joirtmd ôvev o Mondai la,uéoeauce of tedontb <f m eoqi#e~ fluera oni'la e videy,an Mdi larghlf as; tendeid bl mimburs. Mea6ýt, 4Wîf~sfl Wi~eunWid"aboaifput hhaibéb;li #r lillas. e sn atv i ta pé s4oesanal e (m tioce iiitudmpi"llo Ou 'TueudY'vayive.gsiémuikJ tât opWpt bIWi. A îigots b. poêI1~iapr~smtslva ud neby- Mr.1 IboLsod, (rom John Asidirm sudmo ors, ýte 4dastu ho Jeorporatei1mteet Sisi ~leu, Mr. Cameron brought idomsai mIolegi RHie s xeulie.7 s.ts fol.1 Liegstenà um-Goifouveoocmm.udls te tki oomisderaticï o e s OM onfetAuebily * slief oM &ho i d.mramd lisermen and lIeïu famlle., in tisemelrProvlcuetfNove> - A resolutioiI te! hy skiParmier sul tliconded by liv. li,-ollar, pueud tb. âoiou a Mstutitly îotiug tihe grais-, eub i edalf teffug o et Bon"ume b.g ibat theê%motiô*gbt 10 bive bouts larir. ?h.CeluI litou[Séd a bill rtýeetlug Dlî~tbt terîs *Mé* ave ris@ le som. whssiof an angry disttfou teents tel Premier and Sir Henry Smith. The for-. mer oljecue o e tis uroduction cf a usomuri cf se mach Importance _bl a privas. mens'ber, a~W4n is hore *p. 'posred o t e omoeusi doire on ski pais of meuléi er 0 aits oponthemseivo tle - reapotsiillty cf Ibo logislaio. cf she boustry wisheaî couling tb. govemu. tuent. Sveril bisk,ho mal, mostilyof blleIportant nature, bal! alresdy lien l. îtredeoil, vitbeet aay prîvioem ola. Ion vith th. goîsrument; asd tle gui.1 p romeut vire ne longer propareu . aioà tic snoubhanu curp atiou eftilr 1.e.. ,,Jbs, bouerableai d t aI lîmus hgifront Vronoi" as il.dbrougîs -le acno m ue vitbcs onumstiig Ibîlem*- t.Aalsboougb sthe<sut wastisas sh.@ goveri Ms..mIbadlela teedeil te briug forvard sobc -miaures andlbbal ilitm coder oeullere<iou visun tise m8ttîir Watabou uouofetsheir bands lie tobdoisued the proec.iIg 5M at*- geshiir nuesilsloiugs is lis gover. ment vers routponibli othe lelaeisien ouetouse o., sud ibis vitsaI uattarmsI111111 b. lîls i ir bauds. R. appoeed t. sfio trieuls cf- ilsegovorsumeus on Ibis1 questieo, ad sel ltedtai thek-courmo vlo oeoparsie in fiuted te vans of1 ibonldeueo, Sir Henry leisti ope tle1 ;Pido obtul rigisî of mosmbers t. luiroduco Sà lt anas 1r.OCo lad âtidoue. Ho doulol f -h. positions of ho Attoreey..Genersl ibat il monieear? te cousuaibmhegoeeno ousu4igfg le snob tenmer«s, sl mil igthat h getotfsmen5 psilly wva din l 1 hi Spoge. tronstlthe 1rbrole. hi veull be remombrel, slled Bit tles"ry, tisas on ~$introductiion cf bis bill# <Olt tbe Inde. p»Denli 01etParlamot ; ski la et eyidouceiand tise elecis lav, bo sid le #*oo1o be toc - bappy If île GoieruSuei i. oh"lerofettiosn. Aidbeuece Ih - h ï0 ow ià à agocd grece trou the #ýir tsi de domuleanmdltil is uep. porsorý s <bai îhWybah chel <le Goiers- asiitme asaea,s e (là #oieremet mes, mrsbaisenasiu'od ulle she Speech île Tbeiro-il «bai vers îley? pso 01cm «airimoatad e; but au 15se b. m a I et <bis so ree ab ) - MunlIprovei, lu-am ,#a ,libeial lme. laist liv heTiOoe oe osugl OMMttI fthîe sihisane.eft ite(rua&i. li t' at Ma, <lbïBow. <le' hit. GoILlied iooo iftdlto do-lie M i tusâlan cf the larmD iOlt t teu» i i <lfereý,IW aot ~aJoèc se tsath fiultag aut vtteii mtion 0111elk à Oi«tdptii o<y-e.eugis t. Wb gati cof [si" f.' lsitvsqu4it un, ivdP U b< isî Witiki bal eotdouo sein "Y do11Ã"f hola La afaerofta shoriluoeprellt st.l lv h wvifar s' mre libersI <ban hg 10ob@ ceusurell-fOt-rhimns in 1 Di kdto#Mi4l, ski ho,. seg919es Imighs Mille.Bs be i (lit. EIk".) eslleet4d ibs qmes-iomlg ski leader ofGoverimnt sitl rupweS (ô be'musures Introdmeed by il. mueWfor ?romteoc4 -b (Mr. BEuh) Iodlsiformed by tb., Attormey.Oee- oaia si Iwua.perw e msl ppeteut for. ili'b« i dgaliabtkoulbt, go lutýédui tsS. Bas bieappearedo sehelose fe ski vbirevs -veld by tskiAssOruy-. etouraI on il. mbjeis. 