lWAR?.IOO$f sludep1 fin- inoN WARZ3Ã"t3s,ý st Reoeived ýpck lAdl«ies' ene' rd Chil OIT$ & SIIES, bbmtsal ato~vsao 00K A e3ïm ees oisz fat f rimis Jasçp. GRnO7ty fCîgm Et.4S ~ÂW AN» JlE7JNE1~ Sug~rs, IMI'QRTSD ,'Ib. 'follov:lng ire ise leaà lng ard'iles 1111411. i leusse.'>, If rYetta., and Utoaa'd' Caaffl cotîs'. Old TOMU GIX ItN'O Port Wano. GEAIIAIÇs4 Psrt Wine. Pz blA1fTIN,'ti$lserry. Jan.itts um. BASS * ' s Yest iadlis Aie yevIÇiEli I.aIf1N'5s ctb Aie, ePars, Fana>' Wooi <Joodsm, Oove, LAYA I fAqi8loL. &C-9er>' &oa, sVAJ.EiTIA EA1BISJl, SULIMA do. >ETS elv>', tv. snd tiwee ply4 &Il w..!, of soveast designan sd paèrai, at tise iow- possible prices. ,Clotho, -lilaketa. ielà , Buffalo Robos, ka., te., witheut bption the- bot value écru show.i .WIIIT4Y, SItock la lge udiawin tben slm$' wLuredby otsuliea, vo bat# aIl cou. nee ln amerting ILt . b. the clîcapest ansd butln t» i>,Cotanty .1oi tarmii, Vicq &> rcelu Wnsais i b.i bout, OhioN Croekery ansd lu great varlat>', and et -pria.s to suif the tlwes, or ans tud 4a i ifs1yile.. tu sud valoet 6004 oouTise p tise biais eputatian WMA#1ROQU8 13RAXIL IMUTO. WAL1f UTS. FILERETS. 10 CASUE EÇLisiI CIIE94P. -100 BOXES CAiWADIAN CIUEEQJI rmo enssIngllicours enad tue sait. No0 BARBUS AMEIIICAN $ALTI CJIossE AkIILACEWEL'llescbbrsted Ilk .and se«. OLIVE 0OIL, CÊT, Tobaco.l IN 699ÀIT YARIETY. DIGIcY IIERIIGS. LODSTEIIS, (Star »ad BAUMIES, Alao s' ooanpleea'srssn i Iuu Su1CES, STAIL<II, BICS, BAULEY, &o. c'Ru' -1oER 6"fe idsare aIl 41M jood odr bougisf Wol, spd wOH bp sad CHEÂP FOR PASI~. 'ERPOOL. *eaaniany's Patatià i 1L *;b.th ftascçt prodal ,y Two Qualities, viz, - Fine IjOuocboîd Toi Flasett procur.blo., SlIn Paekets m iCapoda., aRA p g $,of.p1endij tietrâ¶l lavov, jportedfuo à A88A11,'and on tfies#lopcei of(tho IUIMAITAyAg, 'Oc!or $1 per lb, atter Biait, Green « iW M¶ed rWninigStangth and Flavor, '70 cents perl. 1 ln i j it MA RK. MESSRS#. LOWtS & POw1LrL -1 1 . ~l ý'OKINi£ÃN WAEIFllOOEIu W14QBDet TO. INTIMATE TRÂT OItR MILLINERY AND MANTLIE Will be opencd on TUÙESDAY, the 5th day of NXove'mber, with aà 6oce selecien Ã"! N- Ar,*dal A,% HAMILTO'N & CJo.. would also armounce that their goncr.al- stock is now vcî'y eomple.tc, and selling. very low tQ. y as1j. Fa'cy Dress Goods, Cotton & Linon Ticks, Plain. &Pauey Winceys, White & Grey Cottons, French Merinos YaV4n Empresî loth, Hogiery, Black Silke, Oloveg, Fiwnele, Furg Blaükeoq, Boad Clotho, Shecetinff. Docakino, Tweeds, Beave«sj Whitney$, Clotho, Hato, IN -GREAT VAJIIETY REÂDY-IYIÂDE COLOTHING CLOTHIINC MADE TO OflDER. New Teas and Famil>' Groccries, Wineo3 and Spirits, of the beat Bando. iand 2, TilI's Bilnug. BROK 'X.,WHITB3Y. Oodie 5tise medimc al l. Nitro.us Uxide Gassiasliiaiter» ,ssorlnary U the systesl. - ai Wili ho at tiseGlobo isotol, Bokis ,onstaiW falyfee> massth., Sg 0 3>. f[esda'bote], Dnltsff 'Crack1 ithe uaL datords> ofie> @L' Wi)sitby, 3867. . ~ ~io0 r.