Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1867, p. 2

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ve, the Ceualion jouaas Èlai Iis 00 4 a abe eùdsaveur tg provo ihai 4,rtioe bu d4ptaoyed Party, sud nglouav quoalloai alie, I. !fuot[eW' sud aiapariodotio testocate ~b7 .prseatstveson Party prilciples. ~seien @ofall of vimlaeau lin aile thé Gcvoaim.nt 'ousteibea lbefhr poIitIOss&bd ils nimbers 'o relais o&«ic m loi se possIble. It i tsenissd liai 1£r, îrowc sud théîim-Rfoîmn a i ae uigum d44asdéoatibnlstofsudéantit geîi," adntth aiiecealiltlonlats suit -te b*. nu. #MWetivilt lSb. gevetmeunt limeno tbnli. oesodtioo ve laist bu el detroyed ti ei. Paties are sdis "g lanti prisolples'ère as vidoly tillent ".Il ààse@ver ibe> voie. N oeue Pill "mrStibai hbu Coufoderatloa ufiLsIet *oeh à vus change'lu lienastureoretont anosd lualime charater oet oui publie oWo »toreuoir Party oiganlzallou sud 1aê>eonfiici unimanecesansd Iiproper?7 IWtmm.i b. falrly -contendodti iait h u. git loavlmg ont etfulgimî tLe diffeient pol. #Cà sl p;lipestbat anmto lie tva great purlos, oetviol a fèreedi Cealition là et. fnapted te be mati e vo Letibat ibere lu s'quetlen of thé, ailmosi Importanceb.. feoi bpeol on tmhbty*.> arei ý4lot upon te decide'as the preseus letions, - Irenamou tbuequestion ot puSZt# eutil. 'lira, on vbbeb se 'maceh dèpeatis. If tLe dpucou oet lb-Donalaion are lo bumon&. gq4d afier the extravagat maumor vhicb o aretore ebtaîmti under lb. rail. «*hmA. sud 0.1I nsteatioftheb.grand Alà, whleb voie to ev rom Ceafe. ratiapf Ibere viliib. notlinlg but dtsap. obtoe n is stenal.To sas, as tLe oJition jotrnAls do, tit tlime.gentlemen Muale v îbmuei ,eu fla fauenti md as' on,@eth. publie iuncs soomlcaule la MMmese eecahlai, Whiteuuef bave ve tbat suOb.1111buerltme cause? Wocm bai 6>Jutge th. ftire by lime put, anti tait timag ueout guide., The people of Ontario dislteti ibese m« la tb. puèt, an t ib baue dointuelimiag te mai heir coulý- doeslai lb. tuture., W. do 'moi bisme r, T lbai A. Maodonald <or torming aCoi, Moîln, fi vumoudoubiedi>. he vry boat b. eonidtibave doue, goder ihe clicun laiçoes $e0 kep hin'ast sud bis par>ilupower. BEu îimtg -baelted by bis ova Immetilate foBevers, itvas Imposiblo for ina te do 4Oq, Anti hobu endeavouredti lenosae ILimersiPartit>, bLe puichas et Retorse sippri, Anti hi.prie@ vas tabea b> rtvnaersimose l polilcal virtue " to o. vush'o rosies biis mptifig offrs. %Ulbem resimply bungi> office seeltor- r"i.l a" politiceans. Lovse 01povsraio lf tceUnir> promipte t bis Coalition, ÏaibeassertionitLit on idep.mds 1h. 9 0dero4 vrmml o e b.countlane asr.. d1lus sfit le faiso Politiolsus of lb. W.. KuDo"gal stamp aie tond et le. - ,1s'lg, thiOse vite favori d a tm ' ou w vCousitaltm 1oadlsetutt wIsk.oèziagilot o SOL But Wb"a 'bae t&ey dom 1 -le the Govoraiment et Uqowi4, OèppO