Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1867, p. 1

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- J.h~Ii 1. - SI t. - LI ear, u*pisy n.giesrar, matwr grse".'u sry,.nd ixamlieoin (laor oUCu RoBIBRI J. WILON. j7.ABVoigz, -e-AW B ltglgTUig-AT-tAW AND SOLICITUE ilits (JjIaidueay. c(isuler-fTrot4. B M1ItlsTEE * ÀTTtUkNSY-,AefLAW, W 1thé 51r, o! 1>0*&'L CoigipIse,1Bjrock 1.9 ,Whitby, Out. Whi;tby, Nol. lb, 167. 4 si, », FAlJtAlqK@p, s OLICIT019 NOTAIIF ýPUBLIC, *o.4e. W. il. BiLelfiNGS rXAM ~ ~ ~ ~ ffc £EOL li.Lw 1e Ogtarlio LA. hsinb.i'., g;..' us Door soutis01 totis L.glstry oilIi.... *WlitbroJoi, te, 1862. 1111AIZlLzS C.KILL A TTUUtfY4Y AT LAW, 5UO1C'LORIf* lis de. mAcSuot4JL11. 6.9 TiltORNJYdl.T-. A W. SOliCTQria 1>4a st &0 UggIryQflleê. on Blrook 4trwe. lUEn LA21ION, &TT1ORIEY.AhT-LAW, SULICiTOII IN Diladas Street. W 'Tisee door. West of bf Fust Office. 14 CICIIILASE k C"OCiIILit [AIltiJ*Tgus. ,rArTOINytTS, 3oNVEy- B soncer i d Jilries VPublc, &a., dc., l'aars Assv-fl'5 UpualeTown 11 IL ooffuei. l. . , W.M. Ccls ceuni.> Crowu Mtorisey. C. As JONZeS DaritiSt, olcator l in canery, A. tOlmrUCf&est,&O. tIFFICE-t-Nezt door 10 tho Rogigtry Ofltk, WblÉby. 41 l> W# 134 IST~IELEO Bulrllor. &o., 4o., gr 44, Cîurch sireetg Trouto. . Ji E.-AREZWELli, LL.1, 1DÂIlKLiITEII-ATr-LAW, &o. m. 1%GBE, 0. A., MIeont lisw, solloittr, ls-chaueery, Cou-~ =ae' o.U .-Igliscue ,treug, Barils 9X ot i.Lt uII, Uéhaws, V. Wi. 40 LJYEAN ENULI01I, L-L B., SARLUM 99 KrATLAW, ohocitor lIn<issu- ou> cvyîî. it ., 4. r 40 T. .. J.sil o UNNor , 1.23. LSURGEON TO TIE COUSTY IGÂOL OBrnStrat, Wbltby. Do, W. 7EIjlrBjJ3Bnelp. J iitoCGAm. - Ozne-4td 10s. m., sud 5 t,08 beciock, p. ms. I8 ».PEAKE. I WHITBY. t>.Boyau, 'Di.. Waou;, Do. l:n.ea, Dit..Tuoxuusi, »A. houa Dii. Aissxo. (f'or 8 urgery.) AU of Toronto,.- EsaniaaeL- Hmme foa, Byron Street. 213I KOANT TAILO8, BROOK STREET JLWhitby, TIXOJRA@ US'tO*, TOWNOCLERK «é TZASIU<lî, WIIITBY B A481STERS. Klng treaI, 8 doors £est of Trorni'to tr..et, Torouto. 5 BAILIVF SIXTII DIVISIC>N COURT.- LtIUICNSZD AUCTI19NZEER. Addrea- savtou.40-1> .ie.eO'ÜI)LL. or MM oyl uESIVZuiT DIVISION Cort o! tii. oanny of Ontario, Couvey- aetir, Oomnnlssouer au 4uene's Uuels, 0. SVICTOIA T1 ~IOA4, s /1/ ILLIAM SCUT, 1>11,0 ;Tol.(I.te propriotor. aLsPort WWhltby, s antI .bosrders. ai. ie am um , U.aasoro J u *nues, mmrdss. Foi.ii, 1664. 