Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1868, p. 1

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Mo D S olattor,, ta ttue Bak e io nItSJl, Ul nov olonui upon good .,eurity. A le UmecofMthé Im, Court Itou ARISTl'rUR, Âtri.H olIoe o hu.1,tretornt,0W. - ixoU >Olti&ON . ÂAUMOI CO route, J .ly 20, 1841, 28 fil. OfIA1 .LaJ. B V oNTY 011W M ATTOIINEXY I ON Cottio041rloeraui 4 sorflOy'tLw, go , -luiotr in (ItilaiObrt , sylnl a)f~~4l IlolA 'i O ililug, Donat- B oer, IiUlîty Boginrssr, iob ytrod ~stysndo~siiitl~h aaeTy for thecousl- JUI0IE àT J. 70U N.A LW lit '1'oroiito-St.. BjV>llaor luiiClauq<.Ty, CuisvqiISi.T, Nc- Oxgsg,i-NX!'t loor to tii. tnr- of U. & J. eaJoliu1beil, ruuk t4ti., W . IitIt>, ii. Wlsty, Nov. Ia, 187. MIT09NOTAuY V1UILIt,&o.& Onig oLIC' W , é. ILTAS IJIM<)VI> lil~1.ii Colilef o iitari) .JIChîambeIrs, o' ne Dour sâuui or uftise ATTý)lti EY Ar L,W, 80oLITlOR IN -%on, lrocsk, f. W. il. J. JJIACI>UNLL. o.iAiI tibENWOOD, A &Iaticery, Nutitry Publ~ic .oît>ssr M UIN LAMON, ýA TT.)RNfl-AT-LAW, SULICITOLU IN Dandais striait. rThross dom sa ct of the l'ot (>11W. id1 BAR18STKIUS ,ATT0KNF4Y$, sc NVEY- B sisicara saîd Notsrie, tPublic, &e., ôta, - l'sinon ALiar-rsisî rovtUzppruaiteTown P'OR nr? rc,.B e l louk. 1IL Cow s, aaLli, ., 1. W. 31, CQoirhyz. Ueunt.y (rowu Attu.rîasy. A ONS, DisrItcr, fJulcitor mtu li.uicC1y, At. - tofIiey* aC.t &IC. SOFYIC*I-I'xt dour teo ho Reglotry tlll, W!li-,y. 41 Iy Mu lsr. NT , ôEL. W'44# 4Obirch ltreet, Toronito. .e JiAulLMlst-~tAi.AW, te. IL l. MeEItI. A., atteOiciy.*t insw, SQlcltua.'IsCsaîrColis- voyalicor, ô&a. U*1c'-j-usauo SraetNr Uriage1>05ruâtico, qi(Wbaiaw, I0,W. 4' LX NLNGLIIII L LJI.. fl A.tlU$i~R 'L' A.Wulisstu lua(chan- 13 o.ry, ovyicu,& ô. f Sllaeoed,-opîsogito the 11'ouOilce, tQo1sau -, 40 JOUX D ILLIN(d4 T WICl[ANClOlt 'kiloI>NvzyANCING OfIRCe, Prinîce Ahor, Imo ulors Wet of 1'*O oignaîî', tnre. 1 IIJREOY TO TUEi COUNIY «AUL, Byron 8traetWhitby. D. W. ÃŽZ12IXIIM.1) rOrnes llotlu-8 to 10 a. m.,amd 5 to 8 WHlI1Y. BI1' V J? 10 m CE8 Win. voQTloFEETE(Lt -k fhl8OJIOtSJ 0 IMM ~ *IR.PX WTui P!ct In'-tlie]latest styles', and remarkiably cbeap At JA31Es £OHN8TON'S, j Witthlmakr and JewelIer, Di'ock 9 Whitby, Doc. 4,1867. 48 IEPIIIIWT Il Titi. RETIRINO from BUSINESS, W-e begto intimate Our intention of-retiring from bu8:necs8 about 1,ills e1 Msu'ch, 1868, and ln couscquence, .hlave commsenced te offer the - ý 1 wholc of -our i:nuiueline ek of 1W Qa- sf Readymade Cl'othîngl, Croceries, Liquors & Wines. At a ýmii1ad anèle on cost, in eidertb reduce our Stock, br abovc dite as luach m poîssible, wliebhie bulaice lvii lue othircd ti bai i the icgoodiviii et lbusinsess, togetiserwila aetauneatdlgbe preliies, te, a adoveir pureliauser, on vcny ibemal ternis. Our Stock is ai! ncw sand lin.; boeh bouglit on the besî ternus, which cuables us to ofFer gpodls tram 1010 1f5per ceiit cheaspc tîsas any otier Hotise ilu oleis 0cr 0Iject bciugg la redace ousr mtovuk, sittlssr thaîs nsuek fur îrofitî. Wafe r 400 pi-&. meus punis, from $2 10 $6,- 50, Worthr $3,.te *8-00. 