Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1867, p. 2

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obacion .4ofcan&seove Da$, T se a9i»tw ei cio i er eclpmetel cfo se. a tia 'igEtbe ui th. a gel tsolaient Si Inforte ont *a" Ae tà lataaea. The Volmneta, t4 ha 3441 MBUliosd »Mson 3st onalye Sa b. eemoseof ha ýCorP*facion, a sc 04bt ls 0n the 91V< sovi _b"nda mu#f« bose. lesrp eegçgoeai, heemra o bi llbe'i5Priset for thaemea>meoset gmsesud ~cvg a sd zpciialv*dis. play of £roi orlevr'<ha dy'.rejolin.op of Whisby bau ricen eImporimait ad. diiin< peroi ai Dr. Tecks. ,Pi Posikeola Lianticte of tha Torontc teleotof Mad anae cd buisg. hth hie kIgluhefevrd, roms he distiaguilie refaros.s gleeo iuthe îlt Appendai ta sba Dqesor'a qsrd!a oihan coims wus formaia cetmides o<f'Gay's hositali Loodo, Eglaà,-val f ne as aa &bus let sehools <1ofdiaie ala t cou Xo4.. Briu,g of the Modedcl l, bas fisc rociei' bis Spring sock o gn froat ailmd. W. aoticed « is conter 100e*ek ac 4ev mod eso aengleesla fc$a udr<l beoçi of sampne q0ucimaenaof art M1f,. BA's tora le val "O dvlhcaboe tc of gooda, ced hi 'paye muatnisoo <obic consantl'y iii oraslaless of enstomenail The attentiot; 0< or roas Ia dlrecied te bis adrtmise Ày. AxumevaCaîoacu. -le the unes, pso<id chuan of the miaister on publie 4ote, <ha pilpit ofthisch<rch viii h sup. Pied by seronalclergymen le saccesejor for c foi meeka. T'us01994-1 Cxotà.-ileylo, <o ha lir on iii 29th,'ie reputed to b. thoeboit binâaîi oieverythlag, rom c clown te s Tus Lwauvuowor 'ove SCuoo.S lit advertlaad <o commence on Mocdsy, 24th south Ontcrui Reform Convention. LY NOMINXATSD l'OR TEILE IIOLISE t 0F' COMMONS. ~iI. Wu. McOILT,, FSq, M. D., NOMPNAl'- ED FOR TUE LOCAIL LEIJSLA- TURE. l'h. dllatoi cppoltel <o attend tho r Coavsntloa of Ibo Reformera or Booth i- Ontario mot, puraeant to notice, ai the Troma hal, Broukli, on- TenaIs>, <ha l8th J lest. -' Xi mas Ibm..e'oiock vbîn a&l bat! r' ssmblaI.' Ttees v aclonge coclcunse cf outaide 11pectitorsa viso wenail mittte galle. r>lcend bol>.oi'tfiIohall. Tho représentsa. * irs of îtil rpas pnPs,%nt versp front the t'lieb, Siandard, Obsvtruer. rladicaaor. &azette, anU the repremehtsae of lis jouaî<l wbo liaI una extrc cf <ha proceed- lui ~ u lasehautInof th. meeiig aimeet ct O06,smotion cf Xi. Halalan, the ohair *04 tabou b> Wv.. Usroi, 94q', and G. Y!oing 8mib, Rîq., vas aipoiited uc'y. On motion of Mn, A. l'arewsll, sa cen. MiSes on credeutiats, comrialag of abs' tiover. end Messrs, Peter Taylor, and Di. L~. RosI vua pîointol. Ala umbenr of delefaCes preseat, vlan b at e;obtinel ca fermai certufuccîa, Wca tlatelclims te mas edesed 4 ihicoin. mlttaeýca"0secordalnrepnesonted ansi. pan. tl>raprsantel sehool section@su bsi. stitetes uaeed<n(om amongat dan.. pesaeeî te>repwoeaai <hem, do <liai cesatall>tihe quta'feofr mt ualcipatity vas reporteI Piekht'iu-Ri)ht- Campbell, 9- Voil, Wm. Foreeten, Jas. Patiner, Abrahaun Knoesa, Wm. Gregg, Georgo Austin, A. 'Oev&îý. Cio. Pott, Pater Tacylor, James Brow*,.'flti Chcpmcn. John H*ight, <uvo "oiasfou seboolstation fit)8<aphonBrosun, licil lfcirat <iorote,) Win. Willsia, Paui# TItorutuua, (L Ponisoust, Dr. Fuilcr î tout(V oe<a(etehoulsection No. 911 JolisPhlllpsJohn Goui, Jois Wilaou!, sO lhaîiriesS.'Shurnurd, IL BDudley, 4ooW'PIiis,' N . u o, DWeinMâihr, R IL.*11i, -o, ba.Taylor, 8, Orrio, . Ira CeJri..Js.H.Gris, M. il cb mpOhr weléors. Browa, John FeM- gnan&laitTraolJamessHollen, q.Balai., fleuuy'AUSaDm, ates . ESmalîbp R. J. Wilson, I. 8aov.î-T. W. lsgT, 'A, Hcmaltcs, Jrroma Stote, fàtsht@Wlls<ado m. Donki.,>ad'A. . eu,'(cbtltntd for R. J. Wilson.) IToualpC hby-> L. Rend, 8. kischEs , <>Ja.P.' Coehrca,James î'Y«D. # l aîî,icv8. IL ,Tomàa,'Gar. dIi Woi Is, D.Batfln chasi, Lyn, yJohn Turne, oJosi5 Iolmu, Acres Camapbell, a eSw W L, K., J W4 a4T. 'euJh oiMs J 414UqI H<ll, Jas. Si,;rMi"i IL '4as" ,IN*e1li. Js SIt, N boe. L or 'ce,, 2. ~sue., l Mats . D;Euloun, t O 1 W. OINFa, Wa. "e- -D . Bark# obOet <l iloutlh ÃŽM tM.h "Owf o ptef141141., p e Sud tlx"e s, Ilsls<WOe, s a imùy0f tart la "aifTh.objeý 0< o(e oi*ubhein.. h oi9w., va, o alq.concert, it ii»iltud oaseooa-it ,«s- î <or liaI oojae le cama, t ber-to gotihbs own Iaf'-bu could, and if lha coud 04 f wot a fa ir trial, t Ofauppm sit ;tbe ee 4'< m ajorty. bu Erv musocoald not bav, hise ehoc. ; h. id r.atlob>et o s wel u$ tvaS otein- ~ 6lld~le c~e <oehar. Tbii. u m uei à ep% d' lexâtion, , a eu bold, cmi for haes osai *udidase,lnoigh.ato o cfibe. ý*q4:îdoo, bol! c besiauà ibere. ga <1fr. tm,.) lt la boour bound to amp. por ih4 dewemitiàn lcf <b.conieuioo; Sil *a5# itlî <bat intention buhadcane <bèe., go ad flot tepe aisil foigUls o n nominal. mýy camvit$ go <or no Piller. 