Whitby Chronicle, 14 Nov 1867, p. 1

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as mn VUfVflWSB 1$TE, M(uilos, Slimiore lot $%OBIBO<. - J.A. SAUMI. 'S 5 OCJUA LaL. . ÉOUNTY CROWN ATTOINEV VITOon. %&rio gsla' gtrandrI<'r- bi aud'~mu5rlu Chaneryfor (heCouis flALIIOEl hAT2OltIY AT LAW, LJSoiietOrupCla 1e&, .Whlstb j C; W. ofe&- Vitoris llBuilding, Brook 0t. W*stb., 1199I&Tglit.,ATLAW A141 SOLICITOR A ovr:Lowis à Pow'el'& store, t S, iC. IDAJ5 StlLlCITtt «fTÂBY PUBLIC,h. e Ou LtC'rOf, 40, W. AilS 1%BEDLI)bis Law icee oOtarI2 Jc homhsr lx, Ou. Doir South of tihe otry 001 0..W * s CI LES C. LER 1 A T'UI$KEY AT LAW, OULICI'OEIN tjhiaube ry. E3eura oyîscoI, d.,Cauuig tu*rock#, C. W. 8 Ha. JIACPONELI,. Soiitr(onss onaî, Ultoro, Notry *o.$i &a,, L.," bitbyo J. If.NERGiU.EWO0v, LýÂTTUIuNEYIT-LAW. SO0LICIT0O N 1 c ilaumar> ' Etar i'Ubltc.Coureoyanoor, -A Tu?(NIY.T.LWSOLICITOR lx Dandes Sreet. Or Turne doors West of the l'oi n u1e.,1 I 1981MMSTEU ATTORNitYSi, UVY B L ausarosudîs! iotariestPultie, h. o ?ne Ausau,-U1iývc Opposite Town *CossLL. 1B., W.l.CcuA. CeUnt>' Cro2uAttoriîey. socieA.rOAt.S torÉe>', L., Le "O#yIIuI'-Noxt Joor (o tise RefflutrY 0 Wba, Wlsitbj. 41 ty W, W. . TI&ELEP .Sotii'tor. &o., Le., 44 cli tret, Toronto. a J.e.eyAILEWELLo, L Le Bo, *'Attorisey-at Lavw oiuo.tiiict, Cons vi.yaitaoe, &o. Ulo-4u@e4reNorth 0 ý Mis I ot ie, uâhisv, C. W. 4 flA1LiL$'J~il ALA W, 1Seplicior lua(Chs- J r,,ouiY, 0.11,&e., Le. 40 JOUX DJLLOINGs L Aw CItANCOEKY, & CONVETANCINO ijomtie, rancs Aier;, (o doors westof go Je GUNE, lu. D. ,40RGE.) O Till LE'OLt»TY GAOL - yos Street, WliiLby. qrOrn ieasSte 10 *. s., sud & to i9 *'look# .u,1 DR.-PEAKE, p WHITBY. Evm. L, , PDi. Wuseui, ]». Uwisiw, - ]5 .1. Tao»uxxs, jhI. Iloougi, Du..Aia, (for surgery.) 3(uapsuica-Ceulohuse, Byron Street. JCAT TAIWORa EEOCI< STILET5 TUORgAS HUSTON,, lCLBRWe TiltA$Uilttlt, WIITBY tom.-CessrL llouwîe- lieurs 9('W 1 o'eiooa. vOute trout, Tronso. 4 LIV7 BiZuTILDivisiON COURT- [4ZNSZD- AUOTIQIIEEK. Addtes- tous. -404y> L ICITOZ Iu attetive1 I.obeul iütoli ost Dise' esoupesl bo J.w.«,Mon e.lie a it b.d léf.it.Odosud blei ï1, nqora ,!bd <gars or the 'gAhs0Ut*ostici s4IwÏila ett4id Lindsy. Ph.14.1804. "STAG HU8 ALMION HO TEL. JAMES PLACE, lit Proprietor. YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMISSION MER OHAKZ Wility, jan., it Ise0.2 iwiirtugsa toilJtroui Wiby coMdail y- v e*utoîpaid Lek cat. 2refula.d aLlais- JOUX e C iweXULLENO Aeuntant, land and Oeneral Agent, AND»10TAIRY PUBLIC. Mr 61160 lu Pet»r ïratu, ou, door ortis o1 Mr. glavais'a Ding btove. Wil t<id s proyed Forin u b. commuest of 4ssluisd alie toon)@ui, U, ». CulicUiozss asêided (o aud promnpt -ILE1LENCES Hioa. D. L. MotPhi mon, M. L. C., llou. Joisu impsson, M. L. V., lion. Geor éeCrawforil, M. Asugus >Lusrmoi Edq.l I. , '.f M. Dussfird, k.4q" i l . 