ot friads of, Cou.. (ederalo; men vItespokemi tivoritet fus lte mesure, vb ave trong hope et' ho .emueee., sud v*ho viliigivei t ait' 1No 1wubave theothe.speotsclect1 ~~aoWu cspeeti amost exciveiy otý vIt. opposet îL me P. tatu, iwho dsmetimnu it dal> tesopoops, matipropimes"y th ii 11b. espoerasas. municipal mseesa oiei i s~give bise laitus apos ibe tors lai elory Ypsy sperlov te goy /iha pold'be'put forv-ard on bobai of 3Mr. Althougb 3r. .Tbompons retilrlnman. mr amd amlablllly of lspoteilea bhave, tu a eîtas oiem, peveirdbis oc.plung ibsi preanuast poition bfeo te sisetors te vhlcb hlie mon i!Ïo lu, founr*t iles eleetetrd ea et ibis oouty ailb b verse représentative la parlîs'Moat fl il thât. Mr, Tbompsen -1la01 volemcafd,ý commt>, audt l. Iiosteuof bis c.a le. calit>l o s sseti etgond atidroe, anlà' kaowo*vial tb'o os> vieà be maltes a op eob -No oastltmcDWn c aCnada med b. shmod lete wa hi Is wropvesost. tires 1 no respect le ho 3r. Cameýol4' laferler, sU s parlismontary esadidate, anti certall>bits1loug rosidoa ce smd'srie tb the ocout> ,gI vo binaleafinieil> sapoîlor elsimas te thaft ulraesiof îLe - eletors. oneïtllaieney Whoueliteresis e' aIi mas> resects antagoulsale 1, 0 lims. otNprth Omtaro;j A.adlb.e lecters ma, depenti upon ht liai ho wil.be thlabiag Dot'of Niorth Ontaro; but of the consitoncy belote which h. W'lllcontaidy bave 'ota sp.s.Tho iout. o ecnimsd leot MCr. Thompçoo, i,t.op> mo otier gromation tbat of sel.atprat.. On@ dblis p ia ol *Ïnt ieholding of aUil ie'oleetloa's on tbe samo dey, ilea aocsay etosewhlcbîbo frleads of gondi sud economical govrormmontandth iwt l. dopeadeace 'and pu"ty'"of 1h. franchise sbould ai one aitai.. Wiîblime Pollini; coafined 'o one daya gpeat emptatiom 'o brihery vokId b. doe îvay wyL. Andi voe ail thee feions bei-t he b- samo gall timr. veailti. b ile opporiaaity, for Miabtes, sAnd twr fIqglomça goingcestof' ihoir ove coeiliueie Md suoàleiolg ibe (meechoice. etthe leeters. In lb. coawtsiq*'ov goiug onI&W Y .Iymore eata oaldthelb. ierai partybaIvo carrieti ver. the poling il eoneladed on tLe one day, asud voie rovins Mlnisieop ,e airlag, vhe -Ladl &axes legrludop, ndat tbeir ov couwiteacensd obligoti 'look &tfor $bou 4.ety oftiheir ovans Sootb 'Oumual .1.1i>one oui Of m r. than à score ithat cult b. atd. la Dot élouer, bovevovr, ibat the gvein uat have au'n'maie'-. stivamage laîh. te. "neate, t'eb'l'ugu; bat ihat the 4e c!ou lawl t,so evstands, tends te thed4 oral. lutioen o>t b. people, sud tho 'v fasie corruption ô(ausluu les", leaît manuet ve have Polaied eut, ve vomîti oh for timé deieim efor.. The exs ce >of thimecommitueofethîe differeai s thieugimout ths Provinces, wves pceti belote IL. publie, vouit, ' vo. satre l s, tzbiblt sob a àpili ïs'of motalmsd illegal pratioes aielsdtiome v wouldbe portoeclyssiouatiiag. 