511 Trda meeab'.rsof tha Reform pstilyeld' ,dne rueb doctrine. Thary 'vont for th. dPatty ;-for tha mcaofif <hl tould Sot 10 hbi.; but for tue parsyaboiaeand bqyod jMr, Taylor scid ho-,cd."lutmion vat no Intention, w bied esolma's icon- science; but vith 5h.e Ogle ds0*o of pro. ddo-g namilsy ofaction. Mr. Acron Camapbell osidesrudth@ me- lion pramaure, ced ibtithe proper course làwould hau<oeanbIi c progrcmmae of pria Sciples for tha cpprovclof anddatsud er Judge the support vhaicla shoaald .be extend. eà te eso ha pon e.tlcîplatrm. î Mr. Ccrmich"iaal .ge in l @haremarias of Mr. FerevelI. l'h. objeel;vas , oo comae hore n scccny m deag&Ws flto., ite, end carry hm loueib; ýtIi.objeet vas ite agro topon acnuc. bal vonüld ha ce- ceptmble teaili, Wat'bthet thu vola p'ar<y 00.141 eu.opo Mcd carry snccsaeuhJy ;- te accera uamisy, between the miaority and thi ejovity If candidates sere no- miacîad m«d' platform scbiblned for thcir approvali the difflculty vonld aceor b. got over. Mr. Farewell, h.liesaid, bcd voit expliiacd hMiiin respect teo lb. pria. ciplea whicb should guide delegatea, Who cllomad themlssleo h nominstP4 te i- tend conventions. The intention was not to bled eny ma's conscience, but teose. tcure hcrmony cedunnniaity of action. Mr. Cawan, of Oshava, objectcd <o put liii principles into thebuhid of eay ma or se, body oi men. lie did not believe je Mr. Ccrmichae's doctrine; but con- tended tiaot the mnseWho Wwu asDot vorthy or spaoort nacht te h.o ooed. T'h mq>tp jVf.ýy wa and j~ every oîlcr case, to exercise bis franchise. Mfr. R. J. Wilosn cgtecd in the senti. mente nttercd by th.eIlut speakier. He came thore as a delegete for the porpose of aelecting a good, relichie Reormer to represent thae teort a prty. And if <ha candidate did not anit i, ha neyer snp poted <blat, b. vaste o hboonadby tbm con.1 vention. Suppise, heo aidtha case of bisi candidate being -defcc<ed je dt conven.i t ion end cftcrv.trds nomincted ai the bus.1 ings8, wuashe (Mr. W.,) thien <o lie pro-c clurlea (rom voting for <ho man of buis choico?7 Wue ha t stand op in the face -of it ssambly end record a lie?1 Yet j gliai wonld b. the effect of tha resohation0 binding i, <te uanomiaec of the coavect. 1 itiou, no 'motter Who <bat noinee may ha. l'ho rt.soltijou h. coueidered vent to far,. He, escheiathbne toe.eu if ho conld joie if il psuaibie witb ci Ileother flaebtrs; butt lie wotald nul bled imself to vote for the useliuu, of tho majority. Lo t ha candi. dates haviag <lae mitjority of votes go bha a fors chu coutiy as the candidate of <ha ilefcra party, but no&thela nomiueo to wie, everY peraon wlîo acended the conc religiona elaotld j.Iedge imself te jiadividual. &. Ir. lie wo.atd retire (rom» th- cOnveritiond tefora hc woldconsent to pledge bialecîf ii auj suit mannen. Mrn Iobs. Camapbell esla.alvat vas the 0 ubyjeot 0( cumaeg to a convention unies. I partie. vWho caine ihere >graed te supporto tbo candidate of the convention?7'-Th. a objeci of Reformera vas to accore united b action tiroui conventions. end thas. Who g lisdoWtboctbuevasm, gogd $frmrsot. vithataoding ha Woted; <orl*r. Gibus as sha last eleeion, àqd "cits <ha only vote of <h kled'ha feSagve la hme lif. 'Mr. Wm. Thosmasoof Lot Wbitby, e sid buvotedfor ,Gbbtaad vonhd o Mr. Loren Brovn suporiaçi#4aMotion, Scudscld imaos the o01y, possible volyt, e00e te m Baademudjog..b Tke motion vs. thon Rot imcd srrh 1tii. onty disseilote bigMse, oe Rogers, mcd Wilson. 'Mv Wisôu askedtla>bars lipe -il li ad b sons oiltsr dalegste rom <ha <ov,J ma*" a"ld ouscooaelmioaday vote mter à Mced.r Pa#<e va alsçte< te hIsI tbe mm«eo Mr-wss.Tbempec. 