Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1867, p. 1

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Lut f te" ppo o urt Ap- ol(Wx 'eatl eTOLS FOR Bulxlu afl0Str, oé àmOîr 4%ý N.IlS, Leestraodl * OS.. Iy ...........by MuusaATfOMW à 111)TBOUM, Ortont;e UNIE~fDN B slioor oicbancéry, COflvIyIIiO, 1se- u3iyPubIeo. h 7.. Ulm-NoSJdOOt te the $tot oF14 * ÇocbiBrock dlS,, W bitIy, Ual. ,W ihNoy. Sb, 1847.ý sOM01ITI>K NOTAT PULIC, L. &o. 1111?VEDhMa Law Otto* tWOnlafi* ILObes ne Poor Iontbof tbe Wbilby, Jan-. 88,10. CRIiS sC. KELLER, 01n, Gtock, 4. . ,,. 4 plioie, , ào, Iitlby. A èTOUMISYATLAW. SOLli.ITOlI11 A1.ohaflfVNoy Publie VonveyanceT, àle. Whltb 41sfW. boa., h Victoria Bloek, &@IeJCo glgtir*yQffl*. on Brook 1re4. 45 haoye4., .O Danus.Str"s. jarThm..doors est o( e Useb Fos$ on«..Si 4 a. *ueere 1' 1'o., W. M. hoàs Ceallt1y Creva Allerney. Port Fetry, BotL Deeembrt, lm*. si Esiblo, B1.101tu 4Chanoewy. At* 0IIUZCea JOor letgb.he gttry MiO«., Wbitby. 41 1 "44, bav6b Sl15*S, iTorono@ O. J. E. I'AReWELL, ILa a l.eet&oA. ôibu hmw@oe treuý, INorth a e4 it@UlIaIe, haws, V0. W. 4 &YMANzuuLoiSHlIL L . iTEAT LAW, dolloitor la lCban. eut,CouvNERyate,h C., LeAC la@ J# OUN, Mé. . IURGOP T, TUCOUI4TY OAO1L Do W. ymnRiEE, Mu. 0. BOUGRANi. oWOox 9«-o toIa&. m., an à ta a e0lio, P. nM. DR_. P'AKE4 os)ou ,, SIu S *mt , £ TEJ lrOWNoiOLe 18ZR, WHITST 1 JToiU8-im5t Kl M Ire. 1 60r. eb 0 , 45 R.JO'DLL N t3imsON 0y E ICOVznNTJI IsION m ouou.AhMe,. W. 'In thé latest styldà; sud J'ev.llev, meW&eet- mo 48MW RETIRINO from BUSINES& We beg to intimate Our ilhtcutlot ofreétirin 1g ifom 'buae about the lira- 01 Match, 1868,#sud in coeqeqUoetbave commuoed b o fer the' whole of our immenhe stock of Dow ï Rea'dy.amade loh1g Liquors tcWinesu At a sunail advanco cia cst, ini order to reduce our Stock, b abôve date ia mach s pmubleiliohn îLe balance .18 beofered lu bXe& *!th the good wll out bu.luee,4t0jethee with a lesse 01 Ouv new Sud eligiblO pvem scst olvent pu.rchaser, on eiryIlbeWaltermOu r-Stock la al new mnd hluen oubought on tbe-boit se wdbelal.us1ier gocds troua 10 to lb puv ent cheaper thail sny othet ou a o wu u betbl oi reduce car tstook, tather than seek for profit* Wee ffe- 400 p;- =uus pats, rom *2 t0.6,- 200 Bïd Conte &les Jscketo,$5 l*10,t Worth *6,50 to $12,60. 50 Ovorcoste, itm *4 to *12,'ýwrtb - $6,5010*15l. 800 Veum, Item s$1,50 10 *3, ,Worth $2 to*4. HleavWhtney Blonkete,<rovm *410u *,Worth $5 to 86,15. H.avj Whitney Overcoatings, fitem ilto $2,50t Worth *1,50 10 *3,50. Beardefaît 811k mized Cosîlngs, from $1#40 to *3, Worth $1,75 te $4. Rudderufleld make, <rom *1,4010 *5,p Worth *17510 $4. OsadMisu, Kngtisb a& Sctch Tweeds very cbesp Ruglish Doeskinlsud cilotbsvery du1e. Euglisb sud oe.ear. Mondle (lotha4 . Euglll an sd Vansdisu Flanneos, ait Mootifs. 100 im. Gr ' ycottens, the bat valute lu-th. <,ounîy SteajuLoctuo P lul, Shlrtingot, sud Tiekings. Gest' sa sud Cape. very latest Drm, GWeslaln oneyi, Dela!nes, Thibetat Cobeorg, Morunos, do. Frenchb'Rep4. . 100 Sbawlso, rom *t210*12. N ubs crfisu'd Ilooda. Bvieakfaa shaîle sud solage. 