Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1867, p. 4

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(lot. 9th, 1th, Z. DUENHÂX, Iveu tuat appli4mtion be Lgejroi»"' c f the. r te .alsethvu O*slon. ieef o ory 1 lIts (Pt the. owli o f Ontario. O ,.K: i c Si (if b, OoI[d La nds!-1 Fi 01 ale the, nndlvldod on. fomrth of lot F No. 15, l heâs cnuio fMao ALSO PIVE BHÂRK5 IN TME ONTARIO XUime GOXNY. * Appli te. voL E , 'K *John Keiths. i tand, whire he ,ill be feuzid ilwayi ln readi1- Co. " tetreat herffl and catthe, acecrdiîîg to tho mtoa.pproveti veteuinat>'.pulneile., ai mIore-being cmrdai!> deni, sud on the £fAl ilé li tBhsimidtbia d geneald wovr Colla4t theod stand. rte Wlîltby, .tune Srcl.1867., lyr-22 noBoiler for SaIel. nprovwug the- %4sU r t the Apply at tbe 'Whtb3 Veidry, or te, JR..LOA oEq. 'J'L ÏVE R YIl T lIE undefol ued ber te annouancethat bai. JLýlngpnrobîaoed tljo lutercstelr. ÂT la i.leMtby Llve ', tablei and haig matiô larae'âddLlon* theoto l in rci and - lilo., tlley are noir propared te upplxil1 ordera for livery la#u snprlor manne?, 1d te wnitho -ulia roqulrem.int* pronptly.h ovrya*ot COTJLTJTARD &AEST 1IONG. _Whltby, Juno 12, 1807. CeoeAy ers. GENERAL BLAOKSMITB, AND FIIWT-flÎZE HORSE-SHOER, DVNDA&OS STIET. Whitbi, loi 1887. ly-24 ]BEST AN D GIKAPEIT plae. te o and stratten Enslni Colege, locaUsd atzBol. 1 bereby ccrt11y that my bon hâd a era sorslse ma-eh nDIOi o thât the Ieftell fgo, f, en told the. bene quite haro. 1 commonoednsing Dbnelly'e Pfatev sund lnaàahort timeit dure hlm oompletely. f[ trorgly recomnid t te si uftering fiemternptlouut thie oin, .< m Iproveil la a$1osmes. JBÂIICIS OWENS, Pzero,-0. W., 1866. Ti cst ertlfy thit laitMl pit kettle of bdlng tor on niy aTm, whlob -took the foih ofr, IeaviDg tht boue simot bite. 1 auffercd tle .mo#a emrttlue p'ains for threo weeku. 1t B pn plied 1Dnneiy' 'buter', t ntononS crie me [na very ..hort tie. CAiTAIN ATKINS. Sold b>' JANES B. GZBBIEi,and'JA'0E8 BYRNE, Drngiti, Wbltby; W. T. ATRIN SON, and MARK ROBINSON, ýO»bWà, sud b>' 811 Drggitsinlathe ount'., Jone th, 1887. Land For Sale, rTPO PASER,'IUNI l t1c11- J. ati aud, ail Othera WlikhIPg tepurcbase, -ek-1 , ý I Building, Lotie' Tii Iolowlnglii o Loa, ii be sold le, forcah, o ai afairValu tionlm., rIZ. LVt e th C0n. Mars, 200 A ores. Lot lb, 7th IlMulmer 200 W34 7t, >tIl "Tonorontie1-à 0 " W7, $rd " do 100 Lot 7, 721 Belmont 200" Lot 11, 7th " ilbritige, .200 31i9, $rd "Ieo, 100" 0 14, 8 > Eh1 5 0 l Ù'Sh L Vunm 8 lot 17, front S omorvllfo, Lot 22, dot*" do, OU 7 lOtI, "semorzle, 100 Lot& th --do, -200" 6Lth 61, " do, UOo66 Lot , l2th " do, 200" Lot 8,I th " do, 200" lot 11, Ith "do, 200 Lot11,Gtl " do, 200 NE~ 7, n&"Whltby, .50" Beveral vhuabletbulnIob, for biiili iii auli ~ ~ l oivt elsaeI l Towna cf lnd- iS udiIbJ:b7ltion apPlyte ROBT. B., FERRY., Whltb>', marcb, !s88.,Wh1tb MýqiwW'4c Ami1 Aaie AIS Farmers produce taken.in exehange for GOODSI 8:r The, higbest cash piice paid for WooI. --CORNER 0P KING & SIMCOE Sts., OSHAW.ý. Oâhawa, July lOtLh, 1807. 2 Watehes &Jewelry, GET' THEI2BEýST - r HE subseniber begs to aunnoune that lie lias just réceived a' T eI eleoted aaaortment of ilew (Ùoods, consisting o-ý ÇoId -and, Sil1ver, Watohes, Jet audGel tMaiRlingo, Gold sud- Siver Guardsqa, Fner IEagsa, roolies, Scart Pins, Pendcli Cases, Thimbleug, Lociteto!, Chirnu, &*ce 4 lime aaiortmeiat cf French aad Amortcan Clocksa, Jeerachauma Cigar «eiders, Briai «ooea, and other Pipe@, steel spectacles. *Repairs of ail kindé. OSIAW, MAY 1807 oc'Please note the address, J. -P. JOHnNSTON,' tÏf.20 IIALL'S CAlIRIAGE -WOR KS, I A ,613 Ki ng - 63$t I~n4West, Toronto; yof Carnages ou haud. The ant, possess faiities for' nianu itodefy compitition, either î 8e for ilour8elvoe. - J VU A~rds, leavy Prints.at 12je. wortlî 1ge, I -1 Faney de. 16e. wou&hi 20c. et ."44 180,. wort.h 23" Fancy ]Dres Delaincs, nt 20e. worth 25c. 66 - 12le. worth 18c. 44 Muashne at20c. -wortlî 27c, yards 3Mixed Alpacesa a 20e. Worth 25c. yards hoavy Gamberoons 23e. Worth 374c. r.0, Hosior>', Fancy Dress Goods, Parasolor raw GOOdo, at cet. STRECEIVD-Two tons inest pro. TGARS froin tho manuinéturelq, cqn- cefined- No. 2j, Nô. 3, and No. 3j, ed Broken Loaf, and Ground. .Alâo a aplof Fresh Groc eries. Termi; cash. H-M'-9MILLAN & Co.- FA AQ U H A RS O'N' .- A ,,SPLENDID DRESS G Embracing-Mohairs and MusIind, Sha &oat cost. Cheap Factory Ctos Clothe, fr gentimn'Sm'r wear. The1 ëCrocery E Embracewa choiee assortment of' New, fees,, &c., &c, CHEAP FOR CASH.- Farmers produce taken in exehang0' JOHN Silver at par, Four- per cent off foi A,' 7 I LOT 0F op Skirtsi ,and finej à oe t

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