1intition te o abln ilm. ut'Draper sr wu*#l hnove to <hem .11, as al h.rsI- Smiued plaIsu, cMd cataoah efoi"»a, 1 ho hamlvayo shMmc an espcut le ealailcas.Thin mvs Dot, hae<tom acea. si", <osa61, c persan n isduh onat" latte dmcaied poliielîy ti ' . -DaIieper, aud lha regated <bat la coule qume o igieAbsence <h aionention voald ho depnired of bis vameeabua cass. 1fr. Rclpb flarudensecouded the nom- !iétIon . l)r.Meil' M r.' John Fhililps, seconded b>Ur. Dénio lITb"rton, proposded u ameof Truasi P. White, FE44, , fr. Acre.nsmaplasîl, secoaded by Ur. 14»h. Kolman, propoaed John D)rydan,. E.q. a c candidats, Mr. Garai. moatincted Âbrahcm Pars. vssit, Eq., bot sas stepped b, Mr, pare. volit, ho pobtively decllned te tala the glad ',No otber nonation. being mod. Dr. MeGil vas alis.d upon, cud 100k the stand amidat caot,goie apresui hie slllngeees o àb ble resais 0o $1h.e conventfoion, idcctewform priniri_ pies ced part> goveroment, sud,saied <bat lies. sho sed Un.cry nia "no prtyl' did. it to deele peopl.. The moue h. solde could mot lb. honest ileh si"'ieho.b longod <o, no Parat., ae oaademaue moalitions a bal îblngs, cad cciied <hemt '<thînge" adeisdl. Hejusîified.bhovcve., <ha coalition entened into b,ih. Hon. Ur. Prome -ho ie a aid t hie aime, go »acure Confaderstlon.Ur. n.Broya, haeau gmrdcd as the coeaervctor oi bis cotry- tho marie haosid, vbo pstictoically threv hitmifInto <h. gap le order to secure bisi eounuy's gond,md ci c limas,,too,- si perbape thoe vu s no othar mcm in Canada date comd t tbe réuniem. If aveir <haie vuas c ailloe jnetififla < bat, ha said, vas oa*. But thaeendfor vhich il vms formed bed licou accmplighed, and <ber. vas no fnrther vue p<1îil' h.douter nazi reflerred <o th. aubjeets of VRmigrstioa, thei Crove lm&d, Edation, Becprwuoencd the Tcniff, the. naceasity for protection io manuacures, k.., ail of. shiclab 'ho ravies cd an tern, e ad vas eartiiy' cheered thnoiboui- lie delivery 1'o.fean ekcellsuî, praetie-l speech, vhleh oceupimd about an1 houir..1 MUr. Whilte tisai l ook <ha stand anaidst1 chacors, etating <bat in consequne of the lateneos cf tha boun.(it vas <han noari> 7 o elock,) bis rataasrks voolU ha necessanily short; but <bat if holi he honsor of a nomination bis viavs vould ha giren et grector Iength to tha eloctena vhan h. e 9-a-AMlrl-p'tdging 'Slmueef tochbide tha i drcialon of tb. convention bu consideret! thon. coud ie hano 1.0 opinions. lTh. tmct of ciding meldsusating in a convention, ho.f conaidaned, bouad <ha parties wbo tonli a part in lit Oonventions sers inteneel o a suite opinions, cnd ini no other vay <han: a by giviag vsy <o <h. majority could <bai10 ha accompîlsea. ffie took <ho opportun. I il>, abortly, <o state <t he wvo ocfP thos Reforera vio, as the .cying sws,t vas dà dyed lu hic swoc." If bis public corenas c rapnecn<ative cf the <osnshipi ie vbich ho rasides for so mane yearo did h not, give il.a ebarcter, end bis positioni as aReformer aclaim to t, hoesicd te adeance ne othar claite io the nomination. If hae vere te h. lionorel ced 'trastel vida el thc suiffrages cf <b.elafctors cf South On- b "no ha voldnet liatnay the trust reposcd ti an bita . livwoi edececr'to <thebutIl of bis abilîty te do bis dut>; lia wotald do t ail b. could <o haaefi-tie idingced more 91 bsan ibis lha need eotcad voull not detain ci hbem by sta<lag, as ha migbt do, et a P grecter Ikngth oI Mn. Dryden, sho vwu raccivot vitb h cba'ars, nezt coma fonvard. Ha bcd, lauf nid, ouI> juai retoned <nom cttending bis u lutine et the County coancil. ced fait him- ac self in sotnombet of a dilemme et fludleg hi ais naine pnopoiel saeuiiae wbig~ îanpcnped <o maire a speeh. Ho did not, ae sail, vent th. nomination, bu vas but a young man - onî> ia 7ong Dryen"- si eud hobu ew cf ne thar raison cal> <bat Ia becauaa ha vas Ilyoneg Dryden" <bat bis n uscm. mas broegbt se premîinently fonvard. rc lie bcde ha aaldp hîtberto uî<anly refud P' to comes forvard cetha acslichtacion cfT 'Mende, but if, osevas nnged, ho vould ha ehairatnmd saeeta> <b.etgboh AtTim#W TONPon ADt<IOi2 «eN.fDBSd B oqTHU dN. O.MRfa- I "M- su' etaemeastheRA»afcma i- es.Ae.Kney T. VO. Fore 6 ma, J .ScgtrJspb Ilo, . 1. Vena lUsÉssJ aIr ci aoaiugvisin io Ao t a ioGSta onie at meeting butby privcta ln-, UbridmawlsIlHa vas uheni M:e a e<llva, la-'Id bccUb c* m i *btbd t. c"y@p ho duty., snd' lha bcd' hoW td tfm atser soaldi v il gons rigbl wkhsoatbina; h. rsgvslbedlbitsacb "wu- ne t <M. çsse meelita vas lie- pou POse 0<a>clg<an a!1bopidoticb cacnliaUtio voct!end<ah scseoca nît. <he Icl anone. ina. is ycgolted, <bal hi$ -partial bam of bealng anileyè- sghlct!ed chi feblefe proied suci on embcrament fl b.laébca'ge cf bic dalles p to mal aiDcffsuy f& bina tu ask'te b. reliaveil freint the duiaes of lb. office of Preoilent ad trustaI the meeting woulUalot acothar obalrmc, A"t bis stioceasor in ofice. 