Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1867, p. 2

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jesa Myers, <,stbeisartored batks sbould 'lokcist , sud ha lu a position ta prevet lMr. King con., 'Wlstbj otloila <ttier privil#ge# clef tisou. rt eftr St Theéierrae, ef thé gevrnuent Io dtvbeako, Ir., lavoesd by tise U &aid otisers eofca couteampe'arlus omsaeting upea thé e &th cen,, et dangereo, Il noicieltay troaaiserous 4îis, 1867, aead.uetetflMr. 'King. 'Mt, Ring 15 tise ,the Pteperty sad oethtie gevsremeet baock. I& 15 oaîy *emus Mysrs, os uch hio bus'tbe'pomer tc, do misbeaf y, Nov. 21@4, Thé govev amont plaeed blu le that poi- abie Lud, tiselion. Tii!t éy erm"it ilmte'to- tiuela -T. Murphy, bis pressaI otledIsînCri trado sud Ilat !juryon commerce, by iis outrage. T, Ni'. l tis, ouù .ndeav'ours te svsup tise banilg shie lAtod, tise Institutions et Westersn aa ý-T. Murpby, é~ o odt-n amrtins le, oun Tisrs- SomasIe cf îba, nudor as'mistaleiods cf %bis Fatthé soeurltyo d pobit thé bille ef tbierbans. -T. Mnrpisy, visicis tiseelo1 mn'piyIetr Pm" ïaa lu tise Banks et Monteul, draîlng tour pot cou, Plicer. cent lutoet. 'Thé uokey se ledged la 1i DiA, P.- .ast , && h., tiepropettjet Jr., Jas. M. Patarson, - thé 5tis cou, Plîîeleo, nd; 1867, Parms, Faru &-., thé proportj et LeI Pairbank, Jr. i tise tb con. WisiWj, Biot, 1807, Paru steak, he prcpetty et Johnt rs, Aucuionoar. DENTS A YEAR yï Çetobcr 34, 1, É Itouilmaslte a iitg li ehsntezed Jgaukae tto dte* uta lu conneellon mits iso CouueraÎllRaiso I appear théltishe Bank t notilg leus Ibanth ie 'out cisaletd'banks, atitol cf tise curancj 'h. eeudut e t lismatas. a fereod a monatavy, ase vîtisotcanu and se cf tisa country usby endan#ered by bis wme :bt policy ise mal 4661 1A modified vari o f the meeting et BanS purpese et aidini tise ast gliven lu tise Moutrei e roi. miicisMr Ring DBaook cf te support opcaed 'te t thé tie tve.tbiuido me efthtés ûot pot loto circulation 12i ibis Province, as t hul eb ~ ~ iabooks lu tise e- limâvit mofetbusiess,. 1,on tise con- trSry Onk lts 'maY toewaiYenk ta tlse aMounit f verimiliionýas.-upmardm et Ovs millions et dollars ma ahémby -'*acet goatuu-aad tiser. lavasted lu stocks sud etiser United. Sttes isconills viscis en, Oromoe tis preita of the bugze ueneplj. For thé saie tesson disc ts--even for, thé reameval of pnodue-aerefad, sud tises car banking Iacilitiea are crippled end' tise legitimate eurren CI etftisacountry cortiled. lua<st viile théeisbarîeredýi boosulof t iis Provineaaraeteaeding tis taciiitieî tao-théue ut.te meet tise requilli meta et trade, tise Bank ci Metreal viii, net cniy Dot gire a hlping baud liai, but tisnoms ail possible inipedimeuis lu tise may, sud auemall theis ogisljinfluence et its eomuand>tp dopnivo tise othér baulia et Western Canada efthtie menus et affordiiig acommodation. If l mare loft te tie Mauge mont ei thé Bankset Moutreal. te snppiy tisa naceasary tonds for thé ri- moysi ef Western preduce, mici mold be thé neval, loi tise pincei, sud maagre tisa markt for thé tormer, Ju là thoenIre subust, tisa baulus viicis a"!et tise former, --msnis institutions as tise Royal Cauadien sud Otario