'hea . iv grevlng, sud theouly vsy te ab.ck »*tu se s possilele 10.by hvlW in$ Pollini'anud elseloa on e an sd ibe day. Mr. loeilar vws de la Kent b> majoali> eciabbon eue oc, e vas a ,marbeti mu, sud im biseau the lafmue imeà*Goiera ebrooglit lobar Uslav1ev i1 li be, satlsieor> th" twliawi nv la Veadst w«d v e n sasrt, be o t lamireut oetihe <ouIr U vol!aslb.4seller. ho ~eRéteno dthé coua- ty Exponsu! MCr. ô$lelo'ie greateéard acing hie cSa- isula 1 IorshOtimOarlo lèîi4 bout erthua Thofow k gJbats a mph cf or, 1- 0olma à 07myWise auti Pondit (00ab âAacýOItîfA. C.Wis ofr paint. fat 'amd ,htIabn b orbouse, ke., snaeuanimg $1495wue bjootod te, bÏ hict, as-' ls lilis oliun too large, a&ii uad c~te tb. ici et$60. 3Cr. Gillespie b ,olapen, bitmaitf'îo. jeco te , litem ba ;zDrdj vitmeai bar. isg amy daw ta aeer 'I~ord'hlm or au kaevledge ofîhe' oîk ýo .-"iiwa.sat la tht M,,wjïom.u 4m. deâfoaiy anti This là, ste4* vesaitibut a umaiploot 3Cr. 0Gillespie&. t conomýy,. The follovilaglla .cirtioi te of3Mr. MacdoaatdyiîLe Divi8lon Couri ' leri, pro* Viug lime fiels S z A.C. Wleoa Division &Uri, Thé Oorporailono4f the Co. of Ontario. 1 Iceriy timat time foliovl'ugjatimoat vu sgives lu iebove sait, viz S:> Tudgmqout for Pialtik ~for $44 Oq iobtCosi 8$4 00, Witnuumu o $7 00,1linfl$55 95. D. MACDONE14~ cler. 3r. Vilsony L'at oikt lime$10 vototi hm b>Gil)spie,' aud ieuovoed the bâluc $U4 90, vitu $11 00 Couta 1 Éloi(. MKw. Dorien Eleclt 'fer ien- on.-3Mr. Dorloea'.aW a bard figmi for élection la Hoohelaga. - nebus, Loy. t2 v are onut-happy le annonce, beau 8uccê«uefansd seoureti bis lcition by. tLe close m06>4tyof'20. Eaut York. là But Yorkc hoth the Rctoim cautiL. dates vereo ruct by triamaphaut majori. ies. Tho folloving are the figurasstaIthe close o! the pol. e2 le bi 8 (~bbo......7 71 >(4 ai YarkvJIla_._ 101 70 143 70 3tomîgolla . 1-,ý14 77 122 b9 Mavua. 2~ 116 127 97, ùSrb 9 . 8 152 I109 124 Vomr 5111L .. Idu 79 142 sa1 .....r . a 159 5si 1M.1 9t, 1174 047 1193 S54 iljority fur mete ...........737 " Crosby ............58 Whas Belormers ha"e tg figi agaimat. TieHhînThe a ell pute the case lanslaevag vhsttheo Refors party are flglatluagalasutinlabe prisait Ceuiut., aealutmi münùTns edê ýThis la Dot au, ordinary onait liqives ls Goivevunaemt: a*Pd an Oppoeitles4 . If ,v hai ba î e,~s 1110 *e causoor the emsa et oerwai'prm. so4600,*ad' ganoeelly le pteuemî lime esulti oftier lnelatons oc lie' 'otte4 sud conidition et -lima,.gseL prenalst oe, c Vtertificatea. iof a" aliisaîiôi, ereè g/amld 'on the potttcbof, Rsn4 iph Meyer, ffeuljyKellài,,:Peter KSote, Msiîimow Spaag, Rosi> Sîreular, Joha Moyeu, asud Jacob Moles. COUNTY COURT. Tke Coani> Court busiaes s uimoni procedetiwiîb.* ,TLeri vusfiéait oiétb. 0011y tour es« on ibe' docLet. Tholis eue vas ;-. ' &eplshoâmvm. Hunter-Abliouý' on promluerl note. verdict for plitiff for $200. S H oehiâaneT'or~PlaiiS Roby vi, Kffl#s-AiÎion ou premissry aote. 