200 Blody Coatau & IleuJacket., $5 ta, $10, Wor'thi$6.50 te $12.50. 50 Oivei'eats#, f resu $4 te $12, Wor'th sû,5o te $15. 300 Ves, froîn $1,50 te $3, Worth $2 te $4. lIcaay Whitney lllaîîketil, froin 64 te $5, Worths $5 ho $6,75. l-lcvy Whiitneoy 0veic&stings, f roui $1 tb $2,50, Worths $1,50 te $3,50. ISeardefuil Si1k rsixed Coatiop rîgti $1,40 te $3, wos'tha $1,75 to $4. IIu,(drsfieýld make, froîi $1,40 te $3, Worthi $1,76 10 $4. Canaliaîî, Engliélî & Seetuiî Tweeds, jýýe leap. Eugliaah Doeskiiis ansd Clutiis, i'ery fine. Englimh and bMoqcow Beavers. M'andite Clothos, &(,. Engliah, and Cahadian Flaursels, fil5i ce1oîxr%. 100 PC' Grs'y Cettoils, the beit Vale iitise Couuty. Sîeam Leoing, l'riuts, Shirtings' and Tickiigus. dcntie Ilattiasid Cap$. very labcst styles.. DresGeodu, inu Winccys, Delaines, Tlîibets, Cebeurgs, Mercmos, Lustres, Gala Plaid%, ail wael -do. Frenuch Iteppu. &o. 100 Slisawls, froin $2 to $12. Nubas Scarfus and Ileodo. Breakfast Shaws anud Soutags. flesiery, a s§plendid asisortînent. Ribbeus, Velveha, Trimmiug!, &o. lack SUlS, a deelded baîgauîsi Damask ('urtain«i. Luire and Masiu. Table Linucu, viuite anid brovs lIish Linuens. SiIk Linucu -iaudkerclsieft;. Cuisanud Coijurs§, oop 'kirts, Tics, 1 3eto atnd Buckl&s, &o., &o,. 4R OC EPtR"YiDEIARTMENT. Jusl reeeived 100 boxes nev Liyer Raisins, iu boxes, j-& boxes. Boxes nov L'iyeîjs, $2,751 boxes dû.150 boxes - dm. 75ýe 1 New Valentia Raisins,' 10oe o1I2&cîs. New Carrants and Fige. lu 'lens, wc ofellrtire bet Value inî tishewIs, frmm60cir o $1,10. Puma Caffees, freîb greuiid. Rice, Tobaccoos. Sus anietail kilsdm. Saffuon 'rrost, (Lake 1lamon,) bbls. $3,50. tWe TER31S 8T1ICTLY CMSI. WHITBY, NON. 27, 1601. sait itIer Salmuon, 121dm. Ne. 1, round I-lerrings, only $3 a lb P510Frehtih Branidies. " Americau 11cm. <'IlbllauS Gin. '~Partsianu S herry. SOld Imioh Whiâky. " Malt Wh)isky. "Ols! Ryo Whisky. Aldwell's ale 'lun10, 12, i16 aud Sn gaI. SIn packages;, nI Brewemy prie. EnglislisAk- and Porter, &e. Tr. 19. M'MILLAN & CO. 47 NOTICB THÉ PÂFîCTI1 A new atid choice stock of Fresh Family <Grocér1fës ~TI O~X> O.II The following Gooda utarrive dudunequalled for quality and ptm yany other lieuse in the. trside. Parê~edli aisins, pui, Vai.itia Raisins. ohol.3e London laye raisins. presh Ourntik , rroehPrnsYbtuAi moMWbt oIh ot.4 Salmon ~a iflot=aAlad.fh r Vary oneapzof ..as. L luýa adiîtit t te abové, I have added a compicter hi et aC".tR front an indirialw Salt-ellar-oý a firat ciams se so f wMých wiII b. sold ývery cheap $cr cash. MY mot te lu no t t gold. 'Cas paid fer any quaatity of good Butter. Rehiémber tbc place, cornet- et Byron & Duiida St.;Wbitbyl i.BROW 1< YOU WILLCE RE~T -JÉL ý VM-, No. 1, on the Corner,' AT PRICES TI'II E1Y COMPETITIONt T19A. Yoisng Ios Coligois. à3C h Iu bottes 10a. lit tioxels 14.- F'asie unt eilibox«. VINEGADis Wiiite Wiisu. eider. - STIGAR, Dry Crtlà§alscda Crusiieli A. Extra (4roulid. Yeliom rciied, So. 2, eu, 8. SU aud 4. Cinntitona. Cloren. Mistaard i iia " Muntiard inii5tt;es. WUDsJ Stijlas. CANDLE5. FinesI pcfm 'flo.COFPEÈ. Isochea. Lsguoyra. SYBUP & CORDIALe.. Extra (00h4ai1. loldait. Gingectr Viase. B3arbsdoma Pennr, lisse pple, Itnipben:y, lemois. FRUIT* L.ayer Italaluas.