104'bol bkit"<M voapeus-)iqg s msd Billpusotuonsk thlnog oo *I5k<**< la1-é 1%, ïi. <oslbiOWippeaits 50 bave stokéb bIb. er ngll, , Hf espremsed bis mtoulakm,ýs t athskistatesent mde b si jMeuer for Poil, shat 25 Judges bac! sigaçd a 4u.u.M MI s.iufor tki prpomed usange.. Is etai-6ilreamtao i b nldg i mlise ibaIn-lufra.iug ski COfdW emaios' Ais sIre bal»"otbouea vte amos tof iledoo., vie 1 UV7tmev vise, tIcm Isdeo voml bv cnuae sel tbeir douve for ski change so she-Pro vinolalGovermmui. Se vas Ibo proper, ohr vb o ogt to baie bue t oUi ,mo' -ciai!d yt on b u si ijees,, beom bed- not ba teal iglbset lusicatlon 'of the Matter. BSe ii afed skimemler for pael A n ol dear o îitr .odue aly mes- Oumi lusgonià u5go île Goveranmcot. Aï. Ã4 lb li. sa galleus, kuîgbt rom Frouteuac, bia position tovards b Gev #Meruion vold se mou vahcr cf houi < it. thbn ef air suppors. R., (Mr camer on)-vriea be bon. &Pd galiens koighit ahoul bave sud maib intemsperai Iae- guse es Io ebaracterlze b. meaurs 0t tki Cemtinorot rowu lands as a iirable -*borsloo If Ibo gallant hnigbt bad foued ibs meurei'6 e bnothiug a.1., thonit il 'e nater Mofsutobbent sat ki obold4.pport th. Geenel. Mir. icharde, iu a -somiwkii letîgtlt speech, Iîodueedbis laid vesoloiong whbiais vers diecuollUp ote eroacf sdjourumeni,.ud eà iMoià ou .conoUler tha la eommhssee on Friday, sîrus o, e Thi Wardemshfp. As uual, iiro an aul combr t fipi. rants for the Warlossslip. Etery rue" Afil lvpn<y <bu li seceelal hinmocrlu; bis es000 considura bimuelf uot 00I7 qelifl te dimbargo ise <butimu 1but to bave a cdaim aboiail bic -oupeeru viiel îuîlile.hlm se tle office. Thum te bu" Mir. Josuu Wrigbt ptting fervard his lisa, luin.vry lad EuiglJs, roogis <ho Obacrvr. We uso.@1fr. Wright n se b etIer asledly, for b. rlgmois aisu 51 iukjeet l elu.b ,ossu nt vnorilor. "oimnltupo1ftt', cIld l.oue cîlter ihia moleat Io4bus's ovu ish tiug fouwt5." W. havi th# inaiheutorg ilu sa fercilo foui. urylo, legisg the office teor1Mr. Farbanks; susd <heu b. eakly Isehalisi cal Oazete, nuable t<c git. itterse. t se original oxpromlou of Ils cvc, ichiehe sho VWlcoUm's vbiuesud e rylegMiNst, on lelsîlf cf Mr. Fairbshts.Tisis veel ve sWis!deeitiim lave tle Dlîui&tsl esudldae ; l ndeed beb bleu aready poieu cf le tle permets cf th. vortby roue cf Siog; hs!ad,1Mr. Saien, vise voul mate a espitsi Wavdeu, Tleui ibm les Mir. Gilleupie, cf Brook, vise ws e b Wardenmbip mu a pliter for the soreneas cf bis defeatinluNoth Outtiel. And in tact, vo migisi go ou for issîf a bar fIsregb tise lis, enumarating 5the preteemienu et Vaioeuse oter amubitionas gentlemen, vore vs lispo oet psoemachs ieiffictious upos otr nalders. Wiîbon< presamlng lua sy "sy te direct tb. chois etfmemulentcm tI. Coueillis vill, vo tinkc, bcadaitel lai, siiug sest e boaedldas. Tise Corpeo-F tien on île Ceniof 'Oetsrlo, shoul lbatS 1<. Ibondalimau Wio1t tptos etisbe etllgenum vealib aȈ rgjpeetaliîy of she enucl-s mm voihmuil pbolsi fiedgeiti, sud vbose 446e#l08enseil le regarle i yulsupect sud defneu. We de tvs ki h C"0011 I iDot i6maiethl missals 0ofeiitellg ug e tedîce8d NcbeY go <le Wi:rdWuao ïibutt»aît; o gs w1 illho 611.1 l- a ii e orepee«stsin.,for Wbieee bol ilojom aih ciber iovpo. W - 0bia. isi s eo o. lp i m II o49 vd nome s.m uthte cf Ise clm t1, l <If. q. et - eÉoh pa *oubecol sl liera gratil viae e..0< si eutiemie diw aré,1117<atEE wMost prondiUi groa4ff6f roof' - tuooime1alexpis efjfiéIhS he toipreferibIe eau. b.Comsi vil fi* aepou bim iif né bottei m ai", <buse vh'Este jet apimans "mt lb. r- fi Oomplq vhlmisse u M' gmatfjlnwg"n shlainimuetaltasvit, as te ski dirke9su ed, moebeIev..Vrém> as vi iiauj ki a 1htadlg si &be muoeî ot!