i - JM L . ti Bust COAL OILt, b. shuspeot lu lov luiJAS. H. eWRiE't Wltby, Deo, 11, 7.êu. osIo . »W oïCAuAffip I Waggv on Shop Mi .,rTiYÉS Igr Tme omZuto.1 igs Dn L. rsredt W ibym. muuro.'r r d wMbyApr a. Ou. J'OHN 1. WAISi suigtEON f»ZUNlTIST. - moa.-0vsr T. E. MeÃILLAN & Ooes stors, Brook etreet, Whiby. Mr AIU ork wsriéc. Familleis tt*nded ai privase rusldsoiea Mala. vw.&M3xm 18ePropoi'd teOirs modesud inglg les 1Ap~lioonn to b mo stade iL Lie of Jobis 1' ksa rgoniDantout, oser MMMipt- lat olt are, Brook&St. WJistb7. VARS £& DEVLIN. ~ P E~TJCADsublLOsh.awa D.nt,.1 IBooms, dlrety oppo- site $e'sUne-urn.Q tiftISOdStepLtbird &oor orth of b. Ontario Docak. gMEXPRISO AGENT, &., aise Ageut for fleoni sud standard lausran.vos. 17 joug C.o mNJ.LLENO Acontant, LaU andi rnoualAgent, AND NOTA#T PUBLIC. ORILLIAe SOS.ct l.aPoar etroeL, one door nosth et fi. laveu's Drug aboe. wjid sud.improyed laerne lu the .ouctl.s of oUitario sud$lmoos o i sin. N,.IB. CoII..tions atteudd go sud prompt ruiibauU, made. - 11ý IlIeuD. L. 14.l'hîrnon, X. L. C., Hou. Jolin MI im,es, M. L. Q', lion. Geor 0 Crawfordt, mi i.. C., M. 4C.Csuseron, ES q t. C.1 M# Pf, FMgai . Mrios ., . .P,.Dafod i.ra Borde asisCaaiaPol, Lindsay, itna Whistby CnIUOJULL 7 1 B EAT AND CUBAPEIT la.. oget- a good Business Edoaaioloo1.a M th io. Titis le the-Mony WIsAoà zA oui oputnd busInems. aebool lu èxIiiLeuoo. 111ounsoques eof Lsiodsof 0Mr. H. 3D. $:rà stton, thil,. irymLasd Jutrest boas botta dlpooed of lu usieail U th tColies . 1 Lths oha. Jloraaft.r, ithe ('ollege ýtoonswil bu. uiflr th* maugesu.u ,utlDr. J. O. BRAYANT, Who wli dévoté, bis whols Lime sud suera lo it osh Tralulagof Young oa in vWho lsitaob"le4 f hOog kuowlsdgo of Il te brancessp rrsi ,tsBasineus 1 dueuteu. Pzw-. moine14, CobsIIierilBA*KUbeG Usi. x Bms C)lKEtupt4 rdVi4OI, CUMMEKRCIAL l.AW, FIJNANCE sud "UIWAL ONM- 4Mretassghb linc&ia à uâ falW ilaotratoil ny gsâtâonoxintIse Co- loge iLoom,sb7 s raili orpu of ssporl.ued sud tlîeromgfiliy .ompoet, I iur<s.Pupilis eau enterà ai stu» in. There art » so For tarni&0sudtbJfor:ntea srsis We WITEO#T '?AMI «M ?fITEOExDBIAUGmI(G OM OitTasENEW' 1 4-x. S' Nx. t. £845.m184 8,46 8108' 184880170 69 810 4 7.0960 118 4 à 4 15688'Zit 17lis 10 U81 266Il P 408285 81 78 896012845 97 47 il170 109 17 887 408 8si98 18é44 - 77 ô0 ,9 m069.80 7,10. 15, 1*1.8-44 - . 1848 14 4p 187 12 19, J. C0. LI Glb. Ne. s di id 101, 108, île, 111, 111, 118, 114, - - 180, ~a-uwiiurnr tif 1860 I 184 50 1880 118458 1860 I 18488 1880 8P~1 ~8488 ISail 88488 1860118488 84 49 42 t8 )975 $37 8812 iulNSe oieHOAR d4 144418 458-68a6ilI 09 573<18018488 800 81. 70 lob, ' #861--,; 868 510 4806 IMI ô80 t18Otto 26 430 1$<1li82 & b6, --2449 229878M X<1881888.-- 11~V85 ai, 118488 4 1948 0888 2176 20 -.0012845 7141 8 87 79 98 0, 1 8'148&---~10 04 121 11 27 100 1-8,.8455.i87 8 8218 78 7 6, 181284 6' 1148 1 b17 s7 TOVit or WITB3y. YM EWA»D Iuor?8101 ff117. 