81., oUos#kev. . V P., John lism i'erry, EL4., Whf'Ly;amid cdl- tora Barrie Fxamiuef, Caîsadiais l'est, Lisîlsay, aud Whitby £'nsoicLz. 71t> PLUNULES RO' EL. (LAT£ WUUElaI,> EKING0 S TB, ETe0OSHA WA'. GLOBE HOIEL ruin lI aoi voil kuovu h!otisisai,ed l'y tIhe au seeribr,vts . mvîIaways lie feud a ias rmuylu attend petsoa1>t lise vaisîs of luieguse $,&ha. The jîrsusisesi baie bsem .qsuieuuoneutiand eomortably dîted up ; paliui-iyZap IL',0. wîtits lut orosoftwater (o vailml sud Oe rr inoi!etuiwprovementto nsak ettme raveller q Notice tu I'armers and Others t>' l'roof, b>' gallons or barrai;; McNauigitom'e t*ienieîlt, do, do.; tiîsples'n Extra Reclieit _Whliikem, du. do,; besal l'or', 'Stueir>' aud Cogulmeh Brant!y for tise %tek, îitl*Ia in of Liîsorsaut! Cigar.oi tie bict bruando. AttetliuOstirsand! lioro*ci' to Ilire. A. ALEXANDER. Brooklini, Jau.21ti, 1 uis. 4 ONTARIO HOTEL.. WIIITBY. D.IAWES --- pgL)~1¶R Bupurtor aceommodatioliîs, (ereful atîcu' tdonW tise reqiurexnts ortrsoteru ssind guens. b.pacioms tibllng and sbed.roon,, sud ready osters Alwys vittisu 0cul. 12 'VICTORIA lOiUSE, JO ISPUIiUILL ....... .. roîrltor. TliI e subseriber deos t ib foiu, bis mauy JLfrleuds that ho le iIow err*iujg outise abois lietel, sud (bat lie sappliesumome but thes boat oi wisoei- lîqiiors CI ars, and rofresis- meut%. A Wolf snppîca tagie. Gondatabllmg suid ecoloood yard . MI SP1JICR!LL. Wlitbyq Oct. 4. 1664. 39 CROCKER'S LIOTEL, (LATIL LATI"b,) NELSON ST. TORONTO, FORTII OF RING 13T. BA8SEFTT &kZREBLE, -PursIIIITO. T IIY, pristm ettily aunoucst tber riaod), itabdiotalice séwett am upar homle, bt thbav lse taken.tise aboie preslises wbS0h are lu eîcry respect coosvenieuîiv auj o*osfurtably fttc is oie urtihe secuuodatioi oge' u iatravalifig publie. Tisey vili b. round lu coustant puroriai tteudatice, aud viii l,>i notbiug undoi. ou1 beir parL,;o ive satla âilctto bo l[iso Imay favr iLen: wîtis s DUNPAIS TÈEET, WIÏIT13Y,9C.W. GowRGE aflOIux, Vioprletor. > rRE aubsoriber begs te s-ane tîsat h asé« deit!rm'n lileti, wvii is ssabeen remorat- .49,2# r.fiutsheâ siod tc op l;reiglout, lu 940:std prsoeit. Usa oilfiee,s"d lu tIse ëthe oitlà rnTé u ata b.leen b. stag ffxbridgd 'sud Eisiatton lesté BROI)IES IOTEL. (Z4IT ! I4D4 HOTI) LEVIYFA!REA!i8", JINS1JRANCECM'N Iû¶r.st.tI capita-,ooO OO fr'118 old cotablislied sud Loroghy ieltl- lu~~~~eol* sai. octiy ,ets.iy?1 #~ ouîiUeu to formepsra ot imrauce, stinhAvan. tsgéo «'Us tWIIl[ dogetliier Isperaido th, ueeusfyoL~oijmuoaon th# Mutouel nu- Fnce ise»l.iescw( l ieCaia Stock"r to ,rOOoOO Ut)rd Ïnea ry!arum,'rikataou tori about on$ p&t sont, sUd uprîluierqusrod.