~.- --~r-~- l. J Mêcos]Lb., '.i~ t J t p*ccu r cbeap, à ateI~~'~1g - - r Wb1tb>~; floU. 4, isui. - lIn addition U titheaboVe,1 cf CROC KERY from -an ladivldt albt *hlohll Il be old,4ry tohe'a WUITBu,-N il, lu1i8. LBROI! YOu WILL CET "'Ibt IrM-RIO ot U iMoZt<iordi 011jLe' o; A3,W! W. beg ta intiniate our intontion'of retinlùg. froni bûèf4abont 0.. . AI 199di.&i Lrcii, j169, 811<la cObhquBa av i mlï" téo 11W ~ I Al'*,4Tit -EU TaLT.LW AN» SOILICIT4ON whl.eéf our Imm 0. $OkU(aowý irt Olîu. 9 ler-I o int WhIUp, Nv. y u. 4 Y QOOD , No 1,on the Ot dort the Stor i of 2. à J. OWbltNl1, Ib l t. 44R.tdy-m dé ClothijngA ~ r uAi'IEYC St 1g1yAT FAII IsloIANKrS.C 'W t f tifeLuquors $Avez$#e At a mall adratci6c n coet , a order tO reduce our Stock, b npxit lizod Pickles., - - hItjr, ais S~jOSs___abova date asmach ail possble, whea tb. balance wull booffered la bl, uZe oedl'ored. Oullins. <luaLso. KL a, wlîh the good-wilI'oà businema, together wlth aIoS'lmt oar now and eligbi)Ub8uolie. Wutns l»tisýAT L&Wg LCiIUE 1IN prmes, f4W 9 auli'onî purchaeti, oDit iry .liberai termes. Ou Stock in ,ll new T 0ACC. Rond~g. and buho.,Caittiittgd it ut tenais, wich.nibeus M-to olYfer goodsft ronsI a k 10d. io..ro3to Oâ W , ittrtonspke 1o î1Fine e nt Ilis bosto. aGurgon.îeso ti. 31. . N~ OELi> ro *urOCkjratêirthmnsee ft P~*I'~itiotkig antd bbb*ifg. Ntinbroom Catadup. f*tti WîslW,@soff«- Co otp. l'~>JI~ *é~ 4 ,lt>y.,, -400 prm, monem jMtfA, front fi10 UMon id MALT. -'i'aIiWif. U2 out D - ,'woUî * - 8, B00.1100 n.,Gri Ceto, thb iest valtte wîité Win@. iT >iu TTLAW, 8OLI IN 14200 Body Coate h t Jsacket$4,6e bl,. e ianît Cir ai! uts, is .LI.la Viowrie lilook, ey $10, Worh $6,50 te$12,50. 6Bwam Loome, Pontsl hlrtingmo VAR 20Barreilo1 0 We sryffe. oa tOk 4tronse' 4%; 60 O$'Ctowtsroini04 te 012, Worth sdTikg.DESJPRSAN1 $9,S AON *5& té $m - Gente ý glatt sud Capo. very latentsî hj,, ibpriVA a ~ ~ ~ ~~I TKZ.TLW UIIOI 300 Vebn*t rein$1950 te $90 Worth 811.1 - wais ronud. SfIs A Csu0$' ..4 &o. $2 te $4. -DrM .Geedo in Winoeyg, Delaines, 'Ysiltw rallsid, No.%2, 2U,5.CeanTartar. 'aresa. doofs Westof IeryWi> 'Ba fee rom $4 to, Thibetm, O obou'p,-- Merio.na OU4 ud 4. Fi -urbonate or gode. -~ô WbPet~. lreorth: bOto 88,15. Loustres, Gaa isdsW, a&Hwool S'CS ira Q~~'~*ft COOIIEAM. ReavyWhiit.y Overmotlngu, tront do, TrenchRepSpClnsUm iu&o.Pwdr ATORLy < VT- *~to*$2,50, eloth *1,50 t10$3,50. 100,8hawIe, tlom $L10*Malles, . um SaleOt.. ~~ ~Beardf iJ~kuIo of g, rou Iaa af a oudiéNtusgs is Mt. ~ &,a.-Uzua-ppeliTown, *,0t 5,*rb*ISî*. resbIm1 hawle sud Bontaga îgeiSeia y.pamv.Ote-BieiU'i~ Huddersfield mako, *out *1,40 l 5,HsIr1 plpldasrtmient.. Oumutîî. arncnplior. $vrt 1.75 te $4. ~IbnVlv.trmn»s Bines. Vitrai. "'nlLoi W. M. c cue h~TudCa ttsaà -Y15»o. - B Lead. .'nEnes Bay$11..ad,4o bil intr la Joi.ta tv 'las i ~jd; 61 Very cuîeap. Duua janm saeauMilit Etardinu Moties. BtBine. JONES; English Doekinsud Clotho, very Tabe Lnnen, *bil. sud! brown Irlsb (Groatid MPwe'*.»i ,j~*ImmrSeJgîtr 5~.k*o*y, Englisb and bMosoow Beavers, 51klineu Ifsudkoebles lutSpff Sa obsas De", Wifr41 î nlm a CÉIr lnolal - 1.