Whitby Chronicle, 17 Oct 1867, p. 1

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a ABPW~ *1 - e.,. Inein jtU4#yýfor thoccon )51oollByre -at., Wlimtby.*- P,ê . IL ol.~ ', &TfIDUliByAT LAW, Ohaauory, &o. Wlmtb C. W. Bmlliig, 1Brook St. WIiltbyi -AT-LAW ANI) SOLICITO>R X. GoaPN r Loe%.aàhPowvoRR'aStor.% ROTA1ityPUBLmICho. &o., W; tueiltlmmice., 5. 'EU> liii Law Offili tW Oitario * UN"<Jo. ~aer ofo the ATTOUN Ey AT LAW, 65OIlTOE IN He J. MACDOT<ELL. J>soilitor CîCouou Uîmmrl, Notary J. KAMIJGIlENWOI> Ar"..rBNLeY-ATrlAW, SOLmICITOR IN bïw0t4iery, Noti rit 10 blouevoyance.r. &a. Whltb f. W. Ucous, li~tictoria B10ok atoMuiajt>'Q1co. on (* tront. 49 -, *AXES LAM(*# ATTORNEY. TLAW, SOLICITOX11INl D4ttdan Stroot. Tlirco d00.16Wett of CtClOHRANEk& COCHRtANIS. BAiuisTEm%* -.41 019NEYS, C014V£Y- B amtiti aui ýt&r#Public, ho., j&0, Parria uaa:Oivi-OpuloTownî I~'ev PaavOnmc-Blolo'meBok. L l umausL.. h.,1 W. M. couox. Prt t'orry, 26th Demenbr, IÏÏS. si mn. C.A. JONES, Daqiatot; Sel~ititr lu Chauceiry, Atm OFFICE,-Noat door to th* oïogitry beeel WIiby. 41 y gr t4, r Ano. da. J.e.-YAItJWELL, L Le D., u;. NOGE, Do A.; Attorîmoy.at Law. olotrle.liacrComs- &0aeorh. <ffe- #meotret, Nortis- 6 thd ilot t 1ileoi mulawa,u. W. , 40> ]LYMAN ENG4LISII, L L Il., pA9~t11 ERAT£ LAW, SoRRiotor lu (Uh- gary, iouveaeii, i., &0. .40 JouJBLLLIII(Jl Tr AW,011àiACzilRh OVEAàç * ,p. Oilco, Princeo Albort,'t*ol dmoora wo'tof (J F .e ormtiý a toro. 1 . o jeGUNN, M.De U1ttJ9ON TO tIIE COUN1'Y Ã"(AOL .W.FJiJIUEB, M. ic. BEOUGBIAU. rVro c 110 Q a.I'n'u .hd 10 EIO~tNTM 2e BR OCK Ti.kT< TOWNCLI~CsRLtELL'II ATJUNUOI* àmE BOSWELLi rgaSTUM,<Ki igtreet, àOdooraLauteof -AEVCII1ALUDA1E LARXiCiAtg VILLAGEC, O. W., OFFICIAL JLAngligeo fur Xurk sud Oûiarlo, Notai-y nAILII? SIZTUIVISION 13bVRT.- - 1 LOBEIL AUTII4IJIS.Addroa- gisverto». 40-1>' A. 'T0»Ky AT LAW, SOLICITUR IN Bï mnoe o MOC .,& op t "g btc. kam, Cl.rk<of Ceomit>'Coutrt. s O'PposIte nSa otl. 4 4nco 11% sr. xeP2 pensio -ororthe ceeus>' or! 9imerio, Couva>'. comsLuin uesi4oc.u'aBc, &0.. UXI~IEl BOUSE. u2x 4.E. 6 ý i l Ci VAISAOP, 4ü daUMDAfoatagulir, fowsamrnmx. ' -u iV IS I . AMER ELACK,Y B. PL NX ropîeto. Whl'ttisn, otid'o'tby ui dlly aoii to guetta. £mrfel liaitgLlln Atoantait, aIân'd and Gencral Agent,, AND NUTAEY PÈUBLIC. CoRILLIAM* 01Offco Rn Peter etrot, ouîo door torth of Mr. fflaveim'a Drug diore.> WIRid wîd liu'prnoved Fesrma inta'du~utioa of Uti. iid iince eor amie, N. B. Cul4otiona attetxod to ný -IEfERENCE8 ionol . .L. lieu. Otror, t.l C., iort . J L, C., . . Utiro. or:rmwrt,. Alotu morrRnoiBM .P,1.Dmaud P., olin tissu erry, EeJ, imt y ; mmmmd cdl- tero Barrie oinr, là mdana W, Llsdaay, and Wiitboy CIIJWewCLZ.7>y PINGLÈ'S ROTIËfjL.: (LATJi WOU.>N't,) .KING ST1RET.OSHA W.A.