- IýNSURANCEr 1CO-MP'Y.ý f~~~fI 'lt oipiy ,sowfly orgaulaed, sand T I! tu Itsk* on l'aigu BKuildirg», , it tiir.toisteso, Coutry osl Ilonnes, aîîdC' ureIes., Tiiosls itoîsnou- gare, sud tho4ltimspport a Home l uirmue (,Iouspsny, liaie. gevfsu opposiuuity 01 doloir uoý>; by $e'8 if uaer et. t LtwIIesd éos, or tu ityul ts t1ii a agents. Ont irate» vitil bafcund a Iow au li fso Ctyeapoulible Mutuau - -VVAM 0?IPIise Oi Mgisy Ofilc BSiiilisîi. Brook Street, Wiitby. Fire In#irance -Co'y - OF LONDON. ESTABLISH-El>- 1803. capital,, £t,94ôoOO9 sterling. Fmudss ltsreti l sd-1,O0 I; FUBMAIÇCUegninut 1t60s by Fra, dflocwo oit tihe moi.L lar'ipsablt. bruis. Alittoses pntd witisout reterouce t0 the Board tn L...mdoss. Agen»out toiasa. JOUX AGNZWPVurrisT. Agent for Wlsftty, Oshawa, Bvuurtoivle, md surrousudi Dg eouutry. $mou-26 TIE LIVERPOOLAND LONDON INSIJRANCE CQMP'NYO Capital, surpiÜlsW Reuerved papal, $161271j670. IRECTOMS 13 CANADA. T. B. ANI>ER80N, E.q., Cisirman, <Premtdeuut Bank cof Montrial.) bo5gieu t £555 eu(lrm ir ton ee. suc', 8(0, extra $6. 88 i tr.J illo'.' roycr oe few or bbe fýjep, about sum o, bieore iiplo tli~~~~~tj weeletc t i aid a god sl' orrsi.Un cii the Mbut tigrés vodka afrtr, 1 foui ôein riedti ourmd sudJ ant Wittu I luie us Otoisg 410efort puuri'ug or dippi lwe Ice r it theeboiest I so ld i oxssLatsO , 7 amd $1. i'auffuermiaTOu Abion .Ho;,Mctel 3..CROCHER, proprietoi! tIPE,uplbscriber begs (to iiforsu lits msssy .Lîetrr.îa auJcuàinti.urx that ho baseutakes> tite îiii'ure extruistic preîssisCs( (iilelslie lud* nataly turit-ded ud tte& iSp,1 lu Ltes usat thorîsugis and coifortuble mmn'er sud visero hoe licpes trous (bu- oucreussod railtfha -A t comumitUl u£0gît grouter satisfaction te hi guesRtu, suod fie better etablrd .4o iiet tihe r.- quireuicute ot (lue tratVelling coituity. 1 JAMES CltocKEII Aliton luotol, Misttt usikot uqisure, 4 septcaitnir li, 1867. 80 TELPTIS EXTEACTET> Sâr WITHOUT PAIN, «ÀE NI'fLtOUS OXIDE LAUGRING GS LOCALANAMSTHtTIC, AT DENTAL EOUbit, DUNDAS SI REETi WJHITBV, C. W. RoulMs.-Over M. Il. Coultrume'mS tore. Wbltoy, Jane 26, 1847. 25 For MaIe. 1 oACRES betng lÇorth-linsl'f o Lot 1$, 10ui tise Jthiscsiatn othe TOWHNSHIP of PICKERING A fi'st-rate hltîl privitege, Frame dwellitg uid Barn. Tise loL comprises aimoitaqtuusstty 0oe vaimabte Ceder. For termes, &a., 5PP17 (o, DAI>Bt>YEB, Lot.14, 7ts peuo. Pickerlio, Brougham P. 0. septembsr 10, 1867. 