*.a g~e,*0,h. TiO.Sardines in X,, and whole1 COFLB Titis. ----e- Moeha V"on*II.,I -~ Suil<sltor,,h..,h'A, Jv. sundl'sEsg -, -i. . YNEWBL LL. 1., ~ .i i Iili i ÃŽI~'ART ENT SY2pk cutRDIALS. And ailier fruits la brandy. E.1108, .A.f, GCol#-.fMes, AsnseyerLo 114,»lstovliCis.rCu Just rdéeved 100 boxres 10w Layer EgrWinm là aboies, &-à J boxes. GinaerWine. Ilsrhy. <masufer, h. U0ee-4intsoe trect, Fortil narraoe. Sa0 Ise ril'est USl.e ' Ushas,. W. 40 FaVse plE.p ry io.. 9 ~Boxes new L $rm 2,75 - Balts 1Wter Fnir, plisse pplemon - S tior cin. lIMI NULSH 4bo m- d.15 o ,radHrg, p oniy $3 a bbl. EI. Ciat ed &U1#228 AT 54W, Oolletor la Citait- %en o. T75a1Puro Trench Brandies. îyr naihiiup sd. tie eya ïs , Oie,he blmwit îN o lintlcati Iaisins,10o t.elitu. 'Amo rican 'Rail. h. lt, 'UWt Ut1 1tl. -4-0 New Carrants ahd Fig..o ln i. Velosîcln SnUIlIcs s~'î.~.pjoat.t hCuVMA 'In laTerne, We offer the boat vaine in 1, Port@suad Shè27. SdeIl"rpn~htr .0, Vor0 ass'ntosS. - -4Ra, Tob$1,10." Old 1ny Y.iic'crane t». g O»in, Pw. yzi 111or, oa. P. *o8Pue fl, - Kagilili -4 e s1dà Prtià ,kyBrsi ne.-Jitfs lié Yrstte-ooel. fClT -0On.g ~9mcm9Iovn.-.S LinontdTbos.Cnasn JOyH Y OU x g eo d I's l*iil ll 0 2' n 0 gal irniidST BO -- Vs.I.£ CES 71'~ 1 fi S llv4r ( . Bito. 9DaWATER318V , T CE il i T AI09 HA 0=84j .1-à - aMeu1oet» P i E gI D 9 O , 1jý80.47 Fat 1. nnti5,s 4. BiP)h. ML19M94 Ë,, . ' ]sspoFa lToa lek ' -- AINLE,' ~N O * 1. iUoc ke ry G lafis and W * 'I'HOASHUSTN~ ThefflowiuG004Oet arriyed, and nequslled o( ault u 'DÃ"SWPLL, -timbn W ITI DIV5 tzltJJ, - 5 tloebyayotb, ,ov. 3,Zut .LICINSED AUOTXUNZII1I. Addrs:a- p~. Smn ~dBV4 ~1unofIIz. *T*aoam e Noary of Argoatoîl* ~ a (Prom Temple Bar.> tI S e powand wrotqhIillgby .whichb. mmli I Wl bTio111 oeh.ferd.clrnoe Ctï fir - bet or~ No. O CoT. ra rrwvi No. 1 dif i l'AIL, &. (cloIhes Pins. itaean 'sT. D. bd Fasty. manilla flait, e . fi Deep Un. Bad Corda Soins Tvln.. Flue Bai T;ln. ColoreSTia.. Sîtos Tbr..d Condi. Waek. plu. Salmon iI aai Whit. Plaît sud Lake nBar'T Trout, nt $8,50 par bbi Wookoelt, lit bblo. * 3 blé Ne. 1 Forth 8hoors- Split lBar. ir, la brre ». No.1 i Mina IlerrIngg. fiargs Table Vodioh. ul ddoo9.:ýI Busokod Umlnge i ém L à WO ;S . ChampageuVine Grevers. Uni".dVluewsrô. Dix- SCMTRHwiliokltt- Iliirlslset N it Ste.wMrdhCo'lsae. -i Bds'gulsdsy iutswEta &HIEURT W Grap. - *Crown. h norà 1soess Bote Dm Blod'ssPoloà . g014 iBjre -e guît. aid IVcLpardo od i lm 1 W Ided snd fostiventhmus,îii eh «M;ee listaîà l hi. eîhoftalbus uoth5In lhls Pneral confesdol. H asked for th.elloly Comm~h i'e,an , au eti, ie h.-Ilsh ldines daou a65 1116 i iilndhbr t nlh uprayer, end isaproyefs oranyhait oites met tlN..pf An w>Corupwar- vayte Iý' ll Os Ot Ontheeveults Whefi this taie ecumen. Sed ve MaW hoi mach Mrah.oa j. vithos:1tahlpgls l#% bf bot, tI ut ç,,os înbU wconincedhelies a i-meý,.bal hm exper-tation ofiday, snditho wholi oftt < day lu Impatieutiy W&4ale, 'tfr he. nighl uhsen Geraimowas -te0bals comae baekc and wlwn s&ho iSrce--hmvol ith cetan ebrSa filgrioShtuUtlhga. to $o* hé onb ô dbhùë1.letlier <stiser 1*7 it, ho. lih.4. Thil ess100109 canbtGruu. came u io.Tpas, j meeiughWr oonteanîiy gong-m. ansd -cou?