Bank#-miii open a market- for bis pieduce hy appling fonudse tah bayujeta b , iis-iold meet mitis aoan- tanance suad support rons tise s is.boi inteneats tbey serve. - Impoît e Nost mssltalyr-Fghtiiig - withta hla mile cf noua. Tise nema trou Iualy 5 tiste meiex, citing ebaeracler. Tisecable dispatebes unOace tisaI ou tisa 2tistisebad beenà flghinwstlamitsiait a mile de ie aa Çity'9, hotmeou tise Garihbaldians WseLts Papal -treep«. -Great ,xeitaaient provailed vitisn r; Tis evuuoa-, lits ete ua'kiîg epeatiens for a second uptitlng. A 'proclamtoan bd, been la"ud preibitiug mamblages etfnieto fhu oir Iner os.tter ai théesaué --TieUe apon tihe Batnks, Tise stoppige ofthtie Commercial Banik bas, tndenlably, gitan a great ubocks te credil, sud bas la consquence casaud machs tempovary lnaoisvevienee le' etiser bankiag institus ln tise Proince Tise ,Royal casadima Banie, adGocre RBock bare, It vould appeau, bWauespeeaWly slegled ont by saitl depoisits sud bol dors of thebills oftubose baocks for making a "rant" snd ran tisa Ontario Batik bas o M 1 fspel (rom tise cotagionci tise poluea. Wt*lom repeat tise statesnent mde -lutsa iceis, t none of tise hsuldng institutions reprosented la Wbithy, are la tise sligistust digree affeeted' by tise suspension oft tis Comumicil. Âyrport to tise eontrary ii utterly fallaclous, ad sol porm uptittlng il la eirculati@ne a malldnant put, Who. seeks by exelting publie alap ud spread. lng Naiu reports te, distarb tise prosperity of ise ooumnty, and the Peetofbis nelgiborî for bis om u@ aseitL. To shsow séens uftitmid aud lgnorant people by tiseI tnscupuléo ratailers of falaaisoeds, me need ouly, instanceetisfe tt,ta, Mr. Rchsardson, tise manage r cf thse Royal, Ca- adisan boe, aing bren called away ou 'Thuosaylut, to attend -tise 'faneraI oft bis 'brother ln.law'* M.'Sisermood, (mises. ebltuary viii W tond iii mser coîutus,>V adrautage vwu talinof etbis tabsenCe te labrieste tisereport, and spread It Indu-. t riensly ibrongistise country, tisai %"tmue- tiing- muet lbs rong as tise Bàùk" ; aud ovius as obk thiai ieads. 01 coursec - Mr. Utiolerde, like tise pouctual offleers ha , vu staibis pent tiste saeenlag.l Mnd altisongis business vas trausated as; rusale esud coin ,pai teail viso pratarred i Instead oethtie Banks paper, rumour iwitîb ber îisousaldtd ongues, bWdgona abreadi bausl doing misciiet. 'Aud tibis is euly a4 osisi tesmple efthtie r idicnlens siories put iatoeimcieltieui by tise dtsigning aud anu. serupulcus amo'gst us:. Ueld bas beau paid attise cocoter etfise Royal Canadien 1te il wise proeeted tbeir hUis, or vers eaîitled te aoù for k, aud evea for tise buils of other Upper Canada batiks, <midi tise oeception of tise Commercial, sud tise BsanS ef pper Canada.) It not sione bas lu its cm vïffis abtiadaut coin te ree deeni tise misile of Its circulaton', but gold ii be paid-ror 'iii notes aI tha cocotear of auljo ethte otisar Upper Canada binlis, or teir agencias. -Â-ndp te moa 0assurance doubly suret, tise goeemeat bave iuued notice tisa it ilmiireceive ail ciarterad baock notas, exceps, tbese etft&he Commet. ciiBanS, sud tise Banik-et Upper Ca- Tise remarkable saucess hicis bas at teudod tise manageament efthtie Royal Cta. nadian Batik bas; wv regret to ela, conseil ne suali.amunto ettsousy sud' enry in soeaquartera. 