$l187,93b,44; 5bird SW surplus on leudauoouDtug ï t kilarge- mu cf $0190,9, Ibb -seeidodt sic. cf shoCwmt hitig i( U mumis'pdie lyausimeilar insuitsutionm-lu' il. couutry, sud viii vorsly th#e couS. douce cf tsk id earelpopisy bolder., 'Mv. JoiAgmev le tkie*gant iu ibis soiou, à & vil! i sou à ystheadversimmu. caer cas Bevmuiville oun Taud«lest"- boe.. nWhibil Wd BovmeaIlUe, elgî mmen ouaa de, tour bird. iaclp îe 1Boy stiug by oui bird. %Temantch .rodli vue to hane bu te.tonirl s «0% but ov*- lng t si ee"of-etviai vieti.. a fii-r'ld me .1bid t. l bc lmti ,. The hsis"D Vas atogedle vey pool, sud mi.elb blov skie anragegucraIly mal. by tle Wilby sporuat, m vil!lbel se by île appended @cors 9 onmr I0 01-2 Armsiutrng i O i 0-2 Liuteîis 1 00-l 17 i1 0 O- 1o-e Ilicit I 1 1 -_ ilobt 00 010 Pi- lirsu e - o C- Gaso Coucuî.- Attention i. requomi e1 tae Iiancomeemeusi et a grnl cu ýors to a' o eplacoeai Ue Meebnaula bah ou Mouds, et'; niat. Amougms <lbe c. cotspilissed pcrtoraeim on lise ceesil vs are te bats Misa Noral Hillary, Mrs. Wobthim, Dr. Hillary, of Aurore, <aImes', uuriaied amme. tbltis,) sud Mr. Hillar? cf Usîrilge, wmmetecalcomlcalitiesrnu- der hi. sncb sa fe#rIte vitI coceri.goerm. - the auIeC.Iiog people et WbîîSy ou Monda, oeic; e 92t. STue Sdà Ll.-Poi. -This terrible dluafe, vo regret to baie tsestasel, las agfioti!d acre th» soue taaulilycf Our citizen» laielit sudlm oer f lie Apreallu; mili atrierare oct ueuonskly suseraluol. lu viev of lis existence liu th. <ov e vooul urge upou onr Corporation soîberities lise daty ofet aocu atoptiui; preeautiocmiy meas- ares, snd especially mas opece tb. Town schools, <e vîlis tise vstchtul attetion et the Board o e cioci Trustocà iboul b. premp<ly directol. Foiesauxvcesse vugoren Tes.L Gà -ra vxvasouv Parise. -A youog msn, vise gaie bis came as Charte* Thayer, cf Celar Maie, oser Ousiavasbreuglit kifere R. J. Gnen, Esq., lajer, on Tneaday liui, onuse aloie chsarge, &selwvalais chargel vhsh assielng Mr. Wilson, the <cl-gîte iteeper. Prom tise ovilonce, il appearel, tisswoe ess rove op se tb. soit-gae ou dmurdal nigitstami bcos Il c'cloek. Tisaler sud a tomaIs occe- piod tiseforemat,asimd ou <ho gai bob; oenel, viippel his herse thrcegis vitbeait payieg ; tisecler coller vas tshen suruel bacl in thse direction cf tiehevuw. Tiayer sgain pissel sbrougb tise gîiete<e rourui vitheut payiug, asid eben payaiseuntvas demniselasuhel <ho gatekeeper. A fine cof $6 ansi Cesta, smonutiusg sîtogetiser to $985 vswu nictel. The temals vise vws in the prisoers cotnpany esilel hlm IlCblitley" id Il'Parie r" thiltbthecon- tention Wall golu; es,and ppesred ie b. lit greCst iltremestaisi.conduel. "Thayer," loweter, vas l"~nomi giron tle magis- ACIEN à T Lîîsna.-'.On Priday r oeui'Dg, lt i mst.,a tiloe girl, dmughser c f lift. Rielard Leary, of Lîssis,, <.11 eoies' ils sîair baneistur lu lers' iti 14 fte. 8h. stitek cm ber leal ; ber sîl vas tnaetafto 5* a fdrefl exti5 mdel ibfragomela eohl I. elly moted agui scis oler le ail idlro . 1Ou $m polt, or movral luobe h Ihst palp,7 4Uev .-obild "*ed -luttait lests i le sit7-$bsiuiuls ski allîà cano De. Miel'soad ýTvoehjsI3sl la ljya irsl, vgu ifaoibly. %at'deps lupOsée o p6. wemn,-and srom tise MdnA oiwô, eausee4,'$ha nuldinla of ôevtan -potionottbe tovis lesirel <e be eparated,,à ud, placeu4 oîssà Ide tise limita cf, tb. colpôrutionsé If tiid te cf thiuge. frôtw aote à # t c~pould nov b. co hel ofd."pt .tbit*iý'itbo nle coniclusion, ier Wetô (d thail!se Vas glal tuo mpet the f fM~eMd.ngýthe <e osof f18689, and tlrteit t<ho affaita'-ftbetova voull b. ooudueted flu an amicubie and ceuciiit.rY spirit, anmd fer the publie gooc. Mr. Huston, Tovu ClerI, ronda s cr hsuncstc&t6ni~ 1Ilse~, . P.