188128486 1u 8.S4 5 8 188.1 28458 1881848 444 e Seo 480 88 8 8de., 8 25 8, 497 4 ùS 403S 403S 3.45 403, a6 gowit iAM un s0or1mau= «me 1lu1 si l8t1 lu1 si4à lui1 lisI is 1os Il18 $1850 > 1s sis 250 187 do m b M EAýDENKUESTOSPLAN. il .csire 6 71i N.E. oS Loot 28, 01 66o 1 do 9, le, 11, 8, 1, E. C. F., 180120 5 8CAD)DING'S PLAN. 1860 1 284J;4 1888 618466 1888 618456 lu 1081ô48 1*81 88 lm0la8848$ 188 01485 la 188 2458," "W-M "0 "lle 1 , m0 4 2 0 id 576 9 il - 4 Il 8 PAXTOI Al the aboye Pat.ute&d. Tr..uroees O#io, WbiLby, Dmc.$P, 1861. Whibl, 19, . 8.1. LIVER Y!!> TaEsu", boogWâu'ouspmth*$ hoia ni geath of inteof rlit. BATr lu tie h Lv. yStabled. sud basisaf bisl"Ie, $bel *are ow pr.psred te.npply> al esders foi isla s.W aupefrier ussus 4va te met t$le ý*1I rqujremet.promui>' is cUVLTHARD kARUM~E%0 Ioiier' <for Sale, 40,1 et th* Wbltb, Vouudty, et-t, ONTÂRIaUns, E3Ule 2;. P, Mo0 14 e 845 Treasurer (C. O.- ,MONEYTO -LOaNý -ougee usrtsgeaccnt'i or Dsbonures, rTbsowet eSu bave bis 0»own ae the p Aepriela aIo aise rereeui beeo et tii.rgeoit mono- ta17 CouspatuleaAu MIe D illbtat lend lu"eyas loi rates, 'onu Parut sud ToIm pro- M Bvsgodnovdsmsoisale, App;y poUoUall, tOe JA)mES1OLDENS <ScdliAssu e, landIauntseasudGène- OFFICE,-" Miiau' Blok, rook &L. P LAST ER. A CETAUIOMI 103 RlI» mE IOLLQWINGî Doeaby's Patrsu nà short lime lb crar bave ~ a~ao>~l, rv at ros, )oit *êP,'pieb M fu& ersd C" b oo' os. pp dIaeri'atrs ~ a est BONi, Md MUEOBINéWI., euia, aa dI ioJns IMnoa48 ET ISTILL CLEARING OFF' HIS LARGE AT'THE LOWEST PRICES. Exc elle nt vTi h. ê eds, Oveoatings, ~~Ftanne1s a4Blankete. jÃœst-"týecëived1, aloi 6f hoie fehG'rocer- tb~f~e hrbmt cidays. tic~p go4dpoutry at ' ýR1T A3AGAINtS IN Gatil3argainsl t and Caps. -Gea B rains lu ,Btankets, Fiýa-tn Gireat I iar ns ii IIeavy obead- aige yawlu,. ka. i7wet -Barg&1ns'in leavy clouds, l-Iood, Fancy Scarfs, '&c. - Gureat B,]ar'gainus in' Heay Gloves, Mitts, ALSO- A LAR GE, ASOILTMENT O? ÂgeBOCER LES PR VITÀS, 4C. Alsqo a largo,:a'ssortnw(nt of CROCKE RY, .ailVay&s_ 9-#had, ail of. which il 4bce ld cheap for cash, at JOH1NIFARQUHARSON'S bitby,, De.4,,1867. ;48' And spléét wà pir "' 'rîn iiOvershoes, o wiIl fiudt hem of alkindg and of the best desription. r Suerioi .-BuffaleOveshe0 In- Ladiês'. :Gënti4 Misses' and- ChWlreiis BOOTS & STiOEgi of- every ,Variety, the. establisbment of the nndersigned le unsurpassed-by aný other in town.., The ,stock is large to select. fromï, aëd thé wrkmanship good, and in ail cases WÂILRANTeD. g REPAfl RS AS USUAL - ~H2eds à -f FaÃmili-s jiil, find it to thçir,.interest to eall and examine. - JOSEPHI Wbitby, Dccembcr 4, 1807. A. BÂNiDELL, 48 Guod News for the 1Yillion! $59M99,00 WOKIII 0F GOODS JCuow ail inal»i theue premuto that 1 cas eud do Seli the ÃœHEAPEST GOODS in-th9 OUNTrYi, of ONT4.RIO, endwby?, Because, adoptiug the Crïas ystem, .my motto le 'SMALL PROFITSk Qu IX RETURNýs: K T1~OHFÀI<C Y AND- le uow complote, aud for bej4ae' istyl with their, Pa 14 cssn r, Nov. sTofVEw - . As anu mfaîr, in1ýbusineds like. co against me, under a ,fImaýy prctext, b iih i à ud Hardware, seem te ave'i made a mtuddle, Menle onrugi- lsor r la- mulate sa?1ýOI caînçtom lroni a more suceetaoful rivai ol u J4 attraosing trade, 1 have nover had ta reýort te;- - best make of St.vei-thôseo -, i ýEsp ecialIy--and 'selling -them at as. alprofits, as is cnsistent- Lwish gound buoineus Principles, I bave.le& thse'Stove Trade lin the Past, azýà eby the sane fair means, Isope to do so in '7he futtiro.My STOCK -0OF, STOVZES wasneterlurgor or more -cmit ' 1- «j,1 ibis 171I, 'and 1 am; d~ ~termisîed to souesl niatrà oow prices as any bonouraÃble dvalingý trader -in the ceountry. whisby, Oct. 29, 1867. 