'Diuappointed petsronsj,wise, ,hecause tisey-.couid not bave tiseir uay in tise batkafai;, orirhsaps b. accemeda. 1ted in tise vlbY ý tpr3iged aen s1tot ofevQ.tings te lise baiks pftiodice. Tisey bave proved tals prepisats, But liSe i l efthîor leu thé en em isu, aittabes, ,saOth"edo.not beStsale tespreid.t eop- commues, er marcbants vise id readiness t alieCommerciali at, par, Tu. Bilan, Mxi 0G0evs, NIL+ rxx, k feeilten & Co. *d're,'u a nai eud apleudid 684ortmer am roi te"s and grecarles. tTseprise 15 t oftise, t txbrldge A.griauhural Society but, thé prose et adrCmtents comua compalu li omission.ýi Town Connei. {Wbiubl) Mont Oct. 28î1j l'hé Maor teok tisa chair a s Tise ethér meaibars etthé cenu mare, Messrs." Blow# Broyn, Denovan, Draper, (latrie, Parsi PoieIL . bsent Marna. B3 PTmITIeN Ml'OS NEPUTIOX eFt v À pemiticn u ,vasPneaeted'I gamer, Esq,iprayiugfor a i taxes ou tisreaetfiis bons.",1 culot dnring a greater part eft Mr. Ferry, obtaiued' lesve' i a hylaoi relâtiag te tise Courtu sud thé saine vas road a fnst Ferry explaiaad tise hjstut o 'to e t pteît thée ecessary mn opevatioti se as te ensleatmi reviaien sud tise coucl te graý petitioears wmise.caes csiled1 tien or a reission et taxes.' tiens culd net ho acted open more- Otirrfarred îte ecouvt Tise court o e tenion vas-Dot undesmtood iseratofora t but i, eistnce tise isole year ventn tensed te clause 63 ofetmhe ua snd argued tisatishe conne» ita te reduce or remit taxes mishbe isaving been juil brongiu hetôrt et ravialon, sud tisatishe couvi, could net set until tise concisl lsv govevniug.it. Tisa seconi tise hylae'ipeered mise cour taxes te an ameunt not exeae ef tisa isola ; tisa court vould1 te tisat amout ;' bat if tisey t larger reduction neceuu.ary lu thon tisey mare te report tisafi ceuncil, sind tise concil mugis malter, sud make auj'- furhel reduetion. Tisa hy lai masl second tias ad tish'é si ceainittea tisercon, Mv. Doué chair ". ' 'Mn. Gerrie aslied misaîba monld not lhe ratber amallte is isy.lsm; il moald lha only a li trou tise taxes et a poor perse psy, suad tise court,,ýsn bis epis have tise poe eo malin a ri ome-bait. Mn. Pisilp mwu et opinion th ha just as weii te louve tise w te lise court of ranision slmogtl Mr. Ferry dwelt open tisej tisa council baviug cOutrolî elýo ainennsd Dot leava il open couru r'e teson io 1P "%Oi pleaaed unlitiev te tise- codes Mr. Blow askad misetiser 'petitiens tor reduemion ef taxe be Oettled at o'n" by tise cdu dais usoa ielng tise m t sta mnd over ta tise noxt an ttninmeeting et tise ,couneil, Gibet rate,-R payesawea u«d or.noecpied w Iv h i sei ere ce qeally inierested wvus Mv,.)j 1 nk is s mer-tise Caldwell blocks fer'instaure W4 -tse matter vus au -impotanteone, sud v under al tise aircumstance seo Mked ibat il Parçzs it migist bu alloead ta stand over outltise nefe Mr, nexi meeting. H. e old k. sorry 4e de, bar sund rateopayer from balriug bis due, hi sud. isb gaopoutd ont tisai thse sole nui te -Meus- 'dscusion semed the uacessity et giviogsAI ei t isâ ie, o ftic tieby.Iav. Mttgoe ~1r. P1' e>'j osted OMh a4 e aIne ob.