>ao~PLITTER AND EQI _wà b 004 t llseu. kI-IILJ ON 30 WH ITBY & SCUGOG GIRAVEL ROAD. iv c t 'VP&±%tln '11emga tsLe sstro, et ft. ner.t stlgfasu setm le tnhbe saWÉmItrarr art Sa e tf lio.p CýoshrAsyt',ruoneor naore Tracti!rn llngissen, for tbe purTpes. oTons.yin'g Fretght orl'Peesgers, Watpeen tise followissw places, WhftbrasvtiPort P oy l*o bctweer. Mon- ebsaePrine Albert att4 Port Pe09; aie basfwee*s tncic8t'#ad Wiek; lsobeN Metleee n4 i Ubsdge._ Uxbtidge, Ã"t ~,10 J. E. GOULU, MÂw.efrm~ T. 48 VALUABLE TOWN LOT, 7¶[CORNIER LOT. pu 7Ols Strdet, ssext~ .L'otitis, idj-(TùIsg Dr. tanus. Appy to Mfr. WILSON. Barriater, ottq IsnnMg4-l4dy Msdl4 tis tation of thse ST-RUNK EAzILWAY, AT OYLHOTErJ, WIIITBYý' About 40 acr*s of valisale lansd ut presntý laid cuLt lit village lots, hbut will be so$d-In blei;o f About- tl#e u rc -or, moi. o' âes Tis4oe$ao.Sab wili [4a s arotippgrt'aalty #1 ,%"eatlȈ rovitfavorable tenus, alot cfIsad,î wll h msapt s#,rtlî bowione one of(tlso nsost vmfusa',be-xitesa ln ifie towiseislp. I'I;ass. eau, b. pacot wih Stl .'Ulbuon, ustise kt. T.Ri. W.>' gta:ion* EAIU AT TWO OICLOCK, Vp. if,# MAJOR MILLSRY iepm rpsked fé pay theligilsest prie., lu CASH FOR WHEAT* odivr"at t['le VMli;and.i ai*0 te ezeante VUaTtM (;ISTIN'rG, ms'sleiraaasr warranstù'to givye stiéo 15 rtyfl'cese f0thétebov* mliÃ"in4est, 1 apaaare lisrccsd.iq 5, 54J lso h bire s" ge'ottouly patt'ossîz thse M'aII, dasisg tise laut tetes pars. T. P. WHITE, WMtot'sslo, Nor. lot, 1807, fias-fS 'For S«Ie, or to Let. rriA!1!dsésrabîe resideweeo, assdVwolve wcre L. Ofliad sifte tOaa1tIO0ie <sgt4Pn O ii aetwcehs Wla(tbl sud U*hasra, latély cma,ie b>' 8fr. B. Wilate. ThoaelA a #oodlitonsiçd l5arnos, on tise Sa r laxs, aid ans efs.llea't Orcsaird ansd 0cr- den. Tihe premioçi s aVe iagood rcpefr. pVosion et 'Ã"asde, apply to MES. WIHTTE, ..1.COCHRANE, wili'bYOét.0, lg"" in12 e, p s- -0 S O.' p n -~ "t B' n Cc <i 'w to utyaoioteo m fr4ont titisf Ou-' 5the maitter of WILLIAM FDWrALDi5. azd GKWIWC HIODDE, ti-ofitheFrim« - vaidIh 18044ev, c ie.iI~ fsa -Ilreiite STOVE As "an, nlr, tinbninew ;like ,eoMPetiti*n bas; beeut ', eia againiïe m er, a ý li 1,1 y et,.m" rnwhoy, dabbting a Jittl inspye< nEqaJ and Hardwaré e; ctu"nta hswo made a mùddie',f botit. I thinla tin-ght tbat- Ths t;- the publie should bc gaardéd Mvil *14eJÇ 1" buneý,mbe'tadyitise. tflii