ý JAIRES PINGLE, GLOBE ROrl'Lý; T 'ligt:P:on d by tih. aubacribor, wiero ho wlul ab. iô'tnd ton lbaud roady tu attend paroiqlj t3 the, wamitaof ita ,gucus, &C. The. proiniaem have boeau Oosveuseutly And eommortably itoed ep;1 paRtid,îapred, o. wltRm eoistorttu faoftwa or to wm1ai1,asud ovory modpru tmprovenommt toezmaiccthe 1!fravlleT % 1-y,êpplied aril tRluce,. Notice to Farmers and Others Ry Â'ooF, by gaRbai or barreR; MNgm.m' GaleRvit, ddo. 40,jlmmplerum Kx&rm1 tltfied Wblko-9 ?/tlùibéat Port, tUhorry amil for SIle amek, with di lugt oi LI-u'r'itsi Vg;»utimethé etbrgmndm A. ALEXANDER. BrooRlin, Jait.ettlm, 1 sas, WTRIO UOTEL. WItITB V. 0. DAWES - - - PROPRTETOR. d$erlor aooninodaitlona. Catroful atten- tion to erou;treffigutie of traelorsanmud " oitotblng andd led-rooh,, aîîd rcadly4 Olt M 4waswthi Oei. - î VitTORA lrouii, ibbsi-aREE, wurTey. JOUX <SPURI(ILL ....Proprito-. liRE siba ribor déuira toleîfoi i o,m huaîay T frienda thtR ei o w lA ýig othe. monté. A Wellmeîppled tta le. tloi'mtabllng ai tiolomod yard. SUEL. TRI ~ ROBSON USE,É DUNDAI S TJ[EEzlroIIITBt,b* 112 a ublb.r byâ $0 annofnco that Il TL0 -tlooe&the o~iloofornbiy ugo sedr, ;;rflaloio walmtl liaifd t roiovat. ed rakrËlilasià ft'q hl thougîmont, lu thobeoft j TêlâhIoaor p aaantiy sismtf PlOU th&w---ornie,, andin the Tbhosilwayunibus caRia at the Hotaî,anî te attagae for Uxbridgo msud Bavrton lbave BROIIS HOTEL., (LA'T 0RD4R E, orîginaR priée, fIWrlte' ASudem4 veOM,ibUs>'thb.yr 1a"Parme p(t'e11ac lenbgtir.yî or.0 Npllaaud u wemsm mroliart, Ilo:eamu ý*i. enea t tl~smwihi n ce bn4t or_-. n,. r"ris,'r4ành;, - or vilt, ]net;,.andniny a Whmêluhi li jim (Wo.u>fà 'q'mth hJiu n nver rff. Us4wt- te4oJ 1 p gJ5 t1mê>i l areal> «ar In, ma fq Wlsrîotu.. w A ae imade.b The Aume U an Wtsitis 6emde b uooolfo ru pirt O iâ t ty msuoL -iomottw 411».'-à Sbamr ep.m!atili;. r1O1 ierocpti of Ithe W laserWa-.theý tO0 thte teei, ,o eher,' lie old sud tlio prukcloMmh tout W the Plotohiof, the W*tahf uam cir4-.On unii - one ro0f, asud n4d4rojiell -and Moutcît dirootlon. )lut tIji grat d tlaguiglmlngf uturo o! Ihoir yWitshesa,à.lit tiiac it tlm r rêbverliaI-rt, areasl ua4oby le fstu4tio M pýor!eoa nd dellecatuméoîmim r1 eli- broum t ta ib iRd o! lhunud ftudo-gt t. ' -one thxn ore tbhau-1 a liumdrd Pa cfoaryIr acIta mdby ai inaciiî-,timat ntalhhby iropi 0c" verm oý cedlngpart thetise iat au 1Rf«eor It Wasou' lyUI oary to ý ancPefect wstcoi ci o partioular stylesud t 'iheuS adjummthe Ru ed minles ne ai-yeWI-e- jiréoé .ove ,is <o!thînt. vatoh am i Rt loi ove tRâ iaS ve amfedIngîaeeh uit ho bRu. R. f an -ofn#»Y.Amorio a Waltbîmn Wa onb a h et or lJnùi-d, ta owmer bu-oml-o a mai tRio Conîpan>', atlng timoe mmber o iVLasdtofp1. v anted, vctiheor t be ring, ,îfiloni, jewei, or whi nmetrmdby re Ti-n i le wauld i4 avo the donlred article w mRoh mmxywSMaOinkow nid- d1u&te tm P1ilfou. C0Wo 1.Yrt h. -Y b iau l; A4Mbce4e -RnPV oIing popmlar prjn awlimn the its, i i aaroLupai wmtimcand ioRlitastbd, puait xaminationasimd - inta rial foi- tioir macatureîalewbere. Tie cdaim tole ah , Abette>', r eýpre jg 31 by thc-r lm2roi' tnchanlcsi piosoa a titan coa bu immtie nul Cime old.!iiahiaae it erist-îlatens. 