~ if it vere acceded ta by tise.. couacil, sud om slip ethbeau dat4i 15 typeistai il ha ailowed te go op ta thse chair 2 's a u sur d. tbensent te a select- comuittea, sud lu lus issue. se have a by law tisat vonld rema ýpet. mauèanîy on tise records cF-thé connait. Mv. Draper isad ne obJectiaoteej mover cf4tie by la« taking auj course ha dleulus .pleaudý; ail hu, (Mr. D.) vautedmas an Ti l 7. opportunity tae xaminee mie tbe mattar, ,t fo'cîocIt. sud auquire as ta tise lui. And if, as tiseIN ~aaeprcpaved horriadly, tisa greser ise conceiv- ed wusl udc a tise noeessity fer aîîowing istat Cm.romiainecvr. ta otc #ol le doua by aio'vîîg tise malter ta S Tâ is Mapv.I at tis aamine rn-, 'ed11culoý of Thea cae lua, a iard oeu sfar et Mr. misci '4re Ramor was couccrzed. Tise court ef tise e r r av'iso u menU baie t e give notcesud a l S e., isttroduç arties, interested migisi attend. Tisera etRais olnd ha n6 diadrantage lu pausing tisa tin.M.by'lam if ise couacil mare satisfied. tiebà .a Mv. Draper-Tisa Maor aya"Pif tise walaabDrY la eounet[ wera satiellied ;" matiif tisa conucil ae court etfvae puisfled mail sud geed; but 1 as a lo relief te member er tise conncle for oee, am nos eor a redue. ýprapared to n1git, vote iuàtelligently ~ioapati. poie tie'susj ect. Any by.iam daaling mitis 1 ïntil tbay taxation- reqaîres lime teconsider il Frein tbf religion. the raaialbs of tise murer biiit iloppoe& dISSOlred As âibtiabylai mas prepared isnrriedly, rainaiued ilu sud aveisbe uggamtad ending lh te. a a4 Hava.- sleet cousuittea te perfect it. But i fe2s istateatst homorer, tisa ceuncil are aiified, I bava ne poear ticojection. Tise question vitis me id Mtise' malter lockiug'.@t tise oeaseiiiary P@titieu sent 2 ré~ tisa court ia, iii ucîtisae council hy its actoou,.be 1. 4f religion epeuiag tise door taenadlis difflcultiem mush C "'.ed ab7- regaird taoetiser petieus and appeals tisat 'd clause ef m ig ih a b sent u, for ýif once t se. m atter r> te remit ia enîred ioto il von'lt stop Ai Mr. £[sares2 ldîg oua0 ittispetitien. * la jean pa imilar maltera 1 b rastrictad mare settîrd hy a smaple reselation of ý tisa-Il tquidoe ascouecills ta t ilgisin e t h li agatva; iortaia csses, ibut lmas Joue, bhevar, sud aved s ta t 'tise wvend ettrouble snd jaugliinrg, sud' ýtisa 2 l, th tiatom parbaps trom ultituate lois. tt uecassarY Mr. Pisilp approrad etftisa suggestion ,bon rond 5ae« tise traer efthtie by.lam, sud in . raply vent inte te tise major, atataed isat go injustice iraù n luthe Would ho'doue hy tise delay, tisat tise taxes mighti De retunded. eoue firtis Mv. Canieren favoram tisa pasia etftisa usart lu tisa iylav, sud stmtcd tisat al tishe matters ride -te deduet mold be botter considered betora tise ou anahla le court ef relision. aluon, sisould Mv. Gorrie considored tsaItishe con .cbil raduciion cf was fully cempeteut te duel vWitisath petu tien mitisout reterring it te tisa court ef 3 1Ut il migisi relision, and isaltishe ceuncil lu deiagaling. wsola usatter povers 1ta ecourt oet tension meul4de etier. rong teaiind itlef by is evn Act.' àeceoslj etf Mr. Ferry asked tise- ba4t speaker te 'i