0 T JSIZl.A. E-e BYAT Winssur prlroo oyr ALEBZ10N H 0 TELÙ. atescupold eguteron siedmtt. CUC=O.. iroprltor., 1 N N IBOr ismN. th@soliov xAnCoi, * e Z4KJLAL U*MI c ien tg st7 and elbotr oWhtbped eu *11 Eet e r 4etteult o r th e tveling rl'u csitt Aioosbo n Houomrkttqure boiAnmI' MiuEs, 187. K.TNG STRNFE7 OSHA W.. rpl IE abovo Weil know,old establililed .L otelasud p remises, have hoeu parclaieJ by tho subscri er, where îho WINJ lways be fouud tonIband resu> tte attend personail> te the Wallis of bis gueula, d&a. The preinisci. hâve been oonveuîoncly and oomforli 51ed up ; pltdaes,&0.0 wth ooterirs ofsooftwager go vaut2 sud every maorisitapîroverneutto mutke lise rtveller oi home darlLjnhl. .tuiysd Lub >table bousititul- ly*uppled et alli aîes. Notice to Parmers and Othors LiqniorotW bolriaatand littallmorton 0781111 1> t'rooe, by gallon or basroI; McNo&nglicoo',. olontvitdo. 0,; laoi)lcr'.. Extra IReetifiea Whikel do doi bitPort. Sherry -mnd sud Ilor*e, tollire. A. ALEXANDER. Brookliu, jan.2Tth, 1808. 4 019TARIO HOTEL 1WHIlTB'Y. a. DAWIsES -- - - PROPRIETOR.L Superlor accommsodaton#. Citreful-atten- ton Wo lb. ?oquiremeuts of tratelers and pieste. -1 -iptclohs sltabllng and shed-room, aud ready VICTORIA hOUsE, * fUNNfta 5TEE, WiffrET. JOh PURItILL ... . .lroprlotoJr.. oL sboerlber desiron t'O lufornsi hl& ni coetbat ho:11% n:w carrylng o11the: be*t of! vine, liquor. cigare, and réfresh. met.. A wci*.nppiled table. Goodstabling sud euiloood yard. JOHN BPUILEILL. Whltby. Oct.4. 1864. 89 CRO CKER's IIOTUlit (LA&TE PtATri3,) NELéON sir. tO$tNTO, NOBUI L 0K ING ST. BASSETT à KEEBLE, .PuaRgsois, rPiFJropri.tor rea,>eçtrsrnsnnôlices te . .thsr frilesa tatîe, se velu ns neur home, liai 1h.> havo Ishen lthe aborcl'rensises whjalt o r* lu ee-r>regipect eourenfll4 uiau c'sn:fortsbiy ILled up aurthie accommuodatiois of gueo*o sud the travelIng publie. 'tii.>' ili be ibtnd lu eonslant persoisal attoudayc,e suad wIlilese otoiindopb uien thef t'teto ive smin. o IrWh a toýr Ct , igl s DUN[DAS STREET, WliIIJBViC.W,* '1"IIE substrlbes- begs e Wannounce tisat ho -'bass lessed the balditig foruserly kuovu &#der1pturetaenoti.àii s sbeen reuos-st- tii bestoiylo Tise prefrîfesure pleananîly sitsssted, o poue tlîPott Ofie, andin tise Thollailva>' Qmuibwsosîls at the Ioiland' the stages for Uxbridge sud Boas-orlon leave th.do&@.erymoruisag. hlosrdOl1per*ay.ý GEORGE eoBSoN. * IMa-eulo.tirawyî tesao or" rsigis>. bliphed aud lhorongli, y ell. > loliusurançe , a$spoit adv*n- yull islicglîicr SOp"rsde thée gpmuton ou Us. > lu:assas oi ti.,'cri o b ale ir'reataise. il or about hopreîiuaiD",utie.rorj. onepu îms26 TUEZ ONTJL1*aUXU AUMERS' INSURANCE COMP'Y. Compen> la Dow lilly orgsnud. fauJ prepnred b' aeoept rl.kn on lain baldirgo, and their contena, Coinîr> &B11001 lions..., soid Churche..licox. wlsthir.gW ln- gaere, sud lhereby Psupport salHume Ius.urance (ý'fupaut.1~er on. u .orouulîy of dolng