« P., offliMmn-oet<h. eita oommitlee ou th&e1 wuulÃcipn.d l iésasueni sacte, aking <bi ectuncil fer SuggesIonOs, Alisecommunlicu fn rom Mlr, . L lii uss tino le aPpoinas0amo. -On "iton of Mr. Draper. uiooed ulby 1fr. O«el, a select coirasite ai lv v mittaus. Tho ballot resultudla nfane r of Mesanu pr, 1 Hodon, Garervi, ilulsu The commiticu thon rotirel, and, ou motion, <ho Mayor Wl <bue chair fer tee sSmautes to.givo the cesnmls<c, an oppor- 5unity t. prepare their report. SThe council haning ,eaumerl tb. foiiov., ing standing commelsw er. reported by. tu liama, Mr. Hlien: 1n9ne-Mi4rs.,Drapleî, Qalnspil, 4oclmie, MoMillas and Alleâ. rion Proport-4esmr.titolden, Dra. per, Geins Mclillan sud Pisilp. Ãîisd Gcane. Printintl-Mesà Î r apr Corn sud Campbll 4pPlicat ions té offe-Me.m. Gori. Campbell andi Caéur and t Icl mprosiments -lisis R1ova, Holden sud Gerrie. L«e s5The Mayer, Mesars. Gerrie, Pbilp and tBlov. Mir. Bolden motel for tbe adoption. Mr. Bloev, un ameudment, motel <bat 5hêmo cousidered lu committe. * 1r. Pbilp seconded tbu ampenuent, p(atlg thai th. report al been real ever rapldlyl <bat ho dâà iicx,ie hoPauses. sud'n* <at tise Cesre War4fbal au marne oni tise c0nmittoiun on 3 Idr.Draperasul 1r. li"4e -Yè -Tour ovu raine is% on 1<L Mr, Blov considcted <thst 5vould 5e .unfail t. sdopt <the report vkhslut con-, sidering 1< lu committee of thi viole. lit, fGru. vmued to 1mev vhat vas theoüà ste!ractice. Theis f syor teplied tisatit wvas otie bots vsYs. Mr. Draper ÉstI <bat thse corne usuahly pursuel vuas te adop< fie report of <ho conimittee v ithmeut comfOtls<ng i1<1 but <bai there va# nothing <c preîent ita be- ing referrel te cemmittee.oft<ho viole. Tue select .committee. iIItle.bÇst <bey could te recomrnending the standing ccli- mittees Sit, of course, Wf Mr. lov, oh.- jectel t. wbat tise committee did he cousl noe againsltIse report. par bis ove part, as a member of tise select cemmitteo, he (Mfr. Draper,) vas prepurel £0 sustain its action. The yensasnsd usys - ating been demtand.d tiser. appearel for the amenlmont Mlins. 9Bev.<amerun snd Philp. 'Neya, Mntra.. Draper, flolden, Gerri., lilulsu, Cochirane, >Camp.bell and Allin. nhe report va thon adopte&. i. Draper, seconded hy Mr. Gerrie. obtained leave te introduce s by-lav for the appoiutmnt cf grasumar ocisool trustees fcr the grammar sebeol cf tise tovu et Wiitby lu place et Dr. Gunn sud Mr. B. J,.liacloueli, vbtése ternis Sud ex pined. Dr. Gunu vas' re-mppointedl, aud tbe usine cf Dr. Carson suletitu<edl for bs of bMr. Macdoneil, sud the bylmv-Mr. Allia in the chair-viareportel sud pass. el. Ou motion etf1fr. Draper, secondesi by lir. Pbiip, Mr. R. H. Lmvdcv vas appoint. .1 Auditor, sud tue Mayor nacied Mr. Rosa Jobuston, the second Anditôr. Mv. Draer isted tista aby-aw lu preIi' or Svould bhinhuroducul confirun- sng ýthe a pointment *hi tistas of the thrcviofficers aS s futured3 IsETCSn O OLLuwTOelom-.. on motion cf 1Mr. Gerriï, ucondel .b, )gr. -Ble,,ibhef lune fer tise returuetf tise Coiee'cs"s rolvas exticdd lulte-la ei ,M u mort icot ?ouacaLDsmh-Mr.Gibbi, M. P., te ci cW&dY laot. Itoi buitstifswmousprou, neci19 < GSa in 4 4sTo'itt ý#lf5W ofl papero ;reunmeoant -01 lb. gsrofling cut ot* UFkhl Ioomel..i 1 ppeaui it ilat onlumliy emiiUg laat- ue aai- »tt teckel mal ttfowia dêvmj et ilormw ise e es r. (fMi., seeundolby Mi. Drups, il -o to e' Us.ppmehisof as select Mitiseo tcoasider mil reori on sthe qi pail for solure. cf ofeefic he5 Iréice, sM 11 vbie an sud -viat ietichin lsthe O à mbes oof flcsrs cic 1 1OPu-sIriaiglitb. mdi se ate ibélheltelihtdit imSShimrftthe i gotermeni cf <heic te M md'l o 9W,-tocousise cieueéas. ildtu1Bove le'lsI, Md thLie mes' iio sa*M b neeoccssl tC #t j itmotni 8< glieciet ittae, seld erged b<he otif Wo oa ne, tbat roperly Mce ; ise 0' lffeelmint <bss r. Dixpeevexplained ths tbi rflft"ë swe wantod il. tovn- te prompirfit aheà d t bc ihè object of tihee cunel tu mate every a dollar tluey coul and uot, yiuv ftir yoar mdd te cr iiieiaelu eider te pleaut thaabioor thecilher. lie vauted 4o piie ntt thai-ild fisulte ait theis pené, (b. ecerorain1onlbdeirid to do,1 isutand woold do lit and' 't. i&cm-i auls ti &d ho vent with leusms V1rapewiand Gorrie on 'ibis motion. The