Whitby Chronicle, 14 Nov 1867, p. 4

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'Y -I TO LUÂN aq ert rDeb.tr. lewa ln s n om sprfflustirse.cf the large cl aes nIP&m en d fr *mai food Improvod Tarns e loy prie..«M.0 ml Orembacha bonght Mmdj weaNotsl, tu JAMES 10L mene, nd aianranée a w Meiiluaa Eck E sZept.l 47 JNO. SATJNDERS' , )prOuriTE OYfAI, IOTETitI BUOOK 8TREEFT, WHiTI3Yy JK iare adlia.ou o! Lades'M..'m Oeie noimd sioe. m re d.' gr Ait erdero Uandmi*oiiu pugmuaetuai Repaire ntiy dn. >JOI? SAUNDERS. ~hhtby, J nly 10, 1807. f No.tie WJiK(TOIZ iI-liroby pi'on th et applloattion M1 wl b.c iaiétte l ,zaotîr. fth fe J o r Nin 1CANADA, or ta Farlianat iaving Jurtidictîcai, at tii. irmt Oession tisroof, Mr An 4et te redites the ores or limita cf the towui of cbtly, lai lia.Cooiaty cf Ontario, Wbsibyfuid tOtobr, 1867.- 8 0OTIC '3 io- lleot, -or etiior lP'i for an Actt b rLat! Wiitby hall. WIwr the. nid Cern àay*orint o moepelit n ip, l.owî the nod,4d forr the purposo of upoî~a rox uitliaeSong<ig ivez, 191Àugut, 1867. L Piano aForte. 1E. ATANLEY 1P. IURNIIAK i, bogste ai.gonooiate. 1 bitaul et cf tb hlo oprte gie haituctions on the T. Anai, 1. .ac, i. Suma, B. N. IU ADDUtL Port scpe. Cobourg. ?Cr tasppiy te Uri MRainer, or t lb. lAt Ilotel. toot Soe O AXIEL liège t4, nctify lais ourtoin- 0" .rtist blieias iroiiaped-tiae grenIer p-lorticai cf Iii.STOCK cf sEsvsm. JAS. MAIN & (30i, dt bt lha)»i Jnat ree.tod, aimi l 0constat& liy sppll.d wtth and Xiso' Boots &Biloeos, 1itii Gaiters, &a. , gulf(m rofible fer tige uommeîa pnonetbos eadlot bfmll10 glieMn- Mr Repaln)rùmUaiiuoeutled the place, Broolk streef, Wfdib, dysP]-A 1507. EL >ç_a rd!f LadeV., and- I>hfarrowo- BOOTrS & 6 O S Ù"" r FrFali and, Winter wear, eoný 4ïingf Mcd af, kid and pruhteils, sud eavy iear of ail kindi,,wbich wil beW =xN, toýund equal hi stylé sud 'quahty to Say in 1K * Uepairi-ng poptyattended to. Piaeyiidit 88 GO fr cl at 1James Bain &Ç6-old Store, caldwells Block, Brook Street7, Wbitby« WBIBT OTO~R5,18~. SAMUEL'HIIflOP, WHTT -COE t10 J oh n,-Kith. BA Zo*,@uio"n to lisp ftiond4 Ontl pà- trmlWtw,,,Iobck a ito bis od sawhor h le b. f ls ound ilwys ha rwui- nmet 4,trua horêw. sud mo, i oOdIilg t tii. inot- approvid V«ter@i'y pdfnbpl*o mu lIra-.o.hg ollyo.,m nb basi known mqiit* prilpi.s AÙ kiai 9ýJdlBi4,a'osa t pilri w2lr. , ,tthé Ird 107 lv LV ERY 1 7 1 ài psroha.em»d tào intoreuit o -MirX loi the% hltby Livery S-'t#ble 'Md 4suvlîîg mmd. largo additiong tliereto l n .roes and ve- hui.., they AUe. Dow îîrepardl . uisply Ali 1orderA for ifverin hi. saorior matiier. and teoM heettipublic requiroanonUt*_,rorptJY hIu 0 COULTIRD kARMOTROI(G. EDVÀItD .AKN8TRoIG. WllbJue ,la. MILUINERY!1 mise8 Stuart beo to announoe to the la- .1Ldies of Oshâuwa sud Vlcinlty, theaisemlu nu..w lisreoeipt of