OT, WHITBYl mat% îelved. d t. witl piumuallty lt SAVMIDEES 27 car Mt eti T iotoote,RUAus ON Co F NTARIO# u . et. jt " >tioe., 600u0 thuid Wpieto or lluyt,tf lthe towu cf CuloTte. 1CE. *Forte., - AN Q- LOTHI à sving nagd a fimwtcla ,anta koa ù to aU who fe 1 Dff MWyon bau Bat Léowest Rates., Whkby, Oct. 2, 1807. John Keith;o aus$# $Vea$ hborbspsied eilp eiw4lgte vi. tom 1approied vserldrdp1u9II1, a- l[ u # OehWtf<ulIyýdousud on tise bot kuowu acIenUtifepriacIploo. JOHN RKEITR.f- $IIbln r, 1«. lr LIVERY'I! Utt snuaa tlt4 bigles, tibey are "Qww preperod te supply Ai eiders for ulvery i alu ,bP#rWiu t)r eer 'ud to-lnw e ub slie rcquliowet pronupl la Wbltby, dune 12, 1217. MILLINERYI1 1JJ A dl.,.ot-4>ulsswesud Vlcl.sitth UAtli, i »uW ln rcoipt of lber Spri;sg tock efuiIiso, sud Is prep'ered toi exécute al rd.îi-eu. labb.tretw susd tek 'rork, uitIs depdtolt 0I..8 i» -tekk vo toc retum: é.Iueere Okali for ïput fvoraj 0'r 5jwxcO1 TBB, S1A Land for $aie, e nte a 102 1MI tlotl.re wllng e purcisas., éor s r u là UIunlMa, iz. 1.om TU umr 00 Lo 'th ?foz;lerietio200do Los li, V791% Uxbrltlge, 200 $~19 rd Il Beeel, 100 4 6,SO 8 0 from Toronto, wê a vith thofr orders. 0 Cansd in speet- our [G, FIELDING a FÂ aR$&OWNEtS 0OF STOCK.. W~IB UIIÂTORDIVE 0TOCIC JIETI'OKDO CORN. liq BT TilE Legisiatue of OoDUegtfti liyiIouisieiJ Tls omi 1 10 rer1 tosue ?0- lýleson 1,1 ESOK eatol 1>EATH îANp)-T EFT. Mnimodorate X"t of, rreinum fted .onsan zufihliexpoeilliofo<vT1T X4 Pý iouee o op»su >Amama QMorreU wv 2u 5Main Stree$, tinrtIrd, Couh etreëtBotn rzr, iuu as ULA, Lai r , 4W Watout tree~, nih- 1 ebruey,, ~0.l807. V BALTIII9RE OY'TE11S; OHIr F~V WHISKY, c.si el T», o Oetebe 9,1lut, o.e A wrIPE C 1millinery and1 Straw DreusGoodo, ShawIs and Manfties, Oà 4pets, ke. rocries ,flard- '~due taen in CORNER 'OF KINê3 &SIMCOE Sts.,01 Ouaa,.uly lii186t., à tches&Je we9 GET THE BI3LT TUBE subseriber beýgs to BflflO UflC8 t hmba just réScived a î1Yvell selected aortmeént of nev odcnssigf OoId -and,4S'ilver Watohes, Jet ami <Gold Bar ]Ring@# Cou d Se'Gand'p inter Bingo, Es'esourSai ilus, Peei Coesj, Tlami= 149Lekoloa, Cbftss'ms, &.. nek Lu e ssm t uL ýnnd ot2er ripes, 180.1 Speetaaes 1tepaiits of iU kind& Ov eÀWÀ xMA 1071 O Pleas note the dddress, J.,P.JOHNSTON4, OSHAWA. IIfALL 'CÂRRIAGEWS, SAn ý '-I.~éII~ T. - On Saturd insL, ýOos. ror on( I* (>1110E Cottoloir~Fnyfis . as~r sâudle Gedt ot D~rig SGII rm tho6mnntd,*'es, , fîgf ciued No. 2 - No 3, and N0.3, Vrushed ABroken Ls m ro od. '1os neW supply of Frcsh Grcrits. Ternis euh.' iT. l. M'9MILL& 40 QO0Dýk FAQUHRSON'SO A SPLENDID LOT-0F DRESS8 G Embruig-Mohairs aBG4 muslins, 8k &cet at coSt. Cheap Padiory Cottonsi, Clotho, for geptleme8'-SÙmmi Wear. The Orooryt- Embraces & choie,-, amsrtment of New fics k,=& '&C" , CHEÂP FOR CASH. Frérs prduce take iii exchange - *Sigveat -par West, Toronto. Pour per - ~e Jo~'