Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jan 1868, p. 3

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of the bridea fabhýi esr«r lüh%!q. Marchant, Vietork 1 . b . I~ st. loba, seoad dalLtr àb es.w h Johns, M.q., deputy roviedof îl township wo Beach. i Aa --HOLTr-ly tie Rü«. *obm vonE h. Oîih lu*, atIbo ereldac of the bride'. father, Wm. soiuL>', ~lr ~c udPag, irapr*We M.eee0gb. t. ies llabeth J, Holsbybohofe( .Whiby Narrais. Whitly, Joury 22f 1808. ~ $Ibo* A 100 PEo ... . 164. s7e 131........:.... -oà 1 et a. 0B0 0a0.,.tô.t.6 *Dc... ... 416. imr pair. PIO........ . a .. Wood0 0.à& Y-li GIONT neipo SfuVVLIBDîh ~,PlLtq@ UIAVE bdon W le4a-nile Mof Iuesruidm llpolo leI' .Cooae 400Y su§Nagglaite Alla .or Suife li...Tboysrc bogue. 'Thse oi"nea. e...*0 saImm 0. loiialemu l iwl8b lluobo .e'. 'Ibo *J gnf imaw thie WÈi upvoif ,baewd. Io rtm s 5.14by Igna N, .st!e ont.aI.ans L9 rut SEVEKAL Bese and Deputy Urnees, Çm#Iopo.ng tie conuoirlb. opOMOIXion . tige COUNTY 0F ONTARTO, "For 118wiluet uoomipistuewitlitii. IîoL iuî Sti, e MuuleipisilAct, ou ITUEIDAve,'TUE S"là LESTAnt, At tige hour of two o'otk, p n., et1the Vourit Ilou.., lu tise Toiwu of Wisby.4 5H. Je MACDONELL, Ct C. Wýiiltby, Jan., e$s. fe CONCERT!1 A GRAND rOýcLàr AND INSaTRuc 0 N ENTAL COlvneIT Wll bbols.I itClse I IdUAXIOn' HLL, WiII't1DY, on MXONDÂT, AN. 27th, 1808, At Wiiiis tihe tsintmut.u aonpliied MISS IHILLARY, 10, T 89nt, 14WUte by aeYral AMtelr.-3f It-ýkuIown ùpopularit>', will appoe. 199LEXMPNS 1RA89 BANDS wi bëê al» t u attemllance. Tiekta-25 ceuSe«; reservui cent, 5M velUe, For cale At i. B>îne'c l)rtir $tore andsiut Ir. Aliln'cIook store. g' Ver psrticuiars us; *1rogramîulea. Whitby, Jan. 22, 1869 -i JOUX E9EOisflNsN' IIAIR-DRESSING &ND SHAVING 1 DUIby, faui. 22, 'OS. EWE SIIAYED 1 A El t mpré siia- tf ia ber,, fL« NO, l l i ~hîh Cou. «ering" fstile ago, A àou SWE. ri, Tbé ôwnr l ru«t"toaëi1w gobcaie » am dis to4ýr0 Muduile vilii ib 'h renyioti, J411. est EOEDAR, 1.' MOITANTTO 10 ~ FOT RR' T u Susbe oreaepîaest ciou Miu s leuldsdidny . er moS8uDU nekslôwnnapics.- .k tweir Mm BDéspath$ 11mb l - ns 'fs1,o-*11 o.bôl; 1* DO,, p.ue iff s t1e *betior ppla b" ion lamdimtyfter - lu ânolo atne,* ý siery cen- Tôe b , bippoud oU il 1ti**yofvi eueis q mpton of gûslaasiLb 01u , .~~ccorlèaU1m 0" bpa1o une, i*b ano a ud cigalti . i l WBoinr OU i.et.u h#uot rec ee M oemae 1WlhfitB. A.1Ferr, b moi and ,r-y thici u Wbrb t 1 rdr PHOjeOC. ÂFKWR8 t <h z Os 0c12 4 J4t~ z I.. i 4 c bJ 'a. g o h. i 7) u~z -3 Assai. 