'Verdict for plasiniff,8IITAI1. W. H.Wl13o, frpalîf Kannedy va, Andmros-Actioai of trespass.' Verdict -for plaicliffl $60. R.i J. Wilsou for'plamtiff,. N. -'p. Patorsos, for tifoedant.*'- Kernnedy v#. &&inno-Action et lrespass, Verdict foipliu:iff fat $5225. R. J. Wilson toi plalaul, N. F. Patter- .ïon tor defendant. Theo Court, rose ut bslf.paat 5 o'ciock sud adjouracti untiil.patpt9o'clock. :te- morrov morumug. Wedaeuday, S.-Pt. llIi The Court openeti sismrl,'afior 'tan o'ciock. . RIis HcacriJudge BuruLau, sud J. H. Peur,, Beiq., J.'P., ou, the Beach. ôe o, 10appear'" 'ainsî presiqu,, 14,4ke aalt eemre culi a,'h *nu 1u,ïï mnot appearing their recogtahsaces ené mý application te theb. euni,' AttpoGr r.r od toe Leostreatoti. ýý- a Tic Court reÇiued te miakoin.'s, ord4r on lime petilîon of Alfrced O. Pb'dtpa,, 'f Oshàaufoi 'aîurizaiioa, iauuscb du tLe same Lsd ot beau prouenti on ih. firaI day cf the sesions lu complhmuci wyuL tLe requiremeuts efthîe sîstuto. Time Grandi Juryad true bilu n&b Tolloviag mnus f7eQa, a Edward Cracal-P Z9 Irgmtrou ontbie. X15hi Que rom. Occam Brow>maonandut ~I#jor Wallace, the Foieman, lidti h. for tLe Court the <lboving . mESEN£TXHliT 0F TES GRAND JURYT. T e Grand Juroriscf oui Soverei&u Lady the Qîecu piteseni; T t thie,' have mach pcsure lu gad-. ing a~ ligimi a caleadar ou Ibis occasion, thora eing, lu fact, noPrimsates iii goil for t"I' a scirnumatan. vbic bLu o happeud nethiis conet,' for the lut 12 yenrs, Siven Ladtheb. espet plisoliers bea p uaet for trial - lie culcudar vouiti subi hav beon ver,' ligLI, eooing com- niasively 'bat the Coeuni, of Ontario, vilh ite vent imhpovomoutsia nel tbebiati-but ratier ,)a -4vaaco-ia moral piegreas. Voutr and Jarors bave visitedth îe gaol sudditlnca sud ordoriy,,in Ibai 'rspct h'to be admiroti bat vLilo pa,'i g m )ui inibami i te . selenanti Lit uuietaztýtl coe,'nunt pus ovor tbm faci a gresi leant-oetcasieandi avenu'dia- cipline la disaeco.ibic îbsre, riz -b,' the Imlànoers bLýelD 3oved te voit outelde ot UîLe ga e!mianmabling lb..s te observe the venir pelis e o t oi isudiyard# vimci pur juêora fiati am net s fov.mý Your 'Juron thýieore contiema suchaa prsnticet, sud sîrougl, ouge îbat ithega i.. fAASAJboI.aer a tesping oJ s"treug Pl O thianks are due o M 3r. Roert OCampbsi,Of the firm ef Meurs. R.&hJ. ;Campbell, Wbo bas jast.rutumnoti (rom :Esrpepveroho lbas boise ahng ' 'chus o f PtU Isportatlous, for files of Dvi 'rus's ko-Mr Gerieadver- ie aii sus,,ihe reccipt of some boas quallilesdyo staffi. 