Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1867, p. 4

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Iami H MIRÂ Mns question a J. IR. IRISHp OX ST., WHiiTBYo îboiea.aHall# 0m, or lnjsy t the àyate nl~ t tise tle b ltroekillu S8O*sdaý:34y of.v.ery Monti. ý londsi' bostlDsffin' Crdel, thse W~~~ 11kb ebtcple. e o! tis f n b!UeCuI on asa o ty, dc! om JJte pfblhe te M% dppei.ed id11 muhIIlaeo!t thiay oftDeeesn D1S ILcoORdANE, X RANC IÏIk ~ye O*rêao..~.W. Corner of #b Chiehoitrooto, Toronto. 6. Ci. DmggAcàlïi*I hàcoq<Chier Agenti for 2 u1 tnt5.nslqnad baW çfeal piecure fislu. tot.igno lnslulrlids din »Wl, ltby, and the, lestof Otcvodith e hmc bn apI t, gnthé r lb b#* lirAt clam aEgiamli Con- pcny, %!i.t l ieislfpurod ta rqcolve Appil panc 0 tirespresulange un tige, JOHN KAGNDWO, AÈým w 3War sà Vsomrr. t Wiuby, De.. 4, 1667. *snoc-48 NOTICE& <TICE M i 6i'eby grivan that eit the expirea. N tlob llb.ti ydug(ru tedate 'the Jubal th ineiCourt uf the Ã"('Loultaa Jaé Dorncnaeni Ezris Anne» Dor- domlt*, luididrnof John O0#«riDamn suds lmbath )19*la, lie @ofthte 'Town of Whîs- ylu the oslesy 61 Otarlo, Wotsdeeoaed. 1 ., JOhLN Id, LOW18 lateg te ls hday of ,- Chaneey ale L ýýESTÂTE. 166 01 Mie Deer.anaoo re Oort ef Cismur>', nidkeamuDit ~NEW ALL Ma,gefboO ..la outAt- r IJ? bd ffoed EEA*9JI 181 l X , FA. D",,986Je 0118 OI NOON, AT ~IITEL, na lbe 811e OOUeta rth oi,54. ,o.,1«7 - JVING LIANE» T*E M9AJOR MILLS, Io, nV prepareaté psy twehlgbeslprilsal CASH FOR' WHEATP. Dze t itise NID; A"nAl aie.te cadnf CUSTON m QUIMGl sgeloWaeej vUMnntd te «lie #mui*"#. .1 tsreero*ee totbe a*o*e annosmnt«, teks pi.sscsit lu rsiemlig Ma. 1'INC toi fa thone whe ho a goe elri uoe thse 101, durîng tlut 1tu jess. T. 1.'WIuTE Wlsltvalo, Dec. Ob, 547. 1.4 CIFTCLB FIVE 0JFM, (3081f-$29000 CASH1 Achance for a Micre Keeper or a WOrklng muan, te gel aun Inde. pondeuse, for ose' The Wlsitby StOccmi Mah fActosy, benq th. ccc haives or twe Tin to, noir tii back et the Royal nobId, Whitby. on thse land tiser, la c rouirh.oact:Cottate, agooci 0000e MIS, Ivo cmiii atore bonace sud grée work &hop*, eotlning dtylng kil o 1vc.,' é es olnbel Cîenlir $ ansd lai th. ne- cc"blnery and Ieupiements lu good orcier,- for eorrylug9 on an extenalive bacînepa. Iîîllotr. ionmonfaeturlnf If reqalred, vwiii b. given tO tihe owner of g . t SECOND I) AT. W,.t lsclvea of asid two lot kovu ec tile ONTARIIO SKATING f RNÃŽ? Office about £4x14, ail thise ecllsg Lampa, &c., te go witle tho came. *1lC» GINT. A large apng as)d Iron asie ]Peilarla Wag. gon. ]FOUIiTH 0 INT-A pair of Bobý-Slolgh... PIFTU IUF-A mt of doublis Ilamnoca. Tise propertr 1sf vel kiioon, sud vorth aIl It cost, but -lis ieosseqneiace of tho propristor besasg engages)nt Quebe, eud otiser emteru l'ot, lie w Ill «ire a lcar title te cl1- tise «Id property, for $P00. itlx ipropomoeaId10have 00 ahanea, e.1*2 eiei,i repnesoesg $1200.TAs. ssrplns M $0te pa>' expeooe,andl se àgve onp xahane tb very pun- cois tisaIget upcà Clu0b 0o( -Ton. Tise distribution of the gifla 10 h. esiriai ont b>' a Coàmittee of fire,to conaimt of thsae ive wiao Iutrodnee tise largoat atomber of fflare.lsoldite, t<ýo b ases b y a commlttee of ire otisers, cndii tit t ld Lre tise Clubs Ocfou Tena iA'syiaold ichar..and moue>', aler lise 0900 and) expeucse oare;*Id, to b. givon mr r thlie ommAstseeof Ten te dslar et ni teis> n.iy de .Thse i<tlbutloo viîl take plueq nt cn ecîl>' date, te b.eailier. tiard. 