- Minuilla Velcsia Il Sultana Soeeicas Cun aista.. Fig.. Orisisgeu! l'mnou Cinaois Waaiuts. Fibert».. lJs'zil But.' MCAP. Cueitite. Brown %Windsor. ltoney. Atueed Tableto, Fasicy Tolit Sousp.. STAUCU., Glessfleld. Satin FiSe. Pure Wlite. i'rcpaned Cous S'iauréh foi food. 1JLACK1KG. Tins lia- 1 2 5,and 4. Wstempooi VFiate l utin. PICKiLF.S& 5UiS Mlized Pclî <niouxs. Gberkinsa. Willucts. ifolira Bull s Belac tA ichovles. Wiaisiit 4Lît.atll). 't5oçesîshiras Sauce. igALTe Table StIt in droirsîs. 200 Baiins 0 $ DlEtBAt,TEIRIES AND luIruus' Cream Tartan. BI'Cssrboisste of Soda. AIum. lIorix. 1-iilpilir.- Bukisng POwdàcn. EpaOCm Selt».. Ssitputras. sine. Biaeck Lead-r Store i'olililàsr Buttois Bine. Ball Binue. BUNDIIIE9. Star 1.obiterg. Cox'. Gel-tifie. Barslirei lu !4, j4, sud whole Ispricotl. L'rune%. Atid ottiser fruits in brssudy. Crsickei s. 1fice. Nisrky. Suuir .ndy. Ciiiry Seesi. lienop tiedai Ar'smsoot. I ising. Baia ricks. Conko. Wrsipplug l'eper. Wristig Iisi.ci-S ludigo. FILAVOII'G ESSENCESE. Orange, Liaion. Battusi Alrnoisd. Clore.. Ginger. Clisisaisson. Peint. floms. , - flair Brooibs finir Dus6ters. Wlite.wioiged Senebets. nitooii. No. e, Coral Drooma, ufri tled. No. 2 aa si 'aWiaks. 2 houp 'ilC 8ctý Ibis»ltis.d elothels Pins. PIPES. scotch. a. Feney. CORDAGPE, manillalIIeR7. aa Deep Sma 66 Bad Canais. Seino Twiue. Fine i.li Twlna,. (iolunc'alTwuîse. Staoc Tireed. Candieo Wîek. salînon lu Berrels. wlsit'e Fhla ud Like IHuron uFot t $8,50 fer X. bII. Makrin isbbls. d& X bblâ No. i Nortia Siore Spliel lIer- liim Inlubarrex. No. I Hbsso pllerrns, las bîrrels%. No. 1 x..eiisi flemIngs. Direac Table Codliais. Ji dîlock. Sisoked ilerringe lu bokes. LIQUIJOR, ôte. liiswall's & Cos, Chlampagneisse s, Oomers. Viiu issemard». IN - i. ltu7pe & sou. 13outlli * Old 'tom. SCOTCH WiSKE- Ilfaassy'sl*lay. Hliglansd liait. Stemard k Cos Palesony. P'ORT WINI Jitirgarsale>.. Granisua's4 crspe. I>OIIICO)'aa dismond. Crowsi. vouera k Son,scotch Baos. ma. l'is AI. Bbfoodlis Porter. outiuriess's Portior. Loriion l'QI vt~. W]DISKIJS- (ild Bye. Malt. Toddy. Xcd & green CoMsib l. 014 Toits ' 8ctîéIdsm Seoheappas ?Milk Poricbe cou it); < of. e s' me, t4n ta bins gÀtymt eial; fbIIowsflar KMII WbSOte code d9ot oz1to8raIuy (oly ve, Wbe'll storti f sbbstrtsu b. mnlssa iroflois evide ic. shir- -desth oet' But he aminceli aS bods fDo', 4o" Fgaauy dnc, the.Flirt.- other wiII - ~proof of th sund bIti) Tapa5 IIIIWetay or ~faslnâ&Jtl <,Front Temple fR.) --eun' easimàasé? -nigl4Ut,i "What do yoa feal' for, li Doddu7'and b. foit pain? ÃŽ f4 8tIu&gIe *111 b. oiiy for, a Tiln, 1v moment. Tii. tcmporary bi~ation froid uouhelngI yen f' Eternlty together will b. ours, If 'pillo*o; or oui nuptial garland bas ,fadèd belarts Ilt roià Cerne wss woru, my friend, tihe marÏtyr'i crowu guarded a awaits us in - hesven. Par b. -ron us whaî h. ail wordo, Allthboughtset fdespiri IHope tise muids bloasoms on th. tree ot nirltue. "De not for hil 1: attempt to basten