'Suuos-86 8îNYITEARI. >'q., Depmty Cliatrusun. (<lamera I Manager Peuh of Montr"a.) PENNY 3CHAPMAN, Esq'..merebunt. TiWimAs CI(AIIp, eq., mrebeut. G.z C. SEitFI, Esq., Eestsfiug BCcrear. .A, BAl L Hamilton, V. W., Pire Insur=azce and ZWe As- surance Policios issued at modei* ats Tbis Coupanr' offora tu lusurerstho imeurity oWZALT, Iomrsi eCiUâtK i ZVZUsU, Jurmns isu vod ctteris, (o s uev * cosi.c( swig Mchielui e vithout s dontt oneth e l'est eîer pot up iu Canada, elisep, durable sand etilcient, calîmusi! acit be- DitoWN *à1'ATTERSONq. Ju>'lts 88 MONeX TO LOAq.' ONZE te a 1 uigood Faris, e etfgist Mper dent icerait. 2s rtaleof >iat4a VARS &DEVI.IN..- DdntÀ,f Booms, dIr#eelIy*oiipe UiegetbrdoetSorLis o? tise ODt£diê fastdas Lssua Ce". 1? S:ak'ory ~!L~~YF THE MP ERS!! 7T'HEMONTItBALTFEA COMP'ANY, A lce- JL rital st,. moitreat, liîeîng Junit inportet!- niaremaity orroeu sd Bick Teio, eg toltise attition of tIse irsde, IiotI IPro- prlt'to,nitlirge estab'lishments geutra their lia)t ofrrTeen. Buyeru fCicet ndl Boxe# of Tes vii sremoie'b>'getisg iLdi- rect tiougis tise Iporter». Ail ordi fkir 23 Ilb. boxes ndu pvsrui carriage froe te un>' uiwt§trstion lu Usuado. liu>ers living beyout! Itils>' Stations yl Jesienusd Vont Olilce order, or enlos. notes. Irgbe ai tlbu pil! tus the uearcst ati oi fimerae thero urus expreass officeWe Ton viii l'a forwaried immnied6lsy on teeeipt e? the or!. r by m iail-oti miosuc>, or tIse mono>' eau be collectedtfe!Fdilveýr>'b>' exprouasman. Cashs coilece ii lusItutrecl fi'ee 0f charge, ani! Tee forvetrdot! fortlise seme. >itiug fles% them 21 lb boxes soit!. Originel packages Black Tés We5ifi, Xclients about 11 i bu. (isetdo 10 te 10011bGrton 'Cea rom (604o 80 îloi. Tos mt mentione! In 'adiertisomesit eau bô tuitd equaiiy ciseap. 'bl'coipiiy are deterusiucu ta takeàa stand lu tihe 1Momtreul umarket, u.rery article rnuy 'tl'eroe l'e depended ou as ta qualit>' ud veigolt. BLACKL TEA& Cernuon Cougon, Broken Le?,Stroug. Tes............ ........ ...... $045 FlIno 'flored JM14ev Besoîs, do ...... 1 ,zeolent rugi flairet!, Jo##.....-1 075 Sousnd!Llooug.... s...........O,04à R l àorotf do........... 08 GENTEA - .Fne... ... - 70 Auperflne sud rery qolee.......... 'iQ cbdetheas*sade SeBqyrseP-ê Chute su-Spwardes- --ý re- l Grog IN LATEST STYLE8. RepîragBetyadpcsLI 'itTise.ioors Eut of lutg's, Duudaaý .Wistby, kpril'O88, Id.:t PARLLXMEN - T. o? tis PriiO.oUntario, ,or a ieL MstehIscor- eet. Cipaj te oie ftrutaCuior, irmssujr cii liotbîy ' sm r. neselug( laIte 0t. John, lu Lisge Cousrtl o? Oistarlo uni tiso-sugi. (te igesteris or(tie Blackh Rirer, or otiortriutris o tseRiver loveras. - J, D. EDUAIt, Ootober 