'U. golden ca omkl i. o neicvad frnm lie delies of Sce<aery. inismucb as hae nos ueidcd out i e .iding. As an outiidcr, lhe vas sor',te sac thé diaunion la tbe parI> whioh cxlsl ed d ithoni mppcaring <o dictât@ ho sdvise t<ai &.bc cîaly. trua scy vos te seulbe mottera ad accept' lb. ,poaition j inb <boy louaI tienas encd maka lbe hast 0<1<L 'That meeting vas, the proper place te le $0. Wbile at!mitting <liai 1h.Vice-preou. Ical .bal no authority to call th. former' <vo vrongs voulU nettimke à rigal.r dut> sas 1er ho bofirnwha bcd beau don., or te big oct oth ema o super- ethIe nsaate&s.m ov ball The meeting <bea casmblat! couit!ibiag out-candidate; but tbey cetald <cao stop for the paupose. lHe strongly sdvlccd thea <accessit> for An ounjtat! cfoit, andal ithoat it lia said il voait!b. madacissat! folly' té go té, the poll cil. TDore vas no man, h.oeisa! uhocapeolcd mono bigbl Iaa Mur. Gould; lho bat!cbaya fouglt <ha batties cf tha eMorn sLy, sat!udot! forward nobli L toe cause ofReOnD B relerratoU1r. Gotld's course in Parlus. ment, ad pait! a weil'-dcscrvd tnilinto hics 'monits os a consistent poliicic-a Roformcor cfLhesrigbt staxp, a mac of honor nt! aegrisy, sud a man avicg claims aboya mli others apon the Reform- era ofKNrth Ontario. But ho bclicv.d <bai lta. oniy hope pos cf bringicg (or-. vend Mn. oulditnutc-leo<îaaxbinastacceas 'D"ly sas ia thé siTcléa fMrh'omp- soc suad Mr. Paxlon. ,This otait! n eh donc undeir proeciroamstacecnt he .ccxt besi liing-<ha parly could dosqiald ha b<0o support <lacs. ýgentlemen. .19 vin mallan cf sincero regret <o Reformeiaete. fint their party roduced te lis preca condition. As vas sdrc rmarcd th<le uditor of tho WLiLby Chranieklast «ceeli viiere are- tb. Reformao fNorthanset! South Ontae.c.to-day, compsring thé posi-1 tion cf tbe party ccvvr illti <a vch lit il, ocupiel a 4ev yeas amgo shen il eut itu 800 majorlty iu Soutb OctsaAocnd tK hae cAed, <bal tbc majonities ware ra cn tbe othur sidc,-l-hct Mn. Cameron, c full ficUget! Tory, ant! Mn. Gilibe cacon.à tenvtive--a moderate conservativa, cnd1 lie admIttel, a o!ma, nepiroscntedL.th 1 tso Itidinga of Onatanil? fie diffrernces umongsl Reformers £bemmse.ie, <a ak- 1 noms and vailtion-of tbe Raera proe vas tb. causie. Tt vms tha luty of <lhe porty and the pnous <o sapport the men c puit tors crI'qy th. Pa.rty, Au long as thcy kept up discusasiocs vitb cach otlicn lin> were a itvere esting <hait' esc vitaic ccd <i (ring utrength <o <ho aneet>. .Tluail I <i ceasot <ey seuIld ceoa havo four týories instcad of <wo reprosent- cng the Ccucly But if ail acte t la<h tuc spirit shicahobcknos provaibet! 0< bhat meeting Reformons arculd soon aia-. estahhicli their lost prestige and: influence cnd <boy awould have-cet ocly Iso, os ceretefene, but four reliahlo Relorenna- as thein reprosoctitivos. (Checos) lie, (111. lolt!cn, recolaectol c fow yecns ago shen oi hais oine<ing te do vithla ccimcs,C cnd <hp piper vita slicli b. v,'as ilion Y connecte! stood oct uoacftihiy for Refera a nicncipic. Thomu aas uic îackalidicg 8 liot it. liahike the Oshawa Vindiator and tbe Whithy Oozette, th be Qoater cf bat day vscpnt afrail te stand forward fmly for party. And ho fondly hoeot- C L see the Oliserrr gain coming fonrardu cnd fightiag tue battie shicl iti did under ina (bi', Jiolden>. for neanly 9 y cars. 1< ras sou, fic said, that Reformons gouit!n cesw vIere the Ileforn apress tood. lie1 ras gia ot!e s thot the Whitb)y Ciron joie, liecashozt coitnucted paper in the ceunty 0 cnd pmrhmps uocf the ablest amengst tbe n mal pi-ca of tho Province, couac forssrdp ranfuily mcd indepon<lentiy la fsvor ofL renidtnt snd hîberal candidates, ccd la op- ecsition te importeiT! Joronto lawycr. 'bot sas the sort cf haclp RefornmVra snt- Man nU mcslas ow oppnrociate.1fr . Tiie rasignatica 0< Mn. iIurd a Mr»U' biodon yard both <lien accep d ti t -h z.Kennedy, Esq., reao Marc ti ad, vus tien gvoted to eoclisir bc'vstad by Mar. li amal', si#, F o 'n -Eq appela Sacetary. toit b ObalePeiat 0. ry reJacp<iE. ti The VI OfbIn lu uxPrevic e t; 1Gm vice ei~;t. ma Ic-resdet;Dr. J g< ey M.,phEadr ic.reIet ti lagiJcot a - «"toi dUS lUEsN7, aS'Dé.