1ii nanfaeîuro w cimes of ovri-y grade, Iront 'goodhowp> ed, amud auibtatiîtli ai-io, îlaoiùailver utiing caml",,eapeclalhy smdP il ta Uic *ai of tRio farmer asimd unsb.ruitue, WtImf flant crono. miier Ici- ,,ho ivlet 1mIuid AI0 oJdR", vachc, u Wmmm olior Io Site enab eled andIawoeRl,ýsa; but tii Indianiable i-e- qulit.etf#1üalsir vatcehmas te le bl b. -0012!> T1M£KEiChEill I aimonIid ho rmemnîbemed ticat, ceemt ticr Rugie iuwaî gradle mamemdIlflomîmo1Watoh pmiJIyfu ton," 4LL WATCU*S madie btîmem Aire ffbily Warra b smmpeli criftmao gvc MIt, plîjcPaaso e0 aeoiywmtehi by thimc.lier, titi t a varran. toc lei. «yod et. ail imes agni t the. ' pauy or lia mgit%. - IOBDlIN.S APPP ON, 182 lino DWAT, riz o .OIE RBIShAPi'LEro dICo0" 1&0 WASUtîl&mmoir, B 14oard, £EEAL Ar0vi DO RT ILKEB, Tro uvO &di7NtEL, 10'AGENT ]foxi CANADA. CROCJ(ýEl S- MOTElit <LATE btLATT'Se) NE LSON ST. TORONTO, Kt)riRtfl F KING ST. BABSETT & KEEBLE, - Puoraugraona. L'IF. popietarai-esh,>ecmnll, Amaaunoo la Ltol i-tidst, tt ade.tcîîmce, unwell no, neor liome, lime Ra>' ia-etakor. tha acbayt premnîac wRîmcbm are ln et-i-yreipu-ot conv.4mmbeiitîv aliâ commforae'ly fittcd np torai-cmaccommmimltioii a!gucati d thie tiavoll mg publie. The>' vili be round Ini comblanit p arsenal mtteidemce, end -arRîl loue nothimg uuîdane on thel: purt,to tii-o ontitaactlau Su air viommi>' lver timoîiilthm a CaRi., se MONEY PO bAN. IlON ES te boasaan good Forma, at elght .J.par cent imîercat. LYbIAN ENGLISII; ileridltûr, UCalmava. C)haaNv. 28. 186#1.4 VErFTEiR RY GEON. os 0G llitrsam t, atimatto t h. B> lnli ïboi#t; nt rt *a uiomih oauîtry, sitÏois dpi-eticlm tien ta 1ess C, moit sai efpublic 1e.-Mam iut è0S, seond lieus ehaw glIs'a liotel, blarkhum. 82 -->IIAC-rICAl Dentlit, Oshawar egpDontu> Itooma),dlrocth> oppo.- 5oco.UCt. t ird Jdofi-nitb Of tb. Ontai-R EtFE0s AÂG1IT jarc, sîmo Agent for hooldentC amd llait urd tIsuisam osa. I17 DR. 1PEIAKE. WHITBY. BEEEMENCES 'Du. Jtmauuminby, Du, Tboucu, I>~. >fiuUUa DE, Aihuas, (for Sm-gsiy.) g~b' y à Sonmae Byron Sti-cot. Wité ak-Lumnber!' Capitaý ,_d4O,ýoôo., '.Agent for the. abovo - Ceuaur, fi aoô ffiJr; Appi>' ço, don toj0ý tPIS lt o old eitbe ihdudta m ly voiR. rn h th Iiîie Rilty ftite ik' iy f h aital tug'o~mi'aun a.Wks almêget mm~or abot whÃœ4,lt. eJipniem o SMutul Isa Fi-imeroë, al tie oirittif utryhooptl mueou pe rc, aud~~,prNîumnes r[i-ti.n WtmYIZFna 20, et10117, 8mi02 7T1Ir kle-lony litno '!lV orûnasdmm J.'i prpierti a aop lIkcX, amiitr BDtOMug, ndtR-T e otemimCotry oSe B~uidingamd RBrook Street, w aîbrgtm ROmnpsmmyltz. la- cva eprnmm oe asU Hloyauhis.0fan' oIp1ANamatlsMutalin A. iciARSO, i. 1FAiEB nK8, J. . Tnzu, Lg . iiaiz. BÂxam-zt-lhe Rtoyal timnsdlian B.,nk. -¶Ahltby, JuRy Oth,107. 