43 INIA & G{IN_' E HIOME DEPOT9 LONDON .-& :LP No. 2 3 Hos pital 81,-Mb0 pure and GEN'UINE TE 1SOf splend.â*n.4wrablavoti -fr&m thei!otnpany's Plantastions An A.9.S.LM, 'mmd oj th ,sizùîea o blended with themi Liseat products of ChIINA. ,l OnlyTwo Qùalities, vis. --YOc. or $1 perlbctoBaIG Fine llouseiold Tes, coaubiniaag SttengtI"nd Fisivur, 10, T'Aaaest prûcurable .......... ~rSold in Packetiansd Caosters by lise Coinpj-y"s Xgentu Tuws ira Canada. T R . D Agent Éfo !hýa M M4ARK ESTAsBLiSHEB'_1833~ fi TIýL L- & BROTH=£EREe (SUýCESSORS 70.WM TJLL CQbinet nmakers-& -V hltrrad, deal- Have lioW' oii hand- the ýr and -nogt select Stock,-to beý found in the Count.ry, which they are seliingatprifflte suittt l. imca, being determincd nt oS te u usdersold by any bous4ýiiItho tride.- Cail and-ýexamine before purchasing elsewhére._ -A choice se- Ieetion .à f ýGisModlding, (A.me&iSn ake)_ 3'& 4- BROOK STREET, WHITBY. AUi itis gnornpituaoail eores lu the IUssrr sud Coufetlotway lino. FruIt, Spoiage, sud ail otsar hindi o; Cake,. TarI bulja Pt g5Fruit ofîaltkrd* lu scop. Aise Lb. #tans, sandinos, Ccos NuLo, irigen Boer, &.Ic .7 IcDOUGALIL, Baker, COQfsctiossqo, ., Brook oit, sud lsépue oat b.8urassd,, WiitbyJulylf8,lo47. CIYP'S SELP-AOTING, moQ e ttractive tban IandLoo'm ! usa Il à d it*4o theAr sdvaua mPt.tdApra l 01, 1861. 4I1il,. mfonm,t iw I4~~ MANUFACTUED BT ?,3T8 trimmod to erder, lathe.lates RS& A1EIWHT ?T lu Iéd flleu va3ety C.<-s- THE, LA$CASLRUE PlItE AN'D ,LIE HEAý07 Ion suOuà o-NI W. corn et K ing sMd Ctrolit treet., Toroutoo Ossarl. - . . -, EEESI~ ID 'As c Msy 291 -in ihe muaUor oSf IN T1111 COUNTY Tuesday,,4th llWlsg pnop.tY lal ef Ail sud tifl.ulsrt tiosctit oaf Isid und Inus boisag, lnLbV théb TiOe aOMt.o.al .<.v Canada. PC'ETEOITB, su se of'the forsais el.4 or sud emeUI4 Qas- or basg, bW 1hsUi of jet m mOre- par- mm1>oe.. six aso Smret, in ledWn- e sud msr, Omao. TE5LMS lidetkùol Lbia S'Cyolé, ts MONEY 'I IOANO:- ON . o na ig gisisaaE . s~ i.-, FO 4 ALE. mil Wuà nwv CENTRAL -HOUSE, EPEOZÇ Splc ioýcjy atabîu, sud driviug'P-ebdp,' ,go ei oÈ. or lie acres of Iaùd attacis. ed,asmay,-b. 'Ieired, sud .a4ue youjrber- ig rcard.- Tbre aretuvofilai lgood, pquîp cde0 and sste ue of ss issa binin ltheoDuuhs :W.111 .Osoiaaged for tani rperty. ,Fer ternias, &o., A.pIy«a(i y tien, pro-paid)- -WIL-IAM BOLTON, ,Wobr24h 0 0'.: - 4 Ottawa CAM' cA.NOERS NY a', Mcv. Sut end nUel5nariL' Kit ia itre.t,- Infirmary. -'w. 'fÂEISE1 -.PSolilorin SOL iolbor o -_AJ. ES Jî BA~ tary Pub li t. BCmbeiî, 4e WIiitIiy, li B. S.B B i flSIl. OI ofth itsae, " Coty, Jn. Ix Ros Du R .c~~sW Hilof J." Publi, e, ci I , ,' .4 Wislblyjsqp I i I ~ Bail aud reüd 88, 1887. -s liv y i il m 7T LI 1