-ma nUs toea ccadldca,cand notblag ould n. dnce-blmatoeosn. fovcrd scamcptî e positon,bt the desir. t b cblv cvlcw tory Wo -the oase 0 of dfaLs' ions e'caonsmlghfbe . ive, 1cr uduclog m Le beliave tuaI sucehslbrya iu bis rue h laoolfg bato cthe reff titf ab. luet, <voor turet elecioae, Do lalellil gant Mac could crilo t, cln y oler con- cluios, hut th aeordar to lesu«uceesl the. Reormas ere mor0< I letý cal LaCarry- helidi. r d l add41ictoi"Oant Of aîrcngtb, to 0081)k <iste t.in. lhT a lament ha Uioaglât 4t celd, te agrutestcent, detacla <rM 034 Consevtilvsasd brt.hafto tha Rettm racks.mLr., Kennedy ana yzcd di voies aI tua'last Ihreeeleclicas, shevlnimov Ibentormifrci inot Retormera baile.- cread yer aier ar la lb. ,ao-ta<bpart 0< <a ling a stalthoce mo ites conld ocly haÃŽ counterbalncdb the aid of Marc and Ecais, mnd Lb. introdaction 0< Lb. elueont to ývliicbhah, (Mfr. Ken- nedy,) bcd olready rafcrd. Persnauli, b. resteratcl, asiaif lhc vantcd te concult bis own intcresta, ho did n&ant t o ha n candidate, but he vas ever and clwcys c Reformer, and anxioiis for <lae succes of <hpéairly. ABe-need nosoi talhm <bat thete vasaà cool dca!, of disasalction ct <liereauli 0<' lb.convention; ccduotlu eÃŽoÏmtblag scierdote" ccd don. prcmpfly, tobeal the breac,ada betér feeling estabUhls helb liding would habe l. They-re leeitilad -posiion d abtise'dl. vidéd against ltael Mcd IL voald requit'. am earaee$ effort teuire the Party,.Ho' wus prepsre te do ,aIll t ha cbdould for hbtobject;,bat on no gvoced vould' h &=P epi D omication uncea lte pcrlies njov e it f&lel dt: Lit 1<hafr owse- gqri,,a sdha vus asked to stop imb <hein aloca. holekbacs shat IL vas <o go throtigb en leotion 'in lb. North Riding;- Il vas bard von, cand if il vas bard vork before bow much more se vould if; lie nov.Holiefcared that Mnr. Thompson wa not <ha candidate -Io carry vitb bita the partkcular alcmcnt, of vbicb be bad iipokcnand totinite the pnnty. Mfr. Tliomp- son liatdonc vcry littie for flic pnaty, and IssU fot oqiai clains with others <o Party miupponi. Inafilet, planing bfr. Thonapson iin tho position bich b. occupied appear. e4. lik. giving a bonne <o, candidates tvbo did *nothing.Ur., Thomn<Pion. ho vaS cfrm<lypld~~vbepiqU off-in bis osa ci;Pe0pli, zvoeI"not 1,wor1t for hlm vbnn ho " net oIork for tbcm. If he, (bfr.Kuuqd,) bcdimy ambition ia tb. insitr i"ste v in' florthepîrty, ccd te dafacl Torosilo &Pdoutside influence. But sfiar al) if t<he qtarral sara ma% u p ha baU cew7 bop a f Mn. !axton*o vining th. aiclioti, ccd <tâ,in Mr. Thoiapson c saccsi ha sold clan b. cgreebly disap- pointcU. Mtour&. S.ngster, J.X ouid, Mtacro, Cliapman, Forenian, J.B.OsampolBcird, and othirmaik U o.~&' reiolution, and in oxplanàtion of shat took piaci at the convention., and aventu- ally tbo rasrolution was panacd tnaiimoas- ly in a modified forai as follows- That this ReforneAssociation cotiitheb action or <lac conivcntion of tbe first May and cndoa'.aa the nominations thon mmd. The. meeting- thon adjourcatl. COUNTY COUNCIL OF ONTARIO# JluNE SESSION, 1867. IrianD ute Whutby, Tusasl, Juea 18, l817. T'h. CoaC> concil cf <ha county of Ontrio mot at lie Court boumseto-day. rTh. Wsndon <o.ia tha chair et 2.30 p. an. Tho othon mombaîs cf the connoil preseet cana, Mcîsns. Broya, Brahozoa, Campbell, Chapma, Davidsca, Dryla, Fairbanks, Jilils, Gillespie, Graham, Gny, Huband, KennedIy, Majore, MRule, mcnigbt, 8in, cir, Smith <Scott), Smith(B. Whiîhy), lextoa, Woir and Wboicr. Tho Wanîlen in nt!t!nssing tlic councîl exproesso his pleasure ai obscn'iag so uaay mombers cifLthc cotancil ln their Elacas on tlie <mat day' Thoir finalt!du<y, oa went on to say, asa ppoint a con- uittoc te equaliz. tic aosessmccî i-cIls for 1860, lIae rusit! <bol ,aliporta of bte cotnty voulU ho lairly ncprcaiected in thial 'ouamittee, ont <bothelicgenlemeanselect- t! voulU doe lii' uty equiîably ond ina- parliohly. Local intcresta on <bal commit cee, lac- unget!, chould net ha proferrot! liove aIl chens ; but the intorcotsocf the rtacly as a wmide mhouid ho coasinleral. Sunoe flue Jocuary atession no<ting ocimin- toi-tance, <ttIso taiglil