'faê lvrutuitaire,6 fur coirmnauit tir. ool. eloielyalid Wei dose lime Ladies i The ,Neabville Umloa' sd Du oapctet-. laies thé folloviug lueidat i loemùn- stra"bteshlSeaîberu vwomeai ars Dot ouI> aIl righi, baltreati,' te vont à Au Ineidont 0'câeutre ice sttahîe Greebshîlot Wieo Saîphur Spîlsagi, Vii- gin1la, Iat i!lutrates thime dedoulspirit cf tb. Sontimoîn vomoa. Tise hliut uew- art belonging tte eImmense hl of et Le Springs, dresset hjnsseit fiormaltop te te., anti presesiteti imselt -ia tb, bali-tooutle dance mii tLe sumerouguefiss iere me- sembleti. Tho proprietor immeistcly ordoreti immnout, sud-tomatadetiwhat ascob conuat, mea. The flegme repiieti, h' meaul equalîx,', anti if Le vasnet ronoiveti lie b hll-resut, b. anti every othor servantlinbheesctablishment vouiti baive. The lady viisitora tLe circuisnuscoo, calloti ou the prapriitor sud tld hi. le diamis ovor,' servant in the bouse prompîly andi t'bey ivoulti serve linbeir places outil ha couiti procure etbers. He di mo, andth ie lties freim ever,' part o! tbe South ue- jonuini ai ibis justi,' popalar wateîiug loindry, dinimmO 0m, etc., snd filîca vlîb perfecî osaihaation evory positionountil thé.preptiâLetoe vet tei Cbhwlottsrilleanti procureti other servant@. These are un- embeliebeti (acte. Tcmprane. IXDEFZNDZUI ORDES c 0 e» TEJSPLASS. A public lecture vu tielivered ti athe Literai,' Hall. Brooblin, on Fridsy ev'g, Sept, 6amb,' 3CMr. S. T. Hammoud, Agent luf the 1. O. of 0. T. Society'. The chair vus ably 6usld b,' S. M. Thomas,,-Esq. At tLe clou. the lecturer receilvetaa p- plication te organize s tomple la connue. lion vith tLe aboy@ Qîder, vhiohliLe lis- mediatel,' atteudeti te. The following officcru vere elentcmd W.C.T.9 Lv. H. Doclibama; WNV.T., bis. Chue; W.S., Mr. John Shaw) W. Trou., Mie. Dackbam ; W.F.S., Mr. J. Johnson; W.T.G., Mima L Kelborn j W. Q.G., Mr. J. Hudson; W.3C., Mr. T. Wyaa; W.C;, 3Mr. N. Blie; WD.M., Mis 9~.Camplin iW.A.S.,bMiss S. 'J. Haiiidsy; P.W.C.T., Mr. J. Goldiboro; II.I.S, Miss Jane Goldebore; LH.S., U4ms Pheoba Keibota. SIl vi Il ho taovn as BrookiîlaTemple. Nigbi of Meeting, Fritia,. Temples have aise been orgaulseti by lthe agent reccnily a'tLe flloving plan.. $-Hampton, Mon. chester, Prince Albert, Oaltveod sud Rsg. Ian. Mr. Hamumoati vili lecture ai tbo folîoving places laibish!#couaîy, sud .iii bo prcpAre'l le insthînte Temples anti Bsntis, et Hope lu conactiota yuL time I. O. et G.T. if requeteti rRaglan, Frldsýy,Sept. Iî;Aahbu'n, Sept. lGîb j KIný%le, sept. 17tb; Whiievile, Sept. lSib; Dan. abrton, Sept., 19tîL; 'Petee', 'S«pt.20t:Lj1 Ebonezerl,- 3C. Cinrc, -Sept. 2lsi j Wbiiby toya, -Sept.,-24., oieiavi ho t&ko a àtisbece o! .aeh>meeting 'o dela,'exensa.[Cox.j 'ocuarret bn Salauds>, -Ai tLe nomnation ,li 'Zameuàoisit, l. t Costl,'r.pros.ed $ I U",to4 3Cr. CLpis li lbe ltParintî, 'an*" oî viie .aleagalu scaniidate.' li4csoe oof lb.'daisoe 4pa«rslho 'ie-'Certan parlaboa bati' aileti -te comi,'miiLetheus«Mont Iav, "dth ie' mi golli being leeral Ld d cg tLe eue, i veto legali'd (cors,, thmeA. agit an MfhI*'IuMI5UIVAWI flu,, U5IDA 'terlof var.