your departar. trou Tfiser.y C this lite, but wslttheiteoei f 7our Oies-, (oretoi D toi, aud tbon I feel sure oui souls wil nope. In meet on His bosom." vi the "Oui seuls Re btit enbel wi- ew pered ÀAnglici; obb inï. lieî e, b us heywiii toketilibirfligbîtlthbbéaeh.Minei ber by i irait on y Ii On the conscience ofai l.o>find1 deuatJin. qeih a double cons- tbem Chl destnatin. -cent victit Thus tb.y reschied th, fatal field wbero 1ou receiv capital pssnisbnent wasa ifflicted, andloi. victims weie> aliowcd to bang fet' seireal public aéé days, blown aboût by lis. windst, and encloacitA uievoured by birds of prey, In public vIeW. court, tnd, lb hii centre of thse plain was e reaited 1h, ws - scaritlý and neur it, on s great ire, a , -- deinu cauidrool>f, pilch wus boiling. - for the. The.cou! purpsose of Ed'eilng the body, te retard,- seon--reua decomsposition dting the lime it was sud free, destined to remain étbpeuded on tise ro pe. advautage It wsnot often thisa a imnvlctb.d valk- b. coninw .4 tbltber accampanfrW by-bis' relatives of therIoni sud friendis aif going te a festival, tar it T'he, poli iras rare t bat tifé tbime of sucis--a deatis îry-bause iras ual laIt by ail cbanected witb thee sîlil cavere sufferer.. Wben tic7 tiauru lb the. scaffoid pat; on a thse executionor agali lhukitcbed to lay bahed Baodines - o f Mri ns elOne momuent I beg -of NI!," ild the baud. lt latter; sud lie drew r <nmbis.,breaat ti l 13hd hëli wilb li ait mitten and siguied-duig thse 'Tisetri nigLi, sud gave it to Vorates, sayiug.> '4- its-course, luaen executor of ofnsy, will. Wben gery snd ; 4 arn dead, open .1t. sud set as 1 direct." fore. con., Tison embraciug Verstes, Nicole, sud mih bot I Angellea, lie adaed. leI thank you foi uhere il -i issviug giveh -nme Ibis lust, Ibis-public tbi. wind,1 proof et yaur confidence Iu My innocence bitants of, by accompanyîn e -ber.sud. vecelviug ed il 1cmn' my faremell embraces. Bien il God did lie igu not iead lb. icaits et men, Ibis teslimony Mrn In My laver moule sa;fEce.te prove may lus- toi his cit IsolientutIl le.Jtth lie tut'sd Itbii. ex. mitleS sui eoutibuiet, saylng; &11amrn rad ;,-But tbm atte Vorates. thbowiugisself, iinto bl a aim, Y-ouuggirl id . a*Go uhere tige angels ne. wait siuin malefactor iseuven, aud lter. pray SUbr us,, mis emin ai "osant1 ta weep a litile longer, sud Iieh th , foeu deep mout YouI foriltse Fis N'cate embroced ls ao u ris ecouvent. selbut bis leurs chokes bi% oi..At 'l'h. tom LsI, Ais gclici, clsping, hins lu beýr aimamore t ada sas lier usother clugus se ber cisld - te save was efleet il froin tisreateuiaîg danger, iefused' toa ad b'y< leave "sim' thougli tbe oeeutiguer biS rthé: boufra Imiceadvaîîced. Illncrsik *"Noo," Sshe crics!; "you sah ne y la otb héî baud. an the Irnnoeentî1fIf Yoe Vent -adecisioraôa vielle>1 ,take meti You $hall al tosehpositon, 0, Th1e officeerJu charge oethe e exeetion bf thnisatc the sentence weut to Véatessud be- os b.d g gcd hlms to removre is-daugi'ter, sud iplace wil usske ber understand tisat'as yIoung lady àller il tl sisouls! scItissas expose berseit in public. Vorates, (f Augelica head tise. orde sud exclailm- bearableL e4, -ftrgettiug biéstiUsaselttssarveî lections.' Expsose isrsifh auMaladehlms, onee oft ans! yosa Say:I-expose uyseIL This is uo Wli et o drlion., It fa s bideoue'.,re.lty. Tou pal and lu murder at IN-0, yu>éJ~ lba or t'eu sîsal kjl me .