fiAr Spring stook ofmllluner and 14 preimred to exéeete -È,11 tr4at-ilchiid itraw anîd toit wo'k wth d.f'tth. \4% S1.6, lqo tuika- bve tW raturai hiare %axiksfur pi.t favdiral 0 ShJCOrJ #ITBEÇT, OSHAWA. Aprfl ftb, 1806. Land F0! Sale> ýrr0 FrARiilit, uMll;MIR8, ItUcf- Building Lot-s. Tne fc11119n11 la c *1otsw.be mlii 1ev foroculi, or ao nx aantiu »tit»., vil. Loô1 tit con. hlArui, , 2à0Ae.m Loi, 15, ?th " Ilmer "0>6" Wla, 11h "Toncrontie 100d w 7, $rd " do 100 46 7 otI iB elmosit 200 * LIil, ith ~Uxbridge, 2M0 Elv19,$rd ilBeach, 100 MY. fsth" yenI1c 5 i1 1,front " Omrille, loi ,do< " de, «I lotit,, 66Somanîiiio, 100 'Let 4 6. ~doi 0 Lt6, ith ~do§' 200 1»,,8, 121h " do, "00 si Otith " do, 200dé NE Ild Wia, 12 Siraîliable hülidinl ota, fer busicse An4 Édru st.rsdeum a g, li lb. r m f ii ROPiT. B. PER' Whlhvitaradu ià. éb >ODt cOId Landsa-E bot~ ~ ~ #ne.ITU ale thte UD&dgoltd e ,fcrIdel OIIM. ALSO TIFS hilARES Jl iq -E ,PloTum'Tt>N FOR fARMM a &OWNER8 0F STOCK. -TUE IIAToED LIVE STOCK a4 lo la INCORI'OEATED'BE) TUE Leglaltare' of -Cdnueotlout ýWltliAperpetail Charter. 1ÉW *lOO,Wo,d<i. pcutd villahe Iii .ùptr9Iaaîes gocnrlty for eelley ichier.. This Compa0y1anz p1eparei t4jliane Fo- lo bu.I£ %onIeSTOCS, mslasbotiaý DEATH D .U) THIEPT. At Modprale Ualemof Preunhuai, biisd on sa Eng91h bezierienio f cicr iffyY EAUL. The Pi.oer/Company cf *OTJOfoi. 1 01 TlC.N 2" bMle Street, Street, oti ,mt >uma aa te -; loi bpdvay New rkn dci. i1EAalaeOiI450W ahanutd treo4,1 ~>Appliyte, BALUIORE 1OYSTER8; Fruits, Cigars, Ort>ceries, CHfljpEWA WHIBKYl 0. ; EASTWOOD'Si, - lirockmità Witbr.' Wîîîtby, 0AO-2Ba1867 Ce ..Ayé-rs. GENERAL BLACUCMI7II, AND FIRiST-PRIZE 4 N OER, Whltby, 19, 1867. y Y:2i Boilei u\male. 160BORnI POW Eesetd Hauti. -Apply at the Wh Vlm'y r rm,,rmor Or Letwfthin a *of kTO IOFG 4~JE.83B. DS Kow mi mo y hese proettsChat I eau met& de Seli the CHEAPES8T GOODS in,the. COUNTY of ONTARIO, ~affwbf? Woîiis~4opingthe Cuti syâtem, My onotto la 'SMALt PROI'rs & QUCK EU MY STOCK OF FANCY AND - St~4~e DryGoods, L. MW complote, and for boauty, style anid oboapdusa an' o surpaueod. In this my stock ' v -4ry large, and more attra tive than usual, a'n *,wep aringý me witb their patronage, wîll flud it té their ndvantage bdt finpohit of stylo and ohcapnesa. AÀlui1amrtant of MOURNING GOODS eçonstsntly. on hand, and dnc e ii the shorteat notime Alec, a choice collection of BItIDAL EQUII'MENTS trimmod to 'order, ini the Jatest stylo. ~~ I Ptuj3pttonos ud Trimminge in epdleuvrey TAILO RING DEPARTMENT.- lothing made to order on irhe poies ly 4rt.las workmoun, aud an immensesock of the onetPa. *sionable Clotk rto select trom. A podil t gniaranteed. Special attedftien ealled te a lot eof BOOTS AND S}IOES. in mous' and woanetn'm, gfrbW "aid saiWses'.oie Orer Shees for daiup weatber. Groceris, lard. ware, Uc.Inspection la i.spectfuiiy lnvited.Ca paid forWheat, Darley, Ryo and peu. Y,« osiIAWA, OCT. 28,188'. 