cMtmanicte te lic council, 1usd como beforc bina remolcd nom te ordinary routine busintess. The finaccial state cf <lie counly aras tory1 eatisfactor, o nth<lc sticipacnm of <lue1 fiance committea bat! beon fully ucalizet!. Ife wsmhappy to stato-acal <wtv<ho irst <imo in ton yecraPo pieasing a itate. ment cotad it iia mth ha made-tai aill lie municipalities of the coaîy bcd pall baeir coucîy taxes' . With the exception of a saîl an. of $77,, mliceh baU heea arance semycrscago IoWiestWbitiy on scbool accunandcl as pt'chbly <cuelooket!,) nu otitar coua<y lazes va. mcinet! unpald. The truaitanatbd, b. cld, $500 inu the Bank o0<Upee Canas lut Jactacry;, but bat! aies onby $189 st bis cnedit lan<bal Banka, (the Banik) bat- ra aUcouapons on county debeatures, li re rcaithIe amount ofthe couail acotnt <o $18. i. reWnrdaa tumindcU tho cosanicil <bat tlac debentui'es laie under Lb. prce'sional cont> by.las and! alac <mUe by-las of 1805 sève payable at t4,Bank cf(tTppeCanitie.The Uc- bealisun p ait!cadt he. se hyb-Is amontat!,ho a sin, te $16,809. onU Il <c uit! ha neccosa'y bt nstuuct the tress- ai-er siat stops to tabo uin order tu mccl bhoa. Uelintunau anal coupons as lh.y iall dua. Up <o thie <ina tha OalaioBank li pull tho dcbactuusanîdcoupons s< thein Toronto branh vithonI charge <o b. county. Blcio man<ioned thetsma 9=0oneanaouating t. $24 se-e loifin th. Jotaém Bank,-, tonging- te Du. Rad, o4 Touonto. H a(b.Wcten,) orderet! them <oapa< n i el Ieie bi .ai .protea 1. ornI><omy a csied taonepà lcimun eoot la.. Ther.sue ise cobu al, he dîne, chmlsuuije h.3"otlS.. tle bai hby.has 14,shlaslp M2 c sionf 0< 180for on. ycar. .(h Wârdan,) faitt<baltlia @ isito tbeomaty rouît!k pj$dmit 1th. cullicg oft hose lbobmijufo hl <a-anafo"shc liey vere giren; ccd b.lit41Wmot tici i ýno>.-#or#, u_ W.1ai'yi oufithe grecI souk ofi.fw ulIia.Tbe sho vers opposet fjoiewt vi wvarinstis voçcleehict sud lant! lnuS irlng afféetot tle Ac 0<ýuniou whon, b. nid. v. loMked hait. 1841,cl lb. lima pi tia' cotum<of liehe kàor union helseeta tipper anU LoverOcai-cail sas ba progras. tiis country laid mcd., mae. uis, asaIt serae! rail bo 0pefu! lox lta. futare.la 1841, tha population of4 Unitel, Canada yus onhy about 1,000O,000acd va bcd c population in 1801 of<2,600,00-cl <lie limentatilimelncreaiet!in a cveaY large ratio. Inla ualsoys, tllgraplascanaIs, oceanstemers, aducatica, agriculture and! nacntuaaoCanada andeet! bat!ade gi-ast,- vonderful, otnides, and bcd attainet! a surpassiig Usgras of prospcity. In the fuiur,eo aivhan the canttes bull be talan, I lacIano oPmompelng ou oItimu vill a livilqal states of the neborg Uniona, se voulU b. making our compar- imonsvilla hie nabionas cf urope. Ilsay hae said, tbéWitdeta observeel i tafllo Amuie «5As mseltifig #>: ié'sovneas- tablishment scnd as snob se vonlbave eut' respouiilhrtias, ouoais,,cnud our nationat matters t<olbock acer. But'shila sucb vas the casa v coult! nover forgat tb. lias shiola houaI us <o tha mothar coutrly. le conclusion, <ha Wirt!e axý prea set he illiagun acnt!desare tbad- vise sisflihocoancil-in <heit' duhes, anal b. hopedt! <bra vould lihosaplesual a sesion as the Jctaay one vas, wbiob vas ocly chaacoteristia of the bitta bonot dciibarationsocf <ho Intelligent body coin- p thcg eb.corporation of lbe Cotanty cccl o ntarlo. Tho Wardcaviumel his sont amidât, eppiataso The Waulen baildliefora <bhe couneil the Co. cut!iters reportastapon <thc finances of the counly for lbe yesr 1860; iao. <lie Co. auditors report tapon <ha stata cf the <aoa-t'aaîdant haut! <tint, 1866 ; a commun- ication franlbhe Wart!en cf <ho county cf York, la rafèeccc o c chesp systin of tajîscys; c communicationa boa EU. 0. JIones, in refcvencc <o the swiang brid!gc oc the albot river - froua Meurs. T.N.Gibbs, IL P. P., cnt! >1.0. Camarca, M. P. P., acknoshedgiag the resolutions cf the coca- cil in reforence t'a tho' oréction of bouses of indtastny or refuge, ant! sta<ing <bal the sea oulU receive theirdune atteantion ; fronmthe clorkofet<ho' Cc. cf Yorka, oncles- ing 'à rasointion grmnlicg <ha auincf $8.50 <o constract a bridge soroaste l.Biak voulU grajmýnt asimular auna; <rom <the clenk- cf the counly cf Waterloo, in reference <o bouses cf icduotny or refuge, sitla report cf flbat council. Mfr. Biokehl entoret! anal teck bis