Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1867, p. 3

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~itby, DM. 20, 1807, Avonouma. If-at> #unir I* ~ro~ j ~ 90t5j< .t.ag~ 8;O ~ 'ta. 0 Y - ~ ~ C': o - Q ofs,,~, lîstendu for tg fr 1io ciltlvatlon of Uh V4m lt, %ie Oak ln Jssnory. wi t'r I l n. t it. aNcre, vil ~pfra# app ooire. Iq euara s utlit: jolis L. 1IS "A,>LLIN'S STATIONELLY AND BMNTA-OL&US' GOODDIE$ VI1CEBOOKS, JEWJLT~E~Y'AND) ':F,~yGoods, ]fr .7OM FREBETATIol . -AN Iu3MElslzSTOCK 0F 0FelVF.Y DISCRII'TIQN. 8UPERIOR B T4TIOTERY -, N EW YEÂAR'S Gli'S, In_ great variety and at ahnost alilprices1 - KNov k the tiMe for grlpatiin, And MN'e anti1,8% a'. v hobuy i t oys, To go "d isbve a gru nit-OIlt peIl MI Affin's chah', aistîl argo Mer'ltun. ltu f0sA. vohtnely .sy Tbt1bliynover aav mie. 4ày, Ulitîi hsopd Ilus fAntc star, ouae îl e jfy ot gou elberore. Ther. orro'toheloq, uar brualietý, sud biadu, Jerfuu'try ti. keep off trettbng. -'Who Shakoe etdso'moet toU'fs4 I'ebaUf.bon ) ou ek sud ohme And domlwsi, saf»lmOY rusA*, Jev.r for 5 'ani ltlon ntion- ur risa:1104(1' tho ae.e.4bon, elr lio i i~,l etluiAndpondet., phil yen *077, 40 , 41r - à otsl., -- npome>o 1 4ir j, I 'i t, g re TIIOSO; LA.WLER. Y -J 44 e~ am A d'am, Fui'. LT L&WLER'S. AT LAWLER'S Finnan Haddies5 Yarmoûth.: BIor'- -Choico Wines ,akndés, AT LÂWVE1VS BNvrryUingn- tii e C?~Ty Dbp0metit r ~ ~» ~~' 451jÂw j.JRn s Dçe ý OO4, j. S awj, atIètaL kirts, Èhiîetiùgsý ft1a Wihicey.at coskp'ie ~D.»CDUiT* ~et~btuy tig -Pitt lothe,: at r1i 'F r~arIlauels, pliiaind, aFàncoheapest iD the olfty.--Grès aotibi>n ~ t~c sud iÉew--priceis. i LA.Wq $TOC 1ý NZEkANqD. GROC RI$--Bs ulity1 an4 cheap. g~' Cail e~r4y. ~u geta bargein1 BRQCz, -T-loWglBY Offers to the public a largwassortment qf4, çtrý ad~3eg roling scated çCu£era,"pqtc,*ý,front Çutte s Covered Cutteris, 'Portland 0 éI~~b~ Cttttcrs will ,be foqntlsupeir to anything qmunu- Cutter for $25. Prtituitr ttïentin npaid to painiti'n" auirepasi .tein C Il~r U-,&ll ork Warraiited. - 1S STILL. CLEAIX OFF ITIS LARGE AT TH 111 LWEýST PRICESbt Excellentvalue iii Tivwepds, O vereoatings, Flannels, andi Blankets. Just receivcd, a lot of choice fresh Gwrocere- ies, for the 'Cbrist.mas Hclidays. îLr:]3est price paid for, goôd Poultry at 1Whitby, flec. i8, istVt., Oysters1 Oyg tors Lobstera, Bareines, &o., & AT BWGELOW'8 OLD STAND, titffllite oRoyAl Iloi. teo. iflitoiALIE Whithy, Dec. 17, 1867. COAIL OIL li AM P OP TIE INE XEST IÂTuSs Chandeliers, Lanternop shades, Cliimneys, Burners, Brackel F.verytbing Ir tho LA11P BUJSIX ESS, nt1 pricies. te- Best ICOAL OIL, tii. chuepot Town, ut JAS.fil. CERRIE9' FAMILT Dure 870 CONCYCerTAND) Ii nat iî'g to hOrfrieti. ccd the h thtL sua eng'ad t 18L1fill ]FAIDAY, -e2hISA FOU TUE Vp 'ZOF GIVING Amlly, taqaslm - t,,. loni, and sotlti vîll fk . 1.0 unu celie r rt. o rader t azIittiatrbpperl.0' Ti q ai -dmission -15 oceu nro Hahd MW HnBr,.-- NA7ArDiPE tAï Caýnýatiia2 BetC ai Best .