; Margaret isutoued ennd vs-nu;ber nunds, c54 ops ths eere fullola eaal Esmoanvbiie, teint ovor Lhs bainkià tek'ap Ltb. ire in leose skirasliing est yeditatoti sud ber cboeks gieviug fa-le1n.Th lisissf out'oomù! liait vib *iLppsnt, Suddoniy the drOw dliies'*a-ý , olley' to Jet friands est Ib.4 bock, sud utWW' l nol d# i Pler$.Qn$s.rsen- .aes 0 i liedbotarnyil; JXuc$t t4 "Margaret, look1 ibe boat I tisé buat1" -ferv1r4 ifiuii tas e ,46$suNaUt; Vi »0,fBes., gmy dariing. those e oibibg '>bth reaW omstoib be h "bi, My Godlt Lb.boit le upftt-Lbhey se4slled plait, sud su atwere bs e si arc ail lu the wsto i- -Obsrloey la svlm- moe objecta of P,000 yards look es ornty nngthis vay-nov IM. s$nks-uevho4b5 s 50,dvere ofien pssulod a to vlserd Motisn 115 tiekeu te .rest- but iislrkaisage gno or'vb.dtisrieCrM4 litie me,4 m(own 1loirP bloeue- $if ensdte fehiow4ugtise..Vp tise oppoi. rocks 1 h. lea Imbi n o* lkofthé i ie slIstetar acti £bu0 l* hoe tcld me leb Mlg. nucenit bouÃme, Tut»uvils i aisbusoegrs ta'i o sdi.> 1 ituow, Chai-ey, but y0a mhelaM hov 1 tulavalsiet aItisr efa-ou. On t6, 'tonf ebey yon. Lýoch, Margaret,Lithe ropa bu reetw0 y 0<tise teoile er ie'Tunk# uicariy rcscbcd bie-nov i1à 5cloue ho big prei-oag forvard, and.iva cooIti iesrs tie basn, Wiydoeo .net Ltae iL, IMrjar- <prie..sib uts aaevs isé i m of .usbtl*, etT Wisyd'o liit op se sadly 1 j by Sois. Skitqiusrs E-tfiredinopa-dir.etiess does hoid by tiiaeeds and not try téo it - 0 grtl aria, 6it ïe yonlod stir?1 Oli to hlm, Maaet; adadww' ybr îroice Lb minet1" - seart asnIesep4elà ai' mon pausa-uta 'IOi , my ehII4 o e lef ripd tantos Lb..Tb@ dstsoisesat "in amoment, Mararet, erl.y &hall butes' Leoulta, Peusolsottl*s4 845 lisi "ese ith uta BoWsely th. rope le vitbin Crotaîss cf Roi-ki.b"t maaavbils de-z s-cc nov, Oh, Msrgaetl1I1ae IL nov 1 ace tte bottmofnet b.gorge, andi lise ropo le- umoiesu is;Ho00cnot takit i I etoeleimbing sviftly tevartu tis e ooy'i Bis srm là beoite1, ; Ah, bleasotbuaisen.position' Be-reos'eopsraF4 th.e gan4 ilsçi tispe @e&'Sgive psp' b. iputisfl iscsb1s41ii bei*5£itleaa WiLb enothes'- vili see es-is a ctelleader diachai-ge of :.ôukkU.ý liréotdi Lb rud Mes'gaeoLmaw tbat asie wu rocky vaistage peint, snd auataie. of laible, bot ooLayei âtw t v fik dl-iefui Cbrlaiaalonsg, th.e odvsy vitb is 'uinsg tissune t imsaes Leber domug5 oina-soote, ïW. leild d b tsiTai-ias ea Wlisb 4' trcnigtb hvlsle iL aother»aeravvrasd <ail hek o 'pidliy, <ater ase vaset bave h&0Insinod tba poisse- asu(tefsr. Tlaey arinla!Ùrl gigts. llserd andhbattylzg a hr hotuï e. or (t+ Ut;Marrp rssit br, nt * l s stsoq bik çrpioui âd W'e oui brlwsgigiaetbek te lifs Lbhoasgb net te 4it bîi ra.1 stj a souse, anti Asiliug ber liste h a more lire be-bues for- v. eu noe bu;' 41sf a supe ten iep, Margaret s'estimed ber tnuss<in ac ie iie oat- vîteh -ieilulutiîlsy jrbrete, th theasii tiseplaia gaie.keealng a iria4 soatika sctlity. but tisaS , di$6,tio M.èrning bS'oibt asisline sud bJblbop Ioipe vil lruas'e noua, but noseu"ton'of tise s"orf tb. ergthe feikeat We cmIC1144Itla chh. . *nmis1ioe .ia% tisi J9 babt a large noeo f Ipa-he os 45-ilsiit 1 CIIIANCI