29, Isar. 9iu-48 GEORGE OORMAOK. L MRERLMEIWCIIANT, Carpauter, s, d t urQr. t Wlb.A largequau tityo(ftli kinde fnbecuLeyounlband, 'UN DE RT A M WG. FUNEL'.ALgfuliy-4 s9i.icd sattessdcd Fit untti. tàfilieSt L'Pt conutLsii t fM'A lierse to tlire oii liberalteru's, dyoltUECOUMACK. Wlitby,Ye-b. 5th,1862.w, A CLARK & VICKERY, + Proprietors. taut le tia'ouuty or Ontarilo, tisat tic>' tsar t00est tise aboie proes ist la>' oceuplet! b>' Baud>' il'ene, vitoeitise>' tare tisevi> <uilibb- et! Aund renos'a:d, nit!tise>'. are >sropared (o' eccouirnodete ls rviîgpbi.TIse Bar istokod itis (lue huit liquior aneud!cIgare,nit! or. atteutivo ostior xsiva>u un tteudasce. Aeroprttr» Brsokliis, April, 1800, VALUABLE 1IM L AN IBY AU(JTION T ,Sl.USCI<l3E le scn lun rmctod hy T bo. Gatit, q., of Toronito (to oei tise folloviug Vulîs.hid Pro y 13Y tTBrLIO AU TION9 8atir y Noyemnb 16, 1867, -At ta Asition ]R s, lu tIhe TOW -OFP r 1'1OPEI 50 Acrs of tan hein cuith part tif Lot No. 4, borokan front si Toatitilp of Clarke, Southi o? and! erjoi g te(lu alli>Station, betwvecn G. T 1£ wuy i$talon and!Port Granliy, e'ît! kac i tb. GRAND TRUflIK 'lbOlElLTY. TEILIIS t- ie fout b1, csas Itise blanlce lu thtu 'qssal usnai hoia1ieito, etcis *itm 7 per cent ut est. Decd 111 be civets by (ho prr.prletor~ a 1 mortcgo keni for the bli 1uce roaum gusisa!ii. tPl und! speiac- lin sey isclsit Dovîiu l otet. y . Ri'IY, etienur. _ýMt. 29, 1867. (14 R SA L UABLE PARXIN ETII VILL. "-"of !4EWO TLE, To NSRIP OF CLA E 'fiche mlisr liabibeen triicted b>' TIIOS. GALT ( of Tuoô , Co soli on ;Thurrîday, vem r 14, 1867 T DOWNING -HOTEL, IgThot Vl'aimale Vllinm a eut ln th~e occui- paney' oflv. Bossue, e t cosuptiseilcf îuat fit Lotsd No. 29 sn'i s li le lt (01N. 0? >CLAI<KZ. îsovî a, lihGr Trmsîk Farm. lleglmimditeiy o-Lsi Grand in Tînit 1 I Eiiwey, eosstaisiS about Oacteslto Ivisuet irellb lurd odbsh !te.ra ydegr lu oamble iu , la 'irst- etirution. TERI iont'ue-four'1s ch(le balasnoe lu tlsreo rqsiu mai ion t et eheis itis percent ipte met>ect! vwil! bu ges >' tise proprietor, î'J uorgige takhu or 'lid uanes reusaiung upimd. IVbmqsm aud spac »IloSe i oen towuilsîg'u otel. - I -U ber211 187. -G - UABY & &]a dRÂÏvX. RD I I 't- t p Aa tre tuttio5 uua.staarus ttT. viii -iDtt41u j 'éteiir tmL;i4*,7' BeLlthegravoyrd-M8ýboiebn,',m k,~*f' Alid reetep 1%4ii 4r aurre With yom.r bbon jour r*su(. - frtePco' n Dew ev o air, ,&tban fail aûtObL oisl esy levae b Wter *Liil' at, yomr diei And jeu Were.