27 Fire Insur'ance Co"y OF ILONDON? 180.8. capital, £l,945,OO, Sterling. Fundie InVet.J ia lnad-15O TrNBURAWNC! Against loseiq' proeiclc*wà X. oie tIhe pimmmt W'avumbRe toi-na.AI baissa0 pmld wltllo'it referome to thie I;oard lunLm"damm. RINTOUL. 131UTUZIS, 11ontreal, Gonorsl Agonts for Canamda, JOHNE AGNET, Wuturs. o4gnt for IWhlthy, UahàýÏÏ lloiwmanvlbe, nd gourroatidlig counîtry. Snmo-26 THE LIVERPOOL AND. LONDON INSTJRANOECMT'Y FandaX ............ .. 21,7 Iulvoatt flu Cimada' ..::...... -- ,00~. D-41 L* Pro n lM*I a , e4'nl o.... î1t,000. 8fijq!6relodraperaoualty roîiicuilbic fa, en. gagementa of the, Company. 1WMR lDireotora. muai b. Obareholders. poit>' ut eurrentrmstua. AM!ISSAt apoclali>' raducea 0. LUE DEPAETNENT PItÂTUBES. er in 1ixdefem obi the Couty.P li Uty"#r, -. Ti-ld Mlha'a lckDeareyv - oha foi,' o! tint ,Mot v mro h #go, b.eorielippu t weluie sit »eit a i fuyEdeit of vernuoniicliptm'*-tiierm bout'tii-ce wieks aitr, j 1 iun ion otoi'ordd chesu mia.Illpeud Ste iiotlin L s.fo pouRi gor dtpplnias! co gdri iCtI""f I S ld 1shob -Aes ah0mes, ai A5 8cent box vIli dean 21) Ssoop i1mP CROOKERM -PrËOptor. T ,mtbecrbobgi tW Ruforan lei nmny, Apatrons and culatomnora tbmmt lic lias toison tli<ab iembtonie mlopro miaos', vltci b. lia ne ]y l' trulphhedind flted*tmp, lu tlimot thorongli sund aifo-tmmiJemanoier sud whoro- ho jiapca , te oue" f lliiieî mmf bic :ta -givo gi-ester ati'matiomî 'ta bla iisti, anti ie botter enabled ta mpai tho r.- quiromnena of this travelRtag eomuuity. JTAMES (RBOCKERt. Alion hotel, Emitimimikot Squaire, Septemker tR,16. 5 6 TEETRI EXTRACTJID WITHO UT PAIN, . BY THE U$EOF OR THIE NE* LOOÂ4L AMN2STHETIo,' IW. AT DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDÂS STREET, , IIITIY, C. W. ïôOOMt-Over M. Il. Coohripe'a Store. 53htu' une 26, 1867. . 95 For Sale, TOWHINSHI1Ï of PICKERING A tii-at-i-nus Millipiiviloge, Franme dwolRRng simd Bai-n;'ITho lot compisles alua a qmsntlty et valnable Codai-. W- TEIRIS O E AE.. For terni, &c., appi>' ta, Lotit 4h DAVID BOYER, on mkrg, lBroughiamtP. O. Sopteinhel 10 1861. *318m oe-so DIRECT FEOXE THE 1MPfLRTERS1! TEA 1 TEA M TEA 11 iltaR St, M'rtreai, liavii-R ut ; parti at Da-< Usi> of Green antI Bistok TMu, bc~ ta caRl th oatte nca cf sI,. Iaida, i oteR P ro- ilstine aud arg ittabil hi o eorIli>'ta thie ii hRat f pr ea iycr !Iemt m lioxal .os'awlRî0va njqnoy b>' ttmagIt di- rect tioagh tîmerImn ,rte Ail aidera ftr -2 b. boxoes and nPwalrdA emmi-mgo fi-eta un>' ltilva> tStation ln C anode. Bttu living *bs-yond Rmimway Stmatiaoms viRI JIaoadmpont it ho arder, ar enalamo notes. r~csrmgewlR ho raid ta tRhe nerutgtatiott wjmoro thoraoare expreps officci. Tes yul ho forvartsitmncdjntoby ami 1eçipt o!ticheord-ri b>' mailR ontaimg oue>'; or tki. mono>' can bo collectes! ou dilbver>' by expreai unî. Cah cohleue-filRuMoimireail frc o ofchai-go, and Ton forwmi-medJa1r-tRie *âme, Notiinge.atan2 Rh boxes mold. Original gsBale not Mentloa.d lua tdvort-tlaoit con b. lmad equîR iti ai!. lic oppaeai.doteiniý,ned t ko tanil ta the ]Monu'oaR markqt, m-ocr>' article usma tireoiu odepeuded on as w quebit>' S!ewoglmt.