-,ai ('unadian rL73 0 lj ?;t 4 Rtémemiber thé,d~es WibDecemdbet- lit 1867-il DiCKSONI ~' I Th gnealfer0o te. éoirtnnity h ýving, în a xeasuioè beeti forgottehù4 ofon oorOldeot l3nnlci hwving laiIed; ýthe crisisin comeïca affai à h i lt eearyi POCK eE T LthREST,' and tiose wishing to -do s0, canuot do it rnOrMo iet thiîî TPhe "Tide i tfie affairs, ôif-men" can now -be- tek en at its "foodan Ladies, di-ectly ob tb frittne, by conflning their .purchases te -DOMINION-W t1e Fai mer, th a Laclies, Ã"- -eW amKIf , a ectfu1?1yinvifed te attend a G UAN IPÂ ýC TilARGEST ST«OCK OF .FRESII FRUITS, WINES LIQUORLS, EVER'EXÉIIfiTED ERS The Exhibition will 'reùain open every -morning, afterftoon,; and evening, xii bruary next, and perhaps hait a Century Longer. Ali are reqncsvcd to ea1l,.eorly and sieèurc ance will commence early in the morning, with 'an cxqîiisite <melfo)drnmo, entitled, , BON MANTILLAS," ofthe latest ý1iest rec1ierc14e sad fasl:îdnabWles*sanid et Iower pihc.n îhrn SCElÇE SECOI texturest, icn next scene wili be *a an interiion ef t' Stet-l, wliiceh wCeauo I i y Uzitec4 Grammar pÉ nificent aï,dttr.uetW mon ,Sohoo PCS c,&e. MALE -TE ETitDs9&cWThi FML Ap~plicationtî 1 0 a1 aîle ¶g.d "' W Due- llri,, 1867, 2111-60 i~yDc 1,1 'lazeti 1,op a 8t. 8 e.p 'SLIFE I PLBx! LeXTaAg1DiNAILy F.FiecTs Qir ANTrI-I3ILL1O0U S 'ILLS. 7- ONE PILL KW 'A 00OSE1 ONE PILL TIN A DOSE 1I ONE 1'ILL 1IN A DOSE! 1 low What 1W00 litersa aday s"Y (romt patient$sdit avertite inImiatiic gkobet " r. AiaggieL roucoulla bave ,d met al i liiu- 0, dNmr aios aesor me tin Ivttir tpille tý,qeet a lunte. Oite e( r ptltettd red .? DUE. ttk. twr lt tltclela . me. 1Senti ,l'Citr baxtulafçtcp inIlite haat' 40 . ufft-., Pu&tr îflres (mm lhuions tholige. Iwao o rouf i 4>curd tute, astd t bava b.d no ratantOf te *itttird,,tnre treatvl me Wérhronje eiat1,tk. as tisey ean] l, slti etlast i ad i wus ilietwate. Tour e l¶h i'.lils cored #ne.,$ AJia't.est lutMce; magglli*o lliegare me #beey your e r;umartc treou».O tt- ".sera (fur riunht r box atiti keep tbeiii In the :8' J>.Mbaggiel bas eured my Iteadeet., whiet vas "f ~gave imWu( etor0<youv PUIfS ta My buha sttloirtasobus.'tihe tirar itte thai5g si 'Wolit a I-ynae. ornt»ng t, nov etwe&" ri; i.soudwea tau,q; J vu ufor a Cml"- l, a tir us ti ,ezq -a o' w ... wlao fo - L« -ra 0 Ib o<rpstî, ape' ileviit drabo" wllai rpyone [O,îd :dJ - Couuiifý ouvbIt I1P MIYn Are 1 "nteffa t.njbure s'e ILwil Dox' m'Ir 're~J~hIôkiA~~4 OYTK cýD îwl ~e vith a tiew or ELtA4 1' tKSa bES GOODo 1Point, 'Of tvariey, style, texture, brilli.mgy e lib, idel>oopneu,, eannat,i 'grawd ',pJ r felegapnt FBJCNCHI ME1RINOS, ail the newl, hades and q r tomtme WilI occur.e l o i udeceun oppoxwity ektruh fo euesain anewsppr t nneae siEnd îina*onewi1ltalce place affe*and d 'Yne ia,4 wbid wil io dslay ef GENERAL FA1AJ1LY ll EIFRUITS, -A sfui d auJ ted t d iliinp.rn, ume rs tE1 TtENTED PEB!'I3T it ail elebrateci tr> and ivide, fbr titeir politenetss nW& mten tion t o their ttuii -J ~ ~ ~ I 'ihm. 'rti exit Jn lutfreir'ehduic4 the Ladies. cd ithùl*4 yai hgw:2. lVhy la - uohîs ES , -r - MH. COCIUIANE'S. 501 Stoek., ýWîn'i'é"'r 14- ri

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