àll I bfd, jry,' '.baisjota IL>' blefiu' sud mty pdie »-' j%1 y » 140rtilRg tert toe efor uow, 'Do Suipol Amnd ni#i rs! u'syoîg aLtrâfi w" gene,; Mrna AuJ ise kiuid'Wok çqii ymr browI uevoue 1 blues ota, Mary, fer Ibà et -ule4u 'iogb y j on*nuoiossueoie-.,burini-blisa 1tIk lieu onfor yoir'a4enLmilsNv, 1 '-! Whe u-hng.r ifs it t mssi ., AuYODili t ior My a1tet 1>i be nufor tbé plaimant' wor,, W liu» jour Ift uait ,> sud score-s 011i l'uoi tbauikfulýéore st)DotarY, Whuèrï grief cau t semais o tomislu But V ib st forget. go#sdarllng i, lIn jis land l'on Soin' te. Thsyey Pli**tcre'a treuad sud 'or4 f«rail, SAnd tfin suutiisfes Al wayu thoera Wore leleBfty tmesssii fair AJoeula trs ru l .4 1l' imt uAnd ostut nusiyç#70 Aud îny ltirt vii iAverblti aÈif 'fo tiiplace wiuere mari' lieu;. 5 : And l'111 siuk l'il se, LIslitde'utilo, Whos'e we sat side b, eI4. And tse,Ï11l-0 cns m (obrigbtV Whou fdrat you wore M~y brida. -TapasI,,tiseNotair 'of Am!pstol.- - <Frosu Tebsple Esr.) '¶I eItft(ten"replied ýt i yousng muan. -'(Tis'e oh! man bu nov beein six nonths betscen l?. ýand.deàtis; I sai! bo bad seven lires iko' eadtmdbs 'seul vas aewed tobis -boues.,flow 1 "arn afruid, Tapas,,be 4cay :ie before, 1 eau chanceo bis mImd. Kýe. bisu (o uiWeil, now vn 9 ,* ed nep, boy,"said Tapas, 1 ~tsea Lng lire tise ancet' "RiEen If tisut vi11doa axeï, llér ho va ?àyofnaulimg L f r akd lse oàsit, apparreiizytauig theapainfszllyc,ýver ln bis nmd. > te me, "write-tisanad rite.tbla," amnd (hem lot isima put, bis ownme e (ILami! the willi'l l a uini! oid." su'ç0 somi! for you, ami! sy'(but to you i no, iî fa impoasible't" exclsimici Geraimoa in despair. "le will neyer bs inducei! (o do soIlcuov It 1 arn suredf il. 0"' Amnd he strodo about the recta titis ta- pid steps. Ifh6, boweie 1lie coutinuci!, after a ort sLsileince, "matent! of senii6gfor >'oti, I were lago (o, bitu mymelf titis a viii drain, oui, ami! ho were (to aiçu il, voul itotrven'y trnf Wouli!d IL' nol bave the sare-effot1?" 64 Not quit@ thse ause, but iL -migist do ,,Write It dison, Tapaso, 'Writet , Wîte whiatever la iequired." iiWell, but viliL isave an>' affectt- will h.o ves sigu iL fer Fois r' S 'Write i ville, 1 tell you. -We issual refecot, wo sisuil see about tisat afWe-' "'ThottI shold write - oITes, 60difil culty.' eau! tIse noteri, abakit g, bis :bond, aud dau timg a keený glance. mt Gerastrnos. Ie viOle for smre ti6n, tsen begau reading abousiasfollowsi'_ 1 - -" "Befors rne, hieter>' Publie o? Argestoli, to*n of Cephalonie ud ii befose tise vit. nesses, hlicholusitBaphoarasud Diomysiut Sorbets, knosvu (ore, mmnd avinq no ,se- lationasip or connection vitis me.1 "6Ah 1 vitnisses lt,mal! «eramimos, ha- comgple, "lIL nusat gase buigued b>' vitnces"- . "see Yeu t ie esignature ofLsth mie, and