2 U2 ln the. m~ b f .JOUR5 t>AEolq, aud B Y Virtue or the mthorit>' iested lunue@ am (Meiai AoiiRse. of "lit aate osutd et. ut is. Ilî,oiut., nui.rthe tiseItoVII0I. iftk aboa At, 1 *ési feerfor caamie st y Odbeý lottober a.veîîty-nliue, PRONT ST., TORONTO, FPriday, 28th of Februry, A.D. 1868 AT VIE HOUR OF 12 O'CLOCK, NCONs Ail th.eright, titi. udantuerct of tihe aboie u.smed luisolveuîa.ai Su or tise1 r tSatse sow ventod lunlue, of. lu, te% or ont of iah aud aine gUicP, tiso.le entalO pRru.ls or tractoa 5lns and poales ituata, l$'sg and ti lg ln tise TOWNSHIP OY WRIT"i, 1W TUS - COIJNTY 0F ONTAR[O, la tihe 1'ILVINCE UlT ONTAXIO, anti &nI C1arhi~ ~ SALU, Exztraordinar Induiemanta bo ~iA~ii PURCIIÂSERS. Havi; datermbnad to cleai out Oui very Jarge and vairied Stock of 2&LkWIN~E vie oLvîthe ~ 1~~Etae r inT n- -0- AMY PERSON BrYING $25 Wortil, WiÏi *~ gÏ&velm'ie aor Ibeir own W de~*tiýlbnyiiig $25wortb of clotlîfhtg êill b. given iu cither a bat for hiaélri bkir dreiss for bict; dfe, würth ANY PURCITASEIt BUYd; $50 WORTII %IVIII te. given lu either one ofoS cr plen- *bd eti-viool , snviso, or a Nantie of tise Istest Leahbon, Worth $0,00, ANIg PtYRVIIàaSBR UY[NG Wiii b, gilven lu oui of oui' apltnsudiPai thbe abtie bodn3ementa wili ba gtvenu tn- 4hti e Dominion of Canadalbth Feb. nextl Coutaiahhg b>' adassraeut ong&fodvth or an acre1 Weth@inen ore or itsoe; belisi o a. poace fat or-utLot n'sube'tF. ir.eeu, lu tise *iglitiit uswoeoeslîaor cagi tT*asnisip or- Wtoit b>', alit ma>'- bIiovu b> flic toloang de- sérlbt U. t bu it tC secu on tise eat. onabuuundai ld lotnuumbrttirbeen,the dioturslaa of Rit Chaîona cut i ty Jbnke from stis îsortll4tAlt iige lhêt '; ltfl seeOItii caeu. td-Sout dlit'Wc, *tttwo elisaina si Iilty ilkc; titsnt* dmtiî elaisen degres, snet one 0186112 ttisent'do 'iaIlty'loUr d-te.c, unc baen degiecawet etbo hal, more or lmn, to the Pi"ee0o 641uinsdg; à a. tiaIother pâtÏ41el tiaeIof landalnsi p'rCMlaa t$, lylng AuSbab l is e bowa chip of i Mltty, afomcid, SolJalung isy ad- nuai.aaae neu Islr c:sU $ra04ha tise canse more or U,. nu @n LW di a18part tnoimdTovnstbiy 0< WhtbysmiIr aff byfb folo 5a;deailjf 05,10 5 Collrswis on tise entera badr 4ëf gad e ý*'At theadicitan..oflIri eblis boit 614 iliuoif,. is. no tlsAngloe *vt vo bîlàddï tylob;1isasse, ool la six- ceîaoy-~o'4qg iâc fflÃŽobcas. sud Sftyiuakei~po UIA~* ô TiES AIDb bOÉDiTIUIh aa#s~iw jetth tie sor"al. Qmo.êdAaaôag As Our stock hbu bee chtistiaI1y lai8. tbis seuson 1keâare obliged w doIbis, su order go mak. rouai for Our veky large SPARING kMPÃ"KTÂTIONS, I ii *hilt'wlllue the largetv f rougSbt fnb Wbtby; SGreat bargtihhs04Y fe ..pètc tu ie su i.alofe. maot faablonibia styles a. a V@ elbui$ Do sieoid basti oda la oar stockt *n 'aîs ) 1 IÈJJ~Y 1511,15*8. s? AT A SMÂLL_PERvCENT I Wholesale purfi s. wi i- iô to àmime tbe prico 194 bjfor couupIti4g tu* p E fr4 k z fr4 o fr1 -'1 Lifl~ ANYNO'HJM -o 'o a ho' 'a, pi ~ 1, o o Q AT LÀWLER'S: ÀT LAÂWLER' AT LAWVLER'S AI'T.LA WTt'n Choioe Wines &Brandies-' Smôkéd