MI ",lt tb. pro. P, redtwlt dm, st1 ves, sud 10th to RU P kn ts lu ý.. frm r - e1 euperienee, sud 1pldg o rte- inb#the fInalmrnt fwhst tai, f hea rl at e nincawuuîethe clI us for Win# wil a117 tao bolé. bove «eninea e.1hFie- ut euOaiy25 .u 14e QVYl(E:2l uTi StE et, et o, I ,u griaI aaa . Paul sl he tiel eulo hre, o eh Wpýy th. liet Boutopnrisdletlou or nMte e ao oJoglRe l WI&Y trop soniopoint mai7 tu cobatîrot, Or purécha in à ar on Isho (Qtà rlo, Wboîv e lpints a, sn& fer the poroie.ofetlmprevlng lthe ai 1h. ti sougog River. Atbl, 108h Angasl, 1867. - 14 iano aForten a. OS'ANL Y P. BURIHAR b. Io h# roe to.glnelnutrauoon the -Am IIN - NC , $mm#s R.N.'%Lvm ort iope. (ceheutc.- itermi spply te Ur. Ruiner, er at the J Motel. ýby, Ang.Itbt-180. RN. L. AKS -OFFMEAT T'RuE rAL OTEL, t.WITY. S.WATMKS begs tolnferm bit Monds iUd thé piblia, 1h11h. ha'rocntly cZ su t fasi .-abovo e bl, end hep..W S'elattention 10 biq profmsiou, 10 engage ne of the publie ceaMeanao. r Ait work i4rtnt.d. ailles slted A d i pnI osidoume. -TRI JANILY oOt &Shoe V10UOt i lageiouG uesvorwun, "De :terminus of 1h. porb Bope, lndusysd verton xRalw*y. NO0 MONEY REQUIRED- Fgr hé frsttwolop, 1h. amouuit of tout, 10W i b et) obexponded on iajlrove-' monts. Would W e zobsngad foraltabui ViDage prp'ylu Oiaa Apply 1tt c. . KELLER, goiiotor, Canuningf -or F KELLER, (f byletter pii.pail.)* Ool.d Lands! AflSo nRIESARIS liqMEE ONTARIO KINIGOON'Y. à pply tb. Wbuîby, mal 0, 1807. le iJohh Keît.h. pess t0 tréot ho"rsa udettIl*, ,o.otdg te lbo.umt spprovod vTehlasr7prinolplest,'a Her omieaîy doue, snd -ou the boit, knos uitio prlnolpies. Ail hinds of Blaokraith's sud peeai -Or.cou At tuh. ed tand. 1013N KBITIff $JlbJn rd, -1867.., --.1 lr2 Boiler for Sale. Applil t1he Whitir» Teadiyortoo, JA.. LGAW, Eeq. L0 1ioVSt11 r it uderslgueod b« 10o ano Iît tbaR. Tj 'V, ing arnod 1h. oterost -of Mi-. RAT ala tie Witbv Liiro .table., sud hivlng à juge i*additions IM lna orUessd vb- bils h ire now prepired 10 sUPpli a11 trsfrie in aus .nprior mannor, sud tb moe t 1e puulo rejnremet premptly la *t'1COUVLTJ!ÂRD à AESTRBONG. Whbby, June 12ý 1867. Ooo. Ayers. lmtby, 19, 1857. 14 B)ET N CHEAVE&pwsoatgel ioed Business Ednqutîij asattho sud Stratton Bulnées ColleefltedW AtBuf- falo, Thiis Io th. mon nmzà r. »morgsnizod bain... sehel lu oxitouoe, In oenseqnanoo 0of the domb ll f M. H. 3D. Satuon, the llrylansd 1 v..uuu.w4m aued 1h.~ o grDIr.I Cllae >0K cf I holeîl Co# 0 o. sdlonTaisning ALSO- 'Riit veillt niown FAYM, Norh S? FOURIU C-Po, wm±By;, About 65 acres "ré ad unadir ulltloiio. Thom r ietwe, geod 1oBATns, emmii. Or- ohïrd;, fvlts, id etsadn 3,s for f.nclng, ounithepromises. T24RMSma", knowu, ou ipplîctilon 1, ]DARWIN H"NT, or to rie FAiRDAIÇKS, J.1 Insurauo sud Général Agent, Whltby. Whitby, April 2nd, 187.