corntieén appoinedy rfear 5year, had nôt, ho.1rep casddo ne" their dà iiylu-the premisi ~ Tlere vws the leaiih lu- o Ã"Eef. a£ se leas 0 * ébr"thescore M the lgn,.Mpnecure, . opIes office duléoe f the latter balbecir MiA*ftede -Mr. goden coneludil b, ctvrniçto (ho rodrylm etor stresi crner an Sunday sufn ad tisedisgustiglaniviage! vbiob riscbed tU.i sr of lasdies when1 le#waa preparol t. gSo luto the viol wtt;?,te pal only sacb offciais @ ski tovu service abioitïley roqulred, aud enly retain ibose lu oce vîno did their viol d40y. SMr. Boà 1 gali. spolse nrglng bis pre- iiit argumnts, and areplîcd <o by- 1 r.-»rperii.o-rCued $bat fr. Blow m ltk etogether ibe oi)ec5etiesp 'pointaient of the, select committée. There vas ne <suit vhatcver vith tise personne eétb hatanding ýcornmittee. The select .wumlitteai va s ide 15 mtogothor. And, <ogether wltb wiseS he b.d alrosdy stated, <hi see tieiMtii ould b.eable t. do- 5iiSii<sP5iV.tlob oofalges, othat tise ofldemuIkov haî <bey vere, sud socept <hem or not isfoe.tisoy ere ap- pèluteto à #- uude<ermined salary. lie vuas mr1 tis ir. Blow urgod bis ob- jections, oer ho vas satiS. <thoh select comîuiuee, voold do a greaiýdoal Mfgom. and thse counicil vould b. velI pieased vith the resoît. Mfr. Comeron von.lercd thc commnltte on applications te office were net entruat- cd vish tbis mat-e-the select comnuittee. ask tisamoat mutifactory, -and vhy notS usakit 1<one committce? Efr. Gerrie ln briuglng up the motter ball nos once shossgi4 skis fit ould lead té aqy dîacuasîou. The ratepsycra cern- ý pland of the prcscnt condition of affaira, and, n'ne ocouid s»Y itaun IiWaigation' wobld do suyliarus. Nri Blow, lu amateudment, mnovcd that tiie coimmutes n îpplicutiôouate, office report at the next meting, on thse nornber ef public offlcers 01 the tovu ; their gal- aies, anîd the necessity cf continuing tkem. Amesdmcn< lest on a vole et 2 £0 B- ;only fcsrs. 9Blowi (aniAeron voting for it. Thse original motion thon passe& TUsE DRILL SiVE11 ANDi7133 VecISACTORL Ou motion oft Mv. Draper, seondol by Mr. Holdlen, a ressolotion passed instruci- ieg thi mayor £0 ses ibai aIl doeumrnts respectlng tise drill shed refetrel t. su 1fr. Scovell'a lcuter t. Air. J . H. Perry be = In ed10tise handsioet he cotincil ;sud eba <li yo l ase mtuuicatc vits the proper autloritieu es £tise extra eat of <ho drill shed causel by the governient, altetations lu, the original plans and apeci ficstions fu SAisi:?1111711 TacuuLIL Ur. fraper, scconded by 1r. MeMilan, moved for <ho appointuicut.of a select cousoutttie t. prépare and report a Maâte- rnent ef tacts lu ri<et'encc5ta<lhe coriteMt- plated puirchasecf the t.wui lots- belong- isg te Ur. lock, fMr a market ite su ad that alter the saine beingaubtiltted tu, and approtel cf by thse cummucil, and la order to save coe, Ur. iouck ho innited tse jein thorein, and <bai saine-b. reicrredte tuc opinion ef coungel, lu eider t. s9cer- tain 1mev fer th. vas, if at aIl, liable, aisd irbether Mir. Houck hsd any legal dlaim uguinai the corp3ratien; aud for ibis purpose, bist the clork-fuvniah certi- led copies cf ail reports, resolutis by-lava, &c., connecte1 vutiste matter; suid cemmittee £0 coumisi cifliesars. Blow, Pillp sud Gerrie. r jà . Blow desired o bave ho mnayrs usine added. Mfr. Gerrie considevel itso regolution .premature sud aised t. bave it laid cicr te the nexi meeting, atatlng ac bat the insertion cf Mr. Ilouck'naine vould bc ruseless; tuai Se vas goiug on vi'th bis 1suit, andl would net join th. council in -anytbing. Mir. Draper referrel <o tho SujeCi a eiune et tbe vexed questions vhich tuse had entailel upen 15 by' the laS. cooncil, stln<bt ho toit it bis dit .tae1 Upat î$sit goas <o Rave capense botS t. <h9<ve uà M . louks A tlho suf d te! S« d*toe-a Bol fit ,ioselo Mv. OTtUcbc * .C., r . 