dams -~ tÀwL~ui -, . c - - AVPTA~t!I*Ul~l Sbuying , theGroer bpa#iit TO »lADA~?LÀÂWJ ËR8 'ils 1. Stok o WiterGooeselling at aýnd ndu cos; to make room for early sprin'n g importations. Jpargais iep; Ltnd c.'ve4 1i4e rai -diksouît oâ, llcash purchases. *1 ' ,1 îÂU H pON. Presh arrivais of ( a~y-.RCREanda alarge stock of HARDWARE, &é,; rill be sold at i a qry. indgce- ment$ for'cash; - AT TEO -N «II3sON Cash for Wheat, Barley, Oats, enid Poas o~pn 3~tr Y- -r--- t. Sait, Plaster, and Waiterlime, - WholEsal0 anMq flftitl, WIIITBY, JMi.151l,ieê ,2 W ANTÈ-i--;2,OOO busiiels Ciov'er .Seed, at the higÈiies àah prlé4 Cutters CüttI r I~j OIJ o,.aft PRACTICAL-CARRItk1 MKR BOK "STREET WHTBYq, Offers toth ibb bi! 'a large assorwený 4 Chers aid igh roling seated Cutteli, eatent, front Cuîwersi Covered U ttclportland Jumpera. . The above Cutters wilI bic found superior to an>thing na.nu-ý faetnred in the county, in price Ain finish.. Ç411, and eramialç, a very peat Putter for $25. Particular attýýiÙ'oAp'aid to p;:intirg and repas:rîug Cuttera. SAil worlc Warrantcd.'5 DIVSIO COIJRS 'IN 2TH COUN~YOF ONTÂRO ]PoUix E gym»z 68 'a , blMrlro& 'rineb -Abert; i-go, '-14 ~; i~~..................I 2~ 22 "~ ~ ~~~~-4 ... ....e.......... 121 w4 aI 'rtty ~niary ~t,îe.Z IE M % J/>Ma s - tL 1EI FF1&Co., Agents for one5 DAY 5,15 al ernia. LUSE ViD a4llout îofe!reue bt the»mal7 2a ndt. .anid I:r F - ,- A1ro 00 adi et a N4, o. 7, a 2iJ oonoeiotüof'1boech 7 £4iOÃ"seçin . inlSd.c-àeÃ"inoSMnsi NA ,LuOdet4,don. ett e es?1,ilisd ., liE. t o. 27, ul 2ssslc j'uic.u WLr ni. cearelX. 17nai'H , 18. Jaunr> 4nIN A'1)0,E-i tOst o&!tei 'O iydt.s~i !te LoiWers rcne,&. goit f&>-tise fyal orel. _ WhiTkbll,ID1wo. 31GRO. MAU»jsA , 17, 18137 nu MOIlp 'li.ù u VardotRont re sSîr ATebraCtS - 1 ' a-u i £ " - ON%(~îç UioslléSt ,i i Ivoua 10 fx rcaday ep foaitr c Il ý e (ila IMeri luiiâaUc1 luisi 1bc ,n r u Jci . »roi sudMbesnc yerpil i 'y i e (J -fUn. 1 lair axdollar .; Sou r W c 1' iei pl e t bal the sse M!iti - . sWsa re , __ s, a04nkt ' r livJe,.pn. h. es (e urSave.»t ritass. t li %i dvoftorth sN d n.tnsef umic tlnqiclLe Villurui- lint:f- t i r c e t e Ms o i n e r i r 'a t a a e e l en s C "l Clili' A Due f'. n Ai l iWfrs fasjxW o i e. (r r * r- Oret brgatwih~ ry oodS! Fà~onable-MU~r~M ATE»LTNkcs Decided<bargaîé iiioI.Ui g o ¶Â1nuN& OS FÀMWT (*1]MOTEËI rio. 1 itIugOngt ricin 15ri- canada ln r the po- one bau. en in thea y At rbot #6094 1 aawplslne .1 ist Il the e 1-. thse -pregliens a belles.. sfhî.bsshaio nt of t1w cbtys ms arady 06-' ton and ftaiem 2Trmu laye la il. gise. la $861 pet ssiI. ùDotais. 08, 73ta efu sg~lf VOMI-ps fo Pinnai Hadclies $M1oIýed5 Salmon -0- Engfish h E.s1 aêtà 2ý 2 18ý*ý, !ýljftbyý 11, si

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