tise' assepoint eut any clause in ilie aci tettbsinig ta ii iathe conucil- te reduca ,or remis t Uaem., 1.mst- ie-Corperatons, ba snid,mara enly periiive, cib odies, darivng thiir entisoriti fromn stato- ror net tise tes, sud misen they ment heyond tisa pomers s. ,could net misicis thé lasiroutred pon <heu tthéy ahoci,mitisohut-actad ilcgally ind migisi bu brongist ta vIsion aI aIL 4icconut,, Tise lagilalture made tise lais. Yma. ~Tise it mas lot corporationu te .eheyhui. Le. lav# comaulu 10galiy, hauassertede, a corporation conld tiot 41hra4 by tisa entertain la> petitien icr à remissien. or tu. diéey 'mare ne duction oet taxes. And >if tbora mare- e'sn lecanie tisir hy.lav te guide sud cuntrol tise .court ef ls Ibroghis enst migisi remit tise ,iclo ofthtie er vould hé taxes viitenut refarnce to tise ceporatien tb- fat aW 1f. ?P"tsaid ha vas pveparad ted tisai isyte name Mois ru .-Draper, Garria,1 é Blow 'ad ain lu acs, ail tbld, VIII net oxeed 50 this yeav, visite tise.oftbots Lix- -lidge sud Scett ill early'double the t suber tîlce ovet. The, prizes watt rardad as tolloîs Two-vyaf >1tielol, -lot John Bauntiy, àd Jeu. Itoffti.t oue.year. ld C0eIlolt John Laiton. Oua.year 914 Viîly, lau Andvcw l'est, id Andrai Scott, Sucku'gVolt, lit sud 2ud John Gregg.ý ouck&,Iug Fitlyl, lot JouepisMtit Bull Catifet1867, 4t F. zlietI, tnd P. rfard. Twe-yesr eid Bélier, lot sud 2nd Tai. Iliier caltef 1807, lit Win. Talc, tiud fn. VW'rd. Agod Ham, lut Jolin Kisseois, 12d D. jregg.. Siiearling Bain, lut D. (lrcgg, gssd Jeu. tonei. itemULmi, lmit a sud îclTa. ard. Pair uged Ewes, lmt A. Scott, 2nd Jeu. %er es. Pir oheavling Oira, lai A. ScotI, 2nd Stoîmma, Patire Zwe lambo, lit Jeu. Steues, 2nd wim. ward. Tie fat Sheep, lai A. Scott, 2ud Jeu. Bout pig et 1867, li J. Pllippe. Soi pig et 1867, loi T. Maionn. Brccdiag Soi, lut jas. Phillippo. »On, ac, 12 Turnipe, lt 0 . Walkcs'. 12 Carroie, lat John Iloutuai. 12 Boots, lot Tai. Nîicis. 12 Maugeld Wûu-tÏels, lit TiV Niciseli. Peck 'o! Applt-s, lit Il. C. Lynds. 6 iseade etfiJabisage, lot Wm aielais DASflT FRODUCI. Butter In relis, lit lra. Jolhn Englisis, und Mu-es. R. Lund. Butter in cu enki, laotlins. R. Lund, 2nd lis C. Forresl. lOisetf Chaeue, laI Mr&. John Eu,>libu- 3nd ins. T. Itunro. 10 yds homo made Fiaunci, isotlira. John Egliss, 2ttd lra. J. Christtiej'r. 10 yds Fuît Cioth, luit lir. J. E'ngliss, nd lfns. IVi. Nich>ilo, .Pair weolien Sooki, lai Mns. J. Camp. ln. Pair voolen Mlitts, lt Mu-s. B. ITaker. Set et huneg Shsoas, la Wai. Bolton, 2cdJohn Bailey. Mens' cearse Boots, lut Il. Foy'. Lýadim'i" is ueots, lut H. Foy. Tarai Ilarness, lut'T. Courtice. Carriago liarnesa, lot T. Courtine. Ladies Sa<ldle, lai T. Courtice. Ganta' Saddla, lot T. Ceurtice. Pair Duekg, lot Joui. Stone&. Pair (.eoec, lut Jas. Pîsi1lhppe.