4w '4kat i~~m isiittel <o tise;- 1 oOWAyt 5 OOPTiACi. y Ihi On moionof Mir, Blov - seéôsidbd by direecio r. Ciseron, à sresoîutiee pulsed appoint. receipi ge 0 Mesolc, Dmapc, PisUp, Mc-.lonsaIu :iin silbe1,myo emmittesit. tke, County r. Convay,tbe contracter, sud tho ceun, Ksq., c 1' la reteouco tto drillshl. Tie Tise cunil tison-ajorited,,(aborlly recelpt eore tbree coclock 1 ) for îeue véck.. bard, Smniths, iThe Co-Cacai cf île TIovu." Geierp fA.s srug by Y. ACnipl. Miethe ir rraif s i a l ouis lisiralylule*dot badasitLy ib OùStsob. ulgis. Wuas l. lord outile lwdf £ÈI4SI' at ail at ail t. <b. diveasiusl vu bail'm- sldeoîur a bot uu useîu siog or tbaus Cua s'issiýers@, jeu may e0Lopi Be me sovklum-esn, iftIIailceucîsib. ,tbrui, yoî cugii <o ue. tisai "Me- tbore'. ucillu' in lite sîqull se ki sue0e a ommciiu bei umblir fur' bringlu oui shé jaliieisof potsm7 ais'tise seloly oi gong, etpemhially le au is tlbue. Yuri tî'iud J. A. C. is s fine characikir.eibi. rei pecs-s rogler p. b., msu' 1 <bai eaus appri shiai. bis Crulmhkeeu Lave as veill auyl mm 1 lier mes, barrie' 1,-au' I vcuo'î may <batt ibal WasDau O'Consll ; shllie jeur fiul lu tise eriginalty 99 lis jsis, anhîe power of bis vice, le isiy minI, gratoly reulibles theb. ievldagsiabor.- Buji 1 don'5 vaist £ degré»ai <omtho- maues oub1bjees nu«. The obju et et ibis letsber is Ouly te give lou: tho remalulber oet he Laminotsn visielsvas nos conudIe1 lu leur lasi, a' bicb J. A. C. gaie ou sftler ve bal vet cer vhusles an Ibranit bit teuil. It indisi ihlm vay i Yeso l'a ruther ho lu glor7, au, moroît the romuim),' my1 usrgleuup.eia Tnv,theprofit tou,' t'le par, Or ilinarci wiSh a cirkusi, au tsunil5c 55 5a '£iss e b a.gpr'd u.o e Dbrsper, ln th.etcouil- cl ot tise Tuwn.' Now fereWeil t to inticiIHopper, amilnme mate in0 1lie To l ll An' tare selail niie mcculigue", os e d asut ean Boy. net will @top their jecrin', s I pas up sut,dovu, Nor vimiuuper l-asel Learsus'-Il flic Coucîl et tI,,,Town M Yer ibrue frn, TIN O'DAY. N. B.-(Tlat Iee't moue Na Bocîlial, lu Irish) -J. A. C. bas les. ingagol te msiug tho bal@song in charicilser at <le rsy. union eftshe liocbaeicm' luissichate te corne off nesi veet, an' be bas aise glisu a seoor of promise te appear as Miu Hilary's oncert. Barumeal'm aoard yul msue, b. stbr hlm. T. 01D. Tainv or $120. -Mr. George Straisau bal $120soleu oui et a bereau lriver, ai bis reidesce, Wbitovale, on Toeudmy eîIg liat. Thse constablea are on thse traci oS oes John A. Graham, vise boarlel vits Straboan, sud ba sducamnped, 1< les sapectel, tits <ho mouey. Tne CAJADIAN 4%D,&auicsAs socià vion. 1-Tb&elireabonenimeeting oftisassaocia- 1tien, lemcuoinel se lie bell aaimsgormoll, on Wedneilay sel Tburidsy, 5 suisaniMt c f February neai. Offiii Appoiutmeat%. PROVINCE or OSTIsSO. Hi& Bscelleucy tise Lieut. Govorner bas bees ploased te make tise foilowiusg op. 1peinsmonts, vos t r William .Tohnuton, oethtie lowCh ef 1ol1rampîout Irmq., M >,John Grant, cf tise saime place, Esquire, 1M. D., ansi 5Tbomm Graham Philipe, etfise village )oS Grabsamasille, Esquire, M. D., to e m a. e ciale Coroner& in andi for tle county of 1Peel. l Cbrlem Fi. Bonnel, etfithe village of tBobcaygeon o, e oAssociai. Coroner, ÃŽis seandfor the euuty et Victoria. e Tuie Hon. Davil L. MaePhormon, a Sen 9ator f tie Dominions etCanada, to e IlArbititaor for te IProvinceeof taloi 0ocer ansi by ire ofethtie proviiaons gobé, e taleel n lu A ucifor the Union et Cansa W de, Notrs ScolIii, New Brunsvick and 'F the (foterumeni <lereef, and for perpoes > Tisomas B.-Paller, D. D., D. C. L , rckL it de ac o f N isagre s olnd Becor oe t .S si (1.orgbM Cbhicro, Toronto; so-ees mem. r- ber f îe Coneîll Of Publie Instrucion ifer tkiPirovince cf Onuld, lunISC o oml si admstSinofUue BeâLqHois<>hdé. r. 