go,~~~~~~ î' .py" ~Je i ti.I.d offie, or to ýâflCompany lis 'naja. IIEAD OFFCE-Tii.014ld egietty Urnes ]Fire, Insurance Co'y. ESTAIBLI' SH-ED 1808. Caipital, £1,946,000, Sterling. lundi, Iuvestuj insd-ISOO TN$VAKCS asin.g li..by Fre lectcd pold without raorosico te the BuâasIJ .' odois. Agenta tor Canada. MIJON AONEWI Wnly. Agent Wr Wluthy, Oshawa., Bowinanville, nd tiurrou~isOnc etitittry. îosU THE LIVERIPOOL AND LONDON 'Obw X-32 INSIJRANCE COMP'NxY. Capital, surpus, & Ilescr-edFpua, $ 16,2719676. p»itFCTOns liN CANADA# T. B. Â*inoi, EqCsimn Cl'rcldant BAisito!fiouts-ial.) HJEURXTEAJIUNS. Z.'q., Depnîy Chts-isu (Manager Oularlo Batsk) ' E. IR. KING, Lq., ((leraI mner Bankt or Monîreal') EIENRY CIIAPUAN, Z.'q.. merehane,. TUMDXAO CHAMP', E.. eea y, F.c. SMITH, -141 6alliag socreîary F.A, AL lgdntitois CV. IV t JA K D'LM onis-cal, Ç lupeetori.. Eire Inourance and Life As. muarance, Pblicies issuod at moderato Rates. 0TbxCopany ofl;rs t..inso)urers thse .ocurlty aud loLm~MrA2MI G. F.'C. SMITH, LPAISBANES, Ja,' Asawurr"y. Store, Brock Street,! Wlitby. 11* lork warranited. Fa~nlio stlude aIprIvai. retildentes. Ilps-epared to gise Musle aud Sitiging les îsot.; Wts-a'llaslted nom bcfof puitilà. Av'.1atio tô simtd. et1thie -018c0 orJolsu 'L' Wskîf, é*géon Déulirtt, overM'il ltw e'. tre, Broôk St. Whtby. 'VARS & DEVLIN. RTIRATOALontsî, Oshawa dm entd I ZOOMA,, directil-oppo. th~d e lo'ame-urnoon ilmeocStret (bord loernorth of the Ontarfo Banik..EXESAGN ,,aoAgn for Acident sud tndard fnsnaaue 00. 1 TEET E±tR ACTED W* wIT90UT PAE, .m BT IREKUSE 0F WIIITBt, NOV, 27, 18Gi No*' 1, on the Corner, AT PRICES TUÂT DEFY COMPETITIONt, TEA. Young lyson. (ionuîowsler. Japatn elred; Monclso.ig, cossgou. TOBACCOI Iun boacs l. Flie (jutlu boxés.. rvisi ss.okilsg sud eblevlng. VINIGAIU. Dry Crtt.bd, Cs-ushed A. Fxtra «round, YClIOw rased, N.~ 1,8 SU asnd 4. Cloye.. lsae str (linger. nbog Ground pes CANDLES. Fisisi oru llowoi. Jars, Extra Golden. Peur, Fin. Apple, Eaapbefry Lenon. FRUI1T. Loyer- iiie. Veltciea Il Sulleulia 41 Saedloies Curianta. Fige. Os-ugo reel. cils-ou il lîrazii Nul., Casile. AP Brownu Windsor. Ai.eorted Tablets'. Faisey ioilotmsoaspa. Gienflald. silver «Jus. PureWliî. f> PrprdCons, S'as-cil fo£od - Miaed Pickles. oulias. Guirkins. Walout». Iearre> Sso. Johin Bvon «aurgoneAsee-ls NUAlmroous Cst.up. Winut tslehsp. Wobesl.rsliro 8a000. Taule Salt su druuss. Creani Tartar.. 