Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1868, p. 3

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ldIers, "sd slic Iren l ,-. l j I 44ok0dHams - bbvc ps d « t m ain 1;t 55o It, n SI&rrn bltW*ib WIJl be lu a 1mw 4yo - qteçd gtuçpon bornsW - AT? ý SMÂLIL PERCEN dyvw 'Vltt yeïa ii ilt ce- -=sneisWIolje purchasers will Iid it to 0, 14Ù os tho 8h amineboUic or te lutbeforoeornpleting tuei Ilgi,tu4>ay thcu, y8nd 00w tiom THO$. mygfls, DO&. te, M,.114 il ' ' ll c-- g i ilr;usinig t qlOsi for il'. cntlvso cf' ~dpy uime fui'r tuir, alts JOHN011 L. WATI41S, - -- 'viîatax DzlTldhft STATIONEttY AND AND FANCY WMAIIOUSp. BANCA-G-LAUW GOODDIES, imWELL RYP AND ~Airy oods .&X 1MMENSE STOCK 0OF OF EVEZRYDISCRIPTIONi. BLYPERIOR i STATIONERY AND NEW, YEAR'S GIFTS, In great varioty and at alinost aul pries. obeck and chais V7 gueusa, coitversallcuu- Mion, lo, - THOS., uA Foui ww ec Finn.an Haddies -0- SSmoked Salmon Ya.ýrmouth Bloaters En'glish Cheese c? a1l' ài« ex- io lé; C,4li.. LAWLERv Q o r,> a m~i U 21 CEN E-f E-4 MO a i c,> ci> o o o 'i r,> LT LAWLER'80. AT LÂWLER'S AT LAWLER'S AT LAWLER'S AT, LÂWLER'S Evryth ing worth buyn i tI'ie Qooory Depa#tment, TO BBNA AT Wbitby1 Doce Dres GOJ, SaivsBalmoral Skirts, -Shfrtings, and- Wifttceys, at cost t*ficé. - ~g'Canada, Tweed Satinett, Whituwy Coatixugs, Pilot Clottis, &.è., at reduced .-'prieeJlain"eIs, Vluiii d4itl' anc, ,Cheapest ini the Çounty. Ozej Cottons, new -Stock and new prite RE)DY, MDEL CLOIING, LARGB STOCK ON aAND. - GR UE lS set quality and cheap. C'utters! utters! ~~~-c~~ -m - - - >MIL, PRCTCA C1RIAEUAKR i MiY- - 1. ~ll Bugktsince- Remeber the ýadr'ài osiery, y, Deeernbcr 11,~1867. -'Um m D o . . . . . . w - M b o n w- ~ w isoriment Ã"f -Cutters and 8le*gha,*,---. ont Cattera, Coivered, Cutters, Portland The genlerl fears of thê tëoffiifi ý.fiit ihi, lu a hieasiiiè, Ibenforigbtteh îh ëbiiSqüiene i of soute of Our Oldeci Banksi baving hslléddjthé bri6ls îh ttomdieh-iâl-afiuirc nakes it neeeaary for leer-te 0.u round superior. to aujrthing manu. POCKET INTlERESTr,,and those *ièibhÉtU ,do sbnnbtd doifor' effectualy than bypurchainilhik-, d finith. Call and examine à very neat * --- b pald to"*ntltbg ned repairing Cattcra. CH RIS MAS AND NE W EAR'S GOOt'SA'I' )CHRÂ-NED MNONW ROOM The "Tide:iti the-affairs of mien" eau no be tiken at its "flood," îUiilibIà6. tÉ îem as kel-ath L~'G ~' Ladies, di-ectly on te fbrtune, by coenfiing their. purcha.ses te DOMINION W A!RERf)0M8, 'sý'eieo ie Trid OFF HIS LARGE the Fat mer, h ais 10adal are reepectfully invited te attend a GRAND. )ISPliÀt, (Âdinisaln Fmcoe, OF Rag LARGEST STOCK 0F "Stock,'in MAm .)WEST PRICES. Tweeds, Overcoatiîîgs, and -I3lankets. MESil FWRITS9 WINES &LIQUORS, EVER EXUIITED EOII SAtË, IN WIIITDY. - The Exhibition will remain open every morning, aftcrnoon, and evening, titiil thë "l5thoôf F'< *bruary vext, and perlmaps bait a Century Longer. Ail arrecsdteauelya eaicae.7htror ance will coMMmment-Ircarlybhe merîîiug, withan exqiuisite melo-drama entitlcd -1 B0!