scut. comarrrz N E SSzorNT'. bOn motion of Mr. Fairbanks, secondet! byT Mr. Camipbell, the coancil proceealedt!o eao<by blsîl yen memben o teoqualize the cesessacal relIs for 1800. The ballot rectaltet! in theo celoclion cf Messas.Camp bell, Fairbanks, Gillespie, Guy, Kennedy, MoCraigltan cd WbeIers PETMTONS. Thc paillions of IL J. Gunn, Mar, on lialcf cf <ha corporation of the <osa of Wlaithy, praying for cn mdditional soian <osa-dm ite construction, on accouant of sitarations la the drill ahoal-of Z. Bera- bmm, Esq., Co, Jut!ge, la reforence te the getticg cf bocks in <ho cici-ka of mucici- palities, amouint col <oeasoet! $200, sere preseuted. On motion cf bMn. Camapbell, <ho cotincil adjoumnedt! iii Wealcosday, ai 10 oclock. SËCI)iD DAY. Wennay., Jiane 19, 1867; 'te Waîndcn calledthela Council te cmaler at <vent> minutes <o elevon o'clock. rzrrNecANDicoatarxîcàianoit.q Oh Win. Pusson ant! 260 othcrs, proy- ing for ait! on the centre rond, ncnth of Mancchester, i lictaT'ownship ocf Beach.- Mn. G'raham. Of Arclaibold Graham.a.ncd otianra pnay- icg for a grant te inaproye a portion cf <he Contre road in Thoiah-Mnr. Davidatoa. Ot certain rotepaycosoetThonali, praying for tlae onection of a bridge -ci- te Talbiot river-M r. Davidaon. Of George gray, and! otherx, prsyicg for a survcy cif<hheS&h concession lino, lu Scot-ln.Smnith, Reoports of the Ccunty Troounci, Coun- ty Ecginoor, and! cf B. Foy, Superncteta- dnt o sth e scugog bridge ere ancouco- cd <o bave been receivo. i<aoLrriczffl su on mution o! lin. Smith, cecondel by Mt,. Sinclair, tho petitlon cf George Gi-y soc ucfounedt! bacspctl couimib<ec, coa- sis<ing cf MessreaGilcleaGibbs, ccd whaler. On motion eitMi'. Campbell, ltecamne cf Mr. Muajos §placei t!h le standing comatte on Education le Lb. place cf tact of Xt; Allisoa. on motion of Mit. lirosua, soconitatby Mn, niulcir, the pelýition of the Mayor oif thc Corporationcf <hael'osa o!, wbihby, vas remuaI &te the ape"laicomuittteop- pointa ct <be Jasy seion on Idril on ibtilon of 14r. grabaton, lsedoesd by Mr. Dnyden, lh. Wart!oc loft <lac chalir uncl <voo'olook, Wlacn lie Wandoa résurnet! bic ccl in lte afiryoon bbe coancil iajouraed <o Thuray mrnng nt ton dclocl, n, l m-er <o give <ho différnent consmii<cs ou OPPOr- <unity tu pra'parc <hein reponts. WIaitby, June 17, 1867. The o oi moi 'et lie Townahall et 8.80 p. mn i. 5Wersbip <he Mayor 0c- caplidet! .chair;k,<ho o, ther membare of tbe coapuil prient vlrf. Massas. Broya, Ulm 1.<iuern(nemly aliobetlfor th. Souda Word lu place of Mu.. Henry), Posel, andl Ba. Abeant-)Mt. Dtopent A ettmunlealioti <nom 0i.-<a O S Convayr, sking for mcuslrcaeof $500, on accoua4inlaptymet fw orok donc on tedi I4v-ira W on motion 0 orMr' Browa, sacoadel, by Mr,. Bay, Mi'. Coaorua vas appolibeal muwr of lb.e ommlllttca on strcts ond Donsc "-bt4<h 1"'aybte quited th-] direct lie attentioo tZ <acoun<y cocnoil 10 111e Mrin tuni<g LTo<Dtlail <eQacen lite tonmilea on lova properlype.i sontedt! hoir repor, whicb vas tiaciaa-pa, <ha ceaiecil reaolviuag itscif laCé coinaittee of lb. vitole Ihereon-Mi. itosa n ii.h chair. A lcnglbhy diactassicu ook Place conceryahag Mr. MaedoneWe ýpetitien <o, have9n l.<shalvagfor <ac em- dation of thb cfi régale<of 81 Andrcv'w rhc c '. lus m flI.tope& On tha question o et t'balfg caglr'm O.àiit'on, ýBroya, Gorre, Pets-y, l!ovali PbiipRay, sudthe inayor. cfiô foer glas, o.,supasSet!, cn dlite-' ti'amatauctheriacd'topay il l'h. com- mlttea thon ïrose anti yort! mioýeouI Fmscmandd.r IM' lh.oulipW dut f<he batatiItà on tiue aid saler wus rec& The. coucou venî mbt caitaitte of <ho vhco le a«on-Nt'. Csitpbebl in Lt.etimaif'. The report sits.. cd that $30 vms duo Mn. Tringle, fr 1<h." real of a houe for <thc fie angi!ne.' Tho coinmittcê and- rcponte th le reort sitv- oui amacdment. An orlon asw i-otet!' toM3r. Pringle for the amount.' uiiaxcv &» soussanzsa-. Tho ccmmhtco on 'fnanc'Su.ýa d 'oilssM- ment proeote t hein repor-4 t, îincoai baving resoircd itefin mb comulte of- the voeM.Dcvnl.lt'car sta<ionery, and! '. 'Clark, mo Srctaarnu officer for liotwdivad,8.50, vcrepasU Tha comnaitteai rose cnt! i-pm-ted thé ne. port villicut-. mcndment; anal tha 'so.m cotante vere' râcrel 'ho b. paid. The council Ihen ajoaracd aulil.l'uamdcyi' July 2iad. - 5 -- whutby oah pCuel il <ho membena present; minutes ci lie Ceai-I o! RatIsbont!ntuah1maut meeting ofi tb. couou lredadt!approved. 