-. - $goïn aukomn, V us addne. zou ucea 5i05aek thse geeq li lere, or . if ypu do, yoinuy iook t6 moitebe n'In uni -bougsi-latLitbo. '1~tp U-Wll in7 !Sbod. I saIi..l e ianti )ivrisefasticeeaud the hsangman's n'4 ad i 'i an 0eur I Mesu te o 0 ison h l 1e mAYas wiue on my table, sud amasli bis of ber sutaîl il s, baIl Nfromuy pistolibecass S tô asei*es! my daugliler, sud killè4 lowssscç for, 1 bis lreseiseiy. 'ffieÏe.you mil b luudred '4Tae lier uüntortunste reaas. cive iras -'no& ce istisu' bu'naL Sie-fo aulune- ual 'go and 1 xi. Doio o for me. Wbeu eve~urci> ive Ibis I shall bisav lfCepisa- bar. owifsIl Lionr OCetai îcrutsg~tslslater-slodthea lob. thougi cise anea it, wiîb lihe one do bave tb., lisleiiliers iai i f thé tes teOnSd M sund i b ti8n, i,1 Rodfes;" att mitbdr.i* l' d'lii'te ý kit Ais- mn&g declr.dBadnes oinfou but Ibat iee n t-àýh Partiai «j eof Ibis decision untIil shafiuîd AUl thé ehi med by lie superiar authonities Tiints c niais Islands, Insoebi-? lice magistrale iventltesecocun- Saicuas - aI ivalha e oudtb tbl p goes red uts tise remsaine ofthlier- one aide thse body aof<3eraiuÎâs s £$rr'an qin blond, asudlou tb. alber tisaI Biri lu ber brIdaI,,dressi it.iber. Sss;a, maddrile s ra t sd a gar- '.M4rnge i econdemued Gerasimas fôr for- Upge pernici 'de. , lis bodY wânithe 1re- -n t ieieS 10 lb. scaffol1, oLes»r 'costly 'presei' pitéis, and bung ou the giilowo, general, âud- iemaiuea -monts dsugli i lu ecteal of f la lie, greal horror ai hliiibste týattend s i ýfArgastoii, wisÃ" *ben lie>. pass- bring'prsehi n'c! away their lâiansd made bas lucr.aséd aftie cross., reiedy .thls burles! *îtk glaeat s$WII, ô,bl i ittiàeot lier baving coin- cu ing Ilt icidé iras 'not kno*sr. The isole preseats mill tended (b.h ý-fusserai efthte:-<air lieus."s r1, Andewepl Ion b. t'lie V is te A. Amng alers' thb daugtr Ulas jt'iag, *hidh ahb uiïla ébhllçil lieuasjettes letO oti'ehkl~ir as passed Ina s jbiùao,-, là uprr.ceteullon etfRedises, t,) th, dq1 ihir elegsl formatisse real, wo su tow te4 with lise juat.stlindulgence; ber works lin bis oa'uwnchose is 'prison.'wus nxt te lespO of eVorsltes wmliii MsgelcW- slu n4I iept -bisesl élôkCii bnfianéhIiidt Ilies!ut'ol i aW-.- Thes cen rmaiion otthse UO à fb and if the court met witis ' tuOP- cîeJn"tlSîe ifs setiaunt of tise -extrsordluar, fiéiéi__ ancèex ftîiseèséý ad t waï tls- l t1u$ 0 th flôi'hes-jsst vils Asphel- Wetml. Tiseir iuarriage.took .ÂAgeýtiss sout déas, étid iinred'àt'ely suear as0 lov!> se>. l!efI eblosafo.rr* aeund --we erCrockery, Glags and, Wooden W are. R.PdYI - 1oi 1, ON THE CORNER. Whitbyq, V. 3, 1867. 45.1y The DryC FullYoo ansd --I tissa any etter Shop in the P w" Alo sacom~plet "Irult, )rot tti, itôt. on

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