menti, oterIng, ln Qider to stirnu aie a D R IGTADEs4Z, T ' cnton rth hwesbct~~' Lu, naiksto -t. Ti 6f7 attracting trade, 1 bave nover hsd to eort to bùt bylýeçping opy heve:ry 8aturda#, ' 1,atuake OÈtif 8 tèvstose oeebad' MlisA MAr S.trong Stoves 150 9cy4 4, Ib4l*ken foi I4ontb cfrssnd sajo itou4 ePinewg pripeiples. I baye led dhi tovoeTrade f aq tbepaet4 ni! bthe same 1far>méoins , be 159 o-d helftis F TEIZIS 1%s-O;g wrIo*lrps waanever Lar ore compjTC ethah Ç dI iaï Ia n uideC- 7~calstrs tçrnii, 4 $0 e» $ýhça as .lowprices as an>' honouruble deaing tradev lin the prrpuietorl ssai m 1_19fions iMay >0 s sas Wbitby, ,Oit. 2% 186t' 4 _,.Gý2 0 1) S QOO Oct. 3X3CL.L~CIV~X3FW. <,ev , VLUABil The Ilillinery r loont (s 1n1r'open with ail thé lâtest LONDON k PARI$FIQS , 6 trlnme Do11naèts sud Hate, Xà pti"s fatber» A larg' gStock of Dress GO-0da, ShawlJs, Bairnoial Skirts, ËIan-7 ncis, Blankets, Factories, Clothos, Tweeds, and a large stock "Of IIEAtIT MADE CLOTIIXNGq made up, by tbiernelyeu, lu Mens' .à nd Boy ' top COaut. Mlens' and Boy.' body. Couts, Mails' ad Boys' Font& aud Vest!a. CROCKEftY &'HARDWARE, a 1large- Stock.just rcceivëd direct frein tise Poteres in Fp1nad. Or .GROCER1Es-à -fresh-irtock of Teast Tobaccos, uas To arrive dhi'ig the week ex-"Mlora'vian",from-Jive1ooli case Loncbn Goôdo, ,eontaining ich ptplinDrca.,SJsYI', od, & 0~ &., ail ;Df which ltbéý Mý4'e e snined"to Bell nt ,imanl aanà éb h t sterlhs cuS or cash. R. & J. CAMPEL Wb ibyi c.'3 S7 c~oe~ c~tY~x~' wcrn yéur monej~ and before. buyia~ yoiw WINTEL~ Fardiers Rayé, i your money, aTn eoel.vng og T Re intende zt'once l ofier great indudéements P Oft CA&SHand té 1ed1 loisiSTOCK OP GOOD15 chifoper thsn Ypa aq>< ca P atanye Me Store in the Town ei Gottryý. [W Go to YEOMAN GIBSOffi or îhe ýe&t' Goods -at gie Iowest jiiloa.Sp--eW atafd i'ju LPS1' Groçeries, Hardware; '&OP&c Rei'nimber the ,Place, 01& No. 1ý Laing's Oorù-iýsf Whitbyll arn Tise Dtllrslarned a.biul THO& . AI/f,Lqoo7m D,OWNIN«'S -H4 Thot Volmalde Fanïli ïziweTfsht pn> fr, Rasimahl, ifelnIcobWî si osN.29 'an4. 'ro; ln thse-il. CL,&tKo.knowsj he Grand IT kinr mlhëligtlf Nrth f tlîWié, whcï;l-is ih«di4>.ibusal, and der lns arable land, lla s't-rate 0 TEIIà à «.Ons4ottrfb, cash -, là tbrc eqai anniasel inxtameuata peent-Intrest. Jocd willp proprietor, esud so~ef jOutr s iat ng 0F Tff,OODg ROBT. \P( OF WIIITEV'IEf- cd Inholvesji will Ae -Thursday, thel' And followlss¶ :7>ty ti VILLAGE 03? &lccrej~ c,; alise ai 4ygca Dentrs, are ~ "aslea aI 4l gagh -cic ýSORŽ Il, Ovçer Coats -fro!t $,4,ï o610 Bést (danadia Tweed. Suits £rop] fi I- ce pl0tlýi le tti ~ottoh ~