80140LROO-M8, lte4 la h ob Sol, Muï EZhWSand oog .tpib iUWhtlo£ andl .5.. la .1800Wbitbyt .4,he a .i 80Wl »m 1divu ws t Canadian Fulitý:ý Cânadian Fl Canadian Bc AU Boug&t si megnber the addrce-, December 11, 1t f., .'loi riu. Canadta n ,Blankets.. ~si~, - CottoéaodPrices..UU. mée teLateat -Reduct-io,*êin PrtFçaî,,E7NE DICÉSON, CRAWFORfD k SMITUII< Wikisu' JokBoo frewfw1~. bgxiO JMPum CaLdwv 'ATI1O ty ir Un*IW4 N o0 T. IICUIEB'0 i uC. ifuy *. ,I Bowa u twuVX, theo. wny a:f o b rU9 "wu Touo TO< adcco tmgîTp", D~,some!.ilrgains flo r aIl!! ,~.. 01, UT 4 ws d b ids oh Y I , 11,1à .om 00< WANTEDÀT SAEAUrýr WI«tL. U~ 0>1810 ~JWblîbyp,,Applimm DRI C PWE, IANO FOR SALE __________E'Iy49hai h novelties cf the sefson. Inl'éMI V!~III Min. Menu, wiil be fowsd a choiS mi o f the. moit "iotbIe Goodse ONE E (W iEsT.CLABO the, 18805. cAl gth*, -ffnouofth obuleoswo .-cà v Mu'Y>l,3.kfa , ls, Orimet ,yl o o s ýke o. .11 Ç I1- 1mad . sd 1ru8 y da l îk& MZtUn Wool Gazibaldfi S ugle Gms -m« aeJr wî. oVior*iingw, Piirlii fZZT6216- gs, ,*P;dm ouuno * < w té pqep.un. . JOBSN V. UýAM, Swývý1cýG w e SpllqGRtEAT VARIETTÉ. IIAVJKG LEASED TUEý atnad mfl oo uM& AJORMILLS9DRES GOO S For té term of t nrn, bop téi nnomne tisaI ho 10<UÂ'IEEIDl ow prpoid tsi psy îh. igbni Prim, lu FOY, VARIETYSTYLE &k, OHEAPNESS 0308k ARPIWITBI ONT. CASHI. FOR WHIEAI' M 's. D aiee t tis, M III u ad malo10tuumuwmJ'm.uDOmONm0 * (uuuCUSToU ILT l1 a a;uperior suauur, DOWARER 019,SJ~JIL 100J tniolro a1h. e bpslsm warru i es lgrct ~Jast">s.'Otrl lt1"TUWN- - STI LL AU EA D * WiDe C.rIYBO TS U 6ALF lu rofe«ut te .aboieaosm*" oeuut 1o li err of trl'rovlsse.of Oit" tte.nie uselurwsuandwsg Ms. STIK9 '3bforUss mbra d Pe1'terbor'ough. îabahs i es e, a a euous1y patronlsod B.. IIII 1807. fiSl&tCLOTliIN(. frmi a GP PAIE". T. 1P. MlITE N# Wb. Dir;f ~ AIL W, ile, Dmllu i. 4 #CLOT1ýýj 'L 1817 40 NOTICE 0 RATEPAYER. our inimensesteck te select fromn, and at prices te Wà rtaÃŽitready or onUN ru F P Cl.oth i ng made te Order, Ckidelerq .Under the smangement, of Mr. MW who> from bis long experi * LpnteruusCorpout Aul pgà m ouslt eted enoe sa7 elI.kuown eability, ma frst.claascutter, lbels c6nfideut of giving Shai #Town ofT b.rb>a wost«« httiefacto a alvoring <hie Deportasent with their ordue. ChimIdvm0. .............os taÃ. r.vwuytmtgLutb@,LAI!dPUSIUMI, .et o U»ao*1COAL OIL, lb. Obepbt lu IUT L D Or rma mewlotm 1 e .. 11,18 om. 4w ft tfoUelt of Decmber, 16W. Front, eIii.Jauni.. 104 W' v OM mioroT..s.n eé, omu or JsIisssoe.Nob* i.YEI). Iosere of! l a~sp bice Co* aussit visieut C4 to ppprIF . Will os. db q1sd blah osa votlicg st thé Q 4zs..etdio«rt Usore * a. me Millau 4 C .,Brook Sîcot. os.rm THÉ -LANCASIIIRE INSIJKANCE COIi' £lgudChareis Sîroo, Tenn S., 0. DwsËr.-Cz.au-u Ç4.,0 11.1 Agentefor hm int."". h cVotay o1fI!ldo, U"Iholboa bi aw Piarg sud tatho0 red torivie apypil- JOUR AONEVy WIdkIiLDt..4 U. *' *ne4 Tise ovuor-tIsrof%, m rsêis.b>po IPm Prpeiiv espqn e ." shlg lssd LtNo. il, "Mcisen.Wibd DeomieahdI, "M. CAINS,8TR&YJM4 ANQTHSR SUPPLY 0F LADIES' MSUlý' &CMfLDREI<5' FET YER.-SROES, RUBBER8, kc. As Uà l ofitb. bout, atprices 4efyfng honourble, compeIti Thomo Te"ssirnu the planucwwtà ions n as, sud on thý $10pus offimayi are ofgrut gh, roi>andfit fià vourcd, and free frosa the deleterion.mine. relsoioimonY qmdifmOIWiDt ile1t - » R.meMber,.our mctto il o u e-.udroV LOWS &PoWtL Ltides, iuitabte, WJI4S &BRANDIES, oan qt; Cahlh fil"i. >4â. cas.t. o VTEE1»I %M ais s AU. LATUIEIIS i ULTAVA do. nUMIS.CWEI "hM lkl OAIVETU. - IikçW3U0 $00 01 Terme u ahl, on Wbitby, Dec. <11, 1867. DRY J'Os-EPH And sèleét ia ..wiU fIid theni c up eior InLadies". AWaosl*,at 50 dozeIn Wvieé every variety. -Mo 5 a1ot5'( FixtrcesachsStoves Lam, e day of salet8MMr. Ino"t ITUEOM& rkeepikeh AS, Gents, M . .~ isses BOOTS &SEOjËSý of every variety, the- establishment of, the undersigned à & unsnrpssd by any other i n town.Te stock is large te select (rom, alnd'the workman'sIip good, -sad in al cases WARRANTED. VREPAIRS Â ASUStIAU or HOe f Famille will fInd it to their interest te eail J.OSII 1A., ÀNDELL. ,Wliby, Decemnber 4ý -186 7 . 4 8 COIINT' ,Iu tho p'BO -UEAT BÀRGAe IN Ort~a flar~in iIais and Caps. - Great, BaÃŽgains jinBlankets, -FIauinels, ? Heavy Shirti-ng,- M» tplsc Greait, argain@ in Ileavy -Doutble and rt Single &. G,#à t Bargains in Hefîv'ciloudsr lot - Faiiyý4t, =c. <raBagisnHeavy Glvs id :1p Hoe, agi &c..,H -ioe, ALSO Â LARGE ASSOILTMIENT,0F- ezr ~R CERE~S FR lPI1SI Als-o a large assortment of 'lay Dhaf lal of which wiIt be soli Lityt ~,JOHIN F. (CI1OCKE RYI GL f,,.AbtD Iwo ý, ý 1 ý p