904mr, sa eldid aeertment. llibbcus, V'etv«wqTtimnmiugs,&.. BBlk Iksa decided bargain. Dsmisk ('urti.. Lace sud Muuin. Table LiDnn, bite sund brein bIslb Linuens. Bi1k Lianes Hsnltcbtofs. Cuf'S sd CollarseIBoep SklrtsTiMes, Bell. snd fluekies, .,*0 GROOE-R Y DEPÀRTMENT. Juat rccelved 100 boxes new Layer Raistinluboxesq i à & bolet. Boxes uew LAyers, $2,75 Lboxes do.1,50 boxes . do. 75c ,bew Valentis Ratisns, 10o te l21etu. New CutrauL&end Fige. In Teoa, w. oYcv the beat valu. Iu tho towu, frem 60t o10110. Pare Coffees, <roda ground. Blc, Tobaccos. Saurs M al kîndu. Huo, blS Salmon Trout, (Lakeluoyj bs 1W' TERMS STRICTLY CAtIEL WHIlTBY, NON. 279 1867. Sait wster Salmon, M2"ts No. 1, round Ilerrlngot, cly $3 a bbl. Pure French grandies. 'Ausorican Ram. R Ioland Gin. "Pert. sud Sherry. UOld Irish Whisky. " Malt 'Whisky. a'Old Ilyo Whisky. .ldwoll's ae inl-1, 12, 115 snd 30 gsl. ion packages, at Brewery priées. EngU Al ansd Porters 0 .H.MIMILLÀN& co, NOTICE THE PFACIt1ý A new ana choice stock of F'resh FsmilyGroceries The foflowing Goode jubt arrived,, nuneu dfr-ult n Pur. B~~p.pdlNss R sny Pur o 1sziet~~i8 cooêLuuo TawavUMmIia.U'*mhfnvv *QiaIIt?11fSh"ilamd A Ta adaltliito the asbove,êt av lu t meut o RnOCKR-1.from w ,,lndivid u1jt St~.*o a lr&iaaucimsU t fc~lna,' ait et Wb"o vinibe uodir.ry beap f'-or casab.- fMmtoi otîuo b b.Uud&"- solol. c"aaid for any qïmuwityof gôod Butter., Rmemborlb. plac, orner ci Byron&Dundus Ot-#, WýbY WR!iTBZ 1<V. st ?. ?tee«4 IV I b b mimn ~~-AL ~ - oNo. 1,0on the Corner,, AT PRICES TIIAT DEFY COMPETÎITI.ONt Yrouag 11>01. Juita colored. Bomebons. <TOACCO, la boxes lot. lat boxes SM. Fine Cot lit boxes. Twist ouîoklag and cbe*lhg. VINEGAR. WIte Wlae. Cider. Dryt C,'uobed. M~sd 4. No. 0, ), .1 SPîCES.o GiPoper. Mutr laJars. uuiard lanlwtîle. Uruand pSs. Fluesituu Forafine. Talle*.CO EE LegItyma. Golden. Gluge c!Wineb Pear, Flua Apple, EssPbetl7 Leason. FRIîT@ Loyer Riins. Kneicatui l sultanas curiante. Orage Peel. Leonon" citron Wolntte. Fliberte. Custile. Brown Windsor.. Houey.' Assowedai t. Fsney ToIletS Sop. 19TARCEO aOmeIld.. satin Face. Oilver Glose. Pare White. Ptepatéd C"rnSfim ruh ofood. Timn o. il 2-sand 4. Waturro 18.l TIns 1ixed Pickles. Onions. Wolnote. Hiarvey Beige@ johato. Î.«4"0 of Aiehowlsa. purgne liovles. moehroothC .sUnp. W#Cftestethort Sause. SILTI, Table Salt in drama. m0 Barroiîsi 0. DRYSAlÀTioRJEs A l.-Carboulte e oda Aluni. BoraL Saloett. MImd Leade Stovre Pouagh. Bel ie. SUNDRIESO star tLomi. Sardines lua , ,ansd via Tins. N1..oroal. VfernuIcell. Conhud 1'alis Apricota. Prunes. And ôtber fruits la bmahdy. Crackers. Sagur Coudy Conary 8ed Ar-owtoot, Wbltlag. Mth Bricks. Cork#. Wrappiag Paper. Wrlinlg Parier. Indigo. ILAVOW9G ESSENCI orange. Leinon, liatafa, Aliaond. Clouas. nalaicg. Ginger. Cinnomnou. iJelory. 