- b ing in,lookingout Wcf$ho *4dow sand Snngteolte door, fan abr-i'ersie, , n s.bthelbousrforWsupp' ude da aud thy'st dowu togoteb s i 4éJr lt ems, danque, myi dsughter, Chat t Coant aamos lesot-coming: Tounééed ' net espect hlm." e "I* do net expect Gerasimos,ý " eP4IS marctaidbr&ton oC-bbadr botraling "Yosaonot-xpW t hi.? -Abvu- monte? rAnS I vio tbougbt hves*-i %bhen lmw lissêpou - heC sue à e atW1O hoara for umy pssnzo, and you b.d,#-, <ird rî surzolitd ner it the, 8..l ches?, l bî1#ut à 4,iu«>I~'so îs «Ina lu, ton. tbat-,psoiedobh. 51,ý4 np.ct â hlm ltes suà d tteors, sud , ot unesy suà d, c angry At beutcontlng at Once. e pas, "baS, my daugliter business, urgeait, ii niomenio. Fora litGIe wbl'.e-be w ;Iiiel ot beable 4tolesr as e-buoinss wlihottcomt- psom.tere aWlfbis lsteseseL" 41 'Tor a lIie wbile,? fow long a wtlie nl~ a.a. *1 It lngt;Howlong? llow, jan. -1.p know lieu long f,4Tén day.; fifteçqu dsyt;". 0 usid tb, nomasy, fearing te dislblt id ber. - - -- --- Maial epair. lur- syb ohild," samiS bel' fstbjst - ."Wlsen-becornes hà b~ck lie ul ybentb ypa s ltiGThon 4 d Y'ot beonÃt lite est,,tbhe - happiethois pt'oadeett, lmosuntadniitéd coimsa o; t Cephion~ sU 911 ilthe sera jlud. Toniterd today titIL.odmt a( >f Argostoi, anSà 'lu CoîphaloRia young IMasinA!1 adi m vesIbihttiôléepê ikWbfrda ln ter t -Whaï iges, XO t 5bt te G~ulf of Arpstoif lï!nyoS ,t" à wnué as Sfflýiut <orthem'to psaso e. ti. -bmnffef Biuek Ba nd.th.-tv frié#ddo"tbue meol- Stb fajfi loin L w J-sbuerrlefatvimente ts4 v n, tlie boumf fe ft ft #1 TÉPf4ýki faiïna irdriv1h oi #fth'béi'fathssi'. The wlth a-coiSj yeang gil, lhloir amenwsroand each to restore he spfltuen é'bnstb0 ortheirluI- but à lustel tesAa, chood, anu" 1 w;lr.s vl i'e (rame hz trIfi~vrzPrt.ý lb!i t4thy, peiehr - d ro tubhé,rnalà 4fthé omarcuedstn -ber-%i other. tbey' ere lnmepably, dlbi4s 4tfiIîY vile ed*ihîirtdinthe' tsie Open i aepr ~ ~ risd ofa~m nmsu a* the;hight'air 1ÃO esOU dt eyeningi ý-!Comç goq M9104 Io Uslç1iapiqgtwby. he o y .f fqivn mho9à brith. V, d athe cgal>-150a en (ac5fl, à Utre<~'1l. brnflëf k ïdW'- e"bond, a~P- wz avayn , ân' a-e-r -aboat tÃ"n'ptaU, "Your~o a4~If~vna~. Je1v,7w> 5i7 h orrow, my po<W fà riinrtîaO "The,-beauty and, iolltuo-eofz hfata re b r nees e fintv# shlrklpe-th,ustiôhé tveSddlqgtfx1 "affect me sttorgiy 1,, nd,' dçaas ut' wy efflpt t4e bearI batiyiou, Mtyhé "Y fuienSý le ecomp~lété, ?pigb)ngal., jour beart siip in tho- ubisperi ss il î# ad hefrsjgraniu.o'prng.. GoS ltbat~ Y M il Sdn, 00fg'. i *4 l 'eii C leo md4S.n lM",! .rlsil.ed Lauc1% ý s- ingbln<. -' ba't 'en satWIei" LIÇq aà ,soeiwy Wfolas l i MI deystre mrIng Den. 7.,.p i - -- ~'n Jee n S=c xýdar tagf X roseg yLtiL Ji sa thou."s ait! Àscia, still n a amrry 'i h n004, 66I *o 'ul i li itaieanvex o S"ier, , twaI O6nt tbete'e*lto'due wIth,thern à 4an m sd aharp thora, whichiWa not so éa&j spllhto pi-ces, if noer a pecis. og mthat$yous?,Pr«4iub$ tifj 11lny-tilus- er h 1 'là 3e a tî(.. I n )THE CORNER. i - wmmg gev, o., asêl, And à , MR9ým Omar" 17.