- ht il reported ibal a marriage busbboom strangedti beu tehéb.Crowa Prince of 'Deumarit sth e Prince"s Royal of 15we. don. . i 1 The Spanlsb offcial deepatce of et 27ik siais ihat on@ ihoand insurgents in Catalionla baive tabou stivantage of îb. awaesty sud 'urrestiereti.,The test, of Spain lequiet. The Greek loan bu secd tan million drachme. 'The grester portion bu al. readyboom speut ia the purcbase of vo#' sols sud vwr munitions. Threo steamefrs voe boagbt lu:,Enïlasciasdti io other liongldada'are ordereti. The expedthi- o À byasiais< lato éon. sisi, of 2 regimeatl of tbe lime, aS regimenîs otnative irfaaîy Srgitents;of ladian cavalry and 2 batterIes of Royal artillory. The Vlooroy of Edypt bu basa roquesttd te furn1à lsim 6v. oussuti esmels for Iram". portatlon parposes. Napolooa speeches are roproseute to have bail s iraaqmilizing offset la London. la Paris, imQvover; his assurances ffoeonot oqualil appreciated. Thé greati roï vorks st Bîsenema, Soisth Wales, have, sioppod. Nine ihou. taudi poions are îirowu out of employ. ment. Latest Europeaa. THIREÂTENED WAR WITHI REGARD TO CRETE. Now York, Sept. b1.-The Tritnene'y Constantinople. deopabch aya: 6"Thi, Russian amlbassador agsiu demandedtheib cesoion of Crèt oie Greece sud the fuît equality of Chriatiaus snd Mahomm'edsas ia Turkey, Au nsawer lu required > vithia. -ten tiys, mimd. the, damnrti le dgladtjoj Ruaaib's altîiainm. St. Petersburg, Sept.,1.Ti Shah-ot Parois bua ccepted an invitation from -the Empaer Alexander 'o visit Rusais. Il la aucortain whoîimei the Shah viliioxtend bis viait beyoud Lb. Crimes, Preparatious for the journey are beiag madie ai -Te bernai Florence, Sept.; IO.-The utilement ibat Gea. Garibaldi visited, sud dined witm the Prosamuambuasdor vbil e be.j'a con- tra4icted. B3erlin, Sept. 10 <eveing)-TPhe secodd parîmamseut of the, cou(ederstioa of t'ho North Germas Statu moi haro to.day sud vas formsly opeet by King William of Piaulis npoison. West Whltbl Counail. Couneil met'pursuant to adjourument Ail the members prescrnt. eeve in the chair. * inutes of tbo 'laut meeting rand anti approvod. The Rer rend and laid upon the table n communication f rom tiro of ber Ma- jsysJustices o! the Pesce, ccrtifying to the killing of sheep by doge, bclonging to C. Blanchard, sîso s commuutnicslion from the reove of Emat Whitby.ý Mr. Dryden presentetiand raidlb.here- port of the co:mîtteo appointcd to report upon the probable exponesos f ibis cot- poraiîon for Iho prescrit yeux. Report recciveti. Mr. Dryden moyen, secondeti bybMr. Fisher, thut thla council do noir resolve icgolf mbt committico f the irbols'on the aferessitireport. Mr. IVillis lu Lhé chair. Comnmiîteo roue,, andi reporte'1 tho re- port witboul amentimente. Report re- cciveti ant iadopleti. 1Mlm. Dryden movreg, scconded by Mr, Willi.., that the r4ove be heroby auîhor!z. cd andi requircd t10 grat bis offler on lb. fte4surer, la faot oftIV, T. Gol4uebro, for $88,amount exponded by hlmn, ln re psiring bridge in Brooklin. 