1" Serial patitions vore pi'esan<c d al i tapon tha table, ssking for grats of mouey for theitçprauvement < of la Mail bridges, in digl7ian< parte of <he owneshuip, Wiliis, ltaI <ho reeabha uthoriaaa-te iuiix his signature suitwli:te-e'" o! tha corporation, <o àc hauOt!' nÈ ig< t!-d sait! MeBuien c certain portion of- bal allcvaece hatseen lots 84-àid 85, lar-lie Sila concession of1hie township, us vestel la sait! Edsrarfid fBrenly a :by.bc* nutaiel Bld, paset! 'July 1, 18U4 John Wihle moyes, aecoailel hyJëba Dryden, that lie %aceve ha autiodesa require t ogrant bis.order n le Imut. muile of'eRIai- MeBrie.ai b iet 'a- oral.in hi t o ia sion-ucre oa'foad, La. twe-en bots 84 andiSe, in lie 1I<li'Oon. ..Spom n aus, seconded hy 1Ur. Dryden, <bat tvo commiltoas hbcpp»onet to examine tae vi-ionas ronds anal huit!ga ln <bis towua«ahp reqaimig aid, and <t John Willis, cmlJ. V. 8 'rbde hiée ou milIe for-&Ili souih cf hie 0<b con. lino, and <bal J. Bickehl, John Dryden,- anal T. Fisher-, bc <ho caimilte for the s'aià t! u con lic. cant! mlnorth. lfn. Dryden moves, scconde byMr. Ficher, <thsat'oere ha bchreby auhaoriz.* ed togrsaî bau ca-er on <ho; Ig roera-il favri cf John NWîlhia,.for $19. smIt pait! hy hlm cicoJsntuary luat for the. hanefit ot Ana Heming aindigent paraca M14?. Specrs moye», secoalcd by Mn., Fisher, <bat froa nd mter <bis date, lia mt of one dollar par yack b l cee un. bih further.ordans Mnr. Dryden mores, secondaI by M' WiIIio;. thut potitioras <his day presenlt!d lIn raferenm,1teremU acnt!bidiges ha ber. hy neferredtu <th<e respective coxinaila nppoiatoal for 1h. cortara cant! seuhara divisions cf this toWship,tsubli t te cr considenationi and ùtpon shicli <beyviii lie nequinedt! o <'pont ILt;the nazI meeting. Mu. MIpear, moves, occondot! by Ur., Fitiaci', <bat AIs-si.Cas> hacnt!ifle rchy nutbonizot cnt! lastructeQl bo I#jr James yorresl <o perforan his obalate-laiton on soîla Part cf aid line, betven lotasudd 38, l ineet Sîi on., nal<hclork do eotlfyý bin idcordiagly. ' PIFlberImoesodcadol by Mr'. ,ll mlti<b ~e harçquestedt!o fur. nish ty nyWbccbér ýi tino udlf heure! of ilou-, adgi-ont bis oralot-'on %i iearo. auner feu -.he acaaa. '- ,,-ý, MUr. Spears ancvad< 'saLbud byM fr. Willis, <bat lt 0acav5isbeeby adiboajzed ' te t'licrier on' lie Ireauaveaforc $20, payable «11. flevoasae maylio I Lr I s ervic. eas ré-,g GADSBY ....,Ât Wbitby~~ic4b Wiudtor f ion. gedll5gyomr..i Whitby, u.1,s . Faîl Waeaî . ...$2.0Oocs*2 20c. Spring...... .'18 c *1.90., Pis........60C. aetsc Ha........pe o Ip I "Sherf for ta rut e. I "Collected n 1 v.f ~ ierff for ti blijdiuaga i Ae-onveaient;, <hein las utate on thawenm1ea;Tli8 omplyote. la choni 9 Fo-elgJiw 01 ô! an. cor of -apply (peictpid)'to ~Têbiiloen suc; - J~».5, 1067. k. TEMPle 24-tf SGEIÇERAL -SLAcK,8MîTR, AKDp ýWHITEVALEI- Panîng Miis. GýeO. hILCM& tiré Proprlemter bat apsel<sbmsa bl <t l-g,= ZeI.o<lioui #hop, jnuriat«" .;M IREêS!TÉE ,nu prpnltori nov sjibw t<pdao, mule for" -eode Anal ~ ~ êUýp- ofr.me lidati~ tiOiNE9 WOR. s caconusatt <li haviii lOIn c posidtio<eompete 'vItia ay estubigbaist lut<bai PtOvine, bei wewknt,,nsbipusis gSgBy. DO Es.OULD-. .1 a omtnd onéÃ"CK-<a'hm i luas ,JexniteIe, Suda !anew fetureblu ceadoa witîte <lgrovlig entarpripeofaib euldon, viii r-ocolvoeaspielcnt!d 'aida cteutbný The Maumau t i ô Ieçmoz*80j Plan# and 0apelfiesionshIebp-lns lat ed, sud etuati*vn "Coilectcd in -" ai rffza couectea 184 ~'SheRiftax a "Collect.ed 186 " bhcuftoatu Colselel186 "Sheriflaruaad km k baies Stàtement ti n 14 èui 't l TmI. pa Fem. 1. Maj' i. D.~SL 1- oe..~ l'eu perci BO~18U ~HEEPSTRA YED 1f ilAM ot <iie0e p i aema r 1o*i nl, b *061 the 16sh,ýdky of May, t". sheep. The. owner 'l.rqe<tto prove propvrtT',eKv sold, amcrding to lai*,to defray ctrgme TOWN- SOHIOOtS.g ,r Sc.oi, 1ddvIlo, onc do - ; db Taoeday luth *Anden t, Wednosday <SUt John At., Ibtrsdcy .27t< HlenrylSt, Jriday M&1 Il» ezamd"dtonaii ol UOn as bW- o»e of «Ci day. Aith di.cose oft he examinalon eachd vIsIon, plise VUiiib. dladbut.d -by the. Tnus Parents, Guardlane and =B.cpnbfloemal are Iacpecfally invited to ted G.OfIL DARTNMELL e, Whitby, Jene e, . - 24

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