%NÉ T,C$* A~S~ c>fchoue reh G 'oc'-MANIMi of thèdiltest, tost reherlie and fashionable styleii, and t lower prim es thlth"'y -ah-be biany SOEIE .C)ND ill epetI *!th a ié%v et' ËL ?OAIZT SILKS and DRESS GOODS, ot'ývarieuq shades nui cd Poultry at teNs whîe,l point 'of Varilty style, texture, brillialic1y -ot finish, and ebjeapnemâ, cann i e sUirpased. rPhd next sccne will be a grand dioplny of cdegant FRIENCHf MÉRINOS, ail the fiew shadlesa nd qiiféi4ii fiel, wlicl M- Il- COCHRANE'S.-in intermnissiono ue t itne ewilI eccur, teo llow the audience 1an oppertîînity te look tbrïoîgh-tht ~Ortiefl bf g4 50 Stock, wich4we canno ecceî'cpace in a newspaper, te enumWèrate. - * THE LAST SCENE, and final one, ivili tnke place after and during every lien. hich will censi tbÉ à*iii ;Whitby United Qrammax and nificent and attraictiv7é display ef GENERAL F-AMiL GROCERIEè, rFlies1 FRUITS, ALMONDS,"Tl Cob~mon BéhopPOSl.1 c ~e~~ï~TL~1I). rit TjEAL EAIEI ANc'aoUm Ti~ e ni fldand wenderfiîl hi-b, lrler ERFORMERS;atsei FLhccond DivilOn Of te JO Su 81. ,jtheef profession, and ail celebrated far and ii, for tîteir politenes a açdattebtion h t~rhU1eous patrousaW et ca iary $200. admirers, and ble'ssd with moý,t funvarying patience, in their cenduet te the Ladies. Appicaîai te Le mode te the niidoigned.- K. J. GVNS, -1 C ( ImmJ C o > Ulîsirunan Com. on sclul. Manaiuenu.- ;0 Wib, )0 s 87 i-Se Whtbyg,'Dec. l18, 1867. Domlinion W«àeroomî W-hi.tby. 3LIFE. IN A PILL BOX! Q er BXI'RAORINAKV EPKCTc ovWhy liuiutt p I.ah is rua for piclari AiNTI-BILUIOUS rILLS. ' CLÂR:s GXL1jË Y1 OSE PILL IN A DOSE- Cdî'àti- ~uîfdliatM' impcunr re wtitîuvlciýii fret [is n i s alerArltui t i h i puuty an>, d cati ONE PILL IN A DOSE 1tj - nq'îîte b 01W'k*dsl tirsuno l 9O N£ P I L L I N A D O S E C o9v ' a k a d i o tf i w Wisat 103 iettcrs adai my (romitpatients aiî oyer the Anîp le.bage orpille lave rld une efatli tiou Whitby, xkv. ii, 1W4. TB4 i'N oinre loi osecs. for mue Inlaire dt e n pille foi DI amloin&.-'tle oryour poi Ciredin."Y '-Tank*, Lociot. lily headache Oaa Sdi ce. $end M :_ I)c4M PANY LADIfl" 53101 anl r box tu Si lipsu th hum . 90 MIl ; Aft uffcniug Lance,.rmtlionsîch îietvac îIso orti MS ol b yo! lc Sedmei a uc i sd 1 have flad aioresara IJegofîuo,îe10fithetuiaîo 'OurLueaoeIrctei un ~o cironi eaitup.iuit as ~ ~'Y Lu, 'y, hIll te Scisoeilîlteuto tiigbt-bj iliiy eallid s?, sind etait 1a d wtw . iua ls. TOlr lis DoXALD5ON, iw.l bu ttiuitîr Ii.derkî.o ig'i ir ili l a nie. if- join uxgîimt , iumndsicthe e iii ad o a ff.p.