'Ibhreo. iures) isemberc rar iras> piadges) te juin the Cluab, Thisemma of evave inus m il, udtise mens- ber vise geanupca Clb e!Ton wil b. toiser- as) lu tisa Troacarr'.BoS, 1ila the nuiber tlise>cleet, Asoceeuas@ieTrecaurer recefls' tisear andoriosnlpt cîgues b>' Usfor ea- théeoiaMymutrea rud lbeorvci brite o' Prom onte te iz bidr.&vfll b. vrltetiou gasi vade, andi plaoeiiLs a blldetbox, b>' le Cofisnittea 0ofive, eme o ei ises l o.p- poites) te drevon.@ari fromein b.RaidsBox, rheAvue»r ei tihe orrécons)Ur 7umber viii bave lis, grs c«it, sudtIseus.$ on mbesr slrav vilii bave Use etsr «ifte, lu th.e rder 205T. J. WILSON, Emg.. Iarbitor, yl gu!aiosutecler Tâti., u fi. e lorge, coi vWiii lmuselal>' Opicpc, and give a char Tille té cidpropen>' Forlbor lifomaitlou mc>' b.obtaloti rom, tise Cmmitice. Mena or ordort t'Ob.iemson te tise Secérelr>, Iilr'c sbotlMoue>' or orders b>'tise nortien, tam> etl UE.ZCBuON, BOL.ce8",m"isoeL0Mt Jou b trmm..EEiÇ .,,Eem 1Whlb', - HAu f,AeDAs,-a'aersTmW»# J.A.ANDEL Iloo tr, AlutPICIS lie rOW bt gre, es t o .se .tise? Day of - nmMy, 1868, mWlm of tis. emate eus) af.sct icisende« lb. provlalon -of tise abei oovenii-Ïiri, 8T., TORONTO§: ON Fzdayo 2&hk of Februry i U . 1868 AT TH SOURE 07 12 O'CLOCKNOON, mib ~S tîda sud l.tevm ofeth#. abOv uaesed ln0olvess., mSdof tisr a ts aut Iow veated lunume, d. lu, 10, or ont of aIl asd clu. guisar, tisosse rtalseparcel.or trcca o! lans) cMd pfrmfi tae. i ilng and b.Iloglnla T0WNMP 07 WBI"TBT IN TUE COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO, ltisé- BOVICEOY ONTAEO, a", Do Miinion of Canada, Contaitiffig b aies'ronsenl u-earhe ait cere, hattiisamemre or bop, bc4n« am dOse! !ppar et L o ube tkls.eei n thlie elgdisaoiecaloef ccliTovniip efÏ wll. b>', and y ahobkiseb i , lsle Inwlng uds mo0ériplote vb;-Commnwndng on tise uns- acm bomire! mii lot ànufiWr'ti=tentise distance of slxehain@ cud) 55>' links omtise aerth-semat ansge there;ef;Ise. outi sceven- 'y-leuir degresa, veet Iv chaîina asadi lt> Iluie;,iiameisoanlh cîxteen degreagn, esusone Chinl* tihe"o nortis oseventyfonr degrees, eont tue obis and- oi linkIls.; thtiee iortis six- taons degecvsaioee ciainmore or leoep 10 tisope of. iln*g Alec tisaI oiser - p aroel or tract 0< ola ni prcoisiaecsituate, lylag gnd beisg lu , le vas. %Ilp of W Iitis>'. afore*issis, contaising b>' ai- meeaercmsest osso quarter o! an sere, bis the sie more or lcaos tbaing compm os) f aepart eft ne snbcr tlirteen, lin thselelis coneas- aOn ofi'd oves.iip of 'sVlitby nmra>' b. kaowm b>'tise following deccnldpticaî, t wit. Coining on thse eaterti besî.