'ceORl. Brown; il- Tiiorne, $W JÃ"' IhIi M,6 Joh >$hearý<$8 0; Th eli. --s ii teJi k ~Z -e .,$M 1 1 47.i o spaii, 11' L5b e s .pensbsoAdd lu; sud ceuinting tickets, $8;Tbomlg flosten, $8- -Johnunpper4,$4; William Bat n os, v t al al, $78M45 ;C. MoAsiliffé coustabsle. $2,50;- Jas. Boovwmau. A- ttendinig fruit, $2; Baud, $22;,D. Keus, Xemu.$ ; 1re.Fraser., attn ex-' hbto,$;Chas. BoS, $2;> Canad Farmerm,$99.60; P 'rîzes, $ll1.25; -& & J. Campbe11, cottoti for hall, $10-M8; diii. ner tickets, $18;-,'Geo. Ilobso, 8ecretrv m salary, $50; W. Paxton, Trauâarer'f aaa',$0 If. a.,iggn, dpring& $62.95, leatung à balance eclcei, -$0,; hesides snseix,-J. ksiersnote, $50 Roberts' esi*<,- 90.41.;,donaion- cf Treuorer (np&idi $5.-Secretary, $0 rent fuirtgrssu, '7,' $10. Sisoving bal mmeoo et. sh id'asici, N$070424eout cf wviicis te ho delsîctesi <b. sum et $89 tsi rZssiumon yet uupaid. - The l'resldcnl, lu refereince te tise $89 unpaid premimun, antd tiese olution pus. cd as tbe former minug declaring tisaisIl uusfcaileil fur premiauns atter tst Jsuoawry aboulI S. forlulted ta thle Socieiy, ostatel that <bu director's-bad extended lise <hue se lot March, inasmuc s- parties mYý hav nsalcd'at tse Trestisro' office dmmrmng bis abseunce vheu a mii afflgiction kcpt Mm awsy. lie &W stated ibat be balbeen urguîg tise adsuiuiairaters' cf tiie Rolerta estitsie id ezpeetel te get soine5ising more for tise Society etvisai vas due froun that souirce. 1fr. John ScRI enquiril visetiser the sirectors bal poster t. aitaide as rolu tien ef tie generl mest nsidexteissi the tite. The presilent replie1 <tbat, under <ho statut. tise directers kil foullpover t. msanage and control ail tifs mllsirs ef ikij society. Mr. Ba<ciffsapprotod cf <t.ecourse et the boardof directors, Mfr. Meoili explainel tust bu boand ne fauli' vits viai lise directors bal lotie; iho simpinv ante1 informcation. Mri. Sinclair iremirhuil uhat if the liv vas astaated, sud gîite .iroctora aIl the pover, therevasusenoseu ln-,holding [auumual meetinigs. 1 Mr. -5hier saisitisi tisatute poinitosi oui vb1ut tho annuai tmeeting had te de, mcad ali tihe dnty of the directer. Iumrcpl",o Bir. ?.tGll ns tu vletlser tiers vas anu cul5Ora lawîin eziaiteucee mat nuv, iuii*ha vre vre ne lestgor the roisiS, 1but t4 Domiion f Ctnds. iii. Fre oidetïr.- p lied zsuaStute iav vas là fullfoceosud vonld eo muii the pesusagieofthti c« bill. Mr. Birrellarg uit theation etfithe u- 8 nii me,tttmir, muid cf thse durectora vias roemg. sund tm:,t <lucy had 16 e vr, hy lmv, o pua sna drcoitniuu at ail The' report as thn adoptel vIsihont, auaemîdient, 8AI»Aas5a ci onimI. Theonuidrtin of thsumlaies et the iicretary cundreustret as tis nex bus. nem,, ?u. litliff ,pc',kuus ln fanr f con- stimuulue lthe eune rata or rentneiutl, minI r e s o i mtio u i p a o emu, d a k u ,sg t i es a u r y . oi* sth : secreary $1,, aid oft isoTreaurer $40,' titit aume conditionis as lsisS)*car. :'L, OTIOu< <oilCuic. bieggrg. J. Draper sud W. remhai en &p- lpointesil cruimueena. hir . s oaep im iie ru o tm p ro p oem el t h e na m ne cf Iltohntu19tiet u fr 'resldeuss. n. MMGihi sropeued tie ame f Janffl1. Dilvdbi5 4 at the. a'tmtl ne rufyig na sulsdome 4tribufute uMn. 51.1er'thi ieoiçsv. lHe eîocat- ed thercice thill sprvailod. su the Pro- ýfvinciallÃŽonlety, und <tue Townasip Society ef clecLîijugtihe offiers ty rotauiomn. Mn. rDryd2us muidlihe ailem te sesun gpoil resait thit oulî- Seoacouplilied y be changZe. W lmut tihe proncial &esorià iion ldd 1tat ne parutlc cas, Sr tiere lie offie vs.asa 6lbomrary oui; wthensathe Premdet o e b Co tuty ocieSt i.d a gua ius!'rit f work to, te> H1.B e old bc ,orry <o vote egaluit Id$ là frictu i W . pa fidiso u b-b t lie p d l too l <bst &. gt.lltin id fioStaUt the ofice nt à i. ! voudulbc,.g mled by a es ' o e o 00 0 c. Mfr. avidmoeiernestlY'ratliisstebitjuoe su d me on d er t . w t id ra v b -------hi.