0MWx- te RMef and, bunaeoStria#., Oaawa. Wâtches &eelry GET 'THÈ B.R&i# T HE subcriber -bega to announce that he as just receved a well selected assortment of new tÙoode, coniing -of- CoU1d and4,8îlye r .-Watche,8 Jet antiGoiti arflinjgo, Geiti mmd ier G nord$, ing.r Xingu, DrooÇes,9"a1 Pins, PëieilCigses, .Thimble., Loketsà, Churns, , k *nu.e e l .1i vren ucd tiAmenbcaia Ciockm, tearochamn ger'lioiUrs, Bria. EueS and cher Pipes, steel SpetacIes. Repairs of ail kinds. 'OsuýWA, MAY 1867 c~"Please note the, adresis, J. Y. JOHIXST0ON 'OSHAWA. tf' 20 IIALL'S CARRIAGE WORKS, i~f~Kit'S. WstToronto, A larg l~Ite ý cG ,riages on hand. The-proprie1tia ol thia Esalshmeut, pouss facilities for manufacturing CÇarniagzes t - etuabýe thênto 4dfy comnpitf'tion, either in price, style-or' Ztd jçou 39,efeà -ES f s, ifie aiseni ni feg. onnnS that ho his i 1SoLi AND WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND AFpLL STOCK IN w GOliD AND) SILVER CASES ! M A n 'assortnieiît of New J ewelleryÏjust rcceiv'd.;1 Wliitby, July 2é4.167 20 Iy 111.. B . c oCltAi MdlUitmiadr n)lcp Prints, (Fast *color3,)' froîn................. -1cta to 15cta. o gilJlflmpitnth Factoriea, (atout and wide,) from.. .... a" l2k c à sat aI nw T Bleached (Cotton, from .................. lOcts " ISt& urtem ndotier lori G ood Fait Dres, from... ........... $1,50 to $4,00 Red and White Flaiînels.................. 25cts to 5Octa. Blankets, (Canadian and ECnglisb,) from ....... $2,50 to $6,00 ApI 0U57. ~INSOLVENT AM rIn Clotha he offera the largeat sck!otSainet& Full £1s AK MNDRT Englisb, Scotch, and Canadian Twed, Silk\.Mixtures, Melton's & Whîitney laTIi tii. teatter of BOBZRI at greaty reduced prica hioleit Clothing made tOd-er. (~For fashiona.ble Dry Gooas a&Oot sg erviceable T W 0' BOOTS &SLIOES, and lresh eheap Groceriea-GTOI IN THE COUsTT OF M H. fCERANPE Tueoday 4tk SDIWA§ ST., WIT I.AT 2 oOIOcK, mi*rn WIIITBY, OOTOBEiI 7, 1807. Ail eh6. dgh4ttl e..tmt. a ; aboie na e tô 0% ,,o N~ A SPLENDID ýL0T-j,, Embracing-Mlohai rs *Ad 3Usilins, Shawla, Prints, Iloop Skirta, &c., at coat. (Jheap Factory, Cottoni, dftbi$ *èës mifn Cloth, for gentiemiens' Summer wêfarir- J i t i f aet~ The- Croéery Departrnot1 i Embfaces a choice ssortwen t of NewFrhTe, uasîJf feca, &C', &c., CJHEAPFOCAH Farinera produce taken in exch'angc f or:d JOHIN FARQUIIARSON Silver at pars Four per coint off for, Bank Notes. AGRlTLIARL Wt-CS Sigl Rapç @Àeand:3Mowers, and Reapers and Mowers Combined. T(Yw OF 0 any Pc taire.. Roi goeW-Yir, Whuby, J* TTORNE A C'îaEi toir Bo ek-t D Jnan.t Il CJRRAI$T C8OU LiCr - forAiry ÀTOE?! one wht ByR. IgrZU2 -ad [-111 1 1

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