îdany cf cid Ii tlsiteen, at thse slitassce cor e choisis anc 1 ô# - liks, front tise nuti, s.ct angle tiosnof shtice coulis aet4u eîe, veaot ivo lialia >g lk;Isu.suscx toast iegnîs, saut one chisi;bu;sneamni seveuty-four degrema,emmiitvo chinla andI ûIly Ibs; tisene. morlis cîxteen <egneca, vmS cas, eisaim more -r lmc, te tise plac iegis e-u nilng. TEIIMS AND CONDITIONS mas). koovir At tieUiseof talc. Toronto, 151h Norombor, 1867. WILLIAM TIIOlN, Osvcse.Aacow ATKCIN5(>I & BO5WELL, Bsovcion T one Amaîiaxu. gdt4 Prof.- J. Post à A4 tise lonor of aoincnncinüg 10 bic mui- cal- frienda, ln W bith, tisat h.ala Pres. piridll to rocive puplis for luatruotion- on tise iicvngb.d ton yetra expcrience, ha <el. couMesîofbolîîg able to proinote à arpi cd- vaueeniont ef pupla, who mrsy bcs places nuder hi. tuitlou. Instrusctionsgiton lu 11oronorh »aaa, lier- osony, Coanter-polnt, ue , Theory of MIkwi- oal Compoiton, blti stIenar attentioniw b. giron-rto tise cultivation of&hovoise. TIiliS :-Instruction tf tihe Piano, *10, tlseory ofienalcal Compositlon, &C', extra 85 Wliitby, September 25, 167.8 BA ORE OYS , Lobutodo ATdf' BPelaG"'by wC,0t 2 ,o MONEY , frIE sbubes19 ov l toru,4 ALdH »tIoPP WArr lfr VS< T aloo apee-- tIb.al nvejscrthie uan taycluonw ta mocy-PBV e ndi -u «004 mOTigaglf piescsyo eetra borrr " rer cesngavndhicolime tepp is prînelal.t Cojlea la tiat e 0WDesioc " I#mprorsi PannBroret, a6, lu.fbl 1vpie., mE Tot ERS Ai150 a largesi 41vaYs&on bond, aU bit b ,Decm> 87 FA] ,48 JOSEPH A. SA N DEL LP'8 TAnd select -a pair, of Warin (esos ou wiill fiud them of ail kinda and of the best decriptdon. up~iorBufaloOvershoes in- Ladies' Gent;, Misses' and ('hildrens' B00TS-k-SIIOE ofevery -varie thie saibentofh undcrpged àa uosurpas"ed y any ether in town. The stock is lare o let fom, and thwrknsI ood, n na Il Case WARANTD. <gIMRPAIRS À JBAu,~- tir Heds cf lFamies Winl find it to their interest tW eaU and examnine, Whlty, ecebor49 1867. JOSEPHL A. BANDELI. -4a GoodNews, for the Nilin! $59M00 WtJRIII 0F GOODS lKnow ail men by theze premate Iha l'Ieau anud do Seil the C)IAPEST GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTARLIO,9 -and why ? Because, adopting the Cash systemn, my motto ta & QUICIC RETURNS') MY STOCK 0F FANCY AND' Staple Dry Goods, Io now complote, and for beauty, style and cheapness can't bo surpassed. In this my stock is vory large, and more attractive tban usual, and parties favoring me with their patronage, wiil find il to tiseir advantage both in point of style aud cheapues. A full assortnent of MOURNIN G <SOODS constantiy on hand, and dono up ini the shortest notice. Alco, a choice collection of BRIDAL EQUIPMENS trimmed t4- order, in the latest style. gff Dreas Buttonsoand Tihmings les endieu variety. [ý'ýTAILO0RING DEPAUTMENT.