1l-Ctrbonate or soda. Oum posur. r BskiugPovu»i. ittai-Sds B in , sudlrhl. Berisel L.J Buttou Rse tr obi.leu Tluits. ARicos IM, ice ongsr C.udy'. hlenip Seed. Ar-ovîoot, Whiting. Bath lipis. V4)rk... wrsppiug Pàpes-. Wrlîlug Paî.r. Indi'go. FPLAVOR'G ESNDS Orange. Letnou. ciAlmo. Clores. Tions No. 1, ~ , sud 4. WliewsgdSrbr. W at esproof ligate lu 'i nu . Blak ge " '~Crockeryi, GClasand 1W No. 0, Coréh Bropsssa, Viré lid.. NO fo1 " ' Matches. Clipumo Pius. lessderaon's T. D. CORDAGe, ManilleBllier Epo 66easlisig Llse dé Delp son. di cdpCorda. Sein. Twsuie. Fine Blitwlvne. Coiored Twino. -$ho@ Thre.d. (2audle Wick. sirnon lis Barrois. White 11.1 asd JLake huron Tront, at $8,80 par X- bbl. Moekes-ei, intibia. db bb White Flis, bd, à$ 146; 1 North 81isore Split Ies- rina, lq barre'u.- la barrels, No. 1 Dounna lettlsags. uarge Tubi@ Cojibb m sduloelç. 800(J irIbrriag.ln bokmes bJ4uoims k. BRANDIES- Jlitisry Uolrd Dupu>. Chsfupane Vine Groveors GIN- Do Knrpe s cSt. BoÇçMs s6Ubr Tot!!. EuxM- - Jaualca. SCOCH WIliI8KET. Rain.>"Ilas. Iligiand Malt.- Rteward & co& Pais.s-y. 1'OËT WINES. Burgunday. Ei.deux. grahnlsas 4 Grapo. D ucadisusond. Yousngîr & son,$a Sob .Aie. Bass md. Pile Ale. Blood'a i'nster. WISKIES- UId R>.. Todak; ý ed* (Iree Ce Gu Id0 Sejknel otiSlslps dot apas, tise ote r tArg.st.fl. Ilse w (Fs-ou Temple Bar,)thM smiu,'Ulon would cleasiu? *f a.aets ftifs *hle couduct, snd atonce reliev s e in o r-dn test he v asth"sthrown hbo&kto i vorseIn4 positlcur; fer, besides thi. îndiguîty tof im-. o, I prisonimet, ucnov sufllsred tise, &Pgulis lRodi o! belusg régsrdeds thebp o 8sep 9F tise - mount. ies. ttim ordri vere gli ths to guarêl iba iii ihgrcater sovTitis en no*oue vas lloved to visit him, Tieho " preparatlob «ofthe proofp, 0o p4çpqpltious 'w"' o! bîher Wltu*sc, spijie of *hoi; Ikb fil "tO inotiser, vere et Cçrfi, sud Lthe epusulwbe c tîgus wvi l ivyf required a moutis. At tis ce lajit the day. uarn4l trMI'l rve end a W~ erovdfi pce4tm Bora Ssbl lIn tise P court, sucli as rsrely silended ladicial proceeffngs. Tise> came net only frcm (hofin distant part. ofCo,phalouis, but eaveu, Irmof ast tisi ueighheburiun islande, sud espectsly enà troin o-fti, vhore tiseabomsiasble surder of s prsoua6-eumllhy ustemed a. the Count Noimume bad crested a feeling of public indignauion. Soins1usd sîil oufl l. douce lu thse virtue sud character of Kodi hma trésiaud 4oubted bis, gUi jbât "iot: r.îloiredl prd~d 1,. cime vili asois- or.r tisaI we îhey considered bim ai rricide iuader tise end h worat sud grealeit possible aggravation wOUl, of circupsstsnces. When be sppeared lI court tise firnaneui of bis- depotmoiit a 'PU Wttîtted 10 the former céaus of Lb. Spec lm r tors a proof of i clear conscience, whil~ It IsittO exaspersted the lattt n-eâ'sdge loion vbo s*v in (t the effeet of sbsiceaa tu nousue pilude aud hardcr.ed gailt Tise feelings lnain of