ý Conm 'BJLAüjL TEA omsî Coagou,_eki-op.nLes!, Straugé vxeletol1,oro do d0 7& V'er...... 'u076 *> GBE-M TEA& ,,r Tvaunkay; oemmon. ,,. ... ......... 8089.r Fine do...,................ 0 bô ............. lin fuéiyt~mc~i,, i c Wou&, Ut5 $11e ÃŽoveu ýik ee hast ef ail. - orever>' tqno a velcome apoke, Wiiqp thon vert druwiug nigi; Amd imnihea 11k. imtrroi-ed anuboànamalion. Wha o, od ithec beat ao ail 11c!r iomplo Wvos&mance avoot,- Aftealon!contrai e t As t et-asuen. Lové 4o hio ia gqmge -t Snicac The power t hlds Rn- tiil; - TRio 1 arit gavetokeà mai-e tiuee, Set, wlth n le tiy lt W loa Or w a l. n L v o s ef m l ler lhert , that aee lc vth tender"em, 04ew Mute with il$ laooet pain; If iclanpe M-lth «lance roaponaivo met, Vske oumnboanm In thefMlR, Her lida droopodlw, and rot-ne yot, God smooth tho patli tiy foot $hall tresa, wky IWtb love, vion aho la doa4', Toâ ro aleliz $yo),,It mla çeU i@ i cied, Wh oi nie bost aofil. six Love Ltoa 'Are tbete mny nmors ci thie . ltters When beïr lther aaked this question, i an aulful, tons, Licilia Ruihmuond could no't gay 'No,' and diared bot aay &Yen,' bât as an int'ermediate comrae bum*t Iito1ears, and sobbed belm1u4 ber handkercblat 'Bring them ta sila,'oad ber fa-' Jbç,as if oh. bad anaWe'td h, a in- d.efd, ah. t»d i-ul -1ir~trçmlo and .woçeping, arose ta ebey-'him. Thon Mr& Richmond, >bcrigite'à verY Self grown older, came labidler- busbsnd's chair and paçted hlmù on the shoulder. . iPleasa. i't h A b *4 kh ber, my dear, Ï4 'adcezngly, ',à anias young mon, and it ta our fauit after all as, mach as bers, and 3012 won% breal; ber young heart 1. sure.'-.-f' 11 6Perbapa yoii approved of the wbole affair, ma'ii,' aaid Mr. -Rchmond,- IL- no-that la, 1 only'-gaspe the lit- dle woman b and, bearing Lucilîla oming aho vunk-fnto a chair, blamng hpraolf dr.adrully Yornot 1;eilng been . eoent at aIl ber daughter's music lessons during theyoar. foralthixedisturbancea rooi..frpm à umusic teacher wh*tàbsd. even -eisons,'ta Mies Lucilis for twelvq juonibs* a nd *ho bad taIiç'n thoi iberyo!falig 1loe wltb ber, knowlng well thataoh. was' tho. gaugbter of one o! the richest mon In' Yorkshire. tlt wss n i nc U1èl a poormule teachrb to bouId bav. knownbis place,'Mr. Richmond lectared4,. sud,h.] into bhlbandi au lik ufhf a irn andA -qo asmen.