îs"; laggliitel'le gareve aa liea.y icalcamoutth uJ ac o askuer loi zaindlkeep iteuluin h.NE îCle00 .Maib»ntél Wbucared uMr heailsehe, iwu - N W 8c1-iO L ai8 ?uxraclaifiu, Mf "n e f av i?!.i ut y l"iubyr Saiu« ited in theSbo1Mn "~ eliroicra morIas. Tior a i lîing gôt vs m5 lMh ffr15tta ~ ZMy naUka cfa t onr iwi É ug J, ll Ibo bc" 1 u(ien#emmOf iceutedue lin la r s i~a n Dry.U Ã" m. cars adlenoûle W&la<bt" gai iio.oe w ifobtae; 1 waatceour a p« suami- ............lan P "1 enclosà doliar; Tocitri e atUtw yve eluil,....... 0 but thie utedscn< ne su wortl a dollar." EJemcntary ....... "$end me Ave «tr ucfyour S ely eoiI;î riM1uO - USsm u. v.boc tf ne pll."fio aDie M il MaS na wnu.uy.jandi voii i sEasca or the Klilacy, retcttione« crliM '~~The art,1 Id Irss l lire f:a fourare. uu u ,i w w ranee 'nam il pi med__ iloroe oe AT HAMILTON kCOSc'eV I~O YK&E DSEZE, - -~ e- 1zasEvta» leauvsi o aosfv4il ifp fï e aget l e a ,- i credidun cei 0 ~î Gî * Tto EleT EST. Ls l5to i ng, Are laoss oi aiera inluthlatrc(ccs, andae unAT lHAMILTON &COS 'i rjs guaratuteThe - i -----s eî-A-- N EIW , F RtU TS , N E W TUAS, ", 1 RR ILYGROCEtri, WNES &13RÂ1TiF4S- -kI N O -Offers to the public a laqrge as mllIig seilteti Cuttera, patent fro iumper~s, Thei above Cutters wilI bc f tiicturcd 1h din oiUty l , I icqand Cuter for 025. Partkiëùitt £ttentfoi é04' ÀWw1ork Warranted. IS STILL, CIOE1U AT THE If Excellent v alue3 ils Just receivecd, a lot ive, for the Christmas Holid jff. Best price paid for goc SOysers i Oysters!1 EAW & COUKED IN £VERY T 8MtE, Lobters, Sarc'ines, &o., &o., AZ 131GELOWIS OLD STAND, Oppeîto lt. RayalIUntel. GEO. MAELSIIALL, Wllitîhy, Dec. 17. 1867. COAL OIL LAMP8 OPVTIS US XEST IPATTERLNS. Chandeliers, Lanternoo Shades, Chimneys, Eurners, Brackets, Eyerytlilig ln lthe LAM P BUSINESS, aI 1ev prie.. tirW BraI COAL 011., tse clicapmt la To'wnu, ut CONCERT AND Christmas T'ee 5lI I DDGE 11934 mach ploa'.nre 1-1 an- IInoMicing.toh lie ilendi and the publie thât, SltO J elg»IZe(aCd te MECiI&N US' FJRIDAY, the 27th INSTANT, FOR TUIE PUcU'OSE OP GIVING A GRAND CONCERT. 74186B. basa enfoged a large numnb.r 0f wc» known vocal mu lsstramonal porfomar, of' abllity, te o rslt on lteocectalon, and nothinig yull Fm loft undonc on lier part. to.render the cntertaltsment ais plcablefgand lntcrcstin; ans possible.- Mr A CfIRI6TMIA8 TEZE wIlll tbon aha b. cxpoir nd 14tripp.d. Tickèto of adnIoebon 15 onuta;1 doorsopen nt 7; toncers te commence nt baîf-past 7 0'- WbItby, Dac. 10, 18«7. JAS. il. GERRIE'g FAuMI.? Dauoua. PagmuIed Aprial 10t 107O~. MA1fUFACTUBtED BT (; SSIAPRossWJ{mIBY NT. 102518 takeu tathe .6..nJos~ 891P AND C0I1VNTYIUTS, 793 SALIC for ail thuaIpart of Ithe Provinceo f Vataule But t i ruutbrlatïd nd Feterborough. .1. W. "del the- Latest Rductio& in DICKSON,ý CRAWFORD & Wilkincon's Blook; OFTEVLIR.X BES1MARDIS l -AT <-1-- - lé iii 'o 51 if ci a- 5 Choie Wnes,,& Brandies Are, now 4 ,byl. Docculiber ll,,1867. -ý Wliitl)y, Dec. 11, 1

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