synspatisy sud abisorrence voe ethux a mdcc excited ansong thse audience 10 th.eiiglost £bat tf pilch. At firaItishe deposious,,pt thvise bnao witueues ps-ont vore recapiWpIRtd, sud uçov thon tiiose of the prc*sant'ii vos-bimt th mo Ausassgt tbeia oue uernod more- cou- thse coil clusive: than (bat of Nicolo'a, vio ,attract, 4iàtuTI ed g enerai conspossionwhon ho' appeared etsf lu deep mourulnt iits ,bis 1 'g vbite s e ra liair failing oit b s aipulder,,a heïlSsad L'onding lblb. oisun~Itudes' s ouble C-iJ vèlgisIt 6if an sd 'gref viscis urro Od y, hit brov, and'fihied bis eyej tes t (as. muits.t] Tise unquivocal alucerity ofhbis'stmo*eisîap>ear and Ils contradiction o! tise scouishvbîew gis-onu>b Rodisses ol tihe sanger In wiici iglh uiu4dpsced lb. evcuing o! Lbé crime, r produeed nincli-sensation samonuatheb. ase. asidiopèe es -elisas ou tbe jadgeo s » is 1ook t v,,iwupe ar.ed equasiiy opprcýésed vils bld t4 F4oro.WU be Ii ho a ~i 0dIlu,,sud sav ea Roais ou thisdt 61 tifs héerail, ho rau lovars-do hlm; but -th ile Ut eproe-elTdhe t bia -relu pproacil~Xcslg ~ Ts bilfopisi-àlali e carted tse itise gre. b. 1smade0 wbeu presly interrog Amon ted ecarcd tisa no viii eulsted lu fis-or teOo ot Rodines.* Belng corî-liced (baâtt h11tis vas tietrut% ,he tbought tise trath veuld ure loet ;', puk;bit itproidout ordored hlm te detis kiiip Allnounutil bo vas qucstloued. mutileu W heui Tapas vas summoaied ho gis- ci-jutc4 dence, lits spectscles - conces fe* bis'J$Stion eycs, sud a amilie of defereutial symp*tby b .i for tho accuaed vas ou bis lips; the C 1 toue o! bis voice, visen be spoko, vassoft ah aud inainasting,, Of-Rodine4 ho sid tb.he As o onores-oesigner; tisehoPrezio So guos-, asudgsso eseu lise cariauimo signor. Hie staicd ieon that shostl-tibefore lb. birboni killed'Usé p roe (ont. NRmutashe tise uiablilo edfa Sguor R d nos tplid binaho vas Sure *o iTdpasl% bcissgr ttyJ! s sh'*short liffé, ai é fs theTapas W dr , sil bis .ssatèr's eaites, and thsat tino1 IbiO'sutatemeit lied appeared strange to Whe hlm, ocanse ouly a m outbprevionsly te heb oa wunut cd Made £4!iil lunbis ovai nttartal l.gi offce, uo change la isbicli onid b. electI- édicxcepting by a-ciidicÏ.i . 11. *psed to es-anirïa tIesa ignture or thé .D.AV. jt-i TI rooden Ware. ; 1cfr I epte denial q0 tb li ha4 dietu".dthe wvliý liq tl wetis fuite 'do'».a se eont issd neyrsid 4 thse existence o! moIs rUt, thal onu tie ecula )Pnt gale iini1cr ie !s-niug lft Crt a )i.nt É&M.ivâitÉ@na A air faes itc weep isIest loi Mt tisa-bu R. VtIN Whitby,'Ncw. ia, 1867. - appui1 No. Il ON TUl OORNell. eîlslug A ý ý

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