-Clothing made to order on tho limes by firat.clpMvorkmen, and ou immense stock of the moot Fa., shionab loth to se lrorn. A good lit guaranteed. Specisl ntio lied to a lot of BOOTS AND $HOUS. in mens' and 'vaee , gils' enaces. Aise. Orer Sisoca for dcm p westher. Grocorica, Bard- 1 faI le spectfssl i nvi"e) Cash pald fer Wlst, Birley, Ry. and Os~~~W D. CT ~MICHAEL, n" Mus". Sor <-, (aliwaz rLIVERY!11 ý T F, abe'qgote mnonucetisaIbal. luiprenoa -itise liitreiet of Mr. li lu teW itis> Livery Stabie,asd lsviii usai large additions tiserteln hrsared ansi iiles, tisey are nov prepcs'c'l 10essspply ai onderi for iivcs'y lauas anî.erior mansier. sud tb meet tihe publie rcqulre#nentâ pronsptly lu COULTITARD & ARMOStRoNG. EDWsA19D Aowo«M. Wiitby, Joue 12, 117. Bolier for Sale. tSoulgSEi FOWE-second Band. Appl7 cnt the Wbltb> Foundr>, cr te, JA.e. LOGAN, Eaq. CON FECÇTIONERY' ANDREW LAWLOR zoo te sssnu* Ste lb. reaiinfc or whtbu- »I le vlety h efallhmu Wieby trtbt tlttsste buaoineb hope. te secu r o .1 ha?# 01 Patronage. A. L1AWLOR, Wýfblîjsy, < t,2 , 57. . Sns vils punot»Uitj CARI Joas KC. IieMULLEn, Aoeourantland and CeucralApe AND NUT'ARY PUBLIC. ORILLIAe Me Oficlulneter rtreet, oue door mo«tisof' r.S ave' DrUt itors. Wlld andi Iuproved Firme lu tise couptiea of 4).tarlo and 8' mnoer esle, N.B. Colistiaai 994ded 10 sud prompt reinittaecesae.1 -IEeEEENCES s- Ilo.»D. L. NMci rsî o, M. L. C., Hou. John Simpson, M. L. C., lion. Geor 4% Crawford, M. LC. .(,Comeron, Xgef, <. C.,1 M. P. P., SA;,gu'. lorrisoisEs ,M. P., 14. llnford, Y*q. M. P. P2'1. MoCoskaye aq, M.P. P.lJhngin i'erry, E.q., Whs t y; &Bd dl.. $ora Barrle £causber, Canaduan PMo., Llisay, and Wbitby cnmêrnos.x. 7 ly AND e ew Bakery T UElndarulgncmd rispeet dyictorsn tise puletiaI be la COns tix preparesi 10 fil witit epromlîne i£i ers lu th ise]àkery sind Ç«lois lu@. ,reit, Spoisse, sud *il Otis odeuda Mu, cI nciit* of .tise lbea qnallty. "Frait-ofaik làInceacon. Aisqe b. WH -BY&SCUGOG «ea bl int, tisa plistio ls be mad e 'e t Ister;n stllan e ,. aneat Mio f« M 1wa J-SMALL léel emndcca wcc the mark4for ca Whitby&MuchseNs.2,87 NOW --ý18 'TuE TI Lon Fiure# Oui! w JJla*y- metaL, Mod for cash' i'i bUis, at WH0LESÂLE. PRICE8, AT - Ches84uwr<z. HATON*cBR OT4fÉR*08N "Nxoted Cheap-Ilouse," Whitby. De.F. BR8 % YamiliyGram, Wl. kSÏu1 *Note the fatct, oel 'and save youir four or ive dollars où a delr, 8lovc. - No. 2, ]NicIARlI ~ lrocock'i celebrated Axes, Skates, Childrens Sleiglu4 lells, a KN T,14? SAA sendid uisortment of Outlie both table and pooket 1e1 lowj, quaIiy mul- KlY&GL iI llth Rrother. have received a lot ofaRifies, pricea from -à WELL SELECTE»STOC $g26,t slO5#, Wholesalo or RIUW l. ainuTEAN, ffl» Tlree car loads or No. 1, COAL OIL, Whclesale, .t COP'EEI, Lowem,& igure..OnlI 1 cents, per gallon, warranted or moncy refided. BYAS ~-strictly cash. Keaiember these gonds and, prices are ntOEEE, 0 Whitby, Dec. I1, 1867. H TI R T ER . <7AL kInDN, ý ;Noted Clseap Rlouge, 1 ,8070 jn t j Ja £onty ccr Con{, fOs ~ o f t Cuisi' SOf lu ts mer oD TAM EDWARDi sud OMUQU DRthe.Firu oLZi- M e a J rso s i Dao f Obi.mwa tetnrday1 lise foutis daY o! Jona STOXTIE COu VI J>EIII JTO1.1S tus:. theundermigoe'i viiappiy <s, -igectise mah our t, forcdcc1re u Ifites) et Wiby, on tieose O ay .elo'w As an nnfair, unhusinesa like competition bas been -started be,-4. WILLIAM EDWAEDs, ssginst me, under a flimay preteut, by mten wbot dabbl1Dg a little-in Stoves (iRGE JUDDEE, ansd Hardware, secai to have made a inuddle of oti îhink 1it roi"t- lat O 8oe 00 1567. the public shooid bc guardcd againat suci 1la gap tunomo" adete ments, offcrii*g, lu order to sîlmolate a DROOPIYG TRADE, and draw-off INSOLVNTAT0 18. cnoîom lrom a - more emccet.sîul rival,unopopular stores at coit. Thsis syof - N MNDAC'5T BtIor aîîracting trado, 1 have never hud to resort 1.0; but by keeping only tise reryi£TS MM best make of Stovcs-bose elebrate&l lu lise matter Of ROBEET PORTEOUS, su 4troInsavesst. Ar srng toh tt b B o v e s ab iIt nanca l 1îre, I cioffer ô us b>' PUBLIC ,,AUCTIoXp Dciàiow>' th Especially--and selling them ait as small profits, as is consistet TOWN 0 WH T Y with sound business principles, 1 havo led thse Store Tide i the pM$t and I H OIT bthee mre fair meuns, hope to do oin the ftu.. STOCK 0FO tTE lf F -yONTARIO, ON STOVES wus nover largor or more coempleto thon i ila Ibis tati, and 1 amn de. Tu*uda.y, 4th oif FOL. -alt termined teotel theiatrma 1evpMeu s amyhoteourablo dealing trad lahithe T 'LCI R PENU( conutry. Ail tise igis. tifll, etate mu interesl of tise Wbitby, Oct. 29, 1867. 43 Ai gud , lom eeMd ~au'e tisebeiuof land and Vlieat,.t, or INDU & CHINA TEA COI. uuio OL41 iapovflo la lof iseCuî <O nlari- nAPio4i01e 55umber 91il lu lb b eoesumim te -»Wsemm HOME DEPOT, LONDON &LIVERPOOL rousubîm>ieq.jr timii Criyen "M aoLlnmb, No. 23, Hospital St. Montreal. T é l el 1TEsBMs 'nde I»no0uiml. P1ure aud GENUINE T=AS, of splendid isatural dkror, iisejoted direct DOW t oda by, tbisaaouday of 0"oer (rom tise Companylî Plantations lu ASSAMt, coi on the al 0os falixALAyAS, A. D., lui. blendes) vith Iis i Ducaproducts of CHIMA. JAMES HOLOUN, Only Tvo Quaities, viz, --70e. or $1 peor lb, citisor Black, Green or MXjed.& Fine lleuseholdI'res, cembiuing:Stteegth cndi haver, 70 cents per lb. « fluesatysrocurabie......... ........... .. .... 1 dollar pun lb. ff3' Soulu in acketa isltera by tisheupaoy'sAgents, iu eyery City asdsii Y TO LOAN. Tovn ln Canai OlYelonogclPam,*.g ]q ls,îprcn ster"qen a àt s tt e.LYXAN m;u e Oulu"va, ov. 25,15w. T R A DEMARK. HOTELê pREMIUs FOR SALE., Agent for OshawI4 MIL MARK to tise- Wisbitisy, 1967.? -W. H. IJILLIN SiÈitry office.,.f1i Wliiby, Jit - 28, 1862- S CHARLES C. KEi A TTO>LNEY AT LAW,1 ('l iîallezry, lCoim Veyaisccs' -Puis,i-, , 0.Wiy. A TTORNltY-AT-LA% - S A.isasccry, Notarv Pui ft.« ' 1 çyii. fcouq,î - jAIl Es LAM( RP.lEYfLW, Dasxstrusit. ljgr Trc * -Isle Post Cilice. CtII,AE k CQC aue- tudNoairsl'ut IS LCesuu£Nx, LL. B.-, W Vcssnly Crowo Attorie. C. A. bItES W. Il. NT]91 44, Oiireh Street, . .FARIEWELL, E- ONGEE, SB. A±terffoy-a saw .iîeis vejaucer, &c. Ulc.Sîe cftseb teCilice, useiv, C. LYMAN ONtiLISIR, B ÂAULSTER AT L.&W; -,Sol CCr>' Cossvoyssce, &C., s ate,.-nfln. ijtL he t ROBINSON, ESTAILIIIJ j UzMdgeOet A. N. UIYBLL. i Ilow to koplke Feci P>ROFITrS iLqko il

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