- Pair barnyat-d Iowltî, lot J. 1"tiilppe. Loat of Breamd, lutbMiss M. JA. Ifunro. Fruit pcçve usgar, lst Mr&T Ifunro. jar et Joli7, lut Mvs. Win. Nicholis. Ladies' Dreu, lut Miss M, A. Nicisolli. Cisild'a Dress, lit Uliv.. LMajor. Patcis vork Quilt, lt lira. J. Beugmird, 2md Mu-s. A. hlengard. (lenfts' Shirt, lit lire Wa. Bolton, 2nd, -Croteiset Ivok, lai Miss C. Ferrest, 2mai lira. 8 (3rzier. Vaucy Knitting, laI Miss C Feu-test. Poncy Ntiing, Miss Il Sueuciseuse. £aibvoidery, lit Miss R Stoneioso,2nd .Miss O:Forresl. lUuit eilIod, lut Mu-e J MêKarciser. R oqut tFloier, ,Mis 0Forrest, - UnCeLLàIIzoIY5 GreenbseePlante, li D Jouuni, comamercial I3snk Bills. taben ai thse store of Diockseu, Crawfer~i à Smilth, WiI. Comercial Batik -BUIs faan atpar, Wo goodi, et thse store oft M. H. Cochrane, Dundas streot, Wiiby, Mv. MoGee's electon committe nt Près coe, have proicsted'againat gr' Boyd'a cleciion, ' i mid Upon ,ary strong groaadu, and îbst Mr. MeI3ee wiul probably- yet4 hie sittiag membar ia thse Local Parlisuient rt f st itenoy. Ti following marriage notice* appard la a eecentlaumber of<tise Si. -Catharines .li4rnd:- l ibs tmon the l5th îus., aftër amois aeet and delicions co"rtisp~l b. efRi. John Civreli, Mr. Calvin G Cosby, sud Miss X. jA. 8mith, botho ebs tom." 'fTulu is troubléd wmus an insurrection. Reistiaîion lu closed ini Virginie, Tise Major ef Norfolk resigus beçalu Is'iyloopour. 32 misha sud 3,039 negroas voted et' tisa Mobile election. Tisora lu a ramor tbat Longfellow bas tmmcd &Oisa Cusîholie. A single mille of tise Western (Mass Railroad ceai $22O,OqOO. IÀLZBR -uRQuaAa r.-At Whitby, onhursy thse 24îb iot., by thse U John Lai,ý Mr. Thomas Walker, of Mary. boroagis, 10 Miss Charlotte Uiqaisarî, ef BROOKS -ZEiDELL.-At Wbitby. on Wednaadsy, Oct. aOîs, hy the Ber; K. Macleanan, Mr. Thomas Brooks, te Mizs Elizabeth, Keadall both of this towa. BIOOT$ Uubswre, and Paît 1E Ladies l'uts, Fiucy Wool Goa< t snimuei Siermeed, Ejsqr,, au old sud Tapestt7 i udtée mideiy linomu citizen of Toronto, died »,ai lise uawesî' designuand p% tssu city on Weduemdsy aiorning lest, est posible? prlcos, C atter a lingerng illnes et soina',jeans. lannelo Buflo Robes,, lit. Shermood vas born ilu Toreuto uecetolat ai a tise jouir 1820eisa famnl i hiag iacg theecpintebs a ealy setliers efthmie district . Ris fter W IB vas the laie aon. L. P. Shenvocd, Judge ofthmie Court oft Queeti'ài Beachs, sud fu- mauj jeare s prominent- politician. Through tisis gentlemen sud other main' bersoftbte faaiuly, munis as tise. un.i Hfeu- ry Stermeod, termaçly Attorney.Geueral T ritf T et th; Pn&viucaj, iasd tise Ho-s. Oeorge sheniood, Judge oethé Conty oet u I I O TJ Hui ,iuigs, tise aàm e la perisapu 'as iidely Snoîru 'Aîtbat et aDy famuly lu tise province.s 93MU04ellsubjeci et thia sketc,mas aducsted uit Uppe'r Canada Collage, sud Our Stock ie lau-p, snd aI'mermsrds sîudied lawi lutlie office, et bis nufactutad by énteeslvea, brother Henry, sud mas in due time admitidec assuigi ted me tise bar. Daring tisa rehailion ha ' estin he L s nas an otier in tisa Quee's iigisu lutanîry, sud. mona eans lIter mas cleon Rciiaof t iie'peice terce et tbsiet.tuxcf Torouto, a position miiisihoa flhedeffiien- tly. Haomws' ubsequently alected aider.- in ton Bt, Guos-gt'a' Wati. A tb#'years ugo hé reccivad lis. appeintaient ef Ciy Ilegistrar o e t Iy etTeooto, 'mMah position héoietdastheis time ef bis deatis.R ~lis ove sajîctmrmneelim uei:u-lg Mil. 1, igulmLroLi$Jy Pm.tvo ~' .WIIT o~r Io ftV VA~tflA tn i

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