'Ventila. WhieWA Peint. MtrBroome. gj.wiueredseusbe arCrockery, 'Iass and, N . , C o S m =,ro o lm ,, < d. 1 PAII.Sk. 1to Palis. âAII::: II0 cmtx Pasdted Tubes. cIouin lua. scotch.. .D 66 Panauy. CORDAURO 1 Ranills a at6r Eoa 4 Leading Ue dé Dep Sua. 46B"d Co«" Belo* Talas. Fine.Ibll Talai. C4lotod Tylue. Sboeb{~4 VISi Pek I Sai u Mare. IW blte Fiait -sumd L ke uro n Troc t t*, per bbl fuike l a bi. bbis No. 1 ifonu h sisre Spilt Ber- fi g, lu brre',. yo. i Maez Hili etrlgp o LageTable Codlbh. ' B ddoclc. Saoked Berriaga lu boké.. BRANDIES- Oturd Dtilpl>'. Hanwell's & Co'a. Chapae VwIDOrowets. ])0Knypor & Sons. Boutha (>d 'rom. Eux- SCOTCH WH ISKEr- Iiiglilaad mals. Ateward & Cola Pssery. PoRT W1NES, Grabam'ls Grapo. ALES-- Youn or", ioule Scotola Bloodl* Porter. Uunaess's Petortr * Londôn Poiler. Toddy. ffcd&h «bleu CMseGi. Nljk Punch. Wood en W are. n?«bMu adre4PO ri l 1i t a en.- ai-wo a a terary paraâ6x 4Der wlhb .pptzl 36 dropimdmy tlaitil of valus #reg# And ma ifonteor Morsmdou fit iMm@, Jjwant of 14 st boine, A)>iod Ap1*th~w.r1ioJMy wbole !p'wiltle objeàlloL-. Caîulig tbereby tecimagbtsesfair But 1 i wkh euill .1111 .oohnf A try grot protee on hiw Ù= ourInsetion, (Io empesv. Whoo tey reiihd oetll Tps u;talani ,lbetoedf.'1 dolo17"sruaAdwu.. nid able foît muct botter, sud. "haai hm with lbe berc oow ni.Havlag abat b. dooW" r*lgs1 ln&a fead0<g-tu. boith. w. heef 1ey are aW alet ot te tbeloftte lnab anglng. mosii bo bad i Wtlb all beibre ber, sud;alr vylpold Tapes, Wlu aotaqor of an bourthebavm", li per-labulC e. oez Were bléoodshe btt~ A 11111e tureào-boý,hndtremibled nervcasly, lime. Indeed, sud the fore. of ber Wit aêe. aaafalned our uncle's hc ber itrengtb. 8h. u rotius , ble tbat1ris '4AvuELn-You deoelvod ae thatl- ips1e mIÈbI mot dib. < plet,Butl romstameà U ai al an baie ohro*m lbedeagu of jour . lesteraon. ~kir tolesr <rme.. 11la8net si Clerf, mer ilS - "Ton arerfl he S» as'bpnmlsd, sud a. 1 bave ln - wh exPeeteolW La e-e'k& 1i'mihlm. at undie Litu NxSadyeetweatld hobf tbeni tOLùcla.ido ,tiât - utadumu j11km1 ýlo i'ad bis Wefnt Lods i. more beaumllul, - .welthler, sM R£*ad a . 1 nobler Ibos L PriemfteIf 1Ibefore br&Il cantit et lsuivi. I cold drink every ait& drsnbIkle bilot upl sienc IfI kuw bat my houp pue. 'lti dark and sorrowful Ilit. coid eootrlbete "ÏAudwbotï lourds b. confort ofjour éldagse Bat Wo't joell noanunaab ibudntom- yec4I ibi eould only p'r'oea cosutiéorefro rrvo br tet pou, 'To see my despair wonid zbean tadll.> ulihPmttlage.U51)f de p troyolL Lesvo ;"Ah I Tes, mu freto, teuk test whure alon. it c" i fritme, uhen ozlst for me, rapi alÎ> Ob lfilon. Atd "Marréd t if Vou. ffcanno<rgt me allogether, father, yeun > mam pmay for me sbemiüànee.""bat i 8h. thon ped &abox, andi took from are gong'lo tb l pialàl'bontalnlng a grtonisb Il4uid. tom SNamutol SltdnÎ ou ber--bodside, seodro. freoin ber AM the" I bouom 1the la.l 1.11wof Gerasimnoewbicb anothut b.mp b.d buoa treasuted'tbetoe for tlifty ,days, could mot Lut' adbepnltrend it ever, De @Îes, dry I"How coubb tinti tbeq sudenlyOlle w lests, and_ Geiksmd , lai an obs froU bL baber ote h.bà l.lenat f~~ lbma on m"d ai il eutA sud u by lies tew ni but àw to ber Tuj cf ber i No ,ON THBE,-O Wbitby, Nov. $ 1867. 51 WIOR.(oLa eTI t lb. 1o~u.7, I 700*, ~ I Inn I iLIn anse mu. I dit 1" j

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