11 'On motion of Mr, Drydon, secondeti by Mr. vili , abiB vwas Ipasithmougb lie screrul.stages, snd pasepto10a sisiSlevy asnà iilléo e Omofsisef ousandthlrco huindredAnd tbrty dols;raon tlb soses- ibs~operty of t eiir T lnip of Wbitby, r otenralpup tc bortof. John Wmlla moraes, secondetiby J. V. Spe, ibat lbeo..#smsf- $20 bo expendeti on the aide jf, lin,btireôn, lots 20 and 21, Sr4_concessioin, and-,James Anderson andi Win. Glenny-ho commissioners te expenti Lb. aoee. vu very nauai1 noue, cisben .2 ir bora , u nso esapectable i& portion oethie thé tevna bofoio) thoy movoti round huto S;.pa Pater utreet anti coniamedth ieausm it L frontah liquatur. Sumali beys voe@nel amoug ihe mouaitctive, Il boins to' hib'b ae uanîeàtditauaary te'ssih pile g1is5 anti tbîow atones ai ubiny beavers yu li~ et lmpnnily, À bot roception va va wsrd tat te the ruffins by ibose iuuidthe bsbuilding.' of, Ou@. mon mimoffre ot dvu loer petlles fiusd vihb <ay, galatil on thme tiury anti .1 ativaacting lot, flooting aî;comple of! ius I as 'if $truckt by lighîningà Thmo gentlemaO vua spromninent mark for lime mobsud A mis volley of sharp, îhree.corueîed, macaam' albi izing atones Wv a burît iaihm, o0o .10' 0 dently îshiag erions offeot, un-be droppei 'lus vespogl, sud cisipin- -botb bauds lW bis baud staggorcd baùk frontathlim dowr, evi aiia imlet îoriumph rom the crôvd. on' Aral> vwas bore madle by tLe leversf' r *a orderp,wvio giaiyatîieilmeîv!,WI Fodrà s fnvmomentsAhiere vas. bot work, , anti mcm veut doms pbOintiaiiy ïha very directiou. We mev. oee &truck ithiba vooticu1 bar- c, cth lm ace, tLe 1>1ev loeiag inailyfoliovoti by'a spirit fblondi on Lis asaailianl' handa anti cei. NezI moment tise mssilaunt Limuelf vas Inoched ori clava by a atone tirvuby on.-of hie ovtm'6a1 pasîy. Mr. P1r'y vms on.cftiaedera cf the respecnt&b cuo e mnti dfougbhiims pali idov,î'ronddet aup nd su averely l brulseti. -Many veil lnowa clîluens vuru in ibis chargé, sAmd- bere bemnulves, B bravçly, scvcrmhy pulsbing.the nov r e-ah wmiii au axe-hsandle,,napiared fronta aflooreti I rpvdy,,autiwiti hviih b. hotid,,notable fo ý'v r b smbsp shmort reports., ft wicbanuy oee ccusto'mod le Street - rave lu the UniediStates saince recognizes ri for reove ork, voeé beard, some, if vwe miatake aut, piocoeding ( rom vithin th. la hall., Oue. man vu bit la timo log, anti91 folio vbilo 1anoîbor vho vas missei ai a! point bIaitringe 1611,aIs4,,uimiýmmiuîg i dedat. AÀgrill cf mme iveat> combat' suts tmamplei rutibleuuly upen hlm AS tlbey a' fougimi ibir vay dôva tLe Street, anti 4orely bruiseti, tbe preleudfd etiorpue arose t sud rau uway. On.etftii. cviUans, urmed - vili a revolver, fired three or four -îimca among th. crovd, viso breke sind -flid' lul disorder. The muet axaggerati runoras>i circulati smoag tle.noIersaus thcy rau baetiiy bsck, Cries oetfiihe militai> I. firiug oun U,mingleti viîh occusional unvage yeiia, cheers andtis. -luiulterC rouI anti disordor.