- w i fortune, poar a l e. Luicilisa A man vita girl, t crerè b. e ut I'J e ggc0- .4 tiaim mny dear. Yoù laieo not plain bt:ut cli - fiattery ils abourd; 'mimi Ben,:trons yau - or die i Dear, déar-bov absurd tV- he vepei And Mr. ]Richmond drappcd the. fivot gives thefol "leSter'and taok üp another. . raound anduE 'Theame. stuft' ,,ho, aommented. IIbrutal q.4~ bepc Y'Ou do' t bolievo a wvord ha seys. A Islanmd btm plan, earne t, npigbt ort of sa- mn (bat city: veîld 'nover 1g ota auçjmrappdie, 1. al n Foitp mue. Àb 1Inuer. la nuutier tbree-ho alis keper. -ý' you 'ananngeIl 6- H omist-a tice, upon imy vho are dee worwd; And- what la il thia?"V -- lgg. I"ITin 'Thoo va wuldfoibd meta aoc yau sud theoMmi caunfiud no fouit vîth me but .y poverty. oumt a seraS 1 sam bonst-I am carneat iu mu>' efforts. as a iiow yc 1 am by bltb a'entiomian, land 1 love m prt'genet fi fron'.y maul, tO not Icitbetnacll YOU butho ilsi for goid,.Luclellae. lin-one eyo, '(ireât h,eveu, vhat impertinece to Jeu, Ibis bea yanr parents.' bulL dogalfi 'I -do't rem.embqr Yred's' ;syiag any. thouglu Som thtag-oa! ttklnd.' soid poor littl Lnclla otatement,i $1.1e i'evèrlnew'yau vauld aOb)ect.' cely rot; in 1 Mniihmnlsook'liiahead, frownod, - lit bl' atii and read.on ui f a cwîik lp bot- ýsbcqt çarnc i blay.nnudeç hils bud hýea, viw an Jatmlace;i-t lstiano f 'à Z.b tarted to hiet . ranguI bo cried; l'il gôsýto bim. ptreamning fi j8jus nt;-I,'» borrev i mi ji'i- eneu fias Ii-ý-prder bumu I Aafr Yeu 'by lovo, hir; own bic( î'llé' -oe , ou te sàcouvonS. Elope, celape about biseo viti ém"oe teacluer f l'ut asbamed ta caRl boy witb -a1 you. my. danghter. .,Wbeo s my bit f tmg bis glu. ove nie ihy boats. JlorcJohnm paRi a'uab 1 aViiger'a -t- , , ~ ,~. spe9tacie, ai iit boe. â1ý ,ouglit eue sé " and ascorner, MMs Richumond; the other. Davii d n 9 ' 1Oh, papa, yau areo craiyi' aiiidLuicilia. scratch ; bu ayrederick numver propoaeéd'ouch-a thiu. on, Caueht, Lttmeac the Retem , Oh, 'pspa,-îtbis 1Pdealt hîm-aý n e t F r çd l n ,a . n y w r & t tl o . D cl' le ft u n d r j à loali, p it isledaté d twenty' ycars bck1vcin, drpp land ;IredelrickS' name l'a .otCharies R.tly Iifees.ii Papa, thuese si-c yoiir. lve,-leltcî-s ta main- Tho blood lu#a, wtittein lon agIl'Bonai». is lu. rarty-four rv cilla he~luw'- . avs createî lM,-1Ibdioni Bat dovp Iu bis rin this 1>O ;11 Ch air i llençe, vcry rdin tfe. hm 1P, V - By44tht su .' be1said sternly; similar aenti adlittie- MU.ril odretreating into a tioso who h corner wf'th bor. baudkorchlef to ber cyca, ing to pila sobbed : - -a matherl" 16 1i dîi it ou purpase R' sd pamsei,, as mare titan -l though oh.epected amsudden. JodgumenS. Jad gene tl Bmît, bearing ipting ah. dmiued a stta anxiously t rise and ci-ccp up, taher husband timidly. -bh would ci -T'ou kuo4w: thai4ea.' i aaid, '!Va mie -ment-s ai é-1 wmsr. uaiiu Il ava Lit Polâts fr tw eitofi "'.. CmPnhaI.em4fwpofodatFaraii, S

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