isever rni!biewitsieases Tise>'are rgoodamndýi imern..1'Tfieetimea bave - I srci! hem (rom-t(b. 1galiovaud,.vheu Lbe -notery> eontlnued te rond s- -- *The Signer, Cotspt Dionysus Namatui > declarei! viat followé. l a consqmece of bis- believimg birniel? -(o be on tise-peint -of deatho,-be-dalares and ecknovledgem as isis-sole lavfoi hait, vithoûont«4 t>eat *posecasthise vile-ef-bis unoeible anid §is Pmeveable preprti', bis- baby.! nepliewu coeu tu x AmCtoan~sd bis loidi sole sud irerôble vii, w b!ube u mka Sthuzonas p oretf mens reut b>' a thuderboit, wbièh ,ears ile. ate 1k. thîs frst une< green foliage, le alnbLsap whf ch sMay'sout yoàùsrtt hap been abared > an' beiertta Whâtt à .17desMe bmeil1vim itïsel u lié,.ve bsd' pisidon excahined heod a deielop Iï Le the gretitpossible propor- Vlte oweýlli81 tions. 1 Tiiaps, t i 1busolîtary réel, a dark 'coudtizme ev01 inu ms bI pateni iýlove. - Wbeu 'still the Coiut 1,isuutcO5 Youg, bo bad -narnied the,dsug1ý- iLW' Masrk. oeeo? thse sot,wealtby unercbaiLe o? -tihe '1 Tib1x. tIn, lathe6 llnu!, aàinst'the'wili otffarily. ThiisI.ave io giveyon,le âa Tabi it mnd lut- yomtbf ai olI>' Idn <mmd la b you sisoul, 'vlsf hý'boiweverbbis Wissidnot bee1 ivonthy of ber. Ilenot togetiler au Idid pcae f.ie utlàtlemy adore$ ber as os of bis heart. Hia vite ,diid liivinglbir(b sud Who wooId wish-te te Marins, v.ho vas aliving p.d.ot im asIil; sis gruepts Lmort brie? bapi m ndo Ls timph of bis . ~i 1se" b > Wi aeI-ioc 0er hes.On berâllithosepow, tisird plece ofaodvrid i ersof, affection ezisting lu bis- nature My> baud ro4ine. tyls lvere eoncentra(ed, suild Ï1ifiteÎtderticss ipeaks ii ta>' *ori aibsorbcd every' leeliîsg o? ,lumifiastauciit, perhaps 1'ti (baL resiained lu hie -degradeul cisarmter lence r' imcressIgwitb'iigotiiequal toýtimt of tIse Rodinea isised Ltheo Ignoble passionswviicigoierioedhiipun, ecsaey.>,I>r1gî - x tLI, itgcqgl isrte elevation o? avirtmeamd optu the '<ot o? Paa at tlb. asme ime iitise wéakmksesof? a vice, did not, dure te spp"ô Iu trutis, be would not besitâte te malte oe e ord nmore W ý6bsdi au>' sacrifice,,bowy grqst soeve r, erto éoyn- "Do'you hems4" es mil amy crime, )seinopsa Llseuth it be, -if by .Anigelico, vllo atood m It b. could sectire fôr " bild ireiil, e. s . un oe oLb. auciet c thyen -t apuu."My' dear'friend,"1 cuÂm îu.takiung Uabani!oeNez 'W ben 1w in s let th voi!ry" tor lu v!t1bout f rtune, ho directbi- tepe'tev'ardi tise centre a isrhoins ant o? ihe towsu, tsinga narroTW lu.wvlic derive from rM3 affect tedultitus Le a bouse cf elan.;> an c ootMsu>'respected frsend,:-t able bat sornèwbat humble,,appcumfru.zsu. dmes, asRrdimes