ý 14i À CERTAIN CM R O TiONS OF TEE SEIN. READ 'RER 3OLLOWIXG. Paseir, . W., 186,. ibaveby oeu1lfY'thab my& son hid a <srfai soeleO mach $e thât te lis ot aio99, snd laid thée bona qulte bar.., loommoI1Sd usi DoueliurPl, süd lu £ shottlime il car: hlm .oomplel4y. I strovgly roommeud I1110 aUautrlifO oupin ttho skin, as 1 be enif proved l ases. IRAIICISOWENB, E MA-roi, - imorow.W., 186é. TbielI o îyt h it utMi Iupsetsa ketti. -of bolig tor on my arma, bioh took th ish oet, lâsiing 1h. boue 'aimfst baro. I saffored the mout siemornting reins for thue. wooe. lîhon sppllod 1Donuelly'& Planter, it at onosC c.dme lua avery hort lin. e. Soid br JAN 98 E. GER1E,ý sud J AME SYRNE, Draggit, Wbtby; WT. ATKM SON, sud MARK ROWBINSON, O&sirssud 41ysll;DI!nggiats luth. ,onty. jane 5th, 1847. 1200s-M2 Lan d- ioýrSale X suaa sd sliotheru.vuhlig îýoparohmie Bu.Iiding Lois. 'Rh. felon.lulls eote, viii b. iold low for oea, orAlta r Vunutnon lime, vis. Lo t h Cou. banro00 Aâres. Lot 16 11h dg mulmoer 2600dé 1419 Ith " T«ooenle 100 6" w ~ 7 $rd , de 100 id Lot 7t1h' Belment fa0go Lt1i, 11h Uxbuldgo, 200 d 11< 9,ST "Reioh, 100 64 Ù'Y.14, dé "Emiiy, 80 Ji L t ,1h "Vornimsea80 Let 17,front "someî,illo, Lot 22, do, do, S3<7 101, " OWunlia, 100 * Lo 4 Oh do, M0 14bt6, th " do, 2M Lots, 121h do, 200" lot 9, lth " do, 200" Lâot it1.1h " do, 2M Lo9i l 11h " do, £00" IEzu vT, e2aIl Whitby, 60" Saveri naloabla builfing lts, for busirems and privste ro*Uoeueaino,aTO RevofetLnd hirfo io pplyto ROBT. B. FERRY. 'Whitby 1WbltbyMaroèh, 165. 1à :Waggon :Sho 0p r.nw-.v b order, ail kussds CA rit Dundas loi SPIEC,.lAL Muiiiery and aw G004, 'A-'fuli Stock of Choice Gýrog ware, Boots and Sloes" Farmers produce taken in GOODS, CORNER OF KING &SIMOE iSto., OSHIA.à b Osbaws, jaIy 101h, 1867î, w ,ý ,Watehes &J'ewel-r GE T TIIE BEST. HE subariber begs to announce that hle liasjust receîveda T well Selected msortmeDt of uew 4(0ods, consistoz of- Oo1,d and. S«i1ve r'Watohes, Jet ait (*014 Bar ieing 614 sd-OxuIrGuarde, Fiuger IRings, roobe,1o Pluse PeneU CCassThlusbli,LoOIoetop Cbsrnus, k..4& due us.otmetoi, Freuoeh and Amoîlma Cloctite, Nrsaum igigar JEldeis, Bilai B.d Mud other Pipeusteel. peclules Repairs of ail kinda., (OU- Please note the address, OSIIÂA, mA!1867 IIALL'S CARLIIAGE WRKS 163Kig-West, Toronto.1 od Heavy (.,ôl*B, atI 21, cents per yard.£ Be Cttonat $1,75, net CashAin hever tof Prints, at. l8cts per yard. X Selling o ance of Dress Goods, at cost. ÂL ASSOMTMENT OF a.nuy-Groeeres,~ -AND BOOTS & SEIOES ALWÂYS ON HÂAND.' The higheýýt.cB price paid ,for Farmerà ' Produce. M.H. COCITRNR AMUL HRTO J'0 V2C0SS0R 20 JÀY.ES BAIN £é Bo &SIOEM R, Alarge variety.of Oarriagesou baud. il sfkbishmentt ,? hsaiIities for n t i4 enable themt o defy compitition, 'oit finish <11and soe for ouraeZtuei. AiI RbJIwed Pr. Hiarde newm exehange foi' AI, Jrokeil1 [yofYeh T.IL OSBÂWA. The Of S.L LSBLOCK, ÉBROC SAMUEL 3137 1, 1807. 14 le TIYAn the