- 0c d l, '. D n, b - ai an t t ise , of0 1 5 A t a l. ets u b ilit S.en ioud use hlm l0 bc a indkW* qAmiiO A fter a e v verd is r em , M r. S inl air a ,i M U Bcai Mr. uhier -ws doclaresi £0 be unas 0mouuuiy eletéal Pu«eIilifor lOs. o n m o t io n cf l i r. ' Ea t ll f f, ' u o c e i d o l i y l i d*f#gll; 1r. Jobu -Dîyden vu celitedl lu 1The nalà üISbf Mb &Thson. OGud ÃœYI1f. J.O 0 pffi vlo viéré fbjtg&bd -fr - th i V ioS-Prea kI de oy 7 *leu the latter lI*t, doel réaI leceul W h. former r.emhiogelyoes t Ueo Raso ausiWm. Psxton vire t1 f )-etsetesil asiqieiéary, sud Trsemurev ilshe Oaci Yiu oMr. Thse. Laver lýng ploed ~in cempl. ley fr the laser.offlee nddefetti& y aisrp 'iefoi tiE eulmnii vsre -eleoted tGielrla. . -. - n- - iz6âsdte St. jsuiwV OsftdSéï(*1hic5bv boedy: Waointevredcu5ebOf berS flsi P4re sent taluteil, snd bal toise takeou h0cof Tvo logillta. Ilsl and Allais, are gin- lu; exlsbitions in Hfamsilto. the speésie in ski nsultm cf Use Back ef Englutul vas ecceasel £ll,000 insone voek lstely. Tb .errele an ice bridge atrees- Niagar river, treun viicis the bost viev et Lis Fille ca be bad.- G;onzxuur Eipxgns r Êescriets-, &turna just puhlished aev the expéuses' pai' J lint t-ry, sBetarning Officer s the lait electon for South Ontario, Le b. $070,70 1; sud tisoe pail Sherul Pey- noldsi'an-Betoirning Officer fer Norths On- Geo. Francis Train, Grinuol, sud Gee, veTo areated on bord tle futcamship &otia ou ber arrivoI ai Quechratos. -ILi»l unlerateol tatIsS bo gentlemien MOi taken ln'utssdy on a charge cf Seing e- ive umisers of the American vin; eft <b Fesiani orgamzaiticu. Tise proceedumgà caumecouaierahle escîtement. bth Soie snd elsevbel'e thbroogioiitishe kingdles and especlally among the Amoericà rosi- dents. The nomber of emigrauls 10 Cass'sin 1867, vaS2,458 ine xem. oser the. pro- i lama terrible tact <bore arec e busc. Ired thousar.4Ircuken vomen in th. United Stites, ritteen brigands are bang dlly inltex-' !e. Hev long at ibai rate, kifisie <bi 'viltaceus country viii -ho depepulaie.- The Writ>à oSet<ho Peisitentiary ai Kingston,,,MW. D. A. Macdonald, in, abool7 t. re imd MJ. Moir Ferres, it la ahlegel, is Lu b . app intaI as bis sucess'r. The "LiÀcensel ictosîles socia<ti" h.eld <Sir qosvterly meeting ai Guelph ou Tuesdsy 14<5 mat, TIere is greai distiesaiaug- the fiser- men of Nova Scotsa, ovlng tu the lied DucK*ias a lud te have MaIe -nior$5, 000 sincobc catie o Amer=ea; ansi bas invied $18,000 luUciie& Stateis bonds. The BrecivIlle .ReSrder cousphaînseb rovdyism iuntissi teW. The N. Y. llerals sys tisa'1thUe cen- liietle v e oge a nmd -tbe Preaident, is comn; t. close qcatoeW amibelevea' tisaS lispceuniry is 6, S One ibld'li oS tho ment mosuenteus-eenula is Use hislery et the Unitel States, Tiscre sie'146,000 shade trous la Éati,r conering.mabont scvon pet cent cf 51. city't ares, Destbm trou starvaticu lave already co& curred 1ai :Quebe.. Beiveen stu-eln.fittee ihousand oetitbu-population aie muffering- for thse ece'am-ariou of lite. Tise Nov York Sanday 'lYmeesys lite cigarsfmp&. Taxation u inheUnited Stsiesamause to $30 per'hesmi; in Canaa $38SI pet bon bl -iie-srgnment for suuezation. hLi le neeralol <bas a Nev Ciil Souu île.' Billo e; gprepirel fer ski Domin- Diptberis le prevafilu; iis fà alsieffect in GueipIs. Wood le selliig ai $8.50 te 85Re 9 cord, un Mocsreaf, L_ Baldwin, thse noW d visispugimlinWO b"atéelly arrived In this cont, and TinAin&Dd otberg, buSoi vth DO- ses MSÂESIV5BILL Came vier. iSU .dberi dmisitiha4 ,Cusitaa 1 M iAGe su infad5i..-Od isrm0 isoovos and Vompaiug-tise Col COUNTY -For 18a0, Wilnrie At tihe leur eftwo M'sme"tis te Toevu WhibY, Jan. 2 CON' A, GIRAND Y( MENT-J WilI Sebe ll aS wi MONDÂY, X is-th t 'f Trmno asiqe vell-ktsnosipepusa Tricket-25cent -Formsae l i1r. B) r Aliusa Bock 8or Witiby, Jan.2, - SA t1. emR vas, io, or Oum 1 GRAVEAU SCIIOOL TRUSTE"- 1