sce At tse ~p tit stirb. éit i r'iance ber ovti wîghes do o Àî thç tp- ailt Itaai,'g(*e, My pais a youmg girl, ongaged iu. - Witerlmg Bý7orne at1 a occmspied-tIse place ofas ulaer. Her «'usse 1> vms grawl ,1 si? th~e loneysssu-ckle cl!h e icaui sr eu(uté, aromind ber-,! isite vere'Lea&ugehrte u pýfe li' over wltiqb;6ie bep - wbeP absc.ld' p tlodfeas led a ailier jtsg onl r like a nynsph of A "'Fatiser," iee ild, andsmuiim, br lps ivuîrdtis eoom bands; do wlth tué aà ef tise flI.b lown carniton ilde ber,-"in 'rtu"a Ibis fgIr Young ,girl1 iras AgelicN'a, Lie ed pot. bu ueny'Tb datigiter o? .&oustiu v'orates. t- une o iis h - I-maî b aqsite4Oit Le can e r.y saffer çvaut. G ýVhtZut b adt tal;théchacebless ibeir labour,ý' iicsbroagistLtlis tostér mt tietp, otcsrt o? iseutat 'ramsptto-cca.elry fter.- bo 6? greale? value Ow noon, snd Rodines ofti - ps"d4 sIin opvsmusd h ae otwvii Anifelica' (boebefore payimn ad so bis a nd he -ite o hiS'asasl *'etit toVlor*uteS. Po0r1'bere'hg biktiakm eo 1sprting Up bet*eels tisesusu affection suscis - a s vras ind ? . (vp mq oble heurts aloeeconu feel mmd >'<sucli e dsë imispire, ,vit Woat .confeamig it (o eucb otier Aug elic , o e! o sud p eipseveth itis 'acknow1edgIng iL infIrm old mpan. "Bi to LbettSselt'em This-feeling, however puare aItanbieer 1 ad transparemti, bai! mot escapi! tise oye tkisescalt aniebenr f ai bter fathier, to w. ose mid tse es ohé eunt!ii.otbet 13?! tbeir'-sunion, bappy ýtsougisIl-*woÎuld bavé joined tise banjso ofbc ,-made hlm, bad not iarlessly. prèsented-. it,-0w» 'oun-beir beada, r amx'ioltet> tis wL nwa ngled itleaveur a few in . b rhe fleètîîon'<ù, amicoai tise poverty o? ili' f ndý " é' botti 1milleiL' Rodinosi (en bis pML' I m Most ardèttoLby de bave oceasiiitl'loved, a ,bright and ~ ~ asa~ rimpa -!$! ison o? is hshpplnema, v lison . kociési àdrei dazzlissg but lupossible0 lia blesslmg'oI'-à atbsLi l ion, t sb;M betore bis eyes -bst lue bad ii n-oaei. 1 el er i rps t a y s o l u o o A n g e-: tie bp p inu 'ss o ? cl 1 I ca h)5f e ie at-n a p reà t t % "Corne quickS'ignôr, Eodîs,'Mes. aseeisn eh. sav binion tistals .lipp'tsu' liiden le ~ ~ ~ ~ n hbows'iigilnd L valî bav behi K ratetul if ist did u>oL fiwer mfite Ath Lb s .. idf6iýt 1 case hiba(len ot iL, 'eeanse 7ousse, If8IgnorRodieýIlWeE 0 and eselvtitis one." sthé sood fat Mnl tattng 'hen ne *u liest ber. -Tise youg manu, tsad, f o?*tdtpÈi*7li<PV * e avai>in bwîelrbas' 0r-et ofer t publ le4ètgv ilese = bsudsssahl wd s t Ï t issti~ r ins usiltiia- *et vIsiffisL~5'a Thaï,~ & W ac~filertie a IZAY OeteberlstjlNI. rut,

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