îbey poureti bock- mbt Victoria Square, couI, a 1ev remniuing, hi aliboagi Lard preased, lan the vicialit,' cfW tLe Hall. to The DzÉiy simd Dauger ef the lint. fý Tho foilowing-, letter rom lihe pen of! uic pp Rer. De. Rogermon auppesmeti La the fGM'ôfr of a fevýdays mgo. hlm s abrief mcpi.y, r r' Limhe political tract rocently issued bty Dr.ti Rycreon the mnuwb se much delilghts te ban --la "iniîteruaiamile." S:a,ý-The Rer. Dr. Ryermon bnving la-. b sàaim~mpbIetmm "Tho Notr Oni'man Vü Domilin; Dmngrs anti Dutica ýof the Col People in rc.smd- te ibeir <lorernumentoi amn promptea b,' Jure motives div to ad- timess MY fcllow'-comntymeon on- the saine ubjeet.'ýI must admit mny obligations to il - D.-,'yýào fr mucm l1mst vil appest frein me, but upon exiimination il viii hi pl ver1v évident Ibat vo diflbr most coadazîlal. foi lyl n our iewov. -b'1i eiTIIATIONf, 7aiEBDOJi1 AXI) mzSPoNSrnrSi~ We occapy a ceuniry' on whlclz Divine Providience bas Isvbed ail tbe neotitul *B éléenêts, of evsalth'and l awta...it. - -2J Irick-cring Tcwîiship <JO&u Tise connehilefthe Cormômatioa ring moita in te rTovsn i, WL. Il proeunt. SMinutes.f' lsutding- rk the. Clerk Iaid-befetoi l-cou ýioules of 'Jiimîlces <rom Jaacu mames MzGea-b, Robert Miller Barry,- for oases unatainét by>-o 3Cre. Wciî presenteti apphicati 'atiâ Laren sud Chmaules W. for lthe office ef collecter. 1A by-law vas iniredaiceti, ru tune., sut pusset, -appohuting Lsîhin collecter efthe raies toi reut leur. On the motion et Mr. -Mimller mav -for lb. clouiag amp anti sale o giual.allovan. for roati btea îimd,17, l ime the i etaion, b. ibâird lime and"'pauet. -Mr. Weirm-moeao ibatheb.Reu aui aider on theoTreauior.inufan Baziei, for tLe Oum et $13, as ' liu toi mbeçp tilieti b,'dogu.o, -M. Miller move t latlthe R% miq aider on thme Treauret, te' th ug. parties, foi Jou5es estaineti = rn d ilin- tieir uimep, bGegufor 1h. aum ef $8; Miller, for the sam et$40 ; sud pnn,', for lie Oum ef $33, as Pei 'ertificite 'proue 1 id Ibis tay.-C î3Mr. Woir mores limai the - au. bt eider ou tac Troasuier, ln f W'illiam Porgusea, for theme-a0 for fuaielh ,Coffin, diggiug grave i sn aman (baud drovacti on the' front of ibis tovnimfp.-Carrw., On motion etf1Ur. Millet,a b7 Passed, rmpprepriertiag theasi mong frouath ih Mnielpatlties 'fand,, le cI rzehogl setious and Union sel gonga vifhia the tovwnship. Ur. Woir mores liai- théeBee labrulor on th. Trouaro, mn Willisam Seete, for th.-n'mseof. mdar timbet andi plamai, tairnlsWe milLeh rosà.s-CarrcliL - don. Ast il ehset&sio.- mes asti do. Etiva 01 'rV,1e For I UES

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